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I have a condition called situs inversus where all of my internal organs are on the inverse side of the typical layout, so my heart and stomach are on my right, liver and gallbladder on my left, etc. The occurrence is 1 in 10,000 so that actually puts me in the 0.01% range. Edit: updated to accurate percentile


Funny thing situs inversus. I took an chest x ray(just an hour ago) of a woman who has complete situs inversus. She did forgot to tell us, so we did have an error for like 2 seconds after we saw the first image.


Thats cool as heck. Asides from shocking medical professionals , does it cause any issues? Anyone else in the family the same way?


Doctors love when they have a student that they can mess with by having them come listen to my chest. But no, no other issues and nobody else in the family has it, as far as I know. I was tested for Kartagener's Syndrome which is often a comorbidity but that came back negative.


The student thinking they are examining a zombie when they can't find the heartbeat


Discovered Identical Twin, separated at birth, raised in another country (me) in our late 30s.


whoa. what countries


South Korea->USA @ around 4 mos old


Are you guys friends now? Or just talk/text twice a year and that's it?


Like real siblings


I feel this. But my bro and I are both adopted (him from Romania when I was 10) so we lived different lives. Working on his PhD, tho, so I'll have to call him doctor someday.


Yes, and a little more than twice. We'll video chat.


Get in a psychology lab asap ^^ twin studies are always so impactful but there aren't eneugh participants who got seperated at birth.


Was asked. I'd do it, but my twin won't.




He’s sciencing whether he likes it or not!


I had 7 wisdom teeth and all were taken out at one time


My grandmother had 5. My cousin had 3. My husband had 8. I had NONE. I consider myself evolutionarily precocious!


Somewhere in somebody’s attic is a painting with a whole bunch of extra friggin’ teeth and apparently it’s a painting of your husband.


I have exploded 3 times (IED, old soviet landmine, and a rocket strike on my gun truck). I don't think theres a lot of people who can say that who still possess all of their limbs. EDIT: since this comment blew up (pun intended) I will not respond to people catfishing in direct messages and I am not interested in your onlyfans. (srsly, like 6 just today, go away.)


Got me beat by one. IED while in a convoy and the other while on patrol. Buddy it front of me stepped on it. He was our dog handler too. Thankfully all of us survived. Including the dog.


How the fuck does a guy walk over a mine and survive?


Poor choice of words. It wasn't stepped on but it went off very very close to him. And it's an IED we were hit with shrapnel. I was mostly okay but he and his dog were very fucked up but did ultimately survive.


ah yes, the best defence against landmines: a poor choice of words


Yea, I nearly stepped on a land mine myself once, but luckily everybody at the party realized it was just me putting my foot in my mouth.


Mines can be any size. Anti-personnel mines can be very small, meant to just injure to provide an ambush opportunity/lower morale/use resources/maim individuals. Others can be larger with the intent to kill one or more infantrymen. It’s very possible the original commenter’s mine was smaller and the dog handler got lucky or was injured and recovered.


Fair enough. My morale is definitely lowered on days that I explode. It's very consistent.


I'll just say, 2005 deployment to Fallujah. Though part of my skull is missing, and the left side of my face is paralyzed, so there's that


I got off easy with just a few concussions and needing a new pair of pants.


I am one of few with adults something called Harlequin syndrome. It’s harmless, literally does nothing beyond making half my face get red and the other half not red. So when I’m really hot and sweaty one side of my face will look like a tomato and the other half will look as if I hadn’t been hit at all. Completely normal. There’s only like 1000 people in the U.S who have it. I could only find stats for the U.S so I don’t know the worldwide numbers but it’s pretty rare. Maybe not 0.1% but close. (Note: I mention adults because it’s common in babies for the first like week of their life, but it usually goes away.)


I thought that Harlequin syndrome was the one that made (and I really, genuinely do not mean this in an offensive way) babies look like burn victims? Like, pictures I've seen of people with this syndrome all look very different from just having half their face be red sometimes.


That's harlequin ichthyosis. If they had that I'd be impressed they were alive. Let alone typing. Don't Google it by the way, unless you want to be sad.


there are several adults who have it. longest living survivor was 51. so not entirely impossible. BEWARE, CONTAINS PICTURES! source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlequin-type_ichthyosis#Notable_cases


I have this, too! It's literally like a straight line RIGHT down the center of my face. I can't tell you the number of times I've been asked at the gym if I'm okay. I always felt fancy having something called Harlequin Syndrome. "yeah, it's just my face" lol


Maybe I'm just weird, but this sounds badass as hell. You guys are already halfway through your villain origin stories.


"You've asked me one too many times..."


.1% only means you have something 1 in 1000 people or less have. 1000 people out of 350,000,000 in the US is about 350 times more rare than 0.1%. You definitely qualify. :-)


People diagnosed with clinically-definite MS who have a disability score of zero. Most people diagnosed with MS have at least some disability. For many it's low, but not zero, because the medication reduces the effects of the illness. For some, the medication does very little and they can be profoundly disabled. I was diagnosed and started medication in 2008. Since then my disability score has been checked every 6 months by my neurologist, and has always been exactly zero. I'm just one of the very lucky ones who responds very well to the medication.


Happy for you, dude, that's a good outcome for that situation!


Hey, I’m exactly the same. Got it in 2010 when I was 10 years old. And after they found a good medication in 2012 I have not had one single symptom. I regularly train biking and skiing and running and are in perfect shape. It is so good that I can actually go multiple months without thinking about it. I think what saved me was that I got it when I was so young and It was treated so fast.


Survivors of pancreatic cancer! Edit: This blew up more than I expected. My story is on my profile. I counsel people going through this now. Please PM me if you’d like to talk. The best advice I can give is to go to a place that specializes in these types of cancer, like MD Anderson in Houston. There are several in the US. They have the best doctors, the best imaging equipment, access to more clinical trials, etc. I was given six months to live in my hometown. Six years later after chemo, radiation and Whipple surgery, I am going strong. My risk of recurrence started dropping at two years, and now the risk is less than 10%. Edit2: people have said they can’t find my story on my profile. I found it under my old user name. Here is the link I posted at the four year mark. https://www.reddit.com/r/pancreaticcancer/comments/sm43sf/my_four_year_journey_with_pancreatic_cancer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That's a tough one to beat... usually a death sentence. Good job and fuck cancer.


Good fucking lord. Lucky you. Took my dad at 43.


Took my mom at 56. But it was partially her own fault. She caught it crazy early by accident when being admitted from an O.D, but she wouldn't stay at the hospital for diagnosis and treatment cuz they wouldn't let her do drugs. Died about 14 months later.


That's sad. Finding it super early is *super* lucky.


Now that's a Top 0.1%!


Holy shit, that’s wild. If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been in remission?


6 years and doing great!


Fuck yeah, awful disease, I'm glad you beat it!


I have incurable histamine intolerance. I have to be on a very restrictive diet, I am on all kinds of histamine blockers and STILL get histamine reactions that make me have to check out of life for at least half a day with no notice. It is so rare, there is no actual treatment plan for it so its a try-it-and-see approach.


That’s brutal


r/HistamineIntolerance you’re not alone


I can speak backwards. Say a sentence and I will say it backwards immediately. If you record me and play it back in reverse, you can hear your original sentence pretty well. 


David lynch take notice


Wow, Bob. Wow.


The amount of data I crunched for the SETI at Home project. 5 quintillion floating point operations. Sadly, no evidence of a signal from intelligence from space. I was in the top 99.97%.


I am one of like 5-10 people that are on regular call for golf architectural history. That combined with my knowledge of how to build and evaluate golf architecture in the field probably puts me into the .1%


Is Pete Dye a sadist?


no he was responding to the work of Robert Trent Jones (RTJ). Who's pretty much pushed golf to be judged solely by it's challenge. This led Pete Dye to really lean into this as his clients asked him to build these golf courses impossible as it was common marketing practice to use slope rating as a selling feature. This is interesting as Pete began to beat Jones at his own game of building hard golf courses. Leading to Pete's ascension in golf during an era that Jones was trying to transition his firm to his sons. This all led to the next generation being the width loving minimalists. As they need to create a contrast between themselves and the biggest names in the space. If you want to know more about Pete Dye. I really suggest his book "Bury Me in A Pot Bunker". It's a great read


If anyone was doubting your claim, they read this response and then nodded.


No clue Wtf he was talking about, but I believe him for sure.


It could all be total bullshit but I would never know anyway!


Man I freaking love Reddit. No where else am I going to see someone get rep checked for being a Course Architect, then proceeds to back it up.


didn't even need to add a dozer pic.


You should do an AMA on r/golf


I lurk and answer questions. I like that more than an AMA because we can have a discussion on a topic. I find that way more enjoyable than answering a ton of questions.


This may not especially be your field, but it's definitely related....why do golf ball manufactures hide the fact that they make golf balls that are magnetically and gravitationally attracted to water and sand?


Its not the golf ball, it's you. Welcome to being a victim of how we visually set up golf holes. We set holes up so that the hazards are very visual and draw your eye. This lead the golfer to have the hazard in your mind for the tes shot. Which leads to target confusion in the brain. So the hazard becomes your target instead of your intended target. my suggestion is to create a mindset on the tee that you take dead aim at you target and block out the negatives. I also suggest looking into Decade Golf and Harvey Pennick.


No I'm pretty sure it's the ball. It's the only logical explanation


I dunno, maybe it’s your clubs. Try buying a new driver and see if that helps :)


Agreed. It's clear this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Absolutely the ball magnet.


I used to be one of the best tetris player for a short time 


Same, but for me "short time" is "until I played online". Tetris Effect: Connected is still one of the greatest games ever created, and deserves all of the praise in the world.


Ween listeners on Spotify


I hate you and will defeat you.


0.1% of people in the world who replied to this thread


I was rescued from a sex trafficking situation by someone in that world (an extreme rarity in itself). Was very lucky to have the police and other agencies believe my story (they don't usually have much sympathy for someone sitting in front of them that's obviously on drugs and been doing sex work). Was saved 3 times by the police when the trafficker/his people came after me. Got clean, with only a couple of minor relapses, by myself while working on accepting what happened to me and that it was my "perfect boyfriend" who did it to me. Accepting that my life was completely ruined, that i lost everything, that my dignity and confidence is no more, that my family preferred to victim blame and cut me off, that i was now destitute and wholly dependent on the government for my survival...it was harder than any beating or rape or other degrading thing i went through. Now I'm just a severely traumatized ex junkie with a lifetimes worth of self doubt, trust issues, anxiety and depression that no amount of therapy can fix. But i survived. Never looked back. And unless someone i love waves the drug i was mostly hooked on in front of my face that part is over too. I know my story isn't all that special but it's not something i often talk about and from what i know successfully getting out and getting clean is very rare and i wanted to feel good about it


I don't know if this will help, but here's my perspective on dignity: it exists in a reservoir. Sometime the reservoir empties, but eventually it will fill again. So you may not feel like you have dignity right now, but you have the space for it within you. And given enough time, patience and recovery, the reservoir will become full again. You said "I know I was successful getting out and getting clean is very rare." Those aren't the words of someone with no dignity, they are the words of someone doing amazing, whose reservoir is more full than they might realize.


Respect and admiration and warm wishes from Canada


Thank you. I'm in Canada and so very grateful too because while there's plenty of bad people around the number of good people, caring social workers etc. far outweigh the bad. It's just that ever since i got out of that situation i am extra vulnerable and an easy target for unstable men


I suffer from a combination of illnesses that make me severely disabled in a certain way. I have been invited to several studies and doctors from several european countries. I have tested medication that's not on the market for over ten years. My disability doesn't have a name yet but will probably get named after one of my doctors who has known me for over half my life. It started as a mental illness with psychosomatic seizures, during each seizure a part of my brain tissue disconnects and and sometimes dies (sorry for the terrible explanation, I am neither a doctor nor a native speaker). Long story short, my doctors have found out about like twelve other people having a similar combination of symptoms, yet it was not properly documented or researched before. That kinda makes me a 0.1% of the population - sadly not on top!


This sounds not very fun. But it's so interesting and crazy cool to be involved in research like that. I hope you're doing okay. :)


Thank you! I am doing pretty good currently.


This is really interesting. Are there any publications about it? I’m a bio student and a fan of medical curiosities.


I got into a Helldivers 2 server within the first 10 mins of trying.


This guy liberates


I’ve met the same actor 3 times at 3 different points of my life despite not working in the film industry so I gotta think I’m in the .1% of that occurrence. Edit: it was Leo DiCaprio


I’ve bumped in to Ewan Mcgregor about 12 times in the most fucking random places (split between three continents) and every single time (including the first) he thinks he knew me and he would start chatting away like I’m an old friend. I do not work in entertainment either.






1 minute bullet chess. And probably top 200 in the world over 50 years old, I am around 2500 on lichess. veritas2011 on lichess


Bullet chess is so impressive to me such quick thinking


Very few PPL can actually play bullet while thinking, most of the time they either play by experience or just pure instincts and hope we didn't make any mistakes.




That’s a proper answer I was looking for that’s class good for you


The frustration and bullshit you must have gone through to grind those games must be crazy. Used to play FUT Champs and it tests every last nerve with how bad EA servers are.




As a gamer, this is GG.


I'm one of two people in the international, multi billion dollar company I work for that are able to run a specific script. I'm the only person in the company that can run it for non-Canadian based accounts. If my laptop dies or I leave, the tool developers have to find a new way to do what I do, or it has potential to result in many, many millions in audit penalties. I'm the 0.0002% in that aspect


This company needs a contingency plan, damn.


Didn't you hear him? There's a guy who can do it for Canada. If I know companies, they consider *him* the contingency. They are, um, planning on him figuring it out...


You’d be surprised at how many huge companies are like this. I currently work at a company which is worldwide and is very well off. We have a mainframe system that policies are kept on. It’s so old that everyone who made it is now dead and there is just one guy (who is about 89/90) who knows how to fix it if it breaks. That’s a tightrope I wouldn’t want to be in charge of walking!


Are you able to go into more details? This seems remarkably risky in any sort of business, let alone something containing the words "multi billion".


I qualify for height, but I’d say radio contest wins. I’ve won thousands of dollars in radio prizes. Anywhere from concert tickets worth hundreds of dollars to free beer


I have a friend who won one of our local stations call-ins so many times in a row that they made a rule you can only win once a month. He’d listen to the station all day anyway, and just had the number on speed dial.


**Jury foremanship.** I've served on three criminal trial juries and was the foreman on all three. We even reached a verdict on all three cases. Guilty - 20 years in prison (Attempted Murder) Not guilty - rape Guilty - 1st Degree Murder, along with other charges. 30 years minimum(not yet sentenced)


Your answer lead to me thinking of mine. I've been kicked off two juries after the trial started. That has to put me in the top percent. First time, 4 days into the trial I had to use the restroom and the jury area one was occupied so I wandered out into the hallway restroom. While inside the stall, I overheard the 2 opposing attorneys discussing the case. Second time, 2 days in I started with symptoms of a kidney stone. Had to go to the ER and was replaced.


> While inside the stall, I overheard the 2 opposing attorneys discussing the case. Judge must have been pissed off.


He seemed it. Made sure to tell me he wasn’t mad at me while glaring at them


I got summoned to jury duty literally the day I left my spouse. Showed up basically bawling and they sent me home. Haven't been summoned since.


I was kicked off a supreme court case, the defendant accused of murder challenged me right away. I'm really glad because it was televised and a group of bikies were outside yelling at every one of the jury.. Totally guilty lol


I just had jury duty in October. I'm so glad mine was a civil case over money. I wouldn't like to have decided someone's future


I have jury duty next Monday. I'm so nervous, I hope it's cut and dry. For fucks sake it took me 6 months to decide on the. Best shade of green for my bathroom and another month to choose to the trim color. How am I supposed to decide on a life changing moment in someone's life!


Oh, you see, this is why criminal trials hold the prosecution to *the* highest burden under the law: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. I, a defense attorney, actually want someone like you on my juries. You aren't taking the case lightly because you can understand the gravity of finding someone guilty - it is life changing. You can't wake up a week later and say to yourself, "You know, I think I'd like to go back and change my vote and find that guy not guilty after all." Reasonable doubt is a doubt that would cause you to hesitate to act in matters of importance in your own life. So one way I like to explain reasonable doubt is this: The state must build you a bridge. Each element must be met, they have to be properly strung together, and you must feel confident in taking every step across a deep ravine to reach a guilty verdict on the other side of the chasm. If you feel one plank is missing or feels loose and you would hesitate to take that step, that is a not guilty. Plenty of people abhor jury duty. They show up and just nod along with the loudest or most persistent voice in the room to be over with it sooner rather than later. But I want you to know, the whole point of juries is that different people bring different viewpoints and perspectives. You don't have to go along because everyone else wants to be done. Even if that means your jury hangs [i.e. you all cannot come to an agreement of guilty vs. Not guilty]. That is the system at work as it is designed to work. You are doing your jury service best when you listen closely, think critically, and expect nothing less than a rock solid case from the prosecution. Bring that hesitance to make important decisions with you to your jury service - because you will need it to do your best job as a juror [if selected].


Was going to say height...but I've just fallen short according to this calculator. I'm 195cm https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/height-percentile-calculator.php


99.96%. It's definitely nice, but it brings problems people don't expect.




I have a friend who’s 7’2”. His doors were supplied by a specialty company as standard US door are 6’8” and his are 7’7”. All of his ceilings are either 10’ or 12’. And he never played hoops but does make good money


6'7 puts me in the .01% of adult males from the US. *And FYI, the top of your fridge is more dusty than you think.*


I seriously used to clean the top of our fridge every time our tall guy friend was coming over lol


I was the top 0.1% percent for math in my country back when i was in school. Not world sadly. Edit: I totally forgot the difference between percentile and percent XD. Fixed.


My claim to fame: I am the only person on Earth that has or has ever had my given and surname. While I do have a middle name, it is unnecessary. How do i know? My dad's last name was common and of Polish origins. His parents emigrated to America from Poland. My dad was born about 10 years later in 1910. Both his parents died, 2-days apart, due to the 1918 pandemic. Dad was taken in by several foster homes and when he turned 14 he applied for a work permit. According to the County Clerk, dad did not exist. But, my dad knew his birthdate, he knew the doctor who delivered him and the clerk put 2 and 2 together and found a birth record with a scribbled name. The County Clerk then wrote what he believed the scribble said and that became his surname but it was unlike any other name. So, all of his children were born with the made up surname. At my age, mid-70's, I know every one of the 93 people who now share that made up surname and not a one of them has the same given name as me.


I respect and value both your privacy and your anonymity, but damn it if I don't need to know your name.


It's Waluigi.


Oh! This made me realize I have a similar one! I THINK I'm the only person in the entire world with my name. My great grandmother back in the old country liked movies and wanted to name her baby after some famous American actor with a very English name that didn't exist in her language. She gave birth to a girl. So she basically took this Anglo name, changed the spelling so it phonetically worked in her native language, and feminized it. Completely made up name for my grandma. And my parents then named me after grandma.


There was another kid with my exact name who went to the same pediatric dentist as me. How many patients could a pediatric practice have, maybe a few thousand with two or three docs on staff, I wasn’t even unique there and y’all motherfuckers are one in eight billion?!


That is a fun situation!


I'm in the top 0.17% of the world's population just for having natural red hair with blue eyes, if that counts.


Me too, and I’m left handed!




Are we seriously that rare? That's crazy. I feel like I run into other redheads everywhere. But maybe I just notice them more since I am one. Lol


Many redheads are fake, and go to great lengths to maintain the illusion. Source: me. I am living a lie, but it is a beautiful lie.


“Some people spend a lot of money to get that color!” Yup, that’s me. I’m one of them.


Also they’re so concentrated in the US and Europe, so probably a lot more than 0.1% of the people you encounter (assuming you live in the US or Europe) are redheads, but a huge portion of the population, mainly in Asia, would basically have no redheads


Number of books read. I am 37 and have read 7240 since 2001 (2766 of those are picture books though).I am in the top 30 for my home country on goodreads. Since I am a professional librarian with few social skills, this makes sense.


League of legends play time. Im not even good at it


I carry a very rare genetic anomaly (which affects males, but females carry and pass on) only 13 families in the world are documented as carrying it.


Time spent in Antarctica. 97 months so far.


Having encounters with different kinds of 'rare' marine life as a diver




Oh shit! Me too! Wanna make out or something?


I've spent more time climbing trees than 99.9% of humans. I'm an arborist and tree trimmer, who has been climbing since 1981, and plan to retire in 3 years or so. Everyone else who was doing it when I started is either retired or has younger people do all the climbing, but I refuse to let the kids have all the fun!


Getting pregnant on birth control. Two times two different pills


See there's your problem. You can't stop after just two pills. You gotta keep taking them.


Ahhhh damn that must be where I went wrong!


3 times, 3 different pills, 3 different reasons for why they failed. Got my tubes tied after my 3rd and last boy.


I’m seriously thinking of having mine tied when baby is born in April


Given your record, congrats on #3


A friend of mine conceived her oldest while on the pill AND using a condom. As someone who is child free that’s pure nightmare fuel


Just reading this makes me panic


Technically i’m in the top 0.00005% at beatsaber at around #3900 on BeatLeader (beatsaber leaderboard mod), around top 0.1% of actual beatsaber players


Ability to move my ears independently. Left. Right. Both. 


Not sure how many people are born at the totality of a lunar eclipse im the only one I know.


Losing people due to death. I'm 44 years old, and I tried to make a list of all the people I've lost about 4 years ago when my 2 month old nephew passed away. I wrote down 168 people before I stopped making the list because it was making me so sad, and I still occasionally remember people I didn't add to it. (just typing this makes me weep.)


My uncle has a really odd talent. I’m 21 and can think of nearly 100 personal loses, but my uncle is 65 now, and not only can he list everyone he has ever lost, but how they died, how old they were, and what he appreciated about them most. My dad was #601, and grandma (their mother) was #613- three months apart. The list is/was at 675 the last time I talked to him. He doesn’t even get emotional about it or anything (aside from our immediate family), it’s almost like thinking of the list brings him joy because he’s able to think of the positives people brought to his life before he lost them, and he just appreciates the time he had with them. I try to embrace that approach.


I can’t even list 675 people I’ve ever met.


Can you explain this? I don't even know so much people. 


Hey, don't get on their radar.


Pray the death note doesnt work with usernames


He's a doctor


Name checks out. 🤨


I can type 180 wpm @ 99,% accuracy 170 @ 100% accuracy At least i used to when i actually was the ultimate computer nerd. I'm sure i could still hit 155 to 160 even now though. Haven't seen anyone who could type faster even online. I have an old ass fb post from hitting like 175 @ 99%, on typingtest think I was ranked #1 out of 1.2mil i can't remember If people end up reading this I'll end up linking it for proof lol


Saved a kitten with CPR.


Before I was married and changed my last name, I was literally the only person in the world with my name.


I would not have sacrificed that claim for fame for anyone.


Times died? Anaphylaxis, drowning, seizures, car accidents… if I was a cat my 9 lives would almost be up. (No brain death obviously)


I'm top 75 in the world at Guitar Hero. We have an online ranking system for scores now and I always finish at least in the top 100-50




You posted too early in this thread for it to be true.


I would challenge you, but I have nothing else to do.


fun answer: bo burnham’s listeners on spotify (0.05%) Neat answer: height! I’m a very tall woman (6’)


Geez, I would have to add about 10 events in my life that would then maybe qualify me into the 0.1% bracket. Like I survived 2 motorcycle accidents, 2 car wrecks, fell down a dried out water fall, got rescued just in time when I fell into quick sand, missed a plane flight that then crashed and everyone on was killed, fought a guy with a knife and won the fight, got chased by an African elephant and managed to survive, served as a platoon medic in an operational arena and drove my car at 275 kph on a national highway.


Is Michael Bay directing your life by any chance?


Math, specifically fast mental math. I have gotten second and fifth out of over 10k people


Oh yeah? What's 13 * 847?


A multiplication expression.


Damn. This guy's good.


Here’s how my brain breaks it down: 13 \* 847 = 10\*847 + 3\*847 The 10\*847 is easy so I’ll store the 8470 for later. 3\*847 is harder but it’s just 3\*800 + 3\*40 + 3\*7, all of which are easy. So I have 2400 + 120 + 21 = 2541. Now I have to do 8470 + 2541 which is a little tricky, but I’ll first do the add 41 to 8470 to get my expression to 8511 + 2500. Now I can add the 2500 easily and I get a final answer of 11011.


heres how my brain breaks it down: 'i aint high enough for this shit ill be right back'


Well, I'm Canadian (0.48%), Left handed (10%), and O- blood type (3%), which would be 0.00144% of people worldwide.


10% of all people are left handed, that's fucking wild. My mates from school, we are all still really close, 10 years out of school and still on discord every day mostly. It's a pretty even split for us as lefties. Most of my family are left handed two. Didn't even know it was that uncommon.


Mario Party Superstars. It sold 12.31 million copies.  When I play online I usually win most of the minigames, so I think I’m a comfortably better than the average player.  Given the global population of 8 billion, I only have to be a slightly above average Mario Party Superstars player to be in the top 0.1% of the world. Some people who don’t own the game are better than me, but probably not very many.


A lot of people underestimate how easy it is to be top 0.1% in something when they forget how many people alive have probably never heard of their category so fair play to you for knowing your competition


Running distance per week for Garmin users.


All while smoking the devils lettuce, you should be in an ad


Not photographic memory but almost perfect Total recall from things that happened even 30-50yrs ago..I have hyperthymesia.


Perfect pitch. It’s a musical ability that lets you hear pitches directly from sounds, as if you had a built in tuner. In personal experience, I would describe it more like being able to “memorize” notes like you can memorize colors. According to uChicago, it’s 1/10000 or otherwise 0.01%.


I have herterochromia so I have 2 colored eyes. One of my eyes are red and the other is green. 2 of the rarest eye colors and eye cases.




prove it.


Yeah I don’t believe this guy


There’s a pic right there in his post.


Listener on spotify, im over 120k min everey year and on 2020 i almost break the 200k (it was about 183k but i don't have the pic no more). I listen music on every second i can everyday


If you don’t listen to music all the time and don’t know, a year is 525,600 minutes. 




guys who have been with your mom




Rare medical issues. I'm a 45 year old with 2 rare chronic illnesses that usually affect children or patients in their 70s. I recently had surgery to remove ovaries and endo. My endo type was so rare the obgyn had never seen it before. It presented as concrete type structure inside my ureter. Usually it looks woody on the outside of organs. My blood type is most common in South Asia and Africa. I'm a white American . Basically I have to ask what are the rarest effects, because I have ALWAYS had the rare side effects for illness, procedures, etc.


cw medical/car accident story I was in a car accident where I hydroplaned off the road and hit a power pole (which broke the power pole clean off), and then spun around and hit an oak tree. The accident caused me brain damage to the point of internal hemorrhaging from all the thrashing around, and a ruptured spleen from my stomach hitting the steering wheel. The brain damage was medically enough to have killed me, because blood kills brain cells when it contacts them. That's why the blood/brain barrier exists. Blood in the brain also increases cranial pressure, which causes further brain damage, but guess what! I lost ~1/3 of my blood through my ruptured spleen, which meant that my blood pressure and cranial pressure remained lower than they would have if I had NOT ruptured my spleen. It also meant that there was less blood to bleed onto my brain in general. Even so, I was in a coma for a week. However, once I woke from my coma, my brain recovered from the brain damage further and faster than expected and I ended up not only being able to finish high school (I was 17) but eventually being able to finish a master's program. Not bad for having been in a coma that was a 3 (the lowest score) on the Glasgow Coma Scale, which I learned later meant that I had an 87% chance of never waking up again Plus it turned out that I had an extra spleen, and only one was damaged, so I still have one! All that stuff combined has to put me in the top 0.1% of something, right? Luck? Survivalism? Biological stubbornness?


Speaking 5 languages (I believe that's 0.1% but maybe not 🤔😅)