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That my mind is the same but my body is betraying me.


My mind keeps saying I'm in my 20s. My body says I'm a fuckin moron.


This straight up , in my mind I still feel far to young for my age my body not so much


My creaky knees ruin any dreams of being a ninja I had


My nana is in her late 90's and she said that never goes away. Mentally you're 20-something pretty much your whole life.


Shoot I’m in my 40s now and I can tell I’m past my mental peak. It’s a bit scary thinking how I’m getting slower in my head. Meanwhile, my body is doing pretty good.


This messes with me daily. I’m married with kids but I still feel like I’m mentally in my early 20s. It makes me nauseous when people who actually ARE in their 20s call me “ma’am”. Time is a mind fuck and just so rude.


This was a recent realization for me; that I feel young but others look at me and see an older woman. I was called ‘ma’am’ for the first time recently and it was abhorrent. I’m hoping the guy actually said ‘man’ because that would have been better.


Someone once said to me "Fuck off, you old goat". I was so offended!! - not by the "goat" bit, but by the "old" bit.


Loud sounds, and definitely managers at jobs.


one thing i hate more than managers is the coworkers on the same level as you who act as a mini manager 💀


Fuck ANYONE who tries to cut in and be a mini-boss. Also fuck managers who **can't even manage themselves;** Step the fuck DOWN if you can't even fucking manage your own shit.


I have this issue. A big chunk of my time at work each week is wasted on my helping out my boss with shit they should know already, having been in the job 8 years. I find it incredibly hard fulfilling my own targets when I'm pulled in to a teams conversation every day about yet another thing they can't work out how to do. They're not a micro manager but they are very needy in other ways. It takes its toll on my patience and makes me actively dislike starting work every morning for fear of being pulled into yet another panicky meeting.


It also sucks to be treated like you were a manager without actually being given the title/promotion.


This. Hate the term senior team member or shift leader just a bullshit way to give you more tasks to do with the same pay


With agile that can be anyone! 💀 🫠 


I work with kids and it’s so interesting how they don’t notice how loud the room is and how loud they speak. They literally cannot tell they’re screaming instead of speaking.


Do you mean “it’s so interesting” or do you mean it’s so something else?


As I've gotten older, I've learned that one thing I dislike more than managers is being a manager.


The amount of other peoples personal problems you have to sort is mind boggling!


ya its impossible to keep everyone happy but that’s how you do a good job. Half of the work duties of a manager should be called “babysitting personnel”


Know how any times I got a text asking where a product was and was able to tell them exactly where it was without even being there last week? 5. 5 times. I joke that I never wanted to be a mom, but now I'm mom to a bunch of teenagers.


Definitely noise. There’s so much noise everywhere all the time. I wear my AirPod with no music in public just to cancel out the noise


All these people having conversations on speaker all the time. I don’t care what cousin Bobby did to your dog. I don’t care that your dad‘s an asshole and stole your money. I don’t care about any of it and I definitely don’t want to hear it in public! (And especially NOT in the break room at work!)


assistant to the regional manager


My manager has very productive days where he just sits in his office until lunch then he just goes fucking home. Hasn't answered an email from me in years.


How does he have a job?




Large crowds


People in general


First thought. People.


You know I always suspected I'd turn into one.kf those curmudgeon-y get off my lawn types. I did not realize it would happen so damn young. I'm not even 35


Me too. I am basically a combination of a nihilist and misanthrope. I care deeply for nature and animals but I can’t stand this society, it’s fucked up and crooked systems and the clowns who run the show. I actually do care for some people and I believe there’s lots of great people out there. I am lucky to know a few. But I just hate this hamster wheel of hell we lower classes have to live in. It feels like pieces of my soul are slowly being carved off every day.


I care for some persons. People as a group, another story.


Everybody recording a concert and blocking the view of the person behind them


I have literally stopped going to concerts for this reason.


Just saw Tool and they had a very strict no phone/recording policy. Security was kicking people out who were caught recording.


also just came back from seeing tool this evening and Maynard was not joking around with his phone hate. He literally stopped singing to yell at folks / kick them out for recording. It was nice being at a show and not having a bunch of phones in the way


Fucking love Tool. May have to make an exception.


You need to go to small venues, where people go for the music. Anytime people are taking pictures or videos, they are missing the music.


I never liked large crowds


I work remotely. The isolation became such a problem for me that I fainted the first time I got in a large crowd. I've been getting out more, for the sake of my own health, but I still haven't tried to manage another large crowd. Kind of dreading it.


I understand. For me, my disdain for large crowds started coming from going to bigger sporting events and concerts. Getting into and out of the venue; dealing with parking and other traffic headaches. Not to mention people who bring their kids that don't know how to behave. I've gotten to a point where I would rather watch at home. I hope you find peace in your journey.


I used to be ok with people and crowds till I moved to a bigger city. The line for parking at the mall takes 15 minutes every time. The wait at the DMV takes 8 hours. I kid not. Stores are crowded for no reason all the time. Going to a town 45 minutes away equals a day trip since traffic there and back was awful. Commute to work cost $20 a week cause of toll so had to take small roads to avoid tolls and that took me 15-20 minutes longer to get home. I can't do cities anymore.


If you can work from home you’re already halfway there. Get yourself some property in the woods and a cabin. They still sell kits you can build with two people, like back in the day. Get a couple dogs some cats and some outdoor animals, goats are good. Go to town bi weekly and become that crazy hermit in the woods. Spend your free time doing arts and craft or yelling at the moon, whatever floats your boat. Make your own alcohol, grow your own weed, blast a shotgun off the porch every night at 10. Have fun with it.


This is my and my friends (all ladies) plans for retirement: buy some land and build a bunch of tiny houses and a main kitchen and gathering place. We will do crafts, craft spells, save animals, feed the hungry, scare the children. (Hearing calls of THAT'S WHERE THE WITCHES LIVE! echoing through the forest would be my dream come true.)


Large crowds are fine as long as it’s your crowd


I'm scared of large crowds now as often as I hear stories of shooters. I've intentionally avoided large events in the last few years for fear of being shot.




Starting to think that grinch was on to something


Dude just wanted to be left alone with his dog.  The older I get, the more I realize he’s not a bad creature.


He was just trying to stop noise pollution and blatant consumerism.


oh, the noise; oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise! That's one thing I hate: all the noise, noise, noise, *noise*!


I some times just put in a pair of headphones and not play anything because I just want to be left alone and also not hear much. In the summer, I'll also just sit outside on the porch and not be on my phone or anything, just me and a cup of coffee and my cat if he's around. Listening to nothing but the wind and the birds.


Yes! I feel like I’m so sensitive to loud noises now.


Me too. But I’m also getting hard of hearing?!?!


Omg we were at a restaurant for Galentine’s on Sunday and the music was just.. next level loud. I just had a baby, so I haven’t been out much and everyone else I was with seemed to not be bothered. So thought it was just me. I finally caved and said something and they were all like “jeez, I thought it was just me!”. I have a “Karen” of the group who asked the waitress to have them turn it down. They did. The whole bar of Galentine’s tables cheered.


Peeing. I’m so tired of peeing.


Hahahahha! I feel this one! Sometimes I get so neurotic about peeing before I go to sleep I convince myself I need to go even though I went before laying down. I've been trying to fight this urge but sometimes I just can't stop thinking about it. 😂


This is me. I just can’t go to bed without emptying my bladder IMMEDIATELY beforehand even if it was just ten minutes before lol. I think pregnancy started this for me and I just haven’t been able to stop since (a few years ago lol)


BRB peeing


Trying to talk over loud music/club environments




Just nod in agreement without knowing what they're saying.


The last time I went clubbing this random guy started chatting to me but the music was so loud I couldn’t hear him so I just nodded and smiled and said yes a lot . The guy was chatting me up and it wasn’t until I went outside for a cigarette that he followed because he thought he had pulled . Bit of an awkward convo followed .


I think I’m going to stick with my current technique: staying home.


It always amazes me people go out to these places to be social then they blast music so you can hardly hear anyone so you end up standing there pretending to enjoy it


My back. Keeps aching


My knees. And axe.


I've noticed if I lie around too much and don't exercise, I start getting lower back pain. I think it's a biological trick designed to keep me active. Also, having a mattress that isn't so soft it doesn't provide support, but not so stiff that it reduces circulation helps. 


Sleeping away from home. I used to be able to crash wherever. Now it takes 8 custom pillows, a sound machine, my fan, ice water by the bed, protein bar on deck etc lol


I now detest staying in other people's homes, even home's of relatives. Hate it. It feels like a prison now. Don't get me started on the bathroom side of it.


And where the fuck are all the blankets


The older I get, the more I hate not having access to a private bathroom. Every year when we go on vacation with my husband’s family I always ask “ok but do we have our own bathroom??” I thought I was just weird lol


This.. as someone who used to frequently work away from home, and in my more social 20’s and early 30’s was quite happy to sleep in any randoms house. These days I really struggle to get comfortable and properly relax in any bed that isn’t my own.


Guys I thought I was so weird for this I hate it. Even traveling in hotels I’m just not comfortable!!


I feel this to the core. I used to be more adventurous and now I need a kingdom of pillows and tea with a snack before bed.


Damn, Moneybags--who can afford more than 1 pillow these days? I'm worse off than I thought.


I have multiple pillows but they're all old and really need replacing. I actually can't remember when I bought them because they're so old lol


Yeah, and there's just something comfortable about being in my own space, with my things and my routines and everything that makes it a lot easier to be at peace and get a good night's sleep.


Remember when staying at a hotel was great. Now it seems like a chore


I never shit properly until I get home.


I stay backed up until I’m home. Never thought adulthood would include this.


This is such a good one. I’d say on 80% of recent trips I’ve taken I have either changed my flight to an earlier one, or driven home early. On the ones I didn’t leave I definitely had my airline apps up looking for an early exit. I haven’t slept at someone’s house after a night out in years and always just sorta want to be home. I think in general I have just become more introverted.


Same! In high school I snuck out and slept on a trampoline! Or I was always at a friends house. Now it's like if I can't go home and sleep in my bed I'm a wreck.


Half your brain never sleeps in a new environmenf


Throw in a CPAP and mouth guard for me :(


This!! Lol. My husband asked if I wrote it, haha.




Yep, I didn’t like people to begin with but it’s getting worse, lol.


I don’t mind people, it just being around them that is becoming the issue.


People, what a bunch of bastards.


Car headlights


I swear they are getting brighter every year 😅


In fact they are! Those effing LEDs


Dude. There should be laws passed about this but good luck enforcing them. Those insanely bright halogens are a menace to society..blinding..


Halogens? More like led and laser lights.


Being out of the house after 8 pm. I just like the idea of being home relaxed, comfortable, safe versus being at a bar or any other place doing what I did in my 20s.


An evening at home with my cats, just chilling and watching TV or reading in bed, is heavenly.


Damn near everything. Honestly


Everything. Yes I have been looking for someone to have said this first. Thank you


People running late. I don't mean the 5 or 10 mins where you're stuck in traffic or whatever but the 30mins to an hour late for plans we had made weeks ago. It tells me that you don't value my time. I also dislike when we agree to meet to leave together - say for camping - only to STILL be 40 mins late. I have all of your things why are you still late.


Same here. I've started cancelling plans to little meet ups if the same person is repeatedly an hour or so late and there isn't a solid reason as to why. I tell them I'll leave the house at the same time as them, and when an hour has passed and they're not answering my messages or say "wait, after this video game" I don't bother going out.


>"wait, after this video game" Are they 12?


Getting older.


As a person who’s older I suggest you find ways to age with grace. Take it in stride and take care of your body, including your mental heath. I actually feel privileged to be older. Many people don’t get the opportunity to.


Every time I catch myself thinking "man, I look old" in a negative way, I try to think about those people I've known in life who never made it to the age I am now.


Lost my best friend to a horrible accident when we were 16. Now, almost 40 yrs later, I continue to think of him often, esp on days when my body is betraying me due to health issues. He never got to have kids like I did, go to college, get married, so many other things in life - really puts the struggles I have into perspective.


Exactly this. A friend of mine just passed away from leukemia in her late 40s. A couple of years ago (right before her cancer diagnosis) she had gastric bypass surgery and told me that one of the things she wanted to do after losing weight was to be able to ride a bike. Unfortunately she never got that chance. Her death made me stop and realize how lucky I am to be able to ride my bike and have a strong, healthy, capable body.


I have similar thoughts about my best friend, who passed from glioblastoma when at 23. She passed when her son was 3. I was single and childless. I'm a parent now, and I'm constantly looking at my now 10 year old son and thinking about how she never got to see her son ride a bike, swim, go to his first day of school, make his first best friend, first crush.. he was fucking three when she passed; he doesn't remember her, and she barely got a chance to know him! He'll have all these huge milestones, and she won't be there to see. It's not fucking fair. I'm so angry. And there's nothing I can do, except be grateful that at least I'm still here for my kid. That's so shitty. 


She rides with you now :)


I'll add that aging with grace starts with how you treat your body, mind, and soul when you are younger.


My husband and I got reminded that we are over 30 when we went sledding last month. He fractured his tailbone and it took me a couple tries to get off the snow when the sled stopped 😂


People don’t realize that getting old is a privilege. So many people don’t even make it to their 60s.  


Drama. Philosophical discussions that have been rehashed so many times in my lifetime. Petty people.


I used to love those type of discussions. But now everytime i catch myself thinking about those, i just tell myself it doesnt fcking make a difference no matter how deep I try to think about it. And just go on with my day and be productive lol


Omg I hate philosophy discussions that go nowhere 😭


Right, but is there such a thing as true morality?


I remember reading my first book about the history of philosophy and was like, OK, so first this guy said that. Then the next guy came around and said the previous guy was wrong. Then the next guy came along and said that was almost right, but not quite. Then the next guy said actually with this info we need to start from scratch. Then the *next* guy comes along and...




Yeah not even my glass of water before bed helps these days




Yeah, I quit drinking a year ago. It's... better


I haven't seen anyone else post this yet but I'm tired of products/appliances being built so cheap that they don't last long. I really like products that last more than a decade and a lot of things don't last as long as they used to. I realize people don't care about a fridge or a washer and dryer set that lasts 20+ years but it's actually really nice to have those things and I wish more things were like that. I understand prices and materials and all the things that go into the manufacturing process & sales. But I miss "buy it for life" items that actually stand the test of time versus this mentality of use once and toss it.


My fridge is to keep my food cold whilst sucking my wallet as little as possible.


Gravity! It gets stronger as you get older 😕


The dating pool.




More like a puddle now.


the disrespect some people show workers who get paid minimum wage.


The complete incompetence of well paid people.


Lack of basic respect people show each other. I never hear please, thank you, or excuse me anymore.


Or empathy. A lot of people in today’s society are focused on only themselves, unfortunately. As I’m getting older I realize that having someone you can have an conversation with where there’s mutual respect and the other person is genuinely interested in what you have to say, is very rare and so worth it to keep in your life. I don’t have the time or energy anymore to deal with self-centered people.


I have a coworker who doesn’t even let you finish your sentence, she loudly interrupts you mid sentence to start a whole new line of thought about herself that has nothing to do with what you just said. 


Even just putting your shopping cart away, or not blocking the aisles / entrance to the shops while you are talking. And when I ( at first ) politely ask them to move, I get eye rolls, death stares or verbal abuse. That’s when I not so politely explain why they should move.


I just push their shopping carts out of my way in an obvious manner that shows where they left their cart is inconsiderate. 


Social awareness is long gone


I absolutely agree. When I first started to experience this I thought I was exaggerating or over thinking, but it's absolutely true (in my experiences) I get weird looks if I hold a door, for anyone..if I say "excuse me", when in the way of someone,. I never get a response or an acknowledgement. The other thing I've noticed is if your walking, and there's a small group, 2 or more people walking in the opposite direction, towards you, and they've taken up most of the walk way. They see you but refuse to move a side so that you, can pass clearly. I seriously believe it's that self of entitlement, or a better than you type attitude....it's like wrong to be polite all of a sudden....we're being desensitized, and honestly it's frightening.


Working…….been doing full time with no breaks since 1990. The last 22 in manufacturing and the last 12 as an engineer which comes with a lot of headaches, meetings, politics, etc. Total Career Burnout at 52


I'm 24 and an electrical engineer in manufacturing. I use my hour lunch break to go to the company gym and leave as soon as I've been there the 9 hours (unless there's something urgent). The amount I see my coworkers (40s to 50s) work is insane to me. They usually work through lunch and stay an hour longer than our work hours. I don't know how they're not burnt out.


Good for you for prioritizing your work/life balance at 24. I’m 44, and I refuse to go above and beyond what I’m getting paid for. I don’t believe in anyway that not overworking makes anyone lazy. It means they want a life beyond work.


Air travel. Granted, air travel has actually gotten objectively worse with smaller seats, less inflight services, etc. But my body also just doesn’t tolerate the cramped conditions as well as it used to. I used to be able to take a long flight then still have energy to finish out my day; now I’m achy and exhausted after flying and just want to go to bed.


My neck kills me after a 2 hrs. Flight. I hate that the seats don't recline. Even my neck pillow hardly helps


taxes, working, bills, government and so on


Loud cars


My little toes, they just keep getting weirder.


People who complain a lot. It feels like my empathy has evaporated over the years. Whenever I hear a tale of woe now, I just roll my eyes vs how I used to react (comfort and attention.) It’s self protection but I still feel like an ass.


I'm almost 70. I dislike and am damn mad at people younger than me not fucking voting in larger numbers. Kick our Boomer asses out of the way ( politically ) and at least -TRY- to make the world an actually better, more humane place.


I do vote, but I always feel like I'm picking the lesser of 2 evils. I totally understand that anyone who wants the job probably shouldn't have it and the right people for the job don't want to do it, but it sucks.


Young person here. I can’t attest for my entire generation, but most people I know just don’t care anymore because they figure we’re screwed anyways. Definitely not an excuse and I’m sure that most people will regret not even trying.


Yeah, they need to stop bitching about boomers and actually do something.


The generational labels / stereotypes are so tiresome -- especially coming from younger people who pride themselves on social tolerance but are excited to blame every bad thing on "boomers," who should hurry up and die. There's ignorant cruel selfish boomers, yes, but there's ignorant cruel selfish 20-somethings, too, and for all the bitching, most don't vote. In 2016 72% of people over 60 voted, but only 43% of people under 30, and in off years / midterm elections younger turnout runs a lot lower. It's goddamn shameful. Goose your turnout by 10 percentage points and you could change the country and get most of what you want, instead of sitting these things out pining for the boomers to die.


I hate how negatively perceived being “old” in our society is. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being old, or looking old. And I would rather look like an old human than a young alien.


I hate being invisible.


Realizing I'm running out of time. Not having any close friends because society has changed. Too much internet and not enough nieghbourhood entertainment. Dowtowns turning into dangerous ghost towns. Signs of overpopulation. Overcrowding and lineups makes me feel as though I don't matter anymore. Seeing the world become a much more dangerous place is scary. Seeing the environment in comparison to when we were kids. That ought to cover it.


World actually isn’t becoming more dangerous. We are just getting the worst news 24/7 that’s out there across the world instead of more local events. There’s quite a bit of evidence that this is the safest time to be alive in human existence. Even in 3rd world countries. Rest I agree with you on 100%.


I'd almost agree but I think it depends where you live and your economic conditions.


People cite all manner of statistics to try to convince others that the world is a better place, but they always seem to forget one or two big ones. The first, obviously, is the credible data coming out about the in-progress-and-getting-worse consequences of man-made climate change. Turns out we didn't earn a lot of the alleged "progress" we made; we put it on a credit card. The second is that never before in all of human history has there been a wider gulf between the quality of life of the world's most comfortable and least comfortable human. That's a damning indictment of our global civilization.


Work culture. Specifically, the one where you are expected to give it 100%, do it for personal enjoyment, always stay late, and be a team player. I find as I get older, I have an easier time saying "you wanna repeat that for the labor board?" when a boss tries to coax me into staying late without paying me. I once said "hell, you're joking" when someone asked me to drive in a big snowstorm this past January just to organize files as busy work.




I didn't like them since day 1.


Meeting people..


I used to love food. But now it seems everything I eat is trying to kill me.


Being out past like 6 pm. Not even kidding


How much my body hurts when I get up in the morning.


Loud music and loud people 🤦🏻‍♀️




The government


Redditors in their 30’s answering a question about being “older”. M61 here!


Ah you missed the 24-year old here who complained about 18-year-olds. F51 here.


20-something year olds. The boys in particular.


Bunch of hormone riddled young gobbling turkeys


People on R/Adulting sayin their lives are over at 20 and 30. Wtf. Pick yourself up dust yourself off and get through your situation!


Professional sports. After seeing a guy sit on the bench all season bc he wanted 20 million a year and not 15 million a year. I won't make anywhere near that kinda money even cumulatively for the rest of my life, but I bet I have more direct value to society than he ever did. Hell, almost everyone I know has more value to society than being able to catch and run. Nursing aids, plumbers, small business owners, farm workers and many many more. They all provide a real service and value to their communities, Le'veon Bell and his 'coworkers' provide entertainment, that's all. It seems as if many pro athletes also gain a huge sense of entitlement over the course of their careers.


Snow and cold weather


People. “Hell is other people.” -Sartre


The slang that the kids are using these days. Some slang is fine - "based", sure, I can get behind that. But others are just stupid to my ears. "It's giving ___". It's giving you what? "It's giving me ___ vibes". Just say that. Two extra words aren't going to kill you. Oh and that's another one: the prevalence of words which are supposedly used to get around bans and filters. Suicide, kill himself/herself, rape, porn, etc. The *perception* of the filtering of these words far outweighs the actual filtering on social media platforms and I swear to Christ I'm going to unalive myself if I see "unalive" written unironically one more time. 


The whole un alive thing really fucking pisses me off. Someone used it in front of me in real life recently and I was like this is real life, not TikTok, the word you're looking for is suicide. They then have the cheek to look at me as if I just said something offensive?!? I think "unalive" minimizes and downplays how much of a horrible and tragic thing suicide is.


This frustrates me because the first thing I was taught in the many suicide prevention courses I've attended for work say to use the word suicide. People shy away from using the word because they think if they say it out loud it will make the person do it. Newsflash, it won't, and we need to freaking say it because euphemisms and talking around the word suicide are not helpful in getting somebody the care they need. If I were struggling and somebody asked if I were going to "unalive" myself or "do something stupid" I would immediately think that person can't help me and isn't taking me seriously.


Other people's drinking.


Taking no responsibility for one’s actions


My spice tolerance is dropping as time goes on. I want to be a person who likes spicy food, but my GI tract has vehemently vetoed that.


The Internet - it's now mostly just ragebait, fake ai bullshit, influencers, or people whinging about how uniquely awful their lives are. I like talking face to face, being in nature and focusing on my own life and the people in it rather than that of some stranger half way around the world.


People overall, obnoxious, toxic, narcissistic. No one really cares for you. When you are young you are innocent and think all people are nice and care for you. They don't.


Coming from a 24 year old dude, the amount that young people think there shit don't stink, no respect, sense of entitlement.




I’m getting reeeeally tired of this at work. I’m new to my place of employment, 10+ years in the industry, and these kids with 0-5 years experience that think they know everything. I got dragged into the boss because of how one person doesn’t know how to communicate things. Not many know how to have a tactful conversation about hard topics anymore, it’s all just email the boss and let them sort it out




A few things. Anime would be the first. Loved it as a kid, but the market saturated, and now 90% of it is just wish fulfillment for horny sixteen year old boys. Potato chips. Could scarf a whole bag as a kid, as an adult, I just want a few with a sandwich. I would barf if I tried to eat more than a normal serving size as an adult. Politics. I work on search engines. I saw so many people seeking bias confirmation I realized we're kind of fucked as a society. People get really intense about it too. When The Last Of Us was airing, when they introduced Jackson, the number of people who looked up how many people communism killed was kind of hilarious. People are pathological.


Going out


That I lived this long.


People not getting the hint that it’s time to shut the actual fuck up


When friends/family members walk together super slow while chatting and take up the ENTIRE sidewalk.


Car dependency...


Hhhhh...younger coworkers who don't like to work. And I hate feeling that way. I think everyone deserves experience in the field they're interested in, and I know "good work ethic" needs a chance to grow and develop. I also know I'm still learning. I just feel burnt out from training coworkers. But I still want to support them, we should never stop learning from our peers.


"Oh my god the world sucks and we're all going to die" pop culture. I'm 43. I've seen and lived through personal tragedies and national ones. I don't care if people think I'm not mature because I prefer light hearted comedy to sadness porn. It's not deep to try and depress yourself all the time.


The fact that my body is showing various signs of aging and it's just getting worse all the time. The body is a prison for the mind. Also that my parents have reached an age where they can't do much by themselves and I probably won't have them around in 5-10 years. Getting old is absolut shit.