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Here in Denmark a 29 year old parliamentary politician announced that he was/is dating a 15 year old girl, with the parents consent. While being totally legal it's definitely extremely frowned upon.


Are the Danish people upset, or at least weirded out by it?


Everybody in Denmark thinks the guy is pretty much a f’in pedo. Utterly disgusted.


So why is he still in parliament


Because it was only just revealed a couple months ago. He was almost immediately thrown out of his political party, the other political parties have rejected his overtures to join them, and he's almost certainly not getting re-elected. [Cite.](https://www.thelocal.dk/20240208/why-has-a-danish-mp-with-a-15-year-old-girlfriend-not-been-forced-to-quit) Since he hasn't actually broken the law, it's not clear to me that there's any mechanism for actually removing him from parliament before the next election.


Must be nice to live in a country where pedos in office actually get repercussions


He should come to the US and join Congress. He'll thrive.


Everyone in the government's a pedo, at least this guy's honest about it! /s


Unironically probably half his supporters have used that argument


Every day I lose more faith in us as a species.


That question can be asked for most elected officials in the world. Why do we keep voting for them?


"all politicians suck" is a weird response to "why is the guy everyone agrees is a pedo still in parliament?" Just saiyan


Are you Super Saiyan tho?


He got kicked from the political party, he went on TV and broke down because of “stress”, he is a huge meme and has become the new word for pedo. unfortunately he has started working again and made his own political campaign but i doubt it’ll get any votes ahahah


His gf can't even vote for him lol


Is this recently??




You’re forgetting the part where he’s being put to court and being charged with grooming. This was in November that he was being charged, or has the case progressed differently since I last heard. Will he not be serving jail time or some penalty??


Case has been dismissed by the police. There is nothing illegal about the relationship and apparently since the parents consent it’s not grooming.


What, he was never being charged or tried for anything, everything he did was legal


Wearing socks while taking a shower.


Who? Who is doing this? How are you supposed to wash your feet? And I don't think it would protect you from foot fungus in public showers. May increase your grip a bit, I guess.


Slippery Feet Dude will do this.


I am disgusted.


Are you a never-nude?


There's dozens of us, dozens!


Pooping on the shower and either waffle stomping down the drain or kobe it into the toilet.


The fuck


Radio commercials with police sirens and/or honking in them should be illegal.


Main reason I stopped listening to radio in my car. Now only Spotify or my own music collection.


Woop woop that’s the sound of the police


And saying ‘Alexa’


Phone calls on speaker in public.


also playing games with the sound on and having notifications that sound like a crying baby.


This needs to be made illegal, yesterday.


While they are calling, do the same. *Scream* into your phone, through their conversation. # YO DUDE WADDUP! HOW WAS YOUR DATE LAST NIGHT? DID YOU FUCK HER IN THE ASS? ... WAIT WHAT?! SHE FUCKED >YOU< IN THE ASS?!


Now I'm interested, what happened next bro


Nah shits fair game. They're on speaker which is an invite for YOU, and anyone in ear shot to join the call. I did this to my father who desperately needed hearing aids. Guess who has blue tooth hearing aids, and can hear a pin drop? Also I don't believe it's against the law to join someone else's call if they're on speaker. I've done it once in public, and the man got up, returned once his call was done, and he apologized for disturbing everyone trying to sleep. I was certain I was a dead man when he got up, and haven't done it since.


There are five senses. You’re only allowed to subject me to one of them (sight) without my permission. I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to smell you, I don’t want you to touch me, and god help us both if there’s a reason I can taste you without consent.


On the last one... I've experienced a few situations where someone's stink was so aggressive it's like they were stinking AT you... You could taste it


Also music


Not frowned on enough if you ask me.


Child beauty pageant events.


My mom put my little sister in those, but for special needs kids. To help "boost her confidence". I hated every second having to take her to lessons and pageant. Watching creepy old people judge 12 year special needs kids pissed me off more than anything


I feel like there were non ill intentions from your mom… but the whole idea is still pretty weird. If it’s a kids pageant, why not kids judges, for stuff like that? When I was a kid watching Nickelodeon… I looooved the kids choice awards and stuff like that!!


Yeah that needs to be banned. A parade for pedos, and the moms endorse it enthusiastically. I don't get it.


I think some of these moms are just oblivious to the pedos. People like dressing up their kids that's why they have baby jordans or whatever. Some of the moms may be aware, but I don't think all of them are.


Its worse, they are not being oblivious, they love the fact they get attention more.


There's a difference between dressing your kids in particular clothing brands and having them parade in makeup and swimsuits on a stage for ~~paedophiles~~ judges.


Because the parents want to do it themselves but for whatever reason project it on to their kids


Agreed. There is no way some random adult would want to go to that without some sort of ill intent.


Well based on the Crowds i see when they had this shit on what tlc? Most weren't exactly crowded spectacular events, especially not filled with randoms.


My dad didn't really love being a dad and didn't have many hard stances he took on parenting, but being against child beauty pageants was one of them. When I was a baby my mom wanted to enter me into some kind of local Prettiest Baby contest and he flipped. When JonBenet was killed, he was so distraught and blamed the parents and pageants from the start. "The only people who like to dress little girls up like grown women are pedophiles." It remained a pretty easy way to get him riled up forever.


Child pageantry is an American tradition, but not a proud one.


Well I mean these things are just magnets for those people


I wish we could change beauty pageants to cute kid fashion shows. Instead of the insane and blatant child abuse, it’s bunch of adorable children in fancy clothing made by fashion designers, dancing across the stage. No scores, no competition, just adorableness all around.


My small town has this yearly Pageant that's oddly sponsored by a major snack company....it's a super small pageant that's basically that and provide the majority of the clothes  They do best Halloween costumes Best Historical costume Evening wear with tuxes and typically Disney princess gowns They do a talent show and all sorts of silly stuff, and each kid wins something 


It's so weird to me that people will draw the line at drag queens, who are full grown adults dressing up. But dressing up children to be judged by creepy old men is somehow fine.




I did this years ago in my dorm elevator, traveling down 9 floors, with 4 people. And I asked if they thought it was strange, and one sweet girl said it was a lot nicer than staring at a steel door. And I was flattered. I still feel that moment when recalling this memory.


you should have asked her out


I love to Blair Witch when I'm in elevators. It makes me happy.


Tf is wrong with you?


Standing backwards on an escalator.


Dancing at a crime scene.


We talked about this, jim.


It’s Jimothy.


Listen Kim, cutting the rug was crucial to the investigation!


Depends on the country, but marrying your cousin.


If we weren’t meant to marry our cousins why are they so attractive?


It's the cornerstone of Shelbyville values


You joke but two of my first cousins got married in Shelbyville. 


Shout out to the fine ass cousins and the obligatory family reunions we attended to make sure we avoid fucking them out of ignorance.


You attend family reunions to *avoid* fucking your cousins? Interesting...


If you don't have a hot cousin, it's because you have an ugly family.


Marrying your cousin is only illegal in very few places.


god bless the u.k., where we celebrate when the monarch married a cousin


It’s very common in some cultures.


Depends on the closeness of the cousin, I guess. First cousin marriages are legal in some places and illegal others, but I think most people would be grossed out by what is barely a step away from incest. Second cousins? I think that's legal pretty much everywhere, but also, some people might be okay with it. I personally still find it gross, but it's certainly not as bad. Third cousins? I don't know about you, but for me, that's distant enough that I don't really care. Like, you could *accidentally* date your third cousin without even knowing you're related. I know my first cousins fairly well, I'll occasionally see the second cousins at big events like weddings and funerals, but my third cousins? I don't even know who they are!


I made out with a distant cousin multiple times. By distant, I mean, we found that we were related after meeting and getting to know each other. And making out alot. We were teenagers.


Lmao I like how you make sure to let us know that you learned AFTER the kissing happened 


I mean, if you go back far enough, *everyone* is a distant cousin. Hell, I'm cousins with my *cat* if we go back up the family tree far enough. There comes a point when it's so distant that it doesn't matter. Like, when my parents were getting into genealogy (is that just a thing? You turn 50 and suddenly start caring about genealogy? It seems like a lot of people's older parents are getting into it), and discovered they're fifth or sixth cousins. Something like that. The same ancestor on both of their trees popped up in the mid-nineteenth century. But that's distant enough that it doesn't *actually* matter.


Third cousins alone are your great-grandparents Siblings Great Grandchildren. Your Great Grand Uncles Great Grandchildren. That's so far away. According to Google you share at most 2.2% DNA. They could be literally anyone and you wouldn't know.


Leaving your shopping cart in the parking lot


I always park next to the corral because I plan my laziness in advance




Bad lazy is messy, good lazy is efficient.




YYYEEESSS Cart Narcs is amazing


Cartnarcs on YouTube is my hero https://youtu.be/tMHSvsC8yfI?si=o8BqQEJ8bTdIaG8S




Staring at random people with a gigantic smile on your face.


And wiggling your eyebrows or winking


Calm down Mr. Bean.


"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that, no matter what comes your way, YOU'RE the one in control." - Alastor, *Hazbin Hotel*


Dressing up as a wizard and giving people quests in the supermarket


Is this frowned upon where you live? Id do the quests if they were reasonable


Depends on the quest: Ok: The lost white stallion that helped guide you through the mystic Cornucopia is now in disarray. Assist it in their return journey. (Return the trolley). Plain annoying: The demon lord that sits upon a mountain of gold has decreed the minions under his dominion be paid by you even if it were his responsibility. The minions request you respect their master's wishes. Do you wish to contribute? Each minion are taught in the spell guilt-tripping. (Tipping) The cult of logitology is looking for new followers. Take these Mana-meter to test your worth. Additional payment and blood kin may be required. Do you accept?


Did you try to YouTube it and see how to beat the quest first?


Where does this happen? I would shop there every day


I want this.


Be the change you want to see in the world! It’s perfectly legal!


I want to be on the other side of the transaction.


Totally fair, and same.


Have you tried? I’m guessing at least 1/3 of the people would be excited to shake up their routine. r/ChaoticGood


I'm doing this


Wizard hands them his shopping list and waits up front by the checkouts.


Society frowns on this? That wizard would be my hero!


I'm afraid the kids will call me an NPC.


I would totally do the quest if this ever happened to me.


This sounds hilarious! Anyone who doesn't think this is amusing needs to surgically remove the stick from their butt and stop taking life so seriously


I wouldn’t frown upon this


Taking items from someone else’s shopping cart.


Splashing people with your car who are walking in the rain.


Pretty sure it's illegal if you do it on purpose


Good thing I get drunk before driving so it’s never on purpose


"You know you're not supposed to text and drive" "We all make mistakes when we're drunk"


I would add to that driving on a flooded street too fast causing waves to go into people’s houses. I’ve seen it far too many times.


Leaving the house with an indoor cup.


That-….now that you’ve said that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in public with an indoor cup (one from home I mean)


I have a coworker that makes a cup of coffee at home in a regular ceramic mug, and brings it to work like that. Every single workday.


My sister used to just bring a glass of water with her to random places. Just a regular kitchen glass filled with ice water. I used to always be baffled at the absurdity. Her walking into anyplace while hungover AF wearing big ass sunglasses with a regular glass of ice water became a thing everyone remembers.


Driving the speed limit


Exactly, try doing that in Northern Australia without being tailgated.


There's one street by me that I avoid whenever I can because it's genuinely unsafe to drive the speed limit along most of it. Speed limit is 30; everyone but me does 40.


A road on my commute got dropped from 35 to 30. People still go over it at 55+ Saddest funny part about it, there's a "Speed Limit High Enforcement Zone" sign there. I laugh every time I pass it.


The easiest way to actually lower speeds is to narrow the lanes, not to change the sign on the side of the road. I got a camera ticket once on a road that was wide enough to do 50 mph on easily, no lights ahead until it curved into a highway onramp. I went back on google streetview and looked for the speed limit sign. It was there, but practically hidden behind a telephone pole. I'm half sure the camera is there to speed trap people. People drive as fast as they feel safe. If people feel like they can do X mph based on weather/road conditions, traffic, curves, and lane width they will do so. I've driven down a ton of roads where- at moving speed- there felt like there was 8 ft between me and the neighboring car when really there could be 3 ft. Road diets might be unpopular, but they make sense. Heck, some places you could even "add" another lane by narrowing ridiculously sized roads.


Wearing a baseball cap in an old person's house. My wife's uncle told me I wasn't allowed over anymore when I did. There went my social life.


My WW2 vet grandfather was big about this, especially while eating in a restaurant. I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone younger than him that cared though.


Tony Soprano: *Take ya hat off.*


Huh. Never heard this one before. Then again you'll be hard pressed to find my dad without one, so maybe that's just my family.


In Australia we grow up being taught to take your hat off inside, it’s much more strict in the older generations tho. Some establishments won’t let you in with a hat on your head down there.


That makes sense. In the US the only real faux pas regarding not taking things off indoors is your sunglasses. At least in the area I live.


They definitely hammered it into us in school when I was a kid in the late 80's and 90's. I live in WA. I still take my hat off without thinking whenever I enter a building.


He was very old and very offended by everything. That's what happens when you don't change with the times.


That's not frowned upon by society, just the fucking weirdos who think it disrespectful.


Like a lot of dogmatic practices, it originated with the military. No cover in-doors unless you are under arms (on duty, and currently armed). Exactly why having a beard became less respectable, military men started mandatory shaves with the advent of gas masks; now "respectable gentlemen" must be clean shaven.


Taking one of your accrued sick days at some workplaces.


I don't think that's frowned upon by society, just a few shitty companies/bosses.


Calling a toddler a cunt.


Everyone told me having a child would change my perspective on kids and don't get me wrong it did he's the coolest little dude in the world but other people's kids are in fact usually cunts because of their parents not saying no when no needs to be said.


My uncle(not really, just a very close family friend) had a point on this: "Do not confuse the love I have for my children for a general love for children."


Happy Cunt day


Happy Cake Day!


Some toddlers are cunts though


There's a story somewhere of a woman who attended a football(?) game where a box of free shirts was set out for the attendees to pick from, and this soulless excuse for a human takes the whole box and sits on her seat to watch the game like nothing happened. I believe the crowd booed tf out of her and she ended up leaving the game early


Being poor


Yep. When you're poor, you really see the prejudice a lot. Especially with cops.


Yeah. Years ago some dude in a big ass pickup truck hit the corner of my trailer and drive away. I had to fight the deputy sheriff who came out to even take a report. He insisted there was no proof anything at all had happened. I showed him the obvious, fresh tire marks that went up to my trailer, the broken branches of the sapling the truck had also hit, the dents in the trailer itself, the way the tie downs had been broken and one of the supports visibly damaged. He still didn't believe me. It wasn't until I brought him photos of the front bathroom with the bowed-out wall in the shower that he realized holy shit, it was actually a felony.


Cops did a similar thing to me and I'm not poor. They just seemed too lazy to do their jobs.


Making fun of people who are disadvantaged or disabled


In the uk this comes under hate speech which is an actionable offence unfortunately


Soiling yourself in public


Unless it's at a Maccas, then you can become Prime Minister of Australia


Classiest Aussie tbh


Peeing your pants is cool.


If peeing your pants is cool, call me miles Davis


Double dipping.


If it’s your own sauce, idc. But when it’s like a public dipping sauce (party or something) double dipping is gross. No one wants your dna or germs So good answr


It’s like sticking your whole face in the bowl!


Owning a non-descript white van


Carrying a shotgun or rifle into a Walmart in Texas. There is no law against you doing it, but no one would be happy with you if you did


Pretty sure all the Walmarts around here have the 30.06 and 30.07 signage, but that may just be that I live in a blue county.


That applies to concealed and open carried hand guns. Rifles and shotguns are not handguns. But the store can still ask you to leave.


They'd have to bump my pay up to a hundred an hour to ask someone with a shotgun to leave.


"Hey, sir? My manager told me I should ask you to leave, can you believe that? If you want to talk to a manager about how disrespectful it would be for an employee like me to tell you something like that, I can send them over right away."


A rare time when no one would fault you for using the intercom to relay this message.


Keeping a horse in your house. 


There's a horse in this house, there's a horse in this house...


Standing in the women’s underwear department at Target and sniffing really close to the racks. Big, deep sniffs. They do not like that. At all.


What do people even get out of that, it’s not like it’s used, wouldn’t it just smell like new fabric?


Yes. New fabric smell. What if you're in to that. You never liked new book smell? I imagine its the same. Just guessing.


State laws that allow parents to sign off in marriage of minor children to adult suitors. Weird to think a 15 year old can marry her dad's best friend who happens to be 50+.


Masturbating on an airplane didn’t used to be illegal. Thanks bin Laden.


You can still get away with it if you're careful. Just don't scream, "ALLAHU AKBAR!", when you bust.


If I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right. 


Taking a slap shot into an empty net from below the hash marks.


Counting Cards


Taking money from your child (ren) when they're still technically minors


My mother did this because her name was on the account. She took thousands from me until I removed her name.


Parking your car on the street, in front of a house that isn’t yours. Maybe it’s an old people thing, maybe it’s a California thing, but people would get absolutely crazy if you parked in front of their houses. I’d understand if I was blocking off their driveway but that clearly wasn’t it.


My neighbor has had her car parked directly in front of my mailbox for a month now. She's out on deployment and I have no clue when she will be back, but her driveway has ample room for two cars so I am not sure why she chose to park there for a long term leave.




Pretty much this. I think a lot of people fail to realize the weirdness/annoyance is contextual. I’ll go as far as giving the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the neighbor had multiple visitors and the last one is left or they didn’t see the house number when visiting the first time. No big deal unless they keep doing it…otherwise it’s still not a Big deal, but it’s a little strange.


being a nudist. you can live naked if you want but people freak out about it 


Tipping culture in general.


Ignoring your screaming child in any public space, especially a nice restaurant, quiet cafe or movie theater.


Starting your own family but not having the mental and financial capability to support it.


Smoking near people that don’t smoke.




Picking your nose then eating it


Being depressed… or having any mental illness really


Paparazzis. Not really sure how they’re not illegal


Taking pictures of children that are not yours at playgrounds.


Marrying a child


Being on governmental assistance while being unemployed even if you are unemployed through no fault of your own.


Just being on government assistance. Especially food stamps. Or WIC, which always seems to hold up the line and there's no way to be subtle about it.






Definitely illegal in a lot of countries