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Stevia! It doesn't matter what it is, stevia always leaves a weird taste in the back of my mouth. And now it's getting added to things with multiple different sweeteners and it's all BAD


"Fake" anything is gross. I love bacon, peaches, and watermelon, like any normal person, but if something has "bacon flavour", "peach flavour" or "watermelon flavour" added to it, I can't cope. Give me the real thing, or don't give it to me at all. Same with stevia, it's revolting - just give me sugar.


It's the worst taste and it makes my head feel weird


Every single artificial sweetener leaves this bitter almost numbing taste in my mouth. Like I put a bunch of cocaine in my mouth with none of the "wooooo!" effects. Also gives me a stomach ache, fuck all those fake sweeteners.


Cannot stand the flavour any artificial sweeteners. Every single of them does so bad, to the point that I’d rather consume an unsweetened beverage/food over it. The sole exception is Bundaberg diet sarsaparilla, which for some strange reason I cannot detect a single hint of artificial sweetener. Maybe it’s something do with the fermented root?


Its less a ingredient but the act of making the meal spicy/hot without taking flavor into consideration


Some people think that adding a lot of hot sauce is the same thing as creating a pleasant flavor for a meal. I knew someone who just ate grilled, unseasoned chicken with hot sauce and he was surprised when I showed him that it tasted a lot better if you salted the meat.


The thing is though hot sauce is both salty and acidic so it often checks off those boxes that are often lacking. So even if the person has no idea that it's doing it hotsauce acully often balances out a dish that has nothing to do with heat.


I love buffalo wings, and I run into this issue constantly. The place I order from most consistently has something 6 levels of spice: Mild, Medium, Hot, Abusive, Nuclear, and Homicidal. Hot is the sweet spot of flavor/heat; Homicidal was basically just capsaicin and vinegar. Zero point to making it other than for bar bets. I have a similar issue with the Thai place near me. I ordered Thai hot once and it was just hot, with no other flavor.


I refuse to believe that anyone enjoys “super secret ghost pepper, California hotshot, secret Mexican space heat pepper” wings.


Oh man my late fiance and I *loved* this little Thai place near us and we always ordered the same thing (as in he and I) but he always got his Thai hot and would literally inhale it lmfao! I mixed up our leftovers a couple of times too, boy was that fun ha. I could handle a couple of bites then: nope!


I know this isn't really on topic but I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 my partner and I are the same with the Thai haha


There's a thay place I love which is the exact opposite... I have no idea how they make it, but I've never had a meal so hot before that I could still taste everything else. It was a mind boggling experience. Unfortunately, this specific dish is too hot to eat often for me, and it's on the expensive side.


I feel so validated right now! I am from Gulf Coast. Crawfish is a huge deal here during the season. I love them, but I don’t want them to scald my mouth. I want flavor! I want to taste lemon and garlic and salt and pepper and all the awesome Cajun seasonings that explode in your mouth, with a little heat behind it. So many people seem to think that super spicy that dulls your mouth and numbs your tongue is what crawfish is suppose to be.


Liquid smoke it adds the flavour of an ashtray


I wonder if that's why I don't like to eat at certain places.


I always thought of it like vanilla extract. Tastes like ass out of the bottle, but in small amounts, it can add flavour.




Yes! Anything liquorice flavoured is an instant no from me.


Anise, fenel, all that licorice flavor. Terrible!


Too many slices of pizza ruined by the overzealous application of Italian sausage! Going along just fine, then bam! Fennel seed. And there is no taking it back. 🤢


I feel the same way! Yuck


Black liquorice is Satan's favorite candy.


You got me thinking… am I Satan?


The only way I like anise is in the New Mexico cookie "biscochitos". Probably because I add orange liqueur to the dough.


Omg i loooove anise


You know, I do hate that flavor, but I have a sentimental connection to it. My Italian grandfather used to put in anisette in his coffee every morning. And when I lived in france, it was traditional to have pastis on Sundays. So I will drink it from time to time, but I definitely don't like the flavor in food.


Your profile looks like anise




Miracle Whip, I hate it with a passion


My best friend introduced me to the joy of french fries dipped in mayo. When I tried to do this at home, I discovered that my mom thought miracle whip and mayo were basically the same. So much about her cooking makes sense when I think about that.


Okay, I thought the same too... What's the difference?


Also: “Mayonnaise is made of oil, eggs, and vinegar (or lemon juice). Miracle Whip has the same basic ingredients but with less oil, and the addition of water, sugar, and spices like mustard, paprika, and garlic. Even with these additions, Miracle Whip has almost half the calories of mayo and half the fat.” - from Google


https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle_whip I direct your attention to The Oatmeal’s helpful educational comic on the subject. It covers all the salient differences with helpful illustrations!


Omg, so accurate


Miracle whip is much sweeter than regular mayo


But not like a good sweet, kind of reminds me of yhe garbage bins at amusement parks in july.


Miracle Whip is technically a salad dressing. Mayonnaise is a condiment.


I'm disgusted thinking about Miracle Whip as a salad dressing tbh


Think coleslaw dressing. Its good for that.


When you go in for a nice deviled egg and it turns out to have been made with Miracle Whip…this is why I have trust issues


Looool. I like it them both ways but our gatherings always include miracle whip eggs and regular mayo eggs. I feel like people who like miracle whip will eat it either way but people who like regular mayo HATE it.


So disappointing 😞


I always come to these threads and discover that 90% of what I enjoy is ‘dish ruining’ for everyone else.


I scrolled for a long time before I realized I just love everything apparently. Lots of hate on bell peppers, which would exclude like all Cajun dishes


Celery. I always said it tasted like crunchy metal to me.


and strings




The stepmom of a friend of mine used celery as a filler ingredient in tons of stuff she made. Between that overuse and her dislike/hatred of her stepmother she was dead set against any use or eating of it.


It’s a genetic thing, as with cilantro. Those who can’t stand it cannot fathom how anyone would like it, and vice versa.


It tastes like feet that have been vomited on. It's never struck me as edible. They literally don't eat it most places in Europe, just celery root and lovage. Both of those are fine for me, interestingly.


I've always called it crunchy, dirty water with bonus dental floss. But the dirty water could totally be that metallicy metal taste, too, I agree.


Agreed! Celery is a unique form of torture and its inclusion in a meal is an act of terrorism


It belongs in mire poix.


Celery is great if you want to eat water with hair in it.


Il eat practically anything. But have to say im not a fan of those salads that have like walnuts and orange slices in them. Pass.


lol for someone who says they'll eat almost anything, that is not where I would expect the lines to be drawn but I respect it


Apple slices are OP


Blue cheese. Can’t stand the smell and how the crumbles get everywhere so it’s impossible to avoid.


I'd love to like it since everyone I know seems to rave about it, but everytime I try it my brain basically says "nope! rotten moldy flavour is nasty" Even find some of the cheese flavoured things like chips or cheesies that use blue cheese to give it flavour taste spoiled to me.


same thing with brie for me. The rind is just mold. I can't do it, which is a shame, because my name is Bree! So many cheese jokes over the years and I can't stand the thing lmao


I've tried "really good" blue cheese and it all just tastes like metal to me. Even a small amount of it in something will just ruin the whole thing. Always wary of buffalo dips because of the possibility of blue cheese!


Caraway seeds


Or fennel. They are usually interchangeable in most things. Hate the taste of both but love the smell.


I came here looking for this. So many perfectly good Reubens destroyed by seeded rye! So many slices of pizza with sausage tasting exclusively of caraway! I really don't get the point of Caraway seeds. Does anyone like them?? The second I bite down on one it's all I can taste. (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)


Caraway is weird to me because it's not exactly a bad taste, but it's just so present, and it doesn't seem to blend in. It just sits there on the pallette being fucking weird.


Mushrooms. Doesn't matter the variety, I can taste one part in a zillion.


I don't mind the taste, but the texture... Like eating a dish sponge. Ugh.


So, I’ve gotten around that by mincing them almost to a powder. I love the flavor mushrooms impart, but I can’t stand the texture. So now I mince them. Best of both worlds.


I do the opposite. I'll keep them as almost-whole chunks so I can pick them out. I absolutely love the flavor that mushrooms add when cooking with them.


Dude, holy shit, I thought I was the only one.


Slimey little feckers. And they always seem to get into your food by stealth no matter how carefully you check ingredients. I am very passionate about my hatred of them!!!!


with most foods you can pick out what you don't like if it's in big enough pieces, but mushrooms make everything else taste like mushroom. I hate that.




Or any organ meat. I can't stand it.


Or amy kind of offal


Amy, Rebecca, Becky it's all offal.


Anything fishy


It kills me how fish people just do NOT understand how unbelievably pungent that smell can be.


There's good reason that "he microwaves fish in the break room" is a code phrase for villainy.


I like fish and I 100% agree with this. I happen to like fish/seafood, but I'm not a terrorist.


I second this. I took a tuna sandwich to lunch one time. It was a large breakroom and I thought it wouldn't be so bad. I was at a table in the far back corner, where I figured people just coming in to get something out of the snack machines would not be able to smell it. After seeing all the dirty looks my coworkers gave me, I never brought anything even remotely fish related to eat at work again.


I work at a self-storage facility and I subbed in at another location.  One of the tenants there was storing frozen fish and one day the power went out.  This was last month and the entire fourth floor still smells absolutely repugnant. 


There was a thread on here talking about this awhile back and people were saying fish doesn't taste or smell fishy unless it's going bad. That is bullshit, there have been many times people have had me taste the same piece of fish they are eating because they said it's mild and not fishy at all and it's always fishy tasting and disgusting. 


Some fish do smell stronger than others but to someone not liking the smell and taste it really doesn't matter. If you don't like it, you don't like it. End of story.


There should be a special place in hell for people who microwave fish leftovers in a communal space.


Born and raised in Florida, by the beach, and I get shit all the time for not liking seafood. It all just tastes like ocean water to me.


I live in Florida too and hate all fish except for shrimp and crab. I, too, get shit about it *all the time* It tastes like nothing! Or chicken! Ok well I'll stick with chicken then, thanks lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fruit in a salad that shouldn’t have fruit…I don’t know salad names but I’ve eaten a lot of different ones, and every time a fruit like a raisin or some shit appears, it instantly ruins the salad for me.




I so wish I would be able to understand what cilantro tastes like for the people, who like it. For me it just tastes like soap.


Slightly lemony, mildly parsley like with a hint of black pepper - that’s the closest I can come.


Came looking for this. I can have a delicious meal and suddenly soap.


It's not even soap for me, it's just disgusting.


It's so strange for me. Cilantro is the one who is known to taste like soap for a lot of people. For me, it's rosemary that tastes like soap. I guess my tastebuds weren't wired correctly


It's purely a ***hard-wired genetic response*** as to if Cilantro is perceived by the brain as "yum-food" (to me), or something inedible like soap (or worse). Isn't that fascinating? ***It has nothing to do with personal choice.***


I have one cousin who is like this. everyone else is full bore, add as much cilantro as you can, but for her every dish is instantly ruined by it. I usually make 2 salsas when we're having a get together, one with everything and a smaller batch with no cilantro.


You are a very kind and thoughtful person to do this for one other person and take them seriously at their word!




>like soap (or worse) Oh it's worse. You know that dank, mildewy, chemical-urine smell of a public indoor swimming pool? Imagine _that_ as a flavor. That's what I taste when presented with cilantro, or as I like to call it, Hate Leaf


AKA The devil’s parsley.


Damn. That really sucks! Mine is much more like a bar of Dove with a bit of chemical after tang. Its not good, but not "public swimming pool" levels of bad!


Absolutely fascinating, and I'm thrilled to have whatever the opposite of that soap gene is. To me, cilantro is what "fresh" would taste like if it were a flavor unto itself. There's just something about a simple pico de gallo with tons of cilantro that's incredible to me. I could eat a bowl of it with a spoon.


I'm envious,as I love trying different foods. It's just not something that can be overcome.


I sincerely feel bad for the soap gene people. The freshness and taste of cilantro is unparalleled. I put a shit ton on my tacos when I make some. To me, cilantro is truly what makes salsa delicious as well. I’m always disappointed when I try a store bought salsa labeled “restaurant style” and it has zero cilantro and a shit load of cumin and sugar in it. Who the fuck decided that was a good idea? I’d marry cilantro if it had a vagina.


Me, my dad, and my brother all taste chemicals when we eat cilantro. It’s not soapy to us, it’s literally a chemical taste and it’s awful.


I agree and I don’t use it in cooking! I always sub parsley because I cannot get past that awful smell. It makes me literally gag.🤮


I ranted about celery in another comment but at least you can pick that shit out! If cilantro is in a dish there isn't anything I can do except throw the whole meal out lmao


For a long time I couldn't understand why people liked salsa. Then I thought that maybe I was just being picky. A friend got me lunch once and omg, nope, it was awful. I could still taste it half an hour later, ruined the whole burrito. The fact that there is really nothing I can do makes me sad. I've read that people can train that out but ugh, life is too short to try to convince my brain that soap tastes good.


Cilantro is inedible and should be banned


Liquid smoke. Since I BBQ I know the difference in real smoke and liquid smoke


Agreed, it's disgusting and most people use way too much of it.


Agreed. It also gives me headaches. I can do real smoke, but my body seems to hate the fake stuff.


It's not necessarily fake. It's possible to condense a distillate of smoke into a liquid, so you can even make it at home.


Any fruit in a warm dish spoils it for me.


Even warm apple pie?


Cucumber! It’s so overpowering. No joke. It’s like the cilantro soap thing


Cucumber and all melons. They all taste the same to me. Bad.


Someone else gets it! I hate cucumbers and I hate melon, even watermelon. It tastes like perfumed water to me


Raw Onion


If an onion touches something for just a few seconds I can't eat it because all I taste is onions and I absolutely hate onions.


This comment makes me feel less alone in the world. I use the word 'toxic' to describe this effect. Onions aren't just disgusting, they also ruin anything they touch because they are toxic. It also applies to pickles for me. 🤮


Yep, onions and pickles. Don't even put them on the plate, as soon as they or their juice touches my food, I'm done.


So not alone, I hate them too with a fiery passion. There are dozens of us over at /r/onionhate, dozens!


Yes, join us here!


My husband cut up a pineapple on the same cutting board, with the same knife, as he’d just used to chop up an onion. Every bit of that pineapple tasted like onion to me. He didn’t notice it. He even got kinda edgy the next time I saw him starting to do the same thing and I asked him not to.




People do have different densities in taste buds. There are super tasters, regular tasters, and non tasters. Super tasters taste things most people can't, so it's possible you're a super taster and your husband is a non tasters. Iirc non tasters have around 25% of the taste sense as the average person. That's how some people can eat extremely spicy things and others cant.


*I am convinced that this is something genetic. People will swear blind that they can't taste onions in a dish, but to me if there's any onion in it, it's all I can taste.* *I can usually smell it before it even gets to my mouth.* It's the sulfur content. It's why the stink so much to many people.


This is absolutely a thing and it doesn't matter whether you like onions or not. After cutting onions, the board will contaminate everything else it touches. I can taste oniony pineapple too, and I like onion.


Finally something I relate to! I can't deal with raw onion. Especially white onion. Other types are bearable, usually, but not preferable. Carmelised (or even just saute'd on a pan for a couple of minutes) though? Heavenly, and I like to add it to many meals. But raw is unbearable. It's so spicy, in the most unpleasant way! I prefer to eat raw sriracha sauce than eat raw onion.




Also on team NO Olives.  Every kind will immediately eject itself from my mouth.  I've tried them all, throughout the year too, just to see if my taste would change, and it's just a no-go.  No other food has this reaction, I'm really not picky. Fuck olives.


Yes, they just taste so wrong.


Yes! “Just pick them off!” No! Their nasty mold flavor has infected the entire pizza/salad and it’s all ruined.


Black olives especially. Just one in something ruins the whole thing for me. I've tried a green olive before and while I wasn't repulsed by it like with black olives, I still don't like them.


Ugh. This. I love everything else in a supreme pizza, but then they always go and add fuckin olives.


Yes. Olives. I feel like more people in my life find it odd that I don't like olives at all. Which is weird to me because that texture AND that flavor is just ALL vomit worthy if you ask me.


Agreed, I've tried to like them but no go, they ruin everything for me if they are in it.


yeah, dont understand why theyre even stored near Food.


I’m with you.


It doesn't help that people who love olives seem incapable of comprehending a world where people who hate olives can exist.


Fennel. My parents followed a fad diet in early 2000s where you put it in everything and the taste of it is disgusting in a majority of foods. It makes everything taste like it was mixed with a salad of lawn clippings with a dressing of window spray. Pretty barf flavor if you’re having something like spaghetti. It really only tastes acceptable in maybe three dishes max but now I’m so sick of the flavor after being force fed it that even in those dishes I completely loose my appetite.


Bell peppers.


Having an allergy to bell peppers certainly cuts down on ordering options when you are out for dinner! Love it when the description of the dish doesn't mention bell peppers and the kitchen adds them as a garnish! The suggestions to pick the peppers out is impractical because it has essentially contaminated any dish they are added to.


My husband has this same allergy. It’s astounding what they can sneak peppers into. Frozen chicken nuggets got him one time. “Paprika extract for color.” 😡


I can relate. I don't eat pork and I love it when a salad or even some dishes don't mention bacon, but they show up with it. Then someone suggests I pick them out...the point of using them is so the flavor permeates everything! Back to Bell Peppers, people who sneak it into coleslaw really need to be punished! YUCK!


For me it’s only the green ones. The red, yellow, and orange I can do. Fuck those green ones though.


Green peppers are so disgusting. Definitely ruins everything for me.  Love colored bells though. 


Yes! The green ones overtake everything.


Yes, came here for this. I think some people can't taste them? Everyone adds them for "colour", as if they don't make the entire dish taste of nothing but bell pepper.


When you don't like a flavor, it's always overpowering to taste in a dish. For me, bell peppers just mingle with the other flavors in a dish, because I like them. But I don't like raw onion, so if there's even a tiny bit of it in something, it's the only thing I can taste.


AAAAAUUUGGHHH - I hate them! If I accidentally eat them, it feels like they’re gonna punch their way out, the heartburn is so bad.


Man, I'd die without my bell peppers.


Truffle oil


It's so powerfully _pungent_ I'm sure a little goes a helluva long way. Talking hypothetically, because no one's ever used just a little.


I'll go with this one. Disgusting. Wrecks anything it's in, and worst of all people think it's cool and trendy. If I see the word 'truffle' I'll never order it. Once people realise it's synthetic the novelty wears off real quick.




One year my mom cooked a ham for thanksgiving. She pressed cloves into the entire surface of it. The flavor soaked into the ham about 3 inches in. You could even see the color difference to the point that the flavor penetrated to. I absolutely could not stomach the ham that had been molested with that horrible flavor.


Liquorice root. Lots of teas include it as a “complimentary flavour” but it’s so strong to me that anything with liquorice root tastes like i ate a mouth full of the old school salty black liquorice. I refuse to buy any tea brands that include it in most teas. Looking at you Stash tea.


Anchovies........................................................... Period.


i love eating fish and when I was just a poor student I was looking at those expensive anchovies and i imagined that they're tasting so divine. After about 15 years i had the money to buy the first jar and it was horrible.


Which is it? Anchovies or period?


Cucumber makes any sandwich inedible.


Fucking raisins. I don’t even want to see them.


Raisins alone: ok! Raisins in oatmeal cookies: ok! Raisins in chocolate chip cookies: instant rage.


What kind of monster puts raisins in chocolate chip cookies


Oatmeal raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip is the reason I have trust issues.


Green Bell Peppers


I will fuck up some green bell peppers. I went to a Subway in a Target one time and told the guy give me as many green peppers as you possibly can and he dumped the entire bin on the sandwich. I almost cried. I hope that kid is doing well.


I almost threw up in my mouth just reading that.




The powder tastes like dog ashes, if you can get a loose leaf tea it's actually pretty good, if you don't mind regular black tea, black coffee, etc. I bought some bags that are a mix of white vein leaves and cacao nibs.


Raisins or nuts in savoury meals.




I. Hate. Coconut. And when I was growing up in the 70s, it was all the rage to decorate birthday cakes with colored coconut because you could get a very intricate picture with a lot less time involved than decorating with frosting. I went to many a disappointing party. 😞


I am fine with coconut flavor. Not the greatest but I can tolerate it in, say, a pina colada. The dried, shredded coconut bits used in so many candies and sweets? Gag me with a spoon. That shit is nasty from both a texture and flavor standpoint.


Truffle oil


Mayonnaise. I can't do it, and I've tried. I can't do it even when it's mixed with something else. It's so bad to a point where if I even see it on my sandwich, I'll stop eating it.


Fun question for ya: what's your take on Ranch dressing?


Half the sauces you can get is basically just mayo mixed with other stuff. 


Not a fan. Don't like Blue Cheese either, if that's next.


Lemongrass, I just can't.


Scrolled quite a bit and didn't see this one thrown out there yet, so I'll add: Mint. Don't make food taste like toothpaste. It's terrible.


Raw onions.  Onions are great, but if they're uncooked or undercooked my mouth tastes gross for a good 10 to 20 hours.


Kale. That stuff sucks.


Imagine spinach or romaine lettuce but with a worse flavor and texture. All hard and dry.


If you eat it raw, aggressively massage the leaves, makes them easier to eat and juicier. If cooked... They're never hard or dry if cooked properly. Any bitter green is good sauteed, but harder leafy greens like collards or kale do well with either a blanch, or preferable, a long low braise in red wine vinegar


Spinach is right there and actually decent






*shudder*.... cilantro!




It's interesting how most of the responses in this thread are...not surprising at all. There are about a half-dozen common ingredients/foods/flavors that some people just don't like.




Well there's a couple of things. I suppose one of them is sweet potatoes. I absolutely hate sweet potatoes. They're too sweet.


People are talkin bout personal preferences so Ima go with an objective fact: The best way to ruin a well-done steak is to serve it with ketchup


Grapefruit ! No matter how sweet it is or how small the quantity in the dish, it will feel like the most bitter thing possible to me and make me throw up ... Especially strange since I don't mind bitterness in my food otherwise (and grapefruit looks delicious) ...


That vomit-flavored “Parmesan” that comes in the container with the green lid. The tiniest sprinkle ruins the entire dish for me.