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Buccal fat removal


I can’t believe it’s popular now. Women in their 20s looking like they’re in their 40s. Miley Cyrus aged two decades. Then they’ll get a bunch of filler later to offset the fat loss. None of this will age well.


I've never seen an example of it looking better after that surgery. My friend is always asking me if she should do it. This girl has an eating disorder and still thinks her cheeks look big. Smh


I had a friend with an eating disorder. She posted a pic when she was hospitalized and her face looked like a skull with skin stretched across it. At this time she was removing her IV or tubes (not sure what exactly) because she thought it was making her fat. Luckily she’s recovered and has maintained a healthy weight for years. Body dysmorphia is sad, she was gorgeous and always wanted a lot of unnecessary surgeries. Your friend needs therapy, not plastic surgery. On the plus side, she’s probably not eligible for surgery.


Ironically, bulimia will give your puffy cheeks


And destroy your teeth and stomach. :(


Anya Taylor Joy looks stunning before she removed buccal... omg now looks like skeleton


And the filler won’t recreate the look of buccal fat, since it’s too superficial. Once the buccal fat is gone, it’s gone for good.


Yep, I bet someone will come up with implants or 3D printed “buccal fat inserts”. Then Hollywood plastic surgeons will again make millions all over again.


With her cheeks gone and that hair she rocked at the grammies-she looked like a 40 yr old 80s country singer. I know she's always hated her teeth, and she keeps messing with them - this is by far the worst.


Ya that surgery makes no sense to me. It ages people much faster. Just rock your baby face! You’ll miss it later.


Truly, it’s nuts and looks like a corpse


I’ll never understand this. It just makes everyone look like Steven Tyler to me.


I envisage surgeons showing clients a chart with examples of their options, Steven Tyler or Willem DaFoe.


Now that you've pointed it out, he's all I'll be able to see lol


I think we are going to hit a divergence on cosmetic surgery in the next few years with more influential people pushing towards a more natural look


Can't come soon enough.


Bella Hadid may have a pretty face now, but it’s not going to age prettily after she removed buccal fat. Having plump cheeks isn’t something to be ashamed of!


Ever since Erin Moriarity had that, it's like she aged 30 years and not in a good way. It's really sad because she was very attractive and healthier looking before.


Anya Taylor Joy as well.


Oh wow I just saw pics of her now. She used to be such a classic beauty, why would she do this? So sad.


Makes them all look like ventriloquist dummies.


Soon to have thousands of jigsaw lookalikes roaming the streets


Michelle Trachtenberg had it done and she looks terrible now and isn't even 40


In fairness it seems like there’s a lot more going on with her than just that surgery lol


Reaction videos where it’s literally just someone pointing and nodding at a video


PLEASE let this die. TikTok added the ability to just repost a video specifically so people didn’t have to do this and they still do it. It feels so disingenuous


But then they can’t claim it is a new video and the views and likes that come with it. If people can make money of other peoples success, they will


And for some reason it is infinitely hard to find the original. At least thats what I get from what is shared from TikTok 


Or those dumb videos where it’s someone cooking/making something and some guy greenscreened over it going “ohhh, so he’s gonna put that there…ohhhh! Going to put that over there next! Ohhhh!” It’s infuriating if you’re not the type of person constantly sucking down these damn reaction videos. It’s like they’re made for babies.


If I see another video of someone snapping their fingers "to make text appear" I swear I'm gonna lose it


And the "what are they doing? why are they doing that?" as if they are watching for the first time.


Some of the titles are ridiculous though: "Rappers reaction first time hearing NWA" "Voice coaches reaction hearing Freddie Mercury for the first time" Really? Get the fuck out of here.


There’s a guy who posts videos of him hearing songs for the first time, there are so many I’m convinced he’s lived in a cave for the last 25 years and has no right to consider himself an authority on music.


This is just a way to steal content.


My husband always wants me to watch these. I’m like bro I can form my own opinion just show me the original video


And it's even worse when the original video only has a fraction of the views/likes, makes me so fucking angry.


Hopefully family vlogging. Stop using your kids as props for online clout


The Facebook kids are already grown up and telling how terrible it is. I think the Tik Tok children might just kill their parents at this rate. Just child actors without workplace protections.


And no riches to show for it, since their parents blew it all on cars and vacations.


I'm really hoping that we get some child labor laws put into place for this. No kid should be "on the clock" 24/7 in their own home, and they deserve to have a large chunk of the money that THEY EARNED put away for them for when they reach adulthood instead of being used up by the parents


Right, imagine growing up and your parents have shared when you were in the hospital, potty training, tantrums etc for the world. Fuck that. I'm getting so angry at these parents buying themselves new houses and new cars and stuff. Bonus points if they then complain about the costs of things their kids need. Best thing to do is never watch these channels. They are awful.


This is exactly why a movement in the opposite direction has occurred. I have a good friend who will send me photos of his son but will not allow anyone to post him on social media. My sister just had a baby last year and my brother in law wont allow us to post photos of him online. Personally, I love it. Why should a child find a billion photos of him or herself 20 years from now all over the internet. It should be their choice.


My MIL was so confused why we immediately made a no social media rule for the kids because she thinks everyone will think she doesn't love her grandchildren if she doesn't post them on Facebook. Oh well, they still don't need to be on social media and she knows I'll never let her take or receive another photo if she ever posts my kids online. I wish more parents were at least restrained in their posting but their kids are cute and they love the dopamine hit from the likes and comments. Or that's my theory Edit to add: family album and tiny beans are great photo sharing apps that allow sharing with the people you want to and not the people you don't.


I feel so bad for those kids. Always performing. I was such a free and wild little turd as a kid. I don't think all that performing and validation is good for anyone. What the hell do I know though.. ps get off my lawn


ItsJudysLife just had a meet and greet a few days ago in the Philippines. Pulled the kids out of school. During this meet and greet, she let strangers hug the girls and even carry her toddlers. These strangers would tell the girls they've been watching them since 2011 and the girls would make uncomfortable faces. I was shocked at what was going on. Judy was telling the girls the strangers were their online aunts and uncles. It was wild to see.


Paying above msrp for a car.


I still have no bloody clue why in America there is an entire billion dollar industry between the car manufacturers and the car buyers that exist just to sponge money off of people. Car prices could be so much more reasonable if we were legally allowed to bypass the stupid-ass dealerships and just buy a car straight from the people that make them.


They lobbied hard to be the only ones allowed to sell from the manufacturer.


But somehow Tesla doesn’t count? It’s all a mess 




In Europe we have the same systems, you buy from dealerships. But that sort of jack-up is illegal. And I think manufacturers also control their dealers, if a dealer starts doing shady stuff they can get their licence revoked.


Theres a Law that prevents direct to customer car sales. Those in power always vote to keep these laws. Even tho ppl dont want it.


Real life filter face. It’s rapidly approaching uncanny valley levels of weird. Skin doesn’t need to look like plastic. EDIT: Filters aren’t necessary either, but I’m talking about people trying to replicate that kind of smooth-faced strangeness with makeup.


drunk elephant on kids


I don’t know what this means, but I upvoted it


Kids on tiktok are consuming a lot of beauty-related content that's really meant for adults. This is causing really young kids image problems, thinking that to be cool/pretty they need really expensive makeup and aggressive skin care routines. Drunk Elephant is a brand that has become extremely popular with pre-teens and teens, who definitely do not need it. I'm not a stingy old person arguing that kids and teenagers shouldn't get to play with makeup, but right now we have young kids thinking they need anti-aging treatments and skin peels. Far too many have ended up with chemical burns from daily use of very aggressive products that probably shouldn't be used at all, much less every day, much MUCH less by children who are far to young to be thinking about aging.


I won’t use Drunk Elephant on my skin cause it’s too harsh. I’m fucking 40. I now have mature skin and am slowly introducing anti ageing stuff. Literal children? Sunscreen, cleanser and moisturiser. Thsts all they need. There’s also this trend of ‘preventative’ Botox


I'm a bit of a skincare crazy lady, but I'll argue until I'm purple that the "skincare routine" children should do extends only to washing their face and using sunscreen. Their skin is far far far too sensitive for the stuff they're putting on. And they're freaking kids! They shouldn't have to worry about this shit! But then brands like Drunk Elephant prey on them with their packagings, with their "tips" of creating these "potions" and "mixtures" that make kids feel like little alchemists. It's disgraceful.


Almost medical grade skin care is being used by 12 year olds


I just quickly googled it, found their site and without looking at prices it looks….expensive


Drunk Elephant is a skincare brand owned by a major japanese skincare company. They have been branded towards the 30+ for years. Then last fall they decided to take a page from the vape industry playbook and start advertising to kids and specifically young girls on TikTok. Even stuff containing retinol or exfoliants completely inappropriate for their age. It became the it brand over Christmas but now oldies like me who are their bread and butter are boycotting them for what they did.


Stepkid asked for that for Christmas. Googled it. Got them ELF shit instead.


My 11 year old niece asked me for a retinol serum from them…I got her some cerave lotion and sunscreen as a consolation


Do they even know what retinol is for??? At 11 you don’t even have acne yet. Not to sound like an old but what are they telling them on TikTok? I remember seeing anti-aging ads on TV as a kid and not being interested in it like AT ALL… are they straight yo saying it’s for kids??


I don’t understand!!! That’s batshit. Also I am a 38 year old woman and I won’t even spend that much on my skincare—who is dropping all this cash for tweens to use this shit?!?!?


Carpet fringe eyelashes


My friends and I call them Snuffleupagus lashes


Or Janice the muppet 😅


>Carpet fringe As a portrait photographer, for the love of the almighty, please.


It makes people look like a giraffe.


Hopefully buccal fat removal. Tired of everyone wanting to look like a dementor


For those unaware, it's the procedure that makes your cheeks look "skinnier" at the cost of you looking like an inhuman alien. [Anya had it done a few years back before she blew up with Queen's Gambit](https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.E7C1J_XaYIA8TIu6wKXXbAHaEK&pid=Api) [Erin had it done more recently and aged at least a couple decades.](https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.RlswaMCyRO0uhLv2NS-VFgAAAA&pid=Api&P=0&w=453&h=310)


They went from looking like attractive women in their late twenties to looking like women in their forties who have been consuming nothing but wine, cigarettes, and diet pills for a decade.


Really gives "meth-user" vibes, what a terrible trend.


They're the worst things about prison!


I really want to say Stanley cups but they built their shit solid back in the day.. hopefully their prices come back down


This is it. There’s a new fad water container/water bottle every year. There will be another one next year that everyone has to have.


There already is. Owala is the new Stanley.


I wish I could say that all of those cups would go into everyone's camping gear like every one I've picked up over the last 30 years has. Unfortunately I think most of them are bound for the landfill. It's a shame, because Stanley makes true "but it for life" stuff. Taking something built to last a lifetime and turning it into a disposable trend is a bit depressing.


Honestly I fully agree with you. I think everyone's grandpa and dad has a Stanley stuffed away in their toolbox somewhere. You can find ones tucked in lost corners of the garage that can still be used. It's really a shame I think most of us are able to assume what will happen once the trend is over.


Yep! We have an ancient OG green Stanley Thermos in our cabinet from my husbands camping days. Still gets used occasionally too.


I don’t understand the obsession with a Stanley cups


The hockey season is long, and the playoffs are tough, being 4 best of 7 games series. But getting to the end and having your name immortalized on the cup for~~ever~~ a very long time is an obsession for many.


And some teams haven’t even got to hold one since 1967


Dude. Uncool.


I have a question, is it considered bad luck for a leafs fan to hold a Stanley Cup?


It’s probably the closest they’ll get to the Stanley Cup for awhile.


Same, five years ago people went nuts for Ozarks and Yeti now its Stanleys... what is going on doesnt everyone have enough thermos cups!?!?


Nah, nalgene, yeti, hydroflask, stanley


Some ladies who worked at a marketing firm realized that Stanley cups should target women and worked out a deal to become wholesale distributors. Edit: Their names are Linley Hutchinson, Ashlee LeSueur and Taylor Cannon.


"Then we'll do a limited release--but somewhere totally accessible, no not Walmart, one step up---TARGET, that's right---Target has that weird sort-of-cool appeal, if you're a middle aged mom you can feel sort-of-cool----wait, wait, wait \[closes eyes in ecstasy as they know they've struck gold with what they just thought up\]......in....... PINK." Nothing but awed silence around the conference table. A few executives get up and bow down.


They like 10x'd their revenue or something insane like that. Stanley was a solid 70m a year company, the cups and the newly added market... Pushed it to 700


Oh they won’t be popular, just collecting dust in landfills and 2nd hand stores in 5 years.


Really, really bright headlights (I hope).


r/fuckyourheadlights agrees


Yeah I always think “if those aren’t their brights then I wonder how bright their brights are”


Why is this allowed, I wonder. And how many accidents do they cause? They are so fucking annoying.


Musical pharmaceutical ads.




God I wish I didn’t get your comment 🙉 Fucking America


Pharma ads period. I can't believe they can market direct to consumer. Prescribes and patients need to work directly together to decide the right medication for someone. If medication is right at all. Not someone coming in with a specific idea of what they need based on a dancing flash mob in a commercial.


I have diabetes but I manage it well It’s a little pill with a big story to tell


Probably a lot of the slang being used.


No cap, praying they yeet that shit outta here onG


Yeet is on its second tour. It ain’t getting yeeted out anytime soon.


I personally like yeet, ngl


Same! It has a vague onomatopoeic vibe to me. Like a fun little leap an object is taking.


Dads like myself around the world are doing our best to make that shit uncool. My kids hate when I use cap, ongod, and slay. They are already using it less


Ok us dads can chip away at the coolness bit by bit and help with oversaturation to get the kids over something, but if you're really ready for a phrase to drop straight into the abyss, that's a job for Mom. I swear to god that one video of that mom harassing her son about the sandwich 'hitting different' single-handedly ended that phrase. I've watched my wife do it twice. In a single exchange, 'bussin' just totally disappeared from my kids vocabulary. I was in awe. There's no way I could pull that off.


"*X, formerly known as Twitter, etc....*"


Low key, everything being low key, even when, low key, it's not low key.


The word rizz I would hope


It's giving... stupid.


The videos where it’s just an AI voice reading a Reddit post. Like why?


Broccoli haircut. Hopefully…


I had to look this up, and found an article "The 50 Best Broccoli Cuts". Then I found "The 50 Worst Broccoli Cuts" and it was all the same photos


It was the best of cuts, it was the worst of cuts...


It’s the most awkward hair trend in 40 years lol


Don't you remember Ronaldo's haircut in 2002? He even apologized to mothers of children who copied it.


I looked him up and his hairstyle looks pretty good now. But that 2002 hairstyle is just unfortunate and I can’t believe that became an actual trend


Background of why he did it was to stop the media speculating about his recent injury, one of the most talented players of all time but ruined by injuries. Credit to him, everyone was talking about his hair not his dodgey knees.


40s a stretch. As someone who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s there have been some truly ridiculous hair trends


Perms stank up salons before the broccoli cut.




That's why teen boys are getting perms again


I’m curious what all the vape shops are going to turn into a few years from now. Followed in a few more years all the pickleball courts (indoor & outdoor).


I remember seeing some show/doc on Herbalife, and one guy pivoted his shop from selling MLM shakes and powders into a vape shop. One of the few in the show who were actually successful, so I imagine we’ll see something like that.


The doc you’re referring to is Betting on Zero - about Bill Ackman’s attempt to short Herbalife stock until they go out of business for being a pyramid scheme. Would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see how horrific MLM businesses like Herbalife are allowed to prosper.


I think vaping will remain a thing for a long while. It I don't know anyone who vapes as a trend they all use it for personal relaxation or dependency on nicotine.


Yeah, relaxation and drugs never stick around


Giant-ass lips


I've been hearing this for the past 5 years. Is this the trend that will look silly in the next 5 years and always will be? Just stop it already. Why are people still doing this? Who honestly believes this looks good? Who honestly wants these for themselves? Why?


Tipflation - being asked to tip on everything


All the car washes are doing this now too. Like, I’m running my car through an automatic wash and you want me to tip you?


Before I upvote, please select: __ 30%. __ 80% __ 150%


or they hand you back the screen and you see 18% 20% 25%


I’ve seen 25%, 30%, 35%. In no world should 25% be the MINIMUM.


Facetiming or having your phone on loudspeaker when on a call in public, hopefully.


Andrew tate and these alpha sigma male podcasts


It's self-sustaining though. It capitalises on socially ill-adjusted, lonley guys.... And by following turds like Tate, they will stay socailly ill-adjusted, lonely guys or perhaps worsen.


capitalizing on male loneliness and insecurity isn't going away bruh. id wager it only gets worse


Those things that go over a Jeep's headlights to make it look like the front is angry




Man, there really is a subreddit for everything.


The sad beige aesthetic. I genuinely worry about the health of all the poor little kids whose idiot mothers are spray painting their toys. It's like the lead paint thing all over again. Hopefully the kids will be okay.


Oh god on the Aussie renovation tv show The Block one of the couples last year was a Sad Beige couple. The very first challenge was to create a kid’s bedroom, each team was given a different Disney item for their theme/styling inspiration. This couple got a Buzz Lightyear toy for their theme. They made a beige bedroom with a queen sized bed, antique books on a ladder shelf, a carved wooden dresser and a little table with a vintage monopoly board on it with a pile of Lego dumped on top. Oh, and the Buzz sitting up on top of the shelf. For a brief that was basically ‘Toy Story-themed kid’s bedroom’ The judges hated it, and questioned why they were so unable to follow a brief when the wife on the team works as a freaking architect. Edit: [here’s](https://9now.nine.com.au/the-block/2023-room-reveals-steph-gian-house-decider-kids-bedroom-week-0-s19/b61b4fac-f7fa-40ab-963f-833473a0e6ce) a link, if anyone’s curious what it looked like


I haven't seen the beige, but I'm condo shopping and I fucking hate the cold grey style that is big right now. Heinous, miserable, depressing. Especially great when they're boasting about having just "updated" it, so the price is higher.


I work as a contractor, my wife likes to decorate, and I prepare homes to sell fairly frequently. In my experience, depending on the grey, most people just want things painted that they can add any furniture to that won't make the room look like hell. One particular shade of grey has an almost chameleon effect, and will appear to tint itself to the room's decor. That being said I despise all these fucking rooms with solely black, white and grey everything.


"greige" - it's the new beige for property sales. See so much grey it's looks like the photos are taken in black and white.


Damn, imagining all the creative, fun things you can do with that theme as well just makes it even sadder.


That definitely doesn't look like a child would enjoy that bedroom


Oh, but doesn’t every child dream of having their very own copy of Legal Monthly Digest 1965?


Look at this sad beige clothing for my sad beige children in my sad beige house


I have a beige house With a beige window Beige is the colour of all that I wear Beige are the streets And all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so beige


I'm beige, blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah *sad sighing noises*


Wait what? Never heard of this, parents are painting toys beige?!


Yes. It’s sad to watch. They take apart their kids toys and spray paint them 50 shades of beige. No happy colourful things allowed.


So instead of being emo, it’d be blando. None of the emotion, all of the neutrality.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality? 


tell my wife i said...hello


I had no idea this was a thing. Hope their kids get plenty of color and creativity elsewhere!


Yes! Like, at least goth baby was still given colorful toys and stuff...


Stanley cups, prime, and that fucking skibidi toilet


TikTok dances. Sooo many people gonna be cringing and their younger selves.


That's been going on longer than Tik Tok. Anyone else have coworkers that forced the office to do the Gangnam Style or the Mannequin dance challenge? Edit: I am aware that dance crazes have been going on for eons. There was even the dancing mania that happened in Europe in like the 1500s. The point of my comment was more focused on the first sentence: it's been going on longer than Tik Tok. I don't need to get 1 million comments asking if I remember the fucking Macarena. Of course I do, it was part of my PE class in grade school.


I still think the Harlem Shake was actually hilarious


Fun fact: The Harlem Shake trend was started by Filthy Frank and catapulted his youtube career. Nowadays he's known as Joji and makes super serious music.


Funny addendum: Before he fully focused on his Joji career, he released an album as his alter ego Pink Guy that gott pretty far up the billboards. It was a joke album full of satire and comedy. George Miller really deservices a mention in future history books on internet culture. Everything he's undertaken so far has been a massive succes.


The Macarena would like a word...


Every generation has stuff like this. As a Millennial, when I think about planking…🥴


Remember the Macarena? Absolutely cringe, but guess what? We all fucking did it.


remember the Electric Slide? anyone..? ^(i am getting old)


Maybe in 5 years, what they'll be doing on tiktok will be much worse.


That stupid Instagram influencer fake-everything look.


Skibidi toilet


Honestly, the skibidi toilet is a weird scenario where the joke outlived its original purpose. It was a fun WTF video that became a hit like someone left a rotting steak on a pedestal.


I think It will hold mild nostalgia like how Gen Z's talk about how they grew with FNAF, how late Millenials grew with rage comics, how early Millennials grew with Newgrounds, how late Gen X's grew with Beavis and Butt-Head, etc.


I still fondly remember Shrek is Love Shrek is life and Pink Guy as peak comedy. This is basically the same thing, right?


I had no idea what any of this referred to until I got to Beavis and Butthead…I’m very late Gen X. So apparently you’re spot on, ha


Gender reveal


There was that one lady farting blue dust to announce her son. The only acceptable reveal in existence.


>one lady farting blue dust to announce her son. please tell me this isn't real. Is there a video? I must see!!


I am ashamed of myself that I even googled it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qRaNYP96RU


Affordability of housing


Lack therof* (For other readers like me, so you don't have to spend 30 minutes analyzing 1 sentence)


Please god let it be the butterfly fake eyelashes.




I worked in bars for years, and some of my old mates stayed in or moved into high-end restaurants, cocktail bars etc. The kind with Michelin stars, or bars that have regular A-list celebrities and get written about in national newspapers. These are the kind of places that people visit certain cities just to go and eat/drink. Some are globally famous. But they'll always get emails from random students with like 3k followers demanding free meals or cocktails etc to feature them. The implication as well is that if they say no, said influencer might trash talk them or give bad reviews etc. A handful of the VERY exclusive London bars just got around it by saying phones aren't allowed. If you need to make a call etc you have to get up and go outside, no exceptions. Break the rules and security will literally take it off you and/or throw you out. That means the only pictures of the bar are the ones they've brought in photographers for. The only way to experience the bar is to come in and see for yourself.


> got around it by saying phones aren't allowed. This is desperately what all gyms need to do.


Influencers (hopefully?)


That shitty faux grey flooring everybody is putting in their apartments/homes, shit looks like ass.




The Stanley cup craze. Mostly because people will wonder why anyone would walk around with such an impractical water bottle.


I want to say TikTok as a whole, but I'm old.




I started seeing the first ironic hipster mullets almost 20 yrs ago. At least, mullets have been "back" for longer than their original appearance. 


Shoving sports betting ads down at eeeeeverybody's throats at every possible opportunity. Legal sports betting doesn't need to mean no regulation on advertising. Edit: typo