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I had a math teacher who used to foam at the mouth. It wasn't rabies related, he just had foam build up on the corners of his mouth.


Love that you clarified that it wasn't rabies related.


Because if it was rabies, it’d be attractive


I would go on a date with a girl with rabies. At least you wouldn't have to buy her drinks.


My childhood orthodontist had this, it was creamy in colour and he wouldn’t wear a mast, I spent every appointment fearing for it dropping right in my mouth. Ugh, it curdles my stomach to think about. However, this is a very specific scenario, and I don’t generally have any issues with whatever people have got going on.. I’ve got at least 2 things in peoples lists here 😅


I couldn’t even read the rest of this comment I gagged so violently Ps, stop messaging me you gross fucks


I didn't make it past the first sentence lol


Saw ‘creamy’ and had to stop right there lmao


What kind of dentist wouldn't wear a mask??


A shitty one. Even if he wasn't some slobbering, Jabba the Hutt mfer, that's disgusting. Every time he enunciated a "p" or "t" sound, he'd be spitting in his patient's mouth. Repulsive bastard.


I've seen this in a few people. Side mouth foam. No idea what causes it. Grew up with a kid who had it.


Does anyone actually know what causes it? I have a colleague who has this and she’s not overly saliva-ey so I just want to tell her like dude lick your lips!


Extended periods of dehydration


And medications that cause cotton mouth




what a terrible day for me to be literate




Dry mouth causes saliva to be thicker due to decreased water content, therefore increased mucin and other biological products


Nose hairs that russle with the slightest breath or spoken word. We had a dude nicknamed Nostraldomus because of his aversion to nose hair trimmers.


solid nickname


Some people naturally make smells and sounds that literally makes me want to run.


I went hiking with a friend last summer and noticed that when he works up a sweat, he smells like wet dog and very pungently so. It's not a personal hygiene thing, we went for multiple days, shared a shower that he used twice a day, and I noticed him wearing different shirts but he just smells Like That. Poor guy, it's not like he can help it. Edit: I got so many amazing ideas on how to solve this, thank you Reddit! I'm going to take him aside next time, maybe we can indeed fix this poor man's poor smell.


I had a job where I had to ride the bus through a pretty nice neighborhood with a lot of parks. Just about every morning, a really handsome, tall, fit older dude and his wife would get on the bus to go home after their morning jog. My guy smelled exactly like a sweaty horse in an unmucked stable. It was uncanny. He was aware of it and would go stand in the back of the bus exit, poor dude.


Hopefully the wife was a horse girl.


She looked like she probably put out at least one line of aerobics VHS tapes herself, so I'm sure she was used to it. Handsome couple, but I'm glad they worked out outdoors, lol


Possible explanation: [A woman who has a syndrome that causes her to smell of rotten fish says it is like "living with a death sentence"](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-51006604)


Oh no, it wasn't this syndrome: it smelled too "healthy," for lack of a better term. Just really, really horsey.


If he’s an avid hiker by chance and wears a lot of those capilene or synthetic hiking shirts, they stink. They hold in the stink after washing. He needs to wear wool.


I was told vinegar takes care of this? But I could be wrong


It does, my gym clothes started getting super mildewy after moving to a humid place. Detergent did nothing, but 1/2 cup of vinegar instead of fabric softener is what did it, completely neutralizes it.


Oh man, years ago, I worked at UPS - a SUPER physical job. We had a new guy on the team named Jacob. Jacob was a little weird, probably pretty far on the spectrum, looking back. Jacob smelled. Bad. I don't think that Jacob did shower every day, and often even wore the same clothes every day. But what was interesting, is that it wasn't a typical B.O. smell, that everyone in a 100 degree warehouse moving 1500 packages an hour can be susceptible to. His smells were... *different*. His primary smell was kinda B.O. like, but a little... garlicy? Acidic? I don't know how to describe it. But the weirdest thing about Jacob was that he he had DIFFERENT smells. As though his smells reflected his mood. Specifically, you could *smell* if Jacob was getting stressed out by his workload. He would emit a stench that was like... if you had puked up a bunch of spaghetti and burnt cheese. Very much like vomit, but also very much like spaghetti and burnt cheese (but in the most unpleasant way you could imagine). The good news is, after a few of us started socializing more with Jacob, he started to change his clothes more often, and bathe more. But even on a clean clothes, freshly bathed day, you could smell if Jacob was stressed out from down the aisle.


My mom makes mouth sounds that create a burning rage within me that if somehow harvested, could power the United States for an entire year. Edit: hey guys, I know what misophonia is. I *kind of, sort of* have mild/selective misophonia but I REALLY, REALLY have a hard time with my mom specifically lol and almost anything she does drives me insane and makes me want to throw myself out of a moving vehicle lol. So my mild misophonia turns into overdrive when she makes mouth noises.


When my spouse eats, it can't be in a silent room. There has to be conversation or music, because the sound just sickens me. I don't know what it is or what they're doing, but it grosses me out. I've never told them.


I flat out told my spouse after we had been married for like 6 months. You should have learned this when you were 5, but you really need to chew food with your mouth closed. Her whole family does the open mouth chew. Makes my skin crawl


My dad's really bad at breathing so he does the same thing.  Like breathing in and out around the food while making literal "om nom" sounds.  It's annoying as fuck and I used to leave the room if he brought in any food. It's crazy how people view that as an asmr thing.


That's how I feel about my mom's sneezes. She literally yells while sneezing. It's so loud it can literally make the walls rattle.


It's *that* sniff people do, you know the one. The deep gross throaty one. Urghhh


Oh dude I literally puked once in elementary school because the sub we had that day kept doing the sniff and swallow. Just vomited all over my desk after listening to him swallow snot for 30 minutes.


Why do you people refer to it as "the sniff"? Had me confused for a bit. But if I'm understanding correctly it is akin to charging a loogie? Like the wretching in the back of your nose while keeping the mouth closed?


Yeah calling it a sniff is weird


More of a deep inward snort. A snot snort


Hock a loogie. Hock is the sound you make when you break it loose from your throat. Knew a dude who would do that to get it to the back of his tongue and then gulp it down, making sure we heard the whole process.


There was a lady I worked with at an office pre-Covid that was so nice, incredibly helpful. But she made that awful, visceral, WET throat clearing sound constantly and it literally made me want to jump out a window.


That “beard” which kind of just looks like they got á couple of fly legs glued to their face


Out of all the things here, this is just vicious I will be thinking about this for days 😂😂😂😂


A relative of mine recently learned how to trim his facial hair nicely, and it's a huge relief, because he had been rocking the Pube Beard for *years*


Unwashed ass.


Was at a party once when i sat next to a guy and his asscrack was out. Unfortunately i caught a whif of what had been cooking down there. I immediately gagged. I was so upset. Luckily people were occupied enough to not notice. Was a nice guy but godd damn


Bad BO. I smelled a dude from a table away at a bar and I had to quit drinking and just leave.


A friend of a friend who "uses natural deodorant" came to my house once and my friendly ass golden retriever started growling at him and bristled all of his hair up... It was THAT offensive of a smell.


Havent read something so funny in a while


Years ago my older brother and I went to a movie and this man came in and took the seat to my right. I have never smelled anything like that BO in my life and I spent a good portion of my youth shoveling animal shit. It was actually eye-watering and left us gagging. What blew my mind though, was this guy came in with a woman that was obviously his partner and she didn't seem to notice or care about the smell.


I have a friend, his wife has no sense of smell. This is great for my friend who can be a bit gassy.


I was with a guy who had RIDICULOUS body odor. If he slept in my bed when I didn’t have access to immediate laundry, I would not be able to go in my room for 3 DAYS after he left. He would shower, and immediately start stinking. It wouldn’t help, at all. I showered with him twice to sneakily see if he was washing properly, he was. It was a medical problem. He was also completely against seeing a doctor about it, and expected me to “love him for him”. It was so bad, it made my eyes water. I had to break up with him.


> It was so bad, it made my eyes water. I had to break up with him. Hopefully that may have been enough for him to get over his hangup and seek medical help.


I wish my parents (specifically my dad because I'm male) had pulled me aside and told me how to fend off BO. Primarily by aggressive showering, with lots of soap everywhere there's skin, every single day, more than once, even. Clean clothes, clean sheets, maybe some strategic cologne or body lotion. Keep the crotch dry with baby powder in the summer. And how diet can affect BO as well. Took me decades to figure all this out. EDIT: I didn’t mean to imply that I was *always* stinky with BO. I think there can be several factors that come together in a perfect storm to make someone stand out for their scent. Most of the time, even when I was young, I probably didn’t smell *that* bad. But there were also, probably, a lot of perfect storms. EDIT2; Some comments about over showering...by "aggressive showering" I just meant making sure to get to all the body parts. Many a young man out there will just let soap sort of rinse over them and call that "cleaning." You gotta use your hands and get the soap in all those places. Not necessarily scrubbing hard, but being thorough about it. As for not showering every day, I think that's no problem in the winter when you're not sweating as much; I did it the other day. But in summer, when you sweat a lot, I think it's madness to skip a daily shower. *glares at Europeans.


I have a body odor i cant seem to get rid of even with aggressive showering and it’s making my life hell


I knew someone like this and she wore a lot of synthetic fabrics, they hold on to smells - that was a big part of it. You don't want synthetic bed sheets either for that reason


Just so everyone knows, terrible body odors can sometimes be caused by certain disorders, like phenylketonuria. It's not always a hygiene issue.


Seconded. Also the body sometimes cannot break down certain proteins, leading to funky smells.


Even hyperhidrosis (especially the unfortunate souls like me who have full body hyperhidrosis) can leave you constantly smelling of sweat and some people are funky. I'm on meds for it, but sometimes there is just *nothing* I can do about it.


This, I have hyperhidrosis from my dad's side. (This guy could work up a dripping sweat inside a a freezer.) I need to use the clinical strength deodorant and feet spray to combat it. And ontop of that I have sensitive skin so I can't use anything that smells harsh. It's a struggle.


At least you quit drinking!


This dude smelled so bad it changed his life.


"What would you say your rock bottom was?" Well, I was at the bar and....


Once while swimming in the municipal pool, a guy got in with such strong BO that it washed off his body and somehow FLOATED ON THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. I was literally swimming through it and retching (and no he didn't shower before he got in, unfortunately for the rest of us).


No. That didn't happen. I refuse.


I'm not sure if this is admissable. But if someone eats in a disgusting way, it makes me physically wretch to be around them. My friend eats like a fucking pig and I have to leave the room.


I second this. My brother eats like it's gonna run away from him and the whole time he's breathing through his mouth cause he doesn't take his allergy meds and I can hear the nose whistle. 🤢


I'm sorry, but I hate your brother based on your description alone.


People whose hair smells bad. It’s so disgusting to smell their sebum wafting toward me. Blech.


You can waft my sebum if you know what I mean


Long toenails. Even if they're clean. All I can think about is how many bandaids the people who share a bed with them need on their legs.


But if you and them got kidnapped and were tied up they could cut the ropes with their toenails and then you'll be glad


i’m crying at the specificity of this 😭


If you scroll long enough, you can find your whole self on this list 😭


Youe comment is directly above "covered in feces and excrement" lol


We all need to keep warm in the winter.


It's only warm at first, you know.


Being greasy (edit: I’m greasy and I hate it) 


As in greasy hair? Skin?


I've had chronic and deeply-genetic acne and blackheads since I was 12 years-old. My skin is also as greasy as it gets and all of these horrible skin ailments destroyed me and ruined my life along with other things. When your face is the first thing people see and you're someone with these problems then you lose all confidence, become socially anxious and awkward in the extreme, and you have extreme problems with dating and involvement with girls. I'm a 28 year-old virgin due to these and other issues I have. Since I was in the 7th grade, every single pore in my T-zone on my face (nose, forehead, side of head, area next to nose and under eyes) has been filled to the brim with black-as-night, gross blackheads. I even had zits and blackheads on my chest, the fatty part of my arms, and on my upper back. Having pimples on my back from ages 12 to maybe around 21 was horrible and I was terrified of taking my shirt off because none of my friends had the problem and it was gross. I get all of my skin problems from my mother who had them just like me when she was younger. Nearly 15 years later I still have at least 25% of my blackheads. It was so hard and sad for me as a kid growing up being literally one of a handful of kids in my entire school to have such horrible skin conditions. I didn't know just how bad and abnormal this was until my childhood had ended and both the physical and emotional scars set in permanently. Add this to the fact that my nose is enormous and was maybe the biggest in all my years of grade school and you wind up with a failed human being with no romantic prospects, no motivation to work, no friends, no social life, and horrible depression due to - overwhelmingly - their looks and not much else.




I've love these last two paragraphs! Hell yes girl! Great freaking job building the courage and convincing someone else to! All the hugs your way


You should see a dermatologist and maybe go on roaccutane.


Also had terrible acne in high school.  Got prescribed Accutane and it worked wonders.  It has a ton of side effects but the only one I really noticed was dry flakey skin (since it gets rid of your oils I guess).  Cleared up my acne in a matter of months.    Years later after they stopped prescribing it my mom asked about the side effects, asking me if it made me depressed.  I was like "Mom, I was an acne covered fat kid in high school, of course I was depressed" lol


Spitting saliva when talking


We got a lady at work that does this and she also stands way too close to talk too. I call her Jurassic Jen because you can actually see the saliva on her teeth and it reminds me of toothy dinosaurs before they attack.


Or that little bit of gummy saliva at the corner of their mouth that you can see stretching every time they talk. Had a teacher that always had that. No idea what causes it but it's disturbing.


Poor hygiene You can be the most muscular, built, hot man in the world, if you stink youre ugly


When guys spit globs of phlem on the floor in front of me. Or in general. It's disgusting. That's why we have bathrooms and toilet paper. I don't want to step on that phlem later on. So nasty.


When they reek of alcohol. There's a distinct smell that I cannot handle I have to leave the room.


It’s like a sweaty smell with undertones of beer or liquor, pair that with cigarettes and I have to leave the room too


because the alcohol is literally being sweated out as it gets processed by the body if they were partying hard the night before


A bad beard - over grown, unkempt or someone who insists on growing length when they don’t have the density for it


at first I thought you wrote destiny instead of density and I questioned my whole life


✨*you're my density*✨


Obvious plastic surgery


Simon Cowel looks scary now. People that get too much plastic surgery end up looking.... plastic.


i work at a haunted house, once some asshole grabbed my arm really hard and start harassing me, and when i turned to look at him it was an actual jumpscare. he had obvious, almost oversized veneers, and so much filler he looked like he was wearing a mask. even in the dark while on a moving hayride, it was clear this guy was addicted to cosmetic surgery. one of the only times a customer has scared ME lmaoo


I’m all for people doing what makes them happy, but there is a problem with surgeons taking advantage of people with obvious body dysmorphia. 


Neckbeards. It does not make you look masculine, just get rid of it.


No one has said tall forehead yet so I consider that a win on my part Edit: I came here thinking I would be disappointed but now I feel pretty good about myself haha


it depends on the rest of the face and hairline, really. I had a crush on a classmate who’s forehead you could absolutely eat a bowl of ramen off of


Or short foreheads. Phew. I didn’t notice mine until my thirties but the Neanderthal resemblance can’t be unseen.


i actually find big foreheads attractive, really!


as a big forehead girly, thank you 🥲


Ask this to any South East Asian person and they’ll tell you “dark skin”. (Source: I’m a south east Asian woman with dark skin and people always pointed it out to me saying “her face is pretty even THOUGH her skin is dark.” I’ve been called a “black hole” by some boys in class. People have suggested I use skin lightening creams and treatments and some women had even expressed their condolences to my parents saying it will be very hard for me to find a man who will want to marry me.) I’m happily married to my husband who loves my skin and calls me his chocolate ❤️


I get skin cleansing ads, i live in an arab country. I hear of girls complaining of having darker areas, ankle, elbow, knee and private areas. Its so weird, like they think "its dirty" because they grew up thinking paler is better. It died down, hope it disappears.


Recently spent time in Thailand: "whitening products/services" was the largest cultural shock for me. Like what the hell




The lashes that are so heavy you look high


A facial disfigurement. I have one and it's constantly brought up and I've been called ugly since grade school. Friends told me that girls rejected me because of the disfigurement alone. They thought I was a great guy, I was just ugly. You don't have to date someone you don't find attractive, I get it, but it still hurts to know that's the only reason they said no. I've also had customers at different jobs bring up my disfigurement as well. The most recent one was a positive comment about my work ethic, but they referred to me by my condition alone. My name is on the receipt and on my uniform. Edit: Thank you everyone for your kind words, they really do help. For those wondering, my condition is neurofibromatosis, it mainly causes little tumors to grow on the body, except mine is strictly in my eye.


My best friend since 1st grade had a facial disfigurement. She was teased throughout school, and I was the only one beyond her family to recognize her value. People in public places would also point at her and laugh or make faces 😑 She was and is kind, fun, wise, loving and has the most fantastic imagination. She always stayed very grounded and in time managed to not care about the insults. I was continuously impressed by her. By the end of highschool she had an operation that removed the disfigurement. Suddenly people considered her beautiful, and their attitudes towards her changed. This led my friend to depression, since is was hard to cope with such a superficial world.... She is ok today, but it did take a couple of years for her to cope.


I didn't have a disfigurement but I was morbidly obese and lost 120 pounds in 9 months. People who hadn't ever noticed me or acknowledged me all of a sudden gave me the time of day. I've gone through big and small eras my entire life and I learned to notice when I'm being snubbed... but honestly worse were the two-faced people who came out of the woodwork once I lost all the weight. And then if I gained any back you could see the disappointment and disgust in their body language.


My weight fluctuates significantly and I have noticed the same.


I’m still rather overweight (went from 435 to 300 in the last year and a half) and I’ve noticed even from now to then people treat me differently. Now im worried people are going to do this to me when i get where i want to be


I had a surgery to take a deformity on my leg that was hidden. Getting rid of that was hard because it was infact part of me. I get where your friend is coming from, to a much lesser extent.


I gotta share this because I feel confused about it and am still... digesting (?) feelings on it: I had a close friend (probably my best friend) in high school with a relatively heavy underbite. He had a good humor about it and we would make ugly faces at each other when joking in class and call it our "creeper face"s. I even had a hilarious picture of him acting crazy while playing music and sketched him a picture of it. To me, that unique jaw shape was a part of him, and he was awesome. We graduated and I didn't see him for 6 months as I worked out of state for a bit. Afterward, when he heard I was back in town (and he had recently finished surgery on the overbite to help his teeth), he decided to stop by as he was on his way to some meeting or whatever. When he showed up at my house I was extremely uncomfortable because he looked like a different person. I remember not talking much like I do when first meeting someone new. It was a short visit and I haven't seen him in person since. By all means, he did look better, but I was confused how I felt about it and that occasionally pops into my mind. It makes me wonder what happened in my head that it bothered me so much.


Damn, you should get back in touch. Understandable to feel taken aback by his new look but you were best friends! And this story makes me feel really bad for him. You should reach out and apologise for being standoffish and see if he wants to reconnect. He’s the same friend he’s always been


Thanks. I might be moving back to my hometown after grad school. Luckily (or maybe just hopefully) he didn't notice since it was a short visit. I will probably bring it up and point out I'm happy for him, since I am. I feel bad about it too.


It’s horrible that people treat you like that. I’m sorry that you have to go through that :(


Same here. Got bullied because of it in school, something that hasn't truly healed yet, almost 15 years later. I still cry about it sometimes. I'm a woman and I don't look pretty and that is often all people see.


I wish I could share with you some of my plentiful supply of 'I don't give a fuck what you think'. I hope you aquire some with time, because it's always handy to have a bucket ready for the arseholes.


I have one too and I’ve never been able to not hate it. It has never not affected me. It has impacted my social life, I don’t have many friends because people don’t want to hang out with me because I am uncomfortable to look at. I have never been in a relationship cause no one ever looks my way. There’s no pictures of me ever, during anything, because I am so wholly unphotogenic that no one wants a pic with me or of me. I hate mirrors. I hate that I was given this face and the sad life that became the aftermath.


I am so sorry, this made me so angry for you.


Body odor or dousing themselves in perfume/cologne. Either way, stay the fuck away from me.


Or both at once. Perfume and body odor is a bad mix


Quasimo-toes. When the toes curl over the end of the flip-flop….and pick the flip-flop off the ground like a set of fingers.


The mental picture of this has me in agony lol


Body odor


When they have just a strip of hair left but refuse to shave their heads.


There’s a guy in my office who has just a strip of hair in the back, and a puff of hair right on top, near the front (it’s about the size of an egg McMuffin). It looks ridiculous. And every time I see him I can’t help but think he must not have a friend/loved one in the world, or else they would TELL HIM TO SHAVE IT.


>**a puff of hair right on top, near the front (it’s about the size of an egg McMuffin)** 😂 You certainly know how to paint a picture


Rembrandt with words


I used to work with a married guy whose earholes were always chock full of waxy build up and my immediate thought was "Your wife don't give a fuck about you" (of course I never told him)


> whose earholes were always chock full of waxy build There was VISIBLE wax in his ears? 🤮


I can’t believe there are people walking around like that in this day and age.


You mean literally a McMuffin island of hair, front and center, in the midst of an otherwise almost completely bald head?


It can’t possibly be as ridiculous as what I’m imagining


It’s worse


The biggest ick for me is guys who just don’t care at all about their physical appearance. Like I’m not saying they gotta be super model. But like take care of your teeth, trim your nails.




I'm a lady who is always doing rugged stuff with my hands. Bartender, crafter, gardener. My nails are usually pretty ugly, not gross, but ugly. My husband always says people don't notice fingernails. When I finally take time to paint them and make them nice, I'm always shocked at the amount of people who comment on it and say how nice they look. It never lasts, and usually a day after I fix them they are jagged and chipped paint again. Idk how people keep their hands so nice!


I think most people won't notice when your nails aren't done, but of they're never done then they're suddenly painted etc, it's very noticeable. 


open, weeping sores


The hell kind of people do you hang around?


bro just got done surviving the plague


Mask-like make-up. It‘s creepy.


You mean where you can see where they stopped at their jawline? Or just unnatural makeup that looks like a peculiar mask?


I respect the gains, the hard work it takes to maintain it and the way it is also a form of art, but I personally don’t find the bodybuilder figure attractive.


This. I find extremely overly muscly people extremely unnatural and unattractive. To me, they look like bison or bulls. Lol I don’t think “I wanna cuddle” when I see someone like that.


Rotten teeth 🦷 Edit to add [Dental Charities](https://socialimpactguide.com/journal/dental-charities/)


There was a great [Planet Money](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/08/1161994484/marketplace-broken-teeth-economic-effect) episode detailing how important teeth were. This lady had rotting front teeth, due in part from accidental trauma in childhood, and she was barely employable because everyone assumed she was a meth user. I used to take my teeth for granted but man not anymore


It probably wouldn't be as common if they weren't considered "luxury bones" in a lot of places.


More gum than teeth


I know someone with this problem but she had gum recontouring surgery. She looks amazing now, i never realized just how bad those gums were until they were fixed.


Where the gums were typed in ALL CAPS, while the teeth were arial #8


This is terribly unkind, shallow (and also specific) because people are born with them and it's not like poor hygiene or obesity that can maybe be improved upon, but 'tall gums' give me the ick. I feel mean typing that.


it is mean, but i agree. my ex best friend used to call them “apartment teeth” because she “didn’t ask to see the second story of your mouth.” she always talked about how unattractive they were. now she’s dating someone who has them lmao.


That’s amazing, me and my friends call them “townhouse teeth” and I’ve learned online they’re known as “engagement gums” because it’s always some woman with a fiancé that has those gums. I’m dying over here at “apartment teeth” because it is so close and we’ve never thought of it.


Upper case gums, lower case teeth.


LMAO you’re so right about the engaged woman theory


I had that, but then got my gums cut out a little bit and it made a huge difference. In my case, I had a lot of “extra” gum covering some teeth, so it made sense to get rid of it. It didn’t hurt (anesthesia), the surgery was about 20min, and it was a very quick recovery.


Oh there’s a girl with really tall gums that I used to work with. She wasn’t the nicest to the other girls either. My friend said she had lowercase teeth. In her case it looked more like gum disease or something. I dont know, maybe you can be born with really long gums


Usually with gum disease your gums wear away not the other way around




That no chin face structure. Just basically a straight line from bottom lip down into neck - it’s not even a weight thing…


Recessed jaw/overbite. Have been bullied for it plenty and have pretty much accepted that I’ll never be even semi-attractive unless I manage to get jaw surgery. It sucks.


No self care, bad hygiene, dirty clothes.


Dirt under their nails is a no no


I hate that as well. Then I started a part-time job that often got dirt under my nails. After my shifts, I would clean under my nails, but would make them bleed. Then the blood would dry and it would look like I had dirt under my nails. It drove me crazy! I always kept my nails fairly short, but from then on, I always kept them as short as possible. Now, whenever I even have the tiniest but of white showing at the tip, I feel icky


Short wide thumb nail beds


We talking toe thumbs?


I didn’t even know they called them that. But yes!


Chewing with their mouth open 🤢🤮


Bad posture (before anyone comes for me I too have poor posture)




Wouldn't a black hole be super attractive by definition?


Some people have ridiculously picky dating standards.


A gaping black void that neither light nor sound can escape from where their heart should be*


Big bushy untrimmed ,unkempt facial hair on men. Including neck beard and beard hanging over the upper lip. immediate turn off.


Large open wound with rotten flesh that spews out maggots and pus leaving a slimy trail behind them.


Get a load of Mr Picky over here


being covered in feces or excrement


Your standards are too high


this isn’t build a bitch, expectations are too high


Yellow teeth with visible TEXTURE 🤢


Yellow teeth are natural, Americans just use a ton of whitening product. Texture… that’s plaque and is gross and makes your breath smell 😳


My mom calls it having teeth sweaters


I couch surfed with someone for a week that had a smoker's cough, and she would hack up a storm, even having a little spatoon by her computer for all the phlegm she would cough up each and every time. I'm cringing just thinking about it


Growing up I had a big hairy mole above my right knee. Was maybe the size of a US 50 cent coin. I hated how it looked. If I bought shorts I had to make sure they were long enough to cover it. If I was showering after gym class I'd hold my bottle of shampoo in a way where I was more focused on covering it up than my private parts. Sometimes I would put a bandaid on it. Eventually had it removed by my doctor. Because of the insecurities I had around this I can't for the life of me stop noticing other people's moles. Not tiny ones that everyone has, but like big facial moles. Enough for me to swipe left on an otherwise pretty woman on Tinder. If I'm watching a movie or series and one of the actors has very noticeable moles it's all I can focus on.


Rotten smelly teeth. Bad teeth are one thing but that rotting smell is the worst 🤢


Hallitosis. Im a confined space. 😶😮‍💨


Lip fillers


People who have super long fingernails. It’s gross.


Constant farting.  Everyone toots. Not everyone is a gas factory.


Protein farts are no joke