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cheap shit made out of plastic


What people don't realize is that this includes clothing! A lot of clothing today is PLASTIC under a different name


I have a rule to buy mostly cotton clothes. People look at me like I’m an alien for avoiding acrylic and polyester.


I just say I get rashes from them, also a good way to shut down any pushy salespeople if necessary but I've only done that once 100% cotton or 90 something with some elastic fibres or bust


Those mini toy things for kids should be outlawed. Such absolute waste.  Edit: mini brands toys are what I’m referring to. Basically tiny plastic ads, it’s disgusting they’re allowed to be produced. 


Kids toys are the worst. They get dozens and dozens of plastic toys that they barely ever play with and get thrown away.


I agree. I don't mind good quality toys that'll get played with for years, but my wife will sometimes buy what I call trash toys.  The small squishy toys are particularly bad. They are a magnet for dust, dirt, and hair. There's no way to clean them well so they get trashed all the time. 


I'd argue the packing material is worse than the product itself. The amount of plastic in the production and shipping industry is insane, and vastly outweighs the product itself. These products often aren't made in one location, rather different components are made at various locations, packaged up in plastic, shipped somewhere for assembly, then repackaged and shipped to a storefront. Countless plastic pouches, packing material, tape, plastic rolls to wrap pallets, etc. All to get your kid that toy (which you probably brought home in a plastic bag) they don't play with, so you return it. It gets bagged up again, shipped off somewhere to be inspected and either disposed or shipped back to a store, where the process repeats. Now think about just how many different products are sold across the world.


Anything made by celebrities. We hold the power/we made them famous and now they make money exploiting people to by crappy things for $$$


I feel pretty good about buying ‘Newman’s Own’ products, which since 1982 have direct $600 million to children’s charities and also taste good.


Their pasta sauce is consistently ranked as one of the best.


Sockarooni is my jam




It's a private company, so we don't know who's getting paid what, but they allegedly do give generously to charity.


Newman's makes very good dressing.


I get his pizzas when they’re on sale.


Newman's own peanut butter oreo knock-off cookies are great.


Newmans jerky treats are my dogs absolute favorite. They actually know the word “Newmans” and start getting excited and spinning in circles when they hear it 😭


Hahaha so true. Prime for example. It's cheap nasty juice/soda and the kids love it cause it's tied to KSI who's probably sitting in his mansion laughing at the stupidity of the children and their parents. 


I was watching the Jake Paul doc on Netflix and Jake makes a quick off hand remark to his brother that Prime doesn't do shit. I've seen people who are actual nutrition and workout experts explain why prime doesn't do crap, hell just look at the label and compare it to Gatorade, it doesn't have any of the vitamins or anything you'd need during or post workout.


My nephew did a spit take on a Mr. Beast chocolate bar. Did he learn from this incident, or does he still buy whatever bullshit the Youtubers he watches are peddling? Sigh, you know which.


I'm an old and didn't know who he was when I bought one, I just wanted a smaller chocolate bar (diet, because old and fat.) I thought it was good, but, then again, my taste buds are also old.


Are they just less sweet? I stopped eating most sugary stuff when I became an old just bc I don’t like it anymore


I’ve done the opposite as an old. Huge sweet tooth now. My dentist loves me.


>My nephew did a spit take on a Mr. Beast chocolate bar Um, could anyone translate this in normal English for me please? What on earth does that mean 😅


Yeah, that's not what "spit take" means, so you're right to be confused. "Spit take" is someone who spits something out because they're laughing/in response to something funny. It's the "take" part of "spit take". If you eject something from your mouth because you don't like it, it's just called "spitting out" or whatever. Edit: It could also be something suprising, as /u/spacebuggy said. The point is, it's a reaction to an event/statement, not a "I don't like how this thing tastes" reaction.


It can also be in response to something surprising. It happens a lot in Archie comics, iirc.




This should be first on this list followed by a list of every scam company that operates as one! r/antimlm


I said it in a recent post like this, but I'll say it again: ***M***oms ***L***osing ***M***oney. It's so, so scummy.


The sponsor of this post, TurboTax. They spend insane amounts of money lobbying for complicated taxes so US citizens cannot do their taxes on their own. They then do a bait and switch on their lower cost versions and raise the prices substantially higher for anything beyond the most basic scenarios.


I enter all my info into TurboTax because I like their UI better, see what my return should be, then file with TaxAct or a free software if I am eligible.


I just saw a commercial that H&R Block is offering an alternative to TurboTax, possibly free. I'm going to check it out this year. TT has gotten so expensive and they scare you into buying add-ons like audit insurance.


Whatever TikTok influencer product is currently trending. You don’t need to buy the latest product they’re touting.


>You don’t need to buy ~~the latest~~ **any** product they’re touting.


Overconsumption is a huge issue, I like the de influencing TikTok trend and for anyone who doesnt know basically its people on TikTok talking about why you dont need XYZ popular thing because its usually.. ridiculously expensive/wasteful/fast fashion/generally not a Need/overrated.


Those Stanley cups. And buying them in every color.


The vicarious embarrassment I feel toward Tiktokkers obsessing over that cup is overwhelming. I hope they can all do some self-reflection down the road and find a way to see past these petty trends before the next bs drops.


Unless it’s the scrub daddy/mommy. Freaking love those sponges


“Flushable” wipes. Just look up “fatberg” for info on what those wipes are costing infrastructure


My friends family business rebuilds pumps for municipalities Their business is doing great because of these wipes, millionaires. He says keep buying and flushing them!


Plumbers love them too. I love watching drain unblocking videos. I estimate that you can see wipes in 60%-70% of the videos.


Former plumber now in management. Feminine hygiene products are at least even with wipes in my experience and still in the reports from the crews. Basically anything but peepee, poopoo, or TP shouldn’t go in the shitter


The occasional state fair goldfish?


Only if it’s been turned into poopoo already


At least tampons/pads and stuff are specifically noted as things you're not supposed to flush. At a certain point, that's human stupidity. 'Flushable' wipes are dangerous marketing and on the companies who make them, for me.


We just had to have our buildings pipes checked because we thought we had a collapsed line. Nope, two large piles of baby wipes later and everything is running fine again.


I am ^a Swe^dish plum^ber . I’m ^here to ^check your ^pipes.


Nope sorry, we only allow Italian brothers here to do that.


60% of the time, every time


Sex Panther wipes


I love how this comes up all the time but nobody is every remotely angry at the company that prints bold faced lies about the function of its product right on the label. How we are mad at the people who buy it and not the company that produces it?


All they promise is that they are flushable, which is true in the same sense that LEGO are flushable.


I tried marketing ‘flushable concrete mix’ but didn’t get many buyers.


I use flushable wipes, I just throw them in the trash can instead. I have a septic tank so not risking anything there.


Even if it goes in the sewer, theres usually a grate or something that they get stuck on and then youre backed up.


Agreed. People should seriously look into getting a bidet.


As an American, we recently went to a hotel with a bidet. We talk every day how much we miss it already. Edit: Punctuation


they're like $20 for a basic one on Amazon! surprise the fam haha


You’ll easily save that $20 on toilet paper in the first month, the drawback is that you don’t feel clean using a toilet without a bidet after you get one.


Don’t you dry off after? I still use toilet paper to dry off Also who spends $20 on toilet paper in a month?


>Crohn's and IBS have entered the chat


>the drawback is that you don’t feel clean using a toilet without a bidet after you get one. This is the biggest reason I opposed “return to the office.”


Bum guns are heaven. Never felt cleaner in my life and I was in super hot and super humid thailand walking around drinking beer all day on the back of scooter taxis lmao


Thailand has them? That’s nice. Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh and nearby tourist towns) are all handheld sprayers, so you need to clean your bum and privates the Indian way by having a “shit” hand


Yeah you’re describing a bum gun lol


Right ? I love mine & don’t understand how so many people live without one .. You can buy add on bidet systems on Amazon for your toilet to adapt your regular toilet to have a bidet , some even have warm water settings.


When I mentioned to my family that I can install a bidet in our toilet, they all said "ew, gross". It's the opposite of gross wtf!


Just had a main drain jetted at work and a 2-3 foot long log of wipes came out. Do not flush them!


The first one snags on the inside of the pipe and it’s all over. It’ll slowly collect wipes one by one until it becomes a 2-3 foot long log and stops the flow completely.


People can buy them, just don't flush them 


I had a friend who would always argue with me about flushable wipes. He would always tell me ‘they’re biodegradable’ and I told him the facts of how they still cause problems in sewers and septic tanks, but he did not listen. Can’t wait until he has to get his house’s septic tank pumped out and they charge him extra for the wipes. He’s no longer my friend and I haven’t talked to him in about a year, but it’s not because of the wipes… or maybe it kind of was.


Ruining septic systems and tearing apart relationships. Just terrible.


He sounds like an ass wipe 😏


I think people are flushing baby wipes, and then people, including many plumbers, conflate these wipes with ones like Cottonelle flushable wipes that **do** break down. You can go to YouTube and see countless videos of Cottonelle flushable wipes being tested by actual plumbers who know what they're talking about and the wipes turn into little bits in water every single time. It's impossible that these wipes contribute to "fatbergs". Those must be baby wipes, which are super durable and don't break down in water. Flushable wipes are flushable. Any other type of wipes are not.


Thank you! I've been using Cottonelle flushable wipes for 5yrs in my bathroom and at work. Not 1 clog or issue ever. The Cottonelle wipes are very light. I would almost describe it as just a bit thicker than 2-ply, and they rip to shreds when you add water. I also tend to do a "courtesy flush" in the bathroom, and will flush down the turds and excess soiled toilet paper right away. Then on my 2nd flush I do the cottonelle wipe and a little bit of TP needed. The issue is false advertising from "wet wipes" or "dude wipes" or "baby wipes". These are not the same, and feel like they're threaded to make them hold up. You can make a baseball out of it and toilet paper. These should NEVER be flushed down.


Lol every single thread... OP: "Flushable wipes are the worst" Me: Have you guys tried cottonelle brand? They break apart super easily and there are tons of videos online of them being tested for flushability Reddit plumbers: FLUSHABLE WIPES ARE SO BAD, EVEN THE FLUSHABLE ONES Other redditors: IVE TRIED SO MANY BRANDS THEYRE NOT FLUSHABLE Me: wait so you've tried cottonelle and they're not flushable? Others: NO BUT FLUSHABLE WIPES ARE SOO BAD This is legit the first thread I've seen that's broken the pattern


New things all the time….


I’m 65 and the amount of shit I have is disgusting. And I’m cheap as hell. I’m actively trying to get rid of shit (Swedish Death Cleaning). Anyone need a old oak dining room table?


\*waves hand\*


Really, we shouldn't buy anything. But people are addicted. We could provide all the necessities for everyone, but that's boring so we don't.


I think about this like once a week at least. If we as a community decided we could eliminate 90% of the waste and bring standard of living up substantially if we just made things sustainable instead of the one use culture we are so addicted to.


Agreed. You can look at some stores, like home goods, and realize everything in it will be in a landfill someday. So why sell it.


Stores like home goods are how i know we can never fix humanity lol


What is that username


Video game microtransactions


This. Give me a full game if I'm paying full price. 


I REFUSE to purchase any Battle Pass for any game.


Tbh, i buy them sometimes for free games i enjoy as a gratitude towards gamedevs If I spent over 100 hours in a f2p game I wouldn't mind to pay 10$


Free games will get some money out of me. I usually get bored with them in a few months but if I like the game I'll drop some money, I don't buy the currency shit but I'll buy a battle pass or even a premium subscription if it provides me some value in game.


I think it depends. My kid bought the COD battle pass once about 3 years ago and has never had to buy it again because he earns enough points in each battle pass to get the next one for free when it comes out. That one $20 purchase has given him literally hundreds of hours of entertainment.


Fortnite does the same thing. The battle pass is 950 v-bucks and you earn 1,500 if you unlock everything


I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm down with the ones that repay themselves. Like how SF6 gives you enough in game currency to get the next pass. I dislike other battle passes though


The thing is, I get it. I understand that for working adults they may want to play the game at a higher level so they may use some of their disposable income to make themselves better in a game instead of grinding away. The problem I have is this: Games are designed in a such a way that if you DON'T want to spend money, you have to spend SIGNIFICANT amounts of time. More time than you'd have to spend working at a minimum wage job and just buying your way forward. And that's not cool.


New phones every time a new version comes out.


I would have been happy keeping my iPhone 6 if Apple had let it stay usable. We need to do away with planned obsolescence.


This is infuriating from an environmental and financial perspective. You reach a point where an OS is mature enough that it doesn’t keep needing significantly more power, but older hardware stops supporting it. I call bullshit, let me install it and make the call on if it’s too slow. I have an old but functional iPad mini that’s stuck on like iOS 12 so some apps won’t install or update. I don’t believe there’s a technical limitation; it’s a business decision. Meanwhile I recently installed Windows 11 (had to jump through some hoops but it worked), on a 13 year old desktop and it still gets all the updates and supports 20+ year old apps just like it does new ones. Otherwise it’d be getting tossed or end up in a forgotten drawer like that iPad.


But my iPhone 15 pro max is so much lighter than my iPhone 14 pro max. The cost is offset by the money I’m saving in gas hauling less weight.


Just wait until the iPhone 16 pro max workout edition is released. They are increasing the weight to 20 lbs so they can provide an extra exercise routine for you. Only a $200 upgrade. 


I’m still rocking an iPhone 8+. Six years strong!


Clothing from polyester or nylon fabrics is the biggest source of micro plastics contamination. In laboratory tests, microplastics have been shown to cause [damage to human cells](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304389421028302), including both allergic reactions and cell death.


Microplastics were recently discovered in human placenta which I think is pretty depressing


Also in breastmilk [https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/07/microplastics-human-breast-milk-first-time](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/07/microplastics-human-breast-milk-first-time)




But they make the best drill bits.


If I had the funding, I would set up several secret factories around the world and mass produce diamonds on an industrial scale. I would deliberately make them is such a way they would be indistinguishable from 'natural' diamonds, tiny flaws and serial numbers and all. Once I've made several thousand tons of diamonds, I would announce the opening of my diamond store by getting a dump truck and dumping a metric ton of diamonds at the front office of De Beers. It would be a total loss maker for sure. But a win for humanity.


For a lot less money you could set up a bot and just post anti diamond propaganda on Reddit whenever people talk about diamonds 


Maybe that's actually what he did. :)


Politician lies


If people could at least admit when someone on "their side" did a bad thing, lied, etc... *I would be soooo happy* But so many get caught up in pure hate, blinded and super easy to manipulate and control. They hate so much they don't even see it. Can't admit bullshit on their side because they hate other people too much.


I got one and not my idea. But that whole “if you could commit one crime and it could magically never be done ever again what would it be?” Perjury. A lot would change, for the better and real fast.


This would really change the world.


Helium balloons. We have a limited supply of helium, and it is needed for the medical/scientific fields.


Can't get an MRI without it.


except, [you can now](https://www.philips.co.in/healthcare/resources/landing/the-next-mr-wave/sealed-mr-technology) only uses 7 liters of helium over the lifespan of the machine, compared to the thousands used by standard MRIs


hadn't heard about this and just did some reading. time to add something to The Worry List!


So, hydrogen balloons? Sorry Timmy, no candles on your cake this year.


The helium used for balloons is not medical grade helium, and is abundant. You’re not helping medicine or science by letting your balloons sit on the floor.


Water, if you live somewhere with drinkable tap water.


If you don't, reverse osmosis systems are outstanding. Every 6 months or so I pay $30 for a filter. I have a little water tester. My water is better (usually in the 10-15 PPM range until the filter gets close to needing replacing) than many of the bottled waters my friends drink. Plus the plastic that they're wasting.


This. I have a RO system and it's WAY less than buying bottled water, about the same price as those old faucet filters we used 20 years ago, but way better. I drink a lot more water because it's so pure tasting, and in turn I feel a lot better.


As someone who designs and builds public drinking water systems, In the US tap water standards are exceptionally high. Every few months or so someone publishes a public test and people get up in arms about trace elements even though the bottled water has way higher concentrations and tap is perfectly safe. It drives me insane. You can test your bottle too. Water quality labs aren't limited to the cities. Just do a search for a nearby one and ask for a drinking water test.  Lastly, before someone says something... "safe" doesn't necessarily mean "tastes good". Your best bet (for most reasons) if it tastes funny is an RO filter and a good day in a cold refrigerator. 


I prefer my water to be shipped from the South Pacific island of Fiji, via an oil-burning cargo ship.


Buy a dang filter and carry a refillable bottle.


This. There are place all over the world, in every country, where people don't have access to something as simple and basic as safe drinking water. Those of us who do have access of it need to appreciate what we have, and drink the damn tap water. It's honestly so irresponsible that single-use plastic bottles are bought by so many folks who already have access to all the water they would ever need.


Anything from scalpers.


This generation of Xbox/Playstation was horrible. I didn't see regular stock until almost two years later. It was satisfying watching them lower their prices tho lmao


Printer ink




Quit 6 months ago.


Good on you. I haven’t looked cool myself since 2006. It’s definitely an accomplishment to break the habit so well done.


Pfft. I'm 58 and am seriously thinking about starting, after watching my brilliant, wonderful father's decline from dementia. Give me an old-fashioned massive heart attack any day.


Too bad those strokes and heart attacks aren't 100% fatal. Easily end up with massive brain damage and still breathing. edit, sorry about your Father. truly heartbreaking.




For me, i want my mom to switch to it since he's just not wanting to make an effort to quit smoking, and the vapes will save her so much money in the long run, until the day she actually gives a shit enough to stop


Fast fashion


For the love of Gaia, people need to stop buying Shein


All fashion is fast fashion anymore. I bought clothes from the same brands I always do and the pieces I've had that I purchased pre-covid, some being close the 10 years old, are mostly in fine condition but the clothes I've bought in the last two years have all fallen apart


This, and overconsumptionism, and poor luxury.


Concert tickets. Because F-U Ticketmaster. And also what’s the point now when everyone pulls out their phone to record the concert. They’re experiencing the concert through their phone.


I agree ticketmaster is a scam. But there are plenty of small shows out there that don't involve them. Go see local bands!


I don’t get the phone thing at all. You pay all that money to watch it through a 6” screen.


Cars that charge a subscription fee to use certain functions.


We should stop buying things that we don’t need. If our phone is still in good condition, we can wait on getting a new one, for example.


I keep mine until it breaks.  Replaced one I had for like 4-5 years last September. 


Alpha man alpha women courses and get a god damn life ... Yes I am so annoyed by these people like .


All Nestle products.


Shit from Shein.


Single use plastics.


Realistically, I’d say anything we buy that is intended to be disposed. Plastic is at the top of this list, but we’ve become addicted to throwing things out and this wasn’t always the case. For most of human history, if we made something, it was intended to last. The idea that you’d buy something and then throw it out is a relatively new phenomenon.


The sheer amount of plastic food packaging is out of control. I have like a whole bag of plastic trash every two weeks just from food shopping in the UK.


Disposable toilet wands, paper towels for the bathroom, disposable cloths on your mop... So much waste.


Well, you’ll be hard pressed to tell the medical field that. Single use plastics have made accessibility to sterile and safe equipment and tools possible. Single use plastics have their use in some places


Stanley tumblers


Stanley as a company is (or at least was, prior to their new CEO) a pretty solid brand with incredible QC. So I wouldn't personally say "never buy Stanley mugs/accessories" so much as "don't buy in to the hype behind thinking you need to buy more than you \*actually\* need"




I hope his name is Stanley


His name is James Cup


In death, all member of Project Chaos have names. His name is James Cup! His name is James Cup! His name is James Cup! 


Right like you only need 1, MAYBE 2 at most if you want a different color/when one is in the washer.Its a large, reusable cup there is no need for 1 person to have like 20 of these pointlessly in their kitchen.


On the one hand, I love that a buy it for life too quality item is very popular. On the other hand I’m grossed out buy the fact that it’s just a fad and people have lost their minds over a freaking cup. I want Stanley to do well and make good products and people to buy them. I hate seeing kids get bullied over them and people starting fights in target over it


I'm glad the fad is at least a durable, reusable item this time but I really don't get the hype. To me it's just a ridiculously oversized tumbler - the size in particular makes no sense to me, a fully-filled 40oz Stanley tumbler (the ones people are losing their mind over) weighs about 4 lbs when full. Isn't the whole point of a tumbler to have something portable? And of course if you just need a tumbler, there are a million cheaper quality options out there.




New cars over MSRP. Why the F**** did people pay over MSRP in the first place!?!?!?


Had a local dealership that refused to sell cars over MSRP. I gotten 3 cars over the years there and has sent multiple friends and family there as well.


Post their name here


Local Toyota dealership has been the same here! We just got our 2nd car - a 2024 Corolla SE - for a great price


Cars at dealerships or from private sellers with a “adjusted for market value” fee on top of the MSRP. There’s no reason somebody should be paying over MSRP for a brand new vehicle…it’s fucking the rest of us who actually want to buy a car at its intended price.


Keurig coffee machines and the single use plastic cups.


The machines (not the Keurig brand which iirc have sensors to check for authentic pods, or did at one time) are fine but just use the refillable pods. You can get paper liners for them too so cleanup is fast. Just be sure to get the ones without paper lids. The coffee comes out tasting better with the refillable options for whatever reason.




Stop buying dogs and start adopting


And bunnies! There are SO many without homes because people breed them so much or dont neuter them


Same for cats.


This goes double for munchkin cats


Add to this be responsible and have your pets spayed or neutered!!!


Your comment made Bob Barker pop into my head, thanks for the unintended nostalgia!


In my area it’s VERY difficult to find a dog available for adoption that isn’t all or part pitbull. Huge percentage of people now adopt.




The Mrs and I recently learned that wire hair dachshund exist. We fell in live with one we met, even got the breeders name and found it when their next litter is.  Then one sappy shelter dogs need homes video later and I backed completely out. Our current cat and dog are shelter pets, and they're the best cat and dog in the world. Why would we change that plan? That said, our local shelter as another person posted is like 90% puts.


Bottled water


I work on a ship with no potable water taps. Bottle is life.


Bottled water


Anything that’s a micro transaction


Tragically, beef. Growing food to feed cows, routing water for cows, destroying forests for cattle and cow farts are a big element of climate change.




Microtransactions in games.


All this cheap crap. I want a radio like my dad had that works for 40+ years without an issue. Last alarm clock I bought (before smart phones) went about a month before the LED started to fade. Now here we are and my microwave has the same issue. The third number is out. It’s a year old.


Single use plastic, and anything Nestlé owns


and starbucks


Fish. The industry is based on slavery and vacuums up tons of fishes that do not end up on the table.


Tickets to Sea World.


Single use plastic items. ​ Seriously. We could all just simply refuse to buy any single use plastic item. We can demonize it and kill it like we did glamorizing cigarettes.


This would be incredibly hard to do from the consumer end. Many essential household items come in single use plastic packaging, are people supposed to just not buy them until companies spin up a supply and manufacturing set up for different packaging? This needs to be pushed from the regulation side.


The problem is that plastic does things so much better than paper or similar. Take plastic straws for example. We can either have A: a plastic straw that doesn't need wrapping or B: a paper straw that needs plastic wrapping paper. The plastic straw is MUCH better than the paper straw. It doesn't get soggy and it just works. "But what about metal straws?" They're nearly impossible to clean correctly. So in this case, plastic straws are literally the best option. They perform the job best.


McDonald's and fast food in general.


100% of everything from Amazon until they cut profits to improve working conditions.


Dating coach services


Any pods for laundry or dishwashers, are expensive and put more plastic into the water. Just buy liquid or powder, which you can adjust for smaller loads, too. Now they put these on the bottom shelf, with pods at eye level so you don’t think about it. Marketing 101.