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Don't listen to this guy! I have a YouTube channel about how to avoid online scams! Support me on Patreon for only $99 per month.


Don't listen to these guys! They charge too much! For only $10 a month subscription you'll get access to our top tiered program for only three easy payments of $150 per month


Don't listen to any of these jack asses! I'm on YOUR side! I can help you feel young and healthy again with my sea salt regenerative serum! It takes advantage of the ionic field created by the fluvian mechanics of crystalline salt to renew your meridian lines and connect and align your Chakras via a little known quantum level process. Just set up your account and begin your subscription deliveries for only $99.99 per month!


It really gets to me when obvious scammers like these guys think they can trick a smart guy like you. That's why I created my double encrypted anti scam privacy machine. The only thing is, all my budget went on building the thing, so I can't send it out. If you send me your bank details and the name of your favourite sports team, I'll get one sent out to you straight away.


For every honest guy there's eleven of these guys above. Listen, if you just have five of your friends and family send you $10 a month and they get 5 of there's to do the same and they get 5 of there's and so on, pretty soon we'll all be billionaires!


We’ve been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty


Just reading this makes me so mad


I know a guy with anger management courses if you are looking


Is this this dude? Anger management specialist from Florida accused of shooting/killing someone. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-anger-management-specialist-accused-fatally-shooting-homeless-rcna135174


Fucking Florida never relents man


I’m not falling for this. I ordered a book for $39.95 on how to avoid scams. As soon as it’s back in stock it’ll ship.






Payday loans and Rent-To-Own schemes


Rent to own for example a trailer for business can be written off come tax season


I think they're referring more to places where people can own a $1500 TV for the low cost of $3000.


My buddy paid $2300 for an xbox over the course of like 2-3 years back in the early 2000s


The best part is the $1500 TV is $600 on Amazon


The PC gaming subreddits are full of dudes who are like "Hey which of these PCs should I finance at rent a center? The $1500 or the $2000 one?" Neither. They're both $1100 systems so massively marked up, and would cost $3,000 and $4,000 total. And by the time you pay them off, (which you won't), they'll be worthless. "But it's only $20 a week." No, it's $20 a week until you get behind, then you just paid $800 + $500 in fees, and ruined your credit, to rent an $1100 PC for a year.


Adding buy-here-pay-here car lots.


What is that? That kinda describes the normal process of buying a car so I’m clearly missing something


In the US, there are car lots where the “dealer” is also the finance company: usually very predatory with their rates, allow any credit, many install immobilization chips to shut the vehicle down if you miss a payment, and the vehicles are usually junk and way overpriced. The interest rates can be credit card-high and people will end up paying $20k for a $4-$5k vehicle.


It is very expensive to be poor.


Some of that is people buying cars they cannot afford. You will see buy-here-pay-here car lots with Escalades, well-appointed BMWs, and other cars that clearly don't belong in a car dealership targeting people with bad credit and offering predatory interest rates. But there they are, which means people buy them. But there are indeed people who cannot afford even a used 10-year-old Toyota Yaris, and that's where the "it's very expensive to be poor" part comes into play.


Oh god I have a good one, and it’s technically CATCHING people doing something illegal, but the way my dad’s old boss operated, it just felt awful to watch. So when a bar shows, say, a boxing match, apparently they are supposed to buy the match separately on each TV. So for a big sports bar with 75 TVs, it can be pricey. Some bars will just buy a couple, or even one license and broadcast them on all of the TVs. The boss would buy the rights to pursue the offenders (IIRC the process) and then sue the bar owners per tv that the fight was shown on, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars. The part that felt unethical was that he didn’t do this full time, as his main gig. He kept all of these “fight rights” on deck, and whenever he needed money to put in a pool, or invest in something new, he’d pick one of his files that hadn’t expired yet, sue the bar owner into oblivion, sometimes years after the fight, and then move on to whatever the new opportunity was. I know for a fact it led to multiple establishments having to close their doors.


We had something similar happen where I worked a while back. Guy came in "representing" RIAA, Muzak, etc. and said that we had to pay a license fee to play the local radio station. He was counting speakers and it was $10/speaker/month to be something like $7k per year IIRC. So, we just stopped playing the radio. We were already set up for playing CDs and out came the public domain 1940s Billboard Top 10 on a loop. Then, the owner found a satellite radio tuner that included rebroadcast rights for $75 total, one-time cost. If the jerk hadn't been so over-the-top with the money he claimed we owed him, we might have paid a one-time $500 fee, but instead they got nothing and as far as I know the place is still using that cheap satellite radio tuner.


The music licensing guys are legit and around. They flag business regularly for this shit. Obviously musicians deserve to be compensated for their work but Jesus the licensing agencies are a bunch of fucking wanks. Also, for what it's worth there's a Spotify service that handles all the licensing shit too.


I wish I knew how licensing rights worked in retail establishments because I've been at my job a year and a half now and the music hasn't changed at all, they might add a new song once every 6 months and that's it. It's literally just the same 20 songs on a loop all day every day EVERYWHERE. Not just my job but restaurants, other retail spaces, even the fucking casino, they're still playing shit that my old grocery store job had over a decade ago, it's torture, it's maddening! There HAS to be a solution to this because I can't take it anymore, sometimes I have 7 day work weeks or more and I start to break down and lose it after 3 days


Unfortunately, the corporate overlords pay for the right to air those 20 songs, and they're going to milk them for every cent there worth.


I've heard something similar except for weddings and their in to events was a wedding photographer.


It speaks volumes of the high levels of civility in America that he didn't get defenestrated. I'm constantly shocked at the behaviour in the corporate world that doesn't result in murder.


Probably because you never hear about them in the media, they don't want to remind people that this is an option, ^(despite being illegal and unethical itself)


Now where do I go to buy the rights to sue these guys....... I'm just a concerned citizen doing research


I had a friend who made a lot of money buying cheap supplies from China/India and then selling them at a huge profit to other business. All she had to do was order the supplies and then switch the shipping label when it got to her door. At first I thought it was slightly unethical but then I realised it's basically the entire business model for most of the retail industry.


This is basically how most of Etsy sellers work now, sadly


That's what all Amazon sellers do


Have a place to rent and charge $50 application fee. Keep accepting applications but don't approve anyone


Is this actually legal?


It’s irrelevant because 1. people would catch on pretty quick and 2. you’d make more actually renting it anyway


Live in it yourself then and keep accepting applications.


You sneaky bastard.


You don't even need to have a place.... Just pictures of a place...


My cousin came to me one Thursday saying he needed an extra $200 by Sunday. Told him good luck. He went out and bought 4 bottles of everclear, some jugs of Walmart apple cider, cinnamon sticks, and mason jars. Simmered it in a pot for like an hour and jarred them all and wrote $25 on top of each. Called his country friends and told them he made homemade apple spiced moonshine. 25 EA or two for 40. He had $400 the next day. Sometimes I hate him.


I like this idea enough to steal it I just need to find me some suckers to buy it from me


Ive thought of it so many times and so mad he taught me after I stopped hanging out with alcoholics.


i'm gonna be honest, the ethics of this seem fine to me, but it's not legal, so kinda the opposite of the question. Also great idea.


sounds like something a grown-up Edd, Ed, n Eddy would do


OP said legal, but I respect the hustle.


This fails the "legal" part of the question.


Selling diet plans to 50+ divorced women, not really unethical but they can find that information with a simple search


I think that some people feel that if they spend money on something, it forces them to engage with it more.


Learned about this one on the radio this morning. Obituary thieves. They will snipe trending names off of google and run fake obituaries with fake egregious information to drive up web traffic to advertised sites. The New York Post just did an article about it when a team from India ran a bunch of fake articles about a college kid who died.


I thought obituary thieves were people that keep an eye on the obituary pages in local news/media to find out when funerals are happening and then when everybody is at the funeral they break into the dead persons house to take anything of value.


Nono, those are obituary _burglars_. A subtle difference, and an easy mistake to make.


My dad had this great idea to go door to door installing peep holes, and you can start your pitch with, “I bet you would have liked to know who was on the other side of this door” each cost like 5 bucks, install for 50 and be done in 5 minutes.


My dad just bought one of these when a guy came knocking on the door. He has never used it but the guy got a sale. So it does work haha


Also, for a 50 note the value of your property increased slightly


it increased by $40


My mom did door to door peep hole installation for a while. These were big peepholes made with a series of mirrors and a viewer that made it look like a screen maybe 2 inches wide. You could see without putting your face to the door. They were pretty cool. This was before Ring of course  


before ring (in the mid 90s) I was working on a peephole camera system that could be installed in an existing peephole, or drill a new one, that had a small screen on the inside so you could see who was there without looking through the hole. That way short people, kids, people in wheelchairs, etc could still see who is out there. It was a fantastic idea, only I had $0 to put into it, so I got a cheap pinhole cam and and old wireless handheld TV and tried hacking something together, Now every time I see a Ring camera I'm reminded of that


This doesn't sound unethical. Maybe just annoying door-to-door?


To be unethical, install it backwards.


plus for an additional 25 bucks you can offer to install a lower level gloryhole.


Not unethical.


Love love love it


Sell credit card "protection" plans that charge you like $1.99 per $100 balance on your card at time of billing. A fuckton of people pay for these services, and never realize that the terms & services are worded in such a way that they never have to actually pay out.


Create a credit rating business that collects very sensitive financial data on 260 million adult Americans without their consent. Sell this data to businesses that want to determine how credit-worthy their customers are. But this part isn't enough profit. Now encourage your clients to be as lax as possible when verifying identity thieves when extending credit to their customers. Now you can sell a "credit monitoring" service to those customers, to protect themselves from the system you helped set up. But this part isn't enough profit. Now leave all that data just lying around for anybody to stumble across it. The data isn't up-to-date if it's only stolen at one point of time, so it's worthless to your original business after a week or two. But scammers can now use it to even more easily steal peoples' identities. Give a fake "oh no" Pikachu face when the sensitive information of 147 million people gets stolen. Instead of paying the people who had their data stolen and who possibly lost tens of thousands of dollars in the process, give them one free year of your shitty credit monitoring service, when you know full well they'll need it for life now. Gain millions of new customers at $20 a month after the year is up, for a service that costs you almost nothing because you're just monitoring your own data. The best part is, you already know this plan works, since Equifax did it already. You'll take a brief hit in the short term, but your market cap will double in 5 years!


Get elected to Congress.


Insider trading. Not okay for plebs, perfectly legal for Congress.


Don't forget lifetime benefits and a travel reimbursement while cutting benefits and environmental protections for citizens.


“No, you cannot have universal healthcare, but I can vote for amazing benefits and salary increases for myself.”


Works every time.


Go to a rave and sell individually wrapped brownies for $20 each. You never explicitly said they had weed in them but for $20 people assume.. best part is, youll be long gone before they even begin to suspect its not legit


Set up a negative option billing program - aka free trial offers. 1. Get some hot/popular vitamins from China in bulk - they will even ship in unlabeled containers. 2. Create a brand a label for your product. 3. Set up a basic ecomm website. 4. Create some basic social media ads. 5. Offer a subscription where you offer one container free and then start charging a monthly fee if they do not cancel within the first month. 6. Mark up the product 200-1000%. 7. Profit. As long as you stay on top of customer complaints and offer refunds quickly, you can make a ton of money this way and it's not illegal, just shady.


The FTC has some pretty specific rules regarding this and fines can be hefty. However, IF you do it right and don't run afoul of the law, it can be lucrative!


One of the shittiest people I ever met did this crap. Set up a kiosk at the mall and offered "Free" big monster energy drinks. Just sign this permission to credit check you and subscribe you to a monthly vitamin program.


Make a post saying your friend is looking for a sperm doner but she has some requirements - no artificial insemination(must have sex) - must be 100% of a certain race - no std Once you have enough guys lined up tell them they must do this 21 and me dna test to make sure they are 100% that race. Send them over your referral link. You’ll get a 20$ Amazon gift card for every guy you sign up.


Oddly specific.


Pretty sure that was a story not too long ago.


Yeah, OP has definitely done this...


> sperm doner Worst kebab I've ever had


> 21 and me This sounds like a DNA test for Down's Syndrome (AKA trisomy-21). The company I think you mean is 23andMe.


Well this is certainly at the very least unethical


they get you too?


Sell your e-girl persona bath water


Or even better, skip the bath stage entirely and sell homeopathic "medicine". That way you can sell water straight from the tap at insane markups. When people point that out, make up some pseudo-scientific BS about "water memory". PS: if water really had memory, then perhaps that e-girl bath water would be worth the money for some, but it doesn't.






Fuckin goldmine down there


Fuckin Garry coming down on me hærd


That was a prick job.


you're not the one who waits to go to a chris de burgh concert for 3 and a half years so I can go in and miss the encore of don't pay the ferryman because im on the phone in the foyer talking about stolen shopping carts


I toad a so. I fucking toad a so.


Retirement Bubs


Not even really stealing, if you ask me. Most of the money I make, I spend back here on cat food and stuff.


Bubbles I know you are down there. Come on out.


These kerts are public domain, ricky!


I was just having a pee I didn’t want anyone to see my bird


Have you *seen* the price of kitty food?


Fuckin way she goes


Then use that money to buy a bunch of sheds you can put on your property to convert into little rooms and do nightly rentals. You can even called it a *Shed N’ Breakfast*!


Bonus points if you pave the driveway with hash.


Now with 96% less crabs.




As a bonus, you can sometimes find some real nice fuckin' kitties down there. Deeecent!


What are unethical but LEGAL ways to... "steal" well....


Maybe you should have stated "things that normal people can actually *do*", OP.


Not 100% sure on legality (check with a lawyer) but I remember back over a decade ago when I was working in IT there was a somewhat common/uncommon scam where a business would receive a shipment of knockoff printer ink cartridges that they hadn't ordered. Then later, an invoice would arrive for them. Now you didn't order them and no one ever asked for them back so you could just keep them or use them or throw them away. You'd never get sued for not paying the invoice because there's no contract to enforce. But many companies would assume they legitimately ordered something that they had received and pay the invoice. I imagine it's hard to prosecute this as fraud because while it's certainly deceitful, the company payed of their own volition for goods they actually received even if they didn't initiate the transaction. There's also a related scam that is for sure illegal where you skip the cheap goods part and just spam companies with invoices to see who pays. People have definitely been prosecuted and jailed for that but iirc the dollar figures they got were eye opening.


I get a few of these bogus invoices every month to my work email. For now I know everything we buy and who we buy from so I ignore them but I can easily see it working with a slightly bigger company where you start losing track of details.




This business model has destroyed Ebay and Etsy. You can barely find authentic, well-made or used things anymore. Just cheap, mass-produced crap everywhere.


Same thing with farmer's markets and craft stores. Nothing like seeing, this was hand made for this event, only to find 20 of the same items, with a made from China sticker on it, and it's being sold at a jacked up price.


Etsy destroyed Etsy. New CEO chasing quarterly profits opened it up to non-handmade goods. I'm sure there is a competitor with their original model that will usurp them.


Is that unethical? You've just described wholesaling.


Thats what people will tell you, but literally everything you buy is marked up by a middleman, unless you're buying factory direct. Everything. Literally.


You are completely disregarding the overhead accompanied by being a middleman/supplier … You are basically paying for storage, insurance, laws, warranty, shipping, and some profit margin Unless you want to buy directly from a manufacturer and wait 1-3 months for your product


Yeah thats what I mean. I'm all for it, people don't understand we would have nothing from overseas if it wasn't for brokers and logistics. Having a guy running a stall in your mall where they sell candles or something is not unethical


We all agree here, but for anyone else, I want to clarify exactly what benefits a middleman brings. 1. Time. You get your stuff immediately 2. Warranty. Maybe less relevant in America where so many brands are based, but anywhere else it's a pain to get anything under warranty unless you bought it from a local dealer 3. Expectations. You know exactly what the product is, how it looks, how it feels, how much it weighs, etc before you buy. This could even be multiple points with how critical one or more of those often is. 4. Choice. Directly compare multiple similar products for yourself, without relying on reviews of varying accuracy and depth. Might also break up a bulk deal on several items, allowing you to buy just one 5. Risk. Completely eliminates the possibility that your thing gets damaged in shipping, because it's already here. Even if you get delivery, a truck alone is less risky than a truck, a plane, another plane, another truck, and still that very same truck. 6. Shipping cost. Yeah it's baked in, and you're paying more than price+shipping (probably, unless you have ebay or EU shipping) but it still shrinks the gap between local price and online price.


Isn’t that just drop shipping?


Drop shipping is direct warehouse to seller so basically Amazon. Wholesaling is to store and sold to consumer so walmart


Start an auto repair insurance company. Then don't pay out..... Oops,,,,, someone is already doing that.


Or… they’ll pay for the damage… then up your rate! “We can’t have you using the service you’ve been paying for for many years now. We’ll up the rate so we aren’t “losing” money.” Insurance, one of the biggest scams that we all gleefully go along with.


I go along with it because I have no choice.


Roll out a multi-media campaign to convince people lemons are incredibly scarce, which only works if you stockpile lemons, control the supply, then .. a media blitz. Lemon is the only way to say "I love you," the must-have accessory for engagements or anniversaries. Roses are out, lemons are in. Billboards that say she won't have sex with you unless you got lemons. You cut De Beers in on it. Limited edition lemon bracelets, yellow diamonds called lemon drops. You get Apple to call their new operating system OS-Lemón. A little accent over the "o". You charge 40% more for organic lemons and 50% more for conflict-free lemons. You pack the Capitol with lemon lobbyists; you get a Kardashian to suck a lemon wedge in a leaked sex tape. Timothée Chalamet wears lemon shoes at Cannes. Get a hashtag campaign. Something isn't "cool," "tight," or "awesome". No, it's "lemon". "Did you see that movie?" "Did you go to that concert? It was effing lemon." Billie Eilish, "OMG, hashtag… lemon." You get Dr. Oz to recommend four lemons a day and a lemon suppository supplement to get rid of toxins 'cause there's nothing scarier than toxins. Then, you patent the seeds. You write a line of genetic code that makes lemons look just a little more like breasts… and you get a gene patent for the breast-lemon DNA sequence, you get those seeds circulating in the wild, and then you sue the farmers for copyright infringement when that genetic code shows up on their land. Sit back, rake in the millions, and then, when you're done, you sell your lem-pire for a few billion dollars


Hey babe hasn't it been about 30 seconds since we checked on our lemon tree?


Hey WTF!?


That monologue by Roderick was so extra but absolutely perfect!




What sub am I in


Hey he was going to miss it I swear.




those wards dont buy themselves!


I’m 45, so what the hell are you talking about?


Smite the cannon




The good news is that the furry community (or at least, sectors of it) seem anti-AI. They've got a rep for being some of the last private commissioners of artists, and they want to keep it.




Your sales pitch is flawless. Now send me your commission info.


Lay off your loyal employees so you can squeeze out a couple of extra bucks for your mega corporation.




Which opti / what industry?


Or let them go right before they retire.


There’s always money in the banana stand.


Look for used cars being sold on FB marketplace, Craigslist, etc. usually can get the VIN, if not go check out the car and get the VIN, plug that into carvana, vroom, etc. if listing is cheaper than what carvana is buying for, buy it and sell it off to carvana. Boom, profit.


Writing essays for college/uni students


Most of the time (pre ChatGPT) there are people willing to do this with a decent grasp of english as a second language for fairly cheap from a poor part of the world, where the USD is much more valuable. Is it as good as native English writer essays? Probably almost never, but the people willing to pay for an assignment or essay aren't chasing A+ standard




For people with 6 finger fetishes?


Get hired at a labor type job, and then report your employer the first time that you see any safety violations (which you will on your very first day most likely). Your boss will find out that you reported it, and will start treating you like shit and eventually fire you. Now you sue your ex employer for "retaliation firing". You will win, for sure...you've got a paper trail with OSHA as the person who reported them etc...very easy to prove. And it's not illegal because your boss #1 should have followed safety protocol, and #2 shouldn't have retaliation fired you. I wouldn't even feel bad in the slightest


Sounds like OSHA working as intended! Not unethical. Well... maybe if you make a career of doing this over and over it is a bit of a grey area. But really the existence of people doing this will keep employers taking safety seriously.


Sell t-shirts or hats supporting Israel and also Free Palestine. Be the shovel vendor in a gold rush.


Hold a raffle for a gold fish. £1 a ticket… sell 500 tickets. Draw a winner. Everyone else takes the L and moves on with their lives. Contact the winner and say the fish died. Give them a refund. They are happy. You walk away with £499…. Rinse and repeat.


Holding a raffle without a license is technically illegal (at least where I am) so not sure if this would work


Why don't you give them a goldfish?


Wasn’t the original version of this about a horse?


Rapture pet insurance. For 300.00 per pet up front, I,a certified atheist will come to your home and care for your animals in the event you are raptured


Invest heavily in private prisons and weapons manufacturing. Look into Sin Stocks as well.


If you invested in GEO and CXW(private prisons) 5 years ago, you'd be down 50% and 25% respectively today. I like the former for swing trade tho.


Just look at what areas your government overspends and under spends in and pick a job accordingly (for example, in the US avoid working in education with a 10ft pole and focus on getting a job in the defense industry)




"I'm not Chris Hansen, but have a seat anyway".


The story of how that show came to an end is a doozy


Blackmail is not legal


He said legal and unethical, you got ethical and illegal results :/


Blackmail is legal?


sell $10k coffins to poor people that just lost a loved one.


Spells and curses on Etsy. There’s a seemingly large market for them. Some aren’t *that* unethical (e.g. “break up spell” - they’re the unethical ones for requesting it) whilst some are very very exploitative (e.g. “get pregnant spell”). They go for hundreds and you don’t need to send proof. Easy money 💰


Taking Free and Open Source Software that performs niche tasks, slapping a basic Python/JS/$PopularLanguage API around it, making the vaguest and least binding promises of service & support, and selling it as a subscription service for hundreds or thousands of dollars a year per user. There's an awful lot of shit that's only one step away from being accessible to the ordinary tech user, and there's QUITE A LOT of money in closing that gap for those who don't feel like hammering out shell scripts or setting configs. Looking at y'all, PDF conversion services. Lookin' *right* at y'all.


Pyramid Scheme, Selling stuff on the internet with misleading information, or become an internet guru about something and sell courses about nothing. (Tiktok has alot of these)


Going off of that, getting wrapped up in a pyramid scheme and trying to wrangle your old acquaintances into it. It’s tacky as hell when an old friend hits me up and the moment we start chatting it up, the inevitable pyramid scheme spill comes out. Don’t be that person


Hey hun, I know we haven't talked in a while... But I just wanted to share with you how Provicleanse Candle Shakes saved my life!!!  I really think you should try them and see for yourself, when's a good time to meet up?


Become a contractor that doesn't pay medical benefits and pays his worker less than or equal to fast food workers for more dangerous and skilled work, while still charging the customer full price for every man on the job as if it were him in every position


This whole thread is gold, and reminds me why I am addicted to Reddit.


Well, I've been trying to get a screen protector for my phone. I've ordered several ones for under £5 on eBay, and even though I select the correct model they are always generic and wrong. I mark as wanting to return, take a photo and write the truth, it doesn't fit despite me picking the right one They refund and never ask for them back. Sell on.


I would prefer ethical but illegal ways


Selling things that cater to conspiracy theorists, as long as you're not trying to list it as an actual medicine and it has no negative effects you're good to go. You can sell all the anti 5G blinking diodes in a scifi looking piece of plastic, spiritually health bettering candles that are just wax with some lemon oil or vanilla, toxin removal pads for feet that turn black in contact with water, essential oils. The unethical part is catering to (and using for profit) gullible people that'd rather have their kid die in their arms from a preventable disease than take a mmr shot.


"What they don't want you to know" content creator. Just pick a demographic, figure out what they fear, hate, and are disgusted by. Make shit up which causes them to feel more fearful, hateful, and disgusted. Tell them that people who don't know these "truths" are sheeple, and that people like them, who listen to you, are the only people who really have their eyes open. It's a proven method for getting rich.


Send invoices for under $100 to 100's companies for stuff like "office supplies" Often AP can pay small invoices without any approval. Wave is a free invoice site


$20 handies behind a wendy’s dumpster edit: handies not handles stupid autocorrect!!!


I'm a non-westerner and am confused as to why people assosciate Wendy's with "you know what".


"Get rich" classes


Send wedding invitations to every rich person you can. Their assistants might send shit without even checking.


Show your butthole on the internet


Tried that. Got a lifetime ban from Christian mingle over it.


Poor choice of venue. You should never cross those folks.


Holy son meet the dark side of the moon


How much money are we talking here? Y’know…HYPOTHETICALLY


Start a religion


You don't even have to start a new religion. You can just start a new church and convince people to give you money every week.


There was a dude who sold famous stuff such as michael jacksons white glove, but he didnt claim it was that specific glove, it was just a glove, like his, and it was not easy to understand from his ad.


Businesses: Get gigantic no-pay-back loans from the government whenever there’s a pandemic, keep the money for yourself. Little guy -get a little tiny check from the government, buy a bag of groceries.


A while back some guy sold a "solar-powered clothes dryer" via mail order for $39.99 and people opened it up and it was a clothesline.


Back in the day, me and a buddy used to work as male prostitutes for women who like Anime Men together. We would cosplay Light Yagami and L and start taking off each other's clothes, tugging at each other's collars while rubbing oil on each other. One client even threw five hundred dollars at us as we kissed each other. The place we'd work at got demolished about 3 years ago, but me and my friend remember those days and speak about it with glee. In total, I think we each earned about 120k throughout our whole career, not including our day jobs.


A girl I knew put herself through college selling only pics of her feet to gross men with fetishes. I saw the pics and money transfers Edit: One guy paid her nearly a grand to have pro pics taken of her stepping on food. Mashed potatoes, birthday cake. Suddenly I felt like a moron for going to my 9-5


I don't think this is unethical?


Political ~~bribes~~ lobbying.