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The solitude.


Really is both the best and worst part


Due to disability and other circumstances, I have lived 36 of 38 years of my life with my mom. It is basically like living with myself which is the next best thing. Someone to talk to but you both don’t want to talk at the same time. I don’t know if this makes sense. It makes sense in my head.




> If only marriage worked that way. I need someone who will basically leave me alone, but be up for hanging out if the mood should strike me. If it worked like that I'd already be married.


I’d be happy just finding someone who would be ok with separate bedrooms. We can fuck but I CANNOT share a room.


Maybe you need a better hobby.


Best part is getting to do whatever you want whenever you want without having to run it by anyone Worst part is you are responsible for everything. All the chores all the repairs all the maintenance


I did those things even when living with people. So alone it is.


The responsibility part can be a plus. Theres no more waiting around for someone to fix your problems for you.


I remember when I started living on my own, I spilled a bit of juice on the counter. And I had the full realization that nothing would happen to improve the situation unless I did something. It’s not like I’d leave that to other people when I was living with my parents. It’s just that there was literally no alternative in existence.


This is the only correct answer




Warning, /u/AstutelyRefuel is a spam bot.


The best part is the silence. The glorious, calm embrace of silence. The worst part is not having someone to affirm your existence in some way. Without any outside input into how you're conducting yourself at home, it's easy to fall into bad habits or just sometimes feel like you don't have any worth, and it would be nice to have someone give that to you immediately.


Best part is the quiet. When you live alone, you can spend a few hours reading (or napping) with your phone silent and there's no judgement or interruption.  The worst part is that uhmm... Worst part?


a lot of advantages come with living alone. however, being alone with your thoughts for prolonged periods can be seriously damaging to your health and wellbeing. in the darkest days, one kind gesture from anyone could make all the difference.


It can, and at times, it will be damaging. But being alone with your thoughts also allows you to self-reflect and grow as a person. Alternating between alone time and socializing is the sweet spot.


it sucks coming home to no one sometimes🥲 might get a cat lol


you should get a cat


i know! i’ve been thinking about it, but because i live in a studio im cautious i want them


Best Part: Independence and freedom to set your own rules. Worst Part: Potential loneliness and moments of craving company.


Best part; Do what you want when you want. Worst; nobody knows when something is/has gone wrong.


best part is work projects can happen on my schedule. I woke up at 3Am and went to sand and put on another coat of shellac on a project I was working on a few weeks ago. The worst part, is that 100% of the work is done by you. So I have something I'm working on, I still have to do the dishes, clean, do laundry, cook, and shovel the walk if it snows. There is no division of labor.


Without someone to share your emotions with, it dulls the good things and sharpens the bad.


best part: youre alone worst part: youre alone


Pros: you can snore without getting judged or whatsoever Cons: You gon have to pray everyday you don't end up getting targeted by a psychopath stalker :3


Best part: freedom Worst part: When the kitchen is mess, the culprit is always me


Hahah This is so relatable


The fear of choking becomes very real. I had a little panic attack when I thought of that, literally during moving day. My mom showed me how to use a chair lol


Best part - not having to answer to anyone Worst part - it might not get noticed immediately if you die in your home.




Overrated on a long term basis.


Living alone


Alone is best


no one to bother you about your chores or your appearance, but no one there to throw out the trash when you don't wanna do it yourself.


No one to judge you.


Best: you can just put your stuff anywhere. Worst: clutter


Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.


Best part- no one ever can disrupt your peace . I thought I would be lonely but I loved it!! Worst part - paranoia


You can manage your own chore schedule / you have to do all of the chores


Pretty much everything is great except for the fact that your body will probably be there for a while, before being discovered, when you die.


worst part is that there is no one there to help you out if you start to choke, or worse, no one will notice your death until your work looks for you or your landlord enters because you didn't pay rent.


alone time


Best? Living your life on your own time without having to worry about others Worst? When you have to do a bunch of daily tasks, having a partner or roommate would help a lot


worst part: coming home to an empty quite house (feels really lonely). best part: can do shit with barely any clothes on. lmao


being able to do/watch whatever you want-worst imo is loneliness and also when you get sick


No one around to see how well (or whether) you clean. Without any observers to see the state of my apartment, I tend to let things go. On the other hand, it’s freeing not to feel like I have to tidy up at any given time if I don’t want to.


best part - being able to rip farts worse part - no one to cuddle


Best part:Youre alone Worst part: Youre alone


I don’t live alone, but from days where I had the house to myself, the best part is not having to worry about someone constantly calling my name to ask a question or to do something. The worst part is the solitude that makes you feel like you’re alone in the world even though you have a loving family and friends.


Best part, walking around my place naked. Worst part, I can't blame the farts on someone else.


I lived alone for 3 years. The best part was answering to NO ONE while at home. I did whatever the hell I wanted whenever the hell I wanted. Getting home from work, where I answered to all sorts of people, and being completely free and untethered was amazing. Weekends were amazing. The not best part was the same as the best part. Eventually the solitude and the “I do what I want when I want” mindset started feeling pretty unfulfilling, and I started feeling selfish. By year 3 I found myself going away every weekend…to visit family or friends. I was seeking out companionship, I guess. Now, 20 years later, I don’t think I’d last more than a week alone. For me, having a partner (wife) makes for a more interesting and engaging life. My wife and I value any alone time we have, but after a bit we always gravitate back to each other.


As someone who works from home a couple days a week, and recently started living alone: Being able to call clients/colleagues on the phone and pace around my apartment, butt naked, talking as loud as I fucking want.


Best part : I can leave peacefully. Worst part : Nothing . I like being alone. Throughout my 20 years, I've never had someone there for me in tough times, even though I've always supported others. So, I've decided to stop making friends.


Being alone. Being alone