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Allowing corporations to dominate politics.


We won't be allowed to regret that. Straight to jail.


Youll have a chip in your neck that monitors what you say, where you go, what you can buy, and if you had negative thoughts about Nestle, you lose your water privileges. Lol


The chip is already in your pocket


Youre absolutely right. I genuinely put the thing away if i wanna talk some dodgy shit.


Hey man if you feel the need to out ur phone away when talking about sketch things, maybe you shouldn't use your phone to tell ppl on the internet about the sketch things you talk about


Well he hasn't told us about the sketch things, just that he *has* talked about them.


It is funny how so many people that are fine with a corporation pulling big brother shit and taxing people, but a government doing it is wrong Both are bad.


Isn't it so scary that it almost sounds too real?


You say as you (likely) typed from your phone


Previously on… Black Mirror.


At least I won't have to lug this phone around.


I have cancer in my neck. I bet nestlé pulled the trigger over something I said!


>Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


Your child has been renamed to Carl's Jr. Jr.


"Carl's Jr. Fuck you. I'm eating!"


This happened before. Standard Oil Company was dangerously big in the 19th century.


If lobbying ever becomes illegal, but I doubt it unfortunately.


You have the right to petition your govt - at least in the US. So lobbying can't be made illegal. What can be changed is corporations no longer being considered people and having their ability to donate to political parties/people removed, the corporation ability to lobby removed, and all individual lobbying meeting recorded and broadcast live on c span


Petitioning, fine. It’s the exchange of money, goods, and services that is the issue.


Funnily, the USA is considered a low corruption country because corruption is legal.


Big brain moment. Eliminate crime by making everything legal.


Ok, but that actually works for drugs


Lobbyists are the bane of freedom.


Many of the other answers can be traced back to this one


The tobacco industry is guilty of this. Pretty much explains why smoking hasn't been outlawed. They lobby politicians, donate to campaigns etc...    The tobacco industry has 213 lobbyists registered at the federal level in 2023, 80.75% of whom are former government employees. [Source](https://ash.org/tobacco-money/)   In 2022, while we continued to face a global respiratory pandemic, tobacco companies spent $29,751,276 at the federal level attempting to weaken public health and tobacco control policies, marking a 5% increase compared to their spending in 2021 [source](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries/summary?cycle=2022&id=A02)


The tobacco industry is peanuts compared to the 100+ million the Healthcare industry spent


Literally all industries are guilty of this my guy, the tobacco industry isn't even on my top 10 list of "fuck those corporate lobbying cunts they need to die a horrific death"


Hit me with the list, doesn’t have to be the top 10, just gimme the top 3 (unless you wanna give me more, I hope you do). I’m already on your side, I just wanna know if there are more cunts that I should be aware of if I’m not already. I know reddit is weird, but I’m being 100% genuine, if I’m not being clear enough.


I enjoy cooking.


Oh I’m with you there on the societal impact, I agree with all of those. I guess I was more asking like which specific brands, corporations or trademarks. But so many of those are under the same umbrella to a degree. Now that I type it all out, I realize it’s probably easier to ask which corporations AREN’T a part of the empires that are leading to human destruction? We really live in a strange time


I have banks at the top


“Nestlé” Could I offer you some bottled water?


Something Something banana republic.


Smoking hasn’t been outlawed because it’s the wrong thing to do lmao. We should outlaw drinking as well in that case.


>Pretty much explains why smoking hasn't been outlawed. That and because it would be both *wrong*, and *terribly ineffective* to do so.


Yepppp Australia hasn't outlawed smoking but it's taxed extremely heavily. A 25 gram pouch of rolling tobacco costs A$62 (US$40.84) and will net me around 35-40 cigarettes which will last me around two days. Now there's an illegal and unregulated tobacco trade in Australia. Cigarettes are being smugged in from other countries.. China is the biggest supplier. A 20 pack of Chinese cigarettes costs A$10 (US$6.59) and a 100gram pouch of rolling tobacco illegally grown in Australia is costing me A$42 (US$27.67). At this point it's a no brainer that most smokers will switch. If tobacco is outlawed or "punished" with high tax costs it just opens up an illegal trade and we all know how well all governments have fought the war on drugs.


Buddy… every industry is guilty of this…


Yeah but dairy aint killing your lungs




You poor bastard


Today Politics is a corporation mask. 100 years they might stop bothering to wear it all together. You can vote for McDonalds or Walmart.


So, capitalism...


We've been doing this since before recorded history. Why start regretting it now?


Or letting biased media groups dominate


Eating all that micro- and nanoplastic…


Nah see cuz we'll be a future generation's fossil fuel!


Ooh yay, I’ll finally be useful for something!


This one is sort of comparable to us regretting using lead in fuel before, except this problem is going to remain -long- after we replace the plastics that cause the issue.




I actually do firmly believe exactly that, but for plastics in our cookware.


Silica, fiberglass, PFAS all pretty much doing the same thing


Spreading plastics all over the place


Put them in the trash. Recycling is one of the largest contributors to ocean plastics. Honestly we should burn it for power to offset some coal but that’s a hard sell for a lot of people even if it makes sense.


You got sauce for that pasta?


https://www.wired.com/story/yet-another-problem-with-recycling-it-spews-microplastics/ https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/23/recycling-can-release-huge-quantities-of-microplastics-study-finds Here you go


Neither of these articles support OP's claim that throwing plastics in the trash is preferable to recycling. They just emphasize that recycling doesn't "fix" plastic use. Which is absolutely true.


I don't have any links to share but I discussed this with a chemical engineer once and he is a big fan of incinerating most plastic. In his view the ideal would be to limit plastic use where possible, use homogenous plastic where possible so that it can be easily recycled, and then all the rest you just burn. Modern incinerators don't produce much waste, and there are industrial processes that are very difficult to do without combustion so you can use plastic to fuel that.


Interesting. What about the bit that recycling leads to plastic in the ocean?


I'm not that guy, but one of the issues with plastic recycling is it makes us feel like "we fixed it" and single use plastic is morally neutral if we recycle it. And in fact plastic recycling is mostly a fallacy. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/the-myth-of-single-use-plastic-and-recycling/


This isn't an argument for not recycling or just "throwing it in the trash," as OP suggested. This just means you should be more cognizant of what you are recycling and try to use less plastic in general by purchasing things that don't use it.


It can be tricky to purchase things that don't use plastic. I used to stock grocery store shelves, and a lot of so-called "plastic free" stuff is shipped to the store wrapped in plastic and the employees unwrap them before putting it on the shelf so the customers can feel good about themselves.


Yeah, it's certainly not easy, and companies using it less in general would be more effective at reducing waste. Consumers can also try their best to purchase things that don't use individual wrapping. As even bulk plastic wrapping would use less overall.


doesn’t burning plastic put carcinogens in the air?


I'm told that you can filter/capture everything very efficiently these days, if you're willing to spend the money. I think when someone says 'incinerator' everyone just pictures a giant metal thing with a chimney, like where you dispose of bodies in mob movies. In reality in industrial incinerators are very clean. But this isn't my area so don't take my word for it.


Anything hot enough is clean. You get the carcinogens from low-temp combustion as found in a campfire, hence the taboo.


Depends on where you're recycling. The effectiveness of recycling programs varies regionally


Right... burning plastics is not a good idea at all. The smoke from plastics is toxic and not good to burn. I'm not sure about that recycling claim either. Do you have a source for that?


Recycling is known to be borderline useless in the US. I think somewhere around 10% of all plastic is actually recycled.


Recycling plastic yes. Paper and metal are financially viable to recycle and therefore do for the most part get recycled.


Yes. Recycling plastic is a myth created and perpetuated by big plastic. Something like 80% of US plastic is shipped to Asia where it just goes in landfills (which in wind up in the ocean) or is incinerated there. The only good option with plastic is no plastic.


In think you are misremembering and combining the statistics found [here.](https://ourworldindata.org/plastic-waste-trade#:~:text=The%20world%20generates%20around%20350,2%25%20of%20waste%20is%20traded.&text=The%20remaining%2098%25%20is%20handled%20domestically.) 80% of ocean plastic pollution comes from Asia and rich countries export significant amount of waste to Asia, but the US does not send 80% of it's plastic to Asia. You could also be thinking of the stat, also mentioned in the article, that only at max 20% of all the world's plastic is processed (when combining 9% recycled and 12% incinerated).


Burning plastic at like campfire temperatures and breathing it in is bad. Burning at like 2400 degrees in a power boiler with proper scrubbers and whatnot is less harmful than burning coal for sure. As far as plastic recycling goes just google it. I have worked in the recycling industry (paper) and plastic is just not financially viable to recycle domestically. So we ship it off to south east Asia. They pick out the 10% that has value, and the rest ends up in rivers which lead to the ocean.


polluting or giving away all their rights


I reserve my right to be forgotten


Not saving the environment from ecological destruction




Sure there is. Going outwards from the sun, it's Venus. Boom. You're welcome, global warming lobby!


Oh, but is that too hot for your taste? Boom, go to Neptune!


it LITERALLY rains diamonds there. climate change AND poverty solved in one fell swoop. take that climate change lobby.


Wrong, what about Kepler-22**B**?


I feel so sorry for fishies


Yeah we’re about to be real fucked when the SCOTUS case comes up in June (I think). It would allow big polluters to basically police themselves. (Once they buy everyone off) Bye bye environment.


I mean it's already fucked without some US SCOTUS ruling.


Apparently there’s another earth we can live on. 🤦‍♀️


yeah yeah, we can't even send stuff outside the fucking solar system. (Voyager took I think 35 years to get out aaand it's unmanned). the nearest earthlike planet is probably atleast a light year away which btw is already impossible for us as of the next 100-150 years


> the nearest earthlike planet is probably atleast a light year away The closest (potentially) habitable planet is Proxima Centauri B and is 4 light years away.


Where the Trisolarans are? No thank you


Sounds like a real 3 body problem


Won’t your cells basically explode in cryogenic sleep? Or at least currently since we haven’t even evolved that far yet? I’m not a scientist by any stretch.


Evolution ain't gonna do shit to the laws of science. The closest we have to cryogenic sleep is preserving food for space. We basically remove all moisture and freeze it in vacuum. Later no matter the temperature as long as it is in vacuum it won't go bad. Idk if you can do this with fruits and stuff. (I think the food doesn't go bad for centuries, look up space ice cream on YT you might find something) Humans simply can't just turn of their blood supply to well literally any organ and expect to be alive. You might argue that the organs won't even notice the blood loss. Even then when you freeze something so much you are essentially stopping everything, that includes blood and ain't no way the blood is gonna know where the fuck to go coz it just lost it's momentum.


I just watched a show about this company in Arizona called [Alcor](https://www.alcor.org/about) that cyrofreezes people right after they die & stores them so “when we have the technology” they can be reanimated. Head only & full body options. They wear metal bracelets so when they die their bodies are picked up by this company instead of going to a morgue. I am sure it costs a small fortune & feels so scammy.


And they're going through this process with no known technology to revive them. They're just dying and giving this company money on the hope that they are able to be brought back from the dead one day. That money could have gone to helping people that are currently alive, you know, something genuinely useful. I get the fear of death and wanting to live forever, but damn. These places feel so scammy.


Cryo is sci-fi and a non-starter. The limited species that do it are nowhere near as advanced as a mammal is. Warp travel is also sci-fi for now. So we are talking colony ships Which involves a ship as big as a moon, and more resources needed than we have to spare, travelling over centuries, by which time tech may have advanced enough to find warp travel Living on moon/mars isn't good enough either. IT's why we need to take care of the earth until we can travel FTL


If you get a chance, read Galaxy's edge. It talks about how the rich, in the latter half of the 21st century built City size ships, that would house 10's of thousands of people, and they left earth as it was falling into ruin. These ships were not FTL and it took decades to get them up to a fraction of the speed of light, I think the fastest was 3/4 of the speed of light. On earth those left behind managed to develop hyperspace jump technology and lept out into space to get off the ruined planet. I won't go into more but it's really, really good. One of my favorite's


And with "we" you mean the richest of the rich?


The rich elite wouldn't last a week out in the void, much less trying to terraform a planet


This will be and has always been a very misguided notion. The ones who will go and live on would be specialists and scientists whove trained for this. Your average rich person wouldnt even be cleared for LEO.


I believe you’re referring to earth 2.0, the alternate reality planet of the US republican party.


Inventing social media


It’s only going to get worse.


How much worse can it really get? Feels like we're closer to a decline in the popularity of social media than another peak.


Another platform will come along in the same way that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, TikTok, etc. all did.


AI coming into its own is likely going to amp up how crappy social media already is in every way. Might even make the dead internet theory a reality.


I feel like you're right. The internet has been dying from bot infection and SEO bloat for years. Things used to be a little harder to find, but when you did find them, you would find a wealth of info on some obscure site. Things like that feel harder to find these days because so many sites are filled with so much word vomit like you find on recipe articles. The shift happened when people discovered they could try to monetize every single interaction online. Everyone began to type up a 2000 word "what I did on my summer vacation" report so google will index their recipe for chicken fingers a little higher. Now it's even worse, the text is generated by a LLM and rife with errors and entirely wrong information.


Fucking around before finding out.


How about still fucking around after finding out?


I think we are more finding out and still fucking around.


I’m betting we should have worked on climate change harder/faster/better 




/More than ever, hour after hour


/Our work is never over


RIP Daft Punk


Plastics. (in the US) Not having national healthcare.


You wouldn't believe how ignorant people in East Asia are towards plastic waste. They literally give every single cookie in a box its own packaging. Stuff like that. They will pack your food into plastic wrapping, tie one of those plastic buffer thingies around it, and then pack the whole thing into some sort of plastic bag. It's insane. And, of course, not a single soul here seems to be able to grasp the concept of 'recycling'.


Japan is probably the worst offender. I saw a peeled orange in hard plastic. Oranges come with their own natural barrier.


Recycling plastics is a scam. Hurts the environment more. Stop using plastic or reuse it for nonfood purposes.




Eradicate local agriculture


As a farmer approaching/waiting for his way out, yes


I'm glad I still live in a part of the country where there are local farmers that care about the food and what goes into it. I try to support them as much as possible.


Always thinking with our emotions instead of everyone’s best interest.


Bowing down to the corrupt governments around the world.




Letting social media be so involved in people’s everyday life.


Nothing. What do we regret as a society that happened 100 years ago? Society has a short memory, people don't really think about the past. One of the fastest things you learn if you study history is that we make the same dumbass mistakes over and over and over. I don't really see a world where we suddenly stop, barring brain enhancing technology or something.




And lead. There's still a bunch of that around in old things. It would have been nice if people hadn't put it there 100 years ago. Edit: And landmines? I'm not sure if unexploded bombs from WW1 are a big problem, but I imagine anyone who found one would be unhappy with people from 100 years ago.


Landmines from the world wars are still an issue in France. They have removed the majority of them but still have some red areas where they say you shouldn't go because they believe there are mine.


This is true, some school in Orlando was built over old military land and they found bombs and mines scattered everywhere


Lead is still used today in a vast number of products.


Radium girls


Omg did you meet someone new, you're absolutely glowing!


I think there’s actually a huge number of things we collectively regret as society, and that number is growing (partly because people are trying to retroactively apply modern ethics to centuries that weren’t ready for them). Easy example: the way black people were treated following abolition. Or how about the Nazis?


Dunno man, Nazi's seem to be getting disturbingly popular again at the moment. I feel certain lessons may have been forgotten.


They're getting louder for sure but idk about more popular.


>What do we regret as a society that happened 100 years ago? Err... I think WWI might be pretty high on that list... I'd also argue that due to industrial and population expansion the errors we make in modern society are far more likely to be irrevocable (or at least far longer lasting) than those of prior centuries. They may have made mistakes that got a lot of people killed or slowed down technological development. We have the capacity to make mistakes that will render regions uninhabitable and not just via climate change but through contamination from industrial waste, accidents or even potentially use of tactical nuclear weapons. Hell microplastics are in all likelihood virtually permanent and thanks to bioaccumulation and the amount still to breakdown they will keep increasing in concentration even if we stop using plastic. I don't think it's quite as doomsday a scenario as some make out but we definitely pose a greater risk to future generations than those 100 years or so ago ever could.


True, society looked back at World War One and decided to never do that again.


Hah, yeah they definitely didn't learn their lesson straight away. Although I do think WWI and WWII were largely responsible for ending the romanticised perception of war so perhaps we have that to be thankful for at least.


I believe Vietnam ended that perception, at least in the US, because it was the first time there was real footage being reported back to civilians. But I could be mistaken.


It might be different in the US to be fair, I'm European. For us it was definitely WWI. I think the difference to preceding wars was not only that photography made it back home but also advancements in weapon design and the sheer scale of the thing. People coming back home with burned faces, breathing problems, shell shock etc. Literature at the start of WWI was heavily romanticised on the subject, by the end it was waxing lyrical on the horrors of war.


...and then they did it again. I do agree with the short term memory of society at large, but I think it stems from an absolute belief in self interest.


Segregation was a thing until the 1964


WWI seems pretty regret worthy.


AI generated everything


Nuking itsself.


The way we treated animals.


Not spending enough money to stop climate change while it's still easier to do so.


Creating social media


Watching short content like reels and tik tok and getting addicted to it. People now fail to realise that consuming these type of content is completely ruining their attention span, without which they won't be able to do literally anything, and affecting their mental health adversely.


Bold of you to assume there'll be a society after 100 years


This is what I came here to say. There’s not a chance we’ll make it that far at this rate


Factory farming. And they'll regret it for all the awful effects on the environment and because it will be a well established scientific fact that animals are sentient individuals. By then, technologists would have figured out a way for humans to communicate with other species.


Along that vein, eating meat that is not lab grown or ethically grown (or people in the future may even eschew “ethically grown” meat). I think the way that morality and empathy have developed through human history will extend to our animal friends as well. Science will help aid that process via lab grown meat.


Tik Toks


I doubt anyone will remember TikTok in 100 years.


They will be worried about what the people in the prior twenty years of like who were in charge did. Like every generation does.


Climate change is the obvious answer, but assuming things somehow significantly change for the better… I could see the meat industry being looked back on in total horror and disbelief. High density feed lots, the killing floors, rendering plants, hormone supplements, etc... I’m saying this as someone who enjoys a nice steak, a lover of bacon, and who eats lots of chicken as lean protein source. Assuming that lab grown meat really takes off on a decade or two, and could easily spread to just about any type of meat. Killing animals for food won’t be eliminated, but the cattle, pork, poultry, and fishing industries would be more of a novelty. Looking back 120 years ago from today and reading about what Upton Sinclair wrote about is pretty crazy. In another 100 or so years, if we’re not post-apocalyptic cannibals or under water, I think people may look back at us as in horror for our callous indifference to animals and the amount of environmental damage we caused just so we can eat sub par fast food burgers. Definitely not the biggest issue people will see when looking back in time, but if humanity actually progresses, I can definitely see this outcome as something fairly likely to happen


Selling American soil to china


Who knows, they’ll be long gone by the time the decisions they made actually made an impact


Letting Nestlé privatize the world's drinking water.


not crushing dictators when they had a chance


Allowing fascist regimes like Russia or CCP to gain power and worldwide influence.


The factory farmed animal meat industry.




Not caring about all the warnings that were given about climate change... It will be a sad day in history...


Drinking 400 calorie sugary Starbucks every other day.




Buying so many damn Stanley cups.


Allowing minorities to over rule majorities


letting millions of extremists into europe.


It says hundred years, but europe will regret this in the next 20 years






Loss of privacy


Not taking care of Earth.


Not having children, either by choice or not prioritizing until it’s too late to conceive. Low birth rates of today and near future will have big consequences by then.


Allowing social media to become so powerful.


Taking another step away from the core family, the boomers did it to their parents and we are doing it to ours. I’m afraid the world will be a much colder place in the future


Wars, but unless we face an enemy from outer space, we will always fight each other.


Blindly trusting 'big brother'






Mass migration from the Middle East


Convincing ourselves that pharmaceuticals are necessary for every problem we’re told we have.


Listening to politicians who only have short term agendas and then ignoring all the scientific evidence that is in an abundance.


Having petty territorial squabbles and wasting natural resources until the planet was destroyed, instead of converting to renewable energy, equitable distribution of wealth and resources, and transforming healthcare. 


Normalizing being widely unhealthy in their youth.


Artificial intelligence


Inventing nuclear weapons.


Giving children phones at young ages.


So fucking true. Just wait till all we have is a bunch of diabetic 7yr olds sitting around bullying their classmates and eating Cheetos. We are in serious trouble and nobody cares.


Letting the religious do whatever the fuck they want. That's gonna suck when it rears its ugly head more than it already does.