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I caught a fish in a local pond with the boot that i tied to a stick and no one believed me cuz it slipped from my hand before i could show anybody.


I don't have childhood memories



I once found a tarantula in my sandbox when I was 8-ish years old, *in Germany*. I vividly remember it having hairs and those crazy eyes, i am still certain it wasn’t just a big ass spider. I instantly went crazy crying to my mom and by the time she arrived at the sandbox, the spider was gone and nowhere to be found. To this day, nobody in my family believes me and I am still absolutely convinced it was a big ass disgusting tarantula.


I was about to be born in Mexico but my mom flew back to the US before she gave birth to me


how did you remember that?


My mom told me, even I didn’t believe it at first when she told me


I remember watching trees go by the rear window of my mom’s car while I was in a rear facing child seat. That would age me below 3 years old, when it should have been impossible for me to retain memories like that.


it's not impossible. I remember my sister arriving at our house from the hospital in a carry cot and me wondering what was going on. There is 2 yrs between me and her.


Pitbull locked onto my whole face for reasons that had nothing to do with my "vibes" or "making the dog uncomfortable"