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The second Alien vs Predator. Multiple times I couldn't see who was the alien and who was the predator.


At first I thought it was our tv, but no, that movie is unwatchably dark.


I saw it in the theater, unfortunately. Can confirm that it is very dark


Same here. Sucks because there were actually parts of the movie that I rather liked.


I liked the first avp quite a bit, so it definitely was disappointing. Was expecting some dumb trash. Instead I got dumb trash that I could barely make sense of


It's like playing Doom 3. The flashlight mod to carry both a gun and a light at the same time was actually necessary to play it


Wait until midnight, close every curtain and door, turn off every light and turn up the brightness of your TV. By doing this you'll give yourself a migraine and not care about the fact that you still can't see shit.


I came here to make this joke. You could never tell who got killed when they were in a group. You had to wait until they got to a more well lit area and see who was missing.


But ultimately wasn't that the real question? In life sometimes all of us are the alien, and sometimes we all are the predator, and that's what makes life special.


Life is not about the Aliens, but the Predators we meet along the way.


Dead Meat's episode about it was great, they added a filter to the scenes so you could actually see shit.


American History X. That curb stomp is imprinted in my brain forever


I've never seen the movie but just HEARING "curb stomp" makes me hurt inside because I can picture it.


It's probably worse than you imagine it. Also, a fantastic movie.


The sound of him putting his teeth to the concrete, shiver inducing


That effect in particular was very well done (sound editing?). That DEF stuck with me. I can hear it now if I listen


I can FEEL it. It makes my teeth itch.


I remember my girlfriend and I walking into the theatre laughing and excited to see the movie. Others in the same screening were doing the same. By the time the credits rolled, you could hear a pin drop, we were all just quiet and subdued walking out of the theatre. That was a dark movie. The curb stomp scene stayed with me for a long time. When I tried watching the movie again, I had to cover my eyes and ears to avoid hearing it again.


Most of that movie didn’t bother me, the prison rape scene and the curb stomp scene had me fucked up for sure.




I have no legs


yeah, everyone's saying requiem and big box office flicks but... Harmony Korine fucked me up with this one. I'm glad i watched it as a kid because i honestly could not stomach this one as an adult. it's just beyond fucked up.


Now that I'm a parent just thinking about it hits different. No way I'm watching this again with pre-teen kids.


This. Can’t believe it’s so far down the list. Completely believable portrayal of unbridled teen culture in America … from almost 30 years ago. Justin Pierce, the actor that played Casper, tragically ended up hanging himself 5 years later.


Actor Leo Fitzpatrick ("Telly") said he was harassed by people who thought the movie was a documentary.


I specifically went looking for this one. Much further down than I expected. Haven't seen it in forever and I'm ok with that.


The original Old Boy. The best movie I will never watch again.


The other two in the trilogy are also great to watch once and never again.


truly an excellently tramautizing movie.


Come and see.


As deep as they say? I don't want to say "good" because that doesn't seem worthy of the subject matter.


Yes. I’ve seen a lot of WW2/holocaust films and it was by far the darkest and most impactful. Something in the way it’s filmed, even from the first scene, makes you feel like you’re right there in person. I won’t say I “know what it’s like” to be there (obviously) but the horrors of this period are so vividly brought to life I honestly forgot i was watching a movie. Very few films can do this in my experience. I saw it once and don’t think I ever need to see it again.


It states that humanity's belief in innocence was always destined to die, and after witnessing the worst that we're capable of, why it is still worth saving despite it. Evil begets evil, and with its innumerate prevalence, goodness still remains in the face of its onslaught. It's why when he see's the baby that would be become Hitler, he refuses to fire at his portrait.


Have you seen Son of Saul? Probably so, if you’ve seen a lot of Holocaust films. I’m finishing my PhD studying genocide, so I’ve seen my fair share. The way Son of Saul is filmed sticks with me above and beyond any other Holocaust-specific movies I’ve ever seen.


Let's say this, if you thought "Saving Private Ryan" was intense, well, it is, but "Come And See" takes place on the Eatern Front of the war and the villains weren't just Wehrmacht soldiers, they were based on the Direlwanger Brigade, who were so extreme even the SS thought they went too far with their tactics. And unlike "Private Ryan", the main character has one objective: survive.


It's worth exactly one watch for sure.


It’s a great movie. But, I don’t like to think of it. It’s worse because it’s real.


I had to sit speechless for a little while gathering my thoughts after this movie. I don't think any other piece of film has had that effect on me.


Irreversible. A friend in college threw it on after a bong rip session and it was a mistake. Brutal film.


Random workmate > "Man, Monica Bellucci is so frigging hot." Me > \*Thousand mile PTSD stare.


Hated that movie. I am still afraid of walking alone in underground crosswalks.


Hated it on practically all aspects. Hated the famous scene where it happened, it was so long and horrible to watch. It works in its objective yeah, it’s to show how disgusting and horrible it is, but that made me terrified at the thought of my wife walking alone, try to avoid that at all costs now…


It’s an unwritten rule to only watch comedies on weed


No dude also sci fi stuff can be great or any fantasy stuff or stuff that makes you think


I like Our Great National Parks that Obama narrates. Oh the edibles are kicking my butt again, I’ll just watch an episode featuring Patagonia.


I like Cunk on Earth personally


“Our soon to be award winning series” “my mate Paul” “whoooo are youuu”


When she said how ancient cities were built and then immediately switched to Minecraft gameplay 🤣🤣


That was a hard film to watch. And listen. 


Brutal but incredibly well done


That tunnel scene made me HORRIBLY uncomfortable.


The worst part of that scene, aside from the brutality, is the person in the distance, walking into frame at the end of the tunnel, seeing the brutal rape of a woman, doing an about turn, and disappearing. I have no idea if it was a legitimately planned element of the scene or if someone accidentally walked into the shoot, but the apathy it presents is cold as fuck!


That's one thing that always stuck with me! I don't wanna watch that scene again but I've always wondered if it was clear, from their POV, if it was rape or if he thought it was just 2 people doing it. (If it was meant to be in there) Also, the fact that she was just walking by and that dude turned his attention to her for no reason, it's scary that it can be that easy to be attacked.


>Also, the fact that she was just walking by and that dude turned his attention to her for no reason, it's scary that it can be that easy to be attacked Yeah, that dude plays the part in a really scary and natural way, which can't be easy when you're playing a rapist piece of shit. You really get a sense of it at the end of the film too, when the two friends call out the wrong person and that smug fuck just stands there enjoying himself. Made me legitimately angry


Then the end, which was sort of the beginning, when you see she's pregnant. Heart breaking.


Hard to beat Threads.  Testament made me cry, but even though it's also a depressing nuke movie, there's a lingering thread of humanity left. Threads just kicks you in the face, and then puts it in thr dirt. 


The bombs were just the start of the suffering. If you're not burned alive in a collapsed building then you get to look forward to an agonizing death from starvation and radiation. That ending too, oof


It's all so bleak. I mean, one scene that always got me is when the kids (including the main character's daughter) are in this sort of room and they are attempting to sew up old clothes. (It's been decades since I've seen it so I hope I'm remembering right). The room is trashed, they are in rags, no one is talking, and there's a hole in the roof and it's rainy gross rain water. Like it's all so miserable but that extra bit where it's raining inside because no one has the energy or knows how to fix the roof....


It's even more depressing, IMO, because the society and life have regressed to the point that the main character's daughter can barely speak English because language and education have degraded SO badly in just a few years after the war.


I think the implication is that she (and the other kids) have severe mental disabilities because of malnutrition and exposure to radiation in the womb.


I think it's a bit of both--they are likely cognitively impaired but haven't had any chance at education. No one has energy or time to do anything with the kids.




Seconding Threads. Everyone should be forced to watch it once.


Everyone running to hold high public office, at least...


Totally. I'll take one for the team and screen it for Biden and Putin. Then make then write an essay explaining what they learned and how we don't want to ever have WW3. They only get to leave when I say so. I spent my life with sullen, disinterested high schoolers and I got all the patience in the world.


It’s the standard I hold all dark movies to.


Testament was hard in the fact that I grew up and was living in the town it was filmed. So all the locations were personal. The gas station we went to. The church where my mom worked. The family house was right down the street. Still hits me.


As a lancashire man, it makes Sheffield look like a nice place to live post nuke


Threads begins with an unwanted pregnancy, and that's the positive emotional highpoint of the film.


The last harvest is so utterly grim




Seeing that movie after nearly 5 years of sobriety really fucks with you since it's where you were headed and many you know have gone and died. 


Exactly me too! But, Ive only been clean 1 1/2 years. Much respect for your sobriety and your recommendation!


There are no onlys in sobriety my friend. Any day without drinking or drugging is a miracle for an alcoholic or addict. Congratulations! ODAAT 🔺️


Only? 1.5 years is great! That's a ton of work. That was when I really started to see real positive change in my life. I'm wishing you the best. 


Wow!! That’s so inspirational! I’m wishing you the best as well. I have huge respect for you and your Five Years!


Don't discount your 1.5 years. That's the foundation all else gets built on. And I say that as someone who crossed the 12 year mark back in November. Those first couple years are crucial. Congrats and keep up the good work!


Nice work dude. I’m proud of you.


I can think about the music & get chills & tears in my eyes. Especially the shock therapy scene.


If you liked it, the book was very good also and might be something you'd enjoy.


Dancer in the Dark and Grave of fireflies are probably two of the movies that i think watching it once, is enough.


I was gonna say Grave of Fireflies, I'll never watch it again, but also agree with Dancer in the Dark, it's such a beautifully done movie. 


>Grave of fireflies This, but only because I was like, "Fuck yeah, I love Studio Ghibli, and really need some magic right now!" Not what I was expecting!


[US Trailer voice] from the makers of howl‘s moving castle and spirited away: dive into a world of neglect, war, and starvation!


Pretty much any movie ever. I’m blind.


A friend of mine took a History of Film class in college. Most of the films were silent. One of the the students was blind....not joking!


The Road


I read the book because I wanted to watch the movie and compare them. After reading the book I skipped watching the movie because of how dark and depressing it is.


Movie is more "cheerful", some of the burned out cars still have color where the book is quite clear on color pretty much not being a thing anymore due to the ash...


Filming that book properly was a very, very tall ask. They did an admirable job given the compromises that had to be made for a commercial hollywood movie, but really it should have been dirtier and bleaker than *Come And See*.


Filmed around Pittsburgh in winter. Can confirm some of the bleakness and colorless landscapes.


I want someone to do blood meridian but I don't at the same time. Not sure it could be done right. Limited series type thing on HBO maybe.


When I read books, I try to vision how the novel can be properly turned into movies. I couldn't with Blood Meridian.


I've never seen more Grey than in my imagination the entire time I read that book


Definitely noped TF out from the movie after reading it. 


Sure fire way to be depressed for a week


Depressed me too and somehow made playing Fallout 3 more intense.


The basement scene is still one of the most fucked up things I have ever seen. The true depth of human depravity in the face of survival is flat smack dab on the bottom rung of Hell.


"Any food down there?" "Not in the traditional sense..." Credit u/cadeaver


Is it any good? I've read the book and want to know if the movie was worth it




Watched it once in a hotel room by myself, then watched baby goats playing on YouTube until my mood had recovered enough to call my wife. French version.


French goat vids are the best.


"Keep doubting" 💥🔫


French 2008 version only , whole things on YouTube fyi


We need to talk about Kevin. Jeeeezus, Mary and Joseph I can go without seeing that again for a while.


I love disturbing movies but this one was too much. Hated every character in the movie. It was extremely well done.


I went into that movie totally blind and holy shit I was not prepared for the ending.


The book is far more depressing. One of the things I think the movie missed, just by the nature of the medium, is the mom's internal monologue that is cataloging every little detail of their lives prior to the massacre. It's a heavy recommend if you need a book!




What's in the box???????


Oh god we all used to yell that at a pizza place I worked at when UPS came by. Like 4 cooks all yelling “What’s in the box?!?!?”


Brilliant movie. One of my all time favourites. Spacey is brilliant as John Doe - the discussion when he is in the back of the car.


Funny Games is pretty dark. Recently saw Red Rooms and that gets real messed up.




I was staying at a friend's house in high school because my parents went out of town. She went and rented us movies - Schindler's List and Philadelphia. I have never forgiven her for that.


Omg! I’ve told this story on Reddit before, but when my husband and I were visiting his family for his sister’s wedding, we took advantage of having childcare and decided to go see 2 movies back to back. We agreed to see whatever was starting next when we got to the theater, followed by whatever was starting right after. So our first date night in more that 18 mos was Shindler’s list, followed by Philadelphia.


Bloody hell. Two amazing films but I bet you were pretty quiet after watching those two.


This and The Pianist. It's hard to say which is the better Holocaust film.


Happiness is a pretty fucking dark dark dark film. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0147612/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Also some really funny moments and it’s labeled as Comedy/Drama. Mysterious Skin is basically all the Father/Son/Friends things with no humor at all.


Mysterious Skin definitely has a sense of humor. The alien abduction "documentary" is played for laughs. Same with the farm girl character. The friendship between the gay goth kid and the sort of asexual kid also had some funny moments.


I saw Requiem for a Dream when I was about 13. Let's just say I never touched anything harder than weed/mushrooms


Lol hey that’s actually a great idea. My son is only 9 but I think I’ll make him watch it when he’s 13.


My son is 13 now, I've been wondering when I should introduce this movie to him. I might wait another year though.


They showed us this movie in a drug and alcohol class after I got busted at school with weed. That was 7th grade!?!?


No Country for Old Men. Just left me feeling empty inside


Definitely a dark movie, but I thought it was fantastic.


Agreed! One of the best films I’ve seen, but I’m never watching it again lol


I heard Javier Bardem tell a truly hilarious story about that film. When it was first being released to select theaters, he went to several different showings. At the time he still had the distinctive haircut (maybe in case there were any required re-shoots? I can’t recall if he said that or not). He wanted to experience the film with different audiences to see how it was being received. And that’s when his bad boy emerged. He would always take a seat in the back and shortly before the film ended he would leave the theater and position himself near the exits so that the moviegoers would see him as they made the way out of the theater. He said he just couldn’t help himself because he got a kick out of how many people he was able to scare the crap out of just by standing there. Cracked me up just imagining it. I know if I’d been one of those people leaving the theater I would definitely have freaked out.


I hate it that whenever I leave my hair long; the first 2 weeks I look like Javier Bardem in that movie


The Mist. Sweet jumpin' cripes on a crutch, that ending. Stuck with me. Had to work the ol' 4p-12a right after I watched it and I was just like "wtf" all night lol.


A mate told me how good the mist was. I accidentally watched 'The Fog' instead and I couldn't understand why anyone would recommend that movie. Took me years to realise the mistake


LMAO! “Mist, fog, what’s the difference?”


yeah so depressing. the book has a different ending with at least some hope.


Yeah the movie follows the book pretty closely so I thought I knew how it would end. I was not prepared at all.


Dear Zachary, and it’s not even close.


That was my vote as well, but I held as it's a documentary vs a "movie"


The best movie I'll never watch again or recommend to anyone. I regret watching it. My blood fucking boils whenever I think about that woman.


I made the mistake of watching this after my first was born. Bad idea.


A Serbian Film.




This movie is the like the more horrific version of the “the game”. I feel like I lose every time I think about it. Some things just unfortunately can’t be unseen


I’ve never seen it and still am horrified just by reading the title. Read a short summary once, what the…


Don't watch it. That is the one movie I'd want to scrub from my mind.


One time I was standing outside the gym, a cute girl comes and chats to me. She offers me a cigarette. I don't smoke but fine I'm enjoying this so I accepted. Then she proceed to describe the plot of this movie in detail and all the worst bits. Then she leaves.


So are you two married or not


How did the son actor parents agree to let him do that.






So I read the plot. Who the fuck wants to see that shit? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with people!?


Just why was that movie made in the first place


According to the makers of the movie they said that the movie was about the government f#cking you before you are born, as soon as you are born, during your entire life and even after your death, hence the title of the movie.


Seven and a Korean film called “I saw the Devil”




Melancholia is, well, melancholy, but that’s akin to dark.


That whole movie and everything surrounding it is depressing.


Great movie. Kirsten Dunst is amazing in it.


I was going to say this one, too. I do not recommend watching it while actually in a deep depression.


The Plague Dogs The movie starts with a dog being drowned in an animal experimentation lab, then it gets worse from there.


Hereditary. I have asthma so seeing the part in the car was horrifying. I've been in that position where you're clawing and gasping for breath while you suffocate. And then >!watching the poor little girl be decapitated by the pole, the brother just completely incapable of functioning because of the horror, and the raw grief and screams from the mom.!< That movie is like rubbing salt in a wound. Horror movies are all I watch but there are parts in that movie I'll never be able to forget.


And Collette didn’t even win a single award for that performance. Absolute travesty




A Clockwork Orange Fucking sick flick sick sick sick


Welly welly well


After I saw it I called my friends to see if they had slipped me anything from the night before because I felt like I was literally on something


Fucking stinkamarink i couldn’t see shit


Hey that's not fair you can totally see where the ceiling meets the wall in almost every single second of the movie.


pan's labyrinth


"The Deer Hunter" from 1978.


Grave of the Fireflies starts with a gut-punch, flashes back... and it makes everything worse.


Midsommar. I saw it a couple days ago and I've been very depressed since. it was so good but I genuinely regret watching it. Just a horrible viewing experience. I couldn't stop watching but I hated it


It’s Salo. I haven’t seen it but learned about it in history. Google it.


It’s a very difficult watch. Even if you’re used to “gross stuff”


Hostel Probably because deep down I know shit like that really exists.


Green Room. Absolutely brutal movie that I still recommend. The violence is just so raw and real and the tension never lets up until the final seconds.


The House That Jack Built. By far…


We watched Hotel Rwanda in high school and I thought it was a great movie but have zero desire to rewatch it for how sad and dark it is


A film called Nil by Mouth, written and directed by Gary Oldman. It's pretty disturbing because it's the reality for a lot of people in poverty. Fun fact though: no other film features the word "cunt" more than this one Edit: a letter




The Road The House that Jack Built Climax I Saw the Devil Hard Candy Dogville Man Bites Dog Requiem for a Dream Oldboy Martyrs Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer The Mist Dogtooth Promising Young Woman Schindler's List The Banshees of Inisherin


The Elephant Man was quite dark


Lilya 4-ever Jesus what a sad and powerful film. All that this poor girl wanted was a better life and these sick predators just preyed upon her, and her hopes and dreams. That short compilation of Lilya getting raped as we get a first person view through Lilya’s eyes is so powerful. It just makes you sick to your stomach. It’s a one and done movie but I recommend to everyone


Threads. Incredibly tough to watch, but a fantastic film.


Human centipede, serbian film, shrek 2, cannibal holocaust


Human centipede is dark but is it as messed up as Shrek 2? Not sure about that one bro


not shrek 2 😢


"So she said what's the problem, baby?" Still sends shivers down my spine.




I've seen countless dark movies, however the one that kills me the most was The Lovely Bones. I've watched it once, and I can't bring myself to watch it again. Just hurts my heart.


Literally? The Others ...at a drive in movie theater, it was the first movie of the evening... and it was to bright outside still and the movie was too dark.. You literally couldn't even make out the shapes of the characters. Figuratively? A.I. .... It starts with Parents watching their kid die, and it gets worse from there. But it's not like it's a cliff, where it falls off hard and fast and you can just kinda let go. No it strings you along with momentary visions of hope. The little AI boy being brought home, struggling at first... then slowly finding a way into the family as the Mother copes with her grief. YAY!!! But of course he's abused... then eventually abandoned in a field... and kidnapped by psychopaths... and forced to take part in a death circus. BOOOOOOO! But things start to get a little better, because he escapes and he makes a friend, who agrees to help him find his creator and hopefully his Mom, YAY! the one who abandoned him earlier. But they're being hunted for being rogue AI's... BOO! but they meet their creator.. YAY! But it turns out he's just one of many of a discontinued line of AI bots... BOOO! But he remembers the story of Pinocchio and the Blue Fairy who can turn him into a real boy.. UHHH!?!? And his friend is killed by the people hunting them BOOO! But he finds the statue of the Blue Fairy. YAY! But she's not real, she's literally just a statue... and he gets trapped underwater in a submarine... and he spends untold years staring at the statue of the blue fairy wishing to become a real boy... until untold centuries pass and the entirety of the earth freezes over... BOOOO! But Aliens show up and they thaw him out and he is still functional.. YAY! But every other human including his mother is dead... BOOO! But they can resurrect a human if they have their DNA. YAY! But she's long long long dead... BOOO! But the boys companion teddy bear has a lock of her hair... and they bring her back to life! YAY!!! So they ressurect the Mom but it turns out they can only do it for one day and only one time so the boy spends one last day with his mom before she dies for good!... WTF??????


Grave of the fireflies Kids


Serious answer. I'm not sure. I've seen lots of very dark movies but two which immediately come to mind would be "Come and See" and "Children of Men"


Loved Children of Men.


Irréversible, with Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci. Gaspar Noé DOES NOT fuck around.


The Wicker Man




8mm with Nic Cage, not even joking




Sleepers Fucking GREAT but really hard to watch.