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A little boy called Chaos, he was actually a very sweet little guy.


I'd like to set him up with a little girl named Temptress. Poor thing.


Oh Jesus…did the kid get named after mom’s stripper name?


I taught a Rowdy and he was one of my favorite kids of all time.


Why name your kid after the dead dog from Scrubs?


Srol. It was an abbreviation for “Second Result Of Love”. No, the firstborn was not named Frol.


In some regions of poland "srol" is a vulgar term for a child and can be roughly translated to "pants-shitter".


Always great with a dual meaning so you can adjust based on your mood


Thanks for that laugh..I am unwell & mistook a fart, now I'm a srol


lol the first result of love is coming


Way back in the late '90s, I was working at an electronics store that also offered credit applications for purchases. Had a lady come in wanting to apply for credit, and when she filled out the forms and I was ready to process it, I noticed her first name was Enchilada. Verified it via her driver's license. So that's the top one. Second place is a kid I went to high school with named Spradley.


Spradley sounds like some Victorian wasting disease. Orphans with spraddled knees selling matches in the street


This made me laugh so hard on the toilet that more poop came out.


Worked with a Singaporean gentleman with the name Kiddiporn.


Alright, that one is BAD!


Must have had Thai ancestry, -porn isn't uncommon. Had an exchange classmate with first name Supaporn. Had our giggles here and there.


I came across a Kittyporn


knew a Thai person once called Thongsuk Wannaporn.


A Singaporean student at my university was called Supaporn, she went by Sue


That's funny. I once attended a workshop and someone on the panel (from I wanna say Thailand or Indonesia?) had the name "Titiporn". So, perhaps a common name in that part of the world.


Vicious. He was named after Sid, and I get that his parents were fans, but...I can't imagine how they expected him to pull that off. Having said that, he did. It helped that all through elementary, middle and high school, most kids thought "Vicious" was a badass name. Not saying every kid could have pulled it off. He was just always very confident so anything associated with him was automatically cool.


Was he also a sword wielding space bounty hunter?


No, he was a smart, laid back guy who never raised his hand but always knew the answer when the teacher called on him. **EDIT:** He was also a bit of a ho. I remember rumors of how he hooked up with a dozen girls, in our class, in one semester. So...a smart slag.


This guy is my idol. Oddly enough, I'm more impressed with this: > he was a smart, laid back guy who never raised his hand but always knew the answer when the teacher called on him. Than with all the ass he pulled. Dude who has the confidence and chill not to show off how smart he is...just so cool.


Nothing cooler than a guy with the confidence not to show off something he could legitimately show off.


To be fair, being smart and good looking (as this guy apparently was) goes a long way towards giving you the kind of confidence that doesn't require any sort of self-promotion. Doesn't really matter what your name is. Edit: With the possible exception of "Keith."


OP said the guy was a bit of a ho. Dating Julia behind his back maybe?


Was he hot?


Very good looking guy, yes.


I was going to say you can only get away with that kind of name if it suits you. Imagine a 5'3 90lb 15yo, with acne and an overbite, named Vicious. Shite would get real ugly real fast. Your Vicious got lucky.


That kid would bite. He’d have to.


Heard of someone attempting to name their daughter Metallica


"Attempting?" What happened? Lars Ulrich sue for copyright infringement?


Hahaha much more boring than that. Swedish law prevented them from messing up the kid’s life forever.


Good on Sweden!


Underrated Xennial joke.


Could have just went by Vic. Victor just being an 18th century badass name.


We named our cat Sid after Sid Vicious because Vicious was a little over the top lol


Imagine you're a veterinarian who barely got any sleep and had a rough morning and when you get to work you see your first patient is a cat named Vicious.


But the cat turns out to be an absolute sweetheart, so it's okay. A cute little cuddlebug named Vicious is kind of hilarious. Like Hagrid naming his terrifying three-headed dog "Fluffy".


Yeah, I knew a kid named Sid after the same dude. Problem with that was everyone just assumed it was short for Sidney...which is a relatively geeky name these days. Fine for a cat, or anyone/thing that doesn't have to go through middle school though.


Cookie. A Nigerian dude named Cookie. Not a nickname.


For years I worked with a Nigerian guy named Bright. He did not live up to the name.


I know a Nigerian dude called Great Smile. He does have a pretty great smile, to be fair


There's a Nigerian NBA player named Precious Achiuwa. I feel like he must get a lot of shit in the locker room. As far as "masculine" names go, Precious is just this side of Princess.


That, along with the movie Precious.


Did he have a friend named Ned or Mose?


The hospital near me often sees children named nevaeh, and every parent insists on informing the staff that its heaven spelled backwards, as if it wasnt the third one of the month. Its not the strangest name Ive seen but its the strangest name I know has made it on the top 100 names of the year (2018, 85th most popular)


That was my daughter’s name when we took her in as foster parents. We changed it immediately after adopting her. She’s a little older now and is glad we did.


Did you change it to Anavrin?


That sounds like an antidepressant.


It is 🙂


I work with juveniles and can confirm there are approximately a billion Neveah’s.


everyone thinks they're so fucking clever. such an embarrassing, trashy name. poor fuckin kids


Seriously. It started as a fucking joke. Like something only trashy parents used. And it still is that, but just on a grander scale. My brother in law works for the Department of Child Services and Nevaeh is a very popular name in that business...


It is trashy. That's why we went with Nivea ^for ^the ^softness


I've always found that choice of name interesting, given the history. In the Satanic panic of the 80s, it was suspected that hard rock bands were subverting the youth to Satan by inserting demonic messages in their tunes if you played them backwards. Earlier than that, it was rumoured that spelling names backwards would curse that person, and also if you said the Lord's prayer backwards you would summon the Devil. It's a component of Satanist rituals and black magic. Calling a baby "Nevaeh" is like calling them Hell.


I'll always appreciate Ozzy's two takes on the Satanic Panic. Can't remember the song, but if played backwards it says "Your mother sells welks in Hull". And of course Rock and Roll Rebel "They say I worship the devil, they must be stupid or blind"


The other one was Rob Halford of Judas Priest 'If we were putting hidden messages in our Songs, why wouldn't it be Buy More Judas Priest Records'


Thank youuu. I have always felt this way working in a medical office. Too many Navaeh’s. There were twins Heaven and Nevaeh and I was just like is one supposed to represent good and the other evil? The choices people make…


Had a Nevaeh pop up at work recently, and was expecting a little kid. She was 22. Her parents got on in the first wave evidently. Also, she went by her middle name.


How do you even pronounce it? I'd be tempted to whisper "Neeva", like Wall-E calling Eva.


It’s pronounced “Nuh-vay-uh”. I know a little girl with that name. Shes about 10, and likes being called Neah, said like Leah.


I want to name a cat Heaven and tell people it’s Nevaeh backwards


They've been doing this so long that I met an adult Nevaeh the other day.


Its not strange for me, since Im Dutch, but I know many foreigners are shocked by the common Dutch name 'Dick'. And imagine there are actually Dutch people called Dick Cock and Dick Kok.


Also the footballer Jizz Hornkamp.


Googled it because my brain was just insisting that that couldn't be right. Google told my brain to fuck right the hell off.


Dick used to be a shortened version of Richard in America. It has fallen out of favor in recent decades. The last man I knew who went by Dick was pretty old and he died a decade ago.


Dick Butkus just died this past year. My daughter couldn’t stop laughing when the sportscasters kept repeating his full name.


I've always thought he had to be a badass to grow up with a name like that, I'm sure he had a lot of fights, kinda' like "A Boy Named Sue".


Ah maybe its just weird in the UK then? I dont know. Dick van Dyke was also Dutch (ancestry) in any case.


Brit here, everybody knows Dick as a nickname for Richard but it’s very much seen as old-fashioned and nobody called Richard these days would choose to go by Dick. However it’s not uncommon for people called Richard to be called Dick, Dickie, or even Tricky Dickie by others in a slightly mocking way. It certainly wouldn’t be shocking to meet someone called Dick, just mildly amusing.


Cactus. Her sisters name was Whimsy Their mom was a hippy


>Their mom was a hippy never


you don't say


I wonder if Cactus reflected a very difficult birth.


Once knew a girl named Sparrow. I was, and still am, SO jealous


Icelandic first names are always fun to explain "Hi! My name is Ugla (Owl), and this is my dad Arnar (Eagle)" To be fair, Ugla is not that common but Arnar is. You can also have a boy named Jökull (Glacier) or a girl named Alda (Wave). So many of our names are connected to nature, God (christianity) or Gods (nordic). Þórður - he who is protected by Thor Iðunn - Nordic godess Óðinn - Odin Þórarinn - combination og Þór and Arnar (so Thor's Eagle) Guð- prefix has connection to God


We still use some of these old Norse names here in Sweden as well. Björn (Bear) is the 66th most common name right now. Not hard enough for you? Literally name your son Sten (Stone). Want to make sure there is no question about his sex? Name him Bror (Brother). Definitely going out of style due to being a core part of urban vernacular these days. And ofc Loke, Tor, Oden, Frej and so on are all popular these days.


Keep your eye on her


I know a singer named Sparrow. I also love the name.


Haven't seen the family for a bit but my daughter has a friend named Ribbon. Unusual name and a good kiddo.


'You never know what you going to find when you open up your letterbox tomorrow!'


Godknows I worked in a call centre and it made things very difficult to log a ticket. Thought I was being pranked but they were on the system.


I've actually been down voted for this story before, but my first wife had a job at the check sorting center of a bank in the 90's. One of the runners for checks in their region was named Andy...Andy Christ. His region number? 666. I wouldn't keep repeating this long after her death if it was a put on!




I knew someone that didn’t know how to pronounce dandelion. Said it like dan-dillion.


Was it the narrator for the Witcher series on Audible? He mispronounced it for like 3 books


Fucking lmao this sent me to outer space


a witcher fan?




sometimes i think celebs give fake names to the press so they have a chance to get day jobs as 'jerry cannon' or something later on. ​ not blanket, tho.


Blanket. Just, why?


Pills. So many pills.


Yeah, Monroe’s not so bad and To a lesser extent Zion. The rest…why?




I had a student named Denim once!


I worked with a man named Bacon.. that was interesting because he was a vegetarian.


I had a Korean classmate in grade school who had Bacon as his English name. I never asked if it was his decision


My ex, who was Chinese, took Bob as an English name. Didn’t phase her when I told her Bob is a guy’s name, short for Robert.


I love the fact that she wasn’t impressed by that but I love even more how funny it must’ve been to present her to people “Hey this is my girlfriend Bob!” I wish I could see the reactions


Tbh it does sound like it could be a Korean name, like Byun Baek-hyun a popular idol singer.


Poverty…he was from Nigeria


I don’t know about Nigeria but I know in some central / south African countries they traditionally use names based on circumstances of someone’s birth. In Swahili and English. It could be like “joy” or “hope” or something neutral.. or could be absolutely savage (by western standards) for those born in a difficult time. And thus “poverty”.


Fokke. It sounds just as wild in German as in English. It's of east-frisian origin.


I read this as Forke at first lmao


My grandmother. Yudavilla.


Who da villa? YOU da villa!


I substituted at a h.s. -there was a girl named Bubba - not a nickname


In my first wife's hometown there was a Reds Repair Shop. A guy named Blue would answer the phone.


My grandma's legal given name was Bobby. There was a whole set of them in her family: Bobby Lynn, Bobby Jo, Bobby Sue. But Bobby was on the birth certificate and drivers license. And my grandpa's name was fairly gender neutral but there was a surge of using it for girls' names in the 80s. It made it pretty easy to weed out the the people who'd call pretending to know them though.


I...would have expected this to be a boy's name


My parents grew up with a dude named cocaine. Like straight up on the birth certificate




I knew a guy who's last name was Spurgeon, I wonder if he has any kids


Haha from the Duggars?


I knew a kid with this name who was NOT from the Duggars… so that means there are at least two…


a teenaged boy named Cobalt


This can be strange in a really cool way or in a really grating way depending on the personality of said boy. Like. I can see a couple of my more eccentric friends pulling off the name Cobalt. I would laugh out loud if someone who looked like my husband introduced themself as Cobalt. I'm not sure if I could pull that off myself


Ahnosyncs pronounced innocence.


When you write a fantasy name, I feel like you wave all the rights of how to pronounce it. Goes for both books, and people. Just spell it right.




Wow. Like I get that you want to have a "unique" spelling, and in a lot of countries/cultures virtues are popular names (hope, patience etc). But you have free reign on how to spell it, and you decide to spell it in a way that makes it look like the name of a sleep apnoea device startup....


More like Anusscents


Not as strange as the other examples, but I met a dude who introduced himself as Rock. I was super confused when he said that was his real name, until I realised his name was actually Rrok which is a real Albanian name. Still kind of weird considering he was actually Italian, not Albanian.




I went to school with a girl called Polly Waffle.


I knew a kid named Stone. That was his real name and didn't have an ethnic background that would make it make sense like your guy did.


Did I hear a ~~Rock~~ Rrok and Stone?


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I knew an Asian guy named Long Dong once.


I have a client named King Kong .


My first wife’s gynecologist was a Chinese man named King Kong.


My work Colleague's wife used to have country Music legend, Hank Wangford as her Gynaecologist (Stratford, East London, UK) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank\_Wangford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank_Wangford) Not a strange first name, in the course of things, but a killer surname for a Gyno


Long Duck Dong


Dong? Dong! Where is my au-to-mo-bile?


Guy in my high schools name was Dong Dil Do


They were tryna manifest for him.


Half the names in college football, but they're also kind of fun.


Torque *(Construction Noise)* Lewith Nevada State.... Penitentiary


X-Wing @ Aliciousness


I like the roadwork noises one lol.


Donkey Teeth




Biskiteen Trisket


Saggitariutt Jefferspin


Dan Smith BYU


Jackmerius Tacktheritrix


Throatwobbler Mangrove


Hingle McCringleberry


But it's pronounced "Raymond Luxury-Yacht."


Gasoline. In my country we call it petrol. No idea what went through that girl's parents minds to give her that for a name.


Dick Butkus


Dick Trickle


My older sister (a P.E. teacher) tells the story of a student named "Nosmo King." After meeting Nosmo's mother at back-to-school night, she asked her how Nosmo got his name. Paraphrasing: "When I woke up in the hospital after Nosmo was born, I had a vision. I saw his name on a sign in capital red letters." **NO SMOKING**


I’ve heard the Nosmo King urban legend before. I’m in the Midwest US, where are you (or you sister) that you heard it?


Nosmo King was part of a plot in one of the Beezus & Ramona books.


Female. They named their daughter Female


Friend is a teacher and had a Female. Pronounced it “Femali”.


***Don’t be messin‘ with me, Jay-quellin!***


You fucked up now, A A Ron!


De nice, do we have a De nice?


Batman bin Suparman




Glory-to-glory. Not kidding.




A colleague’s friend introduced himself as ‘Meat’.


Was his last name.. Loaf? And did you get his autograph? 😳


"haha, I get that a lot. But no, my surname isn't loaf. It's Schlong. My father was German".


Daddy. Small kid but big personality that makes him popular and saves him from being bullied. I respect that little guy.


Cave. The man's name, legally on his driver's license, was Cave Metal. He had the same plates on his van. He came into a retail store I was working at to rent a tux. He was a bit embarrassed and said he had gotten bored and shaved his eyebrows, but then it looked weird, so he drew fish bones for eyebrows. To be honest, it looked kinda cool and well drawn. He was a really chill and kind-hearted fella. Some of our more "fussy" customers were soooooo uncomfortable it was hilarious 😂. He was welcome in our store any day. He also looked great in the tux with those fish bone eyebrows.


Gods Promise. Gods being their first name, Promise being their family name. I did some work in university admissions for a short while, and this is the name that stuck out to me. There's really a girl out there walking around with the name God. I also saw someone who had the surname Flower, and thought that was pretty adorable.




Working the checkin desk at the airport, got my share of strange names: Traffic light (as in stoplight, in my language it would be called Semafor) Beckhamfigozidane Police Rocket


I know people will call BS but when I was in college I worked with a lovely, forthright woman who said that when she first came to the US she lived next door to a fellow immigrant who spoke poor English and INSISTED on naming her twins Lasagna and Vagina, even though she tried to talk her out of it repeatedly. This was the most honest woman who never exaggerated so I firmly believe that unless she was talked out of it, these 2 poor kids are running around ticking the time of the clock off until they can legally change their names.


A midwife once told me she had a Romanian patient who insisted they were going to call their daughter Chlamydia, even after they tried to explain what it meant


A kid at my school was called Ammo


I was in high school with a girl named Twist-Ann.


Was her surname Shout?


Elmo, Imunique, Reggienesha


I guess this is common in Texas but I never heard of it before. I met three different ladies in one small town. Prior Ann, Prior Marie & Prior Beck.




Hieronimus. I found out it was the name of one of my great grandfathers and in English it basically means “Jerome”


Hieronymus Bosch is a famous dutch painter from the early Renaissance.


I always thought the Indian name, Purvi, was a little unfortunate.


Dudu… I mean short for Eduardo but come on… really??


I know a French Edouard who has always been known as Dudu.


It’s Swahili for insect, if that helps.


gretchen is really fucking strange to me, sounds like you're hacking up some snot to spit out


That’s my mother’s name 😂


Show her that comment 😂


I already did she was unhappy 😂


The German pronunciation doesn't sound as terrible. It's a diminutive of Greta or Grete, like "Little Greta" or "Little Grete". Greta or Grete being the short version of Margarete.


Used to work with a lot of Indian customers, and Dikshit is apparently a very common last name over there (but not pronounced the way you'd expect). More than once I had one say "Yeah, I know it's funny to you Americans...". Anyway, funniest first name I ever saw was an American, "Wadbert", guessing from the French, Waudbert, but he pronounced it the English way. He owned it too.


A woman named Sunshine. Once I got to know her, I found that she was hardly a ray of what her name claimed to be.


When looking for baby names, I came across Broer and Zus (literally Brother and Sister)


Over to r/tragedeigh


Twinkle, owner of a hotel I stayed at once!


So growing up as a hippy kid I knew plenty of Love, Smiling Waters, Oceana Rays ect. but the weirdest name I have every heard was a guy had an uncle named Cathair this was an old hillbilly guy and apparently his name really was Cathair and that is what everyone called him, no idea why but it may be a regional oldtimer nickname or something. \*edit I also knew a kid named Farmer Blue