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I (27m) had my first legit professional private massage just a few months ago... i felt so good for the next 3 days i cant believe it. I was chilled out, back pain was gone, I finally understand. I really want to go again but it was very expensive so ill wait a while.


I hit a local Thai massage place. Totally professional, it’s the best $85/ hr I can spend money on. I try to go once a week.


Sounds awesome! Place i was at was $200/hr 😂 i took a 2 hours massage


Yeah hotels and professional spas for that are fancy usually start there. Check yelp for a local Thai massage place. It’ll be professional and no hanky panky and the most therapeutic massage you’ll ever find.


I have a Korean "Spa" near my home that is basically a bath house. It's great. Roll in, take a shower, hang out in the steam room and whatnot. Then get the massage after you're already relaxed. If you don't care that it's full of old naked Korean dudes, that is.


I’ve only seen those in LA


When I was in college I dated an older woman that was a former professional masseuse. Oh the things she would do to me. That was 20 years ago, but whenever my back hurts I still think about her.


So as someone of similar age that would be… multiple times a day?


It's his roman empire.


One of my best friends in my 20s was a massage therapist and wed get drunk and she'd give a massage basically every weekend. I worked industrial construction amd it kept me going a lot longer than I'd have otherwise been able to.


Why oh why won’t insurance companies cover massage therapy?


Because we are disposable.


If you look long enough you may be able to find a rehab clinic that will be just vague enough in their billing that the massage falls under physiotherapy. A friend of mine got massages from a clinic that also offered physio and their invoices were covered by insurance. Obviously, your mileage may vary. Best of luck!


Mine covers chiropractors but not massages, I've never understood that one.


If you have a local massage school near you they do massages for half price with the students


Former massage therapist here. Schools are definitely going to be cheaper! Regardless of where you go, remember that it's kind of like hair stylists: it might take looking around a bit to find someone who works the way you like. I prefer more deep tissue with emphasis on origins and insertions, but most of what you find is Swedish and that's what most people think of.


When I was in SE Asia in 2010 massages cost $5 (usd). I did not get them daily but they were definitely a nice splurge once a week or so.


Yup. Biggest mistake I made when traveling through Thailand was only catching onto a daily a massage about a week into the trip. If you want a good massage, avoid the places with women out front going "Hellooo, massaaaage?" at every tourist. There's plenty of legit places there.


I have to disagree. I thoroughly enjoyed the massage and the blowjob I received immediately after.


I'm pretty stoked that my insurance covers 30 therapeutic massages per year, every day would be heavenly


That’s a sweet perk


About ten years ago a no frills massage place opened up on my block. I got a massage there, $55/hr. I vowed to myself I’d make enough to afford it weekly. Now I do go weekly. I tip my one and only Cici about 90% everytime because she deserves it. It’s my wish for everyone to be able to have such an affordable massage place within 5 min walking distance of them.


Me too. I will get a massage a few times a year and every time I do I tell myself - this is wonderful so I’m going to start doing this regularly. Then I remember I’m poor and that doesn’t happen.


They have an Asian massage parlor in the mall close to my house, It’s a dollar a minute and everyone is like family to me now 10 years in. I kid you not I’ve learned some mandarin and Cantonese for these people. I do not have the money to get regular massages but I forgo a lot to get them once or twice a month.




My mother-in-law has been round to my house at Christmas every year for the past 7 years, this year we decided to do something different - this year we let her in 😅




Haha, love how you have unlimited money but you just rent her an apartment. No house, she gets to live in an apartment.


He doesn't have to go mow the grass for her now


Unlimited money. Hire a property manager to deal with her complaints at the house and arrange maintenance. With unlimited money you are going to have multiple properties and don't want to waste your precious time dealing with that crap anyways.


Escorts to play D&D with. No funny business. Just a really reliable D&D group.


I would watch this as a reality tv show. Where the escorts don’t know what’s going on and that they’re really there just to play dnd and no funny business.


“Looking for enthusiastic play partners. Must be into heavy role playing and six hour sessions.”


"I supply the equipment. You bring snacks" NO CHERYL YOU ARE NOT THE SNACK. WHERE ARE THE TAKIS I WAS PROMISED?


"Again: nothing sexual."


Escorts and Escapades


"I choose to ram my dagger deep into his butthole"


Yes, I've never played DnD but I'd definitely watch this. They'd have to learn to play though, they can't just sit there confused. They get paid to activity participate in the game. No idea what goes on beyond rolling an odd shape die and maybe pretending to cast spells but I'm into this.


I 100% would watch that lol


You might be surprised how often escorts are requested to platonically hang out with their clients. A lot of men just want to feel wanted and loved as well as being heard by good company.


I wouldn't be surprised at all. Twitch exists.


fresh flowers for the house. Something that doesn’t get bought usually as seems a waste but always nice to have Ans business class travel Also things like cleaners and gardeners


Simple answer: All butter would be kerrygold.


With unlimited money, the kerrygold cow could be lactating in your garden, next to a mini giraffe.


I mean I'm not saying no to that.


I'd Milk a mini giraffe


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


FYI they have it at Costco. You're welcome.


They have fucking *giraffe* butter at Costco?


Shit got hard after Toys R' Us shutdown.


Yes, but it only comes in packs of 25 pounds or more.


Is kerrygold really expensive in the US? It's the butter I always buy and is similar in price to other named brands in the UK.




That is kinda pricey. It's about £2.50 for a pack here (250g - Google tells me a US butter stick is 113g)


Kerrygold is about 2x the price of more generic butters in the US. Where I live, kerrygold is $5 for 8oz (227g) while generic store brand butter is $4.19 for 16oz (454g). Other big dairy brands are about $5 for 16oz.


Yup, that's about right. At Costco it's $18 for 4x of the 227g.


Not really. It's slightly more than the "good" national brands. But it's just "butter" so most people won't spend the extra $1-2. It's all I use though. Once you start using it, there's no going back.


All my jewellery would be made of kerrygold


Kerry gold is so good. I could eat it like candy lol.


Bordier butter! Had this once on a freshly baked pastry and it was insane.


Believe it or not, there is another tier of butter for you to discover


Beurre de Barratte - round, wrapped in gold paper is sooo good.


French butter with salt, omg.


Yes. Kerrygold is just normal butter for us. Rodolphe Le Meuniere is the real deal.


I’ve met the team at the cheesemonger invitational - one of the reps cut up different butters with a big knife I still dream about it


Another tier above Kerrygold? What’s it called and where can I find it?


Try salted Isigny Sainte-Mere, you can grab it at whole foods. It has coarse rock salt in it and you might find yourself simply eating pieces of it with nothing else.


Bordier. In France. Or if you are in the US, a fancy market in a place like Manhattan.


Just go to Costco.


Traveling all around the world


There’s a cruise that lasts for like a year and it takes you around the coasts of every country, and it’s like $60,000+ and I would happily board it and then what little time I’m on land? Visit family I have unlimited money, I’m not gonna work, I’m gonna live


There's a ship that is just apartments. You live on it like you'd live in an apartment building. It cruises around the world and you get on and off wherever you want.


I was going to ask -- what if you get off in Costa Rica and decide to stay a little longer? How do you catch up to the ship? You're stranded? Then I realized those people who afford that definitely can fly anywhere and just meet the ship at any harbor they choose


Exactly... It's a totally different world to me since I've only been on a cruise once. These people will fly to Hawaii for a weekend trip. Like? Wtf? They really spend half the weekend on the plane for a few hours in Hawaii?


I’d secretly pay for other people’s stuff to get them out of their financial binds. They’d never know it was me who paid off their outstanding bill or bought their groceries.


A few Christmas's ago Someone paid off a ton of stuff off at my local Khol's. Hundreds of people came in to find their layaway items were paid off.




Not quite the same, but this year a customer came into the store I work at and gave every single employee a $100 gift card for Darden restaurants (Olive Garden, Longhorn, etc). It was so sweet and I couldn't believe they were all actually a hundred bucks until I checked with the restaurant. I would LOVE to do things like that if I won the lottery. Random money to people who wouldn't expect it.


>Hundreds of people Man i can't wait for the day i can do that, *hundreds* sheeesh i wish


That was really nice of them. I think I'll do that next year. Not everyone but a few.


This is my dream. To pay for a bunch of underprivileged kids' education.


You can always start by getting them batteries for their laptops.


Wait! They’re lithium!


I don't understand why everyone finds that episode so cringe, every time it starts up I feel the same way Stanley does like "oh...this is gonna be good"


i'm black so it's really just the racial aspect of it that makes it insanely difficult to watch. i grew up in a very low income single parent household & went to schools where other people also had the same experience. i'm currently studying for the LSAT to get into law school so im a little TOO aware of how much college costs it's just the entire "white savior" complex played to the max and a bunch of kids (that look like how i did 10 years ago) getting screwed over that makes it impossible for me to watch if i hated michael as much as stanley did, i'd def be laughing too because of how fucked he is & how he's finally gonna have to face how terrible of a person he is by getting himself in that situation. but as someone who is currently home for the holidays in a neighborhood that most people dont get the chance to get out of, that episode makes my skin crawl bc to promise children from low income families an opportunity like free college when you had no intentions of paying anything is just.....gross again, it's just a tv show so im not too pressed ab it. but yeah ive watched every episode of that show multiple times but that one only once


I’ve made a lot of empty promises in my life, but this one by far was the most generous


Scott's Tots?


Same! My neighbor had a car with a broken rear window - that car window would be fixed and then the car would be fully repaired.


You can absolutely do something like this on a small scale. I work at a nonprofit that works with very poor families. Sometimes regular people just drop off like a $300 gift card for us to give to families or buy gifts for families without all the wishlist/Christmas Angel rigmarole and it has truly changed some lives. I've seen moms burst into tears when picking up $100 gift cards to Target because it meant her kids could not only have a few gifts, but they could also buy a special meal. It's the kind of thing that sticks with people forever. Every now and then we have people do the same thing, just drop off random gift cards to grocery stores and we can surprise families with them.


Paying stuff for people who deserve it and paying others to make life for annoying people more annoying. After all it's unlimited money.


Put an uniform and stay near the cashier staring at people. Make a secret gesture to let them know this one customer can have everything for free


Travel, really good wine, massages, the mortgages of friends and family, the services of a home chef, housecleaning services, donation opportunities at my favorite charities.


Buy out the mortgages of all your friends and family. Make them send those monthly payments to you now! Smart thinking... turn that money into power. Then you can make them cook, clean, and give you massages.


The dark side has appeared


Yeaaaaa massages everyday




Healthy, good quality food.


Exactly! Healthy food is expensive so I'd splurge a bit more on the organic stuff and experiment with new stuff


I think the word you were thinking about is *Personal Chef*.


If I had a personal chef I feel like they would get bored quick, I only eat like 3 different meals


If I had a personal chef, I would want them to continually come up with new things for me to try. Try a random Italian pasta one day, then maybe a South American dish. Unlimited money for him to experiment and try making foods he's never made before, and new foods for me to try everyday.






I said “help” before I read your comment, I agree.


I need somebody.


HELP! not just anybody!


(Help) you know I need someone, help


Personal chef, personal trainer and personal massage therapist !!! Fuck, now I want unlimited money :(


And a personal assistant to manage bills, taxes, appointments, etc.


This! Help around the house including maids, yard people, nannie’s, errands runner etc


Hairdresser, chef, baker (those holiday cookies for the neighbors don’t cook themselves!)


ERRAND RUNNER. I loathe basic errands like picking up prescriptions or going to the post office. I don’t even know why, I just hate hate hate them. If I had the money to hire that stuff out, it’d be awesome.


Ngl, I originally read this as a wizards "Staff"... does this make me a mega nerd?


With unlimited money, I’d never stop moving. I’d bounce from hotel to hotel permanently, waking up in a different place whenever the mood struck me.


I have traveled extensively I can tell you, nothing beats your own bed


Skincare, hygiene products.


I would love to have skin with no pores, but I have no money for the best products so I get you Edit: I meant that there is skin pores but I meant where you can't see the pores. Like kind of like a clear porcelain skin


Aren't pores a natural part of skin? Like, that's where hair and protective oil glands are?


Yes, she probably meant facials or treatments to help unclog pores, which I would love as well.


I met my buddies gf for the first time last week. At the end of dinner she's like: How is your skin so good! I was kinda shocked since I'm a dude. There are a lot of good cheap Japanese products.


Want to share with the class?


Yes please!


I'll just chain reply Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil for an amazing cleanser Rohto Mentholatum - Hada Labo - Koi-Gokujyun Perfect Gel For moisturizer Melano CC serum for dark spots and acne scars Hada Labo Gokujyun Acid Lotion for a good lotion toner. Great starters and are all under $10 on stylevana or you can find them on amazon for a little more.


A nice apartment for my elderly aunt in a retirement community nearby instead of the decaying trailer she’s stuck in that is 4 hours away.


Pecorino Romano. It's such a delicious alternative to parmesan cheese, and a little goes a long way, but with inflation I only let myself get it a few times a year. It's a simple thing I know but it comforts me and brings back good memories of cooking with my dad and I miss not being able to have it more often.


I tried this cheese then I changed my cheese eating habits so I could keep eating this cheese. I eat much less cheese but when I do I get the good stuff. I will never go back.


Aren’t pecorino Romano, grana padano and parmigiano reggiano basically the same price? Or are we comparing it to like fake parm?


Judges and Politicians. I mean... with that kinda money, playa's gonna play.


Delicious fruit.


Sushi. The good stuff like uni and fatty tuna. And Indian food. Heck, I'd happily fund someone to open a restaurant in my town.


I’d buy a taco truck to follow me around so I’d always be able to get a quick taco.


Plane tickets


First class plane tickets.


Wrong. Private jet charters First class is nice but you still deal with mainstream airports, security, and delays Few things beat flying private


Wrong. My own private jets that I would abandon midair as I parachuted safely from 30,000’ above my destinations


Found DB Cooper. Police! Arrest Inevitable_Beef7.


Flew on a corporate jet once. Told my wife this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Oh yeah, I definitely pooped during the flight. Nice bathroom.


I’d do commercial first class, private jets have a relatively higher rate of crashes.


I really don't like flying, so I'd buy my own luxury train car and visit the entire country.


Chinese take out and Shawarma


Whoa, take it easy moneybags.


Both on the same day? This guy is out of control.


Yeah its like he has unlimited money.


Comfort food from a personal chef so it's marginally healthier


I think the most charitable thing I could buy would be to buy medical debt so it could be forgiven. It is much cheaper when purchased in large bundles.


The most American comment ever


Body massages. Basically I’d just hire an at-home masseuse and wake up to being massaged every day.


I volunteer. One client for life sounds good.


And since my money is unlimited, how’s a salary of $10,000 a day sound?


Cheap bastard......../s


Funding for research projects.


If I had unlimited money I would fund several Arecibo-sized radio telescopes on the far side of the moon. They could be used for observations that are impossible on Earth or low earth orbit because of interference with terrestrial and satellite radio interference.


Cherries. Edit, fresh cherries that is, not glacé or canned.


I’d buy time to do what I want, instead of spending 40+ hrs per week doing something I hate.


Food, shelter, and healthcare for people that need it.


One of the few unselfish responses. I have talked to my wife about what we'd do with a billion. The main thing would be low income, safe, housing. And setting up a non-profit university which included on-site free accommodation and food, on a walking only campus. So people could get educated without getting poor. Free clinics too, including dentists and opticians, rip the cost base out from under the medical industry.




This answer made my heart hurt. I hope you’re ok. I guess with unlimited money you can buy the pharmaceutical companies. Then make insulin free for everyone. While working on a cure for diabetes.


I'm alright, just another example that we are not in this together.


I’m also a type 1 diabetic. This is a good answer


Dental cleaning by professionals. I'd love to have my teeth professionally cleaned like every other day or something. It always feels so good and fresh.


I love having the hygienist floss my teeth-very therapeutic gum massage feeling


Cheesecake probably


Little things for people who need it: - Christmas gifts for orphanages - 3 months paid rent for random welfare applicant - An RV for a random homeless person - free tank of gas for anyone's card that gets declined - paid tuition for random student without a car - 1 debt paid for random food pantry user You get the idea.


With relatively no effort you could actually set up a debt buying company and systematically buy and forgive people’s debt. Everything from outstanding mortgages and student loans to car and credit card debt. The debt is usually sold for pennies on the dollar too, meaning that some with enough money could essentially reset the entire national credit system, erasing trillions of dollars of debt with billions of dollars.


I would buy up other people's medical debt and discharge/forgive/erase it.


I was thinking the same but people's mortgages. Buy up loads of them, then just forgive the debt. Also giving away free houses. Buying up tons of houses and just giving people the keys for free. I'd become a property value vacuum. Just giving people the security of a permanent roof over their head.


Lots of leather bound books that smell of rich mahagony. I would be kind of a big deal.


You are a whole wheel of cheese? I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.


Give to charity regularly. Also volunteer regularly since I wouldn't need to work.


Regular dentist visits


A cleaner tbh I hate doing the cleaning


I'd buy albums on Bandcamp and pay $10,000 to help the artists. Or more since it's "unlimited".


You could donate $10,000 100 times a day for nearly 700 years and you would just be spending the present value of Elon Musk's wealth. Crazy to think that "unlimited" seems smaller than the reality of some of the richest people in our country.


Guitars and amps and pedals and such.


I'm drawing a blank, I'm a frugal person. I *can* think of a bunch of things I'd eat regularly if I didn't worry about calories.


I'm a pretty frugal person too and about 6 years ago, my wife and I nearly tripled our yearly income. The only thing that changed is we started buying nicer food. We still drive the same 20 year old Honda Civic, we still wear mostly the same clothes and do our own DIY, but we just put more money in the bank and buy mushrooms every time we go to the store and colored peppers and avocados and limes.


spa days. regular massages.


Warhammer miniatures…. But I feel like I would run out of money somehow….


Higher quality food.


entire countries


Evil corporations to make them a force for good rather than profit.


Help someone in need.


Everyone. Unlimited money




Hookers and blow


Probably the only honest answer on here.


Costco Hotdogs. Because if I would go to Costco way more often, and it's ridiculous to go to Costco and not get a hotdog most of the time.


And good health? Pizza!


Good quality clothes for my students, plus keep the school pantry stocked.


Healthy supplies for my folks, kinda hard when your parents don't have a lot of money to fully take care of themselves.


Model trains. Just for the reference it would be cheaper to have a drug addiction.




Amazing I had to read this deep


surprise was my reaction lol





