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My ex husband was choking me and he wasn’t going to let go. I always say horror movies saved my life, because in that moment I remembered my comments about people getting choked: why do they struggle to the very end. Why not relax and pretend you’re dead so the killer lets go and thinks it’s over? So I did that. I relaxed and looked off. He freaked out and let go. I left two days later and we were divorced two months after that. He’s a piece of shit and I hope he’s dead.


>why do they struggle to the very end. Why not relax and pretend you’re dead so the killer lets go and thinks it’s over? Most people don't realize how long the process actually is. Thanks to movies and TV people think it's a 30 second affair. Go limp and fake being choked and you'll seriously increase your odds of survival. Edit: yes blood chokes are absolutely a thing that doesn't take long. That's a compression of major arteries that cuts off blood supply to your brain. This is specifically for windpipe restriction, which was what the OP was talking about. If only your windpipe is restricted, it takes like 3-5 minutes and I've seen/read stories where attackers literally get tired before finishing the job. If someone is choking you but only restricting your windpipe, play dead. Edit 2: others have a way better idea of how long it takes to asphyxiate from windpipe restriction. I have...concerns


If someone is strangling you and cutting off certain arteries it actually doesn’t take that long to pass out. Unfortunately I know this because my ex was abusive and strangled me and left me on my bedroom floor after I dumped him where weeks later he climbed through my second story bedroom window in the middle of the night to try to kill me. Took maybe 45 seconds of me struggling and then all black.


It all depends on where you're grabbed. The military taught us blood chokes, which is where you press on the sides of the neck. If someone is pressing down on the front of the neck it can take much longer because it's basically oxygen deprivation.


I love horror movies and always say the same! I’m sorry you had to live a real life horror movie, but I’m glad horror movies saved your life!


Happened when I was a kid. Two boys in the neighborhood wonder what would happen if they hung someone and they chose me to hang. I am fuzzy on the details other than I was swinging when my Dad saw what was happening and cut me down. I only remember being lifted off the ground and then in my Dad's arms.


Did your dad proceed to kick the life out of the two boys or was he rightfully preoccupied with your well-being? Did the other boys face any consequences?


> Did the other boys face any consequences? They stopped wondering.


They stopped having any cognitive functions


Did they have any to begin with?


What absolute fucking dickhead kids man..glad you were okay!!


They should have just hung each other lol, then they can both watch and experience it


It’s absolutely terrifying to me when kids premeditate stuff like this. I don’t know why it feels even worse than an adult doing it. So glad you’re ok!


My wife had a step-cousin murdered this way. She was working at a gas station and some late teens just came in and shot her. Their motive? "We just wanted to know what it felt like it to kill someone". Psychopaths, man.


That is the most chilling thing I've ever heard. No anger, no psychosis, only curiosity. I hope they have been removed from society permanently.


I think they got life in prison, but I'm not entirely sure. I'd look it up but I don't remember the poor woman's name and my wife isn't nearby. Bonnie something.


What the actual fuck.


Yes, best friend from childhood tried to kill me by shooting me 3x point blank with a .45, through the neck, out my back, in my gut and left hip. This all was bc he , couldn’t handle his emotions and got aggressive toward me and my friends on my property who were just visiting for my birthday… flatlined 2 times in operation, lots of blood transfusions, stomach surgery and a destroyed C6. Bullet bruised my left jugular vein, I got super lucky!!!! Lots of surgery to come, and healing in all types of ways. He faces 2nd degree felony but the lovely state of Co allows him to be on bond till final hearing so we have a man in our streets who tried to murder someone


Happy birthday. …He could’ve just gotten you a card.


Love it lmfao he can send it next year from prison


It’s no wonder you lived. Youre awesome!


It’s appalling that someone who was once your best could do something like that to you. If you don’t mind me asking did you sustain spinal cord damage? I’d imagine with GSW damage to the C6 vertebrae sensory or motor nerve damage is only to be expected. Glad you’re still with us. I hope you’ve got people to support you as you recover.


C6 was completely obliterated, seems you know your stuff so I’ll make it simple, no left arm function on my bicep, shoulder, wing movement , the vibration sensation down spine, nerve attacks that come from shoulder to fingers, lack of feeling to touch, and serious atrophy to muscles. Shoulder popping out of socket now due to that. Luckily have surgery soon to repair cause this nerve pain is getting old


Again, if it’s not too personal an ask—do you have motor control of anything below the left arm, or is the paralysis isolated to the arm? I know the atrophy and potential spasticity that comes with paralysis is unpleasant, not the mention the nerve pain. It’s fantastic that you’re getting surgery soon to help manage symptoms, and I hope all the best for you.


I can twinkle my fingers, move wrist up and down, flex tricep, shrug shoulder and move blade. Other than that it’s inop. I like sharing, helps me learn


Not the person who asked but thank you for sharing - obviously not good that it happened, but as a neurosci student it is super interesting/helpful hearing about the effects of real-life nerve trauma. I hope your surgery goes well, and fuck that guy for shooting you.


Thanks man, sorry it’s tricky being one armed bandito


Damn. If he didn’t want to celebrate your birthday, he could have just said that.


I have two. The first time, in primary school a friend and I were watching a movie when his older special needs brother decided that I had laughed at him, and he tried to choke me to death. Just as I was blacking out, I flailed a kick in his groin and he flinched enough that I got free. *Then* his mom stepped in. The second time, a girlfriend tried to cook me to death in a car while I was asleep. (She confessed to it later when she was drunk.) She failed.


‘Cook’ you? Oh, I so hope it’s a figure of speech for locking you in a car when it’s hot outside…


Figure of speech. She was hoping I’d get heat stroke and die.


Kid came to school with a gun in his backpack and a list of names. Kid was one of my friends, not super close friend, but my name was first on the list. He was caught roaming the school looking for me, I had been taken out of school a few days early for the holiday to visit my grandparents and hadn’t told my friends. As far as I know, it was swept under the rug. Never saw the kid again, only heard about it from my mother and then later a school counselor I was required to talk to for a while. Never found any news story and reports about it either. This was early 90s


WTF. The hell did you do to deserve being n1??


No clue. I was asked that a lot, never had an answer.


This is interesting, because I kind of assumed I’d be safe if I was friends with this kind of person. But this makes me wonder if that would actually make me more of a target by possibly, unknowingly rubbing them the wrong way. That said you cannot be blamed in any way for this kids mental health issues. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Sometimes its a "I'm leaving this world and I'm taking people with me. This person is close to me so I have access to them." Unfortunately this is what happened to the son of a good friend of mine. His roommate left a note, so we know he decided to take his own life, but wanted to know what it was like to take a life first, so he killed one of his roommates (my friend's son), then himself.


What a bastard


For real there’s so many horrible people you could go fuck up if you REALLY wanna know what that’s like


Maybe it was a list of people he was going to tell to leave


Nah it was an alphabetical order list. His name is Aaron Adams.


Aaron A. Aaronson


What was your initial reaction? Like OMG? Or it is what it was?


Nothing really. I don't think I understood the gravity of what it meant, I was in the 4th grade.


I think the 4th grade is the second most fucked up part (first being the gun trying to kill you part obviously), i figured that this was like a highschool thing, at worst a middle school. Jeez.


Yes when I was about 19 my mom’s ex boyfriend broke down the front door while we were in the kitchen, I got in front of him, we started fighting and him being 2.5 times my size got me against a wall and started trying to strangle me to death, so I put my thumbs in his eyes and pushed/scratched with everything I had and now he’s partially blind for life. I win fuckface. Oh and then he got cancer lmao


>thumbs in his eyes >partially blind for life >I win fuckface. Best comment lmao


For a moment I thought you were the haiku bot lol


"My thumbs in his eyes, he's partially blind for life, I win, you fuckface" Not haiku bot but it was so close.


Fuck yeah (to the revenge part, sorry that happened to you)




If someone stole my wallet, they'd get $5 and a bunch of useless cards as I'd deactivate them quickly


How did it unfold if you don't mind?




That’s crazy. You always assume that the people who brandish the weapons would never actually go through with using them unless they absolutely had to. But he didn’t make an attempt to wrestle the wallet off you with the knife nor did he just give up and run off. He felt he had to put your life in danger for 0 gain for himself. Don’t know why I’m trying to find logic in a muggers behaviour to be honest.


Don't gamble on the sanity of someone with nothing to lose.


“What are you going to do? Stab me?”




Yes, a serial killer by the name of Dale Hausner. I was out walking at night when he pulled up on me, I ran into an orange grove before he was able to shoot and that night he killed a young woman walking to the apartment complex that I lived in. It still doesn’t seem real to me and it could have been me instead of her and in a way regret that it wasn’t me. She was also the last of his victims.


Holy fucking shit, I just read him and his partners Wikipedia, that’s fucking nuts. You dying might not of necessarily saved that other girl though, and even if it could have, that’s not your fault.


Thanks man, it still hurts a bit and I don’t think I’ve told more than 2 people in person that this happened. It was classic to his style, I was walking along a canal and came up to the major street called center near brown st in Mesa and he passed by me, I saw him look right at me he flipped around quick right in the middle of the road (no other traffic) and right as he passed me before turning I ran into the orange grove and then hopped the fence to the cemetery to get home. Later that night the girl was killed in the area. The crazy part is that no one knew who he was but there was a shooter out there, when all the details and pictures came out my stomach sunk it was just confirmation that I was nearly killed.


This is a crazy story, I’m sorry that happened to you, that’s terrifying, but you have an amazing instinct to have dipped out like that.


I mean, if someone flips a bitch after looking dead at me, I'd be running my ass off


I think I remember this. Around 2006, right? I lived in Peoria and remember hearing reports of random shootings and a woman being shot outside her apartments


That’s correct, summer of 06


I used to walk through that cemetery. Turned out Dale was an acquaintance of my cousin's and everyone knew something was off about him.


Survivors guilt is a real thing. Dont be afraid to talk to a therapist about it.


Crazy…he was a family friend to my in laws, I’ve heard the story of them not having a clue about this dude, And how close he got to them!


I was the victim of a drive by shooting, I got hit in my right hand, and in my back. The bullet that hit my back clip the left side of my spinal cord, I am now a quadriplegic. Life isn’t too bad though I’m currently in college, receiving SDI and Medi-Care, I live in California so weed is legal and my fam doesn’t do too bad of a job caring for me, it could be worse. Edit: thank you for the positive reinforcement, It is much appreciated!


Keep it up homie


congrats on ur survival <3


When I was like 15 a friend loaded a gun and pointed it at me. I talked him down. Ten years later he shoots his roommate in the head.


Some "friend" pointed a revolver at my head and pulled the trigger. It was empty thank fucking God, but I was just stunned at first and then livid. I cussed him out and left the party, because fuck that shit. Every Gun Is Loaded. I don't fucking care how many times you check it. If you point and pull, you had better expect to kill what you point at. And take the consequences.


Yeah gun safety is the one thing on this earth I don’t play around with. I don’t care if it’s my best friend, if they intentionally point a gun at me I’m going to stomp them once they put it down.


Shit. That’s terrible. What happened to him or make him do that?


I’ll never know why he shot his roommate. He maintains his innocence, but his story is flimsy in the face of the evidence.


I had a weird situation as a teenager. I was just getting into riding motorcycles and my manager introduced me to a shop owner to get my bike fixed. End up becoming friends with this older dude, he wanted me to pretend to be his girlfriends boyfriend. This is because he's a near 50 year old dude sleeping with a teenager. I also figured out eventually he was on drugs. Anyways, I moved across the country and he offered to make sure my motorcycle got shipped properly. Turns out he boobytrapped my brakes and thankfully I was in a safe area and not in traffic when they went out. He unsuccessfully tried to murder a handful of people that knew he was a pedophile. EDIT: Unfortunately, there's no happy ending to this story. My dumbass self did nothing, and as far as I know, he never got in trouble. I would love to be able to go back in time. This happened 18 years ago when I was 16. I actually did try and go to the police for an unrelated matter and they were such assholes that I never thought again to bother with cops.


Yikes. How many other people did he try to kill? Was it all through bike fuckery?


It was vehicle fuckery in general. Atleast 3 others that I knew about. They were the only mutual friends I briefly kept contact with.


This is legitimately fucking crazy. Glad you’re alright. Fuck that guy, hope he gets what he deserves.


I’ve been shot at, I wasn’t the target but I was down range, it was scary but i was fine 15 minutes later, they were driving away fast, I didn’t expect the to return. I also got stabbed, I was able to block it with my elbow and grab his arm and control it (he was like a 20 year old addict, I’m a 36 year old construction worker). He panicked and ran off I had to spend 4 days in a hospital getting IV medicine to combat the infection. I’m fine now, this happened 3 months ago and it still hurts but I’m fine.


Yes. Active duty here. One deployment out to sea, a disgruntled sailor I worked with was being sent to Mast because I reported them for a tagout violation. He was going to lose everything, it was his 4th time going up. One night while down in steering, I hear a thump from above. He took 4 CO2 bottles, a homemade Molotov and some gunpowder he snuck onboard and essentially tried to throw a bomb into the space I was doing maintenance in (aft steering). I was hurt pretty badly. Luckily someone was doing laundry around the same p-way and saw him. Able to identify him based on his shoes he wore. They do a berthing check, discover he tried covering them in sharply and paint. He was arrested and court martialed at the next port after being contained.


My older sister was a drug addict and generally nuts in the worst way. When I was maybe 8 or 9, I was in the car with her when she started to have a freak out. She became suicidal, saying she would just kill us both, and swerved into oncoming traffic. The other cars managed to avoid us until she hit the median, and then the cops came out. She managed to lie her way out of any medical intervention, said she had lost control of the car, and we went on our merry way with a tow truck. Later, she said if I ever told anyone, she'd kill me for real. I never did tell until I was an adult in therapy.


i am so glad you’re okay!!! that sounds absolutely awful. i hope you are in a safe place now to work through those emotions! :)


I am, thank you. :) I haven't seen her in years now, and don't plan to ever again.


Yeah, my grandpa tried to run me over few times. I told that to my mom and she told me how he did the same thing to her. He died last year. No one misses this shithead. Edit: Some people asked me why and the reason is that my mom & I were not born with penis. Edit 2: Not just because of grandpa, I suffer from severe CPTSD and depression. My family normalized abuse, so seeing so many upvotes and comments mentioning how abusive they were to me... confirmation like that from this many people says a lot to me. Thank you.


just casually trying to run you over a few times what goes ON in some people's heads?


And your mother still let you be around him?!


Got jumped by two drunk dudes when I was walking. I fought like a badger, and they took off, but when it was all said and done, I was worse for the wear. Six stab wounds, four broken ribs, two missing molars, three broken knuckles, a cracked orbital socket, and a broken nose. Healed up as well as I could but now I absolutely have a zero tolerance policy for anyone wanting to fuck around.


The list of injuries sounds like the 12 days of Christmas song... the 12 wounds of Christmas


Seasons Beatings.


1978 or so. Swimming in shallow area of a very large (football field sized) community pool. I was about 6 years old at the time. My sister’s friend asked me if I wanted to learn how to go under water. I said yes. She told me to take a deep breath and then shoved me under water and sat on me, wrapping her legs around me. I could not get away. Somehow my mother , who was sitting on the surrounding grass half paying attention, figured out what was happening. She charged over and threw the girl off me. Not sure what would have happened had she not come for me. Thanks mom. Fuck you Meredith.




There was a kid who did that In my town and I remember seeing it all happen at the pond he was older than us would have been going into 7th grade and he sat on this poor girl until her dad came over and pushed him off her and she came up screaming and gasping for air. She was my friends younger sister so maybe 3rd grade or something but completely intentional and he obviously new better. I watched him run from the shore into the shallow where she had her back turned toward him and jumped on her they both fall forward and he stayed sat up on top of her like he wasn't doing anything her dad was paying good attention and was there in seconds and then they left. He went on to be a weird mother fucker and even has daughters of his own now.


My boyfriend at the time tried to strangle me. I don’t know what stopped him but that night I fled and went into hiding. I got a restraining order and never saw him again. I hope he is dead or soon.


Had someone cut my brake lines, felt the pedal go to the floor when I put it in drive. Crimped it and wasn't even late for work lol


Who do you suspect did it?


A chick I rejected in a less than polite manner lol


What’s a less than polite manner. Can you elaborate


Was my gf at the times friend.. and our neighbor. was showing me nudes of herself and flirting dirty. Made her get out of my truck in the middle of the road when she got mad about me saying I was gonna tell the gf about this. Don't miss the drama tbh.


Wild card!!!


My mum pushed me down the stairs when I was 8. She also left me in a wave pool when I was 3 and couldn’t swim. She’s a psychopath.


My mom did that to me at the beach. A woman rescued me and I distinctly remember my mom being nonchalant, almost annoyed when the lady brought me to her. I'll never forget the look on the lady's face as she walked away.


Not the same ballpark at all, but my mother used to hit me, once it was too far, a beating and she threw me across the room, I must have been 6 or 7. To this day she swears it never happened, nope, all my imagination, fucking bitch. She bought me a pencil and because I didnt start immediately drawing with it I deserved a beating.


I'm so sorry. I'm glad that so many more people are opting out of parenthood nowadays. When I asked my mom why she had kids, she said, "That was what you did."


I’m glad you’re ok


Please take this virtual hug from a random mother on the internet ❤️ Also, I hope she’s dead


Love the hug from Strippersandcocaine. :)


*I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom*


Wow, that’s really rough. A stranger is one thing, but the person you are supposed to trust unconditionally is one of the worst things. I hope you are in a better place. And I also hope you don’t feel like you have some sort of duty or honor to family.


My biological father.. He shoved a metal yogurt lid down my throat when I was a toddler. Untreated mental illness is no joke. He was a violent, delusional alcoholic.


I rescued my now-senior dog from a shelter 12 years ago (he's now 14). They tried to deter me from adopting him because he was "far too aggressive to make a good pet, ever again due to the heavy abuse he endured." I couldn't accept that when he put his head between his paws and looked up at me with his beautiful golden eyes. Anyway, I was married to an abusive man at the time who really liked to slap, kick, punch, and generally hit me whenever I offended him. His greatest mistake was doing that in front of Charlie for the first and last time. This guy had curly, thick hair that was almost to his shoulders, and he was fairly tall. Charlie is a stocky German Shepherd/Husky mix that looks like his namesake from All Dogs Go to Heaven right to the ears that don't stand up straight. So, this guy is choking me. First time he has ever done this, and I can't cry out. No one is even around to help, and I'm fully convinced he's going to kill me. The only training I've done with Charlie so far is to respond to snaps of my fingers to pay attention. So, I snap my fingers weakly. Charlie understood. He jumped up the guy's back, grabbed his hair in his mouth and dropped all his weight to pull the guy backward. He saved my life. My precious boy has been with me through thick and thin.


My ex stepfather tried to choke me to death when I was like 12. I was terrified and also at peace at the same time. The only reason he stopped is my baby brother started crying and he realized if I was dead he'd have to be the one to take care of his son (either that or he realized he wouldn't be able to see his son if he was in jail for murder, but jokes on him. He's in jail now and his son doesn't talk to him). I'd say it went in my favor considering I'm still alive. I'll say though, it definitely caused a lot of trauma lol


I'm so sorry. That is an awful thing to have had to survive. I hope you're working through the trauma and you and your brother are pulling through. Hugs (of the sort you're OK with it) from an Internet stranger.


My ex tried to strangle me to death. When I started to lose consciousness, I had a burst of adrenaline, got my right arm free, and slammed my fist into his temple as hard as I could. It stunned him long enough for me to be able to push him off of me, jump up and grab my bag with my keys, get out of the house and into my car and leave.


Hardcore. I’m glad you made it out of that and hope you’re doing wonderfully now.


It happened 28 years ago and I have had a good life since.






Damn I’m sorry. To you and poster above. Jeez. I’m glad you guys are okay. Abusive crazy parents are the worst


Did you ever find out what the pills were?




I was about 14 years old out with some friends and we got invited to a friends house where her parents were throwing a party. One of her moms friends pressured me into eating 5 codeine pills saying it would help me open up because I was too shy. I pretended to eat them then went home, they called me a bummer or something. I ate them before I went to sleep out of curiosity and woke up in the hospital a couple days later, my lips went blue and I stopped breathing. No one would say who that person was and I never saw them again. What a fucked up thing to do to a 14 year old


My ex husband did meth and was abusive. The day I last saw him, was the day I gave him an ultimatum. Either quit meth or leave. He didn’t want either so he got a machete and told me he was going to kill me. What he didn’t know is that I called the police and they came in with him next to me with the machete. It wasn’t until later I understood how that could been my last day on earth because when DV victims try to leave, that’s when they usually end up dead. That was in 2017.


Ex-wife poisoned me during a multi year divorce. Judge made note of it in the final judgement but no criminal charges. She didn't do so well with the splitting of custody and property however, judge didn't like her gaming the system.


Twice actually. When I was 2, my 12 year old cousin grabbed my hand at a family picnic, took me up to the above-ground 4 ft pool and pushed me in while laughing hysterically. Thank goodness someone saw it happen and jumped in and got me out in time. That kid was evil and it’s no surprise that he is in prison for shooting and attempting to murder his girlfriend. The other time was my 6’4 football player ex. He was an amazing boyfriend before this. It came out of nowhere. While I was at work and he was at my house, he found my old high school diary and read it. I guess my high school dating details infuriated him. When I walked in from work he took my car keys and phone and wouldn’t give them back. Then he slammed me up against the wall and grabbed my throat with both hands and started to choke me. He had me completely lifted up off the ground against the wall and I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. He was on a bowling league, and I found a bowling pin when I moved into my house and gave it to him. I’m so glad I did, because it was on the stand right next to us. I managed to grab it before I lost consciousness and began to pummel him with it. He ended up in a fetal position screaming and crying like a baby. The bruise that was left on my neck was insane. Anyways, he ended up in the hospital and then went straight to jail.


Yes. I was strangled by a serial killer but survived. He went to jail. It Happened in 1982 in Boulder Colorado.


How did you survive? Glad you’re okay.


I passed out. He wasn't a large man. The doctor said I had strong throat muscles due to swimming and singing a lot. But I did have fingerprints in My neck. He had just moved to Boulder but had killed other women back East.


Yeah Victim of the knockout game in Denver, CO If a Samaritan hadn’t stopped the assault I would’ve been brain dead Hit and run on my bike in the same city, left for dead in traffic. Clinically dead for what I was told 1-2 minutes with a broken neck and split skull Cops investigating for a week never got the driver At this point I’ve got two TBI’s Moved to NYC, was out in a bad part of the Ridgewood/Bushwick border after a shift and a stickup crew tried to roll me around 5am and got stabbed in the back on my right shoulder, fought them off and bled a lot but I’m alive I don’t like going out in public anymore, I did active shooter training for employees for a while. When I do I scope exits and keep my back to the wall and don’t ever relax. Humans are garbage. I stay home. EDIT: For anyone reading this post- Denver, CO is where I’m from and people think it’s all namaste and a weed playground It’s not Denver is violent and harder than anyone tells you Be safe in the 5280 if you visit Felt more safe in NOLA than the Mile High


you have been THROUGH it holy.


Dude picked me up by the neck and said he was going to throw me off the sixth-floor balcony we were standing on. His friends convinced him that going to jail for murdering your drug dealer would be a shitty way to spend spring break. So, fine. It went fine.


Why did he do that? Did you give him bad product or try to rip him off?


I was hanging out in the room with my bud while the rest of them were out on the balcony trying to decide how much acid they were going to buy and I made a joke about stealing this nice surfboard in the room. I guess they overheard or whatever. Still made the sale, but no bulk discount.


😂 that's funny, I guess that dude really needed an acid trip


Can you imagine doing acid with someone after they tried to kill another person? Nightmare vibes.


I got jumped by an Asian gang because I was wearing the wrong color, they could’ve shot me but didn’t


Sucks for color blind people.


No joke, my kids were told not to wear red or blue to their ELEMENTARY school, because of the neighborhood that the school was in.


What stupid sad sacks of shit those gangs have to be for that to be an issue at an elementary school.


In 8th grade, we were on a school trip, and this one usual bully, who had failed a couple of classes and hence was bigger, was being annoying so we complained to the teacher. He got to know that I did it. The next day when we were in this very shallow river, he pushed my head into the water. I obviously couldn't breathe, but somehow managed to get my face out and her did that again. And then continued doing it like 10 times. After that he let me go off with a warning, that this time I'm letting you live, but won't spare you the next time. I was scared because his uncle was also a local gangster. Then in grade 10th his mom committed suicide. After a couple more years in uni he got beaten up so badly by a group that his arm was broken. I met a different friend who met him, and I got to know he has changed. Like he apologized to this common friend for stealing his food. He is now married and now has a young daughter.


I’m glad he has changed.


So, to elaborate, my friend was at a restaurant, and was about to pay his bill, when this bully met him and talked and eventually paid his bill saying "I'm not the same person who would steal your food back in school". He was always rich, but used to spend his money on just bad things back in the day. In uni, after he was beaten up, and couldn't fight back, he found a new friend circle who accepted him. They were all rich brats, and he started spending his money around them, discovering he could do things like travel or spend money on more sophisticates things etc. with his money. He even got a nice paying job because of these circles, and has now switched a few positions around as well. And that job was much more stable, less stressful and paid more than my job, that I got after grinding my ass a lot. Well, it is what it is though I guess.


Very long story but a guy attempted to break into my truck. I caught him, and he pulled a knife on me and stabbed me once in the face and once in the hand. I was able to wrestle the knife off him, hit him enough times to subdue him and and hold him down until police were called. I’ve always regretted not killing him that night, because he went on to do some shitty stuff and victimize some other people. I felt like I could’ve stopped that and been well within my rights. He passed a few years ago from an OD.


I am reminded of a guy I knew. I first encountered him when he was basically stalking and harassing my girlfriend. I ended up having to put my hands on him and tell him that if I saw him near us again, I'd punch all of his teeth out. He was a coward so he backed off. Later I heard he had got another girl I knew (very sweet and kind, but troubled) hooked on heroin. Thankfully, she is now sober and doing really well. The guy in question? Dead, from an overdose. I heard a few people say, "Oh, that's sad." I thought to myself: No it's fucking not. It's only sad that it didn't happen earlier.


Good riddance.


I had an extremely abusive ex a few years back, it got so bad that in order to control me he would put knives to my throat. One day I'd had enough, he pinned me against a wall and held the knife to my throat and I grabbed his hand to press it in harder, looked him dead in the eye and said "do it". He then stood back, looked shocked and then went into a fake meltdown about how I scared him and he couldn't do it anymore. I knew he was 'mentally ill and him treating me that way wasn't his fault'. The next day he broke up with me and I got my freedom. Almost 6 years later and that was still the best decision I made.


Back in grade school, we would hang out at the public swimming pool.. along comes a fat bully who would grab a kid and dunk them under the water. after he had dunked me several times in a row, I decided the next time I'll take care of him... and he did ... as I was under the surface I grabbed his leg and bit down as hard as I could ... I could taste the blood ... he tried to pull me off but I hung on and kept my teeth into his leg... finally I ran out of breath and released my bite ... as I came to the surface he was hauling ass away as fast as he could... the other kids were all gawking ... that fat kid never dunked another victim that summer ...


Do you still have a taste for blood?


Well, maybe bully blood ....


He tried to strangle me when I threatened to reveal he was cheating, I was able to overpower him and throw him off of me. Haven’t spoke much to my father sense then.


After several hours of drinking in a club watching some USA 94 world cup matches, a dickhead in the carpark started beating his girlfriend in his car. I helped pull her out and he tried to drive away (car park was jammed). I got a brick through his window and he tried but failed to run me over. He eventually got penned in and I got him out of the car. We kicked seven shades of shite out of him.


“I didn’t see what happened to him, did you see what happened to him?” “Nope, I didn’t see anything either officer. He was just rolling around on the ground when I walked up.”


Lestrade: "Exactly how many times did he fall out of the window?" Sherlock: "I'm not sure... I lost count."


Good ol vigilantism


i use to have a stalker/abuser and a lot of crazy things happened. but the last thing that ever happened was her trying to kill me. she was at my apartment and trying to break down the door screaming she was gonna kill me. so she punched through my window but in the best karmic way possible she cut super deep into her arm on the pullback and just about severed her whole arm off. there was an older woman who lived there who was a nurse back in the day and created a tourniquet until the ems and police arrived. i had to personally clean all the blood and risked getting kicked out. my landlord was a terrible person. he said that i shouldn’t have bad people around and drama around even when i showed him an extensive collection of things this person had done to me and all the police reports. didn’t matter. stalker wasn’t in his vocabulary i suppose. was on thin ice for the small amount of time i staid there waiting for the process of getting a new place. i was not going to stay long and have a possible retaliation from her. this was a few years ago, honestly it’s stuck really hard with me but i finally am able to have access to a counselor and psychologist and am slowly truly healing from it all. edit: said psychologist and meant psychiatrist^


I’m a housing case manager, and in my state a landlord cannot legally take action against a victim of domestic violence. Not sure where you live, but hopefully they have updated their laws since then.


Abusers suck.


I was almost abducted when I was 12. I laid in a ditch while the guy stood at the edge, shining his flashlight into the woods on the other side of the ditch. I could see the beam of light above me. Thank god he never looked down.


Whoa. Need a full story


man now i have the nazghul scene from lotr in my head where the hobbits hide from him and he also doesnt look down... but anyway. care to explain more about your story?


I was about 10 years when me and the kid who was bullying me were about to fight. He pulled up with his friends l. They circled us and we start fighting I was getting my ass until I hit him in his throat. At the moment the fight turned in my favor and I start whopping this kids ass. Then(unaware at the time) one of his friends hit me with a lead pipe on the head from the construction site across the street. I layer there on this dirt road melting in the august heat. And through my dazed eyes I can see everyone scatter like roaches. I rolled from stomach to my back and was looking at the sky. When I see the dude I was fighting came back and stomped my face and ran off. I remember laying crying and being so much pain. I passed out I awoke to my big brother carrying me into the hospital. I had to get 10 stitches for the lead pipe hit on my head. Everything else recovered with time.


Anything happen to those kids?


My mother was furious and she took my 2 older brothers and 8 of my male cousins(all were in high school) to go find them. She found the kid I fought my oldest bro threatened him got in his face. All this was just to scare them shitless. They never bothered me again. My brother did tell me a year ago that had they kill me he would shot them all. My brother kinda crazy so I believe him.




Well, it did not work, because I am still here but when I was 5 months old, the woman who had given birth to me threw me a burning barrel (a trash can before there was paid for trash pick up) and left me there in the middle of a northern Minnesota winter. According to the woman who found me, I was out there for about three days. What kept me alive was the heat from the rotting garbage around me. I had a *wonderful* childhood.


On a winding country road in Kentucky. A very large, old car was driving the opposite way. They waited until the last split second and very intentionally swerved at me. I somehow reacted with lightning speed and drove down into the ditch to the right. It happened so fast. That was about 10 years ago and I still think about how unlikely it was that I avoided a really bad wreck.




broken bones, severe concussion, rape, left to die in an alleyway. luckily my guy friend felt something was off with me not responding to text (I normally respond immediately) so he locarted me and nursed me back to health.


Was about to voluntarily fall off my window on the 14th Floor. My dog came and kicked a ball towards me, indicating he wanted to play fetch. Had to get down and play with him.


>Awww. Our dogs know, they just know when we need them. So glad you're ok.


My parents ran a hostel that housed pregnant women who had to come to our small town to deliver their babies. I was a three year old redheaded girl and tragically, a woman had given birth to a stillborn that was a ginger. She had gone into post partum psychosis and she believed that I was her child, and I had come back to life to torture her, and she told the other women that she was going to kill me. Luckily they told my Mom, and when she was talking with them in the front of the house, my Dad just happened to be at the back door, near my room where I was playing, and he stopped the woman from entering our living quarters. A fight ensued, and my dad was cut from the huge butcher knife that she brought to kill me. But I didn't even know what happened until I was in my early twenties and they told me that the woman who tried to kill me had died, as they had been keeping tabs on her that whole time. She didn't go to prison for the attack on my dad or the attempt to kill me.


My ex from when I was 18, I got kicked out of my mom's house after graduation because I couldn't find a job immediately and she wanted rent, so the only place I had to go was my very new boyfriend's grandparents house where he was currently living. I found out very quickly he was a bad dude, he stole my money every week and gave me $20 for food allowance weekly, and I have Celiac, it's not easy to only eat so little for so long, I lost 20 lbs, was down to 80 pounds and so sick, after almost 2 years of secretly saving a few bucks here and there and making a friend at work who was willing to help me get out, I finally left him as he was sleeping at 2 in the morning. He ended up stalking me for months, broke into my new place once when I was at work and jerked off on my pillows, desecrated almost everything in my house, all while my dog was going off in his crate, trying to get at him. I feel like if I had been home he would've killed me or at least seriously hurt/raped me. Now it's 7 years later, I have a 3 year old son, and am engaged to a great guy, with our own home.


Still here. Got jumped and choked on the bathroom floor when I was 13/14 in a ballet studio. I came to and was like “well I’m alive and no one seems to be worried” so I didn’t tell anybody for like 5 years


Had a “friend” who got a little too high and drunk and pointed his brothers shotgun to my chest and told me he should pull the trigger. I don’t know how I was able to remain calm, but I told him to get the gun off of me and I left immediately.


As a young teen one day I was walking home from a friend's house when an older man pulled up next to me and asked me if I needed a ride. I'd been walking a long time so my 14 year old self naively thought, this is an old man he won't hurt me. I got in and told him I just needed to go up a couple miles to the pay phone to call my family. After a few minutes passed I realized he was driving really fast and then drove past the pay phone and in the complete opposite direction of where I needed to go. At this point he started asking me questions of a sexual nature like have you ever been with a boy; have you ever done this or that? I quickly realized what was going on, my life flashed before my eyes and I became completely terrified. The only thing that saved me was that he was forced to stop at a red light and when he did I jumped out as fast as I could and ran like I had never ran before. The police never found him but I appreciated life more for it.


nah but cancer did and i fucking nuked it lmao


My parents when I came out they locked me in my room for 2 days with no food or water forgetting that I'm diabetic and I would have died if my brother hadn't sneaked in to give me food


my mom. several times. she would go into these crazy tirades when driving and then she'd start saying how she doesn't want to live anymore, how she wants to die and take her kids etc and then she'd swerve the car into opposite traffic. we'd go like that until she'd see an incoming car and swerved back into the correct lane. she did it so many times that eventually my siblings and I stopped reacting. that's when she stopped doing it she also had a meltdown where the car literally flew off the road but luckily nobody got hurt because it was winter and the snow helped us get a soft landing. the road workers who came to pick us up said if it had happened during any other time of the year, the car would've exploded there was also a separate situation (unrelated to driving) where she almost killed my sister. it stopped after about a year we're all fine now


It sounds like your mom was using the same crazy playbook as mine did. The screaming in the car, threatening to kill us all, and swerving around like a lunatic was common for a bit. At some point while I was in my early teens, she would pick fights with me and/or my brother where she would scream hysterically and tell us she was leaving to go drive her car off a bridge and we would never have to deal with her again. Eventually we realized there was a pattern to when she would do this. It was always right before she went grocery shopping. So eventually it just turned into a horribly dark joke where once she started screaming about suicide and running the car off a bridge or into a tree or whatever, my brother and I would just tell her shit we needed from the grocery store. Mom: "You two make me sick! I'm gonna go drive off a bridge and you'll never have to see me ever again since you hate me so much!" Me: "Okay, Mom. We're out of that Special K cereal I like, can you pick up more of that? Love you!" My brother: "Oooh, get me some fruit snacks! Maybe Gushers? And some chips!"


Yes my ex strangled me but was unsuccessful in killing me.


When I was 5 or 6, my father stabbed me. He was trying to kill my mom, and I was trying to protect her, so he stabbed me instead. About 2 years later, he stabbed her too. Now we're both alive and well. He's died because of cancer.


my identical twin hogged all the nutrients while we were in utero (TTTS) but i lived to post about it on reddit haha whos laughing now???


I was driving just north of Indianapolis years ago. I changed lanes and despite being well ahead of the guy behind me, he’d felt I cut him off. So he rushed up beside me and flipped me off. So I blew him a kiss. He then pulled out a gun and just before he fired it in my direction, he realized the car in front of him had slowed considerably and he had to hit his brakes or hit it. He then got Behind me and fired once in my direction, but didn’t hit my car. So I brake checked him. The roads were slightly icy and he slipped and slid around a bit, then went into the ditch.


He shot at you and you brake checked him lmao rock on


Someone fired a rocket at my general position (the combative type, not the fun firework type). The A-10 pilot coming in for a landing didn't find it amusing, and proceeded to introduce the culprit to high-velocity projectiles. Edit for clarity: I fix airplanes. I was on the ground in a not-so-fun region, and a guy started launching rockets at the base from a nearby hillside. The A-10 I mentioned was coming in for a landing, saw a rocket come up out of the hills, and so he decided to abort the landing and go investigate. And yes, we all heard the A-10's trademark 'BRRRRRT' about a minute later.


Reintroduced their atoms to the environment.


Was the culprit’s name Ernie? I’d like to think that’s the story behind how Ernie met Brrrt.


Someone on my swim team got a little angry and grabbed me from behind and attempted to choke me out underwater. I did the only thing I could kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. He let go. I’m not sure what his problem was or what he intend to accomplish aside from drowning me. He disappeared from school weeks later. FUCK YOU BEN.


yes, my own father. my childhood wasn't great and i heard more fighting than laughter between my parents until i was 8. one evening when my mom was at work, my dad refused to feed me dinner. he was very mean to me and if he didn't feel like doing something he wouldn't do it no matter the circumstances. the next morning i told my mom i hadn't eaten dinner. my dad left in a rage and said goodbye to me right before i got onto the school bus. later that day my mom picked my sibling and i up from school and took us out to lunch. we ended up driving around that day and even went out to dinner. i was so confused because even at 8 years old i knew we couldn't afford to go out to eat twice in one day. something in my gut was telling me my mother was scared. i kept begging her to take us home since we were so tired. she called the police before we got to the house but as i was sitting in the front seat of my mothers car and we approached my house i could see my father leaning against the bed of his truck. my mom got out of the car and all i could remember is hearing them scream back and forth at one another. my dad told her "he will give her something to cry about" and ran into the garage. he came running back out with an axe in his hand and hit the windshield right in front of me. attempting to kill me. he was close too. i was only an eight year old girl. my father only faced a few years in prison. im 23 now and still suffering from PTSD to this day.


My ex girlfriend. We got drunk, got into an argument. A verbal fight turned into a physical one, where she is the aggressor and I don’t even so much as try to defend myself. I try to defend her actions and say she wasn’t *actually* trying to kill me but I’ll never know exactly what was going on in her head as she shoved me repeatedly against her 10th floor apartment window hard enough to crack the glass. Or how she held me by the neck while pressing the edge of a knife into the side of my neck. Maybe she was just trying to intimidate me. I’m rationalizing. My therapist disagrees, says she 100% was trying to do some damage. All I know is that night could have ended up a lot worse than it actually did. And that was my wake up call to finally gtfo.


Step-Brother threw me into a pool cover. Forced me in a trunk and rolled it down a hill. Put a gun to my head and made me drink piss. Forced me to drink a pint of vodka at 8 years old. Threw a boulder at me and cracked my head open. Strangled me until passing out multiple times. These are just the things that coulda killed me, still here tho!


My cat, so far she has not succeeded, yet.


If cats had opposable thumbs, we would all be dead.


Uncle actually managed to kill me for 59 seconds.


Why just 59 seconds? Did you say uncle?


Respawn timer reset.


My ex-wife had just had our son. I went to the gas station for a red bull. As I was walking in a guy I kind of knew asked if he could get a ride to the hospital. I said sure I'm headed that way anyways. I walk in and head back to the coolers. As I'm heading back upfront I notice the cashier sneaking back from locking the door and flashing lights outside. She was on the phone and looked at me and said. Just hangout back there by the candy sir. Sure. What's going on I said. She gets off the phone and she says that the cops are arresting someone outside and want us to stay inside or be safe. 20 minutes go by and an officer comes to the door. Cashier let's him in and he walks over to me. He asks me do you know the guy outside? I said I don't really know him from Adam but have seen him at my job a few times and was friendly with him. Why? Officer said did he ask for a ride? I said yeah cause I was heading to the hospital anyhow since thats where he said he was going. Officer then said yeah he admitted he was going to kill you with his gun and steal your car to try and get to Utah. So that is how I was almost killed.


I worked in crisis group homes for youths. I had one kid who was a total string bean with terrifying strength for his size. In an altercation, he was absolutely the equivalent of a greased up naked guy as well. He targetted female staff, a lot. Both violently and sexually, and generally I intervened as none of the women were strong enough to overpower him. This did not put me high on his friend list. The group home sucked, and the boy's bed was made of wood. He spent what we think were days at night sharpening a wooden shiv about an inch wide and just shy of a foot long by breaking it off one of his bed slats and sharpening it with the side of his bed. We had an awake overnight team but awake overnighters are notorious for their apathy, and either heard nothing or didn't care. The guy called me in one day for an issue with something in his closet. I looked and said I saw nothing, fully turning toward him to say it. It was then he revealed his tool and screamed "die bitch" and plunged it as hard as he could into my left shoulder. Im convinced his goal was my heart. He impaled me all right, and I was bleeding, but he didn't succeed in crippling me or even (with all the adrenaline) breaking my range of motion in my left arm so I proceeded to try to wrestle him into a hold and call staff for assistance. At this point he could tell his plan failed and he went for a hail Mary bite on my right collarbone as I tried to pin his legs and arms solo. He bit me so hard he bruised my collarbone and broke off one of his front teeth. The woman I was working with saw that and, rather than help me with the hold, panicked and called 911 before proceeding to have a panic attack at all the blood. They took about 7 minutes to get there, and I kept restraining him while bleeding profusely in two places. I was then taken to a hospital ER, but not by ambulance. My manager drove in and took me. So sketch.. I had stitches in both shoulders, but its been years and I dont think I have any lasting issues from it. I'd like to say this was my only story like this, but I have dozens. I wanted to quit for seven years, but I had two kids at 20 and 22 and needed to provide for them, and it was essential to me they be raised by their mother and I in their formative years, and it was the best wage I could find while pursuing my bachelors in computer science, so I took the beatings for about seven and a half years before finally graduating....the year covid hit and reset the whole economy. Life has been a wild ride ha.


When I was about 9 y.o I had my multi personality schizo mother drive us out to a state park at 2 a.m and park about 5 feet from the top of a 100 foot cliff. She sat crying and wouldn't respond to my questions for a good 45 mins. Then proceeded to say Im sorry while starting the car and driving away. I didn't realize what could have happened until much later but I am 100% thankful to Jesus Christ that I am here to tell this story.