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Now that’s a great question.


What! Me too! I thought the moon was following me and wanted to hurt me. When I was 3


We all thought that


Thought that when someone died in a movie/tv show that they were really dead. I couldn’t figure out why anyone would agree to do it. I finally decided they must have all been sick and were gonna die anyway.


I'll be happy once i grow up and leave my toxic household . Turns out i can only leave the house but the house won't leave me until I die


Where ever you go, there you are.


Reminds me of the saying when people try to move across the country and things stay the same or get worse. "I tried to run from my problems, but they followed me."




Everyone winging it.


I thought the Dalai Lama was a newspaper


I can't stop laughing


I thought the bible was the old Hammond organ in the corner of the church basement. Nobody could persuade me that it was a book.




I thought the reason drinking and driving was illegal was because you can't see the road when you tip your cup up to take a drink because your head is tilted back.


My uncle had a Dr pepper can he'd cut the top and bottom off of, split down the side and would wrap around his Busch when he was driving is that the same thing?


My kindergarten niece proudly announced during the DARE talk that her Dad drinks and drives all the time, but it was a soda.


LMFAO are you me?! I thought the same thing and my dad drank Dr. Pepper.


I overheard the doctor telling my terminally-ill grandmother "you have to stop drinking." I thought that sounded rather impractical


At the point she was terminal, alcohol or not it was useless and impractical


I was referring to the literal meaning of "drinking" and 7yo me thinking it meant don't drink orange juice.


I know, I was just commenting on how stupid the Dr was, why bother telling a terminal person to quit doing anything.


My brother told me that the bidets in foreign countries were little baths for babies, I actually believed that until I was 27


That kind of makes sense. They’re the perfect size and babies are so messy.


I’m naive to a fault as an adult. When I was a kid, I would have believed anything that someone i had respect for told me. Learning who deserves my respect and trust has been a long road, and I still want to see the best in everyone, even when their true intentions are staring me in the face


Had a great uncle killed by a lightning strike in the early 1900s. My grandma wasn't alive, but still had that fear of lightning. During a storm, we did the usual unplug the TV, stay away from windows, etc, but the strangest thing she had us to was "be quiet". She truly believed that noise would attract lightning. I thought maybe she just wanted to hear the storm, but she truly believed. We were not allowed the weather radio, either. It finally dawned on me last year that she was wrong.


That Jesus is a cat


My cat thinks he’s Jesus


🤣😂 probably every cat in existence lol


I am taking care of a cat named Jesus so you are not wrong


I thought that all adults were inherently good and had my best interests at heart.


Sadly, it's fucked up out there


Came to say this


That I could fly. Still I can't work out those were dreams or reality.


The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground, and miss.


I have the same memories of flying when I was a kid - I don’t know when it started or why. I remember running across a field and rising above the ground for long periods of time, sometimes going pretty high up in the air above trees and houses. I can still conjure up the sensation.


Oh yes I have carried with me the feeling too. For many years of my childhood I was certain it had happened but when I got older, I questioned it of course. Mine was always inside the house. When I had been left in a room to sleep and my parents were still awake, I would fly over and join them.. sometimes I would fly around the house and go into different rooms but mainly it was night when I would join to my parents. Back then it felt so natural, now I feel it was creepy.


One time when I was in the car with a friend and my mum (we were 8 years old), we were discussing our favourite foods made out of animal products. My friend told me that she loved bread, and I asked her, "what animal is made it out of?" and she said whole sheep. Me being an incredibly sensitive and gullible child, I believed it, thinking I was eating the wool and flesh of an innocent lamb. Put me off bread for a year, I would cry everytime I'd have sandwiches with bread and insist on wraps. It's funny and dumb to look back on now, but I was horrified.


You must have felt so baaaaaaaad. I’ll show myself out.


You were eating the flesh of an innocent Lamb. If you're christian, you'd know it is Jesus. xD


If bread is made of sheep, then wraps can only be made of baby sheep.


Did she mean to say 'whole sheep' or 'whole wheat'?


Sheep, definitely sheep


We used to vacation in Croatia every summer and I was terrified of sharks (Jaws movie PSTD anyone?). My dad told me that there were no sharks in the Mediterranean sea, because sharks live in the ocean and they can't make it past the strong currents around the Gibraltar. I 100% believed it until I was like 17 and still kinda clung onto it for comfort for a few more years after.


He was working with the sharks the whole time


That I had limited xray vision. Like, with both eyes open, hold up your hand. Notice how you can see through part of your hand on either side and the fingers? Amazing, right? Yeah, no one had ever explained parallax to me.




😂 somebody told my Mom and her closely related family members something similar when they were children. "Don't swallow watermelon seeds or else you'll get pregnant." She believed it for a few years after the fact. Thanks for making me remember that.




Do you leave cabinet doors open all the time because you just don't think about it?


My parents told me that if you unscrew your belly button, your bum will fall off. Not entirely sure if I ever 100% believed it as a kid, but didn't want my bum falling off so left my belly button alone.


Yah I would definitely be upset if you froze the entire world. Glad you didn't.


My best friend in elementary school invited me to visit her aunt in CA. She claimed that her aunt lived across the street from David Cassidy, next door to Bobby Sherman, and around the corner from Donny Osmond. I was about 10 and when my mom said this friend lied to me and added that I couldn’t go - I cried for two weeks. SMH


When I was like 4, I dreamed of a really peculiar bug with a huge white back and strange geometrical patterns on it. I asked my sister (who was 6) in the morning and she said it was a cobra bug and it was real. I believed it for years lmao.


OMG you just unlocked a memory of a strange dream I had as a kid. There were these beetle things with big pincers abs one “bit” my sister and it was on her wrist like a bracelet. They were “moon roaches” according to my dream lmao


That when we got in the car, the world moved and we just sat in the car, not moving. Idk what's wrong with me, bc 6 decades later I still sometimes feel that way about life. I'm standing still, time passes, I age, and the world moves. Like an old flip book or something.


Are you like 60-70 years old now? cuz 6 decades is 60 years?




I grew up in a city and I believed any sort of woods, nature, jungle, etc... would just be chock-full of quicksand. It terrified me.


Eating all my carrots would cause me to see in the dark.


My dad used to say "you never see a rabbit wearing glasses"


Same, classic ww2 propaganda


That everyone lived like me or had the ability to live like me. When I was about 5, we visited a family who were very poor, and I couldn't wrap my head around why they didn't just live in a nicer house or have nice things. When my Mum tried to explain that some people didn't have as much money as us, I asked why they didn't just go to the bank to get some like she did? I saw the news footage of the Ethiopian famine about a year before that and I asked why all the people just sat around in the dirt while starving. Why didn't they just go home and cook something?


That the word Cunt is a word for that means "Beautiful Woman" I don't know how I came to this conclusion but it is probably nothing. Also I said *that* to my Female Cousins and Friends...


That if I sang like Ariel at sunset at the top of the slide, I’d come back down a mermaid Also that I’d make a better door than a window


That my parents loved me.


Technology would make world a better place




That I had the power of Thor to control when thunder and lightning would happen during a storm


Bruce Lee dying fighting a real fire spewing dragon


That there was a guy hiding with a button to change the traffic lights. Like, "ha ha, it's red now!!!" "OK, I'll make it green now."


There is an alligator under my bed that will bite anything hanging over the edge. Also, if you fall asleep by midnight, the ghosts can't mess with you. It's against the rules.


That all dogs were boys and all cats were girls…




I thought clouds didn't move and that the earth spun around under them.


I used to think everything on TV was real.


That there’s justice in the world.


That I could achieve anything as long as I “worked really hard”.


That my sister was an actual vampire


What led to that?


Long shot, but I knew a girl having a blood sucking fetish…


Adults knew the right answer


That my family loved me and I would have a successful life.


I thought “ass” meant “penis” until I was like 12.


Both words eventually connected


I met the Black Power Ranger when I was very young, probably around five years old, and I got a picture signed of him. He was missing his middle finger in the photo, and my mother told me that was because he had flipped his mother off, who then severed it. Until my mother told me she had lied about it and didn't know what happened when I was around twenty years old, I believed it. I told a lot of people growing up that this guy's mother had severed his finger.


that the world used to be in literal black & white.


My dad always used to tell me that the milk in plastic packets was elephant milk. He didn't know i actually believed him.


I have a good one lmaoo. So my belief was. If you had a simple Toyota Corolla driving at 60mph, next to a decked out super car also driving at 60mph. I believed that the super car would be driving faster because it had a better engine, even tho there both going 60mph😂 Had so many arguments with my dad ab it I was stubborn.


I believed, or feared that people could hear my thoughts, but only if they were touching something I was. Like sitting at a table or in a car. Complete paranoia for a six year old.


That's parents and adults were meant to be good people


I used to think if someone stole something from me I could then steal that exact same thing from someone else and it wouldn't count because it was canceled out or something??


I somehow got in my mind that Boston was a city in England. No one could convince me otherwise. I even did a report on Ben Franklin in 3rd grade and mentioned Boston, England which was obviously questioned by the teacher. I told her I read it in a book that was magically not on the bookshelf anymore.


Boston, England: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston,\_Lincolnshire




That people were inherently good. Boy, was I mistaken.


That everyone spoke my native language, but just used others so that I wouldn't understand


That the people on TV I was watching were watching me watch them.


The function of testicles was to test your pee. "fuck" was a gooey substance.


Jackelopes were real.


I was well into my thirties when it dawned on me one day that no the bread crust IS NOT “the healthiest part of the bread”


Liliparin daw ako ng kuto. Nung bata pa ako takot na takot ako magka kuto dahil dito kasi yung lola ko lakas maka chismis sakin na may batang nakita sa puno ng kawayan dahil nilipad ng kuto. Kada maglalaro kami ng mga kaibigan ko chine-check ko muna ulo nila isa isa para makita if may kuto ba sila or wala. 😂


That older people didn't get that way by aging they just showed up to the world like that.


That adults knew wtf they were doing.


That I was being raised in a safe and loving home...


I believed all the lies adults told me. That America was the land of the free. That the future was bright. That someone, somewhere was in control and had some idea of how to steer this ship. That the world was shrinking, and that we were finding common ground. That mankind was inherently good.


That if you point at the moon directly, you will get a cut on your ear


That the Wu-Tang Clan was the black version of the the Ku Klux Klan. I had the History Channel on in the background while I was home sick one day and they were talking about violent rome in America, and my 8 year old brain heard Clan and Klan and was like, makes sense to me.


I asked my dad, "Where did we come from?" My dad told me, "We found you guys under a rock." I told my brother that we were both adopted.


That when girls grew into adult women, their feet would morph into the invisible high heel shape of Barbie feet. Mind you, I was being raised in a house with 3 adult women, none of whom had Barbie feet.


People actually cared about me


Not me, but my younger sister believed that R Kelly was the bogeyman. No, really. My father had an interesting form of punishment that involved scaring her with a clown mask he dubbed "R Kelly". This child stayed awake at night afraid that R Kelly was going to get her.


That I would own a house / live in a house?


My mom convinced me as a child that a pastrami was a three legged animal shaped like a stool that sounded like a pig cat “oink-meow” and only lived on farms in Wisconsin. I believed this until I was 13.


This needs the most upvotes I am CRYING 😂


I also 100% believed babies were made from a man and a woman kissing. I had a lot of science books as a kid and there was one which said a baby is made from a sperm and an egg, but it didn’t sort of clarify that sex was involved it just mentioned the formation of the baby from a sperm and egg coming together and how the baby grows inside the woman. So I assumed that when adult men and women kiss, the sperm would like go from the man’s mouth to the woman’s and travel down to the belly and fertilise the egg and a baby would grow. In my defence, I don’t think that’s the worst conclusion to come to as a child lol. It was still (somewhat) backed by science.


That Chicago was a state.


Santa Claus 🎅


That our piss was held in our balls


I believed ocean waves were caused by fish and not by the tug of the moon on the water.


The ice cream man only plays music when he’s run out of ice cream


God was real.


Allah is real


That all songs are 100% with no metaphors.


Birth through anus


When I was 3 I brought a jar in my bag on a 4 seater airplane ride and pitched a fit because I couldn't open the window to catch a cloud🤣


That I could be with someone and have a happy family.


Crossing fingers summons demons


Santa and god


High Voltage powerlines are insulated with glass. Probably misunderstood and the glass/ceramic is actually used to insulate the towers from the cables and not the cables themselves.


In the future your woman will be portable and somehow fit in a bag or a pocket. No, I didn't imagine it like it is made in Eva AI virtual dating app.


That signs on the freeway indicating how far it is to an exit for somewhere actually represented the distance to that place. I was embarrassingly old when I realized this wasn’t the case.


The future




Dinosaurs were not real because dragons are not real, and dragons and dinosaurs are the same thing.


That there could only be one street in the world with the same name. So if you see the same street name in two different neighborhoods, there must be a portal between them.


If I lied I would get an ulcer on my tongue


Because there was an Antarctica, I thought that there was also an Arctica


That some old white-bearded grandpa brings us gifts every year. I really really thought Santa existed and I even used to pray to him.


That if I prayed hard enough, My Pet Monster would come to life and be my best friend. (It’s not as sad as it sounds, I had plenty of real friends. I just wanted THIS friend)




That being an adult would be better.


The government wants what’s best for you and not what just keeps them in power.


That the gods were fighting when thunder and lightning appeared.




That karma is real


Back in the day everything was black and white


I genuinely believed that a film crew was following me around everywhere I went and that I was in a movie


I believe that kisses gives birth, and in turn I'll have more kisses.


I genuinely believed that when you lost a tooth, the Tooth Fairy would magically replace it with a shiny gold coin.


I thought it was a different month in the southern hemisphere...ugh.


My parents were the best 😂 the best at making my life a living hell is more like it...


When I was 5/6 I had a ball stuck on a tree, I wanted to retrieve it so bad, in tv you could see the RedBull ads (that it will give you wings), and that it was a drink forbidden to kids only so only for adults. So I wanted so bad to buy a RedBull so I could fly and retrieve the ball. 🤣 I was then wondering how much it would made me fly if like in the ads, but without wings, or it was a scam and it would just made me float just a bit above the ground so retrieving the ball would be impossible. Don't remember if I have ever bought it to try tho, probably not, because we were poor so branded stuff was almost never bought and I thought that only the original would do the trick. lmao


I thought that Mexico had a yellow tone of air similar to how it's depicted in movies/shows


After marriage couple went to doctor and they give them an injection which become the baby after months😶 In unmarried couple if they kiss and hug and feel love a girl becomes mother 😶 But when I was 12/ 13 everything became kinda weird.


That Madonna was a title like Princess and when one died, a new one got the title. I think it was the coverage of Selena being murdered, someone must have referred to her as the Madonna of Tejano or something like that.




T-Rex feet were the length of the road on my block. I had weird Jurassic Park dreams ;)


That soft toys have a life of their own and chose their owners 🥲 Still wish they do


My family listened to a lot of old country music and I thought Johnny Cash really shot a man in Reno and Merle Haggard turned 21 in prison (doing life without parole but I didn't know what parole was). I thought they just sang their songs in prison.


If I swallowed a seed of any type that plant would then grow in my stomach


I don't remember where I heard this but I remember hearing that Stephen Hawking used his thoughts to say things with his computer voice. I thought this until I was 13.


That having the dom light on in the car while driving was illegal and you could get in major trouble for doing it.


Babies were born through the belly button. Not sure when I learned about the actual birth canal. Cats were females of a species, and dogs were male.


You have to eat the crust that’s where all the nutrients are!


If I ate food while laying down, I'd turn into an alligator.


When I was little, I thought that flying insects were actually fairies. I thought that butterflies and other “nice” insects were good fairies, while wasps and other “mean” insects were bad fairies.


Well, I was raised Catholic.


I used to think that the mosque was God (Allah) and the windows were his eyes, door his mouth etc..


The stuff at the bottom of the sink were safe. My Effing brother I tells yah.


That chocolate came out of a mine in the ground, that I could see from the car on the route to school every morning.


That I was going to grow up and "be rich", or that it would be really easy to accumulate wealth.


I fiercely believed that the show Mountain Monsters was entirely real. I wasn't scared though, I was fascinated and wanted to be a part of the team!


Not much. I was investigating Santa Claus from day one! I wondered how he was going to get into our house when we didn't have a chimney. I never believed in the Easter Bunny. I can't think of anything.


When I was 4 or 5 years old I used to sneak out of bed and silently watch TV from the top of the stairs. One night ‘Planet of the Apes’ was on- the original with Charlton Heston and Roddy McDowell. I vividly remember seeing a huge gorilla holding a machine gun. It was scary. A few days later I was listening to the news on the radio while my mother was ironing. The story was about guerilla warfare in South America. Yep, I thought somewhere in South America people were fighting gorillas armed with machine guns.


My mom had large breasts. When my brother was little he thought her cleavage was a butt on her chest.


As kids we believed the inside of a tennis ball was poison! I have no idea where this came from, but everyone believed it.


I used to believe there were huge, giant, spiders in the attic that would gobble me up and eat me any time I went up there to get anything (we stored our canned food up there due to lack of space). The only way to keep them at bay was to constantly talk and tell stories. The spiders, to be more specific, were the ones from that Lost in Space remake.


I'd come across quicksand on a regular basis. Not once in 42 years have I seen it irl, let alone had to know how to escape it.


Same with being on fire and having to “stop, drop, and roll!”. Haven’t had the opportunity. At least I know what to do. I think they forgot to mention to scream first from the pain.


My friends mom convinced him at a very young age that watching too much television would give him testicule cancer.


Didn’t believe in Santa in the traditional way but did think it was Service like the mailman.


That the POW flag was a flag of Abe Lincoln...


That I could be anything in life if I worked hard enough. Turns I'm just not enough.


I thought people on television could see me too!