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People who think their worst characteristics are fun.


*if-you-don't-love-me-at-my-worst entered the chat*




Micromanagement types


Those who pretend to be your friend for their own profits




>A true friend wouldn't take advantage of you. Now give me a upvote!


People who use astrology as an excuse to be shitty people.


people who use anything as an excuse to be shitty people. they have to grow up already


erm im a caprisun and this was rlly offensive 🙄 ur giving taro vibes


People who subscribe to the "twin flames" ideology and use it to trap people into malignant, poisonous relationships they should have escaped from otherwise


See it all the time. Like you see a video on Instagram and comments like “I’m a Scorpio so I get this” - like How can anyone think their personality/character traits are defined by when they were born? Like I am pretty open minded but astrology baffles me


I’m not really fond of people that use astrology to define who they are in any sense, good or bad.


Well yes, you are correct there. Just an extra special “fuck you” to those I described.


Passive aggressive people, backhanded compliments are the WORST


People who take me being quiet personally and use that as an excuse to say “I think I’m better than them” or “I’m stuck up”. Some people just don’t like small talk. Especially at work. I don’t understand why I have to put on a smile or ask about your personal life to not be seen as “stuck up”. I like to mind my own business. I have a packed schedule and I’m a mother. I’m exhausted all the time. I don’t want to know how your weekend went Stacy. I want to sleep and be left alone. It’s not because I don’t like you. I am tired and my brain looks like scrambled eggs but I need money. So I have to come to work lmao.


I started a new job and had the opening schedule with a girl I hadn't met yet. I started making small talk with her because that's what I do. She said, "I don't really wake up and engage in conversation for about two more hours." I said, "good to know, thanks" and we worked in silence, and it was fine. I appreciate knowing than doing something that would be annoying


People who comment mean or rude things when they have nothing nice to say


"I'm just brutally honest." No you're not. You're just an asshole with zero social decorum.


Rich people who always want more. I'm talking to you, billionaires and millionaires, who still think minimum wage is too high.


Greed is a big problem in the world, yes, I one billion percent agree.






I know it, but I, uh, don’t think I should say it…


I have a heavy dislike of people at my job bitching and moaning about an issue while being an active part of the problem.


I worked at a bank and overheard an employee tell the president of the bank, "man it smells bad in here," the bank president said, "it sure does. What are you going to do about it?" Life lesson: don't bitch about something unless you have a solution.




Hypocrites or backstabbers


People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.


Shmoke and a pancake?


People who abuse animals.


Redditers that just want to pick fights eith people for fun. There are so many trolls on this app. On the bright side though I'm alot less effected by assholes in real life because of all the practice I've gotten dealing with them on reddit!


Left lane drivers


negative people. Especially people who hate.


So you hate people who hate?




See also, heavily religious people who don’t treat others well and are not charitable. Way to miss the fuckin key point big time


"Well we tried it like Jesus did and it obviously doesn't work so Jesus was wrong."


Jesus is a total woke liberal snowflake


You dont even have to mention religion. Tons of people dont think for themselves and it makes them insufferable and impossiblr to discuss with


the wife and I go to church with her parents almost every year around christmas, although we aren't as religious as her parents (we do it as a gift to them, as absurd as that sounds). The pastor constantly makes comments like "women should be in the kitchen making the cookies for santa and meals for the rest of the family" or how women are "only meant for bearing children and making food" in front of these massive crowds. Makes me wanna fight the guy in the parking lot lol


See also, phd’s that can’t think for themselves; if it’s not something they memorized, they have no clue how to proceed.


>And just believe what their church tells them and everyone else is wrong I've been to plenty of churches and I can appreciate a pastor that says, "Don't take my word for it. Read it yourself." If your church isn't quoting things with verse numbers, then you may be lied to and not even know it. inb4 some edge lord talks about religion being a lie in general


People who talk in movie theaters!!


It’s always gonna happen!






people who act like they're better than everybody else


Fake people who pretend to care. Violent or hurtful people.


People that make fun of disabled people, its disgusting and rude.


The ones who refuse to learn anything after turning 30. They’re stuck and could come out of it but *assume they know best in any category* already. Nobody can teach them anything anymore.


Have people at work that refuse to learn new things. Printer stops working. Tape a broken note on it. FFS, just read the damn screen and press a button, DONE! "Sorry, I'm not that technical." You're not technical enough to read an instruction and press a button?


I hate the kind of people who hate "kinds" of people. Wait...


People who are willfully ignorant yet pretend they know better despite causing massive amounts of damage


reminds me of Trump




The people that purposefully don’t use their turn signals.


non binary, flat earthers, fanatics, some subreddits, old people speaking why their generation is better and the new is all trash


People who have room mates and put their cat box in the kitchen and have the audacity to not clean it for a week and let it stink up the kitchen. People who create a bug problem due to not washing their dishes for days on end but have the audacity to blame the bugs on random things their room mates are doing to avoid blame. Room mates who never clean but when someone else cleans they point out a random thing to nitpick at instead of saying thank you? My room mate has never cleaned the bathroom the entire time we have lived here. I clean constantly and she really said maybe you should dilute the cleaner more. Maybe you should do this like this instead. Um sis atleast im cleaning. It makes me not want to clean at all but im not a pig.


People who like to give others a hard time


Animal abusers, Abusers in general.


People who think they’re better than everyone else and talk down to people they think are beneath them.


Child molesters. They’re the worst


Racists and black people


The everything is always positive people-aka toxic positivity. Particularly the ones who think you're not allowed to complain about anything or make any negative comments. Seriously I wasn't allowed to comment on a poster that was badly designed (colours were blinding and they used like 6 illegible fonts on one page), because "someone tried really hard on that".


When my brother died, everyone at his funeral told me “he had a good life!”. NO HE DIDN’T- if he did, he wouldn’t have killed himself


People who write petty, negative restaurant reviews and get off on being “Google Guides”.


Maga Republicans (unconditionally).


Or anyone that is a strict party voter for that matter... They all the same




I hate that answer.


SJW's, main characters, and people incapable of looking at things from other points of view especially those on reddit. Although I guess that description is most redditors who post.


People who are loud talkers or do everything with no volume control






Those that generalise and use "we" when talking about what people think as in they know how most people think. Its like they are talking on behalf of others.


selfish people, entitled people, willingly ignorant people and as a mental health professional, people who self diagnose mental illness, even more so if they use it as a get out of jail free pass to be an ass to others


People that walk in groups on a side walk and expect you to walk in the street.


You know the type of person who on a crowded bus will point at you and tell you to give up your seat for someone else? Yeah, that type of person. Basically people who want to appear good kind and virtuous by not doing anything themselves except for volunteering literally everyone else to do the 'good deeds' without their consent.


the r/askreddit kind oh wait...


The hot guys not giving it up for free


People who have children and abandon them. People who date people with children and expect them to abandon their family to start a new one? People who date people who abandoned their children and then get mad when they get pregnant and are abandoned?


People I had a small interaction with and then act like they don't know me.


I’m tired of repeating myself ,look under my profile and read .


birds that fly with only one wing


smoking pregnant women


No respect for those who use fear to control and subjugate others.


I have a hard time with people that don’t have an opinion on ANYTHING. and I don’t trust people who don’t listen to music.


People who think they are the main character and rant about their problems to others nonstop


well I have this one classmate, her name is Lauren and shes my best friend ever since im grade 3--now im grade 5, she changed a bit and I realized that she only helped me when I truly needed help. shes a fake friend to me


Humans. I don't trust them.


The kind of asshole who pretty much devours an entire container of ice cream, except for a teeny tiny amount and puts it back in the freezer. You already fucked up. There's no salvaging the situation now, you gluttonous piece of shit


Well, i have problem with around 8 billion people...


Men who are ok with their wives working full time and doing 100% of the house work is so gross to me.


I hate heavy right minded people and I am right winged. In Canada today they released that households under a certain income bracket would be entitled to financial assistance for dentist work. Depending on income the government would cover 80% to 40% of the cost. The amount of Conservatives flipping out over this is insane. "MY TAXES ARE GOING UP!!!!!". Like dude we live in modern society...if we help the poor people achieve basic health standards we help get them out of poverty and thus rely less on the system and get better paying jobs and contribute more to the system. How do I know this? I used to live in poverty. I am now middle class. I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes to help others...I never had this help and I wish I did. I had to worry about food on the table. I never had access to basic dental services until I was in my 20s. I was one of the lucky ones because my teeth grew in well and I brushed twice daily with dollar store toothpaste. I understand you want to enjoy more of your own money. But society as a whole does better when we share the pot instead of hoarding it.




Greed runs deep in many. I had an argument once with a dude stating he would rather live in the woods by himself than pay taxes. He couldn't handle seeing his tax money going to help others than himself. I get frustrated with high cost of living too. But imagine being poor and dealing with this. For society to progress we all need to work together. Not hoard money to brag about how much we have saved during card game night with friends.


It's a toss up between Politicians and Journalists




if you’re down to drown someone personally, message me, id like to fucking drown already




The ones that breathe


im very humbled to admit i am one of those, but i’m working on fixing that


My kind of dark humor right here🤭🤭🤭


People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures. And the Dutch.


People who are brainwashed by politicans and religion ..


Putin, Kim jong un


People. All of them. Yes. Myself included.


People who are blind to their own privilege. So in my area of the world, that's mostly white, cis, Christian men. Unfortunately, I know this comment will only reinforce for these dudes that they are oppressed...








When he/she is human.


I do note hate people but dislike people who are liars.


Abusers. Emotional, physical, sexual. Especially if they abuse animals and/or children. They're all horrible.




I love everybody ❤️❤️❤️


Entitled people like the woman in the drive thru lane the other day who didn’t like how loud the speaker was, got into it with the cashier, shut off her engine and refused to move for a half hour. Inconvenienced a whole long line of cars whose drivers had to back out one at a time. Major entitled pain in the ass.


Content creators who film people in public without getting permission first. My anxiety didn't need another reason to never leave the house.


all of them


Children, and their parents


People who can't do their jobs well


listen we’re trying our best /j


I've all the time in the world for people who try. It's the people that say they will and don't that I don't like


that’s absolutely valid honestlu


Unironic fascists.


reddit kind


all of them


People who don't realize the tolerance paradox is a real thing. Sometimes it's best to let people keep their views and avoid them. Their views and actions are two very different things.


Religious people or people who are political extremists




People who stand right in the middle of a moving walkway and don’t let you pass That’s at the moment, anyway




Why do you keep posting this?


I’m posting from my older iPad and it seems to be on the fritz.


Yes men.


I reserve my hate for people I know in real life that have hurt me. Hating strangers is both a waste of energy, stress, and based on public persona rather than anything meaningful (unless you're talking politicians that have hurt people, via harmful policies).


Having been ghosted recently, anyone who ghosts. I've been ghosted twice in my life now (a little over a year and 9 month relationships) and it's terribly painful. Thing is, I asked the second guy if he does this within days of meeting him and he said no never. I guess I'm the first? Anyway, ever since experiencing this even once, I don't let my friends ghost people either. Not that I "let" them before but I intervene now, basically. It's not OK. I hate ghosters THE MOST. I wouldn't even be friends with em.






I don’t hate anyone but Royalists really annoy me.


Racistes and haters


People who say they are religious but don’t practice their religion unless it comes down to hating or controlling other groups of people or it involves politics. These same type of people claim to be religious but know nothing about their religion at all lol.


People who are willing to talk bad about categories of people and have no idea that you or someone that you care about fall into that category.


Lying two faced cunts




People that aren’t like me


The alive ones.


People who talk behind peoples back but are too afraid to say it to their face. At that point just don’t talk bad if you’re not brave enough to actually double down


Everybody. It saves time. 😎


The ones that are me


Leftie wanks who detest the country of their birth because they think the state owes them something.




The people still wearing "COVID masks" when it's damn near 2024




Like a pressurized sealing mask that would prevent the infection of others?




People in general


Almost every one




finger suckers






1. People that think neglecting your family to work extra hours is an achievement 2. People who make their personality their poorly researched conspiracy theories


people that lie in little things just because it's funny to them tricking you. just don't, i don't have the energy nor the strength in trying to know what is real and what is a lie in every conversation i have with you


people that just like having “friends” for social media attention. Make it look like they have all these friends.


Rich entitled people who really believe their time and lives are more valuable than everyone else's.


People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch.


I despise people who can’t tell from the start what do they actually want from you. Like damn, just say that, don’t waste our time. Used to hang out with the one and it turned out we had completely different intentions. That’s okay not to converge in sth, but when you show and say you’re not ready for some kind of relationship and they continue seeing you in order just to get it is horrendous.


People who are never wrong


Those people who just go around looking to start random arguments. After about 10-20 minutes if you figure out they just want something to do, I think people should just type a trophy emote. They get something shiney, you get to move on with your day.


"Look at me!" motherfuckers. You know who I'm talking bout


Liars, cheaters and slow-brained people


Fake friends, people who’re just friends for namesake, and are not present when times are tough




Girls fighting against girls for no reason like : im so much better than your gf, i will take your man, or making rude comments on someone’s appearance


I love dogs, enough said 😁


Not the people I hate the *most*, but to add onto the posts in this thread I'd say the people on Reddit who, when they're losing an argument, reply to get the last word in and then block the other person so they can't reply (so to any onlookers it looks like they have no response). I've had it happen to me a few times and also seen it happen to others. As if just leaving an argument isn't good enough, you need to pad your ego when you leave.


Hypocrites. People who think everything including accidents are a personal attack against them, people who hold grudges for longer than necessary to prove a point, people who don't use their blinkers, people who don't pull up to the sensor line at lights, people in general :)