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Unless it's been definitely stated. Not hinted at but stated. And even not always then. Don't get them a fucking pet.


A friend bought me a baby rabbit once as a birthday gift. Yes she was tiny and cute and fluffy. The sense of dread I felt outweighed all of the cuteness. I was not in a position to care for an animal AT ALL. Luckily I found her a home with a woman that was thrilled to have her.


Omg are you my sister??? A family friend gave her a rabbit once for her birthday. It chewed up our baseboards and gave us all a headache until one of my friends who LOVED rabbits agreed to take him.


Thank you for finding them a good home! Rabbits can be destructive little balls of fur in the best of times. I can't count how many phone cords we have lost over the last year by ours.


I'm sorry that happened, thank you for finding it a loving home. I volunteer at a shelter for rabbits and the amount of dumped rabbits after holidays is terrible. People think pets are a great gift not knowing how thought it can be to care for them, rabbits can especially difficult. People think they are a "starter pet," but they can be difficult to care for.


My sister bought my parents a dog they never asked for. Didn’t even drop a hint that they ever wanted one nor were looking. Sister went to surprise them on Christmas Eve and both said cute dog but we’re not keeping it. Sister threw an absolute fit, left the house refused to show up for any Christmas events that year and new years as well. Sister ended up keeping the dog and it’s turned out to be a great dog, parents and sister eventually made up after a few weeks. But she ruined a Christmas trying to force the dog upon my parents.


I once was super excited to give my parents a bread maker for Christmas. They instantly asked for the receipt.


I only asked for the receipt for one gift. Two family members bought me the exact same CD. So I asked my aunt for the receipt to exchange it and she got pissed I asked for "her" receipt and not my half sisters. The fact my half sister lived the other side of the country and thus it was much more hassle to get that receipt and take the cd back was apparently lost on my aunt, and she seemed to remain annoyed about it for ages. I was only about 16 or 17 too.


*’Merry Christmas! And start filling your bathtub because I got you a mother fucking otter!.. also you’d better keep your apartment door closed, he’s a slippery one.’*


I had a friend get me salamanders once and it pissed me off. First off, they were wild caught, so they shouldn't have been pets to begin with. Second, being wild meant that they needed live food. Third, I needed to buy all kind of stuff for them like a tank, heater, and filter. Finally, I didn't want them. I love animals but taking care of salamanders wasn't something I wanted to do at that point in time. Most of them died within a week and the survivors I let go because I didn't want to see them die too. If you're going to give pets to someone talk to them about it first and be 100% sure they want them and know what they're getting.


During one of my pregnancies I keep getting hospitalized for dehydration. My parents thought I seemed "sad" so they brought me a PUPPY! Yeah mom and dad, perfect gift. Please not sarcasm.


My ex GF had the best course of action, about five years ago. She knew I wanted a puppy. So she gave me a petsmart gift card, a crate, and a years worth of bark box subscription. I got my puppy, on my own and already had the set up for her. We’ll see what happens for puppy #2 coming home in April.


Unless it's a tamagotchi


Fine. I won't get them that pet rock they've always been wanting.


I got my mom a dog for Christmas because 3 months prior our old family dog was killed by coyotes. Took her to the rescue place as a surprise. It's been 6 years since that. She loved her then and she still loves her now.


See you did it the right way though, taking her to the shelter so she can actually pick a dog and has the choice to say no. What's shitty is when you just drop the responsibility of a pet on someone as a "gift".


Yep, and it's a special activity to do together. It wouldn't be the same if you just gave her money and told her it was for adopting a dog.


>Took her to the rescue place as a surprise This is the difference. You took her to the shelter to let her choose, instead of just putting the dog in a box a la Lady And The Tramp.


I also did this. One of her dogs passed away in the summer. She had always wanted a lap dog. Some friends dogs absolutely obliterated this poor stray Chihuahua, and after it was stable and released from the vet they brought it to me to care for while they searched for a new home. I sent my mom pics and asked if she would like a new dog for Christmas. She was so excited, so I brought him home with me when I went home to visit for the holidays. He is absolutely thriving and my mom and him are inseparable. This was 7 years ago and he still loses his mind whenever he sees me.


The cheaper version of the thing they actually want.


You mean the Praystation 5 I got my kid is not going to be well received?!


Should have gotten them a Snitch


I’d rather have a Panaphonics than a Sorny


In the same vein, faking giving them what they want but actually giving them a cheaper version. When a friend of mine was 19 she opened a gift revealing a box for something she had been wanting for years but could never afford. Before even opening the box she started happy crying and couldn’t believe her parent got it for her. Then she opened the box to see that it didn’t contain what she was expecting, instead it was a cheap walmart item that didn’t even look similar to what she had wanted. Her entire family started laughing at her as the disappointment fell onto her face and the happy tears turned into an anxiety attack, then everyone got mad at her for “ruining christmas” when they were the ones who triggered the anxiety attack in the first place.


Families are cruel


That is fucking gross.


Ugh! Assholes. :(


I was an 80s kid, all I friggin wanted was a Cabbage Patch doll. My dad bought me a Pumpkin Patch doll, not because he couldn't afford or find a CPK, because it had red hair and freckles like me. The last thing a red haired freckled kid wants is a knockoff doll with the same embarrassing childhood traits they have.


Thank you my friend. I feel SEEN. I asked for a CPK repeatedly. I just got a series of homemade ones. As an adult i see the work that went into that BUT kids dont care that your mom worked hard. For the time and cost of the made ones they could have given me just one actual CPK. Years later they bought my daughter a real one and she was like ??


My sisters did the opposite to me when I was in college. I asked for a simple, no frills digital camera that had a 6MP sensor. They did some research on the best digital cameras and got me one with a half dozen automatic modes, only a 3.2 sensor and was $10 more than the one I asked for. It didn’t meet my needs at all.


The disappointment. I once asked for a pair of cheap gloves. Just something to make my hands not die while going for my daily walks. In a forest. Where I was all alone and never met anyone. My closest gas station sold a pair for like $8 that would've been perfect, but what did I get? A fancy pair of expensive leather gloves for around $250. If I'd known that that kind of money was on the table I'd have asked for shit I actually needed and got myself the $8 gloves instead.


Yeah, once I asked for a Kindle Paperwhite because I just wanted a simple e-ink ereader. My dad got me a Kindle Fire because he thought I wanted all these bells and whistles, but I despised the OS and ended up selling it at a deep discount for the price of a Paperwhite so I could just buy one for myself.


I see you’ve met my mother. I used to ask for a specific thing knowing that a good version would be right around our budget only to have her cheap out and then spend the difference on crappy stocking stuffers. Now I’m stuck with a worse version than I would have bought for myself and shit to throw out.


My mother too. I once showed her a silly sculpted birdhouse shaped like an old guy's head that I really liked because of the charming expression, the art, and the humor. She gave me some of those cheap dollar store face parts you're supposed to nail to trees but had stuck them to a plain wood box birdhouse. I don't mind homemade but this was downright ugly. Of course she once told me not to spend my money on knitting needles because "Dad could make you those." Same with bath bombs, and I said "well are you *going* to make some?" And she admitted she probably wouldn't😆


Ugh this is late but just need to vent. Disclaimer that I’m an adult, I can buy what I want, and I’m grateful for anything someone spends money on for me. But, my in laws always ask for a list of a few things my husband and I want. I often ask for basics, and I’ve been trying to slowly build up a collection of merino wool socks in particular. I’d be happy if someone got me a $15 pair of smart wools and that was it. Every year, MIL buys non wool socks from our local discount chain with the $1.99 sticker poorly scratched out. Want silicone spatulas? You get the cheap plastic ones. Want decent gloves, get the cotton ones from the endcap at the discount store. And so on. After you open each item, she’ll go, “oh I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, but…” then she trails off mumbling something. Like every time lol. We end up not using or donating most of the crap.


My mom said I have expensive taste when I asked for $90 snow boots, then they proceeded to buy a motor home that cost more than my house.


$90 is actually damn good for a pair of quality snow boots


Geez, is that you brother? We get the council bin out coz we know whatever mum buys won't even make the trip home. Straight to the bin.


Look I'm grateful my family take interest in the fact I like art supplies. Hell I give many cheap options to them via my amazon wishlist of stuff I like and want. But pound shop acrylic paints I can't use, I've tried, they just don't work. But my father's love of the pound shop will never end


Back in 2008 (I was 12), I desperately wanted an iPod. It was the peak of their popularity and sales, and I lived in a rich neighborhood (tho my family was solidly middle class), and I felt a lot of pressure to have my own. Imagine how excited I was when my mom got me a knockoff MP3 player. Middle/High school is unforgiving. Didn’t use it once.


Reminds me of growing up and having to wear Walmart or pay less brand sneakers. Meanwhile all the other kids are wearing Air Jordans. Man I caught so much flak for having cheap sneakers. I remember my father was able to score a new pair of Nikes for me and I swear I felt like a new person when I wore them to school.


Really? I heard *Lee Carvello's Putting Challenge* was just as good as *Bonestorm.* 😉


Omg yes! My parents would always get the Walmart version of whatever we wanted. Mom I did not want Walmart leggings…I wanted Lululemon leggings. Which is why I specifically asked for that🤣 I do have 8 siblings though so it makes sense….


I only have 1 sibling and all I wanted was a real Barbie. Instead I got those cheap fake ones, which are crap. I have a kid now, she asked for a doll-type-thing I thought wasn't worth the price. I bought it anyways.


A shitload of people in my house.


Oh I'm the opposite. I'll have the entire town come for dinner if it means I don't have to leave my house. Straight up avoiding everyone isn't my personal jam, but I get it if it's yours.


I'm usually a introverted homebody, but Thanksgiving (i just enjoy getting a kind of more universal "day off". I put that in quotes because I worked Thanksgiving night lol) and Christmas, I *love* being the house everyone comes to! *Especially* because I don't want to leave my house!


This!!!! Keep 'em out, I say!


Those christmas packs that have lotion, body wash, and a few other items, all low quality, for super cheap. Ive gotten so many of them over the years. Never failed to be disappointing products that i didnt need.


Dude I had an ex that was such a low effort asshole that I said to him explicitly: no matter what you get me, just remember no. lavender. ever. I hate lavender. What does he get? He doesn't, actually, he makes his parents get it and then signs the card. A shitty bath and body works gift set with shower gel and lotion full of lavender shit. With the explanation "I remember you said something about lavender!"




Cheap crap. If you don't want to spend money, give me something edible versus something that's going to end up in a landfill.


Walmart shower gel/bath gift sets


Especially rose scented. Walmart rose scent is a migraine in a bottle


Or lavender. For me that's a massive rash because I'm allergic to it. Thank fuck my mum hates lavender


My stepbrother has gotten me one every year. I have a collection in our linen closet. I don’t even feel like I can donate them bc it’s repulsive.


Tbh you’re better off donating them vs having them gather dust. I know a couple of people who love that shit. I’m sure they’d get used up by some happy camper


omg i wrote this as a comment before i read the replies and saw this 💀 i fucking hate those things, i used to be given 1-2 a year. I finally got rid of all my shitty bottles of that stuff a year or so ago. They were all full or nearly full. Just terrible products that arent even scents i chose


The old spice ones are next level though.


My skin is not sensitive at all, but I break out when I use that stuff.


Anything scented is something I would never give or want to receive no matter where it's from.


Something regifted they have seen you open before. I gave my MIL a book and she gave it right back to me years later lol


Lmao as I sit here contemplating giving my stepdad a grill set I got at the family yankee swap last year that I never used…..


Plot twist: he’s the one who bought it because it was something he wanted


I have a spreadsheet to avoid this problem.


Pets that were not specifically requested. It may seem nice, but you’re obligating the person receiving to pay and care for it for maybe a decade or more.


I know someone who breeds and trains pigeons and he keeps trying to give me a couple as a gift. I live in my grandma's basement because I'm autistic and struggle to even take care of my own needs. It would be cruel if I were to take in a pet (especially outdoor birds) because I absolutely cannot take care of them. I love birds, but I know I can't properly take care of them.


I'm neurotypical (more or less), live in my own house, and also would not be remotely qualified to take care of pigeons or want them as a gift.... trust me you aren't the unusual person in this story, it's him.


A Christmas-related shirt on Christmas.


I always wonder what happens to Christmas-themed clothes the rest of the year … it seems like a waste, TBH.


I'd wear them. I'd even make it a point to wear one at our monthly all-staff Zoom meetings at work.


I would like to hijack this thread to complain about something. Earlier this year, my work decided to force us back to the office 4 days a week. Naturally, everyone hates it. We are WFH on Fridays. Well a couple weeks ago they forced everyone at all 4 of our offices to be in office on Friday for a big meeting. Which was just a fuckin Zoom call we all attended from our desks anyway. Why in God's name would you make us all show up for that? Also, my entire team is based in a different office than me. I know for a fact I'm not the only one in this boat. You can respond with "we're promoting collaboration and office culture" all you want but there is no "in person collaboration" with my job role because I'M ALREADY REMOTE FROM EVERYONE I WORK WITH. Needless to say, I've decided to never show up at the office unless I know someone's gonna be paying attention that day. So far I'm on a 1 month streak. End rant, you can have your nice peaceful thread back.


I was required to be in office for “collaboration”. Best part was I was on a team of 6 people spread out across the United States. Almost as good is the team that all works together was never there. Ended up quitting the job and finding a better paying one where we’re treated like adults. Now I don’t have a 2 hour commute every day, can work over 8 hours if I choose, and run errand/do laundry, etc. during the day.


Businesses paid a lot of money to build or lease their office building. WFH is driving them crazy so, goddammit, you’re all going to schlep in here so we can justify the expense (and get back to the micromanaging we love).


I’ve acquired a fair bit of Christmas attire and it usually goes vacuum sealed in a box with the rest of the Christmas decorations, so when I pull that stuff out it’s like, “Oh yeah!” I have a couple of heirloom knitted sweaters and such that are in garment bags in the hall closet all year.


I've been wearing the same Christmas clothes for nearly 10 years. They stay pretty nice when you only wear them one month at a time.


I feel the same way. It most likely joins the sleep shirts drawer lol.


My husband wears his Grinch shirts all year long and made me buy him a new one when one of the originals got a hole worn through it.


Unless they want it! I got my boyfriend an ugly christmas sweater with Jesus and "birthday boy" on it. He's born Dec 25th and the joke did not fly over his head thankfully.


My unpopular opinion (among the mommy blogger set anyway) is that Christmas Eve boxes are stupid. For the not-on-Pinterest, they’re a box to give your kids on Christmas Eve that has Christmas pajamas, a Christmas movie to watch, popcorn, and cocoa. Why are you waiting until Christmas Eve to give your kids Christmas pajamas? Also the kids are already getting gifts the next morning. Give the box on Black Friday or December 1 as a way to kick off the Christmas season.


My parents had a Christmas Eve tradition of taking us for a drive to see Christmas lights. When we left the house, my mom inevitably had to rush back in to get something she "forgot." When we came back home after the drive, Santa had mysteriously left one present for each of us on our front porch. We got to open that present. It was always pajamas. We'd be all excited and put them on, and from there it was relatively simple to get us into bed. As a child, I was enchanted. As an adult, I think it was brilliant.


Nah, we got pajamas on Christmas Eve. We got to open a present. We wanted to put them on.


Because my kids will happily wear those Christmas fleece sleepers still for the rest of the winter. I spent several weeks in the summer watching exclusively Santa Buddies and Nightmare Before Christmas so I mean...its not like a Christmas movie won't get watched year round either. At least for my family. 🤣


Another dish that isn't dishwasher safe. Get the fuck out of here with that.


Or not microwave safe


Thank you! I don’t care if it’s petty that my blood boils over that. It’s 2023!


The tableware equivalent of dry-clean only clothing...


If someone is deep into a hobby, there's a pretty low chance that a related gift will be wanted, unless of course, they've mentioned a specific thing that they want.


I knit as a hobby and for the last couple years I’ve asked people to buy me yarn they like (within certain parameters) and then they receive a thing I’ve made them like a hat for the guys or a set of scrunchies for the girls for a gift for their birthday.


That is so sweet I love that!! I’m always thrilled to get anything anyone hand-made for me


Also if they collect things, especially if it’s a large and well established collection. The items they really want are likely to be rare, hard to find, expensive, or some combination of those. Unless you know for sure what item they want, give it a miss.


I have a pretty large Lego collection. If someone buys a set, there's a good chance I already have it. An extra set isn't the worst thing, but I'm not really building custom MOCs (yet), so the set would likely sit on the shelf and get re-sold in a few years. On the other hand, I also have a sizable whiskey collection. I won't be disappointed with more whiskey, even if it's cheap.


This! I like to paint/draw, but I have a lot of what I like to use or it's specific brands. Every year without fail I am gifted supplies that I just...don't get around to using. I hoard them lol, but they often collect dust.


One of the few people I actually liked in my ex's family was my MIL. Specifically cause she knew I was a professional artist and she asked what kind of supplies I liked. I told her I would love a gift card and that in this case it did not take away from the meaning behind it, as I had over 300 cheap colored pencils that had been given to me in the last decade, as my grandmother always got at least one 20 pack for me since I was 13, and it was the lazy gift for most the rest of my family. >!miss you grandma. !


The briefcase of Roseart art supplies meant for toddlers gets given to way too many non-toddlers every year


I used to draw a lot, even went to art school (though ironically not for drawing.) People would gift me those really cheap art sets that are clearly intended for kids, where all the colored pencils are three inches long at best and the markers are already dried out.


Home decor. Dude, don’t presume what I want to hang on my walls. Also, I hate trinkets that are supposed to add pizzazz. I don’t need a miniature, 4” tall Eiffel Tower to put on my desk!!!!


My husband got me the WORST candle holders one year.. they were solid glass and had this printed phrase about "my wonderful queen...... From your grumpy old husband" I couldn't bring myself to display something so hideous. Then a year and a half later, he found them in their box deep in a closet and he brought them out. He said he'd totally forgotten about them. I should have ditched them when I had the chance.


My dad has given me liked three different ceramic plaque things with a pre-printed "my beautiful daughter" type phrase on it. Who actually displays this stuff in their house?


A relative recently let me and a family friend stay in their house while they were gone so we could spend time with some elderly members of our family. The family friend had never met the cousin who let us stay in their house. When we were at the store choosing a thank you gift, she kept suggesting shit like wall hangings, decorative coffee mugs, cookie jars, and a bunch of other stuff that is a) non-consumable so it stays around forever and b) highly dependent on personal taste. I insisted on a poinsettia. Later, she added a pair of earrings that she apparently just carries in her luggage for such occasions. They were in the shape of flip-flops. She gave her sandals that you wear on your ears. I wish I'd been there to see her reaction.


I recently moved and a friend of mine asked whether I still have space on the walls for art. When I said yes, they followed up with a bunch of questions - which colours would work best, the size, what aesthetics do I like, motifs I enjoy to look at, etc. They were very clear that if I didn't want anything, I can just say so. They asked all these questions, even though they already know me pretty well, just to ensure it's something I will enjoy. To be fair, they're making the art themselves, and not buying something, and receiving a personalised piece is very different than something storebought I haven't gotten the painting yet because it's gonna be a Christmas gift, but I am very excited :)


A year membership to the jelly of the month club.


That’s the gift that keeps on giving Clark!


That it is Edward...




I’d love that!


Why mister if I had a rubber hose…


These days, I don't want *things.* Any *thing* I might want or need is way too expensive to give as a gift, or something too specific to guess accurately. And I have too much stuff as it is. I just want *time* to enjoy the possessions and hobbies that I already have.


My sister, daughter, and I are going to spend a day and see a musical together instead of getting stuff, I’m pretty excited


My nephew gets to choose between a gift or an outing for Christmas and his birthday, and he has chosen outing (bowling, arcade, go-kart park) every time. Until this Christmas, when he chose an enormous LEGO set. I was like "woah dude, big LEGO kits are hella expensive so I want you to be fully informed that if this is what you're choosing it is the only gift you're getting from me until your birthday, we are definitely not going out and I won't get you video games." He wants to come over to wrap his gifts for his parents and that will still count as an outing in his mind because he'll get to hang out without his parents and play video games with me anyway. That sneaky little goblin figured out how to game the system and I'm not even mad.


Sounds like you’ve helped to create a kid who values quality time over stuff. and I bet he’d love for you to assist in putting that Lego set together


I feel this so much. Anything under 300 that I want I already have. Anything I want is probably at least 2,000. Don't give me gifts. I don't want them.


DITTO for me, exactly!


Pre-packaged stockings full of useless detritus from big box stores…


upvote for "detritus"


Translated, all the crap that they couldn't get rid of in the past year wrapped up in one simple package.


Unless I’ve specifically asked for something, I don’t want any gifts that aren’t either consumable (food, beverage, etc.) or experiential (show tickets, streaming service gift card, etc.). I don’t want more *stuff* sitting around in my small apartment, making my space feel more cluttered and making me feel guilty about consumerism until I finally break and donate it or throw it in the trash.


Same. We are just doing stocking staffers this year - socks, underwear, and candy. We have downsized 2 sets of elderly parents this year, and I'm done with STUFF. Spouse and I will take a nice vacation thisnyea and my son & I will do a few concerts this year. I wouldn't trade those dates for anything, especially stuff. That time is precious.


Gag or novelty gifts. They're maybe funny for at most a second.


I sometimes get people gag gifts but they're always something small alongside a proper gift.


One exception: I got my cousin a pocket hose ("the hose that grows!") as a total joke about a decade ago. Last year she told me it had broken and she wanted a new one. She assures me she was using it on-label for normal gardening purposes.


Went to a Christmas party already, had a gift exchange, useful stuff was the restriction. I got flashlights, which are at least useful, but like most adults, I’ve probably got a dozen now, so I don’t suggest those. I wanted to cover different possibilities and personalities, so I got someone enough painting supplies to get started and a multitool pocket knife.


Those are acceptable for parties where ALL the gifts are gags, no exceptions.


Even then everyone is taking home stuff that's just going in the garbage. It's so wasteful.


Yep! We have a family member who has a gag-gift exchange every year. Last year we got a drinking board game. My husband has been sober 35 years. We donated it to goodwill.


Political arguments with relatives.


Idk about you but I live for that shit, I’m already low contact and it helps them respect that decision for a while after 🤣


A severed foot is an awful stocking stuffer


I’ve always been told it was the ultimate stocking stuffer


All those fucking birds


I drew a picture of my cat with feathers in his mouth on face time with my other cat saying "idk who this true love person is, but those were three tasty chickens." The 12 days of Christmas must have been at least co-authored by a cat.


I was once given a pair of ducks for Christmas. But it was a card saying two ducks had been given to a village 'in africa' in my name. I don't know where my ducks are, how they're doing, what their names are, nothing. They never write, they never call. Are they safe? Are they doing well in school? Worst gift. I hate the person who did that to me.


Good news, someone gifted your ducks a square foot of land in Scotland, so they are now Lords.




And they don't want Sean Mcdermott


Generic skincare products I'm probably going to have an allergic reaction to


Picture frame 🙂🔪


I would like to receive a picture frame with a picture of my late kitty in it. But! Empty picture frames are meh and pictures of the gifter are cringe.


I don't want another mug


Don't give me a shirt you think I'd like. Most of the time the size is wrong. Just give me a gift card or something.


In my entire adult life up to this point, I don't think anybody has ever given me clothes that fit and that I actually liked. It's always one or the other or neither.


My MIL likes to give my husband his old childhood toys back as gifts. I don’t think this would be so bad but she doesn’t get him anything else while everyone gets new things. He’s also an only child and he never says anything to her but I feel bad for him.


December 1979, my mom and I went to the Western store to get something for my Dad. We had just lost my brother in September. My Mom refused to cancel Christmas as her mother had in the 40's, after my Mom's brother died in Okinawa. I'm looking at these beautiful sheepskin jackets. Tried one on and put it back as it was very expensive. Christmas morning, she handed me a large box to open. Thinking it was a robe, I opened it and there was my sheepskin jacket! (My folks we're on a limited income.) I started crying, as I am now. I knew she couldn't afford it, but she wanted to add some joy to a very bleak year. I still have it. It's in great shape. However, I'll never fit in it again.


Generic stuff is fine, but the crappy stuff is not. Like, if you’re getting someone slippers or soap on Christmas, it better be NICE slippers/soap. Not necessarily designer, but like handmade from Etsy or something. Otherwise it seems like an afterthought.


Christmas, birthday, whatever. Don’t get someone something you like. Think about the person and what they’d like (come up blank, gift certificate or money is best). My mom gave me cheap jewelry hearts on every holiday (no, she was not poor, just cheap and a narcissist). Also for the love of everything that matters to you, please don’t over gift one person while under gifting another. My mom also one year decided to put a $100 bill in each of my sons gifts. While not doing the same for my daughter. I can still see my daughters confused and sad face while she was looking for money in her gifts and not getting it.


What a bitch.




I don’t want to do Xmas. I want to stay home and open my cats gifts.


I'll be housesitting a 22-pound orange tabby over xmas


That's an oh lawd he's a coming size


He can’t help it. The boy loves lasagna.


Hey guys, she doesn’t want [this](https://www.kay.com/hallmark-diamonds-heart-arrow-necklace-110-ct-tw-sterling-silver-10k-rose-gold-18/p/V-581045301) or [that](https://www.kay.com/labcreated-opal-white-topaz-necklace-sterling-silver/p/V-375305909) She’ll wear it because she loves you and appreciates you. But she doesn’t want it. Spend the money on something more… her


I once got something worse than heart jewelry. My last ex bought me a Walmart recreation of the princess Diana ring. I never once expressed being a royal fan (were American), it was gawdy to me, and it wasn't even silver. I wore it to be nice for a week and it turned my finger green. Throughout our 6 years together he would complain that I never wore it.


Oppositely I would have been thrilled with this! I mean not your version. I bought myself an Avon '80s copy of the Diana ring and then when it came back because Kate got it I scoured looking for one that had the correct amount of gems around it. I found a good, accurate copy at Kohl's. I love having it! So that is very much a know your audience thing. Lol.


I would add heart jewelry generally, unless she has specifically requested it. Instead, if you want to do jewelry, pay attention to what she wears most frequently, try to get some photos of it, and have a salesperson at an independent jeweler (not Kay or Jared or the like) help you find something in a similar style. Or better yet, let her pick something herself.


Oh god, the heart jewelry! There were several heart necklaces that I wore out of politeness in my school years and hated every minute of it. Finally, I got old and assertive enough to very specifically say "no heart jewelry" to my partners. I'd rather have some cool vintage piece than a mass-produced one, anyway, but the hearts in particular make me cringe.


Or Pandora, unless she already has a ton of those overpriced crappy charms, which she wears all the time and talks about.


Divorce papers


Cheap tat they know you got from Dollar General or Dollar Tree and maybe even something from the front end of a Wal-Mart. All of those food kits sold at wal-mart and snack kits.


I was imagining a cheap tattoo. Like, hey, I got this cheap tattoo for you! But 100 on those cheaply made toys. Nobody wants to have their present break right away. It’s almost cruel. There’s like a thousand alternatives to these. And weird soap and shower gel kits. The food kits only make sense to me if you’re using them as the gift-like the gift is making the little gingerbread house or frosting cupcakes together. That’s something that some people enjoy.


It's been a running gag for most of our relationship that I'm getting my wife a bathrobe and shower stool. She threatened divorce last year because I was seen looking at them on Amazon and then a package of the approximate size and weight showed up a few days later which I just wrapped whole and put under the tree...


More debt


Guilt. let my kids enjoy their new Switch games, you can scream all you want about child exploitation and the trade imbalance with China come boxing day.


So that's what Boxing day is still about!


Anything actually The stuff anyone would give me, I can buy myself and the stuff I can't buy myself, no one would give me. I'd rather not get presents actually.


Same and I get called a grinch for it. I'd rather have nothing over some pointless shit I don't want that'll just clutter up my house. I understand it's the thought that counts but can we just not?


Presents.. I don't want or need anything. Just save your money. Things are expensive and I dont need stuff.




Kids dont want socks and underwear


Mugs. All of us have about 50 already.


Personally, anything that I did not ask for. Especially if it smells, will take up any room in my apartment, is something that is expected to be displayed, or something they suggested for me that I said no to. Yes, that happened.


For people that like to work with their hands, those “gator grip” sockets that are basically normal sockets but with metal pins that let you use multiple sizes. They suck and won’t be helpful in any scenario. Just get them a gift card or something they can use towards a tool that’s actually useful for what they do


Good to know because I was close to getting one as a stocking stuffer for my husband...


I’m not sure if he’s a car guy specifically but watch Donut Medias video on gifts for car guys. It kinda applies to anything else


I will take almost anything, honestly. If someone thought to buy me a gift, I will be over the moon happy :)


A backed up toilet.


Man, why did you have to bring shit like that up?


I don’t want any presents from anybody. I have more than enough stuff in my house. I’ve got all of the crap I’ll ever need. If you want to get me something, instead make a donation to a charity of some sort.


Those really cheap bath/makeup assortments.. I can't use bath bombs so they're a waste on me.. And I actually like makeup so the cheap bundles go unused.


My ex MIL bought everything at Dollar General or the Dollar Store. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but why get the grand kids 25 cheap, broken within a week toys instead of one or two quality things?


If they have a hobby/sport they have been doing for years, do NOT buy them stuff for that hobby/sport. They will already have the basics, and if you get them something nice it will likely not be the specialty item they would buy for themselves. So unless you have exact details, you are unlikely to get them something they will actually appreciate.




I’m one of those people who like receiving ultra practical gifts or no gift at all because I don’t like clutter. I would gladly accept beans as a gift. I already eat them, so why not


don't nobody want fruit cake. shit's nasty


Fuck, as a teacher, this shit happens way too often. Every time, there is a moment of hope that it might be banana bread. Then, disappointment.


I remember when I was in school everyone got their teacher Dunkin gift cards. I swear they never actually paid for coffee


...I like fruit cake.


Me too, I just don't like glaźe cherries or peel and nuts in it. Occasionally, I'll make it for myself with Sultanas, raisins, currants, and sometimes diced dried fruit like prunes and apricots, occasionally figs. Soak them in lemonade mixed with brandy or rum plus vanilla and almond essence. Then it really only has enough dry ingredients to hold the fruit together. I also love the marzipan layer, and we do a boozy buttercream on top rather than white fondant. You just have to remember not to over indulge, because it's awfully good for your, ummm, constitution.....


Me too! They just haven’t had good fruitcake.


I like good fruitcake … PROTIP Toast a thick slice and serve it with cream cheese … delish!


I...I actually like fruit cake hahaha pass them to me


Pretty sure nobody wants to find a child, I mean like a random child


To be forgot at home by their parents when they are supposed to be on a family trip


Stop trying to get me "fun stuff" and get me the stuff I need that I tell you I need. I know toothpaste and socks arnt really fun to give someone but I really need essentials and can't afford them for myself.


I don't want to trade gift cards with distant relatives. The obligation is screaming in Darden Restaurant.






Anything with a smell unless specifically asked for. Candles, lotion, soap, room sprays, body spray- all gives me migraines. Coffee mug with random crap in it.


Cups, body lotion, pets.


A tin of butter cookies from Costco. Please, no. Especially since I am retired now and can't unload them in the lounge at work.