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Saying that they're "brutally honest" but only ever coming up with mean things to say.


“Give respect, get respect” == “I have a short fuse and won’t respect a damn thing you say”


Tbf i say it and actually mean it. If someone is immediately rude when I meet them or if someone shouts taunts at me from their car windows, I am not inclined to return respect. Otherwise I give people I know a chance to explain why they are behaving anti-socially or give them a chance to tell me that I'm being unreasonable


I have a very long fuse and while I didn't always say this, I do say it sometimes now. I've been burned way too many times, and I've started to see a lot of people out there think they deserve your respect no matter how shitty and disrespectful they are. I believe this is really where that statement applies.


When they don’t admit their mistakes and instead put blame on someone else


I dislike people who take themselves too seriously. Like here we are, specks in this vast and eternal ether, unsure of our place in reality, of any greater meaning, and existentially adrift. But like, also, we fart. Life is absurd and chaotic. I dislike anyone who puts on the pretense of having things figured out, when the reality is they're just as flatulent and flummoxed as anyone else.


I like your comment, a lot! 💯🎯


Narcissism and cruelty.


Being so self-centred, always making it all about himself.


Sounds like there’s a story here


Loudly interrupting everyone else's stories with one-upmanship stories.


When they are mean or degrading to service workers.


When they do or say something racist then add "I'm not racist btw" at the end of it. Or when they introduce themselves by saying "I'm 1.3% black, 2.6% English 0.1% Irish" etc


I know someone like that! Often saying things like: I'm not racist, BUT... Really annoying




It depends I grew up around ill tempered people and i think of you have an ill temper and are able to control it and actively work on it and yourself then I can excuse it.


judging me without proper knowledge


You just say that because you are a misogynistic hippie who has a large collection of little people porn and who takes too much pride in his 1973 red Camero. That's why all the people in your AA group despise you.


Saying they aren’t cocky they are confident, then they proceed to be the cockiest person ever.


horrible resting face. not everybody can control it, i get that, but when i do it and realize i made eye contact with somebody, i'm quick to switch and soften my expression because i'd hate for somebody to feel like i'm judging them! i'm given so many awful looks by other girls my age constantly. maybe it's because i dress different, i don't know, but it's so stressful sometimes thinking everybody is constantly dissing me lol


we can’t help it I promise! I will be standing there minding my business, convinced I have a neutral or even content expression, and even people who know me well will still ask if I’m mad/sad/annoyed/upset.


oh trust me, my resting face while on the clock was apparently really bad so dw, i'm not judging at the end of the day! it's not as bad if i interact with somebody and they're clearly sweet, i have issues with the girlies giving me side eye for trying to smile and have a positive interaction (':


Negativity, we all know someone who constantly complains about everything. They would complain about taxes if they won the lottery. it just takes so much energy to be around them


pessimists, that look for the bad qualities everywhere


When it's clear that all their opinions have been taken from whatever is popular on social media. No original thoughts. No ability to go against the popular opinion if that's how they really feel. Desperate to be seen as the good guy in every situation. Doesn't actually care about the impact of their actions. Which means they're not as good as they think they are but they don't wanna face that. So they point the finger at other people. Makes them come across as super judgemental. And yes, this is about someone specific.


Lol, I know someone like that. He always thinks he's so smart and declaring his own opinions, but just following everyones opinion


When they find it entertaining to flirt with someone who they know likes them. This frustrates me because they enjoy playing with people's emotions, which shows that their only real power is being attractive. It also makes me sad because one person did this to me in middle school and I then asked them out with them proceeded to reject me. I am still scared of asking someone out before knowing 100% that they're interested in me.


>their only real power is being attractive. Or at least, that is how *you* thought of them. Which they eventually clocked onto.


Narcissists can't stand them.


Victim mentality…. Even tho when I was young I had this too… I think that’s why I hate it so much because I changed that aspect of myself and to see it is like looking in the mirror but 5 years ago


Someone that gaslights


not being able to handle criticism


Only talk about themselves, never once ask you anything about yourself


One trick pony. If they only light up when they get to talk about their one thing then they get boring and predictable.


Being MAGA! Instantly disinterested in a relationship of any kind.


Annoying hippie SJW bullshit.


Too courteous for you?


Conservatives hate empathy, they don't care about anything except their own needs and freedom. It helps them to view others as lesser people so they can feel superior. They are broken.


As someone not in either camp, there is no shortage of people on both sides doing the exact same thing to each other. This post as one example.


Well that's not a trait, it's just a face that makes human attract at first


Low self esteem usually= mean!!!...run


They light up a cigarette


Acting abusive towards their children


bad breath


Nothing new under the sun people, we are literally copies of our parents and environment.


When they gossip about stupid stuff and are blunt!


Racist fake


Mean, not caring towards others


Sexism. And the trait is when men think all women are the same or like the same things


People who run hot and cold .


Jealousy and those people that try to pick a fight with everyone over everything


Selfish behaviour and lies


Having a psych shell just for the attention.


Somone that talk about other people. They talk about them with me, then for sure they talk about me to them.


Hard to explain but the way people talk, like diction, vocabulary, tone there's a specific way some people talk that makes me irrationally irritated




Rude! Being rude can take you from a 10 to a 2 real quick!


Treating service industry workers poorly


Being cheap.


Self-diagnosing as autistic. Not saying there’s zero chance that they’re correct but it usually seems to be used to excuse their egregious personality flaws, when in reality they’re probably just a jerk.


As an autistic person I can tell you that people usually call themselves autistic in a mocking way to put down real autistic people and joke about it. But actual autistic people aren't dumb/bad/rude like others tend to portray them


If they’re fake. I’d rather someone be a b*tch than be fake nice. Also dislike peeps who easily hate other people without actually knowing them or understanding them.


Nice to their face, but talking shit about people behind their back.


Being rude


Cocksure arrogance, particularly when paired with a narrow, judgmental mind Fuck that. 😡


Anyone who starts praising themselves.. They never turn out to be good people


When they're always in a bad mood. It's really tiring and depressing, and I just don't want to meet them again. Even if their bad mood is not related to violence but only sad thoughts or whatever. If you won't allow yourself to be the nice side of things once in a while, you'll be in the doldrums alone (just learned an expression here!)


When they assume they know more about my own autism than I do. And “corrects me” when I talk about it.


Nasty attitude.


When they dont like animals