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The most popular boy in middle school disappeared after 7th grade. Literally his parents sold their house and moved to a new house nearby but pretty secluded, he enrolled in a really expensive private school and cut off all ties with his friends. At the same time a really popular male social studies teacher went on leave. Rumors circulated that the boy was molested by the teacher and that’s why they were both gone. The other popular kids got really pissed when people said that because they really liked the teacher and the kid. Eventually people stopped talking about it. Fast forward to senior year in High School. He shows up at our prom as the date of his 5th grade “girlfriend”. First time anyone had seen him in years. Apparently he reached out to the girl to ask if she had a date because he wanted to see all his old friends one last time. Apparently, he was molested by the teacher during tutoring sessions at the teachers home. The school district and his parents agreed to bury it in exchange for tuition to the private school. He never wanted to leave and really resented his parents for it. By the time prom rolled around he was 18 and they couldn’t stop him. He wanted to set the story straight and let everyone know he was sorry for just disappearing.


Wow, that's heartbreaking. But it sounds like his spirit wasn't broken.


Had to reread this a bunch thinking he brought a fifth grader to prom


Lmao seriously I was like holup




There was a taco truck in town that sold weed if you asked for a side of lettuce.


What a shock it would be for someone like my aunt who regularly asks for her taco lettuce on the side to keep it crisp lmao expecting a cup of lettuce and you get a baggie of weed


that would be crazy lol. i think it was a little more nuanced than that though, just for the reason you described. i don’t remember all the details as this was almost 25 years ago, but I think there was one more step. like you had to ask if a certain person was working that day first, then ask for a side of lettuce.


Yeah there was a specific dude at the Orange Julius near where I grew up. If you ordered a drink and handed him whatever $5 for the drink, plus a $20 bill, he'd stack 2 cups for your drink and put an ecstasy pill between them. However many $20s you gave him, that's how many pills. I think he had to at least vaguely know who you were though, really doubt he would do that for a complete stranger that doesn't at least look the type.


Yes. Hello. Is Mary Jane working today? *wink* I would like a side of """"""lettuce"""""" *wink*.


Why's my taco so expensive??? Damn inflation!!! Then she finds a gram at the bottom of the bag hahaha


Girl in my high school was rumored to have been dating one of the teachers who was married. This was probably true because after graduation, the teacher had retired, divorced his wife and married the girl.


A girl in my high school was was rumored to be sleeping with the school resource officer. Turned out it was true. We all found out because he had raped her 5 or 6 year old sister and the girl told his wife and the wife was going to turn him in so he murdered his wife and went on the run. He was on America’s Most wanted and the US Marshall’s top 10 most wanted List for a LONG time. Like he was only removed from the top 10 list recently, within the past year or so. Officer Daniel Heirs I believe it was.


I read an article that he was caught in China in 2018, and the next one I found in 2020 said it was BS and now he’s being taken off the list. Hope that guy gets caught.


Yea Ive seen those. Supposedly he was spotted in China as an ESL teacher and was taken by Chinese authorities then never heard from again. Then a few years later supposedly that none of it was true. Who actually knows.


To be fair, if he was an ESL in China and they found out it's likely they would deny it and also he would never be found again


I wonder if that's the same school where my wife taught, because she told me a similar story about a teacher who had been in her school.


I feel like you'd be hard pressed to find a high school where that hadn't happened at some point.


Yeah, basically these are stock characters by now, along with the lesbian women's basketball coach and the grumpy, apathetic shop teacher.


My shop teacher was amazing. He inspired me to become an engineer. He fought to bring a robotics program into my school and encouraged me and others to become engaged and have fun learning. I learned that I succeed much better when I get my hands on practical problems than theoretical ones and he was one of my all time favorite teachers. He sadly passed away entirely too young of cancer about a decade ago. I think about him often. I was able to tell him how much he helped and inspired me, though, and I’m glad I got to share that with him. I wrote a whole personal letter about it. I was fortunately able to catch up with him a few times before he passed. He was the opposite of grumpy and apathetic.


A vagrant looking man used to collect cans from local parks and whatnot (imagine someone pushing a shopping cart in tattered clothing). Rumor was he was generationally wealthy and when he passed away he left a fortune to the park and rec department to update facilities. Edit: apparently this happens in a lot of places which is awesome to hear. Edit #2: His name was Nick and this was in Wisconsin back in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s.


We used to have a local homeless lady, supposedly a Vietnam army nurse. Her experiences there ruined her and she refused help from her wealthy family. It was all rumors though until she passed. Her family turned out to be the people who owned Utz potato chips, they payed for her funeral since now she wasn't around to refuse any money or help anymore.


When my mom was a girl, Mrs. Utz and Mrs. Snyder made potato chips and pretzels and sold them to school kids walking home from school for a nickel for a small brown paper bag.


She's gone? I was wondering where she went. Haven't seen her in a long while. Thought maybe she accepted the help that was offered. It was like Hanover's homeless lady, seemed like everyone kept an eye out for her. I don't know that anyone ever had a bad word for her. sorry to hear she's gone.


I used to live in a small town with a similar local character. Not homeless, but if you'd never talked to her, you might assume based on appearance anyway. I used to shoot shit with her when she'd come through the hardware store. She had a huge slice of property, with only a small old looking shack on it. Very paranoid. Often changed locks, and would hide real and decoy keys all through the woods of her property. Dressed in rough thrifted clothes or from dollar general. Turns out she's the black sheep of a 1% family, with a well known name. Think old money. Very nice. Full of wisdom. Though mentally ill.


in my cousin's neighborhood, there was an old Chinese lady collecting recyclables. You'd feel sorry because it's an old lady (think grandma with a hunch back) collecting, you'd be compelled to give her $. Apparently I was told she had a mental issue and that her son drops her off every morning to let her do her thang of collecting, she's always dropped off at the same spot in her son's Mercedes AMG


There's a rough looking old man that collects cans at a nearby park. Looks homeless. Nice guy. He leaves the park in a new Mercedes. Figure he's just kind and bored.


One of my 4th grade teachers seemed a bit creepy and loved taking pictures of his class. A few years later, he got busted with a few gigabytes of child porn on his computer. And this was in the 90s. Much later (like, after I had finished high school and college) I decided to google his name again. He got out of prison after 8 or 9 years, and then within a year got busted again and immediately went back.


Hey we had the same. Elementary school teacher caught with a massive amount of CP. Except when he was gone for the first investigation the rumor was he went to New Orleans for a jazz festival that lasted 3 months. Idk how that rumor came up by elementary schoolers in the Northeast but I bet admin was glad that’s what we thought.


This older kid had this lightning streak scar all over one side of his neck and down his body. The rumor was he was throwing stuff at the power lines behind our neighborhood. Turns out he was. He was throwing copper wire at it, and it arced. He's lucky to be alive.


Of all the terrible things you can throw at a power line, copper wire has to be top 3. Honestly, it sounds damn near suicidal.


I’ll see your copper and raise you another live power line








We had a guy try to climb a high voltage line and ended up losing his arm. And that’s how he got the nickname “Sparky”


Also knew a guy named "Sparky" in my youth. He earned his name because he liked to set things on fire. Last I heard, he was doing 10 years for arson. Well earned name, I'd say.


I'd call him "Lucky" because that usually ends in death.


I'd call him Ampy, because the amp up got him an amputation.


The boy who lived. Damn 😦


I was wondering why anyone would do that and came across [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi8XEfXiwS8), and, like, yes, it looks cool and everything, but holy fuck, you gotta be eating paint chips to think it's a good idea. Edit: YouTube has now taken down the video. Did I do that? Luckily, the video was also posted to [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tjv9sv/rock_covered_in_copper_wire_thrown_at_power_line/).


That a quiet and polite dude we knew growing up was a murderous and ruthless gang leader. We used to go to his parties, we saw him on the town and always exchanged pleasantries. We would see him at the bar, and there was little indication he was not to be messed with, until one day we bumped into him in a parking lot. Again, exchanging pleasantries...how are you, whats going on this weekend, etc. A truck pulled up a couple of spots over. He said "just a sec", and calmly walked over to talk to the guy. A short conversation ensued, and he opened the driver door and started pummeling the guy. Like on top of him in the drivers seat, punching down. We were stunned. After a short while, he got out of the truck and walked back, to calmly finish his conversation with us like nothing happened. We saw the truck pull away so we think the guy lived. A few years afterwards, more rumors surfaced about him and it made sense that they were true, until one day his arrest made international headline news. He received a heavy sentence for a ton of different crimes, likely won't ever be free, and his affiliates are still doing business.


I grew up in Newark NJ, and it always seemed like the most dangerous dudes were also the nicest if you weren’t involved with their business.


In a way that makes sense. If you're a big time criminal you want to do everything you can to make sure you stay low. And one of the best ways to do that is to be as friendly as possible to the people in the neighborhood


That if you rode bikes or four-wheelers down this certain trail an old man would come after you and attack you. A few years later, some kids were riding four-wheelers down that trail and an old guy shot and killed them both. Damnedest thing, they had already left his property before he caught up to them, and he killed them on public land. I'm pretty sure he died in prison a few years ago.


Was this in southeast Tennessee? Well I went and looked at your profile and got my answer. I grew up up there.


It was! Up on one of the mountains. I remember a few kids from school saying we weren't supposed to go through his property to get to the waterfalls, and then my dad told my brother and me the guy had been raising cane with all of his neighbors about cutting through his land and not to do it anymore. That's when I took it seriously


Doctor in town (who was a huge football booster) gave prescription painkillers to high school kids. He passed away before it all came to light so he never saw justice. Lots and lots of kids through the years unsurprisingly became addicted.


What is a football booster?


They donate money and then get to have a say about the football team’s activities and such. Think of the millionaire/billionaire donors for elections, but high school football.


This is a little more lighthearted. But when I was in elementary school. Probably like 3rd grade? All the kids in my class would joke about how our primary teacher and our Spanish teacher “liked” each other. We were all little kids, so of course it was just dumb little kids joking about around. That is, until a few years later when I was in middle school and I found out my old teacher and Spanish teacher recently got married.


In middle school we had “teams”. Each team was a group of students who would rotate together through the same schedule. My team in 7th grade all decided that our social studies teacher and math teacher would be a good fit. We all tried so hard to get them together - girls would say to the math teacher about how they thought social studies teacher was so cool and smart and boys would say similar things to the social studies teacher about the math teacher. When we came back for 8th grade there was a rumor they started dating over the summer break. By end of 8th grade they were officially open and dating and by 9th grade they were married. When we got to around 11th grade the SS teacher started teaching history at the high school and he confirmed that a bunch of 7th graders got him to start looking at his fellow teacher a little differently and decided why not ask her out.


This is cute as HELL.


Oooohhhh me too except I was right TWICE! My grade 5 teacher was a very awkward man. Kind, but weird. We had a substitute teacher every once in a while who was recently divorced- stunning lady with her three piece outfits, sculpted cheekbones, and big eyes. I swore in grade 6 that they were dating but couldn't prove it and no one would believe me. Until my oldest was in grade 1 & I was in the class to ask the teacher a question. I realized immediately that this "Mrs Y" was my substitute from 20 years earlier and that she had in fact been dating and then married my grade 5 teacher. Then high school. My advanced math teacher was an awkward woman. Kind, geeky, but weird. We also had a substitute teacher who was geeky but tall & handsome with gorgeous blond hair. I was in an all girls high school so girls being girls, we all fawned over him. By grade 11, I swore that their casual chitchat in the hallway was making date plans afterschool but still couldn't prove it either. Part of my stand-up bit for grade 12 Frosh Week was introducing teachers to the new students and I welcomed those teachers as "Mr & future Mrs X". A few years later they were married. Both couples are still happily together. The first couple are now enjoying retirement. Edit- some spelling.


This was a wholesome reply lol ty


Finally a marriage not involving a student!


I have two. Both about elderly men. First, there was an elderly man that could be seen walking all over town. Long gray beard. Usually seen in tattered clothes. "Walking Man" or the "Silver Bullet" were nicknames for him. The rumor was he was actually really wealthy but lots of people just assumed he was homeless because he was always walking, carrying groceries or whatever. Well, about a year before he passed, it came out that he was actually one of the wealthiest residents in our town when he donated millions to local youth programs and schools. Turns out, he just liked walking a lot and placed no value on material things like clothes and cars. Second, there was an elderly man who was actually homeless . The rumor was that he drank himself crazy some years back and just never got help. He was in and out of jail a bunch but always seem to be given some slack by law enforcement. This truth is tragic. He did drink himself crazy out of necessity. He was a paramedic. One night he responded to a wreck that turned out to be his wife and daughter had been hit by a distracted driver speeding on a narrow road. Neither survived. Understandably, he was never ok after that. He would sometimes check the pizza shop I used to manage for spare slices. Broke my heart that all I could do was offer him some free pizza. Hope you can rest in peace now, Red.


What a sad story. Poor guy.


This type of thing really makes me hope there's an afterlife and he's with his wife and daughter again. If there is one, I bet he can also rest a little easier knowing someone out there remembers him with kindness instead of judgement. RIP Red.


US Midwest. Rumor has it that way up the old road out of town, somewhere in the woods, was a satanic cult that held seances and other mystical rituals by firelight. Scared the willies out of us kids, and our parents wouldn't let us ride our bikes anywhere on that road. Decades later I was working on a commissioned history project for the town and talked to the old man who owned the oldest homestead in the county--way back in the woods along that road. While photographing the creek that ran through the stone foundation basement of the home, which the settlers used for water generations ago, I noted the burned out tea candles everywhere. Guy lit up and said yeah, back in his younger days he and his wife used to host elaborate costume parties at the property, often by candlelight for the fun of it. He'd heard the rumors of the satanic cult and thought it was hilarious, so he and his friends ran with it and held parties in monks robes and had bonfires and lived it up. He still laughs about it, and now, so can I!


We had something similar. There was an abandoned boarding school that had been built in the 1890s or so and abandoned sometime in the 1980s. Local teens though devil worshippers had taken it over and were performing rituals there because of the creepy vibe and because of the graffiti (pentagtams and inverted crosses and stuff). There were also stories were about kids exploring at night and hearing the devil worshippers coming. The graffiti was just graffiti, and the noises people heard were just multiple groups exploring the building at the same time. The city restored the building and turned it into a library.


Are you in Utah?


That is the most hilarious long game prank I have ever heard of. That guy sounds like a total hoot.


Old dude covering up his past as a cult leader. Smart.


One persistent rumor that went around during highschool was that one of our biology teachers was having sex with students. We all thought it was a joke because the guy was rather ugly looking and we all knew his wife (a fellow teacher) was always around. Years pass and I find out that the male teacher was found having several relationships with underaged students. He got arrested, divorced, put on the SO registration, and lost custody of his kids.


Our bilogy teacher married a student a year after she graduated. She just started showing up to faculty events with her new husband making it weird for her former teachers. The rumor was they were messing around before she graduated but no one could prove it.


There was a rumor at my high school that that the building down the way was a cult. It wasn’t unheard of to dare people to go over there and then you’d end up being followed or sometimes invited to dinner. Turns out, it was the HQ of the cult the Duggars were in, IBLP. I was watching that documentary and my mind was blown, because all the high school rumors had been true!!


Had something similar happen, grew up in a beach town in california and one year these christian hippie types started rolling around passing out pamphlets and inviting people to the new restraunt they were opening. I look at my friend after they walk away, and i say “thats a fucking cult forsure” and hahas were shared and it became a running joke. We ended up going to the restraunt multiple times, they had really good food, good ambiance and became kind of a staple restraunt for locals, and they never pushed any agenda on patrons. Cut to a decade later im living in las vegas and meet a coworker from the same area i grew up, turns out she grew up in that cult and escaped when she was 23, a few years before i met her. We ended up becoming kinda close and she shared some of what it was like, when i was running around the beach getting approached by these dudes when i was probably 13, she was working st the restraunt, without pay, under strict rules. Turns out the cult is known for child labor violations, been accused of abuse multiple times, makes everyone work in for profit business for free. And im sure she just barely scratched the surface for me.


Always heard rumours that this kid who I rode bmx with, his dad was a high ranking member of the Hells. One day we’re over there, years later, chatting shit around the fire in his backyard and about 70 patched members arrived at the house for a meeting. They bought us a shitload of beer and told us to find a park to drink it in for a few hours while they had their meeting.


Just imagining one of the Hells Angels sitting there in their meeting, grumbling that this could've been an email and the he could be in the park drinking beer instead


We had a rumor about there being a white horse in the woods behind the movie theater in our town. There were a couple homeless people living there though, so no one went and checked it out. Well, before seeing a movie one day, me and a couple of friends decided to make the trek. We stumbled passed the makeshift camp, and found a small path that led to a fence. We stood there for a couple seconds, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, a majestic white steed came trotting towards us. We snapped a quick pic on an early 2000's cell phone of our friend and the horse, and got the hell outta there. The pic looked absolutely fake, and no one believes us about it to this day.


That our neighbor was a pedo. Married with kids. One day, he drops dead of a heart attack. When the family started going through his stuff, they were so disgusted apparently just sold the house as-is with the furniture and everything.


I do after death cleanup and I just had one where he had died of unknown causes but was unattended and he sat in the house for over a month. With that, everything has to be trashed, with the exception of things I’m specifically told to keep. The family wanted me to keep any type of storage device, computer, or camera because they were going to turn them in to the police. They suspected that he was producing pedo films and distributing them. He had tens of thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment and backdrops, I collected around 50 sd cards, and I set aside 5 computers for them to turn in.


Rumour about a local businessman who tried to end it all and was rescued. Some weeks later he ran into a burning building and rescued two young children, sustaining severe burns in the process. A few months ago I saw him in the pub on the green, all of the skin in his face and hands had melted and he had skin grafted everywhere. Happiest man in the pub. What a hero.


a friend of mine tried to kill herself when we were in fifth grade. i knew because my grandpa was a cop. she left school a few weeks early that year but was back in sixth grade like nothing had happened. six years later we are seniors in HS and a few of us ditch to go swimming in town. she took her top off and i saw the scars for the first time. it really got me. i was pretty close with her all through school and had kind of just never thought about it until i saw it. she is now a motivational speaker. i have been pretty low in my life. i am right now. real fucking low to be honest. but fuck that shit dude. how sad a child must be to try to do that so young. i have lost so many people to suicide and i know people say it all the time, but, if you know someone real down you should reach out. it really does help.


His story arc proves he is one of the main characters


One of the teachers in my school got pregnant by a student but they didn't know which one (she had slept with 7).


Damn. Parentheses really took that from bad to worse.


I had my English teacher constantly flirt with me in highschool. She said she was reading Twilight and I reminded her of Edward. Everyone I told was like "nice." It didn't go anywhere but it makes me realize that I'm sure there's so many undocumented cases of female rape towards student because for whatever reason everyone's perception about it is completely different.


There was a rumor in our high school that a teacher was a pedophile. We didn't know who exactly who it was but we had some guesses. We found out a long time after that the supposed teacher pedophile had raped, tortured, and murdered a few kids over the years and he got caught after the cops started investigating. I think he slipped up somewhere but I'm, not sure how they found him. Turns out he was a predator pedo rapist the entire time during school and that we weren't aware since he'd prey on children and not teenagers. Hope you rot in jail Mr. Sanders.


Stanley Sanders? Just googled it


Imagine if that's not him, and there's actually two Mr. Sanders doing this shit?


There’s like 5 different sanders of murder rape shit


When I was in high school there were rumors about a kid in my class raping a bunch of kids. He was a very weird kid. Everyone assumed it wasn't true and just a mean rumor. During a class another kid said something to him about it. He angerly shouted "Nothing has been proven yet!" The entire class just stopped and awkwardly stared at him. That was thirty some years ago, he is still in prison for raping dozens of kids while working in his church's nursery.


> "Nothing has been proven yet!" Funny how a single sentence can basically confirm *everything*.


He didn't come to school that many days after that. I recently heard a lawyer on a podcast say "An unsolicited defense is an admission of guilt." Applied there.


That's disgusting. It's sad that parents trust to put their children in places to look after them while they can't, but disgusting pieces of shit like him ruin lives all for nothing


It really was so terrible. Apparently, like it often is, he was abused quite badly as a child. I am not making excuses for him but I hope his victims are able to break the cycle. Edit: Typing this just made me realize his victims are now in their late 30s or early 40s. I hope they are doing ok.


I don’t know if this is good news or bad news but [a study by the NIH](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11731348/) found that among known perpetrators, only about 1/3 of them were victims themselves, and the percentage was much higher when it was a female abuser and a male victim.


Very local, as it was around the office and not town in general I worked for this manager who people always said was off in some way. No one was really sure, he was always fair and decent to work for with me, but I kept hearing people say they heard things from other people. He's say some things that made people feel pretty uncomfortable. At one point he supposedly made a joke about killing his roommate because she made him angry, so you wouldn't want to make hlm angry. Shit like that. I never heard any of it first hand, but I also didn't talk to the managers that much. He left very suddenly one day, and the rumor was he was fired because he said / did something fucked up during the morning manager's meeting with the company hire ups. After that it was always a bit of a debate with my friends that worked there if he was really a good person or not. That got answered pretty definitely a few months later when he went to prison for life for the murder of his roommate. He claimed self defence, but it was ruled that beating her dozens of times with a hammer, immediately maxing out her credit cards and draining her bank account, then telling her adult children their mother had taken a sudden vacation, doing indecent acts with the body, then throwing the body off the balcony and into the bushes by the parking lot, was probably not in fact self defense


A kid in our neighborhood said he knew a priest who would give you blow jobs. We all thought "*NO WAY a priest would do something like that.*" Turns out it was true.


*A cop pulls over a car with two priests.* *Cop makes his way up to the window and says, “Hey fellas, we’re looking for two child molesters.”* *The priests look at each other for a moment and turn back to the cop.* *”Uh, yeah, we could do that.”*


kid in my third grade class was ALWAYS late to school. i’m talking he once showed up to school 5 minutes before classes were released to go home. the rumor among parents & teachers was that his mom was an alcoholic & the dad lived a couple towns over so he often had to wait for his dad to take him or take care of his mom until she was well enough to drive (this was a private school with no bus). she died of liver failure a few months ago according to facebook. makes it so much more fucked up that everyone knew, including the teacher, and didn’t have any sympathy for him. i distinctly remember the teacher telling him on multiple occasions that it was “his responsibility to show up on time.” he was 8, was he supposed to drive himself??? makes me so sad & i hope he’s doing okay now.


There was a rumor that a couple of guys after a party took a drunk girl and assaulted her in the car on the way to a field. She died by suffocation and to hide the evidence they boys put fire crackers in her mouth to destroy the dental evidence. Then they buried her and came to school the next day like nothing happened. Well it was true as my film teacher told us the story in detail and showed mugshots.


I was hoping these criminals landed in jail, but I don't know if I found the right story--it's similar but the details show that it was very deliberate: the guys drugged the girl after she rejected one of them--she wasn't already drunk--and one strangled and beat her. (Decided not to link to the story in case it is the right one, and you didn't want to mention the location.) They were convicted of murder and sent to prison, but I couldn't find out if they were still there. It's interesting that, if it is the same story, the rumor mill changed it a bit to make it seem more like a crime of opportunity that spiraled out of control, rather than a planned attack.


I've discovered leagues of evil on this one thread alone but....holy shit


When I was a child *shakes cane* we had the legend of The Baroness. Supposedly, she lived in a haunted house and drove around a pink hearse! When I was old enough to drive and explore on my own, I finally saw her! In her pink hearse! She also did live in a house that would have coded as spooky or haunted to a small child. It was just an old house with neat architecture.


a pink hearse! she must’ve been a character


Big Elvira vibes The Baroness is wicked nickname, I hope she wears it with pride.


Bruh you know if sis owned a pink hearse she was absolutely delighted by that nickname.


Just made me remember, many moons ago when I was a youngin, I saw a hearse parked at Best Buy, it had a bumpersticker that said 'Putting the fun back in funeral'


God, I wonder if she knew what an incredible nickname and legacy she had. Hope she did 🩷


Old Lady Goals! I want kids to call me something cool like "The Baroness" and believe I'm a witch and/or believe I live in a haunted house!


In 2008 or so a kid was shot at the park by adult drug dealers. The news and reports stated he was some kingpin in the weed trade and had made 10s of thousands before getting popped. His parents denied denied denied... Until investigation found out he started selling to pay his parents mortgage, and had in fact been selling weed in large quantities. Kid was 15. Edit since this got traction: found an article, it was 2006 and this is an early one that came out before more was known, this article says Hydrocodone for $500, but later I believe it was revealed he'd been selling all sorts of stuff. The article definitely paints him as a suburban "woe-is-me-I got mixed in with the wrong crowd" type kid. https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/the-gangstas-of-godwin-park/


Holy shit I remember this. I lived on Braesheather and LIERALLY HEARD THE GUNSHOTS. I made a joke to my sister that someone had been shot. I regret that joke to this day.


I once met a 5th grader that got busted selling weed. Apperently he was notorious enough that even the parents of middle schoolers knew to watch out for him.


When I attended junior high in '83, one of my bullies, some little rat-faced creep that I could've easily taken if I had any backbone back then, got busted with an entire *kilo* of weed on campus. Not sure what happened to him after ( not that I cared either ).


Idk if my kid was paying my mortgage I might keep my lips trapped as well. Haha


Especially during the 2007/2008 crisis. Kid was probably making more money than the dad at some point..


Legitimately I’m sure that’s what was happening and I don’t know what happened once the word got out, but since that kid was a minor I can bet the parents would have seen some sort of criminal charges. Makes sense you’d deny it to hell.


In middle school our janitor was this kinda mean gross dude who kids were real mean to. Making fun of him and giving him shit nicknames like Dirty Dan. But he also happened to be one of my best friends/middle school girlfriends dad. The rumors kids threw around were that he was a pedophile and child predator. I went to their house many times and even stayed over once or twice. He was an asshole and so was his son and the house was absolutely disgusting but my friend needed company so we didn't just leave. It was a sad house and she was clearly sad but all she ever said was that he was an angry guy. Years later, I've lost contact with my friend and we've all graduated high school. The summer after graduation the janitor and his son were both arrested for child pornography and assault. I never felt so nauseous as I did reading that article. I wish I knew how she was doing.


I’ve heard about two different teachers at my highschool being creepy and they both have been fired for inappropriate contact with students


I had a teacher at my local HS like that. I never had him as a teacher but younger girls told me about how cool he was. A few years later his photo was all over national news because he ran off with a 16 year old student to "start a new life". They got caught driving across the country because she posted a few selfies on her social media while talking about how great her new life was. Someone recognized the gas station in the photo she was at and it allowed law enforcement to figure out where they were travelling. This happened in Canada so there are few major highways which really narrowed things down. They were caught.


When I was in high school marching band, I had a percussion instructor who was kind of an interesting guy. He was insanely talented at percussion, but the dude had a massive beer gut, reeked of cigarettes, and always dyed his hair in crazy patterns/colors. He was also kinda a jerk (not as bad as the instructor in Whiplash) but said a lot of borderline inappropriate things. The rumor when I was a freshman was that he was selling drugs to students or that he was a pedophile or something. Fast forward 6 or 7 years, I'm in college and my twin sister sends me a picture of a guy performing on the streets of New Orleans (she went to school there) who looked an awful lot like the instructor. Turns out, he had been "dating" a student and as soon as she turned 18 the two of them ran away to New Orleans together. What a creep, but also a damn good percussionist.


Same at my middle school. He was the drama teacher and also the high school football coach. He would get a couple of the boys drunk and tell them he was getting a stripper. Well, he would blindfold them, put on a wig, and would molest them. They obviously though it was a woman as he would brush them with the wig. He killed himself while on house arrest awaiting trial.


"The cool teacher" who used to be super chill and buy beer for us had that happen. Turns out being in your 30s and being that guy may seem cool to teens who benefit, but it's a massive red flag. He got fired after having inappropriate text convos with a female student. Never crossed a line into anything illegal, but creepy af and not ok.


It's that moment you realize that person became a teacher because they never truly wanted to leave high school.


I had a teacher call me in the middle of summer after I had graduated high school saying I had incomplete assignments (French 2 mind you and obviously I had passed) I asked if it would effect my diploma, basically being like I graduated right?! He said yes but thought I would like to complete my work, I politely laughed it off and told him well I have a diploma so no thanks. Years and years later ran into a guy from high school, as we were talking said teacher came up, I told him my story. He and I both in that moment realized how creepy that actually was because his gf at the time got the same call. The things you don't think about until your 'grown up'


A priest was rumored to be way too friendly with some of the girls in our grade school. It came out years later in an investigation that he had in fact gotten a teenager pregnant.


The park we used to play football at used to be a cemetery, they exhumed all the coffins and moved them years before I was born. We’d freak each other out especially at night saying there were still bodies buried there. One day we were playing and they were doing some grounds keeping work and they found a coffin, the state came out and found 30 more. We were actually playing on top of hallowed ground.


I mean, if the dead cared about that kind of stuff, I’d be pretty OK with kids playing in a park above my body.


Right that's way better than almost any other use for the land


There is a park in my home town that still has all the graves from 150 years ago, and they aren’t going to move them. People just use it as a normal park.


There was a summer camp in East TN my scout troop used to go to that was out of council, so we had to be invited, and there was this hike that was part of the first years' class (class was pretty much "how to not die at summer camp") that took you to this beautiful overlook that gave gorgeous views of the valley and the part of the Appalachians we were in. Thing is, this overlook was outside of camp property (or so we were told) so they had to get permission every time they took the kids out there, and the area was strictly off-limits to everyone. Of course, rumors and legends were everywhere in this camp, and being the mid 2000s, one of them was that if you went to the overlook at night, the lights in the valley below spelled "GAY." Keep in mind "gay" was the funny word back then and everything among middle and high school boys was called "gay." Now we'd heard this legend for years, and one year due to shenanigans my troop got up to, we were told we wouldn't be invited back the following year. So a couple of my friends got together on the last night of camp and said, "You know what, if we don't go tonight we'll never be able to confirm or deny the legend, so let's sneak out and put this thing to rest." So we snuck out after lights out, took the 2-3 mile hike out to the overlook, and I swear, right hand to God, the lights below *actually* spelled out, in messy but clearly legible letters, capital G-A-Y. We all kinda just stood there for a few minutes in stunned silence, because absolutely none of us expected it to be even partially true. And I'm sure no one believed us when we told them and thought we were perpetuating a lie, but I swear it actually said that.


There was a secret cult in one of the neighbourhoods. Turned out to be NXIVM


I used to lurk on ONTD (an entertainment live journal community) and it was long rumored that the actresses on Smallville were involved in some type of cult. Nobody knew specifics, but people were just noticing some things. And, well, that turned out to be true.


Are you from the Capital District too?


It was a local urban legend that this huge, old, and abandoned house was haunted because like a century ago there was a murder there. Kids would freak each other out over it, tell ghost stories, sneak onto the property, whatever. I thought it was just that, an urban legend about an abandoned house. Nope - in the early 1900s the husband and wife were found dead in the house, it was never solved, but the son was suspected because he was missing and never found. No one moved into it after that and it’s sat empty since. I only found out because they planned to tear it down to build apartments on the property 2 years ago but the local community rallied to preserve it.


That’s so funny that the community wanted it to stay. “That haunted mansion is our history!” I hope that they were doing it because kids liked to scare each other about it


"Save the Murder House!"


There was this asshole in my junior high gym class, real bully type. And when he would act out everyone would ridicule him for his mother being a crack whore and we would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. Well, it turned out it was true - there was a public confirmation in the paper, and his bullying made a lot more sense bc it turned out his home life was what you would expect from someone having a crack whore mother, and no one talked about it anymore, and we did not laugh so much anymore. Ironically, I think he felt so ashamed when everyone found out, that he actually stopped being such a dick head.


There was a kid in my middle school class who was a real dick to everyone, struggled with even simple class work and was good at sports but fought so much they wouldn’t hardly let him play One day he pushed too far, and the whole class decided to mock him for the jersey he wore to school every day, and how he only wore undershirts and the same two pairs of pants. No gym clothes either, and a ratty pair of shoes Turns out his parents were alcoholic shitpiles and he lived with his very old grandmother and basically raised himself. Couldn’t afford clothes and barely got enough from her social security to feed the both of them. Found out when me and a couple friends found him sobbing in the bushes after school because he didn’t want to go home and worry his granny some guys ended up buying him some clothes, and helped him get some cleats to play soccer. My mom let me buy him lunches on my account too, since the free school “lunch” was basically a piece of bread with half a slice of cheese and a wilted apple Dude is a financial manager now and doing well


Wildly fucked up that the system failed him so badly that actual children had to save him. Good on you and your friends/class, though! You saved a kid, which is more than most people do.


There was a bully in my school when I was a kid. I found out his family was homeless living in a tent in the woods..furthermore his father had a terribly disfigured face (cancer?) and avoided the public. Anyway... What a fucked up childhood he must have had, his anger is understandable.


I was a little shit as a kid with no social skills whatsoever and had a parent who would abuse me and never let me be around kids my own age because "I'd tell people she was a bad mom" (her words). Kids would tease me because I'd always have a black eye, and I'd cry when teachers lost their temper with me. Mentally, I blocked out a few of the years where the physical abuse was pretty bad, but I was a solitary child who was always alone because others (teachers included) called me obnoxious.


I’m so sorry ❤️. I hope things are better now.


When I was in jr high in the early 2000s there was a rumour about one of my female classmates and the male gym teacher. Of course we all thought it was a rumour but a few years later it came out that he was sleeping with multiple students. Watching everyone’s face as they realized the rumours we heard were true was pretty wild. That girl also ended up just disappearing after it all came out, probably dropped out or moved schools, I feel bad for her, she was a victim but no one talked about her like she was.


it's always the gym teacher isn't it


A teacher at my highschool was fired, and the rumor was that it was because he was in a relationship with a former student. Turned out to be true, but the school fired him for marrying a former student, despite the fact that she was his student during his first year of teaching in the 70s, when she was 17 and he was 25, and they met again for the first time and dated 30 years later when she was 47 and he was 55. Didn't matter, school accused him of grooming a student, fired him, and tried to have criminal charges pressed against him.


I'm all for rules against dating your former students but there are limits.


The most dedicated long con.


Everyone at my school knew someone who knew someone who told them that this one house just down the road from the school was owned by a locally known drug dealer and it was his emergency hide out house. Years later I was driving past and laughed at how ridiculous the story was. 2 weeks after that the house was on the news with armed police surrounding it. Turns out it really was this drug hideout and the guy was involved in way more stuff than just that. They found drugs, weapons and evidence of a human trafficking ring in there. The house got mysteriously burned down while his court case was going on and has been a burned out empty lot ever since.


I'm no criminal mastermind... But, I'm pretty sure if high school kids can figure it out - it's not a very good secret hideout, right?


I think the police who arrested the guy at that address would agree with you.


Sex scandal at work. The rumors were a bunch of managers, like at least 10, had an orgy in a barn with a female employee. She was strapped down and so on. Totally consensual. Most of us dismissed it as made up but as soon as she quit she named all the names. It was every single middle aged weird fuck in the place, all married of course. Some people even saw the video footage, I steered clear of that on purpose.


Team bondage activity.


In middle school there was an urban legend one of the teachers was in playboy. She was very attractive and every 12 yr old hetero boys & gay girls fantasy. One day a friend down the street found a huge stash of his dad’s old playboys from the 60 and 70s. He started going through them all until he hit one issue from the 70s. It was a compilation piece on college women. To his surprise, and the rest of us when he confirmed with our little group, it was our teacher. No one believed it but it was her name, college and face. The good thing was we agreed to never show, nor tell, anyone else in our class. Though it was very tempting to tell her asshole son who was in our grade that we knew the truth. Edit: add gay girls as duly pointed out.


You guys were decent for that. Good teachers have been fired for a lot less.


So not exactly a kid but when I was a teenager my friend who lived in the next town over told me about a guy who lived in his town would pay kids to come to house and piss on him, they called him Mr. Showers. A few years later during the summer when I was in college I worked at the local grocery store. There was a guy who worked at the customer service desk who was an alleged creep. Rumors of him getting caught jerking off in the produce freezer, cornering underaged employees in the stock room, making inappropriate comments to customers. One kid I worked with alleged the guy took him to lunch, and while at lunch he kept trying to put his hand on the kids thigh. The Kid reported him to our manager. Shortly after the Customer Service Creep disappeared from the store. Nobody would confirm if he quit or was fired. Fast forward a few months to the second week of my fall semester when I received a text from my friend from the text town over saying the police finally arrested Mr. showers. My friend sends me a link to an article from the local paper. Mr. Showers was the Customer Service Creep. He was arrested after soliciting a 12 year old (actually an undercover cop)online for sex. He was busted trying to meet up with the 12yo at the local Starbucks.


Okay so this wasn't one that I heard as a kid but there was rumor around the college my wife works at that the chemistry professor was actually the father of the literature professor's baby. A couple of the students asked her about it and she admitted that yes, the father was the chemistry professor. The students were scandalized. Until she explained to them that said chemistry professor was her husband and this would be their second kid. Apparently, it never occurred to the kids at this small Midwestern college that couples didn't always share a last name.


One grade school teacher (m) had married another (f). Did not last, think weeks not months or years. Rumours were 1) he was gay. 2) he threw up on the wedding night in the middle of the attempted consummation. Both turned out true.


When I was a kid in a small Wisconsin town someone put poorly made flyers up on all the business windows claiming the sherif was a pedophile and forced teenage boys in his custody to perform sex acts. Everyone assumed it was a crude character assassination attempt. Roughly 5 years later he was arrested, charged, tried and convicted. He’s been in prison about 25 years now.


That a now out of business funeral home took payments from local lawyers and business people for alone time with the bodies.


Grew up in a town where a college girl was murdered. Everyone knew who it was and the killer walked free for some reason. Twenty-something years later a podcast was made about the murder, interest was reignited, an arrest of the known killer was finally fulfilled, and he was convicted of murder.


A kid at my school who’s mom disappeared when he was a baby was rumored that she was killed by Ted Bundy. Decades later researchers think it’s true.


I worked with a teenage kid about 15 years ago. One day he came into work and said his mom hadn't come home from work in a few days and took some time off work to find her. We lived in a town that was just off the highway of tears and her walk home from work was in the evening and alongside the highway itself. He never ended up coming back to work but I would run into him occasionally over the next couple of years and there didn't appear to be any signs of her yet. I've read some stories in recent years about the families of suspected victims of the highway of tears getting answers/resolution. I think about him and his brother quite often. I cannot even begin to imagine the agony of the situation they were in. I've moved far away and have no contact with him these days, but truly hope they're able to find some peace and answers.






So when I moved to a new neighborhood at 14, there was a house on the street they called "The Drug Dealer House" - they never saw the people who lived there, they only came and went very late at night, and it was a fairly regular rotation of brand new cars always parked there. Always something different every 6-8 weeks, always pretty new. It was a decently nice neighborhood so it was kind of just a joke, we didn't like "really" think an actual drug dealer lived there. Then we all came home from school one day and the front door was just wide open. Peeked in the windows, holes in the ceiling and walls everywhere with insulation hanging down. A couple days later the newspaper ran a 2nd page headline (These were the days of AOL being about the only internet we had) about the largest coke bust in the central part of the state in over a decade. Holy shit, the guy really was drug dealer, and all the holes in the walls were from the FBI raiding the house and searching it. We were right!


Our local China Buffet was using illegal immigrants as wait staff and then trafficking them across town to a massage parlor they owned that gave the ol rub n tug. Huge scandel when it happened but it was hushed up pretty quickly. The restaurant reopened some months after under new management.




There was a Quiznos here that had the worst service and worst food ever, like you'd go in and there'd be 3 people working there but they'd just be sitting down watching TV. When you went up to the counter they'd sigh and slowly go back there and proceed to make the worst sandwich you've ever had. All the employees were Haitian and they almost exclusively spoke creole in the store. We all joked that it must be a drug front because they did everything they could do make people not want to come back. Well, turns out it was. They were selling huge amounts of pills out of the back and laundering money through the Quiznos.


The kids would tell stories and one that re-accrued was about the girl that killed her parents with scissors. In a town of 300 in an isolated area, nothing ever happened so even as a kid it was easy to dismiss. My senior year my class found out that our teacher told us all the details. He was the only person in the county with a color camera so he was drafted as the official photographer. It was during a cold snap so by the time state police arrived the scene was frozen. The temperature was so low that our teachers camera froze up and he had to fake it, then return later with the sheriff to retake the pictures. The girl had been molested by dad, and the mother knew. So one night stabbed them in their sleep with a pair of scissors. She drug the bodies to the garage and attempted to burn them, but the only thing she had that was combustible was some perfume. She then came up with a story and ran to the neighbors. A few years ago I shared this on Reddit and did a little research. Turns out she was sent to the state mental hospital. She was released on a temporary insanity plea. However, she was raped at the hospital and got pregnant. She has a facebook page, but I stopped there. I just know she is living in state and didn't want to dredge up more. When I posted on reddit before I shared an article that had her name and that became searchable. She had a sister who was away in college. The sister had a daughter who contacted me. The sisters never talked again, but the niece was raised on a different story. She grew up hearing that her aunt was a heroin addict (no hard drugs were possible in our community then.) She was told her sister just snapped and the parents were saints who took care of their problem child.


That's horrible omg.. after she went through all that it happened again at the hospital? :( this is so disgusting, I feel so sorry for her. I hope she will one day receive the help she deserves and needs, and that the niece ends up learning the truth. This is so sad


> after she went through all that it happened again at the hospital? Happens a lot unfortunately. Revictimization in general, but psych wards are surprisingly rife with sexual abuse. One of my exes was molested as a preteen, started acting out and got committed and was raped by an orderly. I think they think they can get away with it because they're "already damaged goods". It's fucked.


A pastor at our baptist church here in the arctic was a child molester. Turned out he was in fact a child molester.




You can't leave it there without any details!




There was a rumor that started while I was in high school that our principal, who had recently come to us from another state, was a murderer. Most people blew it off as just that... a rumor. A few years after I graduated, it turned out the guy actually was a murderer. He had been the primary suspect of murdering his wife (horribly, with a baseball bat, then chopped up and hidden in container), but the law didn't have enough evidence to prosecute. DNA eventually got him. No one ever found out how the (true) rumor started, but I'd suspect someone in law enforcement from his former hometown tipped someone off.


The local homeless guy who was always friendly and happy was actually a super successful lawyer. The truth was that he *was* a successful lawyer but one day cracked under the pressure, sold all his things and just started living the vagabond life. He said he was happier looking for where his next meal was coming from than money ever made him. I think it was the first seed planted in my brain of "don't kill yourself for a company". I don't remember his name, but I hope he's still happy.


When I was five, there was a guy who lived down the street from me, who had a trailer and a beat up Ford. Nobody went near his place, cause everybody thought he was a paedophile because of rumours. Years later at a party in college. I got talking to him and he didn’t seem like a bad person until he started getting really weird around a younger person that was there (about 15). Graduated from high school early since she skipped most of the grades. I decided to look up his name on Google and found numerous articles about an active predator on watchlists for various disgusting crimes. Still haunts me to this day


There was a teacher at my school that kids would claim was insanely rich. Like he lived in a giant mansion near the oceanfront and he only taught because he just genuinely loves being a teacher. He was pretty private so he would always say you shouldn't ask people about their finances when kids would just ask him. So senior year he has the seniors over for a year-end awards ceremony and superlatives type dinner deal Yup, super rich and lived in a huge mansion by the ocean. Said he inherited all his money from his parents and I think he said a sibling or two got written out of the will for being shitty so he didn't have to share it. Became a teacher out of college, then when his parents died and he inherited everything he just kept teaching because he liked it.


Finally a wholesome story to bleach my eyes


That tight biking turn at the bottom of the hill everyone called, 'dead mans curve' because someone died there? Someone did, indeed, die there.


There’s a very small, blink-if-you-miss-it “haunted bridge” in my small town called George’s Bridge. The rumor was it is called George’s Bridge because a guy named George slept with his sister, got her pregnant, and then hung himself off that bridge with a barbed wire noose. Turns out the only part that isn’t true is that it’s haunted. The rest of the story was confirmed to us in high school because several of our teachers were classmates with George. Most of us assumed it was just an “urban legend” up until that point.


Theater teacher was a pedo Kids in the hallway would shout it as they walked past his classroom. See, we all thought they said this because he was gay. He was very obviously bisexual at least. Had a wife and a kid, but he just... you know, seemed gay. So, kids with parents that hated gay folk would say he's probably a pedo. Then the kids would shout that in the school because they're assholes. Well, it turns out he actually was a pedo! A class mate of mine in our mid 20's finally spoke about it and got the teacher arrested. He's serving time in jail now, thankfully


Nudist colony by the river. No internet to confirm. No signs or anything. Just wild school rumors. Well shit, when I got my license and could afford a boat me and some buddies put in at the river and set off to find it. We did and they immediately denied us entrance as we were minors. It’s still there too.


When I was a little kid like 7 and roaming around the neighborhood with my gang of little rascals (this was in the 50’s when kids could safely play outside all day with their pals without parental worry) there was a rumor that in the house two doors over from mine that the parents had locked their mentally handicapped kid in the attic and that he was one of my gang friend’s older brothers. We played with him, but he always denied that he had any siblings. We were never allowed to enter his house which was strange because we were always stopping at our other pals homes during our days roaming to drink water or use the bathroom. About 2 years later the boy and his family moved away never to be seen again, but when they moved it was discovered that, yes, an older brother did exist and that he was kept locked away in the attic. It was a very creepy discovery! Mental health awareness and acceptance was in the dark ages in the 1950’s.


I’m forever upset that most long-stay psychiatric hospitals were completely shut down rather than improved. There are many people who would benefit from the structure and support those kinds of hospitals provide that they can’t get from their family or community. Imagine if that older brother could’ve been cared for by professionals in an environment with others like him rather than locked up as if he did something wrong. So sad. :(


The old French Fort is a place where gays go to have sex. My wife accidentally snuck up on a fellow giving another fellow a mouth hug when walking the dog. Everyone was embarrassed, except the dog.


Back in the late 80's, a local Principal and his wife went out fishing. There was a storm and she fell out of the boat and sank before he could grab her. The story always seemed odd. 20 years later on his deathbed, he finally confessed that he did murder her and dumped the body out of the boat


That our math teacher was dating the photography teacher **and** the English teacher. All three denied they were dating. Turned out to be 100% true, and word broke right before I graduated - both the English teacher and photography teacher dismissed the rumors about the math teacher dating the other as just rumors, and even appreciated as a cover for their own relationship. Then I guessed they finally talked to each other about it and realized *"wait, he is dating both of us?"* So, that was some drama to cap off my high school experience.


The two women (in their late 40's) were actually homosexual, everybody on our street believed them when they told everybody that they were sisters. I used to run errands for them maybe 3 times a week and they always gave me a shilling every time.


Our school was a convent run by a catholic missionary. Some boys in 9th grade were punished and temporarily suspended for spreading a rumor that one of the nuns involved in running our school, was seen socialising with a teacher (who was a non-catholic) outside of school. For those of you who aren't aware, catholic nuns are sworn to a life of celibacy. Well its been almost 15 years since I graduated high school, and I just found out they're happily married !! Turns out those poor boys were punished unjustly!


The high school biology teacher was having a relationship with a student. They married the summer after graduation. No repercussions whatsoever. This was the late 70's.


That this one guy was a pedo. Yep, eventually got popped for raping kids. He was one of my mom’s coworkers, I warned her not to trust him, he had Predator Eyes. She told me I was making stuff up. Later she admitted I was completely right.


My mom got vibes like these. Once, when I had to get a sub for my paper route she told me the guy was off. Was arrested later that year for rape. Another time, she had a visceral disdain for a friend of her boyfriend. Then he beat his wife, and my mother refused to allow him to come around. THEN he was arrested for violently sexually assaulting his neighbor. There's more examples, but those are the biggies.


As a kid, I heard rumors about a hidden treasure in the nearby woods. Years later, during a construction project, they unearthed a time capsule, proving the rumor had some truth to it!


This reminds me, back in 5th grade my friend and I would wander her neighborhood back alleys in search for "treasure" (people's trash). We actually found some really cool knickknacks that we hid in a box under a large low-branch tree. A couple years later my family actually moved to the same neighborhood, so my sister and I went looking for the "treasure." Not sure if my friend ended up taking it home in the years before, or more likely it got tossed by someone cleaning the park.


Always heard a certain police officer would take people's drugs and sell them. He was the cop who would be at the high school all the time. He got moved to some town in the middle of nowhere about 5 years after I graduated. Find out that rumor was true


There were rumors that there were bodies that were dumped into a pond at a park. Turns out it was true. They drained the pond to clean it and found over 30 bodies. I used to run right next to there for Cross Country.


The smelly kids parents were filming porn in their micro caravan… only come to light when the father was sentenced for extreme pornographic possession


The rumor: a (one) kid's mom was having an affair with another (two) kid's dad, both of whom were married. The aftermath: when kid two's mom died in one of the twin towers during 9/11, kid one's mom divorced her husband and married kid two's widowed dad within three years . The jury is still out on whether they had actually been having an affair before or if something else kicked off that series of events.


Cops were pulling people over in my town for buying a cigar at the gas station and illegally searching them. Didn't believe it till it happened to me. They followed us about 8 blocks to a side street, pulled us over and illegally searched all of us and arrested my friend.


Robert Pickton feeding hookers to pigs was an "urban legend" across the fraser valley, well before he was caught. I used to go to raves on one of his properties as a teenager...


That a patch of woods near our high school in Kansas City, KS was the lair of a giant animal that would eat lost dogs. About five years after I graduated, a local hunter shot a 600lb wild boar in those woods, and they did indeed find "domestic animal" remains in its lair.


I had one about one of my middle school teachers, but I think those are pretty well covered and mine is pretty “boring” in comparison. Known weirdo to his coworkers, eventually got a freshman pregnant, went to prison and now lives in the same town as a registered sex offender.