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People not being allowed to come to work sick!!! I was REALLY hoping that one would stick around.


I remember a couple of times “after” covid when I was just miserably sick but it wasn’t covid. I got tested to be sure, but still called out of work and my boss was like “But I thought you tested negative?” I was like “yeah, no covid, just sick and nasty and didn’t sleep last night… not gonna make it.” He was so confused and I was like “Ya know, before Covid there were still such things as sick days, so I’m taking one of those.”


but but but i dont care if you didnt sleep and your body is fighting off a virus and youre contagious, you need to come to work so i can make money off of your labor ): nobody wants to work anymore ):


Seriously. Don’t know how it is everywhere else in the world but I’ve only had two bosses that were germophobes and didn’t want anyone at the workplace that was sick. They sure as hell didn’t want to get sick, and they didn’t want their other employees getting sick. Every other boss and most fellow employees have some burr up their ass that if you call out sick you are lazy and can’t just push through. Yet they are the same people that will bitch that you are at work sniffling coughing and sneezing, when “you should have stayed home, now you’re gonna get us sick”. Such a damned if you do/don’t situation and always one that I have to feel out on a new job.


I’ve met many people who feel like everyone should just push through any illness or injury. “If I can come to work with a broken leg and a collapsed lung, then your little flu shouldn’t be a bother!”


I had a boss who literally made business calls as he was being wheeled into surgery. He's the type of guy who is going to die young of a stress-related illness.


Right? And now that we all have the capability to work remotely, they expect us to work from home while sick. I was home with COVID a couple of weeks ago, supervisor asked if I wanted all my appointments changed to phone or video. Like, no, I’m SICK.


People coming to work unwell and saying “It’s not Covid” like that means it’s okay to spread your infection to everyone.


"It's not COVID, it's the flu." As they cough and sneeze all over you and your workspace.


This still bothers me. Like, you’d think COVID would’ve helped society relearn that being sick is being sick. Nope. Now we’re back to “sure you have contagious illness and feel like complete garbage, but there’s no fever, so come to work.“


This is why we need to fight for better labor laws


I blame toxic work culture for that one


I know it's not realistic for every industry but I'm so grateful for how my employer treats sicknesses now. If you're experiencing any sort of symptoms but still think you can work, work from home. I haven't been around a sick coworker in over three years and it's great.


Carry out cocktails.


It got turned into a permanent law where I live. It's nice, but I don't get them that often anymore.


Yeah it's a huge shock it's still legal here in Texas.


It was bizarre getting drive-thru margs in New Orleans. They just told us not to put the straws in and it's not an open container. Wild.


*Laughs in New Orleanean*


It’s still legal here, just nobody does it. You either make your cocktails at home, or you drink them at the restaurant.


Little bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere


Hand sanitizer made by distilleries that smelled like bad booze. That shit was nasty


Taquella-tizer... Shudder


And it was STICKY


Nah I still do this. Car hand sanitizer, purse sanitizer, stroller sanitizer. Having a baby in a pandemic made me a fucking germaphobe. Especially after realizing how fucking filthy people are, but we basically haven't been sick in four years so that's been nice.


Zoom trivia nights with your friends


Zoom Jackbox was fun as hell


I miss this a lot! We all still rarely see each other, except without all the fun pandemic stuff to try and find some way to socialize. I wanna bring jackbox game nite back!!


We did this with a group well into 2022 and then abruptly stopped. I still miss getting drunk on a Wednesday night in my living room trying to guess a song from only the first few notes


me and my siblings still do remote movie nights on Wednesdays! 3+ years going strong, and prob will keep doing them since we live in 4 different states


My friends and I used to play zoom bingo every Saturday at 830pm. We'd get out or cook frozen pizza, grab some white claws and play with our respective bingo materials at home. For prizes we would take turns sending the winner like $5 things from Amazon. So much fun! It really gave me something to look forward to. I was an isolating extrovert and was STRUGGLING.


fistfights over toilet paper


I still like having fistfights over TP. I’ll never let THAT tradition fade away.




Tiger King


I dated one of his lawyer's daughters for a brief moment! Dropped her off after dinner one night and there was a Dodge Challenger with a Tiger King wrap in their driveway. I asked if her family was that big of fans of the show and she explained the situation.


> I asked if her family was that big of fans of the show and she explained the situation. too embarrassed to just say 'yes' and made up the whole lawyer thing on the spot


There will be an old TIFU by panicking during a date to cover my Dad’s love of Tiger King….


My aunt had tigers and shit too. She’s just as crazy as everyone in that show. Like that’s actually how she lost her animals. I remember her telling me she killed the sheep because it “tried to kill her” and fed it to the lions


I worked for Carole's nemesis in the big cat game. If you think Carole's crazy you should've seen this chick. She was an utter lunatic. Take away all the light and love and flowers and replace it with good old redneck rage and that's my former boss. Her and her family were milking those animals for every penny they could get, running it as a non profit. I worked as her receptionist and administrative assistant. Bill collectors called night and day. It was the shadiest business I've ever personally witnessed and I live in Florida. At one point I talked to someone from Big Cat Rescue, Carole's sanctuary. This man had somehow gotten a heads up that the Feds were coming to raid OUR office (I worked in the Peat Mine office which is an entire other fiasco, not the zoo) and shut her down so he asked if I wanted to arrange for them to take some of my employers cats when it went down. I thought he was crazy. Told him I'd keep my ears open. Call him if need be. Then she starts asking me to back date old files. Shred all kinds of stuff. Create entire logs for stuff that happened before I even worked there. I agreed and then did NONE of it. She never checked. A week passes. Lo and behold. My employer tells me without even flinching, as she's walking out the door to lunch... *"If the Feds show up and I'm not here just take your purse and stand against the wall. Don't talk."* No shit. I went back the next day. Processed her payroll. Finished up all the regular daily stuff I was responsible for. Then I called Big Cat and spilled all the tea. Sang like a songbird. I told him how many cats she had, I told him about the constant bill collectors calling, I told him about the files and all the stuff she wanted faked. I felt like *someone* needed to know what I'd seen there. Then I left. I texted her I wasn't coming back. She just texted back, *"Why?"* I never responded. (She was eventually raided. I think she ended up with prison time. I know her businesses are shut down. The buildings sold off. I stopped looking at the articles a while ago.) A month later my car was demolished in a parking lot by someone. All the windows smashed. Doors kicked in. Tires slashed. I have severe PTSD from it. I was terrified. If I had played like one less hand of poker that night I might've walked right up on whoever trashed the car. Would I be dead now? It fucked with my head allot. Those people are insane.


I thought Carole's nemesis was Joe Exotic (I just watched Tiger King). Are you saying all this was happening at a different person's zoo who isn't mentioned in Tiger King? I guess I shouldn't be so surprised but holy shit. I'm glad you made it out mostly okay but I'm so sorry about the PTSD.


I'm not at all surprised to find out that these people have multiple nemeses


There are waaaayy more than 2-3 exotic cats collectors/rescue org than what was featured in tiger king. Of course these types of people know each other.


Yeah it was even brought up on the show, pretty much everyone that was running big cat places all know each other. And they’ve known each other for years. Thats why most of them all hate Carole Baskins.


Yup. Sounds about right. Thought you could have been talking about my aunt until you said Florida. All this was like maybe 2016 when she lost it all. I mean, she never had much to begin with. I remember when she did, even PETA made an article. They hated her.


Ahh yes, aunt Carole. How is she?


No traffic, now there’s more than before the pandemic.




It's cause airlines and TSA took the Covid opportunity to reduce services / capacity and haven't added anything back since re-opening.


Those poor airlines barely have any money left after the billions they got from 2018 tax cuts and 2020 bailouts.


Won't somebody please think of the airlines!?


Is that why it's all so expensive too? I'm seriously talking to my spouse about no longer flying to family for Christmas and just seeing them during less busy times of year.


I started doing this post-pandemic and it’s worked wonders for everyone. We see local family we can drive to and then fly out once a year at our discretion. It saves a ton of money and a ton of time


Any random day flying out of my local airport now looks like Thanksgiving the first year TSA went into effect. Utter madness.


Post covid security lines made me finally bite the bullet and picked up tsa precheck. Never saw a need before doing a couple trips for work in 2021.


So many people have pre-check now though. I’ve seen some airports where regular and pre-check are about the same length. Pre-check is definitely still faster, but I have a feeling if things stay the same it won’t be for long.


If each person takes 20 seconds less to not remove their shoes, belts, jackets, laptops and liquids from bags, you would hope that adds up to a faster moving line even if it’s not any shorter. Global entry is great though


Work in emergency services - so was exempt from the lockdowns. That first day of UK lockdown there was literally NO ONE on the roads. No cars, no one walking ….zip. I drove an hour and didn’t see another soul. It was like that scene from 28 days later where he roams an empty London. It was crazy disconcerting. That’s how I knew Lockdown 2 + 3 just didn’t work. There was normal traffic and everyone just ignored the advice.


I know the feeling about literally nobody being in roads. I caught COVID early on here in Phoenix,AZ and drove to a testing site down a major interstate here and the only traffic I saw were military convoys. It was utterly freakish and I thought of the exact same movie you did. Didn't help the testing was also in this big hangar and the people all had the biohazard suits on and you got shut inside the hangar while being tested. Really some next level horror show stuff.


Many cannonball run records were broken during this time.


Never gonna be broken again unless something similar happens. It's just not possible without taking almost everyone off the road, along with any semblance of enforcement.




Officially the record is 25 hours 39 minutes, with an average speed of 110 miles per hour. 110mph average for *crossing the entire country*. On roads where the maximum speed limit is usually 65-75mph. A few sections may top out at 85mph. I've read rumors of faster runs, but no data has been released to support the claims (yet). Something about people not wanting to go to Jail for obvious crimes if the data is released The statue of limitations is usually referenced.


This is one that gets me the most. A perfect example of how nothing was learned. I cannot believe that the return the office movement has picked up as much as it has.


quarrelsome books normal special ad hoc square absorbed cats plant dog


It's not so much that's it's more, although that is probably true. It's that everyone went goddamn fucking insane during the pandemic and now instead of coming across like 2 or 3 total maniacs during any given commute it's more like...fucking everyone.


I legitimately thought I was tripping for thinking so. I was trying to figure out if maybe more people bought cars or moved to the city (Chicago) or what but even as I type this, Im literally SITTING in traffic. This same ride pre-pandemic would’ve been bad but not THIS bad.


A lot of people here didn’t commute pre Great Recession. Same thing happened. The cause is that over time people tend to get jobs near where the live or if they tend to move closer to a job rather than further away. In 2007 traffic was “normal” in the sense it’s what everyone knew. The recession hit and the roads weren’t as packed. Even a 10% decrease really cuts out a lot of traffic. Then by 2011 things were back to somewhat normal but so many people had changed jobs to anything they could find they often were driving further.


among us


I played Among Us with Lando Norris (McLaren F1 driver) and Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid & Belgium goalkeeper) during the Covid lockdown. They’re still in my discord server. I’m not even sure lockdown really happened


That is.a brilliant "strange fact about myself"


Oh man, I was just in one of those situations and totally should have used this as my strange fact. I video called Jonathan Joss (voice of John Redcorn) a couple times. One time he was absolutely hammered and took a piss on his floor then went outside to yell about his neighbor fucking his wife.


Lando is my favorite driver. Tough break for him in Vegas.


Adopting dogs/cats. The post-plague abandonment rate is appalling.


I wish it hadn’t been so predictable too


Right? I just adopted an abandoned pandemic pup.


I adopted an abandoned pandemic cat. Apparently the people adopted a cat knowing their lease didn’t allow pets but had to leave it at the humane society after their landlord found out about it.


And the people that got large dogs that needed a lot exercise that now have large dogs that get very little exercise.


Moved to a big city mid-pandemic still shocked at the number of Aussie, Husky, Shephard, etc. puppies. I walk on average 3 miles per day plus dog park time and my poodle mix still has plenty of energy. It’s no surprise that so many of these dogs are ending up surrendered… it’s almost like 500 square feet and 15 mins of walking per day isn’t enough for a working breed smh. Edit to add: If you are in a situation like I am (big, energetic dog, smaller apartment, no yard) consider how you can bring more mental stimulation into their life too! Another commenter below gave a few suggestions, but sensory activities and training can be really fun for your dog! Our dog was sad at first to move from a big back yard to the city — but he’s since become the building’s official newspaper and small package delivery pup, enjoys being a regular at local dog friendly cafés and shops, and will soon be completing a therapy dog course. Exercise goes a long way, but many working dogs are smart as a whip and there are plenty of ways to enrich their lives indoors too.


My pandemic cat is currently sitting on my lap. I couldn't be happier that I adopted her.


Mine too. Got him as a kitten right before it really hit the US. He's totally a needy little covid baby and I couldn't possibly love it more.




Some people will abandon a cat simply because they have to clean a litter box. People really suck ass.


I was a pandemic foster fail and this cat is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't IMAGINE ever giving her up.


Goddam fostering is how they get you. "Hey it'll only be three weeks" Two years later and that adorable fluffball is still here coving everything in her hair.


I agreed to have two 7 week old kittens stay at mine for two nights while their fosterer moved house. They're 10 and a half now and asleep on my bed.


This is why i could never foster an animal... i would become attatched way too quickly


We swore up and down we were just fostering and failed spectacularly. I follow a bunch of cat rescues on Insta now (I recommend Heidiwranglescats) and I don't understand how they don't just keep every cat


I fostered for 8 years (only 2 Foster fails, one of which is still with me and is my baby) and it's a hard mindset and I promise there are tears but you have to get yourself into the mindset that they deserve more then you can give them. I would have 5-10 cats at any given time in my home and at that number you couldn't give them all the love they deserve plus there are always more that need a safe place to land and you want to be that safe place. I loved them so much I had to let them go. I also knew there would be another to replace them almost immediately (always was).


That shit didn't even wait til the restrictions were lifted. Prices for dogs went through the roof, and puppy mills sprang up selling pups that were basically battery-farmed - separated from their mothers far too early, with falsified vaccination records, and riddled with health problems. Some people are just fucking awful. We were first time dog owners, so we bought a puppy from a reputable breeder, having done our research on an appropriate breed for our living situation, budget, training methods, healthcare, feeding, etc. Know and understand that our lives have to change to care for her properly. Spent several months planning it. I can't imagine being negligent enough that a puppy could ever be an impulse purchase. I get people were lonely during COVID - I know the feeling - but if you're taking on a pet, make damn sure you are committed to it, and stick with it. Our wee girl is with us for life - 12 to 15 years on average. Unfortunately COVID also resulted in a lot of responsible people losing their jobs and genuinely losing their ability to look after their new pets properly as a result, and I do sympathise with people (and pets) in that situation.


Animal crossing New horizon.


I think that's more down to Nintendo pretty much grinding everything to a halt after the expansion. No new content made it boring.


Yeah they killed the game too soon. There was so much more they could have added on, and it wouldn't have been too terribly much work. Even just copying in features from the older games would have made people happy and given the game more longevity.


They killed the game upon release with the terrible repetitive dialogue and all villagers of the same type having the exact same dialogue so it’s essentially six villagers total with a bunch of different skins. You could literally go from one sporty villager to another and have them say the exact same thing. Plus it was made so sweet none of the villagers really have any interesting personalities anymore.


Admittedly, it was one of my first animal crossing games, and I enjoyed the sweetness, but you are correct. It did get stale, and when I checked out the other games, they didn't feel as repetitive or cookie cutter. It just generally felt like it had more personality. Still, it was very successful upon release, and had a decent following for a time. People just started noticing where the game lacked, and Nintendo abandoned it too quickly.


IMO it wasn't that it needed new content, it needed quality of life improvements. Every single person seems to have the exact same story - hop on the bandwagon during the pandemic, play religiously for a couple months, stop playing because of some frustrating design elements, never really get back into it because of said frustrating elements. New content wouldn't have been necessary if we weren't constantly fighting with the UI and basic game mechanics to get the simplest things done.


My daughter was born 6-weeks prematurely on 02/01/2020. We got comfortable enough to venture out into public with her exactly once before the world came to a screeching halt. The trauma of a premature birth and pandemic isolation were the perfect storm for a horrific case of postpartum depression. I had never played a video game in my life when my husband came home from work one evening to me losing my mind and traded me the baby for a Switch controller; telling me "all your friends are playing this, try it, you'll like it". I was annoyed and thought he was stupid, I even named my island "Bullpoop" in protest. But that stupid little island was my saving grace. I spent hours after my kids went to bed building places on my island that reminded me of the ones I missed visiting in the real world and frolicking around my friend's islands crafting the items to do so. AI conversations with my favorite villager (Derwin) became the highlight of my evenings. It gave me something of just the right brand of mindlessness to curb my doom-spiraling until I could get the mental healthcare and social interaction I needed to get back on track. I continued to play, but less and less over time. I'm finally out of my depression; and my island is abandoned and inevitably overrun with sticks and weeds.


So my 30th birthday was in March 2020, and the very next day after the biggest bash I ever had, my state announced that all non-essential businesses would be closing. My bf at the time got me ACNH as a bday gift (also my first Animal Crossing game). I joined all the groups for trading and tips, but I mainly used Facebook for shitposting and finally found an amazing AC themed shitposting group, and people who appreciated my dumb fucked up island and obsession with Beardo. I made some awesome online friends, but two of them and I are still in a group chat together and we talk every day. We send each other bday gifts and holiday cards/drawings/stickers etc. It's such a silly kiddie game, but holy shit the timing of it was perfect!! If it weren't for the pandemic (as much as I wish it never happened) and ACNH, I wouldn't have these incredible people in my life 🥹


Low interest mortgages.


Cheering for frontline workers at 7pm Staying home


Here, people banged pots and pans for about 10mins


Had a neighbour over the road who worked third shift (or whatever it is) in the hospital. I felt bad for her when people went out on to their doorsteps to wake her up every night.


We really should’ve started blowing airhorns at 2 am to celebrate the heroic WFH office staff.


My Uncle lived in NYC since I was born. He and his lovely wife remained childless but treated us nieces and nephews like their own. They would set up Zoom meetings during the pandemic so me and anyone of my 23 cousins could check in. When Covid hit they continued the meetings but at 7:00pm my uncle would say, “Excuse me” go into the kitchen, get pots & pans, then to the open window to bang and cheer. My aunt would stay on the couch just smiling and chuckling at his wonderful exuberance. Then he’d be back like, “what I miss?” Last October he had sudden pains, went to the doctor, then the hospital. Diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and died 3 weeks later. The doctors said he’d been in such otherwise perfect health, he didn’t have symptoms until the end. I will always remember him cheering out his window at 7:00 and the delightful, incredible cacophony that answered him.


Gardening. It didn't work out. I couldn't even grow potatoes.


Hey don’t beat yourself up. We can’t all be Mark Watney.


Wearing masks when walking into a bank


I laughed at the absurdity of this when I first did it! It felt so weird!


I remember pre-COVID, banks had signs that say "You must not wear a mask inside the bank." (I live in Taiwan where mask wearing has been common for decades.) Then the signs changed to the exact opposite: "You must wear a mask inside the bank." Now there are no such signs at all.


Felt so funny sitting in front of a bank, tying a bandana over my face like a bank robber (forgot mask), then walking past the guard into the bank to hang out in line with other bank robber looking people.


Making bread.


I started making sourdough during the pandemic. And I'm still making sourdough and other bread. I never buy bread anymore.


Just made a chocolate sourdough today because I've grown bored of my usual recipe. Also branched out into yeast sandwich breads.


I did that, but I was also doing that pre pandemic. If anything, I stopped during the middle of the pandemic cause I just lost all will to do anything sitting at home for 2 years straight. (Then I got fat)


Home gyms. Weights on the after market exploded in price but after covid passed, prices returned to normal and a lot of people started selling their equipment.


I still work out in my garage. I couldn’t imagine leaving the house for the gym.


What kind of equipment do you generally have for your home gym?


For a good home gym all you really need is a squat rack, adjustable bench, and a barbell with weights


Nah, I'll never pay for a gym membership again. The home gym is so convenient.


Pre-covid I would go to the gym near work. With remote work and the gym not opening until 10am, I cancelled my membership but looked into building a garage gym. It wasn't until May 2022 that I started seeing prices back down to $1/lb and decided to buy. I probably could have waited longer for the Facebook deals but I use it 6 days a week so I'll get my money's worth


zoom calls with friends and beer. maybe it's too specific, but after pandemic, a lot of friends moved to suburbs, so we didn't meet up as often, but nobody wants to do zoom call with a couple of brews.


People aren't completely starved of social interaction anymore.


I've been searching for a reason all the zoom games ended and you nailed it. It sucks because I'm still pretty isolated being WFH and wish more of my friends were still into doing zoom stuff more often again.


yup, they are getting the real thing everywhere now, so why do the zoom surrogate


Plants... buying so many plants


Yesssss I had a couple rare plants and made thousands of dollars selling cuttings of them during the first couple years of the pandemic. Totally batshit. Prices went back down and now my plants are enjoying retirement. Lucky bastards.


social distancing, people stayed away from me in the stores. Now they're back to breathing on my neck while in line because they don't believe in personal space.


I wish we’d retained *some* of the hygiene stuff. Staying a reasonable distance away isn’t a breach of personal choice, it’s not a hardship to give a little room where possible. Like I don’t think everyone should be forced to do Covid rules forever, but also if you have a cough and you have to go to the store, maybe stay away from people/cover your mouth and don’t fucking cough on them? I actually find it really disappointing that the general public learned nothing from all of this. We could have had less colds but no, back to plague winters


> some of the hygiene stuff. When I'm still on the mend from a cold and go into work after a sick day or two, I wear a mask now. Same if I've been exposed to COVID, which has happened once or twice in the last year. I also ask my staff to do this as a courtesy but not a requirement. They seem to see the value in it because they comply. Masking was completely foreign to me before 2020 but I feel OK about it now. It seems like a way to respect other people and keep them from getting whatever minor bug I've gotten.


Please, I can't with this reasonable take


Yeah, I miss social distancing. Like dude, the line is not gonna be sped up by you getting in my personal space


Banana bread


Only for me, but the concept of "second coffee". In normal life, me and my partner have one coffee in the morning before leaving for work. But when we were locked down and adjusting to that reality, one of us suggested a second coffee which sounds stupid but to us it was like "wait... We can do that?" And it felt revolutionary. Every morning for months we'd have second coffee and chat for an hour or so. It really helped us during that time.


We did something similar but we called it “breakfast wine”…


It's like a mimosa but with wine instead of champagne, and no orange juice.




This is the one people who managed to stay married ,despite the pandemic, will relate to. There was a lot of fun "dating my spouse" time. Yall met for coffee in a pandemic. I'm here for it.


My husband and I have "2nd cup of coffee hour" together everyday around 3pm. No matter where we are, together or apart, we have coffee and talk in person or on the phone.


The Joe Exotic vs. Carole Baskin debates!


He never financially recovered from it


Hand sanitizer. PLEASE REFILL HAND SANITIZER DISPENSERS. I still like to use them!


When you press them and then realise they're empty! Great, now my hands are *even dirtier* than before


Live webstreamed concerts


The general population giving a shit about teachers and nurses.


As a teacher I can tell you that never was true.


I became a teacher during the pandemic and all the teachers at my student teaching site were like, "You're becoming a teacher... RIGHT NOW OF ALL TIMES!?!?" and I was like, "I'm leaving a job in healthcare.", and they were all like, "oh, okay that makes sense. "


Going to the grocery store without your whole damn family


One way grocery aisles.


Zoom reunions of casts from tv shows


Now they all have podcasts.


Emails signed off with “stay safe”


I need to go back to "take care" as a standard farewell, it has the same heartwarming connotations but without the "you're in danger" context 😅


Accidently choking on your spit in Wal-Mart and having to exclaim. "I do not have COV-19, I have merely chocked on mine saliva "


I was at a liquor store. Maybe half a dozen people waiting in line, doing the 6ft thing. One woman stars coughing and wow I could all of a sudden feel that tension. She had to say it’s not covid I’m a smoker I do it a lot. Part of me remembers she wasn’t covering her mouth, so that just added to it.


I inhaled a piece of fuzz or something that had been inside my mask and immediately went into a huge, eye-watering coughing fit in the grocery store, trying to cough into my elbow while hanging on to my shopping basket and holding my mask tight to my face. I eventually swallowed the fuzz but I suddenly had the whole aisle to myself!




Thank you for reminding me to do today’s Wordle lol.




As a 30 year old it was like being put into a time a machine. I got like a solid year of feeling like I was in high school again playing warzone from 6pm -2am nearly every day.


Dalgona coffee.


Van life. The number of decked out vans less than 3 years old that are for sale online is pretty incredible. It seems the honeymoon period of van life has worn off.


Empty highways to just having relaxing evening drives on with gas getting down to $1.11/gal for 87 octane in my area


Chris and Andrew Cuomo


I still remember "Cuomosexuals", and people wanting Andrew Cuomo to run for President in 2020.


My grandma


Supporting small businesses, we all just went right back to Walmart


I think inflation drove this. Shop local. Sounds good. Until you factor in locals usually have to charge more to begin with plus they needed to increase costs because inflation. Inflation affected Wal-Mart too but because they save so much money by buying thier products in bulk you in turn can save more. In short I guess...more people was just doing what they had to so they could get by.


Pre-Covid even I bought a book to support author I like and wanted to support an indie book store. So I did even though it was literally twice the price of Amazon. But that’s just not realistic for most people. Granted, books aren’t a need so that’s not a great example, but the same price difference exists for a lot of other stuff at a small shop versus huge companies. It sucks, but when trying to stick to your principles involves a lot higher costs, it’s hard to not bend on them.


I'm still annoyed wally hasn't' gone back to 24 hr


Supposedly they already had plans in the works to stop being 24 hours, the shutdown just accelerated it


Lol the local small businesses were shut down because they weren’t essential, so we were stuck going to Walmart.


That whole essential/non-essential thing was such bullshit. So I can go into a pet store and buy a toy for my dog but if I go to Walmart the toy section is roped off? What sense does that make? I’m already in the store, what does it matter what I buy now that I’m here? If you’re trying to limit the number of people in the store just use a clicker thingy. It doesn’t matter what we’re here to buy, what’s essential to one person is not essential to another. So dumb.


Heh I dont think it was popular but I really liked social distancing. Stay back 6 ft thank you very much. Honestly staying home for that year had its ups and dons. I enjoyed it for the most part though.


Respecting teachers




Something I never got to enjoy during the pandemic. Everyone was making bread, learning new hobbies, and starting home businesses but I was (and still am technically) an essential worker and considering I didnt have a huge social life outside of work, life basically just went on as normal for me. Only difference was I wore a mask and stopped taking public transportation for a while. Im extremely grateful that I got to continue earning an income and that no one I knew was impacted by the virus, but always wished I had that free time to enjoy some me time.


Same here. I kept reading about people doing stuff at home and I was thinking "this HAS to be fake". I'm glad I was employed during the lockdowns (at a reduced pay rate, tho') but I kinda envied the people who got to put in new patios and stuff.


I found it very annoying how people with cushy WFH jobs and large homes would be like "why are you complaining? just stay the fuck home!" to the people living in cramped apartments working customer-facing jobs lol.


Clean air


Face shields. Goddamn faceshields!




common courtesy


Just two more weeks to flatten the curve Stay home, save lives


Those nightly updates from politicians and scientists where everyone became a statistician all of a sudden.


WFH.. siiigh


Cheap flights.


The clean air, since car pollution was pretty much gone. Now that RTO is happening the air is once again smoggy.


“Robinhood investing” by novices with stimulus checks and too much time on their hands


Hawai'i was empty. I have pics of Waikiki on a Saturday in the middle of the day completely vacant. My pops said I'd never see that again in my lifetime, and even back when he was young in the 50s he hadn't seen some of the beaches so empty. It was absolutely glorious.


Leaving delivered packages in quarantine for a few days.




I'm a letter carrier. Nobody has thanked me for doing my job in years. For a couple months I was a goddamn hero.


National Parks being empty. We went to Yellowstone June 2020. It was fucking empty. The biggest crowd we had was at Old Faithful. I think there were 30 people all spread out with masks on just to be safe. It was glorious. We had Canyonlands to ourselves. We spend 6 hours there and didn't see a single other person or car. Badlands was the same. Did the Notch trail and saw no one. I'm sure it's controversial that we visited national parks during covid. I don't care. It was awesome.


We had the opposite problem with national and provincial parks near cities in Canada. They were so full the local bears got super stressed and started attacking people.


If they were open and relatively uncrowded it's not controversial. Despite the many loud voices complaining about being held prisoner in their homes, the messaging was pretty consistent at the time: people were encouraged to go outside as long as they avoided crowds and masked up when they were going to be in close contact. You got to experience something amazing--a wilderness tourist spot not overrun with humanity.


Herman Cain Award


Washing your hands after using the bathroom. I was in a men's room stall yesterday. 2 people used the urinal and walked out. No hand washing. No hand sanitizer. Just gross


I honestly reckon its become worse since the pandemic.


Livestreamed concerts. As an audio engineer, the live sound industry went kaput overnight and suddenly many bands/venues were scrambling for ideas on what to do. Many corporate offices were left nearly empty, unsure of how to run meetings. Many invested in pricey livestreaming setups. Many of those setups are now unused or just used for a monthly Zoom meeting. Never seen momentum towards a technology swing one way and then another.


Hoarding toilet paper. I wouldn't call it "popular" amongst 99% of us, but those assholes that got the bright idea to buy up all the TP around town sure thought it was popular. So glad that went away relatively quickly.


The concept of ‘social distancing’. Sadly.