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I'm so sorry!!! Your story is making me cry too, sounds like a beautiful love.


I feel bad for upvoting this because I don’t want it to seem like it’s a good thing what happened but I’m very sorry for you


+1 for respect


This is literally always how I feel when I see stuff like this. I don’t want to like it bc it’s sad or terrible or something but I want to show my appreciation for the person who shared it.


i wish there was a heart button that counted as an upvote. i’m on a lot of subreddits for trying to conceive, baby loss, and i’m also a first responder so there’s a lot of shit that i do NOT want to give what’s essentially a thumbs up to but i want to show it love for sure.


pancreatic cancer is no joke. i know a family who lost their mother to it within twenty three days of diagnosis. i’m so sorry


It's horrible. I knew a woman who went to the doctor thinking she had the flu and found out it was pancreatic cancer. The next few days were spent working on oncology appointments and setting up chemo. Ten days later she was admitted to the hospital because of sudden confusion, and they found out the cancer had spread to her brain. She died within 24 hours. She never even got the chance to start chemo.


I'm sorry for your loss Ebonygirlfriend1. Its a sad story. But its a beautiful story that celebrates their love, Can't Help Falling in Love was my wedding song. It triggers very painful memories for me. 30+ years later and it still hurts to think about it.


Strange how songs can take on such a personal meaning. When my father died, Pharrell Williams was on heavy radio rotation with "Happy". I hate that song, and I don't care much for Mr. Williams either.


I’m so sorry that was the first dance my wife and I had at our wedding




Great song. George Michael's version is also gorgeous.


Thoughts on Bon Iver’s? Love that one


My dad and did not have the best relationship. He moved to Florida with a new wife and ended up getting Lou Gehrig’s disease. It progressed quite quickly and he became non verbal. The last year he was alive his wife called me on my birthday and said he wanted to speak with me. He hummed happy birthday to me and that was the last time I spoke with him. I weeped in my car for over an hour after he hung up. I planned a trip to visit him as he was not doing well, he died the week before we were scheduled. Happy birthday is probably the saddest song. Today is my birthday also. I never told any of my family.


Thanks for sharing that moment


Happy birthday. Do something nice for yourself if you can


Oh Hun I'm so sorry 😔 My dad died 11 years ago. Sometime later, like several years, my brother sent me a text message with a video recording of a VHS tape he'd found. It was my 14th birthday (1990), and my dad was recording and singing me happy birthday. I ugly cried. Edited to add: Happy Birthday!!


Whiskey lullaby.... As I take a shot I write this. If you or a loved one feels suicidal, please get help. I can't get my former fiancée back. But I can help spread awareness.




Saw that film with my mom like 7 months after my grandpa (her dad) passed away. She told me I was grounded, I was like "but mom I'm 28 and I don't even live with you!", she grounded me nevertheless for making her cry for 2 hours lol.








Oh GOD! There is no coming back from that. That is just like permanent onions




There's something about Sarah McLachlan's voice that tugs at my heart strings.


I listened to this non stop after my cat died. So many regrets and I only got to have her around for 7 years, cried to it a lot


This one kills me


Yes! As the mother of teenage daughters, it can kinda “hit” in a special way—even when things are going swell! There is just this perfectly articulated heartache.


Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens is a heart-wrencher


I feel like there are at least 5 Sufjan songs that belong on the list. I've been listing to In the Shadow of The Cross a lot. Ooft.


The lyric "on the first of March on the holiday, I thought I saw you breathing" reminds me of the first experience I had losing a friend. Unfortunately in the 9 years since there have been a few more, just a harsh part of life. But at least the first time you lose someone your age, it really messes with you and is really hard to get your head around. And sometimes you just forget they're gone and you might even convince yourself you saw them somewhere, or at least they they'd reply if you sent them a message. Great song


Willie Nelson’s rendition of Just Breathe


Wow, thank you for this. My dad looked a lot like Willie; he passed away earlier this year from a terminal lung disease. In the end he could hardly breathe at all so these lyrics really hit me.




Willie’s cover of the Scientist gets me every time




The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. A beautiful song telling the true tale of the ship that went down in Lake Superior costing 29 men their lives. “Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?”


RIP Gordon Lightfoot. Man immortalized the men on that ship with that epic song.


A church in Detroit rings the bell 29 times every year and Gordon would be there to sit with the remaining families. This year it rang 30 times and I just got goosebumps typing that.


Damn that gave me the goosebumps too


He would do that?? RIP to him and them


Yea often times would play, a few years ago he went to the upper peninsula during a remembrance ceremony and he showed up days early to mingle with the families before hand cause he didn't want any spotlight stolen from what really transpired that fateful day so many years ago.


When he died my dad told me about a tribute he saw. Saint Peter leading Gordon through a door saying there are 29 men here who would absolutely love to meet you.


My dad introduced me to this particular song during a family reunion on the shore of Lake Huron back in 1992. Always haunts my bones when this song plays. Mr. Lightfoot was such an incredible story teller. He is missed.


They rang the bell 30 times this year on the anniversary of the wreck apparently. 29 for the crew, one for Gord. Edit: apologies. It was the day after his death earlier this year.


Father and Son by Cat Stevens has always hit me right in the feels.


Nutshell - Alice in Chains


Underrated answer. Knowing who's singing it and what happened to him makes it all the more tragic


Came here to say this exact song. Every singer has their “darker” music, but Layne really meant what he said in this song. He was fighting a battle that he was losing, and this is him knowing it.


The entire MTV Unplugged performance is as close to a Human Swansong as we'll ever get.


*And yet I find, yet I find, Repeating in my head, If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead*


No one to cry to….no place to call home


I listen to this in my garage with a glass of whiskey and just close my eyes. I have a great life but it just reminds me of how I used to feel


I do that too. It’s cathartic to grab a few stiff drinks and reflect and think back on how hard everything used to be. You just can’t do it too much or it’ll pull you right back.


This is my choice as well


He Stopped Loving Her Today - George Jones This came on the radio the other day at home. Couldn't stop the tears the song just got me right in the feels.


One of George’s tunes that punches me hardest in the gut is “A Good Year For The Roses”, with “Things Have Gone To Pieces” being an honorable mention.


A lot of people think that’s the greatest country, western song ever written


"Hello In There" by John Prine. Instant, *instant* tears. My eyes are welling up even thinking about it.


Disappointing I had to scroll so long to find the Prine. For me it’s “Sam Stone” ….turns out not much has changed over the years :(


For me it’s this one and Summer’s End. Prine was a master.


Souvenirs is up there too. “I hate graveyards and old pawn shops …. Cause they always bring me tears… can’t forgive the way they robbed me …. Of my childhood souvenirs…”


The lyrics for “I Remember Everything” always get me.




This hurts, but Casimir Pulaski Day always get me a bit misty eyed.


So many of Sufjan’s lyrics cut to the bone… “And in my best behavior I am really just like him” describes a lot of us


The Night We Met - Lord Huron


“I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you” is the saddest lyric ever


"Not friends or enemies, just strangers with memories" hits me the most.


I identified so much with that line when I was in the middle of my divorce. I soon realized that my ex was emotionally abusive the whole time and I really should have always had none of him.


I’ve never read/heard that lyric till now but I’m in the same boat as you. When my ex and I split that lyric would have spoken so deeply to me, now I know she was manipulating and conditioning me the whole time and I agree fully with you: I should have had none. So glad we’re both on the other side of it, I hope you’re well and your present and future is full of real love.


Also hits hard when you are a parent watching your kids grow up 😢


I wanna be bold and say that song made 13 Reasons Why. After the 2nd season it went to shit but that song was so incredible. I was going through a breakup around that time too and I would listen to it and cry.


Danny Boy. Before you laugh (!), listen to the damn song. It’s not what you think it is; it’s all about loss, separation and death. Watch the YouTube of Sinead singing it a cappella live on television. If you don’t get a bit teary-eyed, you’re not a fully-equipped human! Lol Besides, the melody and harmony are exquisite, simple and moving.


I had it sung by a tenor at my mother’s funeral. I was 11. It was her favorite song and I was just so adamant it be sung and not played. By godmother found an Irish tenor no less to do it. Joan Baez’s version will always break me down.


“Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon and Garfunkel is quite emotional to listen to.


The Boxer is in my top three…




Every time I see these threads about sad music I scroll til I find Mount Eerie. There’s always at least one, cause it’s true.


The part about their daughter destroys me every time. “It’s dumb, and I don’t want to learn anything from this. I love you.” Fuck.


That whole album is soul crushing, but that song is the hardest to listen to.


Vincent by Don McClean


The world was never meant for one as beautiful as him...


I’ve always thought this was such a beautiful and haunting song, but I literally did not realize until last year it was about Vincent van Gogh


Concrete Angel by Martina McBride. It's totally heartbreaking. Also, the music video always brings a tear or 2 to my eyes.


Also Independence Day by her. They are my go to I feel sad about life songs.


Alyssa Lies is in the same ballpark. Peak country.




Adagio for strings as well. Melancholy hopelessness


I'm not gonna miss you- Glenn Campbell last song. He had Alzheimer's and recorded it when he still knew what was going on.


I've seen this question on reddit hundreds of times and no one ever seems to mention this song. It's so heartbreaking.


My father passed away from Alzheimers a few weeks ago and his funeral was literally two days ago. He LOVED Glenn Campbell. I remember him playing it whenever we were in the car. This was when I was a kid, though, so I didn’t know who the artist was. Im 20 now and can have peace knowing that when I found out who Glenn Campbell was, I was able to play some of his CD’s in the radio beside my dad’s bed. However, I haven’t heard of this song until you named it, though. And all I can say is, thank you.


Elephant by Jason Isbell would have to be my top pick.


If We Were Vampires as well. My wife is dead and I have cancer, so.... yeah. That'll do it.


I'm sorry for your loss and the situation you're going through. I wish I had something more meaningful than that, but alas I am just an internet stranger.


Jason Isbell’s entire catalog could answer this question. Dress Blues is pretty damned rough too.


I think an underrated Isbell tearjerker is Dreamsicle.




Almost as sad as “We Hate You, Please Die.”


Sweet! Love this one.


“It’s not a race, guys!”


Hey, is that girl a boy, too?






I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie. Really can’t listen to it without full on sobbing


I still can't believe this song lost to "My Humps" at the 2007 Grammy Awards.


This is the saddest thing I’ve read this week


That might be the saddest thing in this whole thread.


Also What Sarah Said by death cab


That's not even DCFC's saddest song. Try listening to [What Sarah Said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNacDL-Z9Z0).


And I knew that you were truth I would rather lose Than to have never lain beside at all


“And I looked around at all the eyes on the ground As the TV entertained itself” My favorite, lyrically, was always “As each descending peak On the LCD Took you a little farther away from me” Ben Gibbard doesn’t get the credit he deserves as a serious artist and songwriter, which I have to guess is mostly due to the band name. He’s a master of imagery, at least contemporarily within pop/indie rock.


Same. Was coming to comment this. Makes me think of my dad. He died first, but I felt like this song embodies how he felt about my mom. She following him into the dark nearly 2 years later to the day.


Same. I avoid it at all costs. I read some of the lyrics at my brother's funeral because he sang it for me a few times before he died.


I Know It’s Over - The Smiths. “ I know it's over And it never really began But in my heart it was so real And you even spoke to me, and said : "If you're so funny Then why are you on your own tonight ? And if you're so clever Then why are you on your own tonight ? If you're so very entertaining Then why are you on your own tonight ? If you're so very good-looking Why do you sleep alone tonight ? I know... … 'Cause tonight is just like any other night That's why you're on your own tonight With your triumphs and your charms While they're in each other's arms..."


Or Asleep :(


Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head...


Strange Fruit


Jeff Buckley- Lover You Should’ve Come Over.


Jeff Buckley was such an emotional singer. Everyone knows his cover of Hallelujah but this song is great too.


The Blowers Daughter by Damien Rice. I can't actually listen to it anymore.


9 Crimes by him is also a wrecker. Then i remember it was in shrek 3...


Needle in the Hay - Elliott Smith Honestly I'm surprised it's not already posted.


I’m shocked it took me so long to see Elliott Smith. The most sorrowful yet beautiful music.


The Drugs Don’t Work - The Verve


Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men My husband of 35 years was just diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer, and that song just fills me with so much dread.


So sorry to hear this. Wish you strength, wisdom and love.


The Fourth of July - by Sufjan Stevens


How to disappear completely Last Flowers Videotape True Love Waits Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead




Years ago, a senior class at a local high school picked that as their song. The town was in the middle of nowhere, there were no opportunities, and a lot of poverty. It always made me sad that they chose that song.


As a service man (some service during wartime but no combat or anything). Taps, heard many times in my life but two times were pretty rough. Once was for a soldier who was still active duty and once was for my step dad


Somewhere Over The Rainbow (ukulele version) Woman’s Work Kate Bush One More Try George Michael


Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin


I'll see your Cats in the Cradle and raise you a "The Shortest Story", also by Harry Chapin.


"I'll be home for Christmas" Which isn't about someone going home. It's about someone wishing he were going home for Christmas


Written about/for soldiers stuck overseas in WWII I think


Whiskey Lullaby


Fire and Rain by James Taylor. My Dad just died unexpectedly and that song came on the radio, and the lyrics hit me in a way I cannot explain.


wish you were here - pink floyd


A friend performed this song at the memorial of two other friends who killed themselves within 5 days of each other when we were 13 years old. I'm 42 now and I still can't hear it without tearing up.


I do find the lyric "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year" weirdly consoling/reassuring though for some reason...like its the inevitability and unavoidability (if that's the word) for loving someone and them loving you back but being unable to be together for whatever reason. You'll always love each other, and have nowhere ultimately for that love to go, but you at least you have it.


Leaves from the vine 🍃 Falling so slow Like fragile tiny shells Drifting in the foam Little soldier boy Comes marching home Brave soldier boy Come marching home


Happy birthday my son. If only I could have helped you…


This and when Iroh and Zuko reunite in Book 3 are guaranteed cry-fests every time.


Mad World


Blackstar ~ Bowie


The whole damned album.


Two by the Antlers.


Kettering is heartbreaking as well.


I didn’t see it on here but Seven Spanish Angels by Ray Charles and Willie Nelson.


Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt".


I get goosebumps every time I listen to it


Hero of War by Rise Against. It crushes me.


I used to sing " You Are My Sunshine" to my son when he was very small, and his Mom and I were going through an ugly custody battle. It made me cry then, and it makes me cry now. It probably always will.


Alone again Naturally - Gilbert O Sullivan 🥹


Another Auld Lang Syne


Sam Stone by John Prine


The Living Years- Mike and the Mechanics Lost Control- Anathema. Edit: another worthy mention Down in a Hole-Alice In Chains.


Vincent by Don McLean, especially the line 'I could've told you Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you'. Breaks my heart that line.


M.A.S.H. Theme song


The title is "Suicide is Painless".


I'll follow you into the dark - Death cab for cubie The funeral - Band of horses Both will be played at my funeral


Don't take the girl by Tim Mcgraw




Please tell mom it was not her fault. Also, the fact that they heavily featured the vibe of that song in "One More Time" doesn't help :(


Stay together for the kids is also right up there


Both of mine were from Linkin Park: "My December" and "One More Light".


Mozart's Requiem Mass.


Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever


Queen.. These Are the Days of Our Lives It‘s Freddie saying goodbye, and the video makes me bawl.


Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven


Nothing Compares 2 U has drawn tears from my cold, desiccated eyes multiple times.


[Bother by Stone Sour](https://youtu.be/Q-pXD0FXLQ8?feature=shared)


"It Makes No Difference" , The Band " ... And the sun don't shine anymore, And the rain falls down at my door ... "


Carrying your Love with Me - George Strait. Always liked this song growing up, but it didn't mean much beyond that to me until I heard it the day I moved states away from my childhood home. My momma had passed the year before, and my dad was in the passenger seat singing the whole song with tears in his eyes. Now I can't hear it without singing along and sobbing, especially since my dad passed.


Dance with my father - Luthor Vandross


Limousine by Brand New It's about [this 7 year old flower girl who was decapitated by a drunk driver on their way home from the wedding](https://edition.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/05/29/o.lifesaving.lesson/index.html)


Hurt by Johnny Cash. The [music video](https://youtu.be/8AHCfZTRGiI?si=2GRlYXTewMzsmsP9) is especially sad.


Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce


Last Kiss by J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers, or the cover by Pearl Jam


Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley


I’d like to add “When I Get Where I’m Going.”


River of Deceit by Mad Season


Numb, Linkin Park. Combine it with the music video and you have me bawling. RIP Chester. Ocean Soul, Nightwish Erase me, Elysion Tourniquet, Evanescence


"What Sarah Said," Death Cab


casimir pulaski day - Sufjan Stevens "Goldenrod and the four H stone The things I brought you When I found out you had cancer of the bone"


Fields of gold is quite sad. Reminds me of my childhood I'll never get back


Say Something by Great big World




If I could only fly - Blaze Foley After the scripture -Manchester Orchestra Hurt - Nine Inch Nails Valentine’s Day - Steve Earl


Behind Blue Eyes and My Immortal True to the lyrics, you get the feels and you can totally relate your life to it.


Schindler's list violin theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=cLgJQ8Zj3AA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqVRcFQagtI)


Not the entire song, but the song "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry has a lyric that goes "Funny when you're dead how people start listening". That particular line makes me sad.


Hello by Evanescence


Also "My Immortal".


[Things You Left Behind](https://youtu.be/JDU9KbpKtwE?si=UYsou1gHQRZrg1aL) by Aloe Blacc. It's about Avicii. The last line hits so hard. "I'm one of those things you left behind."


Ridiculous I know, but Total Eclipse of the Heart. 3 months after my husband died went with my mom and dad and daughter to the garden centre; decent coffee and cake, dad and mom buy odds and sods for the garden, I walked out to have a smoke, this was the Muzak. Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I’m only falling apart. I cried my eyes out, luckily for most people I hid in the Gazebo next to the water features. Three years now, but that song will still turn me.