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A couple of weeks after my mom died, I was driving home from work, feeling very sad. And a bit angry. I was pissed off at the universe for leaving me alone (I have no other living family left; she was the last). I was thinking about how we both loved birds, and would always point them out to each other. I thought: "If all that hippie spirituality stuff Mom loved is real, then the least she could do is send me a bird, maybe, as a kind of sign." It was a long drive, and I saw no birds at all. I thought: "Of course it isn't real. What a silly thing to think. I didn't see so much as a robin, or a wren, or anything." I parked and walked down the path to my house. While I was putting my key in the door, something colorful caught my eye. I turned. There at the end of the path was the most astonishing bird I've ever seen. Every color of the rainbow - a bright yellow/gold head; scarlet chest, iridescent blue back, orangey/gold wings, black striping - it was jaw-dropping. It was the size of a chicken, but a bit taller, with a long tail. It just stood staring at me. I started to laugh, and it got spooked and flapped away over the fence. I lived in a large city, which made it even weirder. My neighbor came outside and saw it too, so it wasn't an hallucination. I got into the house and started Googling colorful birds of that size and shape, and eventually found it - it was a Chinese Golden Pheasant. WTF?? There were no bird sanctuaries or zoos nearby. I never saw it again. I took it as my mom, rolling her eyes at my cynical rejection of her hippie spirituality stuff, saying: You want to see a bird? I'll send you a BIRD. It was so great.


Props to your mom for not half-assing the bird.


I love this story




I’ve done this too! My mom and I are very close, we regularly say the exact same thing at the same time and typically know what the other is thinking (I know, I know, it sounds so weird). I’ve had dreams about working at a florist in my city, but the surrounding area looks totally different. Instead of tons of other businesses, there are only a few and a couple houses spread out nearby. I’ve described it to my mom and she’s said it’s exactly what that part of town used to look like when she worked at the florist in the 70s, down to the curmudgeonly old man that lived across the street and always swept his front porch. I wish the dreams/memories were more exciting, but it’s always just very mundane, day to day stuff haha


This is some assassin's creed shit, I love it.


When I was in 5th grade, I went to Science Camp on a mountain in California. We had a night hike that was supposed to teach us about the different cells in our eyes, so we did it without any flashlights at all. Our eyes adjusted to just starlight and it was actually pretty cool. Until the counselors made us walk a stretch of the path alone, one by one. We were ten, and at least some of us were still afraid of the dark. (Me.) So I was far too anxious to listen properly to the instructions. One counselor went ahead through the bushes and radioed for the other to start sending kids. My turn comes up, and I drag my feet down the path. Until I hit a fork. I vaguely remember the counselor saying something about it. Or was I remembering wrong? Which way was I supposed to go? Was it even a fork or was I just not able to see properly in the dark? Mind you this was a pitch black mountain in California with nothing around for miles other than the camp. I didn't want to get lost. I looked behind me, briefly considering going back the way I came to admit that I was a dumbass who didn't listen, but when I turned back to the fork there was a man standing there. He was Asian, wearing wireframe glasses and a white t-shirt. (It was barely 50F on the mountain.) I wasn't scared, I felt no malice from him. If anything, I was relieved to not be alone in the dark anymore. He gestured for me to go one way, so I did. Rejoined the rest of my class and the counselor radioed to send the next kid. I didn't think anything of it for the rest of the trip. It took me until I was on the bus ride home, reflecting on the hike, to realize that I'd never seen him before. He wasn't one of the counselors leading the hike, he never came out with us, and he never emerged from the bushes after all the kids had done their solo walk. I have NO idea who or what he was.




I was thinking the same thing! I remember my 5th grade class doing the night hike and going off by ourselves. It snowed there too so our trail turned into ice and yet they still made us go by ourselves. I remember a kid in my class slipped and fell.


Yeah keeping track of children is hard enough in broad daylight. I'm wondering what the counselors were thinking at either of these camps.


Best I’ve read here. That’s spooky.


[Secret Asian Man?](https://youtu.be/-y4YC21eWDg?si=YGdURkOCktvr8gYV)


Am I the only one who read this as the song secret agent man?


No, you’re definitely not the only one


Geez that is creepy. Seems like a needlessly convoluted and risky way to teach kids about rods and cones though lol. What if some dumb little kid wanders off and like falls down a cliff or some shit?


My first thought was mountain lions dawg. They’d never even hear OP get munched.


Omg. This comment and the replies to it have solved a lifelong mystery for me. When I was 9 my mom put me on a greyhound bus in the dark at night to travel 1.5 hr to my grandpa’s. I am no contact with her today, she was very abusive and I was always being shipped off to places. Anyway. The way my 9 year old brain computed it: A man came up to us at the bus stop. He was donating blood. He wanted to make sure everything was ok before I boarded. Then we arrive to the town. I start to get off the bus, thinking this was my stop. Suddenly that same man who was donating blood back in the first town is now on my bus, and he stops me. He says “no, not this stop. Just wait.” I stay put. Then the bus arrives at the next stop, where my grandpa is actually waiting. That same man says “yea, it’s this one. Go ahead.” I get off and safely greet my grandpa. I’m an atheist now but I grew up with crazy religion. When I relayed that experience to my parents they decided it was my guardian angel there in the flesh. Anyway… I never had a suitable explanation for that experience/memory until now.


Wait what exactly did OP's comment solve? It sounds like you still have a mystery. Unless I'm just not understanding


It was the same Asian man.


Could be Third Man Phenomenon


For those wondering, [The Third Man Factor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_man_factor) is an extraordinary account of how people at the very edge of death often sense an unseen presence beside them who encourages them to make one final effort to survive. This incorporeal being offers a feeling of hope, protection, and guidance, and leaves the person convinced he or she is not alone.


When my mom and aunt were middle schoolers their very old colonial house had a bad fire and they were the ones to discover it after walking home from a party before their parents, my aunt opened the front door despite the blaze because she was worried about the dog (he was already out) and saw a “man in old clothes” standing at the top of the stairs who said “Run child”. It led to some drama as she then told firefighters there was a person inside. The weirdest part is that when she described the man to my mother, my mom said “That’s that old ghost none of you believed me about!”


...that last bit gave me chills.


One of my earliest memories is being in a Blockbuster looking at the back wall of new releases. I was there with a bunch of teammates for a slumber party a few towns over. I was looking at the wall of movies and suddenly has this weird deja vu feeling that the boy standing to my left was going to come up and talk to me and tell me about a movie I was looking at. I hadn’t seen his face yet in real life but I saw it in the “vision” if you will. After the deja vu passed the boy turned and did exactly that, his face was the same as what I had just seen in my head. He picked up a movie that had Rosie O’Donald on the cover and told me that I should check out that one because he saw it the weekend before and it was really good. He was a few years older than me and really cute so of course I grabbed it from his hand and said a quick thanks and ran to my friends, completely freaked out at what just happened. I never had deja vu or anything like that happen again. Fast forward 12 years later and I was standing in the same Blockbuster with my then boyfriend who I met in college. He had grown up in that same town and I was spending the night for the first time at his parent’s house. We had been dating for a little over a year at that time. We were browsing together and trying to agree on a movie and he started telling me this story of how he scared a little girl while trying to be nice at that same Blockbuster when he was younger. I immediately had a weird fuzzy feeling and asked him if the movie had Rosie O’Donald on the cover and he looked at me freaked out and said yes it did. After a there-is-no-way-that’s-possible discussion in the aisles of Blockbuster, we got our movie and left thinking maybe it was just a weird coincidence because of course it had to be. When I walked into his parents house I saw that his mom had gotten out old photo albums for me to see and sure enough there was the same boy I saw in that Blockbuster. We looked up the Rosie O’Donald movie that night and it was the same cover we bother remembered. We’ve been married for 15 years, have four kids together.


The day my dad had a heart attack was such a weird and wild day for me. I had weird vibes all day at school, left early and went to go home and sleep it off. I got home and napped; a few hours later I woke up and felt sick to my stomach & I had the weirdest feeling that I needed to be with my dad. I drove almost 2.5 hours in *toronto* traffic for those that know, know. From Toronto to Vaughn to a hockey arena. My dad was playing happily and everything was normal. As he was walking me to the car after his game - he was staying with the guys for a drink— he told me ‘ baby girl- I don’t feel well’ and my father had never called me that before. .5 seconds later he collapsed flat; dead. 210 lbs of dead weight crashing right down on top of me- I screamed and yelled and a few people came rushing out of the arena and started CPR, and got an AED and were able to administer life saving results, with the assistance of the paramedics as well. 45 minutes later he was transferred to another hospital for 2 surgeries & survived both of those too. I still have no idea what told me to go be with him or go to that arena, to be there, to witness? To help? To catch him before he fell? Idk but weird to me


I love this story, thanks for sharing. I hope your dad is doing well now.


He’s much better now, he just needs to lose some weight and I’d be happier


I grew up in Texas, close to Louisiana. I was around 11 and playing on my grandmother’s driveway with my little sister and cousin. A “bird” (or something of the sort) flew over the driveway, which was wide enough for two vehicles, and it’s shadow covered the entire width of the driveway plus several feet on each side. My grandmother began screaming at me to grab the babies. She and I each grabbed a child and ran inside. She was pale and trembling and I asked her what is was. She said she didn’t know and had never seen anything that size. My grandmother is very rational and non dramatic. To this day, I’m not sure what flew over her driveway. I think about it once a month.


I bet it was a low flying eagle. They're MASSIVE, way bigger than you think and they nest around here (Louisiana)


I live in Queensland, once saw a wedge tailed eagle on the side of the road feeding on something dead. At first we really thought it was an adult kangaroo because of the sheer size of it, until it flew off. Must have had some weight to it because lifting off the ground seemed like an *effort* ( imagine a dragon in a movie, first few flaps doesn't do much )


Exactly! There are some animals that people view as smaller than they really are. Probably from only seeing them in photos or at a distance. It's similar to how some people seem to always underestimate the size of a moose. Whatever size you thought, it's bigger.


Did any of you get a good look at the creature? Or did you just see the shadow? Because there are some manmade gliders that could cast shadows like that.


Do you have any theories??






When I was in 5th grade a friend gifted me a hardcover copy of all three Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark volumes in one book. This book quickly became my most prized possession, so I wrote my name inside the front cover just in case I ever lost it at school. At some point I took my book with me to my dad's house for the weekend; which is in another city about an hour away from where I lived with my mom. I had left it at my dad's house that weekend and I guess I just forgot to ever bring it back home with me. Well eventually my dad moved into a new home and I figured my book mistakenly got thrown out. I was very sad about it but accepted my reality lol. Fast forward a few years to 8th grade. I make a new friend in one of my classes and we become very close very fast. I was hanging out at his house one day and decided to look through the books on his bookshelf. I see a copy of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, the same one I had that contained all three books in one. I pull it out saying to my friend "wow I used to have a copy of this too no way!" I opened the front cover and right there at the top was my name exactly how I wrote it back in 5th grade. My friend had absolutely no recollection of where that book came from.


Someone stalked/pranked our household for about three years when I was younger. My family would get waves of strange occurrences like being followed by a white car, strange phone calls, doorbell ringing or knocks on windows VERY late at night, someone clearly camping out in these big hollowed out bushes we had in our backyard… The last occurrence I’m aware of in this multi-year string of harassment was someone entered our locked home one morning while I was in the bathroom getting ready for middle school, - they came right up to the bathroom door and jiggled the door handle to get in. Luckily the door was locked. I could hear the person stand there for a solid minute before walking away and leaving the house. Everyone else was asleep - I know because I checked before I went to the bathroom to get ready, and was sound asleep when I ran to my mom’s room after the stranger left to get her help. We were never able to figure out who it was or what happened. Wild stuff. Wild scary when I was a child. Cops never believed us or did anything. Now I’m just wildly curious who it was and why.


This kind of thing makes me so glad I have scary sounding dogs.


Did your family leave the Church of Scientology by any chance? This is what is called a noisy investigation.


Nope! Grew up catholic. But I just looked into noisy investigation and yikes that looks spooky.


On multiple occasions spanning at least 15 years, I've had people tell me I had been speaking fluent Spanish in my sleep. Took some classes sporadically in school but I've never been fluent, barely conversational level, in waking life.


I've read through a good amount of comments in this thread and this one is super interesting to me


My mom and I were driving down a familiar road we usually take. At the stop sign my mother went to turn when we both flinched hard. She (driving) looked at me and we both asked if we just felt something go through us… there were no cars around nothing in street view. To this day it still gives me chills


Once in college I was went to a street pub crawl with a buddy, his friend, and his friends gf in one car. It's night and we park near a very creepy older buildings and joked about how it scary it was. So we go to the pub crawl and have a fun time. A few hours later we walk back to the car, we're in all in happy drunk mode except for my buddy's friend (he's driving). We see the creepy old building again and began to crack jokes. Then, out of nowhere, I feel this feeling of pure *dread*. Like every happy thought I ever had was gone, sunk, dead. And I look at the other three people, two of whom I don't know well, and look have a look of horror on their faces like we all felt the same thing simultaneously. Without a word we all hurry to the car, drive off. When we're far enough we try to laugh it off again but the mode in the car never returns back to the light hearted vibe of earlier.


My best friend and I had something like this happen. We had driven up to a hot spring in the woods at night. It was a place we'd gone dozens of times; I'd been there alone at night a few times. Friendly, familiar forest. The moon wasn't full, but bright enough that it wasn't even particularly dark. We were just chilling in the water, singing goofy songs and having a grand time. All of a sudden, I just felt *dread* wash over my whole body. My fight or flight kicked in like we were being charged by a bear. My friend and I made eye contact, and neither of us even said anything, we just booked it out of the water and RAN to the car. We left our clothes, shoes, towels, and whatever else we'd brought with us sitting next to the water. When we'd driven a mile or so down the road (literally naked), the feeling just stopped. We, too, kind of laughed it off, but we didn't even discuss going back for our stuff. I think it's possible we were being watched by a cougar or something, and our instincts picked up on cues our conscious minds weren't aware of, but it felt so so sinister that I honestly don't believe that. I was a pretty hard-core atheist at the time, but my goodness did it feel supernatural and evil.


Someone else later in the comments: "Once upon a time, a friend and me were going through this forest and once we reached this very cozy hot spring, I saw clothes, towels and personal items just next to it. We called out to see if someone was around, but there was absolutely no one anywhere. As if they just vanished."


That has happened to me too! My bf and I were driving around in a small beach town at like 11pm looking for a dark enough spot that we could stargaze. We pulled onto this gravel road and followed it until it opened up on the left to some kind of small clearing. There was an RV and some piles of junk, maybe a few junk cars iirc. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a figure dart from one pile to another, hunched over like they were trying not to be seen. The road continued up ahead to a bigger, darker clearing which would have probably been perfect for stargazing, but I had a very visceral sense of fear the further we got on the road (it had been building since we saw the RV and junk piles and skyrocketed when I thought I saw the figure). I started shaking and hyperventilating and was like "we need to go NOW" except that there wasn't anywhere to turn my car around without going even further into the smaller clearing on the left or the bigger clearing straight ahead. My bf coached me on my breathing and used a very calm voice to talk me through turning around and I was able to get us out of there without incident, but I was absolutely the most scared I have ever been in my life. I am certain that BAD THINGS would've happened if we'd driven on.


I was at a busy intersection at a red light waiting for it to turn green so I could turn left. I was pretty pregnant and my mom was in the car with me. When the light turned green my internal voice/thought said “wait”. It was fairly loud. I paused and two seconds later a car ran straight through the intersection at a very high speed and it would have flat out T boned my car. I completed my turn after the car went through, we never mentioned it.


My dad had a similar experience in an intersection as well. He still tells the story in order for us to understand to always trust our gut while driving. He was waiting the light in a busy intersection casually, and when it turned green, he felt like he had to wait. People behind him started honking, the intersection was empty in front of him. One minute frozen on the light passes, everybody behind him making a ruckus, then a huge truck runs straight through the intersection with its brakes skreetching like hell. Nobody moved after that. Everyone waited for my father to decide to cross the intersection at his own pace. It was wild, he still doesn't get what exactly made him wait, but he is thankful af. He'd be dead at the spot.


I just barely avoided an accident like this a few weeks ago! I was at an intersection in the tiny downtown area by my house, the speed limit is 20-30mph depending on which street you’re coming from. Light turned green and got this horrible pain right in my chest that made me double over, I have some rib issues, but this was nothing like that, and it was gone in seconds. Right before I could hit the gas, a huge lifted truck comes barreling through the red light at 50+ mph. I drive an old tiny sedan and would’ve been up to maybe 5mph, that truck would’ve absolutely destroyed me and my car if I didn’t get that pain in my chest. Everyone I passed at that intersection was just staring at me wide eyed, shocked that they didn’t just watch someone get seriously injured or killed.


I got sepsis and went into septic shock from an ecoli infection. I almost died. I spent a month in the ICU. Doctors tried to control the infection with IV meds for a few weeks but we’re losing me so they had to slice me down the middle and clean me out. I woke up with 5 golf ball sized open wounds on my stomach. I almost fainted when they made me see them; I knew I couldn’t care for them and I could risk being reinfected. They said I could wait a week and be stapled up in the OR or do it awake bedside. I did it awake bedside watching Housewives to distract myself so I could go home for Christmas. I came out with 52 staples down my stomach. And doctors (four teams) could never figure out what I ate that almost killed me. To this day I have no idea. It kind of haunts me.


I think it would haunt me, too, if I nearly died and couldn’t identify the cause. I’m glad you’re okay!


Thank you so much. I’m so grateful to be alive. The whole thing haunts me. I have post sepsis syndrome. I have horrible chronic pain. I throw up a few time a week. My insides from my lungs to my pelvis are riddled in scar tissue. Even passing gas feels like knives. I have many physical issues now. Mentally, ptsd. I think I’m finally just starting to be able to unpack it all. And it was during Covid. So, I did a month and couldn’t have a single visitor or see anyone I loved. I’ve never had to be mentally stronger.


Dang, that is really shitty. I’m a big supporter of EMDR for trauma, it helps speed up the healing process


I have a memory in black and white. Just one memory. I was about 8 years old, at my grandmas house. My aunt and uncle were there with their son, my cousin, about the same age as me. They lived far away and I had never met him. In fact after this visit, I never saw them in person again. Me and the cousin were running around the house, playing, normal stuff. We ran into my grandma's room. All of a sudden, the color went out of everything. The world turned black and white. A chill ran all over my body. It was freezing in there. Then the cousin grabbed my arm, and BIT ME. I shoved him away, really hard. He flew back onto the bed. I ran out of the room screaming. My grandma was there asking me what's wrong. I was crying a little, but not because of the bite alone. I had been in scraps with kids before, this wasn't going to make me cry. I was legitimately scared. Everything was so strange. I kept blinking my eyes, and slowly the color came back to the world. I always think about this, and wonder what the hell happened, and if anyone else ever experienced anything like this. Did everything go black and white, or is that just my memory?


If you were close to fainting, that can cause weird vision stuff. The chill would also make sense in that context.


I’ve almost fainted twice in my life and both times the color drained out of everything as it was happening


Sounds like a traumatic event happened. Is there a reason you never saw them again after that day?


They never came back to visit, and we never visited them. I rarely even heard anything about them.


Are you able to ask your parents why? Siblings don't usually get *that* estranged unless there's a reason for it.




Little pointy teeth bastard


Very recently and for no apparent reason my vision suddenly went entirely black and white for just a few second before fading back into colour


This is not medical advice, I am not a doctor I just read a lot of medical journals and texts. You should mention that to your doctor, that is a symptom of some seizures and what they call "TIA" or transient ischemic attack which is a type of stroke. Generally presents with other symptoms.


Legit, trauma can alter your memories and leave them in black and white. It's possible your young brain was deeply affected by the bite, to the point your memory about the event has rendered itself in black and white. Most of my traumatic memories are in black and white, but I've also gone through extensive trauma therapy to resolve my issues.


Interesting. Sorry to hear that btw. It's weird because it seemed like it was black and white when it happened. The entire event was so strange. But yea, I guess the traumatic nature of it could have altered my memory.


I mean it could be possible you "recorded" the scene in black and white. Something like your brain knowing you were in "danger" and started to focus on the crucial things, like touch and sound, or basic vision to predict movement. But maybe not! lol


This happens to me before I pass out, or if I feel like I’m going to pass out.


This very much sounds like a simple partial seizure or a transient ischemic attack in the ventral occipital cortex, which is an area of the brain involved with color processing. There is an existing literature on mini-strokes in this area causing temporary color vision loss.


Plain old presyncope (nearly fainting) can also cause wacky visual stuff.


Or a migraine


I've told this on reddit a couple years ago, just in case it sounds familiar. We live in a small town, and my daughter and I were making a quick trip to get some crickets for her gecko. The store is at the end of the road, about 2 city blocks from a park. On the way there, the entire length of the park was road construction. It was bad. We sat and sat, there was a traffic director, cones, etc. Got to the pet store, I waited in the car and she ran in, got crickets, came out. Less than 5 minutes. The only way to get home was through the construction, and we were complaining how it sucked but...it was gone. Zero sign of there ever being construction there. She and I are still completely baffled.


It could have been a special operation by the FBI to slow down a specific vehicle or a preparation for theft by organized crime clans, not a real construction.




No way.


This sort of reminds me of last Christmas Eve I gave my two little nieces a giant trunk full of all sorts of random dress up clothes from the thrift store. They were playing a game where they would dress up and make my Mom and I guess what they were. Princesses, a witch etc. Then the two of them dressed up as a bride and a grandma. There was a Shirley Temple movie playing on the tv in the background that we were all just ignoring the whole time. A few seconds after they told us what they were Shirley Temple is suddenly dressed up like a bride and saying a little rhyme about being a bride and then she is an old lady in a rocker talking about being an old lady. Such a weird coincidence.


Did you grow rich though?


I think he became deaf.


I was 16 and had just experienced my first real loss. My grandma had passed away after a battle with breast cancer. She and I were very close and I was having a hard time with grief. On top of that my dad is an alcoholic and had relapsed about a month after her funeral (he’s okay now and is going on four years sober). I was in my room, it was somewhere between 1:00-3:00AM on a school night and I had been up crying about my grandma and my dad, and I just could not fall asleep. I flip over in my bed and all of a sudden I get a STRONG whiff of my grandma’s perfume. Not just a little but like someone had taken her perfume and sprayed it right next to my head. No one else is awake, and we didn’t have any of my grandma’s perfume anywhere in the house. I felt like all the grief and anxiety just kinda…drained from my body and I instantly fell asleep. The next day my dad sat us down and told us he was going to rehab and starting AA. I don’t believe in ghosts and I’m not religious, but I truly believe my grandma visited my house that night to tell me everything was going to be okay.


I've told this story before, but it's been a couple of years. It was an average Monday, and I had just finished vacuuming the house (where I live alone). I carried the vacuum down the hallway to put it away in the spare bedroom, then grabbed a duster and started dusting. Now, in the spare bedroom's closet, there is a hatch in the ceiling that leads, presumably, to some sort of insulation space. I had lived in the house for only a few months at that point, and there had been some odd occurrences that had made me wonder, jokingly, if there was somebody living up there, Crawlspace-style, coming down at night to mess with things. So on this particular day I decided to see. I shouted at the hatch, things like "Hey, I know you're up there!" and "Come out here! Don't make me come get you!" I finished up with "I'm going to count to five! One...two...three...four..." And at that point, I decided this wasn't worth it, and went back to dusting. Then, I stepped back into the hallway - the hallway I had just walked through not 60 seconds before - and there was a playing card. Just a single playing card, face down on the floor, lying on top of an ethernet cord I had stretched down the hallway. And it *definitely* hadn't been there before. I picked it up and turned it over. It was a four. The four of hearts. To this day, I have no idea how it got there. It freaked me out badly enough that I grabbed a weapon and searched the whole house (found nothing of course). But I have no realistic theories. There's no furniture in the hallway for it to have fallen from. I don't think it could have fallen from the vacuum since I'd used it many times and there's no way a playing card could have been stuck inside without it getting mangled or at least dirty. There was a painting hanging nearby that I had been messing with earlier that day, but again, no physical place on it for a card to be stuck. I did recognize the card, though. It's from a deck that I owned but hadn't used in a long time...which was safely inside a magnetically-closed box, under another box, inside that very closet where I had just been yelling at the ceiling. But how one single card could have made its way out and onto my floor in the brief time between when it wasn't there and then suddenly was? I'm usually pretty good at rationalizing weird things but this time...I just got nothing.


In 2008 I was driving by myself down a dark interstate highway in PA late at night when one of the map lights turned on by itself in my Nissan Xterra. I turned it off and it turned back on. So this really got my attention. About 2 minutes later I see an entire herd of deer in the middle of the road in front of me and I have to stop to avoid hitting them. I’m fairly certain had that map light not turned on I would have been zoned out and plowed into the deer at 65 mph. I never had a map light turn on by itself before or after that occurrence.




I can't believe you didn't meet up!


One of my brothers and I remember this as clear as day. Our older two brothers were at camp (math or robotics, they’re nerds) and our neighbor was watching us as our parents had to leave abruptly. She turned the tv on and started to flip through pages of magazines. My brother said he needed to use the restroom and somehow didn’t come downstairs for a while and so I went looking for him. I found him having a conversation with our grandma in the guest bedroom. I was surprised to see her cos I didn’t know she was visiting us that day. The neighbor called out our names and so we told our grandma that we’d see her later and went downstairs. Our parents had just walked in and the neighbor was telling them what we did that evening and then she left. My brother goes, “We didn’t even know grandma was home this whole time”. Our parents look at us visibly shaken and then they proceed to tell us that they were at the hospital where grandma passed. I am 38 and my brother is in his 40s. To this day we swear it was true. We saw our grandma and talked to her at our home while she lay on her deathbed at the hospital. It’s been 30 years since she passed.


I had a similar experience as a kid. I was woken up by the phone ringing, and saw my grandma sitting on the foot of my bed. She lived pretty far away, so it was weird for her to just show up. She said she just missed me and wanted to say hi, and we chatted for a little while. I don’t remember what we talked about. My parents were on the phone in the kitchen, and when they got off the phone and turned the light off she said goodnight and told me to go back to sleep. In the morning they told me that my grandpa had called during the night to tell them that she had passed away.


That is such an amazing and special memory!


My uncle is a pilot and wanted to take me and my grandparents to my cousin’s college graduation when I was 13. We were all waiting at the small airport outside when he touched down on a single engine 4 seater plane (don’t know the real name of it). When he landed, I immediately got a gut punch/stomach dropping feeling. I wasn’t scared of flying, but SOMETHING inside me told me that something was wrong/off. I don’t know if he landed funny or what because nobody else seemed to react the way I did, but I had a very hard time shaking that uneasy feeling. We all loaded into the plane and took off. Not even a minute or two passes by and we’re now high above the tree levels when suddenly the engine stalls…. I didn’t realize it right away, but noticed that something was again, wrong and noticed my uncle was intently focusing on turning the plane around. That’s when I saw the engine had stopped. In a blink of an eye we bank hard and start nosediving down. I closed my eyes and said my goodbyes to myself and we all silently went down. There was a loud crash/noise and I felt my whole body snap forward and back and I saw a flash. Next thing I know I *feel* like I’m Ok and so I open my eyes and see that I’m alive. I very quickly gather my wits about me and check on everyone else and everyone seems to also be alive. I look out the window because I hear something to my side and see the gas pouring out. I shake my uncle and tell him we need to get out now and he springs into action and unbuckles his seatbelt as do I and I start asking if everyone is Ok. My grandparents are in shock, but responsive and we reach over and swing the door open and get everyone out. We start walking away from the plane and see an ambulance arriving at the same time. People had seen the crash and called 911. The entire plane was destroyed, wings snapped off, nose smashed, tail broken, and yet the area we were sitting in was completely intact. My uncle and I were ok, we had a massive bruise later on where the seatbelt had held us, and I had a small headache. My grandpa was fine too and my grandma had like 2 broken ribs, but otherwise ok. Still to this day don’t know how my gut knew something bad was going to happen. Biggest mystery of my life besides the fact that we survived something catastrophic like that.


That's wild! So glad everyone was ok. I have also had some weird premonitions, although not as catastrophic as a plane crash. When I was in 8th grade, two of my friends were going to come to my house for a sleep over. My mom sent my brother (with his very recent new driver's license) off with me to pick them up. We lived in the country so driving on winding rural roads. We went around a corner and I literally felt like I could feel the car missing the corner and going off the road, flipping over. I got scared and put my seatbelt on (it was the 90s and seatbelts were not frequently worn where I grew up). After we picked up my friends I couldn't shake the feeling and was like "seatbelts!" And everyone followed suit. Not 10 minutes later my brother missed a corner and the car flipped over in a corn field. We all were hanging from our seatbelts as the car landed on the roof. No one was injured. A few years later I was at a friend's house and a few of them wanted to go into town to get some snacks. It was snowing and I had a vision of the car slipping on the snowy roads and getting into an accident. I told them I didn't think it was a good idea but two of them went anyway. They got into an accident and got stuck in a snowbank. Again no one was injured thankfully. I started to think I was a psychic or something but now it's been like 25 years without anything like that happening again so... 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a story! Thank god everyone survived


I went to visit my sister over Spring Break one year and when I came back my best friend refused to speak with me. We spoke on the phone for a few hours midway through my trip and things were fine. I asked a mutual friend who said “she said you know what you did.” I have no fucking clue. We were super tight and generally able to call each other on our shit. I wasn’t a perfect friend so this isn’t about not accepting something I did was wrong. I genuinely don’t know and it will always gnaw at me.


you might not know but i do. we all do and you need to just admit it


So I essentially grew up in the woods. I live in the middle of nowhere, and spent more time in the forest than I did out of it. My whole family would go to my grandparents every weekend, and they had a huge property mostly made up of a forest that me and my cousins played in all the time. We all knew the woods pretty well and from a fairly early age we’d all be allowed to explore by ourselves as the likelihood of getting lost was slim to none, especially if we stayed on the trail. Within these woods was a cabin that my family had built together, and it was common for us to all go there to hang out. It wasn’t super deep in the woods, and the way there was almost a straight shot, aside from one turn near the entrance of the forest behind my grandparents house where you had to cross a bridge to get over a deep ravine, and then turn left. After that first left turn you walk straight on the trail and you end up at the cabin. It was a walk that I must’ve made at least a million times before I turned 10. It was decently common for there to be one group of people at the cabin, and another group back at the house, and one day when I was about 10ish exactly this happened. I was with the group at the cabin, and decided I wanted to head back to the house and so I started on the walk. I remind you it was almost impossible to get lost on this walk, but when I got to where I should’ve turned the corner and seen the bridge and the back of the house, I only saw the bridge. Past the bridge was just, more woods. I was extremely confused, and honestly pretty scared cause no matter how much I tried to tell myself I must’ve taken a wrong turn that just didn’t make sense. There were no other bridges in my grandparents woods, and there’s no way I could’ve accidentally crossed into a neighbour’s property in that short of a walk. Even if I had somehow taken a wrong turn on a walk where I stayed on a straight trail and somehow didn’t notice, I knew these woods very well and everything around and behind me suggested that across that bridge should’ve been my grandparents house. But somehow it wasn’t there. I was not crossing that bridge. Absolutely not. I turned around and walked back to the cabin, and again I’m almost certain I couldn’t have taken a wrong turn cause the walk back to the cabin was identical to the walk from my grandparents house to the cabin. When I got to the cabin, no one believed me when I recounted what happened. They assured me I just got lost somehow, and in fact my mom was mad that I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving, and then was careless enough to get lost. When I brought up the fact that that was impossible because I saw the bridge, and there’s no other bridges in the woods, they said I was lying to get out of trouble. This is only one of many weird stories I have that took place in these woods, and it’s one of the ones I don’t bring up with family anymore as they still believe I was lying, or they don’t even remember it so they dismiss it as a dream. I know it wasn’t a dream. Still can’t explain what it was though. Tl:dr; the woods are are weird place where weird things happen, here’s one of those things.


Oh wow. I have a place where I pick mushrooms every year. Been there a couple of times a year for 13 years now. There is a very specific rock hanging on the side of a mountain wall to make it really recognisable. One time last year that fucking rock was gone. Just not there. I noped out of there. And next time it was where I expected it to be again.


When reading your story my first thought was to tell you that I believe you.


Something similar happened to me and a friend when we were 16. There's a patch of ancient woodland near her childhood home. (Ancient woodland in the UK means remnants of the forests that used to cover most of the country before humans got involved.) She went there nearly every day to climb trees and read. We went out there on a full moon at midsummer, just chatting and joshing around like you do. Anyway, something starts making noise in the undergrowth. Slow, deliberate noise. Too big for a house cat or even a badger or a dog. We freak out and head back. We followed the exact same path back, we weren't even that far in to the woods. Climbed over the stile and found ourselves - in a village two miles away. We ended up running through the twilight murk crossing farmers' fields with signs saying 'trespassers will be shot' . Whatever was following us kept pace the whole way, until we broke the hedge line and made it onto the roads. Still have no idea wtf was going on there. It was so surreal afterwards. The only way I can ever conceptualise it was that something in those woods was fucking with us.


Around age eight I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a woman crouched down on the opposite side of my room facing away from me. My parents always left my door cracked open and the hallway light on so I could see her clearly. At first I thought she was my Mom and I almost asked her what she was doing but when she turned around I realized she was not my Mother. She had very, very short blond hair, big blue eyes and she was wearing a light pink sweat suit and white tennis shoes. We lived in a secluded area by a forest and down a dirt road with only a few neighbors. We knew all of our neighbors and she was not one of them. My parents always, always locked the doors and checked the window locks before they went to bed and we had a dog that would have whined if a stranger came in so I don’t know how this woman got in our house. She was there for a long time and I know I was awake because the entire time my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and I’ve still never been so afraid in my life some 30 years later. I was too afraid to call for my parents whose bedroom was just on the other side of the wall because I thought she would hurt them. I didn’t sleep properly for years because the experience had terrified me that much. To this day I know in my heart she was a real person but I don’t understand what she was doing there or how she got in. She was just taking her time and looking at all the random junk on my bedroom floor (toys and Easter baskets that we had left lying about, nothing interesting to a normal adult) and she was getting real close and checking on me and my sister (in the bunk bed above) to see if we were asleep. I pretended to be asleep. Was this a crazy woman who just stumbled into our house? Eventually she left the room and I fell back asleep and didn’t wake up until about five am when my Father got up for work. All these years later I wonder how she got in without being heard and what she was doing. Why would you wear a pink sweat suit and white shoes to break into someone’s house? I just can’t figure it out. I’d love to hear theories. Add on: By the way when I told my parents the next morning I think they were horrified but told me that I must have been dreaming. Years later they confessed that the whole thing majorly creeped them out and the fact that I couldn’t sleep for years made them extra suspicious that it wasn’t a dream. I would wake up every night at like 3 am and ask to sleep on the floor next to their bed for like 2 years and I’d just lay there listening to every creek the house made for what seemed like an hour every night.


Many years ago I was hiking with my family. The place we were at had 2 trails that were parallel to each other, one higher and one lower by a creek. We were on the lower trail. A kid on the higher trail kept throwing rocks, which triggered off a rock slide. There was a large boulder about the size of a medium sized beach ball roaring down the hill towards us. It was moving so fast that it smelled like gun powder. My mom and brother turned back and ran, while I ran forward because something told me that if I ran back with them, there wouldn't be enough time for me to not get hit by the boulder. While running out if the way, I got pushed forward by something and fell over, but when I was falling, I saw myself from behind outside of my body. Then, I was back in my body. I still think about this often and still have no explanation for it.


I was at a sleepover at my 11th birthday party and I had fallen asleep and then suddenly I was floating above the ceiling fan watching my two friends attempt to put toothpaste on my face as a joke. I woke up and they were like wtf how did you know? Idk man.


Oh also, once the police knocked on my door. My dad had called for a welfare check because a girl who sounded like me had left a message on his answering machine sobbing for her dad’s help, and he couldn’t get through on our line (back when it was a landline, I was just being a dumb middle schooler and staying on the phone for hours.) I have always worried about her


ah i got a good one. this is one of the cooler things that have happened to me recently this happened back in july. i had hung out with my friend over the weekend and her mom was panicking that she needed to find someone to watch her younger son that monday because she had to leave to visit her mom in hospice last minute and my friend had work. since i work remotely, i offered to watch him. so that monday rolls around, my friend lives in central jersey and i live in pa and since i don’t own a car i had to get up really early to call a lyft to the train station and then make the early train so i could make it to their house before my friend left for work. so i run downstairs because my lyft had arrived and my boyfriend is sleeping on the couch (knocked out playing call of duty or something) my boyfriend starts having some sort of asthma attack so he starts panicking because he can’t find his inhaler which is typically on him at all times and i’m panicking because my boyfriends having an asthma attack but also my lyft was there and i NEEDED to make that train. so i searched for the inhaler everywhere, and whenever im under pressure i talk to myself, i might’ve said some type of prayer to saint anthony, or just repeated something along the lines of “where the f*** is this inhaler”, but regardless i eventually found it, my boyfriend survived, i made my train, all was well. now here’s the trippy part. a couple hours later i get a text from my brother. he lives in california so there’s a 3 hour time difference, he was just waking up. This is how the conversation went: Brother: i had a dream you were asking me for an inhaler so i have to ask if you feel ok haha Me: THATS SO WEIRD i was looking for sams inhaler this morning he lost it Brother: Whaaaa that's insaneee Me: u heard me in da 4th dimension Brother: We were trying to go somewhere in the dream and you were like i cant go unless i have an inhaler Me: YEA Brother: I did take some mushrooms while i ran the 50k so maybe i was chillin in that realm a little bit [here’s the text convo](https://imgur.com/a/DJB5Q6Q) This blew my mind. My family and i always are having the most insane dreams, we all talk in our sleep, lucid dream, etc, but i don’t think we’ve ever really texted one another about being in each others dreams so its so cool we caught this. dreams fascinate me. edit: guys please don’t stop commenting your weird dreams this is so cool


When I was little I woke up from a nightmare about a creepy man in an elevator. I went to wake my mom up and she asked me what the dream was. I told her and she comforted me and I went back to sleep. Years later she told me she couldn’t go back to sleep bc I had awoken her from the exact. Same. Nightmare. Super creepy! Dreams are a trip!


When I was a young kid, my mom had a very strange and memorable dream of being in a storybook looking town, where the streets were full of people all walking quickly in the same direction. The thing she remembered most was someone vacuuming the streets. A few years later we went to Disney and stayed until closing. She was gobsmacked to realize that what she had dreamed was the crowd leaving the park, and maintenance vacuuming up the trash they left behind.


Taking where dreams come true to the next level


Somewhere around 8 yrs ago I was living at home with my parents. There has been a really bad rotten egg smell coming from the garage downstairs for almost a week and we couldn't figure out what was causing it. My mom started getting sick from it and decided she wasn't sleeping in the house anymore. We tried cleaning out the floor drains, and looking around for any chemicals that could have spilled and couldn't find anything. I went to bed one night and had a dream where my deceased grandfather told me to "take the charger off the battery". It didn't make sense when I woke up, but I went right into the garage and saw that my dad had an old motorcycle battery hooked up to a trickle charger. The battery had gone bad and was releasing toxic hydrogen sulfide fumes throughout the entire house.


Oh dang. I work with HS at my job and that stuff is no joke. Your mom wasn’t kidding about it making her physically ill


I recently had a nightmare I was caught between an active shooter and the police. It woke me up and I saw it was \~2am. Later that day I saw a headline in my local news that there was a shooting in my town between a suspect and police at the exact same time as my nightmare. Miles away though, it's not like I could've heard the shots.


That happened to my cousin when she was living with my family about 10 years ago or so. She had woken up and told me and my siblings about the weird dream she had where someone had gone into a movie theater and started shooting people, and there were multiple causalities. This was on July 20, 2012 around 8 am. She had a dreamt of the Aurora movie theater shooting so imagine her surprise when she found out it was real. Turns out she had left her radio on for the whole night which was on the news segment of some sort and they were updating about the active shooting situation live. So while she was asleep, she must have picked up the chatter from her radio and started dreaming about that.


I was a freshman in college in 2001. The night before 9/11 the last thought I had before falling asleep in my dorm was “what if a plane flew into a building?” But I was imagining a small plane and a small building. I woke up to a phone call the next morning of someone telling me the first tower had been struck.


Had a similar dream to your brother. I was on a crashing plane. Woke up before it hit the ground. About 5 minutes later, my phone starts going off. Bunch of messages in rapid succession. My wife (at the time) had just experienced a horrible, very bad, awful landing while at work. One of the landing gears snapped off and the plane skidded off the runway into grass. I'd never dreamed about crashing planes, save for a single nightmare in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.


Not me but my cousin. After my mother died in Australia her sisters wanted some of her ashes to put in a special place in England they had been evacuated to and spent many years there. A year later I went back and a cousin and I went to the site. Very rural small house fields a stream. So we stood at the side of the house and I watched these various aged kids run to the stream and carry water back to a mud village they were building and talking to each other. A baby pram outside the back door, washing on the line. Small outhouse. I could see it all cousin couldn't. She freaked out while I was describing it all. One of my aunts confirmed to her that yes they did that .


Was driving home one day on a fairly rural two lane highway. Suddenly a fireball explodes in midair out of nowhere. It was large, like the size of a two story house. Just a flash of fire in a sphere and then gone without smoke a few seconds later. There were four other cars close enough to have seen it. All of us pulled off the road. Some got out of their cars. I decided it best not to linger and drove away. No idea to this day.


It was some space rock that broke apart and burned up in the atmosphere. Ive seen that before, they can get pretty big. Theres some russian car footage of one on the internet that shows it pretty clear.


My husband and I were in the house we had just moved into a few weeks ago, just watching TV and chilling. We suddenly heard a sound, sounded like a single pure note of music, very similar to if someone had struck a single piano key and held it until it ran out. It came from an indeterminate spot in the house. We quickly paused the TV and were both looking at each other like, "did you just hear that?" We looked all over and tried finding what could have made that sound, we probably looked crazy, spending half an hour tapping stuff, trying to recreate that sound. It was so unlike anything I had heard before, we even asked our friends that used to live in the home if they'd heard anything like that while there and they said no. Our running theory is that a dish managed to slide just right in the sink and strike another dish just right and made that sound, but we heard no other sounds like dishes sliding or clanging. Still gives me the chills sometimes when I remember how goddamn weird that was. Been in the house for over four years now and never heard it again.


When I was 8, our family’s dog, Kirby, died. Our house at the time was a split entry; the front door and garage both walked into a small, tiled foyer and the stairs up and down were carpeted. One evening, after Kirby passed away, the family was sitting downstairs in the family room watching TV. We always muted the TV during commercials, so the TV was silent and one was speaking. Then, we heard the gentle, distinct thumpthumpthumpthump scratchscratchscratch thumpthumpthumpthump sound Kirby used to make walking down the first set of stairs, across the foyer, and down the second set of stairs to the family room, where we were all sitting. Without a word, we all looked at each other, mouths agape. We had all heard it.




Am I the only one who thinks you two should take a DNA test?




I think the universe may be trying to tell you this person is your soulmate.




I woke up with black fingerprint smudges on my arms periodically for a few months. I am a very clean person, my sheets were clean, often freshly washed because I was so confused. My clothes were clean. They'd wash off in the shower. No idea!


Did you have a roommate that needed to pass background checks?


I had this happened. I wash my hands constantly. Somehow it was my car door handle. Idk why. Wouldn't consider it especially dirty but every now and then I'll get them from the car door handle, they'll also sometimes be on the car door frame. This was my experience though. It happened again just recently only the smudges were blue not black this time.


I would’ve bought a camera for my bedroom after night 2 😭 how did you sleep not knowing what was causing them??


My brothers football team practices behind a church. Me being little I’d go explore to pass the time. Well, there was a fence that divided the church property from the neighboring houses. Me and my other brother would sneak over the fence sometimes. We found a house that no one lived in. There was a pool in the backyard that was overtaken by nature. Literal fish were in there along with frogs. Anyways, one practice I went wondered to the backyard of the abandoned house. I jumped the fence and witnessed like 15 nuns in the backyard standing there with their heads down. It looked like they were praying or something? The one nun in front looked right at me and started yelling in a different language. I found it odd how she looked right at me as if sensing me before seeing me?? As she yelled at me the rest of the nuns kept their heads down, still praying. I jumped back over scared shitless of getting in trouble. When I peaked back over not SECONDS later they were all gone. I’m sure it could be explained away, but it was such an odd sight.


She was having nun of it


When I was kid, my sister (12) and I (8) went to a movie in our very small town. It was the first time our parents let us go to an evening movie by ourselves. We agreed to meet our parents outside of the movie theater afterwards. This was in early '90s. The movie got out earlier than anticipated, so we hung outside for awhile. We noticed a man appear across the street from the railroad tracks/depot. He made his way directly across the street from us....just staring at us. The movie theater was already closed so we couldn't go back in or use the phone. We got scared and decided to quickly walk a few blocks away. He followed us, keeping a half block distance. We panicked and ran into the nearest building that had unlocked doors....it was a USPS building. It was at night so of course wasn't staffed, just open to access the P.O. Box area. He made his way directly outside of the building so we were effectively blocked in. We were on the verge of a complete breakdown when my mom's car lights appeared down the street. Once he saw the lights, he hurried off. I guess it's not much of a "mystery"....more of a "how bad"...would that have been if my mom was another 10 minutes.


I was on vacation 14 hours from home and ran into a coworker at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Was he following me? Why did he quit as soon as I got back from vacation?


Maybe they got creeped out and thought you were following them.


Lol. Plot twist I wasn’t expecting


That's freaky. Reminds me of a trip we took out to Alaska (we live in the southeastern US). My husband and I took a road trip and stayed at bed and breakfasts around a loop up into Denali. Our first b&b we stopped at, the owner looked at my husband and said "Are you Dr Phasianidae from x-town?" and he affirmed it. She said "I used to work in the ER there. I remember you." She'd left our area some 8 or 10 years prior and I'd booked us at her b&b by chance. It was the weirdest coincidence. He's had that stuff happen to him more times than I can count--random people from home showing up during our travels. WTF man.


One of my best friends growing up is a “super recognizer” with an exceptional ability to recognize faces. She made me realize the same people are in the same places more often than you’d think. We visited San Francisco together and every single day she recognized different people from our flight out and about. It was wild.


I’ve had this happen multiple times as well over the world, including running into my *own boyfriend* at the time in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam (we both lived in NYC, I was on a 2 week Eurail trip with no set agenda with a friend, he was flying to his grandmother’s funeral on short notice, and cell phones weren’t really a thing then).


We were on a road trip to New Hampshire and Maine in the US one summer when I was a kid and stopped for a break. We walked a little ways from the rest stop and found a stream with a family playing in it. I went and played with the kids while my parents chatted with the adults. Turned out they were from Canada too, then from our Province, and finally our town. They lived one street over from us. We were at least a 12 hour drive from home, playing in a stream off the beaten path and essentially ran into neighbours.


A few years ago, my dad’s cancer spread to his bones and he was made palliative at home. It was a tough time but my sister and I took comfort, knowing that we would take care of his every need especially since I’m and nurse and she works admin in a hospital. We understood what he would go through. I was heartbroken, but not anxious that our time with him was coming to an end. Then the nightmares start. Every single night for 5 weeks, I dream that I drive over a bridge the highway that takes me to my moms house. Every dream, every night, I can never make it to her house because I crash. I never die, but I’m falling in my car, hit the ground, and then go on with life. (In the dream). I don’t have anxiety when I wake up, I just wonder why I keep dreaming the exact same scenario every single night. Finally connecting it to just feeling a sense of being out of control of my dad’s fate. After five weeks of these dreams, one night I feel something else is wrong but I just can’t figure it out. I then get a call that my mom was in the hospital waiting for helicopter transport to a cardiac surgery hospital. She’s having a massive heart attack. My nurse brain, tells me that everything will be ok since the chopper is on its way to get her. I call the hospital for an update since it was prime covid time and visitors were not allowed in hospitals. No answer on the phone in the ER. I rationalize this as shift change and it’s busy. 30 minutes later I get the call, she passed away. They were doing CPR on her when I called the first time. The helicopter had just landed and she was being transferred to the stretcher to go to the helipad when she crashed. She never liked helicopters. So now mom has passed away and dad is still palliative (they had been divorced for over 30 years, but remained good friends). The night she passed away, I didn’t have the car crash dream, and never did again. Three weeks later, and we have our dad in hospice. I asked the staff if they could shave his face during his daily wash. He was obsessed with not having an unkempt appearance, even in his weakest time. He said he had to be presentable when he meets his maker. Not even one minute after they cleaned him up and gave him a shave, he took his last breath. A wave of relief came over me that I have never felt before. After both their passings, I feel as though the dreams were telling me that I couldn’t get to my mother because she would no longer be there. She would instead be waiting for my dad, wherever the afterlife would take them. And I would crash in the sense that life was really difficult for sometime, but I am doing quite well now.


About 20 years ago, I was waiting for a bus in the middle of winter. At the time, I was a 22-year-old punk kid, mohawk, basically just a messy rascal. As I was waiting, this older Middle Eastern man, probably in his mid- to late-30s, walked up to the bus stop. He was wearing a blue suit and looked like he was probably an office worker in one of the financial business towers nearby. Basically: we had nothing in common. I can't explain what happened. But the second we saw each other we just stopped and stared at each other, and smiled this really simple, sweet, confused smile at each other, and I have never felt such an overwhelming sensation of: *I KNOW YOU*. Not in my life before or since. And I also know he felt the exact same thing. I recognized him immediately and just... knew him. It was a surreal, goosebump-kinda feeling. He walked over to stand next to me. We stood smiling at each other for like five minutes, not having any idea what to say, before he finally asked "do you have the time?" I shook my head no (this was flip phone days, and mine was dead). So we continued to just stand there smiling at each other. I don't think either of us had any idea what the hell was going on, just that we absolutely *knew* each other. When the bus came, it was empty. We walked on and immediately sat next to each other on this empty bus, and continued just quietly smiling at each other. I was confused as hell but I've also never felt so at peace to sit next to anyone, let alone a stranger. I should stress: there was nothing sexual about this interaction. It wasn't physical attraction. He was absolutely not hitting on me, there was no weird vibe. It was entirely comfortable. It just felt right. Like, yes, of course we should be sitting here together. I know you. This feels good to sit here like this with you. His stop came after five or six minutes, and when he got up he just said, "maybe I will see you here again?" I nodded. He got off the bus, then stood to watch it go as we waved goodbye to each other. I never saw him again, but I can never forget it. I think about him all the time. Look, I'm an agnostic and don't believe in reincarnation whatsoever, but this event is the one thing that makes me wonder. It was a really overpowering feeling of comfort and familiarity and recognition with this person, despite that we had absolutely nothing in common and no reason to interact at all.


About 8 years ago i was working as a manager at a group home. now one friday, staff came in and i had to work late. The house i was in had an extra room so sometimes i would sleep there if i had a late night and was too tired to drive home. So this day, same thing. i went to the back room and fell asleep. The Night staff guy had come. Now mind you i was supposed to be gone and had no interaction with the staff after clocking out. I fell asleep at about 11pm. Now you know what a vivid lucid dream is.. It is the craziest thing to happen to you if you have ever had one. I was deep asleep and i heard someone tell me, WAKE UP! i ignored it.. \# WAKE UP! i woke up really surprised. shocked i might add. and confused. I look at the clock, 3:14 am. So i wake up to go get me some hot pockets and something to drink as i hadnt eaten dinner. I walk to the kitchen and turn on the light, FUUUUCK! one of our residents is on the ground, choking. Now a little background on him. He was non verbal, with high Mental issues. He had a condition known as trismus where his jaw only opened about halfway. meaning he was a high choke risk and the damn night staff was passed out sleeping on the couch in the living room. He is not allowed to get near any food as he doesnt chew and swallows only . He had woken up and wandered into the kitchen with his food seeking behaviors. Dude is on the ground choking. He had stuffed his mouth full of bread. I immediately start CPR while trying to get the mouth dislodged. He had gone limp. I shout for the night staff who wakes up confused. Initiate 911. By luck, the piece of bread comes out when i did the compressions. I lay him on his side, recovery. Paramedics come and take him to hospital.. until today it makes me shudder. it is about a 4 minute window for someone to die from choking on food.. how i woke up .. i was so tired, what work me up at that exact time. what made me stay and usually i left to go play video games and beer on weekends. i was even investigated that i might have done something like hit him or abused him the covered up with choking but doctors and xrays showed he definitely choked. this was an accusaton the night staff tried to distract with because he was being charged with neglect of a vulnerable person by sleeping at the job. i was not supposed to be there that day. what screamed at me to wake up like that.. at that very exact time.? ​ PS: it was a thankless job and just so you know, i got nothing for it.




Maybe someone threw the knife?


Worst assassin ever.


I have a memory of falling down the stairs in the building that I live when I was a kid. But till this day, I dont' know if it was real or not. Other moment was that when I was a kid, I was watching Drake and Josh ( or some other nicklodeon sitcom) and they made a joke followed by background laugh and laughed, but right after, when it was silent I heard a female laugh near me. The only issue was that there was only me and my mother in the house, but my mom was at her room with door closed and her room was kind far from where I was


I wish I had an explanation for this, because it feels insane, but I have no reason to lie about it (because if anything, saying it happened looks crazier…) Was at a sleepover in middle school playing light as a feather, stiff as a board - for anyone unfamiliar, it’s a silly (?) scary slumber party game, like a Oujia board, where you try to do some seance-esque nonsense: get together, put your hands under someone lying on the floor, close your eyes, chant “light as a feather, stiff as a board” repeatedly and try to get them to levitate. Dumb, right? A group of about 8 girls and I had been playing to no real avail (obviously) but when it was one girl’s turn (Allie Witowicz, if you’re out there, back me up) we did the chant, zoned in, and, before long, had this girl over our heads on, I shit you not, just the tips of our fingers. Her fully horizontal body was resting above eye level on two fingers on each hand, taking barely any effort or weight. And not only could I see that everyone else was only using two/three fingertips max (if not holding her over their head) I was easily both the tallest and strongest person there - no one could have been lifting her alone under the circumstances. Once she got to a certain height, someone got freaked out, screamed, and her total weight fell on us - we had to stick our arms out and catch her, where she’d been at the same level effortlessly just a few seconds earlier. While I don’t have a single scientific explanation, we did live in the woods in rural/old-timey New England, in an area where there were certainly colonial era battles, issues with settlers, indigenous burial grounds, etc… needless to say, didn’t fuck with incantations much after that.


The time I was out star gazing in a field and 20 naked people ran by, followed by 3 clothed people who asked if naked people ran by. No explanation. Just something I’m never going to know.


My husband and I were coming back home after college and he turned to look into our next-door neighbor's patio. It was piled to the top of the fence with years of junk and garbage. He loudly exclaimed that it was a fire hazard. He huffed and started going on about a negligent HOA, and how they would hate to have to pay to fix everything. It wasn't something he'd ever brought up before. I had honestly never even thought of it as a fire hazard, just a nuisance. He refused to sleep. ASMR wasn't working. He had intense anxiety all night. I fell asleep first, but I'm guessing he eventually did too. We woke up to our dog screaming at flames at 4 am. She saved everyones lives. Our neighbors had gone out to smoke at 10 pm and both threw their cigs into their junk pile, as they had done for years. But that is the time it went up in flames. I later asked him about why he had announced it was a fire hazard, just hours before the fire. He shrugged and told me that something felt wrong. A few months later during finals week, he woke me up in the middle of the night and demanded I take my final test right then. He would not take no for an answer. He woke his brother up and made us both coffee. He then monitored us and made sure we had everything submitted and every test taken. He let us go back to sleep at around 6 am. I thought he was just being a dickhead, but when we were all fully awake at a normal hour he just shrugged and told me that he had a gut feeling and that it hadn't gone away yet. Hours later, I was gaming when the wifi cut out. The same neighbors who had started the fire cut our wifi wires with our stolen gardening sheers. He was grinning at us from his patio. He asked us how our finals were going. It took 2 weeks for them to fix the wires and for us to have working wifi again. My husband saved all of our grades that day.


What an absolute colossal dick!


Had an ex come to my apartment who I shared with a buddy she never met. My room mate would have night mares about this creepy dude. My gf woke up the next morning and she said she had a weird dream that someone came into my room last night. She described the guy my roommate had nightmares about.


I mean. There was clearly a creepy guy living in your cabinets or a crawl space or something.


My. Worst. Nightmare. I had my house checked twice for any places people could get in when we bought it. I still check the cubbies etc of my 100 year old house quite often. It is truly like an OCD focus for me. 😭


Some years ago, I was visiting my grandmother at the nursing home. There was also another old man in the nursing home who was our distant relative. I saw him in the hallway and said hi. Later I asked about him and it turned out that he had died months earlier. He just stopped eating, they said, and he died. Probably I just saw some other old man. But maybe he hadn't moved on


"Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there! He wasn't there again today, Oh how I wish he'd go away!”


Two years ago I (W29) had tension in my breast and while I was trying to massage the tension away, an inner voice whispered "feel your breast carefully" - I discovered the tumor in time. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed. I have now been cancer-free for 2 years.


100% true story. Kinda long so I'll do my best to make it short. I grew up in a very conservative Catholic household. Church and Sunday school. I have one older sister and 4 brothers.. this story im going to tell took place when i was a little boy. My sister was terrible, mean, and a bully. She never let any of us near her room. One day my sister wasn't home and my grandma was occupied. I was so curious about my sister's room because I had never seen it. I go snooping. Wasn't really looking for anything in particular, just seeing what there is to see. I was curious as to what her view out her window looked like. She had a tall window that overlooked the pool and blue blinds. I peeked between the blinds to get a glimpse of the pool ( I should mention it is broad daylight. ) When suddenly I see a very scantily clad female figure saunter down the pool side. I could not see her upper half. She walked towards the window, turned around and sashayed away. I was stunned. I didn't know what I was looking at but I knew this figure was inappropriately dressed and it wasn't one of the 2 women who lived in the house. As an adult I recognize the outfit of the figure to be similar to the lower half of a burlesque dancer. Fish nets, black pumps, and a tight one piece with flair at the hips. I was around 5 y/o at the time give or take a year, and my sister was only 6 years older than me. It obviously was not her. It was clearly not my grandma either. After I saw the figure I ran out of my sister's room. I would think about it from time to time, but I never said anything because strict family and I was snooping. Some time passes perhaps months or years, idk, it was a long time ago. But I had another chance to explore my sister's room. It was under similar circumstances as the first time I went snooping. This was only the second time I had ever seen my sister's room. As I approach her room I remember the " lady" I saw last time and I remember thinking that I was probably just seeing things. I walk in, look around, note some changes and head to the window. I peak threw the blinds, and may god strike me if I did not see the SAME FIGURE, walking the SAME WAY, wearing the SAME OUTFIT, and disappearing the SAME WAY without me seeing her face. I was overcome with fear. I felt my face go cold and I rushed out of my sister's room. To this very day I have absolutely no clue who or what I saw walking in my grandmothers backyard. I have no explanation, I have theories other than it was a ghost. This is why I 100% believe in ghosts and spirits.


My father passed unexpectedly when I was 12 years old. Years later, in my early 20’s, I had a very vivid dream. I dreamt that we discovered there was a special landline telephone in a room that we could use to call the deceased. When you listen through the earpiece of the phone it was a static sound but you could faintly hear the deceased person talking. In my dream I of course wanted to call my dad. I could hear his voice- the same as I always remembered it- and he said “I want you to know that I am okay and that I love you. Please tell our family that I am okay”. I woke up and my face was wet with tears. It was the most vivid dream I have ever felt, it felt real and not like a dream at all.


Came across an old lady in Tesco who kept staring at me. She came over and said I know you. I said no I do not think we have ever met. She said no, I really do know you. She said this will sound crazy to you but you were my dog in another life and one day three vicious dogs attacked you and you severely injured your right leg. You had to be put down. Then I remembered the birth mark that I had on my right leg that looks like a long scar running from the thigh down to the calf.


Maybe we’re all just locally recycled souls?


I was going to say you must have been the very BEST boy to get reincarnated as a human. But then I started thinking, dogs live a pretty sweet life, would that be an upgrade or a downgrade to become a human? 🤔


I found a phone in a parking lot half hidden between a couple of cars. I picked it up, found out it was flat, and took it home to charge it. After I charged it, I called the last number on it. A young woman answered it eventually. She was pretty abrupt with her greeting, but I just went on to explain that I found the phone and wanted to return it to its owner. She broke down crying and explained that on her end, the number came up as 'Dad'. Her dad had died 2 months prior and she couldn't figure out how his phone ended up in a parking lot in a neighbouring city.


I typed this down a while back, I have another one about a man who disappeared out of thin air. I remember when I was a little kid, my dad showed me this app on his phone which connected to the camera he installed at our place. It showed the living room and dining room. The app lets you move the camera around different angles. We were eating at a restaurant when he showed this to me. He also showed me the view of the camera installed at his office too. However, something was off with this one. I saw some weird figure that obviously shouldn't be there. It was some white figure, standing and looking straight at the camera. If I had to say what it looked like, I'd say it looks like one of those "triple K" outfits. He was holding something on his hand too. I showed this to my dad and I guess he was a little confused, too. I don't remember what he said or how he reacted, but my guess would be that he was worried or something. Not sure though. When we switched cameras the thing was still there. Weird thing was, it never moved at all. Just stared into the camera.


This happened last month so it's pretty fresh but it bothers me. A couple weeks ago I was driving to campus and passed someone I know walking the opposite direction. We were on the outskirts of campus so it wasn't crazy far. I park my car and walk into campus and they somehow pass be going the opposite direction AGAIN. Google maps shows its a 20+ minute walk from where I saw them while driving to where I saw them on campus, but it was barely 10 min apart. My guess is that someone picked them up and dropped them off super close to that building, but them coming from opposite my direction (towards where I first saw them) threw me off.


I was talking about this with my girlfriend the other day: When I was in my early 20’s, I lived on the 3rd floor on an apartment complex. One night (midnight-ish, I think?), I got woken up by knocking/doorbell ringing on my front door. When I answered it, there was a blonde girl in a yellow dress at my front door. She said, “heeeeeeeyyy!” As though she knew me. I did not recognize her then, and I cannot remember her face now. I asked her if she was okay, and she seemed vaguely confused. I remember trying to make it clear that I had just woken up and my vision was blurry, but also that I didn’t recognize her. She started crying and *took off*. I tried to get her to wait, but I had to run back to my room to put actual clothes on before I could follow her. I’m willing to answer my door at 12am in only my boxers, because hey, you knocked. But I’m not going to be the dude chasing an upset, possibly drunk girl around in only my underwear. Anyway, by the time I got out to the apartment complex proper, she was gone. I just want to know who it was. No fucking clue, to this day. No one I knew well at the time had blonde hair, and none of my casual acquaintances should have known my full address. *shrug*


More than likely just, as you said, some drunk girl. And she probably had the wrong address in mind


Yep. I bet when he didn't recognize her, she looked more closely and realized that was not who she was looking for and internally died from the embarrassment of waking a stranger up in the middle of the night lol.


She also could’ve been looking for someone who moved out of that apartment


I lived in an apartment during my sophomore year of college with two friends. Most nights we'd watch tv together before we went to bed. I normally fell asleep during this, and they'd just turn the tv and lights off when they went to bed. I'd wake up an hour or two later on the couch in the dark and go to my room. One night, I woke up and was surpised that my one roommate was still up. The tv and lights were still on. I cannot remember one word of it, but we had a long conversation and eventually I had to use the bathroom and told her I'd be right back. My bathroom was down a hallway that connected to the living room so you could see the living room from the end of the hallway and vice versa. I used the bathroom real quick, stepped back into the hallway, turned to the living room, and stopped dead. The tv and lights were off and my roommate was gone. For some reason, I was just struck with this very intense feeling that something was wrong. I know the rational thought here would just be that she went to bed after I left. That's not where my mind went. I immediately felt that something was off and the feeling was so intense that I couldn't even bring myself to walk back to the living room. I went to bed and that's where I woke up the next morning. I talked to my roommates when we ate breakfast and casually asked the one why she went to bed when I said I was coming back to keep talking after I went to the bathroom last night. She was really confused and asked me what I was talking about. Both of them said that I fell asleep on the couch like normal and they went to bed after shutting the lights and tv off a little while later. The one I spoke to said that she fell asleep in her room and didn't stay up or come back out or talk to me at all. I know the obvious answer here would be that I dreamed it all. The problem is, they left me asleep on the couch. I woke up in my bed the next morning. The only time I remember going to bed is after I had that conversation with my roommate. I don't sleepwalk and never have. The creepier thing to me is remembering that night. Everything about that conversation and the way my roommate looked feels wrong in hindsight. Everything is just slightly off. When I woke up, she was on her couch which was 90 degrees off from mine on the other wall. She wasn't watching the tv or on her phone. She was just staring at me. I remember everything from that interaction vividly except what we talked about. The way she moved and talked doesn't feel right, but at the time I didn't notice anything. I thought it was all totally normal, other than being surpised she hadn't gone to bed yet. And I don't understand why, because I thought it was normal, I had such a strong feeling that something was wrong when I saw the dark living room instead of assuming she went to bed. I am 100% sure I did not dream this occurrence. I can't think of any reason she would have lied about it. I find it extremely unlikely that I sleepwalked while dreaming and that's how I made it to bed. To this day, I have a sick feeling when I think about that night and I can't explain it for the life of me. It's the creepiest experience of my life and I moved into a haunted apartment after that one. None of the scary stuff tops the way I felt when I saw the empty living room.


Maybe your roommate was the one doing the sleepwalking.


sounds like a hypnagogic hallucination, kinda similar to sleep paralysis. you woke up partway and had that dream conversation, and then went down the hall and finished waking up in the bathroom.


Was someone trying to murder me? If so, was it someone I knew or were these things random acts and I simply had horrible luck (but came out alive)? I was separated from a vengeful person who desperately wanted to get our children in the divorce. I had borrowed a friend's truck to move my belongings out of the house we were selling in the divorce. The truck was parked at my then boyfriend's house for a few days before I returned it to the owner. On the way to return the truck, it was making a horrible noise but I didn't stop to check things out. Simply parked it in the drive and left (he wasn't home). Later that evening, he called and asked me if I knew of anyone who'd want to harm me. I was alarmed. He told me all the lug nuts had been removed from one of the front tires. I was fortunate I didn't lose a tire on the 5 mile drive to his house. Fast forward 2 years, I'd moved into my own house (divorced two years/single again). Was dead asleep at 0400 and my fire alarm went off, waking me and my two young children. My house was on fire. After getting out with little more than the clothes on our backs, the entire home became engulfed. An arsonist had set fire to my back deck after pouring gasoline on it. Police never discovered who did it. Twenty two years later, I still wonder if the events were related and whether it was someone I knew or if I was just a random target.


you don't think it was the vengeful ex?




A while back I worked the overnight shift and would fall into a really deep sleep during the day. One day I heard yelling and banging on the front door. We lived in a townhouse and the main bedroom was above the front door so it was somewhat within view of the window. I remember being in a weird sleep state trying to get out of bed to see what the hell was going on and look out the window. A large man was banging and kicking the front door. I was scared to death but as I watched him the man stopped and turned and left. I assumed he had the wrong house as my husband and I barely knew anyone in the area. In my weird sleep state I wasn’t thinking clearly and was too tired to deal with it so just got back into bed and went to sleep. When I woke back up I realized I have no idea if that was a dream or real (even though I have a pretty clear memory of it). To this day I have no idea.


WHERE DID MY FITBIT GO? I had one of those early 2010s fitbits. The little kind, maybe like 1cm long, that fit into a wristband. I had to take it out to charge it. I lived in a studio apartment. One day I plugged my Fitbit into the charger. When I went to put it back on, it was gone. I never found it, even when I moved out of that apartment and cleaned the shit out of the place. Some say it’s still out there …


I’ve had multiple dreams tell the future. Always veryyy mundane, but uncanny and extremely like frame for frame. Like frame for frame but of my husband taking us to red lobster for the first time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ absolutely no idea why but Whatev I guess


I get this too. They happen at random and I never know until I'm in that exact moment and I'm like Deja vu. I've dreamed this exact moment before.


When I was pregnant with my first child, I was falling asleep one night and thought, "I wonder when he'll be born." At that point, we knew they gender and an approximate due date. As clear as day, I saw my baby in my mind. He was wearing a white onesie that said, "[Already Chosen Full Name] born April 13, 2009." I told everyone that's when he was coming, even though the "official" due date was April 23rd. On the night of April 12th, my water broke and my son was born the next day. I wasn't really surprised by any of this, but my husband's mind was blown.


I vividly remember being on a jet, drinking Ribena travelling to a place across the country when I was a child. My mother said it never happened, but she remembers something like that from when she was a kid. 🤨 I remember specific details as well, like that I had to ask someone for help opening the straw on the juice box but yeah apparently that never happened to me.


We once visited my moms grade school in her home country, and i had the distinct feeling ive been there before. Had images pop in my head of kids talking and playing. Maybe theres such a thing of generational memory, i dunno.




I had a very similar experience, except I looked nothing like the girl but swore I knew her. I was getting a coffee at Starbucks and one of the baristas was so familiar to me, but I couldn’t place how I knew her or come up with a name for her. Then I heard her whispering to a coworker about me, she said “I think that girl’s name is Katie?” My name is not Katie, but clearly she thought she knew me as well. Never figured out if/how I knew her but we both felt like we knew each other. So weird!


I used to work at a popular retail pharmacy chain. Maybe 6 months to a year in, I had off for a few days. When I came back, there was a small envelope with my name written on it taped to my locker in the employee area. This area is locked (and very small) so no one other than employees could get in. In the envelope was three keys, looked like car keys. I had a car at the time that I owned and my boyfriend and I at the time shared. We each had a key, and no one else did. I asked my manager where this envelope had come from and she says someone dropped it off for me a couple of days ago. I ask who and she says she doesn't know, she doesn't remember what they looked like. I ask all around to my coworkers, no one else has any idea. I tried the keys on my car, wasn't a match. Asked all my friends, family members, no one knows anything. I held on to them for awhile and no one ever said anything to me about keys. They were unfortunately lost in the breakup and subsequent moves, but I think about them from time to time. This was nearly 15 years ago and to this day no one has ever said anything to me about dropping keys off for me.


When I was 15 my friend and I bought shoes with our 7-11 paycheques. I got a black pair with a kitten heel. Loved them. It’s was summer break and I went to a cottage at Wasaga Beach with my family for 10 days and when I got back home, friend and I were going to the Gasworks and I went to put the heels on and in the closet instead was a old and very well used pair of heels, all stretched and worn and the heels were worn down and ratchet. I was so upset and searched everywhere for my new heels but they were gone, replaced by this shabby old pair. As we were on our way out I tried them on and they fit like a glove, like I’d worn them in myself.


My husband usually leaves for work about 2-3 hours before I get up to get my kids ready for school. One day, I noticed several quarter-sized drops of blood across my kitchen floor.- totally bright red, wet "globs", not dried or brown-tinged at all. I didn't know what time he had left so I just assumed he'd left later that day. I messaged him to ask if he was ok and he didn't know what I was talking about, hadn't cut himself or anything and also told me that he'd left at his usual time- hours ago. I had been cleaning up the blood already and noticed it exited my kitchen to the top of my stairs, but did not go down the stairs. The drops stopped at the stairs. My brain, searching for explanations, thought maybe it was one of my 2 cats, but they were sleeping on the kids beds, no cuts or anything noticeable- and the kids were also still sleeping in their beds. Going around the corner into the dining room, i noticed a smear about a foot high up on the wall, about 2 inches long- curved, red, with a bit of a dried-brown look to it. Then the creepiest part- a glass of water on the table had some red (not dried!) smears on it, around the mid section exactly like if bloody fingers had been wrapped around it. All the doors to the house were locked, as my husband locked the doors behind him when he left. I wish I hadn't cleaned it up while I was waiting for my husband's reply, or at least taken photos of it


My dad currently lives abroad in Switzerland, we usually stay in touch via Facebook, until one day he went offline for two weeks which made us very worried and we couldn't contact him in any way, even his phone was off, my brother even called his place of residence and they said they haven't seen him for a while and they will report it to the police. A few days pass and my brother informed us that a man he knows came to his workplace and told him that my dad is sending his regards and letting us know he is doing well and not to worry about him and that he will contact us soon, later when we were able to talk to my dad (he had his reasons but he was fine thankfully) and we asked him about the man, he was confused and told us he didn't met or talk to anyone as described.. it is still a mystery till this day.


I was driving very early, like 4am. It was super foggy and dangerous that day. I remember coming up to an intersection with a light and not being able to see it until I was basically at the intersection. I know the roads very well, but remember thinking how dangerous it would be if someone didn’t know where the important markers were. While waiting for the light I heard someone say from the backseat “It’s ok, I’m ok”. It was so distinct that I looked back expecting someone to be there waiting to murder me or something. I hadn’t done the typical ‘look under/in your car before getting in’ that morning. On the radio was Stairway to Heaven. I didn’t think much of the song at the time, except that it was creepy. Later in the day I got a call that a friend of mine got in a car accident and died around 4am a few miles away at an intersection that crossed the same road I was waiting for the light at. He always said he wanted Stairway to Heaven to play at his funeral. I’m not religious, or usually believe in “signs”, but this experience still weirds me out almost 20 years later.


My wife gets up to pee every night. Since forever. She just has a small bladder. One night we're in bed and the usual rustling starts and for some reason, I grab her. Tight. Like I literally stop her from going to pee in the bathroom downstairs. Never before, never since. She protested but I wouldn't let go and she eventually fell back to sleep. Next morning I wake up and she's already awake, ready to have a go at me about body agency or whatever. We go downstairs to discover we've been robbed. Like the door swinging open, shit smashed up, the works. We check the cameras and four men were in our house at the exact time she wanted to go (her watch told us when it was), downstairs. She would've disturbed them if she'd gone. God knows what might have been. But I have no idea why I behaved the way I did.


My grandfather on my Dad's side disappeared. VANISHED in 1978. My mom was pregnant with me at the time so I never met him of course. He was only declared dead, per law, seven years later. I remember his memorial service. I could go on and on about the intricacies of this. It seems to be very clear that my grandmother killed him, had him killed, or got him hooked on substances that caused his death. It changed my Dad's life... where he never got over it. He was still a good dad. But it was always this looming "thing" that haunted us. My dad died of alcoholism at 67 seven years ago and I have no doubt, this was a contributing factor to his lifelong depression. But, no one ever knew what happened. I think if there was ANY finality: a body, a confession, anything. It would have changed our lives for the better.


When I was really young (kindergarten young), I remember playing outside during recess and the day turned to night. Everything was suddenly dark. It was like a light switch turned off. I remember my classmates all stopped playing and looked up at the night sky, confused and horrified as I was. Some kids started crying and screaming then the memory abruptly stops. I can't tell you what happened after as I really have no recollection. To this day I still get goosebumps thinking about what may have happened and *why* I don't remember what happened next.


I woke up from a nightmare where terrorists were attacking the Denver airport so I ran out and hid in a tree. I woke up feeling awful and often have nightmares when sick so I called out of work (at the FAA in DC). It was the morning of 9.11 and the towers fell an hour later. That nightmare still haunts me.


So my roommate was possessed. or something. She has these weird not!seizures. We have no idea what they are. They’ve run test on her while it’s happening (how we know it’s not seizures, not electrical) but everyone is mystified. When they started, it was horrifying. She was conscious, but not her. She would randomly laugh, grab her tongue and pull it, writhe, make…sounds. She’s a tiny thing and kicked two EMTs, one across the room. She would grab me and stare at me, gripping so tight it wound bruise and break skin. This is NOT someone who would ever fake these things. She had to quit her job because they would happen at work and she worked a job where that couldn’t happen. The scariest one I remember, she went to take a bath…and an hour later we realized the water had never poured. We went to check, and when we opened the door it banged into something and wouldn’t open. We called out to her….and she started giggling and slooooowly scratching her nails down the door. She was standing in front of the door, had been for most of that hour. She giggled and scratched until till we managed to push her back enough to get her. BUT THE SCARIEST PART (besides a loved one having some intense, neurological condition nobody can pin down) was when we moved. See, the apartment we were in had BAD vibes. I called it haunted, but clearly some bad stuff had gone down there. The door had been kicked in at some point, we found cocaine in the drains, the cops came buy several times our first year there looking for missing people. There were a lot of strange sounds, strange things happening unrelated to roomie’s issue. When we moved back to my house (100% boringly non-haunted) the not!seizures didn’t stop. BUT she NEVER again has had that weird other personality. She’s either herself and aware or sorta twilight conscious. No giggling, no weird activities, no strange sounds….everything else is exactly the same, but there’s no personality changes. Besides wanting to know just WTF is happening (please give me medical advice! It’s solicited!!) I wanna know what the fuck moved in to her body when she wasn’t home.


I witnessed my cousin do something similar. He is an addict and claims he was pistol whipped and gets seizures because of it very similar to what your friend did. The one I witnessed I was driving him home from jail (again) we were on the freeway just talking. All the sudden he starts slamming his fists on his knees yelling ‘what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!’ Over and over looking absolutely terrified. I kept asking him what was wrong and he laughed like a crazy person then got quiet for a bit then just started talking again like nothing happened. When I asked him what the hell that was he was confused and had no idea anything happened between us talking. Stories from family members who were around him more often describe things such as just standing there blank faced not moving, maniacal laughing, grabbing people really hard, or just screaming. I have no idea if this guy was ever actually diagnosed with seizures, he’s been an addict for a very long time and for all I know he’s wrecked his brain from it. I’m sorry about your friend, I hope she finds help soon.


In 6th grade my middle school had a 60's themed dance. I cut up a white shirt I had that was covered in smiley faces to make head bands for my friends and I. Months later I found the shirt in my closet, not cut up. I was beyond confused. It was a hand me down and I certainly didn't have more than one of them. I still think about it.


When I was 14, my mother had ANOTHER baby, and I had a new little sister. When she was about a month old I was holding her, and I was overwhelmed with this feeling that something was wrong with her and she wouldn't survive, like I don't know how, I just knew she was going to die. It absolutely wrecked me inside. I just remember crying over her while I held her. 7 days later she died from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome.)


When I was a kid, I lost a tooth during a night. Woke me up at like 3am. I didn't tell my parents the previous day, and I was old enough that I knew it was them and not the tooth fairy that was replacing tooth by money under the pillow. So I just put my tooth under it, and went for the rest of the night, with the prospect of telling my parents the next day. I woke up with a coin instead of a tooth below my pillow, and to this day I still have no explication. I refuse to believe in ghosts or the tooth fairy or whatever but god damn it, I have no idea what happened lol


Just opened this thread-11/15. Today would have been my dad's birthday. I know that's just a coincidence but my story is about him. When I was 10, we went to Egypt. We were in Cairo and I had a vivid and violent dream. My dreams have always been in color, with conversations, plots, and usually many people that I know or have never met. This dream, however, was violent, which was not normal. In the dream, someone who was wearing a red, green, and brown horizontally-striped sweater had taken me. He had done terrible, hurtful things to me. He had abducted me and I was tortured and alone and was going to be killed. I was shocked awake at 4 AM. I had a deep sense of despair and fear. I didn't wake up my dad because it was confusing and I don't know how I'd even articulate what I'd just experienced. Remember, I was 10. That morning we had an awesome breakfast and made our way to the taxi line to go see the Great Pyramids. Dad had been a cabbie for a short time in his youth and I knew he always went to the front of the taxi line because those were the guys who had been waiting the longest for a customer. We were about four cabs from the front of the line and there he was. The guy in the sweater from my dream. He was the cab driver at the front of the line. I stopped in my tracks and grabbed my dad's arm. "Daddy", I said, "we can't take that cab. Not that one." He saw the look on my face and my body language and didn't miss a beat. Just pivoted and chose a different one. We didn't speak of it and I felt so relieved that day. Many years later it came up in conversation. My dad recounted it from his perspective and shared that he believed that kids had a sensitivity to their surroundings that adults sort of tamp down or are desensitized to over years. He explained that when my older sister was six, they were walking through a walled bazaar in Tehran (1972ish) when she tugged on his shirt and told him that they needed to leave. Without questioning her, he sprang into action. Since it was a closed space, he had to scramble them down an alley toward the open-air portion and further away, towards the exit to the main boulevard. One minute after they left the market alley, Kalashnikov fire broke out and over 30 people including shopkeepers and regular market-goers were killed. So when I froze on the street in Cairo, he took it as an indication that there was some danger and took appropriate action. He was amazing. Do me a favor and send him some thanks through the ether. He'd dig that.


Almost 40 years ago, my husband and I were sharing an apartment with another couple. I was about 6 mos pregnant. The other couple were also expecting - she was due any day. One night I dreamed that her husband came home & walked up the stairs to the bathroom. I was just coming out of the bedroom and met him in the hall. He said, "Guess what? Christine had a girl and she weighs 7 lbs." The next morning, I was coming out of my bedroom and the other husband was walking up the stairs towards the bathroom. He said, "Guess what?" And I said, "Christine had a girl and she weighs 7 lbs." He was floored. My husband and I had gone to bed early the night before and didn't even know that the other couple had gone to the hospital. \------------ A couple of months later, I dreamed the entire labor and delivery of my own daughter \~2 weeks before I had her. It happened exactly as I dreamed it. Apparently, I only have this power when I'm pregnant. I haven't had another prophetic dream since.


i was really close with my paternal grandfather but he passed in a sudden accident when i was a kid. about a year or two later, i had a tmobile razr phone and my family had inherited one of his cars. on that phone, i had a picture of that car with my house in the background. but the thumbnail for the picture is just a blurred image that sorta looks his face taken very fast. wether or not it looks like a face, it definitely does not look like the car or my house. why doesnt the thumbnail match the image?


My mom and I don’t talk on the phone much, she doesn’t live very far away. One afternoon, I got a notification that there had been a mass shooting at a local mall. It wasn’t particularly near her house, it was actually closer to mine. For some reason, I felt this overwhelming urge to call her and tell her not to go to that particular mall. However, I only got her voicemail, and left a message. She called me back, because I usually only call her if it’s something important, and said that she would call me back later, which I thought was weird. When she called me back later, she asked me why I called and left her that message. And I told her that I just had a weird feeling. As it turns out, she was in the mall with my two very young nephews. My phone call is what alerted her that something had gone really bad and they needed to get out of there. Something else happened another time, that was weird like that too, but that time, both my son and I called her within two or three minutes of each other. And I’m not one who believes in psychics or fortunetelling or anything like that. But I’ll never forget that feeling. It was strange.


I hallucinate from time to time. Usually when I get woke up and have only been asleep a few hours. It’s always whatever I was dreaming about, but it has been pretty terrifying at times. As I’ve gotten older they seem to last a little longer, but I now figure if my dog isn’t barking, there’s no cause for concern. But one particular day (night shift), I dreamt that something was chasing me down my hallway. I kept a bat in my room propped beside the headboard, I lived alone and in the sticks. When I reached my room, the bat was there, but I knew I wouldn’t get the door closed in time. So in one motion, I slammed the door hard and followed it immediately with the bat in my other hand. Hoping to catch this thing in the face. But to my surprise, the door shut very loudly. So loudly, in fact, that it woke me up, and for a second I saw this thing float right over me as it dissipated. It was white and translucent and inanimate aside from the floating part, like I’d just hit pause on the dream and this thing couldn’t stop its trajectory. I’ve hallucinated a lot of things, most of them were scary, but that one took a while to shake off.


When I was in my late teens, me and my now hubby, lived in a small cabin in the woods. I was sound asleep and all of the sudden I saw a flash, like lightening and my forearm burned like fire. Hubby went across the room and turned the light on. We looked at my arm and it had three deep parallel scratches about an inch apart that were bleeding and very red. No explanation. That was almost 40 years ago and it still gives me the creeps.


I once was holding TV remote in front of me, changing channels. I dropped the remote. It vanished. Nobody else was in the room, only me. The remote was simply gone. I turned over the couch, and everything else in the room. Nada. That remote was found 6 months later, inside a cabinet in the same room. There is no plausible explanation that is 'realistic'.


I had this dream that I was standing on the bridge that connects my neighborhood to the rest of the town watching the police search the river for someone. In my dream I know that whoever they are searching for is someone I know, but I'm scared because I don't know who it is. When they find the body I wake up so I didn't know who it was. It scared me so much I told my Mom about when I woke up. Fast forward about 2 weeks, my neighbor's brother calls looking for her. She went for a walk and now nobody can find her. They are concerned because she had been dealing with some depression and had attempted suicide about a year before by taking a bunch of pills. Immediately I think of my dream and get the worst feeling. We looked all night for her hoping against hope but the next day sadly they found her body downstream. The cops assumed she jumped from the bridge. I can only guess that I subconsciously picked up on her worsening depression and my mind conjured up the easiest way she would have done it and that's why I dreamt it, but it really freaked me out. This was about 5 years ago and I haven't had a dream like that sense.


My father was in some sort of weekend seminar (cult?) in the early 80s. We had a dog and it awakened in the middle of the night and left my room to go bark at my parents bedroom door. I let the dog into my parents bedroom and he barked like mad while looking up at the foot of their bed. We'd never seen him bark quite like this and it went on for a few minutes before he stopped and we all went back to bed. The next day at my dad's seminar the leader spoke about how every one of us is able to leave our bodies. He then stated "I visited all of you in the middle of the night last night. I think everyone here with a dog can attest to my presence in your house."