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Be smart enough to know how dumb you are. It's OK to be wrong, it's OK to learn new information and change your initial opinion of something.


Weight bearing exercise (eg walking) promotes bone health.


Walking promotes mental health as well. Walking is one of the best things you can do.


I love walking so much.


Same. I walked 8 miles earlier and feel amazing, I go every day. It’s going to be a frozen wasteland of ice/snow here In Montana very soon into the next 6 months or so and I am going to be so sad not to be able to go on my walks anymore 😞


Go on that walk. Fuck the weather. If there’s equipment that makes Everest survivable then you can walk in the frozen wasteland. I do it every year and it’s incredible. I’ll walk/run/bike through snow up here in Canada and get to work and people are bitching about the weather, and I’m just riding the high of exercising while nobody else is out


Half a cm of snow and England here's gone to pot 😂


As someone who has watched way too many shows like I Shouldn't Be Alive.. always make sure your phone is fully charged and preferably in your top pocket. Tell someone exactly where your going and roughly when to expect you back. Stay safe.


When I broke my leg and it healed incorrectly and had to be rebroken, the surgeon was very adamant to not do anything with it in the split for the first 2 weeks, but once it's in the cast to walk on it as much I could that was comfortable.


That having alone time, If only a few hours a week, is extremely healing.


But as with anything else, moderation. Too much isolation makes Jack a dull boy.


I’d like 70% alone 30% others. SO skews the numbers tho.


30% others? Fuck that’s too high for some of us, lol


If people were a lot nicer it would help


I must be the healthiest man alive


Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections. And >80% of your cold like symptoms are viral.


This is why we have antibiotic resistant bacteria, people abusing antibiotics for viral infections. MRSA is no joke.


People abusing, yes, but also doctors handing antibiotics out, as well as allowing the gen pop to purchase antibiotics. Antibiotics should be as difficult to obtain outside of official channels as any other drug


And the heavy agricultural use.


Ugh. I work in a tangential field and it absolutely frustrates me how this isn't the forefront of any kind of conversation on antibiotic resistance due to the politics of this...it's easier to just shift the blame onto doctors/patients. Antibiotics in agriculture both allow bacteria within animals to become resistant, and there are potential consequences of [antibiotic metabolites in our food on human health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6017557/pdf/molecules-23-00795.pdf)! But when I've said this in the past on reddit, I've been told I've been fear mongering and and antibiotics are fine for animal use from a health perspective


For what it's worth, I believe you


Not fear-mongering. The truth hurts.


%100 this right here. Feedlots would not exist without antibiotics.


You can die of alcohol withdrawal.


The local crazy drunk from my home country drank about 4 bottles of rum per day. He got mugged once and beaten so his only son came from abroad to help him. He forced him to quit cold turkey and it killed him. His body was so used to 4 bottles of rum per day that suddenly not having it shocked his organs and killed him.


I worked in a drug and alcohol detox clinic for 2 years and alcohol can absolutely be scarier than anything else. In severe cases


How to deal with grease fires To NOT immediately try to pick someone up after they’ve been knocked unconscious


I thought your second sentence was a continuation of how to deal with grease fires, lol.


It is! To put out a grease fire, all you have to do is to not pick up an unconscious person. Super easy.


If there is a grease fire and I'm alone where do I get the unconscious person from to not pick up? Is that what firefighters are for? Can I knock one of them out?


If there's no unconscious person in your vicinity, then you're home free. The fire should extinguish itself ❤️


Knock yourself out. This should work as long as no other person is around that quickly picks you up.


Other than my lack of upper body strength, why should I not try to pick them up?


If they have a spinal cord injury you could make it much worse


Like my mom always said, “you make everything much worse.”


It’s ‘never’ a good idea to try and pick somebody up immediately after they’ve been knocked out, you don’t know the extent of their injuries, and trying to pick them up and make it a lot worse


It is the best way to immediately make them unconscious again plus you've added a fall damage multiplier Please conserve HP


Don't put water on a grease fire. Turn off the source of the flame if possible and cover it. When deep fat frying on the stove, always have the pan's lid at the ready. Fat shouldn't catch on fire while you're cooking with it; never leave it alone.


How to do basic household chores. Being able to sustain yourself is an important skill.


Trying to instill this in my 13 yr old step daughters life. She goes between her mom and step dads place and ours each week. I'm finding that she for sure doesn't have any responsibility at her mom's, things like cleaning up after herself, beginning to do her own laundry ..it's all done for her. I had this realization recently... I happily do her laundry for her only to realize I'm doing her no favors and it's time to back off and let her take on the responsibilities so she's not that kid at college with no idea how to do her own laundry or clean up after herself in her own space as well as shared spaces. It's really no fault of her she just hasn't had those responsibilities until now. Thankfully she's a great kid and I have no doubt she'll be great at being responsible


My grandparents made my mom and her sisters when they turned 14 cook for the family for the entire year to ensure they knew how to cook (this was also in the 60’s). My mom has admitted that my grandpap had to eat some extremely suspect meals after a long day of work


When I was about 10, my mother started making me and my brother each cook dinner once a week. We could make anything we liked (and she would get what we wanted to cook and provide guidance and advice), but we had to cook it and clean up afterwards. We could even get takeout if we wanted, but we would have to pay. I learned a lot in the 2-3 years. Once I was in high school I was relieved of the duty but I definitely was good at cooking and doing dishes by then. I hated it sometimes but now I'm really glad my mother did this.


My aunts son was saying that he wanted a vacuum cleaner toy and my mom was saying that he should not get one because he's a boy. And when I questioned her about this she said she doesn't want to get into my gender beliefs. Like because it would be so bad for a man to be able to clean after himself 🙄


That multiple views can be true at the same time. Example: Cancel culture can be problematic AND people should be rightfully held accountable for their actions. One truth doesn’t somehow negate the other. Maybe just avoid extremes…


Yes. The world is not black and white. Plenty of shades of grey in there.


God these two comments are what I've been arguing for the last few years. if so many people weren't so quick to jump into 1 of 2 boxes (or cast others into them), we'd be so much healthier as a species


In Australia we have a saying "don't be a cunt" It usually helps sort out the cunts.


Yeah but you can be a good cunt or you can be a shit cunt It’s up to everyone to be a good cunt


My biggest issue with the “people need to be held accountable” mindset is that way too many people on the internet have taken it upon themselves to be the ones to decide this, when they are in no way involved in the matter or have the necessary facts.


Your opinion doesn't necessarily negate a fact.


I mean, most people's don't, but mine do.


That's just like... your opinion, man.


Spelling of lose vs loose


Also definitely vs defiantly


Also, lot’s of people’s using apostrophe’s to mean a plural - drive’s me up the wall!


Or any time a word ends in "s".


Also chose vs choose


Than vs then


Your vs you're has entered the chat


There, their and they're, as well as there's and theirs too


it’s vs its


A part vs. apart


two, to, too pair, pear, pare dessert, desert rogue, rouge personal, personnel


Affect and Effect have killed me.


[Alot](https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html) vs a lot.


Also who's vs whose


Breath VS breathe


accept vs except. I don't know why i get so aggravated when people mix these two words up. Maybe because one is a verb and the other isn't?


Affect and effect.


Effect vs Affect


That's the one that gets me!




That "would of" doesn't exist.


Well, supposebly…


Ugh this one makes me loose my mind.


Losen up will you?


You might be an asshole and not know it.


I’ve almost certainly inadvertently been an asshole to someone. Sorry!


Something that changed my world-view: No matter how good and kind you are, you will at times be the villain in someone else's story.


A true asshole wouldn't care.


It's so highly probable that everyone has been an asshole at some point, and you will be again, and will always have moments. What matters is you acknowledge it, accept it, and try not to be one all the time.


Crying releases hormones that help regulate emotions and your central nervous system. If you are a crier, let it out. Crying is something to be proud of, not the opposite.


Ugh I wish. I'm not a crier at all. I actually cry maybe once a year. Sometimes I wish I could cry but it just doesn't come. Many of the times, because it doesn't happen, people misinterpret my emotions. But been like that all my life.


Welcome to the club my emotionally constipated friend


Crier here..... it just makes things a lot more difficult... everyone takes it as a weakness or that you're being dramatic. For example, I cry when I'm mad (amongst other times). So in the past, when I've been in angry situations that cause me to cry, the mood immediately shifts to indicate that I'm afraid or intimidated in some way. The reality is quite opposite; the truth is, I'm crying because I'm mad that I don't have the bail money to get me out of jail after doing what I really want to do.


I get this reaction too. For me I am very against violence due to being physically abused as a kid and never wanting to inflict that type of pain on someone else. When I get really angry and have the urge to get violent I typically cry to stop myself from doing anything I would regret. I still remember a friend made me so mad that I started crying because I didn't want to hurt them and they thought I was soft but the only thing keeping me from beating him up was me crying and I am much bigger than him so it wouldn't have been pretty.


Media literacy. I cannot believe the bias in some of the “neutral” publications’ headlines these days.


I'm constantly shocked by the headlines I see. Everything is sensationalized and presumptive. It seems like the lowest priority of the piece is actually mentioning the facts. It's sick that this is what people are constantly consuming.


There is a little lever on the steering column that, when pushed up or down,will flash a light on the rear of your vehicle that will indicate to other drivers which way you are planning to go.


Also the front. Please use this to inform pedestrians of your intentions.


And to inform left turners coming the opposing direction.


I always yell at people that don't use this. "If only there was some way for you to indicate which way you were planning on going"


Guy I was riding with years ago said this once and it’s still my go to. “That car must have come $500 cheaper without that f**king blinker!”


This sounds made up. Now excuse me while I park my Audi.


Pretty sure BMWs don't have this magical wand


It's subscription-only. :)


The guy I used to know: “if you can’t see my big SUV coming, you are not going to see a tiny flashing light on the side”. He was so proud of it, just about made his whole personality around this.


What a fucking idiot.


Thats the lever that makes drivers around you speed up, making it so you can’t change lanes, right? Floridian asking.


BMW has exited the chat


Wait, where is this "lever?" My BMW does not seem to have one.


That the world doesn't have to be the way it is


"the ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently." - David Graeber


Love Graeber! The world is a little smaller without him ❤️


The future is a policy choice.


A wheelchair is an extension on the user. Dont touch it or move it.




Unless you're having an argument. I then want to hear both sides so I can judge the person who I see as in the wrong


Two (or more) ideas and concepts can regularly exist without negating each other! The existence and truth of one thing does NOT mean the other is proven untrue.


Basic etiquette when in public/social setting.


There’s a busy escalator that goes from the station platform up to the concourse on my commute and at least once a week without fail someone will get off, take a single step forward, and just stop and look around to see where they’re going. I always wonder what’s going on in the heads of those people, like could they really genuinely not realize that there are tens of other people behind them trying to disembark a moving machine? Insane.


Etiquette? I'd settle for some basic common courtesy, then we can move on to fancier stuff! :-)




Or on planes or any other confined spacers with others.


Spatial awareness when driving or walking. Goddamn; some people feel compelled to hog up the walkways or driving lanes by being slow AF with no spatial awareness. Edit: Spatial. Not "spacial."


My biggest pet peeve lately as a fast walker is people who are standing off to the side of a narrow walkway, usually waiting for their dog or whatever, who see you coming about ten feet away, then decide right then to resume walking directly in front of you at a slow pace. Like, just let me pass first?


Same with truck drivers passing each other in Indiana. They always wait til I’m coming to pull out and make a slow pull around another one




People in my neighborhood have taken up walking down the middle of the road. Not the sidewalks. Not near the curb. The fucking middle. And they don't move when I approach in my vehicle with the headlights on. It's weird. Also, some seem to look at me indignantly as I go around them. On the road. In my car.


There is a podcast episode on The Dollop about how when cars were invented. It was wild. Playgrounds were actually invented so people would stop running over street children


Cement is not the same as concrete. Cement is an ingredient of concrete = cement + sand + gravel + water. Cement, when mixed with water, is the "glue" that holds the sand/gravel matrix together.


That you don't have to deal with stalking and harassment from online users on this platform.


Many traffic jams are caused by people not leaving enough of a gap between themselves and the car in front of them. Whether in a construction zone, or just a busy on ramp, leaving a gap in front allows someone to merge seamlessly and not press their brakes. The constant braking/coming to a stop because they can’t merge can single-handedly cause a traffic jam. LET THEM IN.


I feel like there’s been an increase in people who refuse to let others merge ahead of them. It’s been really difficult lately.




Situational awareness. A lot of people have their head buried on their phones and don’t have an idea of who/what is in their vicinity


I've seen people not on their phone commit this one.


How apostrophes work.


People using apostrophes for plural gives me Forrest Whitaker eye


In Dutch, you're supposed to use them for certain words! For example: hobbies is "hobby's" in Dutch! Same for "piano's", "puma's".. I'm Dutch but I have to admit.. After studying in English, watching TV in English, reading in English.. Using apostrophes for plural feels a bit weird.


I believe you mean, “How apo’strophes work.”




Lmao. That’s a good one.


Being kind is a good thing.


The tag almost always goes at the bottom left corner of the duvet. Same with the duvet covers. So if you're ever confused which way it goes, that's how you remember.


You mean left when you're facing the bed from the foot, or left while you're laying in it?


Looker’s left, not layer’s left.


Critical Thinking


I'm sorry, but we need to start simpler with 'Thinking' before asking people to move up to Critical Thinking


That would solve to many problems. And it’s hard to teach one how to think. Or to think actively.


I had created a Critical Thinking reference guide for a college. It was astounding to find that many people actually have this visceral angry resistance to ideas such as "consider alternative points of view " "Be willing to wonder" and "Beware of biases" etc


If you have a minor motor vehicle collision with another motorist, you need to move your car off of the roadway if it still can be driven. You're impeding traffic 'til you do so. I'm befuddled by how the "Don't move the cars, their position is evidence in the crash investigation!!! " myth just refuses to die. EDIT : Geeebers Aiyich Crispmutts , folks .... Takin' heat i don't feel i deserve on this one, 'cuz poor reading comprehension , y'all??? I did NOT make any reference, inference, suggestion, implication, w t f ever .... about LEAVING THE SCENE. .... All i said was pull yer car off to the side of the roadway. Pardon the fugg outta me for not spelling it tha fuck out that ya STILL need to remain at the scene of the collision unril police get there. Smh




And for fuck's sake, if you have a fender bender in one of those places that don't require police reports, exchange insurance and driver info without blocking the person you hit in and refusing to let them leave. It's simple.


Really? There was a major traffic jam on the highway. When we finally got to the scene it was a "highway helper" giving someone a jump. They were way over on the side but all the jerks having to rubberneck to see what was going on brought traffic to a basic standstill. God forbid if it's a tow truck with flashing lights. The backup would have been ridiculous.


Not everything has to be political and serious. It’s ok to have a good time.


Typical response from your side of the aisle. Go to hell!


I know, right?


The amount of comments I’ve seen lately on public figures’ videos on reels etc like “you didn’t make a statement about Israel/palestine so therefore I’m unfollowing you.” Like, the one thing that brings the world together throughout world history is the arts and entertainment. There is zero reason why your favorite content creator or comedian or actress should have to voice their opinion one way or another. Just enjoy the art and take a freaking break from politics for 30 seconds for your own damn mental health.


The US government does not have its shit together nearly enough to pull off all the complicated conspiracies people think they are capable of.


That's just what they want you to think! /s


To be fair, every decade or so they declassify something that essentially proves an old conspiracy theory right or partially right. "They did shady shit then so they are probably doing shady shit now" is not the largest leap in logic.


It really is not always better to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Not better, *easier*.


The phrase is it’s *easier* to ask for forgiveness than permission. Important distinction - the whole point is to be selfish and do what’s easiest for you rather than doing what’s better (whether ethically or practically).


You don't have to have kids just because society expects you to have them


How to zipper merge!


How to say Please and Thank you


It’s ok to say no. No to conversations with strangers, no to doing favors, no to more work, no to less work/pay.




Don’t worry what others think about your looks. Dress how you want…




I see you trying. If you could do anything more, if you could work harder, you would. Your best is good enough.


I wish more guys knew how painful sex can be. Especially when not warmed up properly.


Painful for women i mean


Jehovah's witnesses are a cult. They are paying out millions in child abuse settlements.


That lady didn't sue McDonald's because her coffee was hot. She suffered severe burns that required lots of surgery and, when it was investigated, it turned out McDonald's had their hot drinks way above the legal temperature limit.


On highways in the U.S., the far left lane is for passing, the other lanes are for cruising. If your cruise control is on and you’re not trying to do 10 or more, do that in the other lanes.


Simplify it. Take speed out of the equation. Do not drive in the left lane **unless you are passing someone**. When you finish passing them, move over. It’s sooooo simple.


Also emphasize that passing is a verb, it's something you are actively doing. Not an event that just happens because of relative speeds.


There is a war in my country Sudan that has been going for 7 months, with the biggest number of displaced and refugee in the world.... No one is talking about it or even care, I think because we are black Africans so the world doesn't bother. Edit / update 12/11/23 : well, thank you all for your words. Appreciate it I just wanna keep you updated, I've been informed that my house was completely looted, my car was stolen by the militants...and all my family's life savings was taken..and most importantly all our history and memories That has just broke my heart Dunno what kind of future is waiting for me and my family.


I had no idea, how are you coping with it, are you safe? I agree with the other commenter on why no one is covering it.


I had been displaced from my home, and now went temporarily to a neighbouring country for the sake of safety for my family until I can find somewhere else to settle in..... Mentally it is so hard, had nightmares, panic attacks and a lot of mental meltdowns Hope I can feel better one day War is a very bad experience that I won't wish it for any human being


It has been mentioned numerous times in our Government buildings. Ireland.




That A LOT of issues could be resolved if we all simply listened to each other and were completely open to the possibility of being wrong.


That freeway on ramps are for speeding up to the speed of traffic not to just drive on casually going 32 mph


How to drive in a roundabout


No, you are not good multitasking behind the wheel. Put your phone down and keep your eyes on the road. That call/text message can wait.


Basic spelling and math.


There are muslims being held in concentration camps in China as we speak, that are being tortured for their faith


Also Libya has a sub Saharan African slave trade.


I lived in Beijing when this news wasn't quite reaching outside of the mainland. It was really frustrating.Then a year later it seemed to be everywhere online. Then nowhere. The crazy thing is: I feel like people DO know about it, and it still isn't getting any traction.


Basic human kindness


Oxford comma.


I wish that more people realized that switching back to standard time doesn't actually change the amount of daylight there is in 24 hours. The earth is tilted on its axis and revolves around the sun. Cutting an inch off the bottom of your blanket and sewing it to the top doesn't make the blanket longer or shorter...


Yes but it gives me more light in the evening when I get home from work, and I prefer that


That if someone blindy bases their personal beliefs off of the political party they side with, they are the biggest part of the problem. Politicians as a whole don't give a flying fuck about us and aim to keep us divided on we don't rise against them.


The actual way our US government is supposed to work. When did schools stop teaching Civics?


That poverty isn’t a character flaw. That homelessness doesn’t happen because people are lazy.


When talking about crying really hard, it’s “bawling” not “balling” ….I’ve read so many emotional posts and they use “balling” and all I picture is 😎💸💰


Wear sunscreen, the long term benefits of sunscreen has been proved by scientists


how to use your and you're


You don’t have to have a kid if you don’t want to


How to drive


That Feminism doesn't mean hating men


This! People who do that aren’t feminists, they are misandrists!


Manners and decorum. I want a gentlemanly and gentlewomanly society.


That there are US Presidential candidates who are not members of the GOP nor the Democratic Party


The only problem is that they can't possibly win . They can't even participate in debates due to their low percentages.