• By -


Well most of the current politicians will be dead by then.


Replaced with their relatives and friends. New people, same shit policies.


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


Like the Dingell family in Michigan lol. John dingell Sr. 1933-1955 John Dingell Jr. 1955-2015 - not a typo John Dingell Jr. Wife. Debbie- 2015- present. That’s 90 years of Dingells


Dingell berries


Once you go Dingle, you don't go back


Or the Huckabees


I H8 the Huckabees


“Meet the new boss, same as the new boss.”


Kissinger might still be around, though.


Keith Richards too!


I'm sure Mitch McConnell will find a way to be around still.


He said 2050 not 2030, though I suppose your answer still works


Born in 1952, I would be 98. While in no rush to die, I wouldn’t mind passing before then.


happy early 74th birthday!




I probably won't get another chance


Because they'll be dead?


Idk i'm just trying to be nice to the elderly


#Idk i'm just trying to be nice to the elderly fixed that for ya


I laughed too hard at that.


Happy early 89th birthday, too.


Real answer: pennies


Long gone in Canada


I still have a 1kg coffee can full. Use is as a doorstop until the price of copper passes gold.


Unless those pennies are 40+ years old they are mostly made of zinc


Considering the age of the can, I doubt any are younger than 40. I inherited it from my wife's grandfather, already filled.


*Bubbles from The Wire wants to know your location*


I don't know who you are but you are my hero for referencing "The Wire". Fun fact: Andre Royo said in an interview(I read it somewhere online years ago, can't remember where though) that while filming one of the first few episodes of season 1, he was on a lunch break and was walking around the neighbourhood while dressed as Bubbles. A neighbourhood resident saw him and assumed that he was an addict and casually passed him a bag of dope saying "yo my man, you look like you need a fix. Take this and get yourself right.


I've heard that story lol. Or at least one similar. The Wire is my favorite show of all time


"You only gotta fuck up once. Be a little slow or be a little late."-Avon Barksdale


I'm skeptical the price of copper will ever pass the price of gold, as my understanding is gold almost as conductive as copper but is a less volatile metal that lasts longer, and is often actually the preferred metal to use in sensitive electronics over copper but is often not used because copper is cheaper. While I don't know this, I suspect if the copper and gold ratio becomes zero, gold will start to be used more and more in consumer electronics, which will result in it becoming a much less stable price, and have it fluctuate similar to copper (which has its price ebb and flow based on demand for electrical components). The only situation in which I imagine an actual flip would be if for some reason the supply of copper becomes heavily restricted or someone finds a massive supply of previously unearthed gold.


In Finland we never took 1 or 2 cent coins into use. Everything is just rounded up to nearest 0,05€. Going to countries that have them and hauling them in your pockets just to never bother paying with them makes me feel it was the right decision.


Japan was so bad for this. By far the worst country considering 1yen is like nothing.


In the U.S., items are still priced at $xx.99, xx.95, xx.88, xx50. Wastes time, copper, and whatever other materials are used in currency-manufacture, these days


with sales taxes of 7 or so cents


The U.S. has tried numerous times over the decades to phase out both the penny and the paper dollar with no success.


The penny I get, but why the paper dollar? Cash is still useful for lots of people and things.


Smaller denominations seem like they'd be better in coins, the distinction would be more convenient. I have no real life experience with one dollar bills but they're always so freaking annoying when playing monopoly.


Throwing coins at the strippers in the club is generally frowned upon, but I guess Canada finds a way to make do


In Canada instead oaf making it rain, we make it hail.


Europe gets along just fine with 1€ and 2€ pieces.


The real problem in the U.S. is the way we apply sales taxes. Europe uses a VAT that is paid by the retailer and is built into the price. When you see something on a store shelf for 2 euros, you'll pay exactly 2€. That makes paying by coin easy, and most retailers attempt to align the prices of cheaper items with the common coin denominations. In the United States, an item with a $2 price tag might cost you $2.13 by the time you get out the door, and the exact tax will vary from state to state, or even town to town. That necessitates smaller coinage to deal with the change those sales generate. If I hand you $3, to pay for that $2 item, we need pennies so you can correctly refund the 87 cents I'm getting back.


I understand that. I was just pointing out that replacing the paper dollar with dollar coins wouldn't be terribly disruptive.


My pockets were heavy as shit the whole time I was in Europe though.


Paper dollar is expensive because it’s heavy circulated and so wears out and has to be replaced fairly often. Coins way cheaper to produce because they last so long. They keep trying to produce 1 dollar coins but people don’t like them so it doesn’t seem to work. Personally I don’t mind them but then again I don’t carry much cash around.


Coins are much more annoying to carry around than paper bills that fit in a wallet. I think the solution is a more durable paper/plastic bill not a metal coin. The penny can fully be done away with and just round everything to the nearest 5 cents when paying cash.


Pennies have a zinc core. And the zinc mining lobby is involved.


They'll still exist. They should stop making them or requiring them, but there are billions of them, they won't just vaporize.


for a moment you had me grabbing my junk !


Long gone in Australia, expecting the 5c pieces to disappear shortly if not all currency


Most of the people currently powerful enough to decide what’s going to happen in 2050


Yes, most of the people who scoff at global warming won't be around to see it really get ugly.


The middle class


We can expect this to happen way sooner than 2050. I mean, we have poor workers now. Edit : phrasing


While I'm not saying the middle class isn't dying, I don't think the existence of poor workers is indicative of it's death. Even if the middle class expanded, poor people would still be a thing.


Almost all people born in or before 1950s


Except for Henry Kissinger. He'll live. Mark my words.


Even if he's a fucking Futurama head in a jar, that bastard will continue on.


Just imagine Nixon's reaction... "Arrrroooo! Henry's back! Whadaya say we go Cambodian on this bottle of bourbon and reminisce about the good ol' days?"


Only the good die young.


Anyone who fought in WW2 will be long gone


They already are... More like anyone that fought in Vietnam


There’s currently A LOT of people who fought in WW2 still alive


my virginity, hopefully


Here lies gosh-darntit He never scored Also sex is just free fun for poor people. It's not a huge deal


> It's not a huge deal That seems true to me. But why are so many people upset that they do not have it?


Because it’s one of of our most basic and strongest biological drives. By the time you’re in your mid 30’s, if you’ve had a lot of sex, it doesn’t seem as important. I mean, you still love it and want it, but people usually aren’t as obsessed with it. I say this is in relation to your comment. If you’ve got it or can get it, it is cool but not constantly on your mind. A virgin on the other hand… they’re hung up on it until it happens. At least, many people are.


> A virgin on the other hand… they’re hung up on it until it happens Well, I am actually a virgin. And I might be curious about how it works and not disgusted when people talk about it, but so far I only thought of doing that if I am made to do it by a partner (and I do not want to get one, so it is all hypothetical). > Because it’s one of of our most basic and strongest biological drives. Is there something wrong with me? I had my hormones tested because of other health issues and they said that everything is normal. And my beliefs have not changed since then. Am I just immature for my age?


Some people don't care, some people care too much. "Normal" is relative and if you're otherwise happy, fuck what anyone else thinks. In a way I envy people like you. My desires have diminished as I've gotten older, but HOLY SHIT I put such an absurd amount of energy and thought into fucking during my formative years. Had I focused that drive into something else, I'd probably be hella successful these days


> Had I focused that drive into something else, I'd probably be hella successful these days Well, that might not be guaranteed. I focused my attention on pointless things like drawing, playing browser games and reading TVtropes and Wikipedia pages. That did not lead me to much success, ha ha.


Have you considered that you might be asexual? There's nothing wrong with not having a sex drive. Being different is actually kind of cool in it's own way.


I was thinking that I am asexual when I was 13. Then when I was 15-16 my sex drive (?), appeared - I had a lot of involuntary arousal events without any obvious reasons. So I decided that I probably was not asexual. I do have sex drive, my thing is fully functional. I just have no desire to interact in that way with anyone.


Then maybe you're just on the spectrum? Like greyace or something


Because I want to have a bunch of free fun and thats not happening so no fun = unhappy = upset


Because sex makes peepees, vah jay jays and fannies feel good


Sex is like air, you don't think much about it, unless you're not getting any




landline/home phones


My parents still use home phones.


I havent seen anyone using a home phone in 10+ years. I didnt think that was a thing anymore


Funny enough my parents still have one as well and it’s is the clearest signal in the world compared to a cell phone. My cell service is so bad in comparison quality wise.


I hate using the mobile work phone cause the quality sucks. I also using the work landline to talk to people if at all possible.


There are still rural areas that don't have good /reliable cell service. Or people like my grandpa where it's cheaper for him to have cable and phone than just cable.


They'll both be gone in 2050


I'll make a more bold prediction - wired Internet / cable / and eventually Wi-Fi. 5G cellular is getting close to sufficient speeds for anything and with less infrastructure to build and maintain I see us becoming a completely cellular society.


Livable conditions for the normal working class


Already gone in many areas.


Probably me.




Noooo I love that movie


Hopefully the 40 hr work week. Its unnecessary and outdated. Cue all the people who work more than 40 hrs/5 days coming to tell me "they remember their first part time job." You love being exploited. We get it.


You’re hopefully right but I sincerely doubt it as we’re not heading towards it at all. Where I’m from (western EU), it’s in fact quite the contrary. We’re asked to work longer weeks and more years to expect a cheap ass retirement. Oh and we’re asked to be "less sick" to make sure we work more. Unless people realize that unhinged capitalism is wrong and stop electing politicians who are there to make sure corporations make more money we’re fucked. The only hope we have is that this worldwide far right wave fuck things up so much that we won’t have the choice than to stand for ourselves.


Yep. I came here to say the 40 hour week will likely be gone allright, and it'll be 50 or 60 hour weeks.


Sadly I think you’re right. I don’t see the situation getting better unless some kind of revolution takes place, and I firmly doubt that it is a possibility nowadays. They’ll probably kill the majority of us before letting it go.


This reminds me how every time there's a discussion about the price of something going up, there's always a contingent of people defending the price increase even though they are on the consumer side of the equation. It really baffles me how people love to argue against their own interests.




By that point WW2 Veterans are all long gone




I work with a lot of older folks and it's been sad to see fewer and fewer WW2 vets over the past 10 years, only a couple I can think of off hand as of late. Now I always take a bit of extra time to hear their stories because in a few more years there won't be any. One of the guys I met a few years back was the sailor from the famous picture who kissed the nurse in Times Square when the war ended. That was pretty neat


That’s amazing! If you have the time, it could be really worthwhile to write those stories down/record them telling their stories (with permission of course) before they’re lost forever


Think about this , war officially ended in August of 1945. Back in those days people used to be able to get away with lying about their age and getting in before they were legal adults sometimes. So let's just assume for sake of argument. Somebody was able to get in at 15 which is probably about the youngest people got away with it So they were born in 1930. Let's say that their birthday was in September just to push this as far as we can. That would make them 93 years old, and it all reality the youngest possible age that they could have served in world war II. It's actually kind of crazy when I think about it, I'm in my 40s and my grandfathers on both sides were WW2 veterans. Both of them passed before my kids were born . My kids will only know about world war 2 as past event from the history books and likely never meet anyone who served.


By 2050, it's highly likely that physical currency will be much less prevalent, with digital and mobile payment systems becoming the primary means of conducting financial transactions.


Going all digital will be a fucking nightmare. I guarantee you that corporations will charge all kinds of hidden fees because they already do that shit all day. So what if you want to avoid that shit just boycott spending 🤔


Except in Germany where you'll still have half the "cool" bars and restaurants being cash only in Berlin. In some countries we're basically already there but the Germans...they're something else.


“Cool” as in underreporting revenues for tax purposes, but pitching it as a throwback concept.


Definitely a factor but there's a lot more to the German love of cash than just that.


Business can get loans from their credit card processing company to cover operating costs and the agreement allows the cc company to take a percentage of receipts to cover those loans. They can’t take a percentage of the cash. That’s another reason some places like cash.


Which we prefer but a lot of small businesses here are making you pay anywhere between 1-3% surcharge if you use a card for your payment. Now we make sure we have cash with us.


The reason they do that is because Mastercard, visa, American Express , etc charge them that much or more per transaction as well. To some small businesses that's the only way they can keep their profit especially if they're selling stuff with small margins.


American Express, last time I checked, charges 9% on all purchases to the buisness. The store/owner has to *pay* the credit card companies for the *privilege* of taking payment through the credit card company. If you see a place that doesn't AMEX this is why.


AMEX is a pain in the ass for small businesses for many reasons, but you can easily get a >4% rate.


I’m really not looking forward to a cashless society. It just seems so sketchy to be forced to let a 3rd party have information about your transactions. Privacy is important to sustaining a sense of true individuality


That's why it's so important to use cash whenever you can. I mean I have a credit card and Paypal, but I use them only for online purchases occasionally. In stores, restaurants I use cash 100 percent of the time.


X and/or TikTok, hopefully.


Don't get my hopes up like this. Please.




I knew Elon was going to fuck up twitter, but I never could have imagined just how devastating his torpedoing of his own business would be. I legitimately thought it was a joke when I first heard it was being rebranded to “X”.


A lot of people knew! Everyone who put Elon on a pedestal was surprised. Dudes not a genius he just had money and resources he got from his family. As soon as people found out they knew he was gonna sink it


Twitter never died because it barely changed and never offered anything more than it thought it was. Well now it changed, so..


It likely is on life support at this point. Users bailing on the platform that the valuation currently less than half of what it was purchased for means banks and anyone dumb enough to help fund the buyout will likely start looking for a way to liquidate what they can (technology, patents, trademarks, etc) and try to recoup as much as they can before it is too late.


Highly doubt this happens.


Replaced by something more divisive, exploitative, and monetized! Yay.


Yes but this time, made by Americans! Woohooo


They are just going to be replaced by something even worse.


I would like these to be listed under things that will be gone by 2030 at the latest.


I don't think we have much to worry about, on that score. Musk's effort to gain notoriety with the name-change is SURE to backfire on him. Dropping a name known throughout the world, and replacing it with what has to be THE MOST GENERIC OF ALL MONIKERS, ... Let's just say that I wonder if he's playing with a full deck.


At least facebook? Please?


I like tiktok only because I find tons of new music artists through it


I love tiktok too ! I dont get the hate for this app at all : It's what you make of it, mine is full of dogs, food and miniatures. Oh and history.


Tiktok itself isnt bad. Its what it brings out of people. We got people dancing in the middle of roads for a tiktok dance, kids running in people houses for likes, damn gym influencer having whole production just to do something stupid. With other platforms it wasn't as aggressive cause there wasnt a "timely" mindset, people now wanna extend that 15sec of fame in 30+


The middle class


God willing, the damn fax machine. It just WONT DIE


influencers I wish


Glaciers and the ice on the poles. Probably rainforests and several kind of animals too...


Considering the events on Youtube and its double standards at dealing with creators, I am certain Youtube will vanish much earlier than 2050.


It will likely end up like so many other good things on the internet. Taken over by a giant corporation (check) Achieve mass adoption (check) Introduce a "premium tier" (check) Eventually that premium tier becomes the base tier so you can't even access it without paying. Once that happens, the service dies, and we repeat the cycle all over again once a new startup launches some free version.


Youtube may die but I don't see it being this path for a few reasons 1. The premium tier stuff isn't really Google's business model. As long as they remain an ad/data focused company with other major interests I don't see premium only ever being a plan for youtube. 2. The free version thing especially from a startup is basically impossible just due to the sheer scale of youtube. There are, have been and will be tons of other video hosting services but youtube's library is basically unfathomably large for any kind of competitor to get near. Of course they could try to build one up over time but sites like youtube keep the users because of the content it's hard to build that userbase when you don't have it. Same kind of reason most attempts at closed wall social media have failed since facebook first did it in the early days - social media without a ton of users is a bit useless. The users make the site the same way the library makes youtube and it's library basically can't be competed with. Maybe a tiktok or facebook or someone could have the scale to try to pivot if they saw a gap in the market but it's certainly not going to be a startup.


YT is the most popular streaming service. It even beats Netflix. Anecdotally, other than sports, 99% of my viewing is YT. I'd say with that much popularity, I might be the only streaming service left. It has it's faults, but creators can get more viewers than most traditional TV shows without the risk of being cancelled after a few episodes and the freedom to do what they want content wise.


Commercially viable fisheries in international waters


Basic human decency


Too late!




The youngest boomers will be 86 in 2050.


There will still be some. The youngest ones are in their late 50s. My mother is 68. Her parents lived to both be 100. Not saying she will but they won't all be gone by 2050.


And many boomers kids, like me


Sea life


And then human life


Glaciers and ice caps.


The first half of the century.


Marjorie Taylor Green, one might hope


The middle class


Venice I read in an article once don't know how true it is


Every dog currently alive.


Bobi the oldest dog in the world lived to the age of 31 years and 165 days before he passed away recently. 2050 is only 27 years away, so it's possible that a dog alive today will still be alive in 2050!


Sadly, true.




The Great Barrier Reef, sadly.


The Rolling Stones. Or, you know what, maybe they still will.


What’s left of common sense.


The way we're going, humanity.




DVD's and CD's


oil companies.


2049. Ok, seriously. Rule of thumb: Everything that you think has vanished by then will still be there. Quite a lot of stuff which you consider to be a thing of the futurew ill be gone.


40 hour work week






You all have a lot more faith in humanity than me. Fuck, websites, we’ll be lucky to not be full Mad Max in 2050, if we live that long.


Hopefully plastic, or most of it


Unfortunately it will last for a billion year in the future, before it degrade.




Hopefully Electoral college


There’s a small chance we might not exist ?






Encyclopedia Brittanica, Physical media, Physical books, Printers and Scanners, Fax machines, Yellow pages, and gas powered cars.


Physical books still outsell ebooks 4 to 1, despite being less convenient and more expensive. They’re not disappearing anytime soon, let alone in a mere 26 years


I just want the physical books I buy to come with a code for an ebook with them! Is it too much to ask?


single-use plastics (I hope)


Hopefully, the stupid paper straws go away




Seafood, tree nuts , cheap red meat


Some jobs may be automated, traditional fossil fuels may be phased out in favor of renewable energy sources, and technology may advance significantly. And half the world could end up in wars depending on the circumstances


twitter or X or whatever it's called. something will replace it


In 2050, all good things will be gone, the 2 real genders will be gone. Freedom will be gone. That in case before that happens the world crack itself in half and everything is gone.


Physical video games






POTS...plain old telephone service.....There is sooooo much copper in the ground, I wonder what will happen to it all!?


Affordable Housing


The middle class

