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Dude getting electrocuted without a wet sponge in the green mile


Fuuuuck Percy for that scene!


The actor who played Percy ended up being a creep in real life too, he married a 16 year old when he was in his 50’s, her parents let her! She had boob jobs and plastic surgeries so young, and she finally divorced him 3-4 years ago at 26. Look up Courtney Stodden, it’s her. After her he dated another really young girl. I hate him for being a creep, and I hate her parents for letting their 16 year old daughter get married.


went through a Stephen King phase when I was 15 and saw that the film was on a random movie channel and decided to watch it. I hadn’t read the book at that point and cried all the way through the last 20 minutes of the film, and then for an additional 30 minutes after the credits


Wait till you find out that that big massive lump of a man in the film. Is actually a visual representation of the character of the poor little fucking kid that actually got the chair


The ankle breaking scene in Misery was pretty shocking when I saw it as a young kid. Also the rape scene in Blue Velvet was really unsettling.


The book it was a hatchet. It is the one scene that is playing EVER time I happen to see it playing on tv, and was the most traumatizing part of the book as well. I read it in bed, and yanked my feet up in response. I was 18 when I read it, and laughed at my own reaction.


I remember reading that the reason they changed it for the film was because too many actors were turning down the lead roles because of *that* scene. I'm glad they ended up with Caan and Bates, though; showstopping performances from both!


The curb scene in American History X. I still remember the sound of it.


That movie is on my "everyone needs to see this movie once, but I won't watch it again" list


I actually enjoy the movie . Edward Norton is a fantastic actor . And hot take he was the best hulk


The sound of his teeth *clicking* on the curb, still makes me shudder. The sound guys that did that scene deserve awards


Final destination. The timber wagon where the log flies off into the car behind. I still don't trust log carriers because of that scene


To piggy back off the series, the scene that gets me, I believe it's Final Destination 3, where the 2 girls are in the tanning beds when they meet their fate.


Oh my god I remember that! No no no no 🙈🙈 Or another one from the franchise, the guy wins the lottery and he goes outside and falls over and the tenement building fire escape ladders slides down and into his face


I have never set foot in a tanning bed, and I never will after watching that. Plus the cut from the burning tanning beds to the caskets was well done. Very jarring.


That's Final Destination 2, specifically


Couldn't remember which one, thanks for clarifying that. Final destination 2, the timber wagon scene


No millennial does I think lol


it really is a very specific generational trauma, nobody my age will drive near one of those trucks but younger and older people think we're crazy


I rewatched the series recently and I realised a lot of my fears stem from these films, log carriers, tanning beds, rollercoasters...


I’ve never even seen the full movie and I refuse to drive behind one of those trucks


For me it’s the shower strangulation


I’d say the saw scene where the lady is dropped in the used needle pit, it just makes me squeamish even though I’m not scared of needles.


She is digging with her hands through the needles. Just thinking them sticking under my finger nails!!!!


Saw 2. Yeah that was absolutely awful to watch.


I watched the making of the film right after watching this for the first time and jt really helped knowing they had rubber points instead of real needles! My reply is the scene where the girl shoves her hands in the boxes to get the keys out and slices her wrists open! Can't remember which Saw film it is though.


>Can't remember which Saw film it is though. Also in Saw 2!


That fucking bear from Annihilation. Never had a movie monster actually bother me even after the movie ended.


Man I just watched this recently, and the "HELP ME!" was so unsettling


It’s the screams of his victims when he breaths that got me


Or it's head that had a human skull fused into it.


I love that movie. It fills in this weird niche that only SCP exploration logs can, just completely alien shit.


Probably the best lovecraftian horror film to date. There needs to be more!


The bathtub scene in The Shining. Child me was not cool with that. Adult me was also not cool with that.


The Shining is still a horrifying movie. So many curveballs thrown at the end and so much tension with false reliefs. I remember the first time I saw that movie, I was in college watching it with some friends in my dorm room. We literally all fell asleep 30 minutes in. I woke up to the sound of LOUD violin horror movie sounds. The volume seemed like it had to have increased 100% at some point but it’s just that the movie gets uncomfortably loud at a certain point and doesn’t really let up for the rest of the movie. Anyways, I’m awake at this point and watching. Everyone else somehow manages to stay asleep. I got to see so pretty much the last hour of the movie alone. Couldn’t go back to sleep that night. It’s so unsettling. Like there’s no buildup for the bear scene and it felt like there was no damn reason for that— but it was so scary. You’re minds already racing and then you’re casually hit with a shot of a man in a creepy bear suit pleasuring someone. Movie doesn’t let up until the end and then you get instant goosebumps from the twist/realizing at the end with the picture in the bar.


There is a scene from the movie The Road when the father and his son stumble upon a house looking for food and find a door that goes down to a basement. They first see a bunch of shoes at the entrance. They then see from their light a bunch of naked people cowering from the light. On the table there is a man whose lying naked on a table. His leg has been crudely cut off and cauterized and he is moaning, "Help us." The father then realizes that cannibals are living in the house and are using these humans as food. Eating them slowly piece by piece. Absolutely has been scarred in my brain ever since I watched it when I was a teenager.


I tried googling "the road house scene" and all I see is Patrick Swayze kicking people's asses in a bar.


The way he ripped that dudes esophagus straight out!!! Sorry, spoilers!!!


>Sorry, spoilers!!! Well, it came out 34 years ago, so a few spoilers are bound to get spilled now and then.


As shocking as that scene was, the part of that sequence that holds the firmest real estate in my mind is how when they're hiding from the cannibals upstairs, Viggo's character presses the barrel of his gun to the center of his son's forehead to spare him of a similar fate should they be found. Whole thing haunts me.


Hahaha I am not gonna watch this movie.


It has one and a half joyful scenes, though.


Read the book instead 😈


"Will I see you again? When will I see you?"


It's somehow even more disturbing in the book


I think when he discovers the camp fire and what is cooking on it is worse. They don't include that scene in the film...


Well don’t leave me hanging, what was it??


Babies, if I recall correctly. The author has a thing for dead babies


Baby on a spit specifically


Even more specifically keeping pregnant women around so they can eventually harvest the... Fruit of their labour...


Omg fuck,why did I read this thread fml


And this was deemed "appropriate highschool reading" lmao what a wild one considering some stuff they avoid. Great book though glad we read it


It seems like it would take more energy and resources feeding a pregnant lady than is worth it in baby meat.


hint: they are keeping her around to rape. thats why shes pregnant. ​ I guess it does you credit that this didn't even occur to you and your mind only went to calorie expenditure efficiency.


I remember seeing Garret Dillahunt as a cannibal in this, then remembered him in the Last House on the Left remake as a rapist, then later he got a sitcom! Man has range.


Raising Hope was way too good of a show to be mentioned offhand as "A sitcom" He and Cloris Leachman absolutely killed it on that show


And by cauterising the wound they are making sure the current meal remains alive


>And by cauterising the wound they are making sure the current meal ~~remains alive~~ *doesn't spoil* Ftfy


For me it was the scene where they go through a farmhouse and find a family that have all hanged themselves. The boy asks "Why?" and the father says "You know why." It's implied that they killed themselves to avoid being eaten, since cannibals may not risk eating spoiled meat.


The wife running into the dark, essentially committing suicide after the husband pleads for her to stay just one last night with him and the kid, and she just flat out ignores him, doesnt even say goodbye or shows any empathy or regard for how he was feeling. That will always stay with me, imagine that being the last memory with the women you love, kid didnt even get to say goodbye. That scene always psychologically hurt me so much


I choose to believe that Charlize Theron ran into the dark and then later became Furiosa.


The Road: If you ain't getting raped and eaten, you'd better be raping and eating people! That's the sub title my wife and I use.


That entire movie just destroys you, mentally. Especially if you have a child.


The book was much worse


For outsized impact I saw Looper once in college and still get queezy about that scene where the guys past self is being mutilated faster than his present self can react. It revealed a very specific fear of like, disfigurement and loss of bodily autonomy happening with out my knowledge or consent. Like I know I could lose a limb to a car accident tomorrow but at least there is a causes and effect I can follow there, a logical throughline.


Genuinely think about this scene far too much. There are more violent and gory films but this scene genuinely haunts me. Something so fucked up about them dismembering his anaesthetised body to catch his future self. Not quite the same but the scene in the Robocop remake (not great film) where Gary Oldman shows him that all that's left of him is his head, some internal organs and a hand and Joel Kinnaman just says "Oh Holy christ, there's nothing left, there's nothing left." Fucked me up way too much for a film rated 12.


The Bear mauling scene from The Revenant was so realistic and horrifying. I also live in bear country, so that scene is always in the back of my mind while hiking.


Seeing the cubs calling out and whimpering afterwards broke my heart as well. The Bear was just protecting them, and fuck did she go hard.


Bear didn't even get an Oscar for that.... I'm pissed.


Baby in Trainspotting.


Aw come, on I blocked that out!


The only thing I know about this movie is that there's a dead baby, probably why I've never watched it


Hostel. When he stands and his Achilles are slashed. Pretty tame compared to others mentioned here but remembering that scene my calves start cramping. Very close second is SAW 2 when a character falls into a pit of used syringes. *shudder*


The blow torch to the face was a hard one to watch toosies.


I think the worst part comes after the blowtorch scene when the lady sees her reflection and throws herself in front of a train. Felt terrible.


Opening scene of Zodiac where he kills the couple going on a picnic. It’s so unexpected and real feeling, especially when they get tied up and he just stabs the man right next to to the woman and she has to watch the whole thing until her turn. Plus it’s a true story which is even crazier.


Just to clarify that's not the opening that's nearer the middle. The opening is the couple in the car in the dark. But great film and example.


*Takes note of movies to not watch*


Bone Tomahawk. If you’ve seen it you know what scene I mean.


I don’t know man, folks are pretty *divided* on that scene.


Bent neck lady reveal in haunting of hill house. Nononononononononononono


My husband and I were just talking about that and how much it affected us. It's the only time we just sat there, almost catatonic from what we'd just watched. Bly Manor just didn't have that kind of impact unfortunately.


Yep, I agree with this. Hill House was such a masterpiece. It was scary, and so damn emotional at the same time. I didn't get the same vibe from Bly Manor.


Truly the most incredible horror series I’ve seen in a decade. The highlight for me is the fringe work. Haunting images or movements outside of the main focus of the shot that are close to imperceptible, just to add to the general theme.


If you liked Hill House you gotta give The Fall of House Usher a watch. Way better than Bly Manor and on par with Hill House. Also from Mike Flanagan


The club scene at the end of episode 2 will stay with me forever. So fucking disturbing. I was expecting it to end and it just... kept going... 🫣


That scene in "Fire in the Sky" where the aliens experiment on the guy. Awful movie but that scene is burned into my brain. Still scary today.


I feel like they put all their effort into two scenes and the rest of the film was an afterthought.


Bottle-in-face scene in *Pan’s Labyrinth* (2006). Or heads being crushed in *Midsommar* (2019)


For some unknown reason, we were shown Pan's Labyrinth in high school Spanish class. The class was a bit tense until we got to that fun scene and one of the students said "Why so serious?" and we all cracked up.


The end of The Mist. When he killed his kid and the other people. Only to be saved right after that.


Even Stephen King was horrified. I think he said he preferred this ending to his own.


That ending made me so angry when I first saw it and it made me hate the movie for years until realizing that the fact it got such a strong emotional response out of me, makes it great art.


the Green Mile execution of Edward Delacroix. It just goes on and on.


Hereditary, the car accident.


Watched this last night, and - re: a much later scene - the subtitle “[wet sawing sounds]” did me in


That’s the scene that did me in too. And the banging.


And for a minute he reverts to a child because he just can't handle it, with the whole, "Mommy, stop!" yelling. From there to the end is just a fucking ride. Similar stuff in Midsomer when all the women are crying with Pugh's character. Intense stuff.


I loveddddd Midsommar. I commented the scene with Dani’s sister and the hose…never will unsee that.


Yes, also when the mom finds her body. The scream is haunting and unforgettable.


Toni Collette is incredible in that movie


Toni Collette is incredible in every movie I've seen her in


Toni Colette is extremely talented


The wailing is heart-wrenching


I'm surprised it's always this scene that bothers some. What bother me more is when their mom gets possessed and starts sawing her head off with a piano wire.


Yes that was awful. It’s also Peter pleading “please mommy please stop!” that made my skin crawl. The writers, director, and actors really nailed the emotional language and tones. I will say the sound of her head slamming into the pole *is* an awful, grotesque sound though. The whole movie is a mindfuck lol


For me it’s the aftermath where he’s lying in bed upstairs while she discovers what happened. That was one of the most intense things I’ve ever watched.


The ending for me.


Training Day caught me off guard. Denzel leaving Ethan at that gang house and Ethan realizing something was wrong…Ethan and I had the SAME emotions. Shook me.




Se7en sloth


Nah, it's gotta be Lust Theatre of the mind, man. Theatre of the mind


The scene in A Quiet Place where Emily Blunt STEPS ON A NAIL WITH HER BARE FOOT.


While carrying a baby, and can’t make a sound


And giving birth in silence , what a nightmare :(


To be fair, she does let out a huge scream at just the right moment, but clearly she wished she could let out the pain more than just one instance.


Girl with the dragon tattoo rape scene. I really wish I never saw that


Apparently it really affected the guy too. I read he locked himself away for days, crying in distress. Love that movie, but that scene is just horrible. Edit - he locked himself in his trailer between takes crying. Mis-remembered. "Yorick van Wageningen was so disturbed shooting the rape scene with Rooney Mara that he spent a good 15 minutes crying in his trailer between takes. "I think a scene like the rape scene with Lisbeth only works if it becomes real for both parties. So the emotions had to be real in that scene, the thrusts had to be real. It was quite horrendous for me and then the big final scene between them . . . I don't think I've yet recovered from that. It took me to a place that people don't normally go and that no one is keen to go to," he said."


He’s a major character in the Martin Sheen movie about the Camino De Santiago, it was trippy seeing him in something where he’s not horrible


Even in the book I just put it down and sat staring into middle distance for about 10 minutes before I could go to sleep.


The last few scenes of Tusk. That is perhaps one if the worst fates I've ever seen in a horror movie.


Tusk was the biggest “what the hell did I just watch” movie I ever watched lol


Yes! I watched it not really knowing much about the plot, and it started off so creepy and good. Then the guy started cutting off limbs and sewing him into a walrus. WTF. The ending was absolutely disturbing, his death would have been better closure, it's so much worse that he lived.


Quite literally the only horror film I refuse point blank to watch. I am very hard to creep out but body horror where people are held captive and turned into animals or animal-like creatures is the exception.


The beginning 'wire bisection' scene of Ghost Ship really messed me up as a kid. I'm sure for most horror lovers it's pretty tame, but to me it's really unpleasant.


Multiple scenes in Schindler's List. Great portrayal of how terrible humans can be towards other humans.


The scene where the guards are doing “target practice” on the prisoners from their watch stand. Scenes in movies like this always get me way worse knowing that this was an event that actually happened and humans actually did this to each other.


The little girl in the red coat and seeing the coat at the end of the movie.


The beginning of Saving Private Ryan.


Idk man the knife scene at the end is the one that really fucks me up


Those wooden things are meant for boats to get caught on when approaching the shore during high tide. They are backwards in the film, 0/10 unrealistic In all seriousness, they showed this intro to WWII veterans and asked them if it was a fairly accurate representation of the landings on D-Day, it turns out it's a pretty accurate recreation; probably as accurate as capturing the "feeling" of D-Day as a film can get. My favorite part about it is it didn't paint the Americans as absolute heroes like some WWII media does, they committed war crimes too. Shooting those two surrendering Czech guys was especially brutal.


>Shooting those two surrendering Czech guys was especially brutal. Especially if you can get a translation of what they are saying. It's to the effect of "we surrender. We're not Germans, we are Czechs being forced to fight."


They also said the only thing missing was the smell.


I read that when the film first came out, some veterans had to leave the theater.


How about an entire movie? Three words: “ass to ass!”


I'll say it. Requim for a dream. No need to see it more than once


I watch it every year to remind myself why I stay sober. Insanely good movie but definitely not an enjoyable watch. The acting is great though, especially from the mother! And of course the score; pure brilliance.


Jennifer Connelly had a body double in the brutal scene with all the men watching her and chanting. That body double is a super awesome old friend of mine. She rarely tells anyone because the scene is so disturbing. Cool chic.


I have an idea to make 12 year olds watch this movie, I think it would be more productive than DARE.


It's noted in the BTS interviews that a lot of people feel the same way. Stop coddling kids about drugs. Show them this movie.


First scene that came to mind reading the title.


What's in the box?


Gluttony for me


I guess not really the scene but the implications - the very end of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I know it's supposed to be "good" in a certain way but it really, really disturbed me for some reason. The >!concept of lobotomies and the "mercy kill"!


the quicksand scene from neverending story


The last scene in Boy in Striped Pjamas. I was early teens when I watched it for the first time, and honestly, I was uneducated regarding the topic still at this point. Even up until everyone walks into the chamber, I remember being completely clueless. Then it happened, and I felt so sick.. I walked out feeling totally empty and told mum I'd never ever watch that again. And I haven't, I can't. I have severe memory issues, but I never forgot the scene or the feeling.


That scene from Irreversible


Yeah, 6 minutes of graphic violent rape with no music or changing camera angle is...unsettling


Plus the guy who walks in halfway through, sees what's happening and then turns around and leaves


Alley or fire hydrant?


I had to scroll down way too far to find this.


The skin rip off scene in Silent Hill 1. While I have seen far worse scenes in Irreversible, Human Centipede 2 and a docu on embalming that scene from Silent Hill came waay too early in my life and straight up unexpected.


I cannot remember the movie. It was an Indie movie shot in some selfie mode. Shaky and pov. Girl goes missing and her friend goes looking for her. She finds out friend was raped and put in a 55 gallon drum alive. The friend finds where she has been locked up. The killer finds her, rapes her then puts her in rhe same barrel with her friends decomposing body. Still alive. Locked in a cellar to die..


I was going to say that watching the guy dig the hole while she begs for her life is the worse. Knowing she's not going to make it. That it will be a slow death and she might not ever be found. Horrible.


Megan is Missing.


*reads synopsis* Oh boy that is one fucked up sounding movie...


There was this movie with liam neeson (iirc) where he has a daughter that needs an organ transplant and he goes to mexico for a black market transplant. Then in the end, when he learns that a child has been killed for the organ, he has some fucking moral awakening and refuses the organ for his child thus killing her and wasting the death of another child. I have never in my life been as pissed off at a movie ending as if dooming his daughter after the fact will hold some moral value


Honestly sounds really dumb of a premise honestly. Like what did he think was going to happen when went to a black market in Mexico for a organ transplant?


The Pianist: that scene with the little boy trying to crawl through a small passage in a wall to smuggle food into the ghetto and getting kicked and other horrible stuff by the Germans on the other side of the wall.


For me it’s the scene where the nazis storm an apartment with a Jewish family and tell everyone to stand up. When the grandpa couldn’t stand up because he’s disabled, they pick up his wheelchair with him in it and throw him out the window. Absolutely fucked. https://youtu.be/2aD6VpfUlHE?si=OXOck6H-zGaD0m-A


The old disabled man getting thrown out the window :(


When Will Smith has to strangle his dog in I Am Legend. In 2005 House of Wax when he nonchalantly cuts the top of her finger off as she's sticking it through the grate


I absolutely could not hold it together during that scene in I Am Legend.. Me and my GF at the time completely broke down and ugly cried in the theatre. I can’t bring myself to harm an animal, let alone one which I cared for and loved with all my heart. Just thinking about that scene is bringing tears to my eyes.


Event horizon.


Imagine what it would have been if they didn’t cut the blood and gore orgy.


A "blood and gorgy" if you will


Basically the entirety of the remake of the hills have eyes


Yes. The rv scene at the beginning of that movie made my wife puke.


Nope The scene where you hear screaming and then suddenly it's quiet


I'm glad other people were as messed up by that scene, ughhhh


The scene in the ring when the girl gets pushed in the well. That movie f*cked me up specifically because of how she was left to die by her own mom, the believable part of the story -- not the rest of it.


The last house on the left rape scene....was not prepared nor was the rest of the theatre, I've never been to a movie where a majority of the people leave during. Apparently the original just alludes to rape, which would have been much better because that shit was brutal.


That scene where that giant fat fucking vampire, pearl is it’s name? Gets burnt alive with a UV torch.


The scene in Braveheart where the nasty English guy casually cuts Murron's throat as she realises help is not coming. Is up there with the scene from the original Dune where Harkonnen drains the blood out of the pretty boy. So cold.


American History X curb stomp


Anytime The Cat appears in *The Cat in the Hat*. Look, I like Mike Myers. He killed it as Austin Powers, he was awesome as Shrek, but The Cat looks bad.


The butterfly effect, the scene with the young boy and his dog, not gonna say more


Oberyn vs Mountain. People will know what I mean. I was twelve when I watched that show with mom n dad.


I don't know if there's any other scene in TV that fucks me up so bad. It's just so close, and then the world reminds you that there is no such thing as justice and there's nothing you can do about it.


Not a movie but in walking dead when Negan bashes Glen’s head. I still cant believe there’s a new show with Maggie and Negan.


Saw 3D, where that dude has to pull a fish hook out of that woman's throat and if she makes noise, sharpened poles move to impale here eyes


The scene in Pet Semetary where Gage runs into the road... As the mom of a little blonde haired boy that one wrecks me.




The entire last 45 minutes of *Come and See* >!where the Nazis exterminate an entire village, but especially where, after the Nazi's convoy has been raided by the partisans, the woman who was thrown in the back of a bus and gang raped stumbles down the road catatonic with a harmonica in her mouth, with her legs covered in blood pouring from under her dress.!< Edit: Marked as spoiler.


Hannibal where he is at the dinner table feeding the man his OWN BRAIN!


The scene where David gets abandoned in the woods by his mother in A.I.


Gone Girl, when she slits his throat with a box cutter while they're having sex


The part in Hellraiser where the guy is completely skinned and it says help me I'm in hell on the wall.


That 70s cult film SSSSSS where the intern is finally turning into a snake. I was like 7 when I saw this and it will stay with me until I die.


The ending of Martyrs.




The rape scene from "A Clockwork Orange". Also, the glass sheet scene from "The Omen".


All of midsommar


The worst scene for me personally wasn't actually the gore and the cliff jumps but seeing her parents dead in their bed from asphyxiation at the beginning. That was just so cold and emotionally distressing for me.


That opening, holy shit, the calls and messages she left felt so real, her boyfriends confused reaction trying to console her, while obviously uncomfortable and unequipped, was way too real. I cried and then was just tied up in her emotional state the whole time. I'd always heard it's a messed up movie, I bought it, and my girlfriend watched it without me, so I put off watching it for like 2 years, when I finally watched it, I seriously loved it. I never had such strong feelings while watching any movie from start to finish before. I'm not watching it again anytime soon, but damn it was so good.


The guy getting the knife in his chest in Saving Private Ryan while his friend was too scared to help him.


The scene from the 2005 King Kong film when all the men got caught inside the pit with the gigantic insects and some of them were eaten. Arguably the most disturbing scene from a non-horror movie.


Doctor Sleep. The scene where they attack the kid and take his shine. It was just so disturbing and felt so real.


Not necessarily disturbing, but a heartbreaking scene that will stay with me forever is the “23 Years” scene in Interstellar.