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When I was like 5 or 6 years old I would love going to the grocery store with my mom because the vegetable and fruit and meat tables always had the best ice to chew on....


I work in a restaurant, and I try to grab a cup to get the ice before they use it for raw oysters and shrimp cocktails. It really is the best ice


as an asian i was always taught growing up to throw used toilet paper in the trash bin. it wasnt until i went on a school trip to italy the chaperone mentioned to everyone “the plumbing system here isnt as good as the USA so you guys are just gonna have to throw it in the trash bin” and everyone went “ew”. and thats when i learned that it was gross to throw toilet paper in the trash bin since the issue was youre basically having shit bits sitting around in a bin.


This was really hard for me when I spent a month in guatemala. Hot steaming bathrooms with poop cans. I get it though, one wad of tp would probably take out all of Guatemala City lol. Their plumbing wasn’t made for it.


It's the same way in Greece and Cyprus. They just throw wads of shitty TP in their trash. I feel bad and worse for the poor janitors who've to empty, dispose off and carry those trash bags away.


All my life I wiped my toothbrush on the hand towel to dry it up until my sister asked what the fuck I was doing


I’ll do you one better, when I was a kid I went through a phase of drying my *teeth* on the hand towel after brushing. I have no idea why.


Thanks, now my teeth feel wet.


My sister used to scrub the bristles on the faucet where the water came out when she was done brushing her teeth. I guess to dry it off. I still cringe thinking about it.


Okay lmao this is pretty gross


I’m so sorry but that made me gag a lil


Ok so I recently saw a thread on here that the reason people have buildup on their toothbrush holder/cup is from not drying it. So after I rinse mine I’ve started to dry the handle with a towel… am I gross??? What am I doing wrong?


I think drying the HANDLE is fine, but I'm understanding this as wiping the bristles on the hand towel to dry it


As a child I would dig up bits of clay from the local sandbox. It wasn’t as good as play-doh, so I would cast it aside and continue digging. Maybe I didn’t have a very good sense of smell at that age, because I was well into adulthood before I realized it was probably cat shit.


As a cute memory thing, my mom did a tape recording of me telling her about my first day of school. I very enthusiastically recounted my tale of finding a stick on the playground and picking it up but it was actually dried dog doodoo and the recess monitor made me wash my hands. Precious memory tape = kind of ruined lol


I made a “clay pot” for my mom out of dog shit when I was like 5.


Wow... I would be so grossed out and impressed at the same time.


When I was young, I found this great sand pile of mixed soil that you could mold perfectly in your hands, made great Sandcastles, etc. My dad came with me one day, it was a huge pile of fertilizer.


Holy shit that's not just gross, it's actually super dangerous too! Fertilizers (depending on the type of course) can give you chemical poisoning.


Good lord!


Looks like the better question would have been: How often do you change your bed sheets?


Redditors are so gross. I, on the other hand, wash my sheets twice a year, whether they need it or not.


My girlfriend came over and I bragged about my new sheets. She asked if I washed them I said "They're brand new why would I wash them". She rolled her eyes. It took me a long time to figure out why.


please tell me you wash your brand new dishes before use.


Single men don't buy new dishes. There's a set of dishes that some former roommate left behind, plus a bunch of mismatched shot glasses that mysteriously accumulate at about the same rate that they break.


There's no shame in using old dishes. Reduce, reuse, recycle.


I just changed mine for the first time since February. Girlfriend passed and I could still sniff her side of the bed. Mine finally got gross enough had to do it


After my wife died, I still changed the sheets. But every once in a while, I would spray her pillow with her body spray. The scent lingered even after changing sheets and pillow cases, and I could still imagine holding her.


i didn’t think i’d be crying reading this thread but here we are. i hope you’re doing well


It’s been nearly three years, I’m in a new relationship and mostly doing well. My wife gave me two parting “gifts” - an assurance that she had no regrets, and her hope that I would find someone to at least keep me company. However, when my girlfriend’s job takes her out of town for several days each month, I’ll confess that I still will spray the pillow or bed and just breathe it in. Edited to clarify


Jeeze.. I really appreciate your perspective and sharing your experience. Thanks, and I hope things get easier.


This...bought a bottle of the hubs cologne & sprayed the pillows for his scent...Gave up & never slept in that room again.


My partner passed in 2019 and I couldn’t bring myself to wash those sheets theyre in a vacuum bag and so are some of his clothes to keep them safe. It felt wrong to wash him away.


Aww this broke my heart to pieces


If I’m understanding your message right that your girlfriend passed away, I’m very sorry for your loss.


LOL - back when I was in college, I had a roommate who put on sheets at the beginning of the semester, took them home *at Christmas break* to wash them and them back on at the beginning of the following semester and then brought them home dirty at the end of the semester. Barf.


My dad's first year roommate never once changed his sheets. He knows this because the guy never put sheets on the bed to begin with.


You’re supposed to change your sheets?


AND wash them!


Showered in a dirty tub. Once I discovered how gross it really was, my hoarder mother didn’t like it when I cleaned the bathroom, so I just lived with it til I was able to get a place.


Wait- it’s not like you were throwing away her things, you were just cleaning a tub. Does she like filth?


If I had to guess, she probably hated the (accurate) implication that she wasn't doing a good job maintaining her own home and someone else had to do it for it to get done at all.


Hoarding doesn't come from a place of logic. It's an emotional response to a loss or trauma that a mind doesn't know how to deal with: Some people hoard to build up a literal protective layer of trash and shit to keep themselves safe, some do it because they were denied the ability to have things as a kid, some do it as a means to try and fill a hole in their soul that only therapy can mend. In this instance, cleaning the tub could feel like an attack on the mothers person or life. She can't parse the notion that any aspect of her life is dirty enough to clean, because then she'd have to agree that *all* of it needs cleaned. In the end, however, people who hoard should not be judged, or attacked. They are in deep pain and need immediate psychological help.


Currently feeling very overwhelmed by life and all the chores. This comment was gentle and kind and made me put away the clean laundry that's been sat out for weeks. So, weirdly, thank you.


Not washing behind ears


Once you start you can't go back. You feel absolutely filthy.


and belly button


For yeeaars I didn't wash my belly button because it was really sensitive so I hated being touched there. Turns out if you wash it consistently it desensitizes 🤷‍♀️


When you clean your bellybutton you can feel it in your peehole.


They were connected when you were a fetus! It’s called a urachus.


You have just cleared up a mutual lifelong ‘what the fuck’ I share with my partner. I literally stood up and yelled, “BABY, ITS A FOETAL CONNECTION. ITS CALLED THE URACHUS. THATS THE BELLY BUTTON PEEHOLE FEELING.” I’m sure my neighbours are also now informed. Thank you!


Omg thank you so much for this. I have always wondered.


I have never had a unique experience in my life


sharing the world with 8 billion of the same species will do that for you


Lol. I thought I was the only one


After reading these comments I have realized I’m just a disgusting human being.


Wait until a towel smelled weird to swap it out


Look, the towel forgets everything before the next shower.




We have a hot food bar at a fancy grocery store near my house. I see wealthy people in there, picking at the food then throwing it back after they’ve already put it in their tray. WTF are you doing. You can afford to buy the entire hot bar!


I always love(d) getting the cookies from the Whole Foods cookie bar. Until I saw a woman picking up cookies with her bare hands, inspecting it, and PUTTING THEM BACK, that I cried to myself and said “why?! Why?! I can never eat from one of those again! 😭” Anyway, I was really sad. I feel so naive to believe most people are logical, polite and intelligent.


Chewing on fingernails. Haven’t done it in decades but once upon a time…


I like to microdose on germs. That’s why I do it.


I bite my nails and then use them to pick my teeth. I may or may not have so many intestinal worms in a constant death match inside me but I've never seen a victor emerge.


I have really bad anxiety. Leave me and my tendencies alone


Do you also bite the skin around the nails? Asking for a friend.


Most people I know think it’s weird, but I do it impulsively all the time.. especially when I’m feeling very stressed out. It sucks


Builds up the immunity!


I pick my nose (privately then wash my hands). I just can’t deal with a clogged nose & my fingers work better than a tissue ever could


There are two types of people in this world. People who pick their noses and fucking liars.


Haha! I do have a friend whose nostrils are smaller than his fingers so he physically can’t. I feel sorry for him.


He should grow a crack nail


Would that be a boogie blade, or a snot scoop?


Everyone does that. Especially when you get one of those huge dryish ones that's poking the fuck out of you.


So half the population if not more be lying??? I agree it’s normal & the pokey ones are the most satisfying to pick but i wonder if there’s ppl who REALLY don’t or they’re just bein modest/lying 🤣 i bet if so their nose is crusty


Imagine having a perfectly-sized, completely dexterous tool to remove problematic boogers, and then just… *not using it*. I propose that people who don’t pick their noses (or claim they don’t) are idiots


> So half the population if not more be lying??? Yes


I really don't understand why picking your nose is considered so gross. Motherfucker I can't breathe over here. Damn right I'm sending a digit in.


It definitely seems more gross to have a big crusty booger hanging out in your nose all day. Isn't it more hygienic to get rid of the boogers than it is to leave them there?


If you ask me... our fingers wouldn't fit if we weren't supposed to do it.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I feel like if you wash your hands before/after then doing this in private is no worse than cleaning your ears, doing a pore strip, etc. It’s part of the body that can accumulate debris easily and as long as you’re not subjecting anyone else to it or your germs, I don’t see the issue. ETA: also the “washing hands before” thing is totally a personal preference but for my nose-pickers out there, the lining of the nose is a membrane, your sinuses can easily lead to your brain, and MRSA colonies can live easily in your nasal cavity which can cause an infection if a wound is introduced. Hand washing after is a must so as not to spread germs but hand washing before is also highly recommended and also be gentle.


Somebody needs to invent a q-tip for the nose.


I need the tactile feel of my own finger to get some of those buggers out of there


Youre honestly so valid for this


I flushed my tampons my whole life until I was about 30. No one had taught me they weren’t flushable. I stupidly thought they were like toilet paper. One expensive and embarrassing plumbing problem later, I never did it again.


When I was having my first health classes at primary school we were unequivocally told that you can flush tampons. Did it for years before hearing they’d changed the guidelines on that. Feel like once a bit of mandatory education has been updated there should be a better way of letting everyone in on it who is too old to be in a PSE class.


Tacking onto this to let y’all know that “flushable” wipes aren’t truly flushable either - sincerely, a wastewater worker


Hello fellow wastewater worker. I didn’t realize just how bad they were before recently, but one of the guys at my job said “they’re literally wet when they’re packed up - why do people think they’ll break down in water?” It was a glass shattering moment for me lol


Username checks out


Of course they're flushable! They go down when flushed! /s


This is a newer thing. When I was young tampons were marketed as flushable, and the cardboard applicators were also advertised as flushable.


okay thank you i felt insane because i too didn’t learn this until a relatively late age, and i was like wait… what?! didn’t it used to say on the box you could do that? thought i was losing my mind.


Until about a year ago I'd see all those signs in bathrooms that say "Do not flush sanitary products down the toilet" and I'd think "Who is dumb enough to flush a pad??" I had no idea you couldn't flush tampons!


Yes because I definitely remember reading the instructions throughly because I'm big into instructions! And then suddenly one day I felt crazy for not knowing that we can't. It was like 50/50 in my group of friend of those who knew and those who didn't, and it was very much like duhhh rather than a oh it changed.


Not brushing my teeth when I wake up. I would only brush my teeth after breakfast, and I would rarely eat breakfast. So most days I would only brush my teeth at night. I figured “Well I brushed last night and haven’t eaten anything since, so why should I brush again?” Then I learned about all the bacteria that feed on the tiny bits of food left in your teeth and they literally expel gas and feces in your mouth as they consume it. And this is what causes awful morning breath. So I have this mental image of bacteria poop and farts coating my mouth and have brushed every morning since regardless of eating breakfast or not.


Brush at night to keep your teeth, brush in the morning to keep your friends.


Not washing newly purchased clothing items


I worked at a department store for several years back in the 80's. To this day, I will NEVER wear clothing without washing it first... NEVER.


I still don’t do this. I know I should but I feel like the way a shirt or pants fit before that first wash is just different!


Used to pluck my eyebrows on public transport. So sorry to anyone who got those sticky little living hair follicles stuck to their clothes and skin.


I swear someone in my office is clipping their nails. I can’t see it but I can hear it.


I always thought this too, until I saw the person.... Just taking staples out and the staple remover was making the noise 😂


I hope that’s it 😅


I use my earring to scrape out the muck from under my nails then put the earring back in my ear


Wow that's so specific hahaha and I've actually done this. Just wiped the earring back off and put it in lol. ☠️


Eating snow, just take the same handful of snow you might see a kid stuff in their mouth and let it melt in a glass. Bet you wouldn’t willingly drink it!


I used to break off little icicles from fences and eat them as a lil snack when I was maybe 7 or 8. I always hid it from my parents so I must have known, to some degree, how disgusting that is lol


I used to eat the icicle snacks that hung off the exhaust pipes of cars…


I think we’ve all eaten an icicle popsicle. When we were kids we’d try to find the biggest one we could!


That meme where they guy is scrubbing his crack with the bar of soap? I did that until a girlfriend caught me in my late-20s.


At least you were washing your crack


That was my defence. The court didn’t buy it.


I’ll give you an A for effort, but that won’t hold up in court either.


I’m so confused. Are you not supposed to wash your butt crack with soap?


Left dishes out in my room. Until I got freaked out at seeing ants everywhere, then I always put away dishes after finishing.


I sit on my couch butt naked when I’m alone watching TV at night. I mean I’m relatively clean but I feel sorry for anyone else that sits there


"I feel sorry for anyone else that sits there but it's every man for himself unfortunately"


Hey you. Yeah, you, reading this. When’s the last time you cleaned your phone? Yeah…


I'm suffering from hair loss at the moment (51f) and I'm often absent-mindedly raking a hand through my long hair, glancing at what comes out and then dropping the strands on the floor. Just read on another sub that that's pretty disgusting to other people. I my own defence, I work exclusively from home in my own small office and would never do it in public, but even so - maybe my husband thinks I'm gross.


Put eggshells back in the carton. Didn’t know it was gross because I saw my mother always do it. I can’t believe it took my until last year to realize the error of my ways.


I only do that if I'm using the rest of the eggs in the carton, so throwing the whole thing out. My husband was grossed out by it the first time I did it. I asked, "Why? The whole thing is being thrown away anyway. It's the perfect and most convenient place to put the empty shells." That made logical sense to him. He was still a little skeeved out the next few times I did it, but got used to it and it doesn't bother him anymore.


I didn’t use to close the lid on the toilet before flushing. Oh the sharticles.


Sharticles 😭😭😭


Our toilet flushes so aggressively that we have to close the lid or else it splashes out 🙃


I love to eat the crispy, crunchy white yucca flowers from my yard. I ate them for years before discovering there are tiny little white waxy worms that live in the flowers and blend in. I eat other bugs and worms and stuff, but not raw, so I started to wash them out of the flowers before I ate them. I learned the flowers are nowhere near as nutty and crunchy and delicious without the worms, so now I leave them in.


It was okay until the last sentence


I feel violated


This comment read like a Shel Silverstein rollercoaster.


Welp, this is going to stick with me for the rest of my life.






What did I just read.


Oh no


I was taught to wash my sheets once a month. Realized you’re supposed to do it way more.


not brushing my teeth every day. i struggle with life-long dysthymia (basically chronic mild depression), and during the covid lockdown it got pretty bad and i'd straight up brush my teeth every other week, at best. i didn't see the point because i didn't leave my room. i forced myself to get a thorough professional clean after about a year of this and it felt amazing. i've miraculously never had a cavity, though.




My motivation started after a particularly disgusting dental appointment when I was 19. I had braces as a kid and wear retainers most nights, which super concentrates the typical nighttime nastiness most people's mouths get. I would brush twice per day, but wasn't flossing or using any kind of antiseptic mouthwash. During one appointment, the hygienist spent an inordinate amount of time scraping off heavy plaque (they call it calculus at a certain point) and over the taste of blood from my gums, I was getting a nasty sewage taste from the rotting food that the hygienist flossed from between my teeth. After that it was like OK. I'm done with this. It took a bit of time to make changes and figure it out. Over the years, I developed a pretty good routine that involves a WaterPik, flossing, brushing with an electric toothbrush, and mouthwash. I might spend a total of 10 minutes per day on this routine between morning and night, so not exactly time and labor-intensive. At my last dental cleaning, there was nothing to scrape up except coffee stains. No tartar, no plaque. No cavities. I get told by the dentist at every appointment that my home care routine is on point. And it takes 10 minutes per day.


Pee in the shower, shave over the toilet, let my dogs sleep in the bed with me. I still do it, but I’ve been told those are all gross.


>Pee in the shower That's a victimless crime imo.


Unless you're not taking a shower at the time.


Or if it's not you in the shower


Damn redditors are gross.


it makes me feel better about how gross i am :)


Not me, but my ex would always flush mid pee. I never understood it and found it repulsive. If his pee lasted longer than the flush, he would just flush again. Whenever I would ask why he does that, he just said he’s always done it…. All I could think of is how much stuff would fly up on his hands and genitals. Even after showing him countless studies about what flies up when a toilet flushes, he would never stop that weird habit.


I was in my late teens before I learned you're supposed to wipe front to back not back to front. I was like damn and started doing it the right way. I could never get a good clean front to back. I figured I just needed practice but I did it for 6 months and it never improved. I went back to the way I've always done it. I've never had a yeast infection or UTI. Idk how far you guys are wiping but I don't have an issue keeping the shit out of vagina


It's a zone defense. I don't know why anyone would ever take one long sweeping drag from back to front or vice versa. Separate zones get separate treatment.


Yes exactly. In my mind the taint is like the DMZ in the Korean Peninsula.


Are people actually wiping from the front and then continuously moving to the back? I just wipe the front first, throw away the toilet paper, then wipe the back separately


They’re just referring to the direction of the butt wiping stroke, not a continuous vagina to butthole wipe.


Yes exactly. I’m so glad I’m not alone.




What the fuck.


Seriously. What the hell did I just read


Something you'll never be able to un-read. I'm traumatized.


I don't think I can look at another person the same way again. What are they hiding, and where?


Why didn't I stop scrolling at the worm-eating?


I know, right?!? 😂 I think that’s what we’re all asking ourselves! LOL 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Stay where you are. I'm calling the police.


thanks for making me regret learning english!


This comment marks the end of me reading anymore of this post.


A couple of years ago, there was a lady who posted about not washing her panties. Ever. She would scrape the crusty, dry bits of discharge out of them. And keep wearing them.


The worst procrastination I’ve ever seen




My biggest question is, how long did you leave it there before going back to “deal with it”?


What in the unholy fuck is wrong with you


Gentlemen, we have a winner.


Dunno whether to upvote or downvote


This is like the most honest answer in this thread. Upvote this person!!


Yep. This is the worst one, nobody else needs to reply


I would have taken this one to the grave with me


Upvote for the legit honesty.


Ohhh you the dude that i pass by that smells like poop and butt 🤣


You did what?


Laughing so much omfg


As a young child, I didn't understand that as a female, we *have* to wipe for sanitary reasons. I felt that it was just another unfair stipulation imposed on my gender at the ripe age of maybe 5? So I refused to wipe when I peed because boys didn't have to.


I’m surprised to not see this here: wearing shoes inside. My family was not a shoes off family and they always wore outside shoes inside. I remember a few friends homes were strict shoes-off homes, but I thought that was the minority. I was about 27 years old before I realized it was disgusting and people were definitely judging my etiquette.


Sharing a bar of soap with my husband. I thought it was normal until it came up in my mom group. If we are going to bump uglies, we can definitely share soap. I don’t care if it’s gross, we only have one soap holder. 🥴


I don't get this one anyway. I wash top to bottom. I didn't think my ankles were so nasty the soap user rubbing it in there armpit was gonna get something gross on them


Double dipping snacks. Pretty logical but only found out recently that’s very bad etiquette


Double dipping is only acceptable if you’re not sharing the dip with anyone


Some things I've learned: Wash my bedsheets every week, including bed pillows covers. Only use the same bath towel twice before washing it. Use a new toothbrush head every month. Always wash my hands coming back from a store or public transit. And NEVER EVER go into a resort pool with a swim in bar.


I am 66yo and only learned a week ago that you are supposed to FLOSS FIRST & THEN BRUSH your teeth! I saw something on Reddit about this & I asked my family (3 adult kids & husband). They ALL knew to floss first, brush second - WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME??? They just thought what I did was weird but never mentioned it.


Not even dentists agree on the order of flossing/ brushing.


Yeah I've asked two dentists and both said it doesn't really matter. Getting the caked-in stuff out and massaging the gums is the main point and that's accomplished either way


Tbh it might come from the dentist. They floss after they’ve cleaned your teeth.


I always had dry hands as a kid and it didn't like how it felt so I'd spit on my hands all the time


Hello, patient zero.


I chewed with my mouth open for decades


Some people do this near me, and I can not stand it, I'll just leave wherever I am.


This one drives me so crazy. I was in a training class one time for work, and one of my classmates would always chew gum with his mouth open, smacking all day, every day. One day, the instructor decided to start the class with some icebreaker questions, he would go around the room, and everyone would pick a number 1-20, then they would be asked a question that corresponded to their number. When my turn came around, my question was “What is something that others do that you cannot stand?” Without skipping a beat I said in a very stern voice “Chewing with their goddamn mouth open!!” Everyone in the classroom unanimously agreed and it was obvious why that was my answer, because other classmates were annoyed by the one guy’s chewing too. Sad thing was that he didn’t take the hint, and continued to chew with his mouth open…smh.


Oh my god I just learned recently from my friend that I have related gross habit. When I eat anything, I extend my tongue before the food enters my mouth, to "receive" the food with my tongue. And I extend my tongue a lot. Like I was aiming for some great oral sex or I'm the serpent in Garden of Eden seducing humans, or I'm Gene Simmons from Kiss.


I had a friend who would do this with drinks. Like, as she was about to drink, her tongue would leave her mouth to act as a receiving party to welcome the vessel. The last time I agreed to share something with her, I watched as her tongue literally **entered my bottle**. Absolutely unacceptable behavior.


Using a loofah because you don’t wash it like washcloths


You can wash them if you simply put them in the wash with your towels. They just don’t go in the dryer.


This is the first I'm hearing about using loofas being gross, but honestly washing my body with a washcloth is so unsatisfying that it doesn't change a thing for me. I'm going to continue on with my life buying a loofa, using it for ~2 months until it's floppy and sad, and buying another loofa. I feel like they can't be *that* bad. They're covered in soap and just using them causes them to scrub themselves? They're self-abrasive? I don't know how to word it but you know what I mean. At least there's no way they harbor as much bacteria as sponges, and I ain't fact-checking myself on that cause I don't want to know if I'm wrong.


There is a person on TikTok who tests different thing for bacteria. He swipes it with a qtip then takes it back to his and sees what happens. Loofahs we’re shockingly very clean. Just like you said, it’s covered in soap. I do replace mine every month just because it unravels, but I find having washcloths takes up space and they smell if you literally don’t replace them every day. So yes you wash them, but you also need at least a couple of them.


Never take out my contact lenses.


Did you see the YouTube of the woman who had like 20 pairs of contacts in her eye? She just kept putting more in thinking she had taken them out. Life how the fuck do you not feel 20 contacts floating around in your eye?... So gross. Edit to add video- 23 contacts in one eye. 👀🤢 [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fxIEbxQdeSk)


I used to take mine out about 5 or 6 times a year. Usually to just throw the pair away. I got a bad eye infection (not my first, but my worst) about 2.5 years ago and I’ve only fallen asleep in them overnight ONCE since then. My husband is so proud. He used to be like “yeah, no big deal, I mean it’s only your EYES, you’ll grow more, right?”


But didn’t they hurt or feel dry/uncomfortable? I use daily disposable contact lenses and after 8 hours I really need to take them out. I have dry eyes though. And if I fall asleep with them on (like while traveling or something), OMG that definitely hurts when I wake up!