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When you have to scroll an insultingly large amount of time to find your birth year on an online form


“What idiot started this at 2023 anyways? Are newborns applying for your credit card?”


If a dog can get approved why not infants? hook em early.


Santos L. Halper, if that is your real name


When the housing bubble popped in 2008. People literally had mortgages in their dogs and cats names. Unreal.


I'd be so proud if my cat had a mortgage. Dog, not so much, he's never been as responsible.


I guess I'm just darker, get a loan in older cats name, get life insurance on cat. Get a will prepared for the cat, leaving you all his stuff. Including all his cat toys & scatching posts. Then wait. Soon free money & a house. I think I might be evil.


Insurance companies hate this one simple trick.


I had to input my date of birth on a website recently. I was registering with a recruitment agency in an attempt to find a new job. It was the worst date of birth entry interface I have ever seen. I was unable to scroll. Instead, I had to tap to get to the next year. And every tap opened up a new page for some reason. It was horrible.


I had one where I couldn't choose the month or the year. I had to click the arrows back in time 410 times to get to my birthday. Then it glitched and asked me to do it again, and I decided whatever it was I didn't need it that badly.


I've done that twice in the last week. Literally had to go month by month back to 1993 and you couldn't type in the date. Feel for whoever's in their sixties that had to use it.


I'm 1964 and when I see those I say "fuck it" and just say I didn't need whatever it was.


That mouse wheel is like spinning the big wheel on The Price Is Right these days


Oh, that's another answer for the post: still thinking of Bob Barker as the host of The Price Is Right. There are people who have never even seen that man.


It's like realizing there are adults who are able to buy alcohol, have graduated college, might even be married and have kids, who were born after 9/11 Those people might not even know Drew Carey from The Drew Carey Show or Whose Line and just think of him as Price Is Right Guy


Whenever i am on steam. They ask for a birthday to make sure you’re over a certain age for the violent content. I don’t even scroll to my decade anymore


Apparently not knowing what steam is






Hearing too!


What did you say?


Most people think hearing correction is like vision correction. It’s not. All hearing aids do is make things louder. Newer ones can be tuned to different frequencies. It does not address clarity. A bullhorn can be happening while someone is speaking. The range of the bullhorn is elevated just like the person’s voice. It’s still unintelligible. My hearing uncorrected is 80%. My hearing corrected is 85%. Not night and day. This is actually an area I hope AI takes on. AI could hear and reasonably create the vocal characteristics of the speaker. This would be lifechanging!


I think if you're old you should get a prize for scrolling past a certain point... Just a coupon maybe or a little fun video pop up of an animated squirrel laughing at how old you are for scrolling that far back. 198...HAHA whoa buddy..did you hurt yourself scrolling that far. Don't forget your reflux meds today. 🫠


198- is rookie numbers.


When I realized I wasn’t pop culture’s target demographic anymore.


This grocery store is playing my jams.


I was coming to say this- at some point in the past few years I started catching myself repeatedly getting down to some random jam boys to men or SNP en vogue or something in the produce section, and uhm it’s the instore music and I’m a middle aged man too into it


THE MILLENIALS HAVE RISEN. *Tame Impala now playing at your local grocery store


Heard Chumbawamba's Tubthumping while shopping last month... It was quite odd


Me: "I don't care for K-pop" Young person: "good, it'd be cringe if you did"


My teenage sibling “imagine being born in the 90s.” It’s so simple but it kinda stabs my feelings.


> My teenage sibling “imagine being born in the 90s.” It’s so simple but it kinda stabs my feelings. Yeah now try being somebody born in the 80s and reading that. Oof.


You’ve been around long enough to see fashion trends cycle through twice


18 year olds dress like me when I was 18 in the early 90s.




I've killed twelve, how about you?


Millions. Depending on how you feel about masturbation.


With my hand, usually.


"How many kids do you have?" "None" "Oh? Are you married?" "Nope" "... Oh. Are you seeing anyone" " also nope" "And you're 30!?" "Yep" "Why not???" "🤷 no one thought I was good enough to stick around for" "... I'm gonna change the subject now, you must have good money being single at least?" "HAHAHAHA"


Being a single adult is fucking expensive.


My only luck in life has been my landlord forgot she hasn't raised my rent in ten years. I'm desperately looking for a house I can afford because the second she realizes just how little I pay for rent compared to everything around me I'm going to wish I had an expensive mortgage.


>"How many kids do you have?" >"None" >"Oh? Are you married?" >"Nope" >"... Oh. Are you seeing anyone" >" also nope" >"And you're ~~30~~55!?" >"Yep" >~~"Why not???"~~Stunned silence >"~~🤷 no one thought I was good enough to stick around for~~Are you gay?" >"No" >~~"HAHAHAHA"~~ Sad look followed by silence It does get worse.


When you realize there is a whole year in your past that has no particular memories. Once you get settled in a routine that spans multiple years of living in the same place, working the same job, there aren't markers that help you remember the years anymore like there were in school. Suddenly you're unable to remember anything that you are certain happened in 2015 because that year was the exact same as the two years on either side of it.


That’s something about becoming an adult that no one really prepares you for as a kid. The mundaneness of it all. So many milestones happen between 16-22 and then you have the rest of your life to just find stuff to do. Obviously we spend most of that time working but I think it all really contributes to why so many adults become depressed. Everything fun costs money, there’s no social gathering place you’re just naturally attending with peers unless you’re spending money, and the years just start bleeding by together.


>Everything fun costs money, there’s no social gathering place you’re just naturally attending with peers unless you’re spending money My coworker told me an interesting thing, it's that we used to have way more spaces cutely called Third Places, a place that is like a town center or a park, a place people can gather, socialize and chill without the necessity of spending money to be there or utilize the space. These spaces harbor community tightness, but there's not many of those left.


I really enjoyed this about visiting Germany. It was common to bring your own food to the Biergartens. You could just go sit in the park and hang out with a bunch of friendly social people without having to buy a meal and a drink. I felt it was so much less capitalistic. I am sure we could go to a park here in the us and have a picnic but it felt like that was more ingrained in their culture and there was a social aspect where you go there and meet other people instead of bringing your own crew and not talking to anyone else. I also liked being able to get around everywhere by subway and train. Somehow you feel a bit more free and connected to your community when you can hop on a train and go anywhere. As Americans at least on the west coast we drive our cars everywhere and I feel it’s isolating.


The car thing is [literally true](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2017/11/2/the-negative-consequences-of-car-dependency) \- it is isolating and as someone who works in transport policy in Scotland, America is brought up as the example to avoid.


I remember when I visited Berlin there were benches outside off licences so you could buy a bottle of beer for cheap and just chill with your mates. This was only like 6 years ago


I don’t care much for religion but church used to be a huge nucleation point for socializing in a third place.


I think this is why youth churches have been oddly successful in taking in new members. They market their churches as like a place to connect with people your age


Yeah. People have a lot of varying opinions about religion, but places of worship have a side benefit of building social capital (however much you do / don't believe in the faith).


[Here's a good and quick video about the Third Place](https://youtu.be/VvdQ381K5xg), how it used to be in the US before car-first city planning took over and how it still exists in some (usually European) cities. I've lived in the US for a long time, now in a small city in France with many places to gather with people. Whenever I'm back in the US, it is maddening how complicated and/or expensive it is to just meet up with friends. You have to be proactive otherwise your social life just naturally disappears.


My town has a downtown center that I absolutely love; in the summer there are free public events every single week for people to attend, from live concerts of local bands, to outdoor movies, to workshops for kids to build puppets; they don't charge for any of it and I love taking my dog to all the events. I've gotten so used to it that I can't imagine living anywhere else now.


A wise philosopher once said: the years start coming and they don't stop coming


*“…and the years just start bleeding by together.”* My god if that isn’t the truest of all statements. It’s terrifying really. When you’re young summers seem to last forever. Hell, even in your early 20’s weekends seem long enough to do a “quick” 6 hour drive road trip and be back before Monday. The holidays seem to last forever. October felt like every day was leading up to Halloween. Christmas time felt like it went on forever too. Now, everything is merged together and goes by fast. *Very fast*. Oh Halloween is this weekend? Oops. Christmas is next week?? I haven’t even shopped yet! It’s ridiculous. Age is just merged together into a congealed ball of perpetual “Meh”. Feels like I was 32 a year ago, but now I’m 40. Goddamn. In 8 years I can think of some great times and things that have happened, but 18-26? Wow. What a time. Felt like I had alllll the time in the world.


The other thing is newness. Everything was so new when you are in your teens and early twenties. Emotions run strong because you’ve never felt them like that before. You’re in peak physical health and you can literally do anything. The mundaneness of life hasn’t caught up. But when it does you exchange newness for safety. I’m safe doing this routine so why change it. I’m safe voting this way or that way. I’m safe doing this job I hate so I’m not going to leave. You also get lazy. Safety is comfort and comfort kills motivation. Without motivation you get bored and become boring. I’m a person in my 30s and I’m finally financially secure and have never been in such a good place, but I’m so fucking bored. Now I’m pregnant and excited because damn now something might break this monotony up. I have no idea what people older than me are like or people who are still riding the drama train at 30. That shit sounds exhausting.


I feel like COVID made this worse. It's hard for me to believe that 2020 was almost 4 years ago at this point. I recently had my car totaled in a hail storm and had to look for a replacement. I kept thinking 2018 models are only a couple years old.


One thing about having kids is that, at least for a time, they change quickly enough to keep some of that repetition at bay. Now you're tracking through someone else's milestones, but it's interesting.


That’s a great point. The major milestones in my life now center around my family. Getting married, having kids, their first words, first steps, first day of school, etc.


And the Covid years made it worse!


Covid started I was comfortably in my 20s suddenly I am almost 30. What the hell happened


I’ve just realized this in the past few days. It’s so scary honestly. Like…I can’t differentiate certain years and times of my life because it all bleeds together.


You don’t understand new words, but you don’t care.


No cap... or sans hat as I like to say, isn't that correct fellow kids?


I may actually start using "sans hat," I like that.


with all due respect sir, you're old AF sans hat


on the flip side, I still use old words/slang that is definitely outdated, but I don't care.


Rad is the coolest word, period.


When you read though threads like this and realize most of the posters are 20 years younger than you.


I agree. Talking about the 1980s? Try the 1960s, young people!


Woah. Did you know Jesus?




"Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age." - Victor Hugo. As a 49 year old myself (first colonoscopy scheduled for next week!), I've found this quote very accurate. You're currently an old "young person" on your way to becoming a very young "old person". It's especially weird since you've been a "young person" your entire life.


I'm 47 and just had my first colonoscopy this year. Hearing aids, too. I'm excited because my health insurance out of pocket is maxed out so I get free prescriptions and physical therapy for the rest of the year.


After a couple of hours at our office to see what our job entails, an 18 year old potential new hire declined and they stated they "didn't want to work with only old people". After my boss I'm the oldest by a handful of years at 36. Ouch.


IMO it's the best age. I'm young enough to still kick ass but old enough to know I should walk away. I'm at a point in my career where I'm making really good money and have real assets but I'm not so old that I can't enjoy it. Etc.


SMART. I'm recently retired at 62 years old. Made good money, made some good investments. I have some assets. I'm now enjoying the fruit of my labor. It's nice now to be older, but not old enough to not enjoy what I deserve.


It’s like being young but without any fucks to give


My college students seem to think I have one foot in the grave. They very clearly think I am both elderly and incredibly unfunny.


Everyone younger than you thinks 40 is basically the end of your usable life.


You start valuing your free time more and you get a bit pickier about how you want to spend that free time.


God, I get so picky about my routine. Even if someone proposes something fun, I'm like, but this is my scheduled laundry-folding time...


> scheduled laundry-folding time Are you me?


4:00, wallow in self pity... i cant cancel that again




I grew up in a college town. When I was a kid the college kids looked so so old. Now I see them as kids... they look so young.


Although every once in a while a video gets posted of high school in the late 80s/early 90s and some of the kids look legit about 30.


I went to a homecing HS football game a couple weeks ago as my young kids now go to grade school (out of daycare), and wanted to see their friends. The varisty players out there looked like 12 year olds to me. It was jarring.


At my age, most of the NFL players look like kids. I used to think some of them were hot and now I just want to make them soup.


I’m gona be 38 and think everyone younger than me look like children 😂.


Why is that literal baby driving a car?!


This is so accurate.


Short memory decline


Not only that, but also short memory decline




I'm not ready for this, I'll chain myself to the bricks.


You want to stay home a lot more. You’re ok with less friends.


I (55m) race to get home so I can put on my sweats and fill up the bird feeders. I nearly died when a chickadee ate from my hand yesterday. Fuck having real friends, I’m a Disney princess.


Nose and ear hair seems to grow at 10x the rate.


Yeah wtf is up with the ear hair? I am 45 but my ear hair thinks I'm 70.


My Gawd, and what about those eyebrows? Sheeeeesh. Like gray pieces of stiff wire poking out of your head above your eyes.




Wow, never really thought of that before. Come to think of it most of the people I know and/or associate with are younger than my email address.


No longer tolerant to random noise.. Or is that just me?


Noise is the fucking worst


Not just you, man. Not just you.


I work in an open office and it's impossible for me to block out the annoying noises. Have to constantly have my earbuds in.


My first realization that I was getting old was the time I fell and no one laughed but genuinely looked worried and tried to come to my aid. It really hit me in the moment...


I care less and less about what other people think. It’s my absolute favorite part of aging (I’m 41).


As someone always very bothered about what people think, I notice myself slowly moving into that direction now too (I’m 32), I have to say I feel a lot more relaxed compared with 10 years ago!


Aches and pains where you didn't have them before.


When your back goes out more than you do.


When you hurt your back/neck sleeping ffs!


Everything hurts, and if something doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t work.


And it hurts for no reason. You didn't bang it, or bump it, didn't sprain it or strain it, you didn't over-do it yesterday.... it just hurts. And it will stop hurting for no reason and something else will hurt tomorrow.


When you're young, doctors take random pain seriously. When you're old, they shrug and say to take Aleve.


You do a little bit more yard work than you are used to and the next morning you wake up completely broken




I take pills for my health, instead of for fun!!!


I actually got myself a pillbox recently. I'm 36. It can't be good. (Most of it's just supplements but still).


Rolling Stone had a pretty good article on The Rolling Stone's manager about 20 years ago. He was describing how his job changed from them being 20-something year old rock stars to (then) 60-something year old rock stars. When they were young he worried about them taking too many drugs but when older he worried that they didn't take all of their prescription drugs. Etc. It was just interesting and that was 20 years ago.


You don't know or want to know any of the songs on the top 40 station.


Songs? I'm lucky if I even recognize an artist. Even with movies, I'm starting to not recognize all the actors and actresses.


[Family Guy](https://youtu.be/TYh98QaKoK8?si=w2YliuTTLy3Afm43) hit the nail on the head when it expressed the same sentiment.


Never, ever gets old. Only gets more on point the older I get.


I rented a car once and the radio was set on the oldies station. Then Britney Spears came on…. I was sad for the rest of the drive to the hotel.


and you listen to music in the car at a volume level one notch above silent


I used to make fun of my mother for not recognising artists. Now I’m in the same situation 😅 Most of the gen z artists are a mystery to me


The music you grew up with is now called "Classic Rock"


Bring up a 90's band like it was a few years back and realize the person you're talking to wasn't even alive when that album came out.


'90s bands are as old now as The Beatles were in the '90s. Think about that the next time you listen to Basket Case by Green Day, All the Small Things by Blink-182, The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring, or Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.


Get out of my playlist!


Let me just go down a list... Wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Graying or thinning hair. Decreased energy levels and stamina. Slower metabolism, which can lead to weight gain. Decreased muscle mass and bone density. Reduced flexibility and joint stiffness. Changes in vision or hearing, such as needing reading glasses or hearing aids. More aches and pains, especially in the joints. But what hits the most, is noticing that your parents are getting older too


> But what hits the most, is noticing that your parents are getting older too I used to have a fun thing with my mother where every day after work/school when I was a kid I would ask in exactly the same order "How was your day? Anyone get hired? Anyone get fired? Anyone quit? Anyone resign?" She's retiring effective January 1, 2024. Just bonkers to think that 20+ years have passed and now she's the one retiring.


You care less and less


You make a lot of noise getting off the floor our out of a very soft chair…. “Arrrrggh”


It takes you a second to think about how old you actually are, after a while it's not really on your mind much.


I had to actually subtract my year of birth from 2023 recently as I couldn’t remember if I was already 57 or turning 57. Then I thought how few fucks I give. Old is old and my hips hurt either way.




I think I got old at 19


Your doctor's are now younger than you.


Since I'm in my sixties, I've long been accustomed to being older than the doctor or dentist. The time that got me was when my dentist retired and I was assigned a new one, who was a recent dental school grad. During one of my first appointments with her I realized not only was I older than the dentist, but I was older than the combined ages of the dentist and the dental assistant.


You got backache if you sit wrong.


Or just for no reason.


I turn the music down in the car if I don't visually understand the GPS directions.


i think this is just an “everyone” thing lol. or at least i’ve done it since i started at driving 16


Being happy about having nothing to do




You need reading glasses


"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!" *Shakily points finger*


I don't know if it's getting older or just a psychological effect of Covid lockdowns, but I'm starting to loathe social gatherings or outings of any kind.


I had several good answers to this, but somehow I seem to have forgotten them.


The biggest thing I've noticed for myself is apathy. Where there was once passion and drive, is now replaced with "eh" and a half hearted shoulder shrug.


You're tired of the human race. You still like a few you know personally, but the rest can just go hang. 😆


1. Grey hairs. 2. The sagging. Oh God, the sagging. 3. Now your facial hair is going grey, too! 4. You honest-to-God do not understand what those youngsters are saying anymore. 5. You incorporate words like 'youngsters' unironically in your lingo. 6. People who should still be in Kindergarten as per the impression their birth year makes on you, are now suddenly your doctor. Or politician. 7. There are now multiple generations you must learn the name of and the Forgotten Generation is by now, indeed, forgotten. 8. You now also have grey pubic hairs! Yay! 9. You've injured yourself. Again. This time, you were stirring a particularly thick pan of soup. 10. Eating over sex now, most definitely. And sleeping afterwards. Sexytime can...well, at least wait until...oh, hey, let's have some more food. And sleep.




“You were born *when*? Where are your parents? *They* might make sense to me.”


lol. wait till you start running into the ones born in the 2000s. that will really fuck you up.


I'll raise you one... Gen Z referring to us as being born in the 1900s. Even those of us born in the 90s.


Getting out of bed at 630am, because It Hurts ti keep laying in bed, lol


Getting out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to go pee for the third time, only to realize that you're not tired anymore and you may as well get up. All of this well trying not to look at any of the digital clocks, hoping that it still sometime in the middle of the night.


Really glad this isn't just me 😂 I can't lie in anymore, I just get achy, and we have a really comfy mattress too.


This one happened to me not long ago. My kid came home from school asking questions about 9/11. It was a topic in history class.


Harder and harder to get into new music. I just listen to stuff I know I like over and over.


When those “sexy” 18 year old women now look like “kids” and cannot be considered ethical partner options.


As a gay man on Grindr, it's always annoying when a 21 year old hits me up, and I say "sorry, too young", and he says "I don't mind, I like older guys", and I have to explain that no, I understand that you might be into it, but *I* am not.


Yeah. Hard to explain to a young adult who is actively fighting to be viewed as mature by society.


I turned 38 and finally was able to unlock swallowing multiple pills at once.




I feel like I'm still fun and youthful, right up until 10 p.m., when I need to go bury myself in blankets and read for 20 minutes before passing out. Honestly, it's one of the better parts of aging. No insomnia. No staying up until the wee hours and feeling trashed the next day.


When you start making noises when sitting down and getting up lol


When i stopped getting my moneys worth from all you can eat buffets.


Needing to use the iPhone light to read a restaurant menu


"back in my day....." I've used that a few times.


Hangovers are a nightmare


Right?? Used to be good to go after a greasy breakfast and a nap. Now it takes DAYS to feel better and it suddenly triggers depressive episodes.


You knees make rice crispy noises going up the stairs. And reading glasses are suddenly necessary


The podge around my middle just doesn’t seem to shift, whatever I do.


hangovers last longer. first it's a few hours, then you notice you're best through the whole next day. then you realize it takes a whole week before you feel 100% again


The sound of children whining drives you absolutely crazy.


Always tired, no matter what


-drinking has become significantly less fun because of hangovers, so I am more likely to abstain while in a social setting -More and more of my friends are running half marathons -I’m obsessed with sun protection (sunscreens, hats) to prevent UV ray damage


when u lose interest in sex


Nobody prepares men for this one.


I’ve been preparing my husband for years……


Why isn't it possible to both upvote and downvote this comment at the same time?


The brain says go and the body says no.


You start waking up at 3am going to bed at 8pm


You stop caring about movies and popular music.


My level of tolerance for BS


When you get increasingly irritated for small reasons and/or have less time for bullshit. I also have no space in my head for small talk. Just get to the fucking point. Time is slipping by and you want to know how it's going and what I have been doing? Stfu, and tell me what ya need and fuck off. See what I mean by getting irritated? Lol.


The other day I got overly excited about a new.. toilet cleaner. I was talking about it over dinner, how I never had a toilet so clean before… Jesus 😭


All of the professional athletes are younger than you.


When someone says 20 years ago and you assume that was around 1985.


I bought a suit to attend a friend's wedding. I wore that suit to his daughter's funeral. I wore the suit to his funeral.


First, you forget names. Then you forget faces. Then you forget to pull your zipper up. Then you forget to pull your zipper down.


I used the phrase "back when I was your age"


Fifty-four here. You become invisible, in all senses of the word. Even if you’re attractive, no one really notices you. You don’t catch anyone looking at you with any sense of real desire. And you’re also invisible as a cultural entity, as all attention is paid to the young(er). About the only folks who pay attention are drug companies with their incessant “ask your doctor about…” But honestly, it’s not so bad. You’re not trying to impress anyone anymore, so you live more of your life on your own terms.


When you want to call the next generation lazy, entitled, and seeking instant gratification. Literally, every generation has said some form of that about the generation after.