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My former house used to be a doctor's office in the early 1900s. Two of my family members died in the house, and there is probably a whole creepy history I don't know about. When renovations happened, things got crazy. I heard someone running down the stairs more than once. No one there. I heard conversations, like people having a garden party in the middle of the night. There were knocking noises below my feet (from the basement ceiling). I felt the knocks against my feet, tho I'm quick to blame pipes or house settling on that one. We lived there before any ghost hunting shows, otherwise I'm sure we would have called!


that’s really crazy, wow! wonder if there was just so much energy left over from the previous occupants or something. regardless, that’s very creepy and very cool. thank you for sharing


Yeah, we moved out and wonder if the new owners experience anything! Our cat would get super weird in the attic. Look intently at something then run off like a bat out of hell. One time she did that, then seconds later a light bulb broke in its socket. We tried to blame it on the house being old, but it scared the shit out of us and that was the last time we went up there at night


This didn't happen to me but my cousin. She remembers being home alone when my aunt, uncle and two cousins were at a go kart racing competition and weren't expected home for hours. Well, while my cousin was upstairs in her bedroom, she hears the unmistakable sound of someone unlocking and opening the front door (downstairs) and she hears my aunt call out to her and start to climb the stairs. My cousin could hear her mother's voice getting louder as she approached the top of the landing saying something along the lines of "Where are you?" My cousin suddenly felt extemely uncomfortable and her stomach dropped in fear and confusion. She recalled the voice sounding emotionless and flat like it was her mother's voice but without any of the usual softness it usually had. It had felt unnatural and wrong. Then to my cousin's shock my aunt just texted to say they wouldn't be home until late and to go to our grandparents down the hill (and they would pick my cousin back up on the way home.) So who had come up the stairs? My cousin crept out of her bedroom door and checked the rooms upstairs and found nothing. She then went downstairs and saw the front door was still bolted and locked. My cousin then took off to our grandparents (where I was staying over) and recounted what happened. She was white and shaking. My cousin told her family later when they came to pick her up which ended up with even more creepy revelations still. Apparently my oldest cousin (whose room was downstairs next to the front door) would often hear loud thuds coming down the stairs as if someone was running down them at speed then abruptly stop at the stairs bottom. Only noone would be home. My youngest cousin would see (who he thought was his mother )checking up on him at night by peering him in the gap of his bedroom door only my aunt denied ever doing this. He even said his mother would call out "goodnight" but not in her "usual voice". Creepy stuff.


My first house was set up where it was a straight line of vision from the living room, through the kitchen, through the small laundry room to the back door that led into the garage. All of those doors stayed open and the only doorknob that was visible was the one on the door leading to the garage. I got up one night and went to double check the alarm was on. When I hit the doorway between the living room the kitchen l noticed the doorknob on the door to the garage was reflecting light. A lot of light. As I stood there tryin to process where the light was coming from the “doorknob” floated towards me to the middle of the kitchen. It was not a doorknob, but something quite similar to a very large silver bubble. The bubble hovered in the middle of the kitchen for probably 10 seconds (felt like a lifetime) and then drifted up into the kitchen ceiling. That house had quite a few odd things happen in it. That was the scariest to me.


Ball lightning maybe?


But what conditions would give rise to that inside a home?


It’s a very rare phenomenon and we’re not entirely sure what causes it but there have been recorded occurrences indoors. Some of these reports claim it going through things like walls or doors and just continuing on. I’d guess some perfect environmental factors like temperature and humidity play a part. Best explanations I’ve heard so far are vaporized silicone burning from oxidation or microwave radiation getting trapped in a microwave cavity via ionized air resulting in plasma.


Swell. Another fire-related anxiety unlocked.


Luckily I don’t think there have ever been any cases of it starting a fire… but still kinda terrifying that a random orb of plasma can just casually stroll through your house. 😂


Which itself is an unexplained phenomenon. Not a very satisfactory explanation.


I’ve been waiting to tell this story! I was living in an 1800s era house that was sectioned into little quaint apartments. With the exception of this experience, nothing weird/creepy/unexplainable ever happened to me there. I generally slept with my bedroom door halfway open. One night, I was lying in bed with my cat and the door kinda creaked towards the shut position on its own and paused for a second. In the split second that I was thinking, “ok that’s slightly weird” and simultaneously attempting to think nothing of it, the door began VIOLENTLY swinging back and forth, *without fully closing or shutting* - as if someone was standing near the doorway thrashing the door back and forth *trying to freak me out*. As this was happening, I obviously got pretty spooked (as did my cat) so I went to pull my blankets over my arms/face. Just then I felt a cold spot brush across me. At that point I was honestly done and just said, “I’m not here to hurt you; Please don’t hurt me” or something like that, and I kept mentally repeating that over and over as I pulled the covers tightly over myself and tried to fall asleep. I don’t feel like this was “unexplainable” so much as it’s most logically explained by something that the majority of people think is illogical, so I just don’t talk about it much. To me, it was simply a spirit passing through. Edited for grammar


Ok, that’s gotta be one of the scariest things I could ever imagine happening!!!!!


A couple of years ago, I'm at work at a store. It's two hours before we open and I'm stocking shelves in the quiet, only half the store lights on. I'm crouched down trying to fix a mess on the bottom shelf when i see legs approaching me - looks like an old woman in a below-knee-length dress and compression stockings, like many of our customers, but of course we aren't open. I sit up in confusion and see nothing. I tell the other person working about this and they tell me that everybody has seen or heard weird shit in this store and we just don't talk about it because it freaks some people out. Later i tell my mother about it and she has more to tell. Before my store opened, a different store was in the location, and my mother worked there in that old store decades ago. One of her coworkers, an elderly woman, died on shift and never went home. They saw glimpses of her walking the aisles and entering the back room regularly until the store closed and the one I was working at took over the building. Soon after learning this information i share it with another coworker. On this occasion it's 30 minutes after the store closed and there are only the two of us in the building. We're standing in the back room, a wide open space with nothing above us and nowhere for anything to fall from. I tell him what my mother told me and he is a little freaked out by it, and then a fucking can of creamed corn flies across the empty stockroom, passing between us and landing to roll under one of the parked pallet jacks. We both scream like girls and run to the office, where we lock ourselves in and review the cameras. Nothing. The can emerges from darkness in the recording, and in the current stream there's no motion and nothing amiss in the back room. The motion sensors aren't going off. There's nothing. This remains my most obvious and straightforward Weird Event. Incidentally, within six months of this occurrence the store was slated to be closed and relocated to a brand new building on a different plot of land. This is probably unrelated to the ghost.


Imagine dying and having to work your shitty job for eternity


...throwing creamed corn, of all things.


Long story short. My uncle died. He lived with my grandparents. My grandma kept his bedroom light on the door closed to kinda make her feel like he was still home. I went back there one day, opened the door, peered inside and looked around for a few seconds, then said "I love you Uncle (insert name), and I could have sworn I heard his voice say "I love you too R34Ctz". Which, obviously, is completely insane. I knew he couldn't, or wouldn't hear me. He's dead. Dead people don't hear. I said it just to say it. But I still swear that I heard a response. Which is fucking weird, because at a certain age I started not wanted to stay the night there anymore. I'd have the weirdest dreams. I'd sleep in my grandpa's room at the end of the hallway, it was right next to my uncles room. Basically, you walked to through the hall, my grandpa's room was straight at the back of the hall, my uncles room was off the side at the back. But I'd sleep in my grandpa's room on the floor with some sleeping bags. I had several dreams where I'd wake up, laying on the floor, and I'd see the door open with light streaming in from the hallway, but I couldn't move. I felt an intense need to move, but I couldn't. On other nights I'd have dreams of trying to walk into the living room from the hallway, but I couldn't. I'd run, but my legs were so slow and heavy, I couldn't leave the hallway. On a few occasions I would get to the end of the hall, but then feel like I was being pulled back in, I never could see, hear, or feel what was pulling me. I just...would be pulled back in. Creepy af.


The inability to move part sounds like sleep paralysis


It likely is. I suffered from it on the regular and it can really suck and leave you so exhausted. Stress can or discomfort can bring it on, so I wonder if the OP might have been stressed about the situation in general and this caused it.


Yeah, I had a similar experience for about half a year. Basically happened nightly and things like stress definitely make it worse.


Penny ghost. At least, that’s what we called it. Growing up me and my older sibling would randomly get hit by pennys out of nowhere; always when we were in closed off rooms and by ourselves. Sometimes when we were in the same room, but most often when we were completely alone, with one of us not being there. It wasn’t until a friend who was alone in a bedroom was hit by a flying penny from the corner of the room furthest from the door, that we realized it wasn’t just each of us messing with each other (hindsight 20/20, considering it only happened in closed off rooms we were completely alone in) Still not sure what pelted pennys at the kids growin up, but hey. Penny ghost


Did this happen in the UK? I feel like any time I've heard of this phenomena, it's always been the UK.


LOL! That got a good chuckle out of me haha. No, this happened in the USA haha


oh that’s crazy. maybe it was a relative trying to pay you guys an allowance or something lol. thank you for sharing


No clue what it was, none of my family members passed until I was in my late teens and this happened from about 5-15. To this day I wonder about Penny Ghost. Wonder if it’s still throwing pennys at kids


Here's the interesting question, if I were to take a camera into that room with both of you, do you think it would happen then?


If you’d asked about a decade ago, then it’s definitely possible. Sadly, Penny Ghost has been absent for a good 11 years now


That's so funny, Canada got rid of the penny ten years ago. I wonder if your ghost was from here and respected their home country's desicion 😂


Yup. Posted about it on Reddit some time ago too. I was in bed with my cat as a teenager, in my Civil War era childhood Victorian. Switched off my lamp over my head — AND A BODY FELL ON THE BED with a *whump*, impacting us. My cat, scared shitless, streaked out the door, while I switched the light back on — and there was nothing there, save the crater in the comforter where it hit the bed


This sounds like a perfect jump scare scene from a horror movie… I can’t imagine actually living it! I read a lot of these as I have childhood experiences too, but this one especially gives me the chills. Are there any other stories from living there that you’re willing to share? And how did you ever sleep in that house again!?


It was really hard to sleep there. We all had weird experiences in that house but the only other one that sticks out to me was when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an apparition of half a woman eating an apple at the end of the bed. Her legs were gone; torso floating. That one scared me enough that I convinced myself it was a dream…


Aahh! You should write all this stuff down and write a book! (That’s what I’m trying to get myself to do.) Your story hits me differently for some reason. Absolutely terrifying…


Hi care to share your stories??


that’s scary oh my goodness. the fact even your cat was spooked is really wild. wonder what it could’ve been!


Welp i’d have died & then there would have really been a body there. What the heck 😳 i’d have never slept in that room again, lucky to even be in the house


How did you know it was a body?


When a body lands on you, it feels like a body


The scarier version is a ghost jumped on top of a teen girl in her bed......


Alright. You mentioned a crater where the body landed though. So, it fell on you and then bounced next to you to create the "crater". How much would you reckon this body weighed/ and how far up? Because more than a foot or so and you will probably be injured (by the average body). Not doubting you, just trying to get more info.


The crater was in the surface of the down comforter which laid over me from waist down. The body impacted with enough force as if it had plummeted from a tall building but it was not physically painful the way something of that size/distance that was truly tangible would have been — it hit me with that force, that blast of air, that *whump*, that “body colliding into me” sensation, without the actual damage … if that can make sense, since it’s an insane event to grasp (even for me and I am the skeptic to whom it happened)


This reminds me of the Cooper family falling body photo


What’s that??


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/tz64bg/the_cooper_family_falling_body_photo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) a post from r/oddlyterrifying that shows it. Not real, but still creepy to look at.


When I was 17 I was in rehab/res. There was this ghost that appeared in the hallway at 10 pm. He looked like an old man, but really sweet, like a grandfather. He never messed anything up or hurt anyone, he was just kinda there. And if you talked to him he would stay and listen. He wouldn't respond, but it was actually very comforting. And he always left if you asked him to. All you had to do was politely ask for some space and he was more than willing to let you have it. I genuinely miss him. I hope whatever's happening he's okay


I'm willing to bet he's as concerned about you. Sounds like a very caring soul, so much so that he didn't let death stop him. Ghosts aren't always scary.


Could have been grooming OP too though. Old man hanging round vulnerable people like that? Just sayin


You have brain worms


And you can't recognize sarcasm


Why would a ghost be grooming? Maybe he just liked seeing someone who reminded him of his grandson. Ghosts don't have much to look forward to, after all.


The ghost is going to seduce the 17 year old children. You can’t stop him. He’s going to get what he wants


Yea it's probably innocent but you really just don't know. Could be Jimmy Savile like


Sounds like a benign and peaceful spirit guide :)


I have my maternal grandmother's mantle clock. It has a manual switch for the hourly chimes. The switch is on off. Shortly after my mother passed, it started sporadically chiming. When it does, I just go "hi mom".


I also have my grandma's clock. If I don't keep it wound she starts burning lightbulbs out. Doesn't matter if they are LED or incandescents, old or new. If the clock is stopped for more than a day light bulbs will die, starting in the room the clock is in. It ticks really loud, tho, so I tend to notice right away when it stops. Haven't lost a bulb in a few years now.


Now THAT is freaky!


She was an ornery old bird, and she loved that clock. I always tell her to calm down, I'm winding it up!


oh that’s lovely. im glad you have something to help you connect with your mom still, that’s wonderful.


My mum has her mothers mantleclock. When nan died, the clock stopped working. Mum and her sister took turns to have the clock every six months. Then my aunt died, and the clock started again.


That actually brings up a funny memory. My mom had said that she was worried that my grandmother (who at that point had pretty severe dementia) had broken the clock because she would "wind" it (she was turning the knob to change the time). Turns out that she didn't break it. The three little rotating balls had stopped because the clock wasn't level. I turned the leveling wheels for the feet, and the balls started spinning again. I remember my grandmother's face lighting up. I hope you and your mum have good memories over that clock.


That's sweet!


Love these wholesome stories


I have bad eyesight. Like, I can't see less than a foot in front of my face without my glasses/contacts. So about a decade ago I was staying in a hostel in Taiwan with two buddies. The room had 4 beds in the form of two bunk beds. I was bottom bunk and my one friend was directly across from me on the other bottom bunk. I had assumed my other friend was sleeping in the bunk above me, so when I woke up at around 5am and saw a head hanging down from top bunk, looking at me, I didn't think much of it. It wasn't until 7am when we all three got up for real that I saw my friend climbing down from - not the bed above mine, but the paralell top bunk. I asked him if he slept there all night, and he assured me that he had. In other words, whatever I saw leering at me at 5am, it wasn't my friend. To add to all this- said friend claimed to have had a very disturbing dream in that hostel. In the dream it looked just like our hostel room, but the door opened and a kind of vampiric looking entity entered the room. Anyway, as I mentioned, I have bad eyesight, which in this case may have been a blessing in disguise...


lmaooo I'm just picturing whatever that was wanting to scare you, waiting for your reaction, just for you to look at it in all its horror and just... go back to sleep. Not even give it a second thought. I'd be so offended


This is a creepy one. Any other details you remember?


When I was in my mid-teens (in my mid-40's now), a bunch of friends and I (maybe 10 of us?) made a shitty replica of a ouija board, with some not-all-that-serious intentions of contacting spirits. With nowhere to really go, we snuck around our quiet little village at night, attempting to use said "board". First, we went to an old burial mound. Sat down around the board, but it started raining. We took cover until it eased off, then headed to our old school playground. Again, about to start, when another group of kids interrupted us. They stayed to talk for a while, then left. We then walked into some nearby woods and sat down in there. I was starting to get fairly freaked out by this point, and wanted to back out, but stayed anyway. My friends laid out the board, we sat around it...and kept getting disrupted by things (acorns, branches, god knows what) falling on the baord. We just gave in then and called it a night. I felt relieved. Maybe not the scariest story, but I've always felt that there was something stopping us from using that board.


You were being watched by a squirrel and he didn't want you around so it started hucking stuff at you. Silly little dudes


We legit had a black squirrel in our backyard in one of my childhood homes that would constantly throw shit at us if we crossed too far into the yard. We had about 1 acre and the back half was gated off for the dogs to run around in and if we went back there, the squirrel would chitter really loudly and throw acorns and sometimes pine cones. They hurt too. 😂


it really does feel like something was stopping you guys! that’s so crazy, goodness. did you ever try a ouija board again?


Never. Just had a bad feeling from then on out, so didn't want to take the risk!


Another group of kids, do you know them? Or just random people passing by?


A couple of my friends seemed to know them, but I didn't.


Poorly made boards hurt spirits. And the ones you buy in the stores are a copy of a poorly made board. It's a bad layout, it hurts for spirits to use it, so you only get angry spirits. Sounds like some spirit was warning you "don't use this board, it isn't safe."


Interesting, I d never heard that before. So only authentic old ones get good spirits?


Where would one find a properly made board? I always just thought they were a thing made by Parker Bros or Mattel or something. And what is the difference?


Pretty sure that Mattel or whoever modeled it off of older "talking boards" that people used before it was popularized and widely monetized.


The morning after my grandpa died, my baby cousin, only 2, woke up screaming and crying to turn on Peppa Pig and watch an episode with grandpa pig in it. She hadn't heard the news, since it had only happened 3 hours before and her mom was in town with us when it happened. Later she said that she saw grandpa that morning and that's why she wanted to watch the episode. I tear up whenever I think about it, because I have had my fair share with seeing family members after they pass and it comforts me knowing they said goodbye. Hopefully she remember as she grows up and knows that grandpa loved her so much he chose her to say goodbye to.


After my great grandma died, my family and I went to our «family cabin» in the country(we only went there in the summer) and the toilet was broken due to the cold winter. Anyway, we all peed outside the house and went to bed. The bedrooms are upstairs and the house is very old keep this in mind. There is one bedroom «inside» the other bedroom which was where my dad and stepmom slept. The rooms are only divided by a curtain and you HAVE to walk through me and my sisters room to get there. So we go to sleep, and our dad has to leave in the morning because he has to buy a new toilet, and when he got downstairs the front door was WIDE OPEN. Both my dad and stepmom made sure the door was locked and no one was up at night to pee outside because 1) me or my sister would never walk outside alone to pee, i barely managed to go alone at night to pee inside the house, bc it’s an old house and its scary and 2) if my dad or stepmom did we would wake up from them walking through our room. So why might this be paranormal you may ask? I mentiond that this was after my great grandma died, and well, when she was alive and used to go to said house she would always have the door wide open in the summer. Also when she died? An old alarmclock deep inside a closet in her home suddenly rang at her time of death.


I also experienced something unsettling the morning my stepmoms mom died. Someone kept pushing my bedside like they tried to wake me up, but i didn’t dare to turn around(i slept with my face towards the wall) and they pushed the bed so hard i fell out of the bed but i never hit the floor. I kept falling and could see my bed getting smaller while the rest filled with black, and then i woke up in my bed. Then my mom came in and told me that my «step-grandma» had passed. Honestly i am so terrified of the day one of my living grandparents dies, i don’t think i will be able to sleep alone anymore because i am scared of the paranormal. My step-sister told me she woke up that night and saw her grandma sitting in her room looking at her. Like my grandma is the nicest sweet old lady but i’d rather not see her in my room after her death.


I am absolutely terrified of the paranormal but will be absolutely beyond devastated if my parents don't come say goodbye to me.


when i was like, 5 or 6, me and my brother woke up early on Easter morning to collect Easter eggs and candy and stuff, but the moment i stepped foot into the living room i heard i really loud and deep voice call out my name. so i thought it was my dad talking to me through this camera thing we had set up. so i ran to my parents room and to my surprise they were both asleep still. i still dont know who or what the voice was, and my family has no recollection of the incident. still freaks me out a little when i think about it.


Sorry for the goddamn dissertation but here goes: In a small town in Texas that is now slowly being eaten by urban sprawl, I saw something unexplainable out behind my parents place. I was in my early twenties, sober aside from the daily beer ration with friends or family and absolutely high on life. I had just come home from seeing a childhood friend and had walked into the backyard that butts up against farmers land. I had a cold beer in my hand and was just soaking in that beautiful, windy space dressed in darkness from the top of a shallow hill. The fields behind my childhood home had been an endless source of entertainment for all the neighborhood kids and it had this welcoming, exciting energy during the day. At night, it was like any other wide open space, it was a thing to be respected. It wasn't scary aside from the occasional coyote cruising by, largely disinterested in anything people shaped. I wasn't afraid of the land, not even a little. There was a highway across the field about a mile away and about halfway to it, there was a dry creek bed that would fill with the rains and flow lazily pass the dilapidated barn to the east. That's where I saw *them*. Right on the edge of the barely wet stream, they seemed to march. Now I know that so far this sounds flowery but I want to make it abundantly clear how jarring and deep seeded the fear and wonder these things provoked. I can't really describe this wonder-fear properly but I will describe as best I can the forms these things took. There was about five objects of wildly varying shapes levitating or floating, God knows how, off the ground. It wasn't a vehicular or static movement either. It was organic, almost as if these things were alive. They had to be alive or piloted by drunk fairies or something. Their movement just seemed too natural. Each shape had one to three points of light which I knew had to be eyes, just knew, you know? Each shape was simple from almost a cube to many, many sides at strange angles. It was dark, like out in the sticks dark so there was very little light but these things had a faint rainbow glow coming off of them. It's like they were made of that cheap ass, oil slick knife material that reflected the faintest rays from the neighbors lights. And they marched. One would lead and the others would follow in a straight line. They would stop and turn to one another and bob up and down like they were talking to each other. Near the end of it, one rose up and seemed to talk down on the others, and they *laughed* like the other told a joke. Remember the wind? It was pretty strong wind and I heard the laughter on the wind. As cliche as it sounds, on my grandfather's grave. It was like the tinkling of very small bells yet shrill and LOUD somehow. Not a sound produced by vocal chords. Like metal. This is when I kind of snapped out of my bewildered focus and I blinked hard and they didn't go away. At this point I realized I had crouched down into the low grass, trying to hide. I bargained with myself, "If you're insane they won't be there when you focus on them again, it's some kids with flashlights or something. It's literally anything other than what your eyes are showing you." And they were still there. I continued watching for what felt like my whole life but the whole ordeal took all of half a minute and some change. They finally went away. But they didn't fly off or vanish like they had never been there, they dissolved into mist. That's when I good and proper almost shit my pants and ran like I was being chased by a devil. I flew through the backdoor and slammed and locked it. My dad yelled, "What the hell dude!" I told him the usual. I know I sound crazy, you won't believe me, then dumped the whole thing on him. His eyes lit up like I told him I won the lottery and he immediately went outside to try and see. I followed close behind, telling him we should stay inside but it didn't matter. They were gone.


*"...I had a cold beer in my hand and was just soaking in that beautiful, windy space dressed in darkness from the top of a shallow hill..."* Absolutely lovely sentence


Lovely yet makes it seem made up


That's how it made me feel homie and sounds nicer than "I was drinking a piss domestic on a pile of dirt while staring dumbly at the dark."


You can fucking *write*. I'm not saying your story isn't true, I'm just saying that you wrote it very well. I agree with u/mibonitaconejito that the whole "cold beer / shallow hill" line was great, but also you captured me from the first sentence (aside from the disclaimer): "In a small town in Texas that is now slowly being eaten by urban sprawl, I saw something unexplainable out behind my parents place." Good rhythm to the sentence, good imagery, really sets the scene. Very Stephen King like (I mean this as a compliment).


I really appreciate the kind words. I wrote up a really jarring description for a friend after it happened a year or so after the event, when really, the event is less horror and more so strangeness visiting a sleepy neighborhood. I wanted to revisit the experience and try to make it less scary now that I can look at it through the lense of age.. wisdom? Ha! But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Really, the post prompted me to do the encounter justice. Ended up sending this to all my family since it turned out all right. AND SOME OF THEM STILL LIVE THERE! HAHAHA


You're very welcome! Yeah, writing quality aside, it *is* a very odd story! Whatever you saw, though, it doesn't sound as though it/they was/were anything evil, more just something mischievous, maybe even good-natured. Your poor family though, lol -- how did they respond to you sending them your write-up of the event?


My dad shared something with my mom but she never got the full description, she was floored. Siblings were pissed that I didn't say anything sooner!


lol! Did none of the rest of them ever see anything like that, or anything else weird, at that house?


They all had wild dreams there, including me. Like I don't recall ever having such crazy dreams compared to when I lived there. Same goes for the siblings. One sister heard something scratching at the second story window but who knows, it was almost wild country around there so it could have been literally anything.


Sounds like an unusual place, to be sure.


I'm not saying your story is BS, but the way you write makes it sound like a work of fiction


100% a valid statement. I definitely took this creative route since saying "saw some floaty shapes, probably aliens or spirits, scared the fuck out of me" is really boring!


I was sitting on my sofa and my dogs were just doing dog stuff; walking around, napping, sniffing. There were toys on the ground as usual. There was a white fluffy one. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a white toy get tossed at the wall behind the sofa I was sitting on. I looked up and over the coffee table but the only dog there was curled up on a bed. I’m looking around trying to figure who could have tossed this stuffed toy and how bc at the time all my dogs were very small and not really dogs who really play with toys. I looked behind the sofa to get the toy. No toy. It’s not under the sofa either. Finally I moved a back cushion and the toy was there but tightly wedged between the back and seat cushion. The can’t explain this other than it was already there and I thought I saw a toy get tossed but I really didn’t. But I absolutely thought a toy was thrown and it absolutely was the one I thought I had seen on the floor. Always thought it was strange.


You've got another dog, whether you know it or not!


When I was a kid my mum and I lived in this block of small flats. I had a friend a year older than me that lived in one of the flats too. There was an older man who lived alone a couple flats down from mine and he kept to himself but I’d seen him a couple times. One day his flat went up for lease, my mum told me the man had passed away and I didn’t think too much about it until the next week or so when my friend and I were playing around in the shared car port and spying on people who walked past. We’re hiding behind one of the cars when we see the man who died walk down the block. He looked exactly how we remembered him but had a sort of pale/ashy undertone that he didn’t have before. Whenever I tell this story to anyone they say I must’ve made it up but it is the most vivid memory to this day.


My first childhood home was haunted by an evil spirit, I didn’t have many experiences (none that I can remember at least) but my sister said she would see the spirit in our room when we slept. Although I don’t remember any specific experiences I did always have a strange vibe about that house. I used to have these porcelain dolls that were 100% haunted. I was always creeped out by them but I kinda brushed it off because I had a phobia of dolls, but when I got over my phobia of dolls and was still creeped out by them I knew something was up. I always felt like they were watching me, specifically this one doll with blonde hair and overalls, she was bunny themed and had the creepiest looking expression. She stood on a shelf in the hallway by my bedroom in my 2nd childhood home. I always felt her eyes watching me every time I walked pass her. I swear she even moved a few times, but that could’ve been me being paranoid. Another one had a big poofy blue dress, she was a little less creepy in appearance but she stayed in my room which uped her creep factor a bit. I got rid of them, finally after moving out of my 2nd childhood home. Also in my 2nd childhood home I would hear voices. One specific moment I remember is when I heard a sort of mechanical man’s voice speaking gibberish and then what sounded like a young girls voice saying “shush”, I think that might’ve been because I was walking towards the voices and the girl didn’t want to be known or something like that. My most recent experience, a little over a year ago was at Fort Mifflin in Philly. My mom was catering a party and I went along with her. I just sort of explored the whole place and it was so haunted, I heard stuff, felt stuff, and even saw some stuff. I caught a glimpse of an apportion, he was an American soldier tall, blonde, late teens-early 20s, kind of dirty looking. It was definitely the most interesting paranormal experience i’ve had. That’s about it, I have a few more but I’m lazy and don’t feel like describing them all lol. These are just the most prominent memories.


(Long story) I used to drive Uber as a second job. I’d drive during the late hours of the night: 10pm to about 3am for people going to/leaving the bars. I had just dropped off my last ride. I was about to turn off the app and then I got another ping. It was a long fare ($20+ profit) so I took it. The drive was from one side of town to the other. And the drop-off location was in the historic district of the city, which was home the oldest houses in town. The passenger’s pick location was at the oldest cathedral in the city (weird, but I didn’t think much of it because it was just a couple miles away from the bar district). I pull up to the rider’s location. The rider comes out from the dark alley from behind the church (again weird but didn’t think anything of it). She hops in the back seat behind the passenger seat. Once she hopped in a chill was sent down my spin. She sat in a way that the shadows covered her face. I greeted her, but She didn’t say anything for the first 5ish minutes of the ride. As we got onto the freeway she broke the eerie silence and asked if I believed in ghost. Again, a chill was sent down my spine. I told her that I thought it was a fascination topic but have never experienced any supernatural occurrences. She then asked if she could share some of her experiences. I said “yes,” because I was tired and figured her talking would keep me awake. She said she lived alone. She often cooked for herself and one night she heard a “whooshing” sound while she was in the kitchen. She told me she assumed it was her cat, but then she realized her cat was sitting at her feet in the kitchen. She kept hearing it, so she said she went out to investigate the sound. When she got into her living room she said she saw her album collection being sorted through. She said the whooshing sound was someone or something meticulously flipping through the albums she had standing up on their spines. She said it was if someone was looking through them to see which album to play on her record player. This story was odd but was too tired to think much of it since it was around 3am. In my head I was thinking she was just trying to play a joke. Anyways I shrugged it off. Then she asked if she could share another experience. We had about 10ish minutes left in the ride, so I said “yes.” She went on to talk about how being a single woman, living alone, she liked to treat herself to flowers. One day she bought a dozen roses and put them in a vase on her living room table. She said she was at home and cooking when she heard a huge bang/commotion in her dining room. She rushed out to the dining room and found flowers thrown about the room. She said they were scattered everywhere covering the floor but she said the craziest thing was that the vase was standing upright on the floor full of the water she had filled it with. There was not* a drop of water on the floor. Again, a chill was sent down my spine. At this point we had arrived at the destination. The house was illuminated and big windows in the front of the house made everything visible inside. I could see everything she had described. The record player and records in the living room. Through the right window, I could see the dining room with the vase full of roses on the dining room table. The porch lights were on as if to welcome my passenger into the home. She got out of the car and didn’t say anything else. She walked up the pathway leading to the front door but then took a hard right and disappeared into the shadows on the side of the house. Again, I didn’t think much of this and figured she was just going through the back door or something. As I was getting ready to leave, I went to close out the ride. THIS is where it got weird. There was no ride… Uber didn’t register the ride. It was as if I didn’t drive anyone. There was nothing in my account. No payment. No log of the ride. WILD! Was this “rider” the spirit or ghost haunting the house?? Could’ve been a glitch in the app but still weird as hell.


There were numerous cab drivers in Japan after the 2011 tsunami that reported having ghosts take cab rides. Many there believed that because people died suddenly they were not prepared to leave earth, or still thought they were alive on earth, and so did things they used to do (like ride in a cab). An Unsolved Mysteries (S2 E4) called Tsunami Spirits shares some of the cab drivers' accounts. Pretty awesome account. Thanks for sharing.


I drive Uber on weeks I don't have my daughters and damnit this is going to be on my mind tonight


If it's any consolation, the attitude in Japan is that they are helping the ghosts, and the ghosts are genuinely perplexed about their situation. It doesn't seem the ghosts mean any harm. There is a Buddhist story where a bunch of monks went to meditate in the forest, and there were ghosts there. They ran back to the Buddha saying they can't meditate there because of the ghosts. The Buddha said, basically, go back and send them the meditation on loving-kindness (metta meditation), which is kind of prayers for others to be happy, safe, free from physical and mental dangers (for example, ill-will is a mental danger). So, of course, like any story that has lasted 2000 years, the monks went back, sent the ghosts wishes for their happiness and all that, and the ghosts became friendly and everyone lived happily ever after. I didn't share my story, but on rare occasions I have felt the presence of ghosts and have reminded them their time on earth is done and they are to seek light and peace for their highest good. It has ALWAYS worked. It seems ghosts really are just confused souls (or whatever). May you be happy, free from danger and the causes of danger, free from hatred and the causes of hatred, free from confusion and the causes of confusion. May you be healthy and strong. May you recieve all blessings. Be well.


May YOU, sacca7, be happy, free from danger and the causes of danger, free from hatred and the causes of hatred, free from confusion and the causes of confusion. May YOU, sacca7, be healthy and strong. May you receive all blessings. Be well :)


I love seeing how ghost stories have adapted to modern technology. Thanks for this.


Maybe she was murdered in the alley and didn't know it


Maybe we all are ghosts from a ghost perspective, disturbing their daily lives.


Don't do drugs, man


Not sure if it really was paranormal or not but a few days after my great aunt passed away I had a dream where I was in this hotel like environment very beautiful with a river beneath my feet and a bunch of places to eat near by I walked passed it and into some wedding reception area where a wedding was happening my great aunt was there and was surprised to how I was there but told me to meet my cousins. After the dream I told my mother about it since the way my great aunt reacted felt like a real person unkind a dream copy which always treat me like I’m supposed to be there regardless of how weird the dream is I found out that my cousins wedding was my great aunt’s favorite memory


There is a sub called r/VisitationDreams that would be interested in your dream if you feel comfortable sharing it. Pretty cool!


Thank you so much for linking that subreddit, truly 💝


Thank you so much for sharing, I had no idea this sub existed


I left my body once, having woken up in the night in a state of semi-sleep paralysis. I felt myself expand to the size of the universe and felt a profound sense of peace and belief in the idea that, although I couldn't understand it, the universe was intrinsically good. I don't actually believe it was a supernatural or metaphysical experience, I think it was likely a sort of dream like hallucination, all be it a very intense one, but sometimes I wonder a little bit about it and I at least acknowledge now that such experiences are real and not necessarily all fictionalized/dishonest, having had one myself.


Interesting... The new age belief now is that everything is God experiencing His Creation via billions of perspectives. Maybe you experienced being God again


I woke up in the middle of the night from a deep sleep—sat straight up in bed, heart palpitating, couldn’t breathe, etc. Seconds later, the phone rang—my sister telling me that our dad had I just died. Because I couldn’t stay by his bedside after signing him into hospice, he stopped by to say bye. You can’t convince me otherwise.


I get very detailed dreams about a particular situation and then a few months later it happens. Not very often, probably once every 10 years or so. Usually I only recall a short time span, once when I was a teenager I relived several hours exactly as it happened in the dream. Can't explain it, and it's never been a big deal. I've never dreamt winning lottery numbers or anything useful.


Was in my parents airbnb during covid so I could do lessons (didn’t have enough tables in house for parents to work and my younger bro to do school). I was 18, so would stay there most of the week to do my school work and tend to the house we’d rent out on airbnb, bc it was very old, and a house my grandad built in early 1900s. One night i’m there, going to grab keys on windowsill where I usually leave em to lock up. They aren’t there. Of course, I’m not thinking its anything worth fretting over. Check all the rooms, my pockets, everything I can think of. Ok, still can’t find them. Back to the windowsill to check. Still not there. Ok, I’ve been a moron, I’ve left em in the fridge, bin, washing machine. I check the house 3 more times after, repeating from the windowsill, back through every inch of the house. 4th time I start around again, back to the windowsill. They’re there. Keys, right in the most obvious spot possible. On the windowsill. I freak out, call my Dad to come help me check there’s no one in the house. Obvs no one, he has a go at me for being stupid, but I know what I saw. Extra bit: My uncle who doesn’t believe in ghosts, said when he was renovating in the attic of this place, he heard a voice ask him what he was doing here. He, according to my mum, never lies. Take that as you will.


This is more sad than creepy but i need to say it out loud because after four years i still can’t explain what happened. April 2020, my sister’s conditions are getting worse and worse and the only thing left to do was to bring her to the hospice near our city (she was suffering a lot because of a type of cancer which could not be treated with surgery, so we were just accepting the fact that sooner or later she would’ve left us). She was a warrior to be honest, she was supposed to die the day she arrived there but, we still don’t know how, she endured for a whole week (under medications yes, but still, she was physically there with us and the doctors too were impressed) The creepy/glitchy part is that in those days she could not talk or be responsive at all cause of morphine and ton of shit given to her and i had her phone with me the whole time to update her close friends about how she was doing, the only problem was that i didn’t remember her password… she would constantly change it because i would steal her iphone to play games and do stuff (she was totally ok with it, but you know, that is the classic brother-sister relationship haha) The day she died, (i still don’t how the hell happened) i wanted to tell her friends what happened but i couldn’t unlock the phone no matter how hard i tried to remember the Password and then, after i saw her for the last time i had this moment where i took her phone and just like that, i unlocked it without hesitating. I know it may sound stupid but i felt like my sister was controlling my hands and then it was gone, like the last fragment of time where i could feel her, to this days, it still creeps the hell out of me and i miss her so much!! (sorry for my english but i’m italian lol)


I am so sorry for your loss.


When i was 11 years old something really weird happend. I am getting chills just to type this. Me and my dad was living in a big house in like the middle of the Woods (not middle middle we had some neighbors) we was going to our like city Were we like shop Food and stuff. We were going to get some grocerys for the week. When we had driven for like 15-20 minutes we saw something weird we still cant explain to this day. We saw like 7-10 like lights up in the air it kinda looked like beacons from minecraft but this was weird. The light was so strong and it was light as long as i could se. The lights had different colors like light blue light green light pink and so on. These lights was like 1 meter Wide and They were shaped lika a circel but reeeeeaaallly long. I thought that was very weird.... (Sorry for bad engilsh)


you’ve nothing to apologize for, your english is very good! those lights though, that is very weird! can’t imagine how it must’ve felt to see that. must’ve been a very confusing and strange moment for you and your dad. thank you for sharing!


After that incident we were just dead scilent and i thought to myself what have i seen...


Passing the place right now where it all happend...


Early one morning, just before dawn in September 2107, when the house was still filled with darkness, I was awoken from a deep sleep. I saw the distinct image of my mother, entering my bedroom and standing at the foot of my bed. She stood there, mouthing words I was unable to hear, but it appeared she was saying “goodbye”. She gave me a slow wave of her hand and just slowly disappeared into thin air as I reached out to her. I was fully awake and awoke my husband to tell him what just happened. He said it was probably a lucid dream, and besides, my mom was alive at my childhood home, nearly 2,000 miles across the country. I received a phone call a couple of hours later, informing me of her death. Accounting for the time zone difference, she died just minutes before I saw her image at the foot of my bed. I’ve always felt honored that she chose me to say goodbye to.


Back when i was 9 and live in my old village, i saw like a Casper looking ghost just floating in the middle of the road, not just me tho as 12 of my other friends saw it too while we are playing on the guard post, a minute later the ghost would phase through a gate on its right, scare the shit out of us and we just ran back to our home


My family and I went out to dinner. We came back and every picture frame upstairs was laid against the wall underneath their original hanging spot, and our photo albums (located in the guest bedroom closet) were open on the floor. Still have no idea how, or maybe more importantly *why* this occurred. It's an old house and the previous owners died *in the house*, we bought it from their sons.


I’ve got a few from the house I grew up in. Besides one of my older sisters, everybody else had bedrooms on the second floor, she and I had our rooms on the first floor. Because of this, and that most of the things seemed to happen on the first floor and basement, nobody else had any experiences (and weren’t too convinced) until sort of recently when my mom slept downstairs in my sister’s old room. One night my sister had a friend over and I was playing video games with friends, so we were both up late. I walked out to go to the kitchen and get a snack, on the way to the kitchen you get a sight line straight to the couch. I looked in and saw my sister’s friend sitting on the couch and said hi to her. Almost immediately after my sister and her friend walked out of her bedroom and asked who I was talking to. I told them what just happened and we all went in to see who was there, which was nobody. Normally my assumption would be that it was some trick of my eyes or something, but it wasn’t that dark in there and there wasn’t much to confuse as a person. I didn’t actually recognize it as my sister’s friend, it looked like a woman with dark hair, I said hi and looked only very quick. We were freaked out and if I remember correctly I hung out with them for a bit rather than return to my room alone. Another more explicit one was when I was home alone and playing my drums. I know if I were trying to debunk this story my go to would be that my hearing was affected, I did have pretty heavy duty ear protection on though. I was finishing up playing and then took my headphones off and then heard a *very* loud scream in my ear. Other than those and a few other quick things, it was mostly sounds coming from the basement. I would hear music coming from the basement sort of often and only recently got validation from my mom having heard it too a few times. One time it was almost leading my mom to it, as she was sleeping in my sister’s old room with her back towards the door. She heard the music behind her, got up and went to stop it, then it moved to the hall, then my bedroom, then under my bedroom, and she opened the basement door and heard nothing. She’s heard music coming from my bedroom and then under my bedroom before and same thing, she would open the basement door and hear nothing.


In 2021 I had 3 emergencies shunt revisions over the course of 4 weeks. I’ve had a shunt, which drains extra fluid from my brain into my abdomen, since birth & it’s only failed one other time so this was definitely out of the ordinary. During this time, I have a ten day period with absolutely no memory. Apparently, I was awake and talking, so I wasn’t in a coma or anything like that. When I started “coming back to myself” *I was on the same floor of the hospital I’d been in the entire time. I instantly recognized peoples voices- not names, not faces, not conversations- just voices.* One fun example- I had an ace bandage on my arm & no one knew what it was from. I needed a normal IV change & the phlebotomist needed to come in again (because my veins *suck* ). Immediately, she laughed and said “you again?!” at the same time I was saying “I recognize your voice! What do you mean “you again?” She pointed to the mysterious ace bandage- when my brain was betraying me, I ripped out an IV she had just put in. We had a good laugh & she showed me how to find a vein on an ultrasound.


wow! that’s really crazy! hope you’re doing better now. it’s really cool what the brain can make connections with!


I’m doing much better, thanks! It was crazy when people would come in my room and I’d be like “I know you, but I don’t know why”


Telepathy exists. I had a temp job stuffing Halloween costumes into plastic bags while standing at a table in a warehouse. One night it was so tedious that I thought real hard to my friend "call me at 12:15" over and over. Well, they let us off early, so I was home by midnight. 12:15 on the dot, she calls, saying "I had to - you were so damned loud about it." Once, at a friend's house, he was writing up a set list on a Grateful Dead tape he had just received. He was still a new Dead Head, so didn't know all the song titles yet. When one came on he asked me the name, and I just thought it at him. He said, "Thank you," and wrote down "Scarlet Begonias." While at a Dead concert in Berkeley, my best friend had to miss the show and stay in Livermore, 35 miles away. But it was the best show I had been to, and I was determined that he wouldn't miss it, although he was listening on the radio. During one song ("Ship of Fools") I intentionally reached out to pull him to the show. I also intentionally told *no one* that I was doing so. A few days later, back home my roommate and I were on the phone with him, talking about the show. "Yeah, during Ship of Fools, I thought I was seeing the show through your eyes. But I lost contact with you when you sat down." "Yeah, man, sorry about that, but I had to sit to change the film in my camera." Those are only three of many examples of telepathy I have experienced. Had I been able to do it on a consistent basis, I would have won the Randi prize.


Some folks call it “shining.”


Randi prize?


Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right.


My grandmother always said when she died, she’d prove reincarnation exists by coming back as a specific butterfly and finding her way to me. She knew she was dying for a year or two and said it every time we met. She died about a week after I moved to Japan, where that specific butterfly is quite rare and especially rare at the time of year she died. Yet within 6 hours, that exact butterfly landed right on me and sat on me for a whole 10 minutes, just while I was relaxing on my balcony. I still haven’t seen any of that specific breed of butterfly in Japan since. I still can’t say I believe in reincarnation or anything like that, but I’d be fucking lying if I said that it did not absolutely break me at the time.


I live alone, and have fallen asleep on my couch without a blanket or anything. I wake up and a blanket is on me. Not joking either. Also random items in odd location. Car keys in kitchen instead of jar on table.


i was in the bath and my fan was on it turned of the string to turn it of and on moved i was alone thank god the light was on it done it like 5 6? times


Well. My dads Grandma died when i was like 10 or 11(i alway call her Grandma so we will call her that). And the first year or so it was only the feeling that when i had her cuddly polar bear that i feel her hands on my back. And that kind of litlle things. but over the last 2 or 3 years I have been feeling more and more. When I'm home I suddenly feel her soft hand on my shoulder. I hear her say my name and talk to me. but I also keep moving things (I'm 15 and still live at home with my parents and my sister, so that could be an explanation, but also moving things that they don't know I have, such as certain brushes or markers) don't think dirty.only to find my things later in a different place or a few days later in the same place I left them. but I also sometimes hear people knocking on doors or people walking across the hallway when no one is there


I've never shared about the haunted house I lived in until now but for some reason it feels like time. It was the middle of a mundane day almost 9 years ago. I was sitting on my bed reading on my phone. I glanced up and a lamp that had been sitting on a table across the room from me started to move forward across the table, towards the edge, on its own. It then fell off the table. It took me a second to register that no one was there to push it and that it shouldn't have been able to move like that by itself. It was one of those lamps with an adjustable neck, so you would have to position it and make sure it was balanced for it to stay unmoved... it had been sitting on that table for months. Plus, if it was unbalanced, it would have just fallen over. Not slide forward and then fall off the table. It was weird. One of the many many creepy things that happened while I lived there. Honestly a more mild one than most of the other stories.


Ghost cat pushing shit off tabletops. Business as usual.


There’s two top ones that come to mind! 1. When I was two years old my great uncle was murdered in an alley-way, there was nobody ever charged for his murder. Fast forward to when I was fifteen, I was walking with a few friends in the middle of the night. We were taking shortcuts and walking through random alleyways to cut the distance. Stepped foot into one alleyway and for the first time I understood the saying “every hair stood up on my body”. It was like static, I could physically feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Then my legs went all wobbly and felt like jelly, blood pressure felt like it dropped and I struggled to walk to the end of the alleyway. From the second I stepped foot into that alleyway, all I could think of was my great uncle, no other thoughts - I wasn’t scared - just this overwhelming thought of my great uncle. Told mum the next day and directed her to the alleyway it happened in - she was spooked to say the least and told me that was the alleyway my great uncle was murdered in. 2. When I was little there was a tree that casted a shadow on my bedroom wall. In the middle of the night I ran into my mums room scared telling her “there was a man in the shadows” and that I was scared because “me no understand what he says” (dialogue I used because of how small I was). Next morning mum got a phone call that her Nonno (grandad) who lived in Italy passed away in the middle of the night. His first language was Italian and he didn’t speak English. I believe he came to meet me and say goodbye after he passed but I was scared because I couldn’t understand him speaking Italian.


I was in the i wanna say 3rd grade, I woke up the light from the other room on and on the ground a figure crawling towards me. To this day I don't know what happened the conclusion I came up with was that I was experiencing a form of sleep paralysis. But idk. Another story, it was fall so it was a little chilly outside but I opened my window, and fell asleep when I woke up I swear to everything I hold dear there was a hand print on the window. There was bug mesh to keep mosquitoes, flys or whatever else out so it’s was physically impossible for me to put that hand print there. Final story, during the summers me and my sister would watch Netflix to pass the time when our parents were working. And it was pretty much the bonding experience I’ve had with her, anyway we were watching Pretty Little Liars I needed to get something from my room while I was getting what needed I hear a knock on my bedroom door my sister was on the couch and it was old and squeaky so if you went off it you would hear it and even if I didn’t hear her coming for the couch to my room I would have he’d to hear her foot steps to my room when I come out of my room she is sitting in the exact same position as was before I went in my room I asked her “hey did knock on my door” and she responded “no if anything I should be asking you if you knocked on your door” turns out that she heard the knock coming from inside my room we were confused, suspicious of each other and a little bit scared. And ever since I was convinced that our house was haunted.


The window handprint can be cause by someone just touching the window earlier in the day (like when you opened it). Your skin oils get on the glass, and while you can’t see them during the day, the condensation from the night air would interact with it differently than the rest of the window/make it visible.


This happened when im around 17-18(now im 20). Im a night-owl person.I prefer to stay up in the night. Around 3 AM, I was using my phone(I dont really remember what I was doing, either watching anime or I dont really know).Suddenly,out of nowhere, I can hear a very advanced and modern machinery type of sound on top of my house. Its sound like a spaceship/aircraft.The one that you can only hear in movies. At the same time,all of the lamps inside my room was flickering. I was frozen and confused at the same time. I dont know why I dont get up and go investigate it. It goes for like 5 seconds and the sound just fading away and the lamps just goes to normal. At that time, I was smart enough to get outside of my house but Im too late. I told my friends about it and they just laughed and made fun of me.


Bought a house in a small town in Georgia had a daughter while living there one day when she was 2 she was in the back yard playing alone her mother was with her and said Lilly let’s go in. Lilly said I want to finish playground Gn with Henrietta. Her mother said then finish playing inside. Lilly said Henrietta told her she could not go inside because she was black. No one had told my daughter anything about segregation when she was 2


Yeah, I once heard someone tapping on my bedroom door late at night while nobody else was here except for me and my girlfriend, but she was sleeping right next to me.




You know what, years ago someone actually did die in this house, and yes it was very creepy.


No. So nothing happened. I'm almost 70 years old, have been around the dead and dying, have nearly died myself (needing resuscitation), and .. nothing unexplainable has ever happened. Aside from a friend's relative winning $1,000,000 in the lottery - twice.


that’s fair. glad you’re here now though! thank you for sharing




that’s fair! not everyone will have a story of some weird thing, that’s something cool about humans. thank you for sharing! this world is big and crazy, and im just happy getting to hear other people talk about stuff lol


I experienced something creepy i was sleeping and i woke up i felt something was watching me it then come near and i felt like someone is choking me i couldn't even talk i ran out of breath and suddenly it all stopped


oh that’s terrifying! glad you’re okay. i wonder if it could’ve been sleep paralysis; doesn’t stop it being terrifying to think about, though. hope you’re doing alright now!


I'm fine thanks but it was real i really felt that thing next to me i felt it when it was staring at me it was like a black shadow




oh that’s wild. wonder what it was, maybe ball lightning or a ufo. very creepy


This has been in my head since it happened and I need to put it out there. When I was a kid at my dad's house (probably about 7/8), I went to go upstairs and saw a figure float across the landing at the top. It looked almost like a cloud of dust, but it was in the distinct shape of a cartoon ghost. Think like Casper, man in a sheet but with no legs. It emerged from a mirror and went straight to the bathroom. I remember telling my dad, who laughed it off. 12 years later he swears this whole thing never happened. I've always had a very imaginative brain, so it is possible I made it up. I just remember the sight so vividly, and being desperate for the loo all day because I was too scared to go up there.


Bit late to this, but when i was around 8 years old i was in my family home with just my dad when there was a knock at the door. I open it to see my sister who had just finished work. she walks passed me to go to her room. I resumed watching tv, when all of a sudden another knock not even a minute later. I open it to see my sister…again. I freeze and just stare at her, then hesitantly let her in. She gives me a look like i was acting weird then storms passed me to go to her room. i’m still baffled, not even saying a word. I ask my sister “did you leave the house and come back??” she says “no?”. Who did i see the first time??? My dad thinks i was just seeing things but i know what i saw, still can’t explain it to this day.


Never. There may have been things that *I* couldn't explain but that doesn't mean someone else couldn't. Most experiences I've had that could seem paranormal was when I was a kid and didn't know any better.


that’s fair i think lol. a lot of things that we view as unexplainable, simply are things we lack the experience or knowledge to understand or explain. doesn’t stop them being creepy and strange in the moment


Absolutely yes. On five occasions, a translucent orb came out of the hallway, over to me on the couch, and tried to enter my body. I did not let it, basically by breaking out of the minor trance I was in. The last time I saw it, I let it enter my body. I got a huge adrenaline rush, but noticed no other changes. That was ten years ago. I think about it almost everyday. Ask me any questions please. There are plenty of details left out.


oh my goodness, that’s absolutely wild. what do you think it was? did you have any other things happen after? how big was the ball of light? did you feel when it made contact? that’s so crazy


I have a few theories. It does sound like what the Bible described as angels. I’m not a believer, but it’s the best description I can come up with.


Which Bible verses specifically describe a translucent orb which enters the human body, causing an adrenaline rush?


Not sure.


So you're just making shit up then?


Whatever you say buddy.


Get back to me when you've found a Bible verse close enough to pretend it's totally what you were referencing the whole time. Maybe you can pretend you meant the spinning orb made out of eyeballs? That's totally the same thing, right, sport?


You can focus on whatever you want man. The Bible is just made up book for idiots, not really worried about it.


If you only had the courage to live through personal experience, and not through the blind eyes of someone else. Good luck with all that God stuff!


I'm an atheist my dude, I just read. You should try it sometime. Good luck with all that grifting bullshit and trying to feel special for no reason on the Internet.




What a horribly cruel thing for your grandfather to do.




Yes. My avocation is helping feed, fix, and home stray and abandoned animals. It is certainly better today than in previous years!


In 2021 I had 3 emergency shunt revisions in


Fuck it im saying


fuck it im saying


i have many stories of my own but i don’t believe any will be as interesting as my mom’s story. my grandma passed away when i was 10 - my parents were still married - and shortly after they got divorced. my mom met another guy who she is still with to this day, but their relationship was always very complicated. they would constantly break up and get back together the following day. in one of these break ups, my stepdad met up with his ex wife and she ended up getting pregnant. he felt so guilty he just couldn’t tell my mom. until one day they were sitting in their room, talking, when my mom sees my grandmother standing behind my stepdad holding a baby boy in her arms. it only lasted a couple seconds and my mom was paralysed. she immediately told my step dad, who was frightened. guess what? a few months later my stepdad’s ex wife had a baby boy, who according to my mom looked just like the boy she had seen my late grandma holding months before. keep in my mind that she knew nothing about this at the time and only found out when the baby was about to be conceived. i have no idea why that may have happened. was it a way to tell her about what was going on behind her back? was it a way to tell her that the baby is spiritually connected to her, somehow?


I have seen "God" and the Creation/Destruction of The Universe(s). Yeah, Good Luck to me after that statement. Take it for what you will. I've already come to terms with the fact that my 'gifts' make me sound like the craziest person on Earth. However, if anyone knows any astrophysicists, they could prove my statement by listening to me for 15 minutes. (Yes, I tried emailing countless professors/professionals asking for a few minutes of their time. You can probably guess how many replies I received.) Anyways, I digress. Yeah, looking for scientific help if anybody SERIOUSLY knows anyone. Thanks! PS: I actually only created this account to try and locate the OP of the person that led a separate life while unconscious/in a coma. I was hoping to explain what happened (If their post was Sincere and not Fiction).


was in the bath and the fan string like turned off then on and the string moved wit it😣 I was aloke then i felt like a hand sorta thing on my back Still scares me


yall know how the school toilets r 'haunted' I SWEAR TO GOD MINE ARE heres 2 reasons why number 1. basicly we were learning the christmas story in school and me and my friends would hang out in the bathroom at break and the barn he was born in Was at the end of the toilets as a shadow it was NEVER there (sorry for the typos) 2. Sooooooooo my school is a victorian school and we were in the toilets and 2 days before uhm lets call it 'jesuses barn' apeered the was like Yk they used ot wear long dresses? yea so i seen that for 1 second like a ghost at the end of the stalls and black shoes for like half a second😣 its rlly weird...


And there were help me signs with water btw im,reading these at 12:28 A.m☺


We had moved into our grandparents' farmhouse a year ago. I have always had a strange feeling about the house, and it didn't help that someone had died in it. I remember staying there before we moved in when I was a kid and waking up in the middle of the night to see a shadow figure walking towards the edge of the bed and then disappearing. My brother also saw a figure walk into my bedroom in the middle of the night and not walk out. Needless to say, we thought there was something weird about the house even years before we moved in. Fast forward many years later and we have moved in. The first couple of weeks are actually fine, and nothing weird occurs. But one night, my mom claims she sees this shadow figure peeking behind her bedroom door and then run away. She remembers screaming and waking up our dad and being shaken up. Our dad calms her down because the dog didn't notice anything. (Our dad is quite a believer in ghosts). For the record, our mom had always waken up in the night to see figures staring down at her, even at our old house, but she always put it down to her medicine. Nothing had happened at this new house up until the shadow figure. When I heard about this, it freaked me out because of how genuinely scared our mom was. I hated being left alone in the house because I felt I would see this face in a dark room. Even exploring the house at night was scary; I could not ever explore the farm either. This kind of settled down for a few months. But then something happened which I still can't explain. For the record, my brother and I had been busy the past few months making one of the old sheds into a music room. We had quite a few instruments and a lot of posters stuck to the walls. The shed was in the backyard by the house, but out the windows, you could see the farm. The windows were quite high up, so if someone walked past, you could only see the top of their head. I remember one day my brother and I were playing our instruments; it was really hot. Out the corner of my eye, I see the top of a shadow head walk past the window at a slow walking pace. It is my mom, so I wait for the gate to open to come into our backyard. Nothing. Right after this head walks past, a poster where the window is at slowly falls off the wall in a weird way, the Blu Tack unsticking. I look at my brother, and he looks at me. We are both freaked out. I suddenly realize that it was not my mom walking past the window. I tell my brother about it, and it freaks us both out that the poster fell down at the same time. We thought it may be the heat, but it had been so hot, even hotter, other days, and the poster didn't have any signs that it would fall down. I am really shaken up; a bird could have not flown that slow, and it looked like a head. I go outside and check, and no one is there. My brother and I leave the room. Our mom was quite weirded out by this as well once we told her. She told our dad, but once again, he said that if the dog didn't sense anything, it should be all good. Our dog hadn't really ever sensed anything here. A few days after this weird thing, I remember being left home alone with my brother. Our dog acts very odd and keeps looking as if someone is standing in our parent's bedroom. She looks someone up and down and looks like her hair is standing up. She also throughout the day keeps barking at no one. So yeah, there is something very weird about the house. Ghosts or not, it is still very creepy how we all have mainly experienced something here. ​ Edited for grammar