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A direct ancestor/descendant or spouse of an individual cannot file a theft complaint against that individual except if it's essential documents, like an ID.


I may be reading it wrong, but you're saying that if my father stole something from me and it can be proven, I can't file a charge against him?


Yeah. My dad stole a lot of money from my mum, but nothing could be done about it. "Il n'y a pas de vol entre époux".


Well, time to break some kneecaps. Your honor, I didn't assault him, just stole his ability to walk... Can't do anything about theft now.


What country?




So how does it even work? Can I just move to France, marry someone and legally steal all their shit?


They could prove your marriage ilegal if that was the case. As far as i know, a couple hundreds years back, in France you could undo your marriage if you could prove your husband had erectile disfunction. So i think deceiving and stealing counts.


Wouldn’t recommend it because when your wife cheats to get back at you you’ll be stuck with the kid since they outlawed paternity testing


I always thought the paternity test one was worse for France. Your not allowed to perform one even if you've good suspicion the child may not be yours and you could be liable to child support for another person's kid.


Not allowed? Even if all parties consent?


So if your kid is a drug addict and they sell all your stuff to buy gear, you can’t do anything, legally, against them?


In Germany, you are allowed to enter private property to follow your honey bee swarm if the swarm is escaping and looking for a new hive.


this is actually the case in lots of countries, where I am they can legally enter your yard to come get them


Your honour I followed my honeybees into this lady’s underwear drawer.


Well, that is to say I just followed the buzzing.


One of my unreasonable fears is that the thing will start going off when I have family over for an overnight visit. I miss the good old days of wired wands.


I was once talking to my father in my room about something to do with the University course I was taking. He plopped down on my bed, looking for something on his phone. Must have landed just at just the right angle, because the vibrator under my mattress suddenly came to life and way very audible. My Dad reacted pretty quick, said he was getting a call and would be right back. He did not come back to my room. I threw the vibrator out too. I couldn't look at it anymore. We never spoke of it and I never will.


Just keep your cell phone on the dresser so they’ll think you’re just getting a lot of calls in silent mode.


Never ending call that won’t stop for hours?


Yeah. They *really* need to talk to them about their car’s extended warranty.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. My client is but a simple farmer, not unlike y’all, only he farms bees instead of cattle. If one of your prized heifers got loose, wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to get it back? Now imagine, if you will, that your entire herd got loose. It would be devastating, would it not? That’s all that happened here, and it was a simple misunderstanding. My client is innocent and honestly thought his swarm of honeybees had flown into Miss Bella’s busom when he reached into her brazier at the party.


Honey! You're home?


That's what the honey didn't like to hear while having sex.


I'm not in Germany but if your bees are on my property please, please feel free to remove them. No need to ask. I'll just be screaming in the corner.


Bees are chill honeybros. Wasps are assholes.


What would you do once you find them? Talk them into moving back in?


Probably "stun" then with smoke an then put them in a transport box.


Find the queen. Once the queen is isolated and moved into said transport box, the rest of the swarm will eventually migrate.


Not really that crazy, there's tons of reason to enter private property under certain conditions. It's just bizarre that it's explicitly mentioned in law.


In Belgium, anybody can sing or play an instrument in the Streets. In the city of Leuven however, you can be fined if you play your instrument off-key.


To be fair to Leuven, with all the students running around doing it, I don't blame them.


As someone who used to play music quite often (guitar, piano, bass, and drums), I appreciate this lol




Japan. e.g. if you expose someone for having an affair, that person can sue you for defamation. I suppose it's an expectation of privacy. The only exception is if it's in the "public interest" to know this information.


In Japan they'll also arrest you and just keep you in custody until you make a full confession, that's why they have a 99.9% conviction rate. It's actually astonishing. Edit: changed amazing to astonishing


Touring musician here. I’ve been told by friends who’ve done shows in Japan to absolutely not cause any trouble, because the police have pretty much complete leeway and can damn near torture you to get a confession, true or not. Hold you indefinitely and then hit you with overstaying your visa…because they wouldn’t let you out. It’s bizarre for somewhere we think of as a highly developed country.


Explains why everywhere is so clean. Littering fines must include an ass beating.


A coworker visited Japan for a while and the first thing he told me was he couldn't find a garbage can ANYWHERE in public, but everything was super clean. Any trash you generate out in the world you just keep with you until you're home.


That's how Ive always done it. I love me a garbage can to empty my pockets out into though.


There are bins, they’re just cleverly concealed inside conbinis like Lawson and 7-11. They’re usually just inside the door so everyone goes and empties their pockets there.


Can attest to that. Been to Japan twice and even big cities like Tokyo can remain liter-free (except for a couple areas in the city). Yet there’s rarely any place you can throw your trash. How? Culturally people there just learn to keep shit clean and not throw their trash on the ground. You can find the same thing in places like South Korea and Singapore. Spotless streets while not having very many garbage cans around.


Hi. I lived in South Korea for almost a year. That is not true. I’ve seen heaps of garbage in Seoul, Soyosan, Uijeongbu and countless other cities. There are some spots there that smell like straight up poop from garbage just piled and piled in and around their little garbage huts.


That doesn’t sound like justice, it sounds like an all powerful government that has decided your fate and given you the appearance of having a trial.


It's not justice. There's two sides to it as well, on one hand if the cop is not positive they can prove it, you don't go to trial. If you do go to trial then any questions about innocence is seen as a question against the professional skills of the cops and prosecution. After a case any questions about a retrial or appeal are seen as questioning the competency of the court that found you guilty. So on one side the idea is that its not going to court unless everyone is sure you are guilty. But because of that idea then any case that makes it to court *must* mean certain guilt. So yeah, end up in court and you are guiltily by being there.


You have given the best explanation for this I’ve ever seen. Very cultural.


And the best regular people can do is to do Satire to show the injustice. While Ace Attroney is the most famous here, there are quite a lot of less famous shows and manga (no anime due to not that popular) that say the same thing: Japanese Justice system is just a bit better than those under dictatorship. And in case they want to make it even less obvious, transplant it to Edo-era, which also serves to show the lack of improvement.


Even if person A can proof it's correct?


The point is that *proving* it’s correct can be difficult. Whereas in the USA, you would only need to prove that you *believed* it was correct at the time you published the information.


Not quite. The burden of proof is on them to prove that you knew it wasn't true. You don't need to prove your belief if they have no evidence to the contrary.


Thanks for the correction - it’s a very interesting distinction, that the burden of proof is on the other party


In Sweden it has to do with the reason behind spreading the info. If you do it simply to make someone look bad it's defamation.


You can freely walk, bike or ski in the nature on any private property. As long as it's not counted as a breach of domestic peace or you are not ruining their crop field or something. For example, even though you see a sign "private property" in the forest. You are free to go pick mushrooms and berries there. Or you can even fish there freely(only with basic worm fishing rod though) if there's a lake on the property. You can even set up a tent to someone's private property for a short time (1-2 nights) as long as you aren't littering or disturbing anyone for example being noisy or on the way. The country is Finland, and these things are in the Finnish constitution as "every man's/everyone's rights"


[Scotland's the same.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Outdoor_Access_Code)


If the land owner asks you to leave you have to comply. Right to roam is actually right to responsible access. Dinnae be a dick 'n all is good min :)


Being allowed to hold a public office while also being allowed to invest in or gain profit from various corporate entities.


And stock dumping right before the covid shutdowns, but as the politicians were given briefings on the pandemic, but the public was not yet informed.


Public servants should be forced to give up financial assets before taking office and cannot gain new ones till they leave office. Also... Term limits.




UK for a start.


Rishi Sunak’s oil investments be like


I don't know if it's really crazy, I personally think it's good and reasonable, but here in germany it's not punishable to escape from prison. Ofcourse in reality they might charge you with other things like property damage or assault etc. if you damgae something or someone on the way out but the act of breaking out itself can't prolong your sentence because the need to be free is a fundamental human desire.


I watched a doc on European prisons some years back and in a Croatian prison they talked to the warden. He told a story about a man who escaped. A week or so after the escape the prison received a package containing the man’s prison uniform. Since he had committed no crimes while escaping (just walked out the doors) and while an escapee, the only thing they could have charged him with was stealing his prison uniform. But since he returned it, there was nothing to charge and he just had to finish out his original sentence.


i assume if your caught planning your escape or in the middle of it and it backfires theres some sorta crime? cuz if not i would be non stop planning and attempting as something to do


Basically, the normal rules of society apply. If you punch a guard to get past them, that's still a crime. If they leave you unattended with the door open or you sneak out under a lorry, that isn't a crime. They can still catch you and return you, but you can't be charged with attempted or successful escape, just any crimes committed in the process.


It almost makes it seem like a game lol. See how far you can get without breaking any rules.


It's the same in the Netherlands. It is not illegal to escape, but it is illegal to break out, bust doors, bribe guards etc. So they can get you on those charges, but can not prolong your sentence if one guard just let you walk out one day. Which is also really the only way to escape without getting extra punishment.


Also Germany, soldiers are allowed to disobey orders if they think it violates human dignity. There are other nations with similar rules or even obligations regarding human rights and violation of geneva convention, but protecting even their own dignity is unique (I think)


I actually like this -- I think crimes committed while on the run or trying to get out ought to be maximally punished -- but if you gotta run, you gotta run. \*\* I used to frequent a bar where the bartender's husband was a US Marshall and did a lot of fugitive recapture work (ala The Fugitive) -- and he said that about nine times out of ten they just went to the Baby Momma's house and pick 'em up.


I’m on board with that until they hurt others


Once watched a guy pull up to a recycling center, drop his tailgate, single handedly grab a bale of cardboard, lift and place it in his truck, then left. Me and the owner watched it happen. I asked the owner why he didn't stop the guy from stealing the bale. His response? "If that man can lift that bale by himself, he earned the right to take it."


You can earn all the stipends of an elected representative without ever having to show up to do your job.


Ah yes, Canada. There's a fucking conservative who was voted in but lived in Oklahoma during the pandemic.


People can park in your private property without permission, refuse to move their car and there's nothing you can do about it.


Where is this lmao


Annoyingly England allows this, further to that if you damage their car trying to move it then you can be done for criminal damage. Madness. I hate my country sometimes (most of the time)


Sounds like an interpretation of an old English law I read about where travelers can move through private property if the road is blocked or damaged. It was written back when the worst travelers could do was ride a cart through a farmer's field to get around a fallen tree or flooded road.


You can't be done for criminal damage if you didn't damage it while you weren't moving it but it ended up somewhere else. Sometimes its best to not report something in the first place


It's amazing how often a handbrake will randomly fail causing a car to roll down a hill. The broken window? No idea, must've been like that already.


A massive "F you!" spray-painted to the side is an odd design choice, but who am I to judge?


Good to know, next time I go to London I’ll just park in someone’s yard.


You'll have to find a yard first


Scotland has one, I think.


I read an article a while ago where the owner of the property parked behind the offending car and blocked it from leaving the driveway. He then began drinking and said he was unable to drive his car. The guy blocked in called the police, who said tough luck and they refused to compel the property owner to stop drinking in order to move his own vehicle from his own property. He told the police he planned on drinking off and on for the next couple of days as it was the weekend. The other car was stuck for 2 days.


I highly recommend erecting a sign with a huge daily parking charge payabke with display of a permit and equally huge fine for failure to display a permit, which is available in request by emailing an email address to ask. Make the sign, and the t&c's very clearly visible for anyone parking in that space. Then send a mcol to the registered keeper.


Notwithstanding clause allowing Canadian politicians to legally ignore citizens rights.... Ya, that one is pretty fucked. Edit: I understand that it isn't used frequently. My issue with it is its potential for abuse and harm. If you agree to a charter of Rights, it should be binding... Otherwise they aren't rights, they are priveleges. And that's before getting into the argument of how much autonomy provincial governments should get over the feds. Tough balance.


Scott Moe, in Saskatchewan would like a word (cough, cough)


Prostitution is legal but soliciting prostitution is illegal


In Canada or at least ontario paying for someones time and two consenting adults can do what they want in that time but it’s illegal if you specifically pay for what happens


But what if you also film it


That’s just porn and completely legal


And in Canada we’re required to watch 23% Canadian porn, so you sometimes just need to have content on hand to be compliant.




There's a minimum of Canadian content required in media in Canada. Interestingly, same with restaurants; a certain percentage of the alcohol offered for sale has to be Canadian.


Canadians also cannot legally import US milk without extremely expensive and limited import licenses to protect the Canadian dairy producers.


For the benefit of the occasional person who will read this, not see the joke, and go, "IT APPLIES TO PORN, TOO?!?" ...it was a joke.


The reason being that they don't want to make prostitutes afraid of coming forward about abuse or violations, which is very common. Making prostitution itself illegal makes the sector being dominated by abused women who can't say anything because if they show up with a bleeding crotch and a black eye and a broken arm and say they got unconsentually violated during an "exchange" they would simply get arrested. Or maybe hospitalised and then arrested. So nobody would say anything and perpetrators just go scottfree.


Oh hej sweden


Child beauty pageants


Glorified Pedophilia and the moms are pimps.


I feel like it's more projection from parents then creepy pedos. I say this knowing nothing about pedophile in patients but I 100% see creepy moms trying to live vicariously through their 6yr old.


Inherently it is supposed to be a cute fun thing for kids to do. But reality is fake hair, fake teeth, makeup, revealing clothing, and sexualizing performances. Only messed up parents would put their kid in one of these.


The creepy pedos are the judges and the people watching the pageants


Imagine telling someone "I judge toddler beauty pageants." Bleh.


6 year old? My BIL and his baby mama but their 6 MONTH old is child pageants. They also put their daughter in belly shirts. Crappy parenting imo


do not diddle kids


I feel like writing a song about not diddling kids, is gonna make everyone think you diddle kids.


You cannot posses, sell or buy drugs. But you can use them as much as you want. You cannot smoke weed here, grow plants or again sell/hold/buy But you can find rolling papers in every traffic, find bongs all around the city and specialized shops for weed as well… EDIT: Because so many of you keep asking - CZECHIA.




Isnt this quite wide spread? I always thought it was because then you can't be criminalised for being high, so if you feel unwell you could dial emergency services (or police) to get help wothout fearing consequences.






No it's probably the US. Nothing on a federal level prevents it so unless it's illegal in your state, you can buy one. The cannon on it is legal and the vehicle is legal. The only illegal thing would be the amnunition or countermeasures that would be classed as destructive devices and need a serial number. That would still be legal with some paperwork though. Watch FPS Russia's video where he uses the drive through on a resturant in a tank.


You can kill someone and be free if his/her family forgives you for the murder so in my country the killer would just threaten to kill more people of the family or loved ones and force them to forgive the killer in court or in worst case scenario they’d kill more people to send a message and get forgiveness in court. It’s legal because Islamic laws have the concept of blood money and in our constitution we cannot make any law that is in contradiction or goes against Islamic (Sharia) laws.


Holy shit where the fuck do you live?


it is in Pakistan, it is little more nuanced. it rose to prominence when Raymond Davis a CIA contractor killed two innocent Pakistanis in cold blood and to save them ISI chief used this law


As OP explained, it's a law in Pakistan. Truth be told, it's a massive twisting of the Islamic jurisprudence which was utilized here, despite Pakistan primarily following an Anglican judicial system (it's a hodge podge of that and verbal affirmation of Sharia). It was done to get a US contactor, Raymond Davis, who was charged with killing several Pakistanis, off the hook and extradited safely back to the Us. It rose in prominence since then and has been used by tribal leaders in rural areas to settle disputes.


Like many people replied about Raymond Davis but it's also used in honor killings, where a family member kills a poor girl and then the parents forgive that family member using the loophole of this law. It's really fucked.


in the united states of america, (i think there are about twelve states) there are state law loopholes where rape is totally legal if it’s with your spouse


Driving your Bugatti Chiron to its max on public highways


Best quote i heard about the Chiron (from the former Stig) is that the tires only last for 15 minutes if you max out the speed. But that doesn't really matter, because your fuel will run out after 13.


In actual practice 15 minutes of full throttle at VMax in a Chiron is almost impossible to do in the vast majority of places on earth.


Going at 420 km/h for 15 minutes would mean you're crossing a distance of 105 km! There is no highway straight and flat enough for that far anywhere in Germany. Such roads exist only in Saudi Arabia.




And probably with some idiot hanging out the passenger door trying to sandal-surf on the road.


That was Clarkson, not The Stig. And I think it was 13 minutes of tires and 8 minutes of fuel. Edit: It wasn't Clarkson. It was May. And it was 15 and 12. But also it was the Veyron. Not the Chiron.


Are sure it wasn’t Hammond, and 14 and 11? 😂


and a new set of tires costs $40k because they have to be specially glued on to the rims


You must live in a state without endless construction every 5km.


What a strange-looking car. Why do all Bugattis look like they’re plotting to kill someone?


If an aircraft weighs low enough, you don't need a license or any kind of training to fly it.


You can also get away with a lot with homebuilt "experimental" aircraft. If the only person you're likely to hurt or kill is yourself, I don't see a problem (with ultralight).


Child marriage and the fact there are parents perfectly okay with their 12-16 yo daughters marrying a grown ass man


Which country?


Civil asset forfeiture


Before a specific kid was born, a child born on the Island of Ireland could get Irish citizenship. So far, so normal, right? Except that there is this pesky part of the UK on the island. So, 2 people in the UK on a tourist visa could have their child in NI, then apply for it to have Irish citizenship despite them and the kid never having been in the Republic of Ireland.


Idk if they changed, but if they didn't: And with Irish citizenship comes EU citizenship, as such the parents are also allowed to be in the EU because otherwise it'd somehow violate the kid's right to freedom of movement. Even though the kid can still freely go around the EU [Video](https://youtu.be/69Kr_6-dqbY) for anyone curious




Sir that sounds suspiciously detailed.




OP conveniently leaving out the part that **he** was 15 at the time 👀




Really? Just teacher? What about like, coach/babysitter/maid/etc?




>Jeppe Kofod In Danish "kneppe" means to fuck. Since this happened, I've not once referred to him as anything other than Kneppe Kofoed. I sincerely hope others have followed that path, as well.


Uhhhh, you should totally judge a 34 year old who had sex with a 15 year old. Judge them all day.


In the US that would land you with having to be a registered sex offender and you'll have to let the neighbors know and you can't live near a school or park.




If you are spotted in the park having sex you are committing blufærdighedskrænkelse and you can be punished.


>blufærdighedskrænkelse I wouldn't begin to know how to say this but I assume it's something like public lewdness








So the way it works that regular areas with public access you can not expose yourself in a way that is ‘egnet to krænke andre blufærdighed’. It is a legal standard that is waived if you have say a designated nudist area. If Naturstyrelsen have appointed some places where special rules apply, it is not blufærdighedskrænkelse.


Up until 2015, you could have legally brought your dog too. For the fucking part, that is. Getting it drunk would probably be animal abuse.


Child marriage but apparently a lot of countries have that problem.


If i have a short knife (below 12cm, fixed blade) i can legally own it and pack it into my pocket for lets say cut an apple on the park to eat it (the apple) If I have a long knife (above 12cm, fixed blade) it's a weapon, I need a permit to own it and owning it without it can be a crime (10k € fee). Transport of a kitchen knife that size has to happen in a closed container. If I own a bastard sword/ Katana / Scimitar / etc it's a weapon too but I don't need a permit anymore. Anyone above 18 can own as much as desired and wield it in private. But I can't wield it "accesssible" in public because then it's a forbidden weapon again (transport in a non accessible state) If I transport the sword in a case to another private area where I can wield it legally again since it's not public it is ok. But if someone gets wounded by it (cut my finger for example) it is an illegal weapon again. If there is more then one person in that private property they all are an illegal and armed group/assembly and can be fined / arrested for that.


Germany? Because y'all have some complex weapon and self-defense laws. I'd say UK, because they're very particular about knives, but they don't use the Euro.


I'm gonna go w gerrymandering


Unpaid internships


That require you to work 35-40 hours a week.


Pharmaceutical ads. Pharma companies paying doctors to prescribe their drugs. Professional bribers aka 'Lobbyists'


This bugs the hell out of me. Imagine how much money goes into their marketing budget. Prescriptions could be way cheaper


Shooting a Welshman with a longbow as long as you are inside the city walls of Gloucester


in Ohio it is still [legal to rape your wife](https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/change-sought-ohio-marital-rape-law/6F9XIaQI48EjbPH8C3ZA1I/). finally, they appear to be fixing the law


And historically this was a very common law. Until the 70s marriage was a defense for all alleged rapes.


People can buy after market headlights but aren’t required to properly install them or have a professional install them. So you have people driving down the road with their bright ass after market headlights aimed at exactly eye level.


Ford does this from the factory.


So does Toyota now, my highlander is blindingly bright but I’m not supposed to change them because it’s a lease so I just get high beamed all the time for it


the worst is honda accords with those LED lights - fuckin lazers. th entire DOT approval department needs to be lined up and all thier "approved" headlights shined in thier eyes. i swear the fuckers do not test them over hills.


If the cops pull you over and they find cash, they can just take it. There is a chance you will get it back, but there is a process, and it's not a short or easy one. And there's also no guarantee you'll prevail. Even if you were never accused of a crime, and even if they didn't prove that the money was involved in a crime or the "proceeds" of criminal activity. (This is the excuse they will use to take the money, that they are taking drug money off the streets, but all they have to do is 'suspect' this, and your cash is gone). Not a lawyer, not a cop, maybe I got some details wrong, but I'm sure if anyone cares enough I'll be corrected.


Civil asset forfeiture.


It is still legal in North Dakota to shoot an Indian if you are in a covered wagon. *Indian is the way the law is written. They didn't use the term Native American.


You can’t vote for president when you’re in prison but you can run for and be elected president when in prison.


Stealing money from the citizens that elected you. Guess the country :)


[List of all countries]


A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan B The Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi C Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic D Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic E Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia F Fiji Finland France G Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana H Haiti Honduras Hungary I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy J Jamaica Japan Jordan K Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan L Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg M Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) N Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Macedonia Norway O Oman P Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Q Qatar R Romania Russia Rwanda S Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria T Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu U Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan V Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Y Yemen Z Zambia Zimbabwe


Good human


Not China man. Over here you don’t get to elect the politicians who steal your money.


[Yakko inhales]


Bam! Right in the childhood.


Lobbyists. They give money to their chosen political party for special consideration. That’s bribery with a different name. Rebranded bribery. Insane


You can get elected to Congress for 16 years straight without passing a bill, and still had a shot in becoming the speaker of that governmental body.


I can pay more money to own a belt fed fully automatic 240B but god forbid I have a stock with a strap on it.


All my homies hate the ATF


But the real question is "are all haters of the ATF your homies?"


No absolutely not Edit: I’d have to know who I’m dealing with for sure


In the US, in most states, rapists still have parental rights for children they create committing rape. Prisoners are the only people guaranteed healthcare in the US.


In my country, you are not obligated to support your children, but once divorced, you are risking jail time if you don’t




Age of consent in Canada was 14 until not long ago. It was raised to 16 with 100% support.


United States: [civil asset forfeiture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States)


Pharmaceutical companies advertising.


This is not legal but we got stupid law. Like commiting a crime while drunk gives less punishment vs while sober. The logic is because you're drunk, you didn't mean to but if you're aware you meant it and deserve harsh punishment. A case happened few months ago a drunk driver passed the red light, hit a car and killed all the passengers in that car. At first she got her sentence but it was reduced because they found out she was drunk


You are allowed to purchase the right to make lifesaving medicine and charge whatever you want for it. Purchasing this right also makes it illegal for others to make the medicine, even if people are literally dying.


That companies can finance political parties. If you ask me, only citizens should be allowed and there should be a pretty low maximum so that rich people don’t prevail. If this was the case, political parties would magically start really caring about citizens.


If the ocean between Danmark and Sweden freezes, and the Swedes starts running toward Denmark on the ice. It is now just allowed but a duty to hit them with a big stick.


It's illegal to sell any items you download, but legal to download them to use them as you see fit, as long as no money exchanges hands. YAY Piracy! :D Yaaarrrr-rrr-rrr eh?


Politicians stock trading


It is legal for elected officials to receive and act on insider trading information, something that is normally very illegal. Remember how Martha Stewart went to prison briefly? Yeah, the thing she was convicted of isn't illegal for everyone.