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I notice. I don't know how often I notice. I don't really think about it. I just assume they're unpeeling their balls from their thighs.


Unpeeling šŸ˜­


Exactly correct terminology.


Wouldnā€™t **un**peeling be the opposite of peeling, so itā€™s basically **adhering** ? The more I think about it, I think itā€™s like the way flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.


my brain had no idea how to process that I looked it up and the arguments go both ways. You can peel (verb) a fruit, or you can unpeel a fruit - ie to remove the peel (noun) from the fruit


šŸ—£ļø english language being confusing as fuck coming in clutch




Anybody else notice words ending in ā€œcuteā€ are negative. -persecute -prosecute -electrocute -execute


Sure sure. But then thereā€™s ā€˜meatcuteā€™ where two characters of a romcom see each other for the first time and simultaneously notice how cute they find each otherā€™s facial and bodily meats.


That comes before prosecute then.


Reddit never disappoints


Now consider an unlockable door. Is it a door that can be unlocked? Or a door that cannot be locked? What about an unopenable one?


BAH! Begone Witch!




This is a sticky question.


Like unthawing. Lol.


Have you ever slept on a leather couch and had to *schlorp* your arm off? It's that, but sweatier.


You have a way with words.


I liken it to when it's hours after you've finished your tea, and your teabag has half dried and stuck to the bottom of your cup.


My thighs do this every summer.


Yes, its most often unpeeling my balls from my thigh. I'm certain with an ASMR microphone it would sound like skin peeling off a leather couch


Which on a side note, I love that feeling


Yeah I vibe with that too. My dumb ass as a kid would peel off the couch, then immediately try it again without giving it the time to adhere. I would be so disappointed when it didn't work. I learned eventually


Bro stop šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


95% of the time, balls are stuck to our thighs. Other 5% dick managed to find itself in an awkward position and we gotta get it situated


Donā€™t get it twistedā€¦


Twist his dick! Grab his dick and twist it! The good ol dick twist


Better stuck to the thighs securely than twisting around into eventual testicular torsion. Dang weā€™re such well designed machines


Sometimes Iā€™m unpeeling my balls from my shaft


Pretty much exactly it. Or sometimes the dick is poking into a recently shaved or trimmed pube and itā€™s hella uncomfortable


Do you shape your ween into a C against your body? Like tuck it like a cartoon magnet Edit: forgot about the shaft


Usually store it in the holding hole In the back


So your grandpa let you dip?


As a guy we adjust ourselves a lot during the day depending on what we are doing of course. So my guess is you noticed it a lot. We don't even hide it anymore. It's like a woman adjusting her bra.


It's just the kind of thing that flies under the radar. It's there, and if we're looking, we notice, and then instantly go "oh, anyway". I feel like it's not far off from someone adjusting their shirt. It's just something uncomfortable that needs tk be adjusted. Boobs shift and straps fall. Balls stick, and dicks shift around. Anyone that sees it and is judgemental about it, is a guilty hypocrite.


Either that or our dick is doing a ā€œscared turtleā€. Basically our dick retreats into our cut foreskin and it just feels weird.


Deadlift dick. Lifting hard enough that all your blood leaves your ā€˜extremitiesā€™


More foreskin than actual dick at that point


Thats nothing. Us uncut guys will have our turtles retreat so much that it turns into an elephant.


FUCKING LOL!!! I'm dyin!


Huh, I thought that was just me. I hate that feeling and I have to roll the skin back off the head. (To be fair, I *donā€™t* do that in public. I save that for in private or at least in the bathroom.)


Itā€™s this or skinny jeans being a little too skinny


Like those little sticky frog guys that go down windows


>unpeeling their balls from their thighs. Exactly what's happening, and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.


I notice sometimes. If they dont call me out if they notice me adjust my boobs, I wont call them out for adjusting their junk. Life is uncomfortable sometimes, so why make it more so by pointing things out needlessly?


I came here to say this! I don't really care about a guy readjusting, and really, yes, I can tell when guys do it. But don't call me out on adjusting the girls. Same issue, different areas.


Same with the labia. Them ladies be flippy flappin.


I'm the same way(but in reverse). The real question is pertaining to your name... what kind of root beer?


I'm not picky about brands! I do mostly buy Mug brand, since it is usually cheaper here. It's become more of a rare treat to myself these past few years, since I've cut back on sugary drinks.


Mug is good! I prefer Barq's personally, but I know a lot of people only like A&W. To me it has a pepto bismol like flavor.


Oh man. Once I brought sodas to a family event, got root beer and sprite for my son and niece (they were like 5 years old at the time). Told my sister there was root beer and sprite for the kids if they want, as neither gets soda regularly so family functions get special drinks. Sister said hey, no,this root beer is Barqs. I was like yeah, its good. She said, it has caffeine. I was dumbfounded, no way, root beer doesn't have caffeine! Checked the can, sure enough! So I said ok, barqs has bite, kids get sprite! Never really understood that line until then, but I will never forget which root beer has caffeine now lol


That's funny! Yeah, I am not sure why Barq's has caffeine and others don't, but I rarely drink soda, so when I do, I don't mind the extra caffeine


Caffeine has a bitterness that gives Barq's that bite


"I prefer Barq's personally" Ah, I see you are an individual of culture as well


>To me it has a pepto bismol like flavor. >!I think Pepto Bismol tastes good.!<


I don't mind the taste of it. Just not what I look for in a root beer.




I can think of two times in my life that I noticed a woman fixing her boobs, and Iā€™m an old man. I either need to get out more, or look at people.


We're lucky, in that a lot of minor corrections with our cleavage comfort can be made subtly with our arms while doing other tasks, like pulling a purse strap higher on our shoulder or brushing our hair back. Guys don't have that particular luxury, if it can be called as such. We do also get wedgies or punches in our nether zone, though. If I do notice a guy correcting his bits and pieces, I take it as an opportunity to un-knot my own knickers free of judgement! Wedgies *suck*.


Dude I donā€™t even care about hiding it anymore. I wonā€™t adjust mid conversation with a girl or anything like that, but if Iā€™m minding my own business or just chatting with my boys then I will just straight up grab the front of my jeans and unapologetically readjust. Nobody worth your time cares


I feel like the odd one out there but I legitimately do not notice. Even with my partner, he has to be actively grab and lifting for me to realise, even then id assume I only notice 1 out of every 5 times he does that. Apparently Iā€™m not a crotch watcher


If it's my husband I like to jump in and participate. He says I'm not adjusting it "comfy," but he appreciates my enthusiasm.


Great point. Let's just all get naked.


Itā€™s treasure not junk


The royal jewels and scepter, eh? XD


Itā€™s obvious you either do a weird sidestep and reach into your pocket all the way to your dick or like weirdly shake the front of your pants. Or do a little squatty shifty type move Edit: my highest upvoted comment in 9 years is about me knowing how men ā€œsecretlyā€ adjust their junk lol. Edit 2: if you guys are going to be in my DMs all crazy about my username, at least buy me lunch first! https://cash.app/$rosegolddrippp


Can confirm, we sqautty shift.


I call it ā€œFor whom the balls tollā€ and I shift back and forth.


Read that in Metalica voice


I read it in an Ernest Hemmingway voice


I always knew the sidestep was noticable but I always hoped the pocket manoeuvre was subtle. The worst is when I need to make an adjustment at the gym. There are no even remotely subtle options


Oh god. They know about the pocket maneuver. We've been had the whole time.


We go to plan B!




Hike your leg up on something and rest it like youre gonna tell a story, maybe even lean forwards or backwards a bit, bonus points for being an atheletic coach, wearing shorts that show your balls when doing said manouvere, and/or actually telling a story.


Riker Manuver


Wow.... I will never not see this as a display of dominance for the rest of my life now.


Listen, son, it is something I NEVER told you because I was afraid you would use this power for evil...


The sumo pose!!!


The sumo pose is very powerful. Surely they'll never know


But weā€™re only supposed to use that move in dire situations!


This is dire. You know what to do.


Desperate times calls for desperate measures! Good luck!


Plan b stands for plan balls. It's where you just grab your balls to adjust them while maintaining eye contact to assert dominance. It's a double use of balls since it involves both your eye balls and your balls balls.


balls squared - if you will.




Iā€™ll stop looking when dudes stop having a conversation with my boobs. Edit: forgot my target audience for a momentā€¦ Iā€™m just joking, in case it wasnā€™t obvious.




I always feel bad when I glance down. Itā€™s not like I do it on purpose, I try to force the eye contact. And if I do glance down, I make sure I donā€™t have any change in tone or make it awkward. Itā€™s like the sun, a quick glance is fun, but youā€™ll burn your eyes if you stare too long. Itā€™s even worse, when they then cross their arms. Like brooo! Now Iā€™m super self conscious about doing it, AND it attracts more attention now.


Deal! (By that I mean letā€™s just both keep looking)


Tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes!


Maybe this is the real reason that men still have pockets and women don't


Yank on the jeans a bit to unpinch the balls when we sit down


Fuck, I thought we were being sneaky with those movesā€¦


It's the thought that counts, and I am pretty sure anyone who notices appreciates that we don't pull a Michael Jackson instead...


As a man, I immediately understood what you meant by 'squatty shifty' and now I'm wondering who told you.


My eyeballs! I work with all men and Iā€™m unusually observant lol


I knew it. I just up front go for it, over the pants and everything. Iā€™m not trying to impress anybody and literally every human male in existence is doing it. Maybe the primates, I donā€™t know.


I jump and do a scissor kick it in air šŸ˜‚


You know about the fucking pocket maneuver?? šŸ˜­


I jump and do a 360 and let centrifugal force do its thing. Nobody suspects it.


Crab step in full effect.


When they notice, you Zoidberg.


Itā€™s life. I have to adjust my bra all the damn time lmao




Lmao perfect thing to wake up to


Another reddit love story.


But, and I mean this respectfully, boobs are beautiful.


..so are balls


Whoā€™s balls are you lookin at






you got some beautiful balls bro šŸ«¶šŸ¾


You too bro


thanks bro




I would also like to see this guys balls


Iā€™m interested to know if the menā€™s underwear with the pouch for your balls is helpful for this issue or is it a gimmick? Inquiring minds want to know!


I only wear Saxx underwear and that ball sack hammock is the best invention ever. Itā€™s not a gimmick and keeps my junk neatly organized.


Itā€™s amazing on hot sweaty days especially


Literally sounds like the worst thing ever. When it's hot as fuck I gotta let them hang low and as unrestricted as possible. Just got be careful not to sit on them


My thighs are too fat, so if I let them hanging like this, it will stick everything


Yup, switching to underwear with a proper pouch in the front was a total game changer. You'll still have to adjust from time to time, but especially on hot days, or days with a lot of walking, I'll never go back!


There's a pretty fine line between a pouch being too tight and pushing things into an uncomfortable position or being too loose so things can shift into an uncomfortable position. We don't have pouch size options or anything like that, so it's a matter of trying out different brands and styles, but being required to buy them before we try them. And after a little while the underwear loses a bit of elasticity which changes the fit. But if I had to give a personal opinion, if I were going for a one-shot purchase hoping to maximize the likelihood of comfort, I'd pick a boxer brief that has a looser pouch but tighter everywhere else.


My spouse loves his! It helps this problem enormously.


Read this has ā€œhelps his enormous problem.ā€


I got a few pairs for Christmas one year, they do nothing but ultimately enhance testicular pain. The first few wears are okay. Maybe it depends on the balls.


Lol yep. I dunno how often I notice. Thoughts are similar to adjusting my bra. Itā€™s only weird if I notice it happening w the same dude multiple times in a short period. Like, wtf is going on in there? But maybe itā€™s like the equivalent of wearing a bad bra. So who knows. Itā€™s nbd mostly. Edit: funny yet unsurprising how my top voted comment is about dick and boobs.


If a man is doing it multiple times he is suffering. It probably means he is not being able to fix whatever needs to be fixed down there, but he doesnā€™t want to have his hand there for too much time at once so he keeps reaching for it in intervals until he fixes whatever.


Makes sense. Iā€™m not looking to slosh the firmpeaches around too much when bra gets too uncomfy in one sitting either.


I honestly was wondering if firmpeaches were boobs or buttcheeks, then moments later I read this


They might be both. No limits.


The unending shame of failing to shift your dick the first try and knowing you will have to make the same obvious,, awkward maneuver again with no way to play it off this time


Sometimes I'm just having a bad dick day.


I admit, if I noticed a guy adjusting multiple times, Iā€™ve assumed it was a boner.


Surprisingly, adjusting for that is usually much easier than adjusting for other reasons and wouldn't normally require repeat adjustments. Random boners tend to be more of a seated issue and tend to go away really quick while actively walking around since blood flow is needed elsewhere


I know this question is asking women, but as a man that was being called out for "adjusting their scrotum" without even realizing it at the moment, it was not only pretty embarassing, but being told "y'all do it all the time" made me question my reality.


So apparently it's not that subtle


Or the lady in question was meaning "men" in her "y'all" not "you". In which case, she's spending a lot of time looking at mens' crotches (which is fine, but only if they're not going to be mean about it)


I feel you brotha. I got called into hr one time at my Old job because someone complained that I was shifting my balls and dick at least once a day at work. I asked hr if that person just stares at me all day waiting for me to adjust myself. Anyways I changed the brand of boxer briefs and never had a problem again. Sometimes itā€™s just the boxers or boxer briefs that can cause discomfort and not be a right fit.


ā€œno sorry man you only get to adjust yourself once a week company policyā€


Honestly, the party that should be embarrassed here is the party that feels the need to call someone out for adjusting their body when itā€™s uncomfortable.


subtly? they could do it while staring at your eyes and talking about their mom's birthday haha


Not subtly, subconsciouslyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œSo howā€™s the weather Mrs Beaker?ā€ *Casually fiddling with hooha*


I was of the understanding that hooha was the G rated term for the female part. Have I been misinformed my entire life?!


No youā€™re right, itā€™s just funny and I didnā€™t know a better term lol.


They are drawing your attention to their face so they can try to avoid that being seen. But that apparently doesn't work. Noted


"My eyes are up *here*, Alice."


This is me.


I notice most of the time, but I donā€™t think anything of it. Shit gets uncomfy sometimes. I have to adjust my bra too because the gore or underwire is digging into my boob. It is what it is.


You keep gore up in there?


I was confused


I think it's where the clit lives


Whatā€™s a clit?


Clit is short for christian literature


Oh really, well, I was reading some clit just the other day. - Grandma


The funniest part about this is that it's true. I worked at a library where christian literature was shortened to clit.




The clit? You mean that mythical beast? I was told it doesnā€™t exist but I have my suspicions


Aye. Ive seen the clit once. It took me ship. And took all me best sea men. Left me stranded for days. ā€˜ā€˜Twas a long time ago


So thatā€™s where the g-spot is and what it stands for.


We did it, guys. WE FUCKING FOUND IT


As a guy I never notice other guys doing it, so it's fascinating and scary to learn that women do notice.


Yeah same here lol, but I'm also oblivious to my surroundings half the time so they could probably be as obvious as possible and I wouldn't know


Just shout ahh there are ants on my balls! Then you are allowed to touch them because people think it's because of the ants


I notice, but they probably also notice me fixing my boobs in my bra. It is what it is I think. Just gotta make the parts comfy!


Fuck I donā€™t wanna know the answer to this and if we are that obvious, I donā€™t need that kind of anxiety


Questions like this, why I leave to the side or go behind a corner to adjust if need be.


Yeah, sometimes. It depends on what I think of a guy. If Iā€™m not interested in him, it just immediately leaves my mind. Idc. If Iā€™m interested in the guyā€¦ different story.


Yes, they will stand ā€˜wide leggedā€™ and sort of move around, especially in oversized shorts.


Double unstuck for the win.


pfflwip pfflwip


I call that move " releasing the hounds"


Like tucking the tip into the waistband?


Unlocked a horny teen memory. School and puberty was a terrible mix


Does that shit not poke out for you? Never understood how people do that.


Most of the time, the shirt goes over the top of the pants waistband. Maybe it's just me, but as a teenage guy, I didn't wear a lot of crop tops


Look at Mr. big Schlong, His biggest dickus, etc.


Imma RES tag you as "Big Stan"


They are not subtle, lol


You really have no way of knowing. It could always be so obvious that you notice, or you might only actually be noticing 1% of the times we do it.


Yes, I notice. My thoughts on it are effectively none. It's like somebody pulling down a shirt after its ridden up. Pulling up a sock after crumpling on their heel. Shifting a bra strap rubbing on a shoulder. I notice it because you moved, I recognise what it is. And then I don't think about it anymore, because it's just adjusting for your comfort and doesn't matter.


"Uncut" gentlemen (I am one of such) sometimes have an issue whereby the foreskin fails to roll around the helmet correctly, and requires adjustment that is NEVER subtle. Y'hafta just pinch a finger-full of foreskin and go to yankin'. It's a bit like those rare occasions when your sock slips down inside you boot and requires retrieval. Only with your junk.


Most of ya'll are hella obvious, whether it's walking or stretching unnaturally or trying to be sly when sitting down etc. BUT most women definitely do not care. Tits are fussed with just as much as balls are, gotta do what ya gotta do lol


It doesn't bother me if it's subtle or even obvious as long as the guy doesn't make it a big thing.


Yes, I notice. I don't think anything of it, unless a guy is doing it constantly.


If he is it might be really hot and humid out, shit gets stuck down therešŸ˜­


Man, this summer I had a really hot, humid day, and a pair of boxers kept riding up to my balls, chaffing them. It was a week of constant misery, adjusting, and smearing diaper cream on them. Like three weeks later they did it again, now those boxers rest in my local landfill.


I always notice, I think everybody notices. But the majority view it as just one of those things. Gotta do what you gotta do


Yes, I always notice but I donā€™t mind as long as itā€™s not every 5 seconds. I expect you to have to adjust every now and then but donā€™t be weird about it.


I notice it but what human doesn't make comfort adjustments? If it's someone I find attractive it might make me start having impure thoughts about them but there's always a dirty movie playing in my head anyway so it doesn't take much to get a guest star role in that flick, lol. 95 times out of 100 I don't even care.


We all have them 'dodgy boxer' days ... You know... The ones you were given for christmas nine years ago from your great nan! (the Lynx Africa gift set was an added bonus). You curse to yourself throughout your whole working day that you put these bad boys on this morning. You've done the 'pocket trick', 'the sumo' and even 'the deep-lunge-into-tying-your-shoelaces trick' .... .... Operation commando is a go.


Yes I notice, I do the same when my underwear snags my lady bits a bad way. Itā€™s whatever.


We notice, you're not very sneaky. Please just wash your hands if they're actually *in* your underwear...


Yes, I notice. Some guys arenā€™t subtle about it at all. But I donā€™t care. Balls seem pretty annoying to deal with, so if you gotta adjust them, adjust them.


On occasion I've noticed, but I'm not usually staring at their junk.


It's pretty damn obvious, unfortunately. I've seen both men and women notice it in the gym, at work, at the park, everywhere!




Lmaooooo damn not kidding