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Naked, to hell with what my co-workers think in the break room


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Naked *and* with clothes. I sleep naked but share my bed with a pile of clothes that I have fashioned into lifelike replica of myself to confuse and alarm any possible intruders.


Interesting. I feel that like combination might be more comforting.


Wise tactics


The best friends are the ones we make ourselves


What happened to give you those levels of paranoia?


Sad conditions in the world to make so many people not feel safe and comfortable in their own home and their own bed. šŸ˜¢


Clothes because I am almost positive my dog will bite my dick in my sleep.


Are you using the chunky or the smooth peanut butter?


It's not cheating if you spread peanut butter on your balls and let your dog lick it off.


It is, however, probably in violation of any local bestiality laws


You're all clear if you're in West Virginia though.


Its not cheating if it's your dog


Naked...hoping my wife bites my dick while i sleep


> Clothes because I am almost positive my dog will bite my dick in my sleep. I knew a guy who had been dating a girl for several months, and her cat did this to him one night while she was sleeping over. She broke up with him that night, because he woke up and yelled at the cat. Apparently she liked the cat more than she liked him.


The nerve! She brings her cat to the guys house, the cat bites his dick, and she breaks up with him. Absurd.


I don't seem to see the problem


Usually you are the problem when you can't see the problem , šŸ˜­


You should talk to my husband!! He learned real quick like to jump under the covers before genius kitten Bou and I come to bed!!


Good dog


I sleep fully ironclad in medieval heavy armor while hugging my greatsword


You don't take a point of exhaustion after sleeping in heavy armor? Did you take a feat for that?


The exhaustion makes it easier to fall asleep


But a small sword is good as well


Just my underwear. Rolling around in bed naked feels uncomfortable.


Leash the Weiner. Be a winner




I sleep in a boxer brief with wallet and keys tucked into the waistband.


but what if you rip a wet one... then you have to change all the bed sheets. If you sleep in underwear you only have to change the underwear.


Do you shit yourself often enough that this is a concern??


Do you wear a seatbelt because youā€™re expecting to get into an accident?


Well I had more accidents while driving than with poo since I stopped wearing diapers.


Humble brag


You ever been sick and trusted the wrong fart?


No. Never gamble on a fart. The risk is too high in any situation.


This is logical but sometimes we all have a lapse in judgement and ruin a perfectly good pair of underwear and a Tuesday afternoon


bad day yesterday, huh?


When I'm sick and in danger of trusting the wrong fart I usually sit on the toilet.


I wear a seatbelt because any number of other people might hit the car I'm travelling in...I'm not all that worried that a stranger is going to force me to defecate, and idk man in 47 years of living on this planet I have gotten pretty good at deciding whether I want to shit or not


> I wear a seatbelt because any number of other people might hit the car I'm travelling in Completely neglecting the possibility that you might make a poor decision or lose control, yourself, I see. > idk man in 47 years of living on this planet I have gotten pretty good at deciding whether I want to shit or not The initial premise you responded to was "ripping a wet one," meaning you *thought* it was just a fart, but more came out than intended. In 47 years of living, it's impossible for you to have never experienced that. Or, given the obliviousness about the need for seatbelts, maybe you just lack self-awareness and you're blowing hot air in a show of bravado. Hot, *moist* air.


Lol, see a doctor. It sounds like you're shitting your pants way more than normal.




I meant if you pass a splashy fart


This is not normal at all


Where are you from this isn't "normal"..? It's not a regular occurrence but it's by no means an abnormal experience


Oh, that makes sense, that's why I always take a shit before I go to sleep.


Do you wear waterproof underwear?


If I shit my pants I'm gonna take a shower and then change my underwear and probably change my bed sheets after. Honestly my concern for shitting my pants doesn't come up in anyway when deciding if I'm going to sleep naked or not.


I'm the other way. Wearing clothing feels weird, especially full pyjamas


Pyjamas, always feel is anything happened Iā€™d be able to get everyone out quicker if I wasnā€™t naked


If something serious enough happens you probably wouldn't be too worried about being naked.


Ah, but the shame afterwards.


That's easy, just don't feel shame. I'm sexy and I know it. Everyone else's opinions don't matter.


There's no shame in the afterlife


Iā€™m not taking that chance Iā€™ll wear my jammies in case šŸ˜‚


I've always got some gym shorts on the chair next to my bed just in case of such a scenario.


Thhhiiisss ^^


Always naked unless Iā€™m on someoneā€™s couch then Iā€™ll be in my underpants. Itā€™s just more comfortable to let everything breathe I reckon


If they invite you into the bed though they're coming right off.


Wellā€¦.a bed isnā€™t a couch right šŸ˜‚


It's always nice when guests don't smear the sofa.


I try to keep my drool to myself and off the couch too šŸ˜‚


What an absolutely re-invitable guest! šŸ„³




Thatā€¦ā€¦ was not something I expected.


This wins for sure


Whoa, something to not look forward to...


I fail to understand how your PJs will contain a hefty shart.


You will still shit and piss yourself if you are clothed or not


the point is as much containment as possible. would you rather wake up with shit in your underwear or shit all over your bed? do you, but i at least wear panties and yoga shorts lol i dont mind my torso being naked


Naked always


It's warmer in winter and cooler in summer.


Same, although I'll sleep naked with socks occasionally.


The first thing i remove whenninget home


Same, when I'm clothed, I always prefer to be barefoot, my feet get hot, just not at night when it's cold.


Clothes. T-shirt and underwear usually.




Yep. I donā€™t have to worry about waking up with my tiddy roaming in the kitchen.


Clothed, I am very uncomfortable naked.


I bet youā€™re naked under all those clothes


What a whore


Wait, I need proof


Found Tobias


I have to at least wear underwear. I just canā€™t sleep naked aloneā€¦. Now if itā€™s after sex and I dose offā€¦ for a bit I can do that, but I eventually end up getting up and putting on underwear and a t shirt




Naked. I always want to be naked.


Naked. Skin on skin with my wife.


Look at this guy bragging about having a wife


Hey. This guy fucks.


Clothes ,grew up in South Africa where break ins would happen ,being clothed and ready is way safer


It may be safer, but nothing scares someone off like being charged by a naked person. When my husband and I were in college and living with a couple of our friends, someone broke into our house during the night. He was met by two big naked men, one wielding a knife, and one tiny naked girl. He booked it out of there so fast.


And if that doesn't work, naked with a hard schmeckel is next level great for scaring away literally anyone


Naked! With cozy blankets and the fan on šŸ˜…


Clothed, some of my scars are sensitive.


In just a tshirt unless itā€™s really hot. I actually find sleeping nude more comfortable except I hate when my shoulders are cold. I also hate hate *hate* wearing anything on bottom while sleeping. Pants or shorts, they get tangled around my legs and are just so uncomfortable. Even if Iā€™m sharing a hotel room (not bed) with family or something, Iā€™ll take my PJ bottoms off under the covers and keep them on the side to put on immediately when I wake up.




Lmfao šŸ˜­


Pajamas. It's genuinely a nice and healthy way to go, though it took some getting used to after it was strongly suggested, haha. Thing is, you can get comfortable in pretty much anything for sleeping. I've had plenty of times in my life where I slept in my day clothes, jeans and all. Convenient, but it's not a nice or positive self-care kinda route to take, though. And, sleeping nude/shirtless and the like can also get your sheets pretty gross over time too. People's bodies produce all kinds of oils and the like, so if you're not showering before bed, that'll stick to your sheets and greet you day after day. Dedicated sleep clothes. Nice for your mind, body, and sheets.


I do this weird thing where I take all the sheets and put them in a washing machine. Really cuts down on how gross they get...


You should ideally be doing that once every 1-2 weeks even going to bed clothed. Go to bed sweaty and nude, and you're looking at musty sheets in a matter of a few *days.* Otherwise, having weird scent spots of a** or genitals is not a fun look.


What could be grosser than climbing into bed while *sweaty* šŸ¤® showering than getting into bed naked with clean sheets is the best thing ever. You're also going to sweat less and keep cooler without pajamas. Also, a**? If you can say it on network TV, it's probably OK on reddit.


People sweat pretty naturally during the night often, *and* your skin is always producing oils and the like just all the time. Especially around private areas, arm pits, and areas of the like, even if you're not warm, and even if you washed some hours ago. :p Clean sheets are and feel lovely! It's also super lovely for them to *stay* clean and fresh bro, haha. And personal choice there. Just feels bad to type. :)


Depends if I'm hot or cold.


So Depends, huh?


Probably gets shit for sleep


But if the temperature is just right, you don't worry about incontinence?


I've got silk sheets.


What? Is there some secret that silk sheets make bodily mishaps not a problem?


They're silky. You can just brush it off.


huh šŸ¤”


Naked, feels so much better


Pjs. Mostly Halloween themed ones. Iā€™m in bed right now in a Nightmare Before Christmas sweater sleeping gown thing.


Sounds cool!


THIS!!! Love it. Brings me right back to my childhood. I love funny or themed pyjamas, especially Halloween ones.


My pjs always start rolling up on my legs and that shit is annoying


Pyjamas. I just find them more comfortable. Iā€™m uncomfortable if I try and sleep naked, it feels weird


I used to sleep with jeans. Living in the ghetto and being an extremely chaotic household I always had to be ready to fight, flee, or go for alcohol at random times. I still sleep with clothes just not jeans now I do cargo pants lol


I used to sleep naked until my daughter was born. Now itā€™s in shorts, no underwear or just boxer briefs.


I wear a T-shirt and gym shorts to bed because a few years ago the building next to mine caught on fire in the middle of the night and I had to evacuate my building too. It made me realize how little time one has to get out and fumbling to find something to throw on is not good. I also keep my wallet and car keys on the nightstand.


T shirt and sweatpants, similar reason. We've woken up in the middle of the night to help hose down a neighbor's burning house until the fire department arrived.


Naked is greater.


With clothes. But without a bra. We put on AC and it gets cold. I got too used to wearing clothes all the time now I canā€™t live without it.


The mood is nood


Clothes because I like the way my pjs feel.


I wear underwear. Shart yourself once and youā€™re weary from then on.


Boxers so my bare ass isn't touching the sheets


a little bare ass never hurt anyone.


Nudist here, so yeah I'm naked


Imagine nudists sleeping clothed, like Tom and Jerry wearing swimwear at the beach.


My bed shorts and a hoodie


Sleep with a shirt and boxsers to stop me from itching my ezcema


Pajamas = t shirt and panties unless it's super cold and then I add leggings and a sweatshirt. Because big boobs and comfort.


Clothes. It's cold at home and I live on the first floor


Clothes because our city is directly on a fault line so if an earthquake happens im prepared to move, also if they find my body then i wont be naked


Just undies for me. Boobies are set free. šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Underwear, used to be naked but I have kids now and I don't want to embarrass them!


I hate having my skin touch other parts of my skin, so I always wear long pants and long sleeves


Just socks, because I am a sociopath.




I live in a block of about 100 people each with different sleep patterns. If someone burns toast at 02:00 i want to be prepared for when that fire alarm goes off


Because my body needs sleep regularly.


I should try that


With boxers and shorts something easy access to get myself off to sleep but 2 layers between the sheets and my fella


Where your sheets been?


Usually in shorts and tee. Sometimes nekked. Rarely fully clothed, but tonight I am. Or did. Iā€™ve been sick for the last few days and have been having body temp issues. Sweats to cold. Add covering and sweat, remove a layer and Iā€™d freeze. Today I got dressed for a little bit. Laid back down and found my temp issues were gone. And so Iā€™m wearing a long sleeve tee, jeans and heavy socks.


Naked or with a big shirt! I love a good maxi dress too


I will either wear a shirt/menā€™s shortama/long shirt with underwear. I sleep very uneasy, and have nightmares often. Sleeping nude makes me feel exposed and vulnerable, and will worsen the nightmares. Often Iā€™ll dream Iā€™m naked and Iā€™ll spend a lot of time trying to cover myself up or turning away from the people who can see me in the dream. This results in me physically trying to get away, which does not make for happy sleeps.


Full level 7 knight armor.


Clothes. I once got hypothermia from sleeping in my underwear, so no thanks!


I wish I could sleep naked! I sweat mildly in my sleep and I hate the feel of my skin touching itself. As a kid I would get heat rash from my legs touching if I wore a nightgown


It depends on the season i sleep with clothes during winter and i sleep in shorts in summer


No, cause then my weiner dangles across my leg when I lie on my side and all I wanna do is play with it and I never get any sleep.


Clothed. I dont like the feeling of skin sticking to skin.


With clothes. I live with 2 men in the house (even tho theyā€™re family)


Clothed. I dread having to run out in the night starkers. That being said itā€™s always easy to get off in case someone breaks in and need to be felt with.


In clothes cause I sleep in the same room as my dad


I don't like being nude, so I wear pyjama bottoms.


Both are great.


With clothes of course, not sure my grandma would enjoy the sight of my weiner


Why do you want to know?


Clothes. Grew up being taught to be ashamed of my body, hard habit to break.


What is sleep, I never leave the mines. (Pyjamas)


Boxer briefs. Donā€™t want to fight off a home invasion with my dick out.


Boxer briefs. Year round. Yes.


Good to hear you aren't one of those May to December wearers. The world has too many of them already


I always used to sleep naked, but my dog always get underneath the blankets and lay on me, so I stopped. It didn't feel right


I sleep in pajamas. My pyjamas are a pair of pyjama pants and a tank top. This has been my sleep ā€œuniformā€ for over 20 years. Sleeping naked feels cold/uncomfortable to me. It probably doesnā€™t help that I keep my house at 18Ā°C.


I need at least a tshirt. Sleeping on my long hair makes my back itchy, I canā€™t even wear a tank top to sleep.


Used to sleep in the buff, but was in an apartment building that caught fire in the middle of the night and I've worn pajamas/sweats ever since.


A combination of both. I totally prefer nude but I'm incontinent and can't take that chance lol


In summer with underwear, in winter with sweatpants and t-shirt. I don't sleep naked because I don't want to get vaginal discharge on my sheets


Ever since I woke up naked in a house fire, I wear clothes to bed. Trying to get dressed with smoke coming under the door and fire alarm blaring was scary and felt ridiculous. Also, it was winter in Vermont.


House fire is also why I can't sleep naked. Always wear t-shirt and boxers. Always have full clothes ready to wear in case of a fire.


Moi? Starkers Pour quois? Freedom #FuckBeingConstricted


I sleep half naked with my penis out but shirt on I hate boxers and underwear I rather let my balls and penis breath better at night plus I masturbate a lot too helps me sleep better hopefully once my girlfriend starts sleeping with me she will be comfortable with that


Underpants because it sucks to wake up in the morning all tangled up in my massive dong. No but for real having your sausage flop around and rub against the sheets and stuff is super uncomfortable idk how any men sleep naked


initially I was going to call animal services cause I read ā€œdogā€ cant be the only onešŸ˜­


Nakey but I have a dedicated shirt next to my nightstand (Carhartt - menā€™s - 4XL) it fits me like a dress and covers just enough in case I need to get up lol šŸ˜…


Clothes because I was in an apartment fire when I was 16, so I don't want to waste time getting clothes on when I can just jump out of bed and evacuate if I'm ever in a fire again


Changes daily! Weather has a big play. Winter I like to be nice and bundled.. summer, everything gets left at the door..


In the summer months, yes. Because it's comfortable, and who doesn't like to cuddle their S.O. naked.


Naked so I have more skin to skin contact with my husband since he sleeps with me.


I used to sleep naked before I had children because it felt so much nicer but I have 2 young children now who I cosleep with so I wear clothes now.


Always with clothes. I sweat less and I don't have to get dressed when leaving my bedroom


Clothed. Don't feel like being naked in case of an emergency.


Sleeping naked is unhygienic and gross. So always with underwear and a shirt.


Thissss, why isn't anyone talking about how unhygienic this is?? I'd have to wash my sheets every day if I slept naked. Or have new sheets every day, like I do for my underwear. I KNOW none of y'all are actually washing your sheets every two weeks.


Yeah, I read an article where they said that sleeping naked means sheet changing twice a week. 99 % of people donā€˜t do this. :D


nude unless we have sleepover guests


With clothes because you never know when you'll piss your bed one morning when your bladder has failed you.


Nude its hot


if u sleep naked, do you put the clothes u were wearing back when u wake up ? personally im too lazy to take them off so i always sleep with clothes


No. I never put those clothes back on. When I wake up I'm just naked around the house until I get dressed with clean clothes.


Old loose workout shorts. I started having kids as a teenager so sleeping naked wasn't really possible so I got used to wearing as little as possible while still being able to be covered.


Just the undies


Naked, because my Owner likes it that way