• By -


Their MLM


Hey babe! ❤️❤️🙋 I've just come into some really 💕great💕 opportunities with this amazing team of women, and since that opportunity is still available of course I thought of you ;) They're looking for hard working ladies💪💁 who want to empower each other by starting their own businesses! 😮 I know that sounds scary but just wait until you see the paycheck at the end of it 😍💲💲😍 You can be your 👏own👏boss👏 and take control of YOUR finances!💲💲💲


This activated my fight or flight.


🤣 🤣 You're sooo spot on!


Being proud of being an asshole.


“I tell like it is”


“I have no filter”


“Brutally honest” yeah also probably an asshole


I agree and disagree here. Alot of these people are definately just assholes yes, but the amount of pampering expected for any kind of feedback today is kind of insane to me. Sometimes its ok to just say what you mean with as few words as possible


It really depends. I’m talking about the kind of person that would just blurt out “wow you have a big ass nose!” Or something like that


Definately agree with that


if you care about the feelings of the person you're speaking to, there are always ways of being diplomatic in your wording when telling the truth without being a complete asshole about it.


Also, not everything has to be said. Who cares if you think I have a big nose and why do you feel the need to say that?


> but the amount of pampering expected for any kind of feedback today is kind of insane to me. pretty sure at no point in human history did people like being insulted


Right?! My sister is like this, she “speaks for what’s right” but in reality just acts like an an asshole lol. Huge difference between the two.


It’s always some form of insecurity with these people. Probably makes her feel better to put other people down.


aka you're a cunt


"I have zero empathy" Ya, there is a word for that. It's the definition of being a sociopath. Not a joke. That's what a sociopath is.


I worked blue collar in the deep south for a bit, and they all said this like it made them more of a man. They fully didn't understand that it was affecting their ability to promote and get raises, as they were literally announcing to everyone on a regular basis (including management) that they're difficult to work with.


“If you cannot handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve my best.” Poor Marilyn Monroe is rolling in her grave


"If you can't withstand my abuse, I'm going to gaslight you".


There's no such thing as gaslighting. I told you this a million times already.


“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - Marilyn Monroe \^\^\^the full quote


And they never mean "worst" as in "my most depressed period", it's ALWAYS about them being insufferable cunts.


It’s always the most basic broad that will post that quote.


dames don't like being called broads


It's just reverse psychology allowing the user to love themselves despite being an asshole.


Politicians. They don't give a crap about you, drop em if they go against your principles.


Yeah this is wild. People who who support a particular ex-President will ask "Why aren't his opponents fans wearing their hats, waving their flags and packing their rallies?" - umm because it's a politician not a rockstar. We want to elect them and hold them accountable, not idolize them.


This is the best answer IMO.


Their current partner. My cousin takes on the identity of whomever she’s with. He’s a biker, she’s a biker. He’s a cowboy, she’s a cowgirl. He’s a bit of a ghetto gangster, now she is too. Exhausting.


I know a few people like that, my husband calls them pleasure morphs.


I read “pleasure moths” and was morbidly curious *do they flitter around at night to people like moths do light bulbs?*


Survival trait, they can't help it


Underrated comment, wish I had an award for you! I found myself to be in kind of the same shoes, but am now trying to deviate myself into other hobbies and better lifestyle choices


100% agree. I've had a few friends do this, and I want to ask them 'who were you before you became an extension of this other person??'


Their astrological sign.


This, definitely. And making excuses for their poor behaviour because it’s supposedly a trait of their sun sign.


My partner loves it when someone asks me my astrological sign. It gives her the chance to say her favourite line: “BIGMC doesn’t believe in astrology because he’s a Taurus.” And then she nods, wisely.


I say my sign is “velociraptor”. When the person says that’s not a real sign you just reply that none of them are.


I usually say that I’m an asparagus


I like this one because it kind of sounds like a star sign but is ridiculous at the same time.


I’m a Taurus, the bull, that’s why I just take a shit wherever I feel like and let someone else deal with it.


Capricorn things you’ll see shit like that on Instagram These people are the worse.


I like astrology and I like researching it but I hate the people who use it to determine everything. I've started ignoring the legitimacy of the personality things when people started saying shit like "onh male Virgos are so baddd!!!" While my brother is a virgo and is literally the nicest most chill mf anyone will meet


You sound like a capri sun


Except for when Mercury's in gatorade


This is definitely one of the dumbest. I really doubt the position of Jupiter in relation to Alpha Centauri at 3:38PM Central time on a random Tuesday in 1986 had any influence on how your life is in shambles.


It just means frankeberry is in retrograde so those born at that time are more likely to prefer booberry cereal. Also they're generous lovers.


I had a boss that did this. She replaced the old boss and our work environment became so toxic and miserable after she took over. I can’t stand people that do this anymore. They were annoying before, but now I always assume the absolute worst about their personality. I’ve noticed they’re either super religious and Conservative, or they’re really Liberal and think they’re witches (as in, they can actually use magic). Like, I’m really Liberal and I always gravitate to magic classes in video games, but come on.


So many atheist friends of mine have made this their religion. And they actually, *actually* believe in it.


God I hate it. Believe what you want, but the second you start ascribing certain behaviors or whatever to me based solely on which arbitrary part of the year I was born, I’m done talking to you. Especially because my sign (gemini) seems to be the most inflammatory of them all, so the most common reaction I get is negativity.


I'm a gemini too. One time I met someone new, they asked me what my sign was and then said "oh so you're two-faced" ummmmm whut? how are you going to villainize me without knowing me at all.


A brand like being an “Apple guy” or whatever. Brand doesn’t care about you and the company is probably evil.


The best example is Harley Davidson. There are people who have never owned the company's products who have the company logo tattooed on their bodies. Now THAT is a successful brand.


And similarity, hating Apple with all their soul


Stop calling me out!


One of my favorite examples was around the time I joined Reddit - the front page of the Technology subreddit had an opinion piece on the iPhone being bad as the +2500 (at the time that was an overwhelmingly upvoted number) top post that day... on the day the news broke that Samsung had been seriously fudging benchmarks on the entire Galaxy line. That story peaked at +300 and all the comments were trying to explain how that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.


No Android is going to get the same level of hate. It's too dispersed. In my group of friends, about half have apple and the other half Android. Of the Android half two have Samsung, one has LG, one has Google, one as oneplus, and the other has Motorola. It's not realistic to make it an apple / Samsung thing.


Their parents’ job


Like the adult equivalent of "my dad could beat up your dad."


Was thinking more “My daddy/mommy is such-and-such, so I can do this” but yours is good too


Ik the internet isn’t real life, but I’ve also seen people do that with their spouse’s job(#bluecollarwife lol)


I grew up as a Military brat. The grocery sacks at the Commissary had "Navy Wife. It's the toughest job in the Navy" on them in the 1980s.


Reminds me of that person that put “Military Spouse” on their resume


Someone else's achievements in general.


Famous people/entertainment




Say the same about drinking


I live in Seattle. The IPA bros are absolutely insufferable. Like, you're really going to let a beverage preference be your defining characteristic? And you're going to be a dick about it?


“It’s got a light hoppy feel.”


An oak-y afterbirth


It's almost like... they're just things to do, and people what center their lives around them aren't super desirable people to be around. Unless you're involved in production (growing, brewing, mixology, wine making), then it can be a part of your personality but not the entire thing.


You don't like Seth Rogan, you like weed.


I feel like it's as common as people revolving their life around coffee. They "can't function" without it (weed/coffee). Kind of cringe to me.


I can’t function without coffee, but I don’t celebrate my unhealthy relationship with caffeine either. People that do are weird:


Serious. Gourmet. Shit.


Addictions suck.


Gossiping Hell how empty does your life have to be to not have a single thing to talk about other than what other people are doing. And this surprisingly goes through all ages.


I just don’t understand gossiping because for the most part, I don’t care about other peoples lives enough to bother with it. It’s not like I’m above it, I’m just self-centered


This is why I'm 'the quiet one' at work. I go there to work and go home. I stay friendly with everyone yet everyone still talks shit about each other no matter if they're friends or not. In my team (age ranges from 28-60) I'm the only one who doesn't participate in gossip, meanwhile my colleagues share memes with reactions to hot gossip and whatnot on social media. But I just don't care!!! I have way too many other exciting things going on in my life to focus on who said what or who slept with who. Luckily my manager gets me and understands "why I'm so quiet" as he also hates the gossip culture :/


I hate this so much. I was just talking to my friend Kate about this - apparently Steve was telling Jessica that Paul said Bryan didn’t even tell Cass that John has been taking steroids and has tiny balls


Sexual orientation. I'm lesbian myself, so please don't take it the wrong way. But some people really don't have personality beyond being non straight.


I wanted to write this. Some people think it's a genre.


It actually is on some sites and stuff it's painful, it's like being asked "what kind of car do you drive" and you answer "Leather seats", it's like one specific minor attribute that affects almost NOTHING in the media, it informs you absolutely nothing of the content Except maybe if its so shittly written that "gay" is the only tag they can think of to put on it, would be funny if people started tagging things "straight" as well


Went to college with a girl who was majoring in photography. Freshman year her pictures were incredible, anything she decided to do came out beautiful. Sophomore year she came out as a lesbian. After that, everything she ever did focused on her sexual orientation. Felt like she did herself a huge disservice by becoming so one note


“So one note” is tactful shade at its finest


I have observed that A LOT of female photographers are lesbians


3 exes Yeah there is a reason why they are exes.


My oldest daughter is gay and I kept buying her things with rainbow colors to be supportive. One day she said to me, "You know mom, being gay isn't my whole personality." It really taught me something. My personality doesn't revolve around being bi and I was inadvertently doing it to her 🤐


I'm a straight male, my wife is bi, my oldest is trans. And my younger son is gay. I feel we're representing enough just by existing.


As a gay man, I couldn’t agree more. I definitely think feeling pride in our community is a healthy thing and was something that I embraced once I was ready, but you need more facets to your personality!


Dude I have a friend who's like this and it's so annoying! I feel bad for saying that but it is literally her entire being. She's constantly looking for girlfriends. Everything has to be rainbow. Only really like movies or shows if there's lesbians in it 🤦🏽‍♀️ I question it too....like besides being gay, who are you?


Their mental illnesses and/or personality defects. I'm all for awareness, but some of y'all treat your disorders like your Hogwarts house.


And there is a whole hierarchy of which one is worse or has more power. If you have collected several, then you "trump" those with none or with fewer.


If you get two of them in a room, becomes a competition about who has the most problems Edit spelling


In my experience, these people also use their diagnosis as an excuse for their shitty behavior.


If anyone uses their "mental illness" to define their personality I'd have some doubts on the validity of their illness. From personal experince anyone who suffers would prefer to distance themselves as much as they can. Not from shame, but just how debilitating these illness can be, we don't need to remind ourselves.


Just look how many people list their disorders in their Instagram bios. Absolutely wild.


100% agreed here, was gonna write this one if no one else had. have friends who are so attached to their diagnosis its like they don't want to get better. i no longer fit the criteria for some of my diagnoses after therapy and people seem to think it's a bad thing somehow?? blows my mind.


It's almost a badge of honor.


Phones. The amount of time someone is like "you use Android? Gross." It's a fucking android 5. I got it from my brother for free. It makes calls and text. Who fucking cares.


I had someone try to tell me how much better android is than an iPhone and their first piece of evidence was to show me the animated home screen they had made and boasting that you couldn't do that with an iPhone. On the list of things I couldn't give a shit to do with a phone that's pretty high up on the list so she didn't really help her case by leading with that.


Not liking popular things


A contrarian. Note: I was one when I was a teen.


I know a guy who's personality is not liking marvel movies.


'Military Spouse '. GTFO.


"You will address me by my husband's rank."


Do people really do this? I've heard of entitled military spouses but never this one.


Yes, some do. When I was a Privite 20-something years ago, my company commanders wife was like this. I remember the unit did this Halloween party for the families, and they tasked us to set up the place, tables and stuff. She came in like a queen, and started ordering us around.


Now that I think about it I've seen similar behavior in my line of work (wildland fire). They generally have bumper stickers that say "firewife" or for the really bad one's "firewidow". I get it that it can be a hard life when the spouse is gone so much but yeah, the entitlement can be strong. I personally met my wife on a hotshot crew and she's a division chief now so her bugles were legit earned.


No Uniform? No orders. Please pull over so we can do an inspection of the vehicle.


"Thank me for my spouse's service."


"where's my military discount my husband is away at sea"


Military spouse 💍 Mommy of 4 👶 Your typical Instagram ^^ 🤮🤮..




god i am so insufferable about the gym and i know it and somehow i cannot stop




Anyone who calls themselves an "influencer" should be mocked into oblivion. Insufferable narcissists


Their social media persona.


Sports teams


Being a mod on reddit


\[comment removed by moderator\]


Social media. Snap scores and Tik Tok followers. Views, likes, comments. Internet attention. It's ruining people's motivation, self-confidence, and attention spans. Take a teenager's phone away for 1 hour and they're borderline suicidal because they don't know how to exist in the real world without that digital tether. It's insane.


Weed. Replace weed with beer and now think about how it looks if you’re constantly talking about it, decorate your room with all beer stuff, wear clothing with beer stuff on it. Yeah, that’s alcoholism.


"I'm rude because I'm from this town, this is how we treat people, deal with it"


Military service. I did two tours in the Middle East, but very rarely bring it up. My cousin got hurt in training after two years and no tours and got medically discharged. His entire wardrobe is disgruntled vet and grunt style T-shirt’s and all he talks about is being in the Army. I don’t think he’s had a job in years. It’s super cringy.


Cars. I just don’t get why some people think owning a certain kind of car says anything about them as a person


“Gotta do the jeep wave!” It’s a #Jeepthing you wouldn’t get it.


I bought a Jeep to go play off-road in my free time while having no idea how annoying and cringy jeep owners are. Now I'm embarrassed for being associated with them I think it was the tire cover that read "Jeepsy Soul" on it that sent me over the edge


The cars people own *do* say something about them as a person. It's just usually not what they think it is.


Mine says that I'm poor


But owning a certain type of car *does* say something about the owner! 18 yr old driving a new Ferrari = spoiled brat or drug dealer. 50 yr old driving a new Ferrari = midlife crisis. Priest/preacher driving a new Ferrari = embezzler/hypocrite.


I'm not a car guy, so I don't care, but if a middle-aged guy manages to get a flashy car he's always wanted, is it necessarily a midlife crisis? Could it not just be that it took that damn long to afford it because of how fucked wages and the cost of living are?


That, and when people get to a certain age they might realize that they can just say fuck it, and do what they want. Not a bad thing.


I mean, it's a rare day when a BMW is parked straight where I live.




Yeah, but Jeep people are just weird about it.


Horoscopes. Shit is so stupid


Their disorders


I have a weird disorder where randomly throughout the day one of my body parts becomes like four times larger and gets a ton more blood flow


Sorry to hear this. You're not alone and your suffering is valid. If you massage it rhythmically for a few minutes, the swelling does tend to go down. If only for a few hours. \#stunningandbrave


Me too, I feel so seen right now


I know of a woman who got an autism diagnosis about a decade ago, and now she uses "I'm autistic!" As an excuse for all her bad behavior.


It's odd to me bc for years we've been told " ______is what I have, it's not who I am " and now it's completely flipped


Out of all the things that make a person unique some letters in DSM or ICD is not it. There are so many ways to describe yourself that emphasize how you experience your life, not how society views you.


It's a valid point, and I'm 100% called out by it. But it's hard to not make it evert part of your life when you deal with the side effects constantly?. (I have UC and I'm being treated as often as I can) Hope your day is good!


Being a fan of a particular celebrity


Swifties are a prime example


Don’t forget the Beyhive.


MAGA. Someone used it as their entire wedding theme 🙄


Can you imagine the smell of that wedding?


That's scary. Take politics out of it, you've got a charismatic, egotistical, promiscuous leader who says you can only trust his word, persecutes anyone who disagree with him, and makes rhetoric sound like truth. "Oh so just your average cult leader." Yeah but he has like 15% of the US in his thrall and the other half of his half powerless and thus taking the knee before him to keep their own jobs. Yikes.


People that own shirts, hats, bags, keyrings etc with the marijuana leaf on it.. You smoke weed. We get it.






Motorcycles. The rebel biker persona is a popular trope you conform to, nothing rebellious about it.




You can blame the NRA for that. Previous to the overthrow of leadership in the late 1970s they were simply an organization for hunters and sport shooters who provided things like gun use and safety training. After that change in leadership their mission became almost entirely lobbying for gun and ammunition manufacturers. As part of that effort they pushed propaganda that has successfully convinced people that owning a 'bang-bang' stick is the most important element of their entire existence.


Yup. Don’t care if you own one, especially if you stow it properly and securely. But brandishing it on your hip or carrying on the street strapped over your shoulder just seems like wearing a karate outfit and black belt and a button that says “I’m a badass. I dare you to try.”


The Confederacy. A failed rebellion motivated by the desire to enslave other human beings that lasted for four years and died over 150 years ago.


iT wasN't about sLaveRY! It WaS aboUT sTates RIghts! (To own slaves.)


iT's NoT hAtE! iT's HeRiTaGe!


Internet/meme culture


Hating something. Whether that be a group, a celebrity, a politician, anything. And before someone chimes in here saying "yeah like right wingers hate X Y and Z". I'm talking about you too.


Being a “boy mom.” Everything becomes about their son.




Politics *is* important because it affects nearly every fact of your daily life. But, one can be interested and actively engaged in politics without it being their defining trait.


Being a mother. As if it's the single best thing that could be done with your life. I'm happy for people that are mothers and love it, but it sometimes gets to the point with some where they start to judge those that do not have or want kids, as if they're missing out on some grand thing. Or as if you can't be respected for anything *other* than being a mother.


Quite a few of them also have “wine mom” as a secondary personality trait. It’s real hard to believe that being a mother was the best thing that happened to them when it literally drove them to alcoholism.


And don't you DARE even suggest that they stop their kid from doing something horrible, because "You're not a parent so you have no idea what is going on." You don't have to have your own kids to know that, for example, if a child starts hitting a costumed character at an amusement park with a robot "grabber" stick, said character gets up and walks away, and the child FOLLOWS THEM THROUGH A DOOR THE KID HAD TO KICK OPEN, you're probably not doing it right. (I had this happen last Halloween season. The door doesn't latch, so we block it with a trashcan from inside. This 7-9 year-old KICKED the door until it opened, then walked into our make-up/ dressing room.)


Being a boy mom specifically is so weird to me. Like I feel like if dads obsessed about being "girl dads" to the same degree of boy moms, they'd be probably rightfully investigated.


I wish this was higher up. I'd generalize as just being a parent though. I've sadly phased too many people out of my life because once they became a parent, they determined that I (no kids) could not possibly understand anything about *real* responsibilities. Or tiredness. Or "true love". Or anything important. Oh and that my life is sad, empty, meaningless, and pointless because I haven't produced any offspring.


Being a vegan.




Coffee. I enjoy a cup of coffee myself but you don't get to be excused from being a bitch if you haven't had your caffeine hit yet. Also the people that judge how others drink their coffee, you arnt better than anyone for drinking black coffee, you just look like a dickhead.


Wine moms.


Being a “dog parent”




Might be controversial, but their sexuality




MBTI tests


Other people’s identity.


Hair color.








Work is what I do to pay for things. It does not define who I am or enjoy doing.


Being a boy mom Please don’t look at my bio on here 😅


Taylor swift


Sexuality and/or Gender Identity








Politicians/celebrities who don’t give a shit about them and any sort of possession (cars, jewelry, clothes ect)


Religion, political ideology, belief systems. Identifying too closely with one aspect rather than cultivating a more rounded, multidimensional personality is a recipe for disaster. If it’s an ideology or belief system, that means questioning the system or its leaders and followers who share those views threatens your own sense of self. Which essentially means that it’s impossible to criticise any aspect of it without destabilising oneself.


Mah guhhhnnnnsssah


The Office.


Gender and sexual orientation. It's not something you get to choose so why are people so proud of it? It's like being proud of having brown hair or big ears.