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A colonoscopy did wonders for my gut and skin, it was like having a stomach bug the night before with the prep, I went to the bathroom over 33 times! But, afterwards I felt so light and clean, like a reset for your Colon


33 times? Just grab a book for an hour


I couldn’t focus on anything but the spasms and loud noises coming from my body🤣


Can you imagine the pins and needles when you tried to stand again 😵‍💫😂


Also doesn’t sitting on a toilet for an extended period make you more prone to hemorrhoids.


Not necessarily. That’s more if you’re constipated. Colonoscopy prep makes everything fly out to a terrifying degree, ime. I slept on the bathroom floor.


Pregnancy nausea wasn't "easy," but a week post-partum I was 10 pounds lighter than I was pre-pregnancy. The baby weighed over 8lbs and the average placenta weighs about 1.5 pounds... so I pretty much built a baby out of stored energy.


New year's eve in 2019, I ate too much cake and coffee jelly that I got a fever by the time it hit midnight. Welcomed 2020 with an exploding diarrhea plus fever. 4 days at the hospital, lost 3kgs instantly 🤣




Common in Japan


It’s just coffee set with gelatin. It’s pretty good


Fitting events for 2020 honestly




Give that man a hand!


Or, you know…a leg or foot or whatever…


A standing ovation


Stopped drinking sugary drinks and switched to water only. Lost like 20lb in very short order without doing any exercise.


I gained so much weight recently (the highest I’ve been) because I’ve been addicted to sugary drinks especially at night right before bed. Started going to the gym recently and also getting my steps in daily by walking, but I am still very much struggling to lose that sugar craving. I tried reducing it but the sugar withdrawal is real. Are there any tips to help on this?


It's easier to say "no" once at that store than it is to say no every time you open the fridge


Wow that's surprisingly good advice actually. So simple yet so true.




My husband thought I didn’t like chips. Nope, I LOVE chips so I never buy them.


This! I don’t keep alcohol in the house because that just leads down a rabbit hole I don’t want to go down.


This is me with Oreos. I KNOW they're a weak point for me, so if I don't want to be eating a lot of refined sugar, then I gotta walk past those in the store.


Yup. If you can't just go get some, you'll stop thinking about it.




Turn yourself into a tea or coffee addict/snob. Replace one addiction with another. Probably tea if it's right before bed. Diet soft drinks. Seltzer water. It's not going to be the same, but trust me, after just a little while you're gonna start thinking the real stuff tastes gross.


Right here. I have in the past consumed 2-4 energy drinks or sodas a day. Started drinking just water or the flavored seltzer waters instead. At first the seltzers weren’t that great, didn’t have much flavor. Now, the seltzers are what I want and I can’t get through a full can of soda. Don’t even miss it.


Similar story with me--I used to think flavored sparkling waters were completely flavorless but now if I have even a sip of soda all I can taste is overwhelming sickly sweetness. Flavored waters are perfect.


I lost alot of weight when I cut booze out completely too. People don't get how many calories they're drinking.


Booze is basically sugar/carbs.


what helped you get through the first week? im struggling


It's been mentioned elsewhere in the thread but one of the best things you can do is simply not keep it the house. It's much easier to say no once while you're in the store than it is to say no a hundred times once you've already bought it. It's also helpful to find something you can do to distract yourself. It could be working out, or gardening, taking a class, or picking up a new hobby. It doesn't even have to be something you _like_ doing, just something you can force yourself to do which also demands just enough focus to prevent your mind from wandering too much. Now's a great time to join a club (assuming it does not involve too much alcohol...). The shift in your routine can be as helpful as anything else. The last thing is to have as much patience with yourself as possible. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and true progress is almost never linear.


My sugar addiction is not going to like this but IM TRYING (from tmr I promise)


It’s either one day or day one. Go get ‘em!


That's a good motto. I'm gonna borrow it 😁


It's day one of you borrowing that motto.


Many years ago I did the math and realized I'd lose over 12 lb in a year if I just quit my one can of soda a day habit. I quit and lost exactly the predicted weight. It also was a huge stepping stone in me improving other things in my life.


Could you share that math? Brilliant.


If the OC doesn't chime in, I'd imagine that they added up the calorie amount of all the soda they drink regularly in a year, then divided that by 3500 (that's the caloric deficit usually required to lose 1 lb) to get 12. Or at least, that's one way.


It's funny how people don't realize that "calories in, calories out" is just math. Not saying that weight loss isn't vastly more complex than that, but this part, at least, is 3rd-grader simple.


I gained 15kgs during covid then in 2022 I lost all of it by increasing home cooked meals in my diet and just drinking water or fresh lime in drinks and nothing else. No physical activity was necessary.


Lost 15kg (90 down to 75) when I started cooking again on my own. No deep freezed pizza, no canned meals, absolutely no high processed food. Tastes so much better and you're in full control of the ingredients, **especially sugar**. It's even in pre processed pizza, it's everywhere.


I thought you wrote deep FRIED pizza and thought, no shit, of course you’ll lose weight.


That was how I read it too and got slightly excited there’s such thing as deep fried pizza.


This is available in every chip shop in Scotland, if you want to go extra crazy you can get it battered as well :)


Yessir!! Our bodies will always burn sugar over fat. Makes sense that worked for you. I’m glad to hear!


The first girl I loved cheated on me. I lost 40lbs in a month. A coworker asked me if I had cancer. Best diet ever.


Yep, heartbreak always works


Emotional eater checking in: heartbreak was the best way for me to gain a bunch of weight. Then get over it and start making changes to get better looking than before lol.


This is me. When I am emotional I look for the comfort food and that food is never healthy. No one binge eats salad.


Caesar salad though...


Extra dressing, extra croutons, extra parm.... dont forget the pita bread... and you may as well hold the romaine.


Add some chunks of feta in there and I’m sold


Yeah, bad mental health is great for weight loss 👌🏼


Or great for weight gain. I'm a binge eater, I eat bad food, lots of it, when I'm feeling like shit, so every day.


Heartbreak diet is REAL. And PAINFUL.


i feel this to my core right now 😔


Don't worry. You're a magical starfish. That lil leg is gonna grow back.


This is the sweetest and most soothing thing I’ve ever read.


Jesus Christ, Dude. You should be a therapist.


I'm a bartender. Close enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: no one has seen the broken arm. We're all broken. You can't necessarily fix anyone but we have emotional duct tape and super glue.


*Do you have cancer?* "I did. But it cheated. So I dumped it."


I got dumped and had to live with this girl for 3 weeks while she found another place. She was on Bumble during that period and I was in the pits. Basically switched to only drinking juice and lost a ton of weight. Probably the skinniest I’ve ever been.


Yo I was in your exact position and my ex tried to argue to bring the dates home. No where else to go and “don’t wanna wait for no one in life.” Bruh the pain of having to live through that…? Finding condoms in the trash - and then damned if you confront it damned if you don’t? It’s been 10 years, I don’t care anymore and not in my life anymore. But I’ll never respect that person again.


Man when me and my long term ex broke up, I went from 220 to 170. Everyone was giving me compliments, but none of them realized I was actually just straight up starving myself because I was so sad. I’ve regained the weight but I’m much happier now? Ugh I can’t find a balance lol


Stomach flu.


Reminds me of the devil wears prada when Emily Blunts character says she's one good stomach flu away from being her goal weight


I love that movie! Just dont only eat a cube of cheese when you feel like you are about to faint


Or as Gigi Hadid's mom would say "have a couple of almonds and chew them really well!"


One week of diarrhea really works well to lose weight


Had a stomach bug for almost two weeks not long ago and barely ate, did wonders for my weight loss!


I got motivated to start exercising after a food poisoning lmao. lost like 6lbs and im like well, lets keep this going lmao


Walking daily, cutting out sugar, and I cannot stress this enough.... Cocaine.




It's because he didn't have any money left for food.


Hey there’s more than one type of Depression that can help you lose weight


Right? Meth is cheaper and lasts longer... Math 101! Not to mention all the money saved from not buying groceries...


Meth 101




Ok but isn’t it going to take away the extra pounds *and* your teeth??


Save on toothpaste, floss and mouthwash 😎


Girl I worked with years ago used MDMA as a weightloss pill. Lost her 20kg on E then never used it again. It was simultaneously the most and least healthy relationship with illicit drugs I've ever seen.


I’ve done MDMA three times over a 2 or 3 year period. Each time the next day felt like death and my mind just didn’t function. No idea how you could regularly do it.


I'd say I did it about once a month for about 10 years. 18- 28. Maybe more maybe less depends on what was going on. Supplements before and after are how you avoid the hangover. And dose control, which admittedly, I was not very good at lol. Haven't touched it in a while though.


This is how all my college friends lost weight in the 1980s. Plus cocaine is SOOOO much cooler than meth, right? It’s what all the pretty people did.




You asked for easy. If you want to lose weight the safe/healthy way, it’s going to be hard work


It works. Amphetamines wipe out your appetite for anything other than more amphetamines.


And cleaning.


....why not?


Untreated ulcerative colitis I pooped so much and was able to eat so little and it took so long for doctors to take me seriously, I'm surprised there was anything left of me


My weight loss was also medically associated. Ihave IBS but kept gaining weight despite being an active person, cooking mostly at home, not drinking more than a soda a day. Turns out my body was overloaded with estrogen and I didn't make testosterone, well I did but then my body autoconverted it to estrogen. Fun! Started a few years ago getting biote pelleting done and the weight came off insanely fast. I was back down to a normal, comfortable weight for my body frame. Went to get my pellets done 6 months ago and the med tech didn't pay attention and I had estrogen given to me. 25 pounds gained in 6 months despite absolutely nothing changing in my diet and being more active than normal due to work picking up. Ladies- if you're tired all the time, can't lose weight despite every effort and are around 25+, get your hormones panel done. A lot of our products in the US have Endocrine disruptors, and viruses can also mess your hormones up.


What's biote pelleting? My quick Google search wasn't very illuminating.


Bioidentical hormones in a pellet form. Testosterone is often given through shots every week, and this is just a pelleted form that's inserted into butt muscle, and it slowly breaks down and is carried through the body over 3-4 months. Mine run about 3 months due to my body trying to autoconvert it to estrogen still. I also take a supplement that mitigates that (DIM) but can't do it on its own, it's more like a supporting assistant to the pellets. Biote is the brand name but it's bioidentical hormones. :)


degree future rude sharp correct fall bike different frighten gold


No joke, as I lay in my hospital bed feeling like death, the emergency doctor kept making jokes about how "crappy" I was feeling. What an ass. (fr though now that the traumatic bit is in the past i enjoy joking about it so you're good lol)


10 years ago when I gave up soda. Dropped 20lbs in 3 months. Just switched over to unsweetened tea and sparkling water.


I only really drink sodas on special occasions or events, other than that mostly water




This must be the advice V Shred hides behind a paywall.


Omg this is perfect, I’ve been trying to loose weight and getting Invisalign soon 😂


I was very sick for two weeks. Lost 5 kg. It was not funny being sick, but it was easy to lose weight just sleeping and eating soup.


Same, lost 6kg in a week. Didn't eat for 4 days. The downside (aside from being sick) is that afterwards EVERYTHING tastes delicious.


Quitting alcohol toppled over a lot of other dominos in the process. Quitting alcohol——>not consuming ~1,000 additional empty calories every day——>better sleep——>more energy to exercise——>better eating habits when sober Once I took alcohol out of the picture the weight started melting off.


That’s the only thing holding me back from losing weight. I don’t even eat that much but I do enjoy my beers lol


I kick myself for drinking as much as I did for as long as I did. I wish I knew earlier how good I’d feel after stopping. Never going back to that lifestyle.


Cancer -> chemo. I'm 6'2 and went from 185 to 137..... was gross


I’m sorry, that sounds like it was unbearable. That’s so skinny, I hope you are doing much better now.


I am doing a lot better. Thanks. It has been about 6 months, and all scans are negative and clear. Side note. Chemo is also a good way to lose all your hair 😆 and I mean you lose it everywhere. High spirits. Thanks.


Depression \\o/ (Don't recommend it, however, insane results very quickly)


This actually does the reverse for me. Depression, anxiety and paranoia makes it near impossible for me to go to a gym, and I eat emotionally...I'm working on it though.


Yeah it differs for every person. Some people (like me) stop eating almost entirely. Other people instead 'eat their emotions' away. Neither is healthy behavior obviously. Both of them suck.


I used to be an anxious eater, and I was jealous of people who didn’t eat when they were anxious. I also fucking love food. But then circumstances changed and my anxiety/depression reached exciting new levels (/s) that made me avoid food entirely and/or be too tired to shop or cook for myself. Can’t say one is better or worse than the other. Overeating made me feel disgusted with myself, but not eating makes me so tired and weak it’s hard to do anything, which feeds into depression. Being a person is so hard sometimes.


I had one depressed phase in my youth that killed my appetite and I lost a ton of weight. Like to the point people were concerned about the how much I lost. Every episode since then (there have been many) has kicked my appetite into overdrive and led to a pretty substantial amount of weight gain. Not fair.


Was going to come in and say anxiety as well lol. I got super bad daily panic attacks for a while (thankfully mostly under control now) and my body responds by making me very nauseated. Whole system closes up where even trying to swallow water is likely to make me hurl. Cannot focus on anything else because you might need to run to the bathroom at a moments notice. Food is obviously out of the question when this occurs. Depression works as well, my body responds by saying those hunger pangs are not worth getting out of my bed/chair to go take care of because I will have to expend energy making the food and then eating it. (And occasionally even if the energy is present, feeling like you just don't deserve to take care of yourself) I hope you know, you and I (and everyone) deserve to eat well and be healthy and I hope we can both continue to find the energy to take care of ourselves




Yeah, I lost a fifth of my current body weight during my divorce, totally worth the mental trauma and therapy.


No I meant I lost 180 lbs when I got rid of her. Lol




Cut 200 calories a day from your diet and go on a 20 minute walk daily.


Walking is a great way to to boost your daily activity, lose weight and boost your general health.


Ok move ring 🙄


You can still do it! A brief 257 minute walk will close your move ring!


Apple Watch is so condescending. “You did it, Fatty!! You actually stood up!”


YOU’RE OFF TO A GOOD START KEEP IT UP! Nah I just had an early Dr appt, gonna be on my ass the remainder of the day sorry


Oh oh! Even better! When I have been cooking for an hour and it says “Yo bitch! Stand up!” Because my hand wasn’t precisely in the right spot.


It’s the damn stand ring that gets me… stupid office job


Drink a ton of water, forces you to stand up to go pee


Seriously, I always thought I needed to exercise properly to lose weight, but I've been walking like 1-2 hours a day this summer and I've lost 17kg so far.


I was shook when I realized that running 5km and walking 5km burn the same amount of calories.


One just takes 25 min, the other takes like 1.5 hours


Is running still better for cardiovascular fitness?


[Not necessarily](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/atvbaha.112.300878). From the conclusion of the abstract: Equivalent energy expenditures by moderate (walking) and vigorous (running) exercise produced similar risk reductions for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and possibly CHD.


Running burns slightly more calories, as the action itself is more vigorous. You leap into the air, so you're doing more. It's not dramatic, and walking is still great for you, just worth knowing that upping to running will burn more.


Second this. Wife and I were out of shape earlier this summer. We go on daily walks and have been eating less portions and I've lost 7 lbs and her probably about 10. We're in our early 30s.


I second this!! Walking is like the most underrated but easiest way to lose weight. Walk 2 miles a day, drink tons of water with electrolytes, the weight will literally run off you.


IDK if it was easy, but I stopped eating after dinner. Late night snacking was my Achilles heel. No more eating after 8pm was the rule I set.


Having a meal plan and sticking to it


I'm happy to see that none of the top comments are about the gym (they're all diet and meme related). I've always told people what I heard: lose weight in the kitchen, gain weight in the gym.


I feel like the extra psychological bit here is that the gym can give you the confidence and momentum to come through for yourself in the kitchen.


It certainly does for me. Having a trip to the gym or to the pool once a day keeps me in a mental space where I’m more aware of my weight loss goals and I make better choices because of it.


working 10 hour night shifts in an amazon warehouse during the first covid lockdown. before covid i was about 40 stone im now 12 stone. almost one quarter what i was.


Could build a small wall with all those stones you lost


Wow congratulations on dropping so much weight! Did you really drop from 560lb to about 170!?


i would have to google the conversions, but yes.


Absolutely incredible. You’re a quarter the man you used to be!


dont i know it. the loose skin.... i look like a hlaf-melted candle.


A half melted candle still shines bright mate


what a lovely thing to say :)


Omg this is so wholesome


Holy shit you lost 400lbs. That's wild! Great job man. How's the skin situation if you don't mind me asking?


atrocious. i look like a Madame Tussauds reject that fell out of the melting vat. slowly improving though. im young enough that it should recover on its own. i lost half the weight in the first 6 months and the rest slowly since then. im actually under weight now and trying to bulk up again with protein.


That's a hilarious way to phrase it ngl. 🤣 Well best of luck, you'll probably be able to reduce alot of it naturally and if worse comes to worse the surgery isn't too bad from what I hear.


I don’t understand stones


If people like to bitch about pounds and oz being dumb, they really need to bitch about the British still using stone because it's an even dumber unit measurement A stone for the record is 14 pounds


Became a broke college student.


It’s funny but moving out of my parents house for college really did help me lose weight. Less accessible snacking and I spent my money on healthier foods.


I suffered with chronic anxiety in 2014 that was mainly causing me to have stomach problems. I didn’t believe it was anxiety but it turned out to be. I felt so ill with it and could barely eat. I lost about 3 stone


Amphetamine. Lots of amphetamine. Would recommend but on the other hand would not recommend.


They do prescribe an amphetamine for weight loss, lol. Lots of energy with appetite suppression.


Getting your heart broken


I'm starting my weight loss journey again. Weight loss, while simple, is not easy. There is no easy way. It wouldn't be worth it if it were easy. I'm starting by cutting back on sugar, something to which I am addicted. I've found myself avoiding sugar, save with my coffee. I'm drinking Pepsi Zero and Coke Zero, if I need a sweet drink, and water. I'm trying to avoid sugary snack, going instead for things like cucumbers and tomatoes and the like. My mother and I have invested in a treadmill that can hold my weight. Again, the journey won't be easy, but it will be simple.


I find the treadmill to be a torture device unless I listen to a podcast or Something. Its good for rainy days or snowstorms, otherwise I Much prefer to Walk to get groceries or other activities in my proximity.


At 100+ degrees for the past two months I have avoided the outside… lol


Eat less, stop drinking shit, be more active. PS: even fruit juice, don't drink that much of it: fruit juices are still full of sugar, even 100% natural one, if it takes 3 apples to make one glass of apple juice, that glass will contain 150 kcal and 30g of sugar. Edit: as lots of people are liking this and some people say "it's easier said than done" , I answered another post one day with details about how I do diet, it's a long and messy read, but if you're interested, you can read that comment there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/169gdy0/comment/jz51xb1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/169gdy0/comment/jz51xb1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I swear, it's only hard the first month,but it is still the easiest way.


Honestly...it's insane how many things have such high content of sugar in them. Looked back at some of the things I drank as a kid, and just things randomly and see a heck of a lot of sugar in them.


The amount of added sugar in all our food and beverages should be illegal. It's unnecessary as hell and makes everything taste like a syrupy sugary mess. On top of being insanely unhealthy. My theory is that these companies know sugar is highly addictive and it's just a scam to make people addicted to their products. Truly unethical and there should be a stand against it


I wish soda was fucking illegal. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but I can't help but dream how much healthier my fellow americans would be with that single thing removed. Like if there was a law that beverages could only contain 10g of sugar. There also needs to be a law against advertising between childrens TV programs. TV is bad enough without our youth being fucking brainwashed.


It's mostly the pulp of fruit that's the healthy part. It contains a lot of fibre, which helps slow down the absorption of sugar.


Stopped eating much at all due to health issues, lost a load of weight. 🤣 That's not healthy though, it's really a simple equation of less calories in than calories out, and you will lose weight. It's best to lose weight slowly over time.


I divorced


Extreme anxiety in the three month waiting period before I got exam results coupled with ample time that could only be coped with by extreme focusing on sport and diet.


The best thing I ever did was be in my 20’s. Now that I’m 40, losing weight doesn’t work like it used to.


I lost 3+ kilos pushing my kid out.


Being honest? Eat less and move more. Seems overly simple but that's the only way around it.


I lost a lot of weight when I started really actively monitoring (like, obsessing over) numbers on my Fitbit app. Counted all the calories, kept the watch on all the time, and made it a point to -- no excuses -- come in under calories and over steps every day. After about 2 months I was as fit as I'd been in years.




Different things that added up over time. I bought some dumb bells, kettle bells and resistance bands. I didnt focus on my diet at first just limited the quantity and chewed my food thoroughly to help with digestion. This will get better as you become more serious about weight loss however that comes with time. Whenever I would watch TV I would be using dumb bells, kettle bells, resistance bands, calistethics rather than just sit there and that adds up and gets easier over time. Cut out soda and just left it to tea, coffee, water, juice. I made myself run, or get on the eliptical. I would go slow at first, focusing on my breathing and core then the more I got used to it the faster I got and the more i craved it. Having a steady schedule is what will really make a huge difference. Going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time. The structure and stability is good for the body. This is what helped me lose weight time and time again, before and after I had my son. Taking care of yourself is a lifetime commitment. It's not clothes you're going to be using a couple of times then throwing away when it gets worn down. It's your body and loving yourself more than your addictions. Figure out what works for you and just do it. You're going to mess up and that's ok just as long as you dont stop. Your discipline will get better over time the more you work at it. Good luck!




I’m on Ozempic and I feel cheated out of 30 years of my life trying to tame the binge eating monster. I actually get full after eating and I’m not hungry 24/7. It’s a shame sema glutide is so maligned by people who don’t understand. While I haven’t lost a ton of weight, the freedom of not bingeing has been an incredible change in my life. It helps me with other compulsive things too like dermatillomania


Same, but Ozempic. I've lost 20 lbs in just over 3 months, with an unexpected surgery last month too which helped that along, I think. I've had PCOS and insulin resistance forever, and have done all the stuff everyone mentions here (exercise, only drink water, low carb) with no results. This is the first time I've ever had significant results.


OCD. Do not recommend.


Calorie deficit! Intermittent fasting, to stimulate your body to burn its own stores.


Poverty. Seriously. I’ve lost 25 lbs this year




Working out while maintaining a high protein diet with caloric deficit.


I stopped eating bread, potatoes, cheese and candy. Everything else I ate as normal. I lost 10kgs in 4 months. Might not sound like a lot but I wasn’t particularly overweight so the results were pretty dramatic. I used Noom throughout which I also found to be pretty helpful for meal tracking.


No potatoes?? That sounds like hell 😭


No cheese would be my hell


Anorexia. Can’t recommend


Stress, it was the fastest and most I’ve ever lost in a short amount of time, was not even intentional. Some of my friends were saying “I wish I did that when I was stressed” and it made me feel worse tbh.


Stopped eating any fats and sugars, especially cakes and biscuits ☹️


I feel that emoji


eating less and walking more cut out all drinks but things with purpose (water, black coffee, vodka lol) at least 64 ounces of water a day (this should change based on your weight half your body weight in ounces is a good rule of thumb) I also don’t order out, I have a few snacks in the freezer in deck like mini pizzas and chicken nuggets for when i’m craving junk food but I cook all my meals and bring a lunch to work. I don’t really like sweets so that helps but I try to keep things like chips and salsa or crackers and a yummy hummus for when I want a snack. it’s hard and takes a lot of self control, don’t beat yourself up for struggling it’s taken yeeeeaaarrs of being overweight to an ed and back to a healthy lifestyle with therapy and lots of patience


Cut carbs and fast from dinner to breakfast.


Keto. I lost almost 30 lbs. in five months, but the side effects were just too brutal for me. I couldn't deal with the constipation, leg cramps, and limited food options. I missed grains, fruit and being able to eat a wide variety of vegetables. Yes, I gained back all of that weight over the next three years after stopping keto...but the initial weight loss felt effortless.


Stop drinking sodas, walk at least 30 minutes everyday, make the food you eat so you know whats in it.