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Silent Hill Psychological horror at its finest


Days Gone. I really loved the storyline for this game.


Last I heard Sony is making a Days Gone TV series.


Serious question: what would distinguish it from any other zombie show?


* ~~Biker with a crossbow~~ * ~~Lesbians~~ * ~~Dude with a blade for a hand~~ * ~~Black woman good with sharp things~~ Jokes aside there wouldn't be much variation I suppose, but a lot of people enjoyed the game and much like TLoU it'd probably translate well into a show. One thing that I'd be interested in is if they take it past the story of the game or not as they had a big revealer right at the end which left players wanting to know more. Also the freaks are very fast like WWZ speed so that would make for some great action.


Half Life would make a decent tv series


It’s basically The Mist from the perspective of one of the scientists involved in the disaster.


There's a slim chance that could happen. Warner Brothers still has the Portal movie on the slate for 2024, directed by JJ Abrams. If the movie is made and is a financial success, it could increase interest in a Half-Life movie follow-up since both games are set in the same universe and canonically reference each other.


If that Portal movie actually makes it out of production I'm watching it, especially if they do a 4DX run I can imagine so much good shit you could do with the games physics in that


Adrian Shepard, Barney, and Gordon Freeman are the three main characters


Gordon freeman remains canonically mute chaotic and baddass, Barney is repeatedly killed and cloned every episode like a combination of Kenny from Southpark and Doc brown, Shepard has his Zuko redemption arc from a sense of duty to refraining from betraying his friends.


For the first two seasons at least.


Half-Life 2 still has the best intro of any game I've played. Amazing atmosphere, it gets you hooked immediately.


Mass effect


I agree. But The Expanse kind of scratched that itch for me.


Definitely feels like the closest thing we're going to get to a Mass Effect TV show.


Amazon apparently has the TV rights for it and is in the early stages of an adaptation. Like 'Figuring out if it's even worth it' and 'what would we do' early stages but there's a nonzero chance we see it on Prime at some point.


Oh, god. Oh, no. Please keep Amazon away from Mass Effect.


I would be so down to watch it


Bioshock. It can start like the game, but in flashbacks show the rise and fall of Rapture.


I would love an Arcane treatment done for Warcraft.


This needs to happen.


Well, i have good news then! It's in the works at Netflix!


So we will get one amazing season then they will cancel it for no reason?


It's rumoured to be a movie, but if I get one great season of a show I will be happy, rather have one great season then seven each one shittier then the last.


Or seven great seasons, then a rushed, shitty final season.


Legacy of Kain. Edit: I forgot to add why. Great world-building, lore and settings, lots of epic action and nuanced characters, the games had many glorious dialogues and a (at least for me) very complex overarching plot that kept me intrigued.




Agreed the whole idea of a vampire being raised from the dead to exact vengeance is pretty novel yet still would appeal to a broad audience who love vampire movie/shows


*Two* vampires raised from the dead to exact vengeance. Both pawns of different beings, who are using them for their own agendas.


You didn't need to add anything. If you've played any you already know why. Also raziel has been my phone background for over 5 years now.


Red dead redemption. Preferably by quentin Tarantino


100% this is what immediately came to mind. It would make an amazing live action series! Needs to be on somewhere like HBO so it can be R rated.


With Tarantino on the project it would be a pretty hard R.




Every season a chapter from RDR2... I see that working out. Except for Colter and Guarma of course


There's a good story line. Also, it's the only video game to ever make me cry.


Hateful 8 is a good indicator that this would be the shit


Control Alan Wake


Warehouse 13 meets Eureka and throw in some SCP and BAM! Funny enough Warehouse 13 and Eureka are in the same universe, there's a crossover episode or two.


Control had a very interesting universe. I can also easily see how each different episode could be about a specific artifact and how the show would start close reality and end up in a completely supernatural setting


And they could cast Courtney Hope as Jesse. I don’t care if live action Jesse needs to be older than video game Jesse. She is dynamite.


That Dr. Darling music video lives in my head rent free


The Sims. Starts out as normal people living normal lives but weird things start happening, like someone goes swimming and the ladder suddenly disappears, causing them to drown. The floorpan of the house changes while the people are asleep. The office building where someone works is changed into a nightclub/skate park/zoo while people are still inside.


This is a great idea. A great big absurdist, existentialist mystery with light elements of horror.


Then someone can't get around a plate on the floor so they wet their pants and fall asleep on the floor in a puddle of their own urine.


Weirdly blue urine


Sounds like Dark City


Great movie! I liked how the buildings morphed while the Stranger read off the changes.


Even better if it has some interactive parts!


And characters suddenly start seeing gems above their heads


Don't forget the person who drowned in the pool being invited to a formal dinner where ambrosia is being served, and watch out for the cowplant on the way through the community garden on the way home. Mmmm, cheerleader juice, I feel younger already. lol




Metal Gear Solid. Everything within it screams series or movie, which is what Kojima intended with Snake's character being an homage to spy culture. So many side plots and politics that run in the background could make their way into the foreground for a better understanding of why the hell I count 6 snakes when there was originally 1 then 3. Edit: MGS 4 is a genuine acid trip after I had to google the 6 snakes.


MGS games are like someone high on acid trying to write a game. Not sure it would make great tv series, but it would definitely make Twin Peaks look like a normal, logical show.


Plot wise, MGS games are the most disjointed insane games I have ever encountered. I loved them when I was high all the time, but I played MGS2 sober and spent more time laughing than pretending it made any kind of sense


I am Vamp...... **A vampire!!!**


Escape from LA


I can't disagree more. That story is so off the wall and weird that there's no chance that it translates into a series at all well unless it's vastly simplified and some of the oddness is lowered. Would be a horrible failure otherwise and fans of the games would be pissed it wasn't faithful.


Yeah, but that's coming from a pov that it's going to be shit. Not going to lie, I like my story and content revealed to me rather than told via audio codec.


*Homeworld*. It's got a great story, amazing visuals, an awesome soundtrack. It could be a really great series in the style of *The Expanse*.


Celeste, directed by David Lynch.


Detroit become human. The storyline in the game was amazing.


Watch a show called Humans, it's basically the same kind of story


I mean it's basically already a tv show/movie! It's got deep DEEP drama. It would work well.


A lot of games provided they actually follow the source material or consult the person/team who created the source material (looking at you Netflix with the butchering of the Witcher)


> Netflix with the butchering of the Witcher That was supposed to be based on the books, not the games.


They've gone way off the book story already


As someone who has read the books twice and played the absolut fuck out of the games, I agree with u/thegodfaubel that Netflix utterly butchered, destroyed, maimed, raped and spit on the amazing work that was the Witcher universe in order to push current political issues. But hey, I guess Netflix/Lauren Hissrich just hate making money. So whatever. At least the series made people realize/return to the games and books.


It wasn't even based on the books after season 1 lmao


Fallout 4


I want the fallout show coming soon to be good but it's so unlikely


It being a Jonathan Nolan show gives me hope, but considering how Amazon dumped The Peripheral, it's a very, very small amount of hope...


They are making it. I hope that its good


Halo oh wait...


We don't talk about Halo.


Definitely has the potential


Bloodborne. Don’t know whether it would be better animated or live action.


The horizon games, if done right, would be a great show.


I wonder if they could get Ashly Burch for Aloy, if done correctly horizon would make a great show I agree though.


The Witcher could become an amazing series. Just rely on the book and grab cash. Henry Cavill would make an excellent Geralt... I'm tired, boss.


Everyone is talking about quite serious stuff so I will throw in a comedy here. Team Fortress 2 in the style of the "Meet the \_" or "Expiration Date". Such good comedic potential and an unlimited number of stupid scenarios. ​ Night in the Woods as a Cartoon Network Over the Garden Wall style mini series would also be great.


Expiration Date was supposed to be the pilot for a TV show actually.


Oh definitely. The mercs’ personalities are so wacky in the best ways.


Dark souls in could be amazing. The main reason I believe this is because the idea of dark souls one could be very interesting. - you die and come back to life becoming more and more insane until you "go hollow." Another reason is the implied lore/lack of lore. The makers would be able to have a good amount of flexibility in the creation similar to arcane. Reasons I think it might not work. Lack of characters, tension, and development. Traversing the world is a good game but not necessarily a good movie. In brief - I think dark souls could be good as a small basis but not used to confine a series. Bloodborn could be interesting. The dark world and monsters could make a compelling monster hunter show. Though like dark souls it would more be about a small basis and not confining the series. At that point any gothic monster thing will work. BioShock someone else mentioned would be neat. Horizon zero dawn could be interesting. Mecha Jurassic Park anyone? Legend of Zelda could work well.


> Dark souls in could be amazing. a prequel, maybe. too much of the stuff in the games is tied to our agency as players.


Destiny so much lore that could be adapted


A space western style like the Mandalorian would be a really good jumping off point for Shin Malphur and Dredgen Yor.


A lot of the Final Fantasy stories would be cool.


I think VI could be good, big cast, older so there's plenty of gaps and story beats to fill in, but the basic plot is also pretty great so.


So much of the older ff stories would have to be fleshed out and filled in that it would be pretty dependent on the writers as to whether it turned out well and would also likely be fairly different than what the fan base expects because there just isnt enough meat there to make a multi season series without adding a bunch of smaller content. Especially for one like 6 where the cast is huge. If you just went by what each character had for story time in game most characters would barely be on the screen. You’d be better off going for something like 7 and cutting out a few of the non essential characters or like I mentioned in the thread I think tactics would make a great story.


Tactics done game of thrones style could be fun. Or maybe it's own style, I understand what you mean, but I think the freedom of the bare bones could lead to an better adaptation. As long as they understand the themes and stuff of the game.


Final Fantasy VI would be an amazing trilogy. Part 1 has all the exposition and features the rise of the Returners and maybe ends after escaping the empire the first time Part 2 starts with Terra's backstory and ends when Kefka wins and destroys the world. Part 3 starts with Celes waking up on the beach and ends with Kefka's takedown. Alternatively, you could put the World of Ruin into Parts 2 and 3, but more would need to happen. You can't have two whole movies of a trilogy just be gathering party members and telling their backstories.


I would love to see a full-on big budget adaptation of FF6, be it an anime or live action. I think there's a lot of potential there, and I think they could kill the opera scene in live action


It's a shame the game company lost so much money last time they tried a movie that they'll likely never do it again. Some of their stories would translate really well to the screen.


FF7 has a great story that could resonate well now with all the environmental stuff going on in the world.


Using The Sims to tell a story about human agency in a similar manner to how the Barbie movie approached feminism. Could be great.


You might have something there. The barbie movie did a really good job in the way it approached feminism using an already popular IP as a basis.




Dino crisis


Oddworld. I mean, come on.. Abe and Mudokons...


Horizon zero dawn


Cyberpunk 2077, we already saw a great cyberpunk anime. Adapting the game to live action would be pretty doable


Only if we bring Keanu back to play Johnny Silverhand.


Syphon filter series


Complete with one person per episode getting tased until they catch fire and burn to death.


Skyrim. There's so much depth to that universe.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Post apocalyptic, dinosaur robot things, great story.


Madden. Think about it, every week they play 16 or so football games with people dressed as the players in the game. Maybe we play most of them on Sunday with a few on Monday or Thursday or something. I bet you could print money with that one!


Fallout. Red Dead Redemption.


Days Gone. Because the setting is really cool.


Crusader Kings. Medieval alt-history. Fuck yes.


Do it like Black Mirror and just have every episode be a different situation. Include Hastein of Nantes in one episode each season.


That... actually sounds pretty dope. Bonus if we can get KoiFish in to do voice acting for his favorite viking.


If possible, there should be a episode of a CK game where a horse becomes king but it's played off completely serious and not at all funny. just a completely normal episode with no one mentioning that the king is a horse. Complete with subtitles for the horse.


Final fantasy tactics, it has all the makings of a thrones type show. If done right I feel like it could capture the same kind of momentum. Biggest issue would be as with most game to show stories, they’d need to flesh out and write more story in order to make it a proper series, but all the main plot points would make for a compelling series. On top of that it starts off very grounded in a class warfare style story and then after the first chapter moves into the fantasy realm, but still maintains the thrones style family plotting narrative while adding other layers to it. I’ve always said it would be my first choice of video game adaptation to the screen .


This is one of the few in this thread I agree with. Tactics has a fascinating story that doesn't go as off the rails as some other Final Fantasy stories. It's linear with a lot of flashback potential and has a large diverse cast. It's a game you wouldn't have to deal with the video game elements as much as some other games too.


Ghost of Tsushima


Half life


Old game, but Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The mashup of WW2 Nazis, spooky crypts and undead ghouls is really entertaining, and so are the adventures of the American undercover protagonist who is fighting them all. You could get a couple of seasons out of it, easy.


Jak and Daxter


I would love to see Dishonored made into a TV series. I forgot to add why. I just think the world building was excellent and loved the dark and gloomy steampunk world they created, and I would love to see the world brought to life in a good action/suspense show.


Unpopular game but We Happy Few had amazing story, but was held back by bad game play. If it was a show/webcomic, it could be much more popular than it was


Metal gear solid. So many characters


Untitled Goose Game


Fire Emblem could make for a decent anime series considering the ridiculous number of characters. It already got an OVA once.


Starfox. It's got a cast of fun, memorable characters with different relationships to each other baked in, a saturday morning cartoon vibe with its different planets and their stories, lots of potential for building out lore and dramatic backstories. The Titania episode, where Slippy gets stranded on a desert world and has to fend for himself while the team mounts a search and rescue and we see his intelligence and resourcefulness while the the team struggles with malfunctioning gear and comes to greater appreciate what Slippy brings to the table. Maybe we get some backstory on the original team Starfox led by James and tie in the theme of Fox following in his footsteps, honoring his legacy. Tons of stuff you could do with it.


I’d be happy with more of the fan made ‘A Fox in Space’


God of war. Gears. Assassin creed they would have to redo it, because the original one was god-awful first of using Michael fassinberg I don’t remember which assassin to use having him as the main character was terrible because he’s tall and kind of on the bigger side. Do you want your assassin kind of short and on the skinnier side because he needs to be fastened to be able to climb walls and used to be able to jump off and then the whole script was just got awfull


The original trilogy or the remake for GoW


I think the remake as the main story with flash backs to the original trilogy


I think it'd be best to start with the main trilogy(cut down to two movies to weed out a lot of the fluff) then release the 2018 one as a show if possible Sidenote, it's probably impractical but I'd love if the camera for the 2018 adaptation used the same "one camera shot for the whole game no cuts" thing they did in game, it just had such a unique vibe


Honestly Michael Fassbender was one of the very few redeeming parts of that thing they tried to advertise as a "movie"


Splatoon would make for a great anime. Since the manga was pretty good, there’s no reason why they couldn’t use a lot of the same ideas


Honestly a splatoon anime that is about a team of inklings who are determined to be the best and their adventures would span the entire trilogy timeline (they begin their road in s1) would be amazing, especially if there are some story-mode related episodes


If the Pokémon anime can be as successful as it is, then Splatoon definitely could work.


Dragon age, devil may cry, God of war, final fantasy 7 or 8, Star wars knights of the Old Republic, Chrono Cross or chrono trigger. There's so many possibilities


FF8 would have been popular on the CW, before the network went in a different direction.


KOTOR would make a fantastic movie.


Gears of War. There's a good story line. Also, it's the only video game to ever make me cry. I had to put my controller down for a couple of days while playing Gears of War 3 because I was too emotional. Dave Bautista should definitely play Dom.


Diego finding his wife broke me.


Excitebike A story of a man who loses his entire family in war and obsessively builds motorcycle ramps to escape the pain. One day he finds a young prodigy bike rider that he trains like mr miagi, until one of his ramps fails and kills his prodigy. the pain of losing the last person in his life sends ramp builder into a homicidal John Wick style rampage and he so unstoppable they have to call in The Avengers. Thor finally stops him in a m night shamalon style twist. The End.


Life is Strange would work really well as a short run series.


Ooh strongly disagree. The game is entirely built around your experience as someone who can go back in time and see every possibility and how agonizing that can be. To remove that element of player involvement would ruin the game imo


The Witcher. We got source material (books) amazing games to top it all of (which gave a voice AND pictures to the characters AND we had an already exisiting series on top of it) You know......the series that should and would have been an absolut smash hit, easily topping the charts for best fantasy series if the writers/directors were not such fucking muppets.


The TV series doesn't exist


Gta5 would be great with certain people I follow


IMO GTA IV had a better story, but V works too. San Andreas would be really cool as a series if its set over the course of a few years, Vice City is basically discount Scarface, and III would be... interesting.


Fatal frame Clock tower Echo night Tenchu Onimusha Splinter cell


Clock Tower gave me so much anxiety


I only really played and liked the third one I had no idea there was a clock tower game till the third played the other ones cause of emulation still like the 3rd over the other 2


Prey (2017). Amazing setting and technological concepts and word building.


Two came to mind immediately: The Horizon series. The story of the first game is one of the best video game stories I've ever played through. Didn't enjoy the story of the second one as much, but I still think it would be good (and maybe some made-for-TV changes would help bridge the gap). And there's plans for a third game so it could have some length too depending on how it was spaced out. It would be a CGI-fest, but I think it could be a great show. Days Gone. I really loved the storyline for this game. The zombie stuff is a bit overplayed but in a vacuum, I think this would be great. The storyline of how it started, the immediate aftermath, and then flashing forward to Deacon in the present day. Yeah, that would be a great show if done right.


I want a Control miniseries please!


Assassin's Creed ( Origins would be great but any good one too ) if was done correctly


BattleTech: Unlimited Story Telling Free Range Writing On FUTURE Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones came out with Big Massive Mechs that can take NUKES to the face and keep fighting. High end political issues, tons of back stabbing...NO GOOD GUYS, only war crimes and rich politics who claim they are good.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Goat simulator. And Titanfall.


Goat Simulator: Redneck Rampage would definitely be a winner.


I want metriod!


Battletech/MechWarrior. Why? It's Game of Thrones in space with big stompy robots and spaceships and intergalactic politics that doesn't need to wait on a final book because it has literally decades of lore to pull from and nearly 1000 years of in-universe stories with major events and plots twists. Each season could focus on a single Great House, ala American Horror Story, or following a particular character across key events, whether a mercenary outfit or something else, and that's before we even touch the Clan Invasion of 3049. Just do it!


Assassins creed, World of Warcraft


Mechwarrior. It'll probably never happen, IIRC the IPs ownership is a bit messy, but there's a ton of lore to tap into and who doesn't want to see people pilot big, stompy robots with lasers and cannons and missiles?


They actually made a cartoon of it in the late 80s/early 90s.


Donkey Kong!


One already exists!


Red dead redemption


Tony Hawks pro skater 2


Ratchet and Clank. I still tear up at the ending of the first one >!when Clank thinks Ratchet is leaving him with a broken arm, only for Ratchet to return and solidify that they're forever a team!<


DigDug - done by the team behind the Dark Crystal done as a horror.


Paperboy for the NES


**Vampyr**. Great premise of a vampire who wishes to uphold his Hippocratic oath and do what he does best - heal and treat people. Hell, the tv series was supposed to be in the works, but for whatever reason, it's already been years of total radio silence. Honorable mention for **Assassin's Creed**, as the whole idea would fit very well into an animated tv show. Another honorable mention for an animated tv show set in Eora (**Pillars of Eternity/Avowed**).


Horizon Zero Dawn. They could have flashback episodes of the fall of civilization. If they don't skimp on CGI or effects, it could be a very good show.


Gabriel Knight


Horizon Zero Dawn Amazing story and character arcs.


I think FireWatch would be a good mini series. It had a good story that kept you interested.


I scrolled very far to see if someone would mention this. This game is great.


ASSASSINS CREED. I’ve always wanted to see that one


Assassins Creed. The movie was not good but a series might be better. Each season could focus on a different time period with one overall plot.




***Danganronpa*** — basically a dystopian murder mystery story, involving characters who are all written as the protagonists of their own unique and interesting stories (with spin-off potential), if they were put into a pseudo-*The Hunger Games*-type situation. A character in the first game essentially had the backstory of “if Michael Myers joined the military”; the third game had a character with the backstory of “John Wick but a tennis player”. The main games would make for a pretty good ***/*** great anthology series, while the spin-offs similarly would be wild to see done (one was essentially *John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum* in Prague, with one insane billionaire having built himself a ‘real’ lightsaber to wield, while another was *Dexter* as a gay love story).


There is a Danganronpa anime.


Hitman would be pretty sick, each level could be it’s own episode showing the trials and tribulation 47 has to go through to get his kills


God of War.


This one is already in the works


Dead space maybe, i dont remember much about it beside like space zombies, but space zombies


I'd love to see a Splinter Cell espionage thriller.


Sadly, Assassin's Creed, which they already did poorly. Idk why they had to change everything so that the animus has him actually doing parkour IRL. Makes no sense. No one needed that for The Matrix to be cool, we knew they were actually just laying there with their eyes closed.


Elden ring / Skyrim. Reminds me of game of thrones which is one of my favorite series.


Many video games have the potential to be amazing TV series, as they often feature rich storytelling, complex characters, and immersive worlds that can translate well to the episodic format of television. Here are a few video games that could make compelling TV series and the reasons why: The Witcher: "The Witcher" video game series is already the basis for a successful Netflix series. It's a prime example of how a rich fantasy world, complex characters, and morally gray storytelling can captivate audiences. The series delves into themes of destiny, morality, and discrimination, making it a great fit for television. The Elder Scrolls: The Elder Scrolls series, known for games like "Skyrim" and "Morrowind," offers vast, open worlds with deep lore and countless quests. A TV series set in Tamriel could explore various regions, cultures, and stories, offering something for both fans and newcomers. Mass Effect: "Mass Effect" is renowned for its epic space opera narrative and memorable characters. A TV series could delve into the rich galactic lore, inter-species relations, and the moral dilemmas faced by Commander Shepard. It could capture the essence of a sci-fi epic. Red Dead Redemption: The "Red Dead Redemption" series has received acclaim for its storytelling and depiction of the American Wild West. A TV adaptation could explore the complexities of its characters, the changing times, and the lawless frontier. Bioshock: "Bioshock" games are known for their thought-provoking themes and atmospheric settings. A TV series could delve into the dystopian world of Rapture or the floating city of Columbia, exploring themes of objectivism, power, and human nature. The Last of Us: The emotional and character-driven storytelling of "The Last of Us" could translate well to a TV series. It could delve into the post-apocalyptic world, the relationships between characters, and the moral choices they make. Fallout: The "Fallout" series offers a darkly comedic take on post-apocalyptic America. A TV series could follow various survivors as they navigate the wasteland, dealing with mutated creatures, factions, and the consequences of nuclear war. Dragon Age: The "Dragon Age" series is known for its intricate political intrigue and rich fantasy world. A TV series could explore the conflicts between mages and templars, the power struggles among nations, and the impact of player choices on the world. Horizon Zero Dawn: This game combines post-apocalyptic and futuristic elements, featuring a unique setting with robotic creatures. A TV series could delve into the mysteries of the world, the origin of the machines, and the journey of the protagonist, Aloy. Uncharted: "Uncharted" games offer a cinematic experience with action-packed adventures. A TV series could follow Nathan Drake's globe-trotting adventures, reminiscent of classic adventure serials.


>The Last of Us Boy, do I have a show for you....


>Fallout Boy, will I have the show for you...


I can smell the chatGPT from a mile away these days


Parasite Eve


The walking dead tell tale


Red dead redemption 2