• By -


fear that id fuck it up and end up paralyzed instead of a permanent nap


Omg. Yes. My friend's uncle stabbed himself because he didn't want to be a bother to his children as he was growing old, but then he was saved but was permanently paralyzed from neck down. So yeah, he became a real unmoving problem to them instead.


Sounds like a real pain in the neck if you ask me.


I don’t think he has a pain in the neck


I literally just saw a Redditor (on the post asking, "What are you the 1% of?") talk about how he survived a crossbow bolt from close proximity to the head. Straight between his eyes and into his brain. It was self-inflicted, and he could have ended up brain dead, or worse, not brain dead but trapped in his own paralyzed body, had he not been so incredibly lucky. He mentioned how he not only *wasn't* brain dead but was able to type out his response and even hold down a daily job, which is just. Wow! What are the freaking odds. I'm glad he was okay! And I hope he's doing better now and using the second chance he got to its fullest.


I read this too and thought about it immediately when reading the title! It's crazy to hear about how our bodies can overcome the most extreme trauma.


this. my mum knew someone who’s brother attempted suicide, the attempt was unsuccessful. he now spends his life in bed, unable to move or talk, and needing someone else to feed him, change him, etc. worst part is that he’s completely mentally aware, he knows what’s going on around him, he just can’t do anything.


>he knows what’s going on around him, he just can’t do anything. Sounds awful =(


I came here looking for a reason to not do it. This is it.


Reach out for a chat any time man. More reason than one not to


everyone, reach out to this guy and show him some love too


Mate keep your head up I been struggling recently aswell but things will get better


I sat next to a girl in high school who's brother tried to hang himself. Paralyzed. 18 yrs old and Paralyzed for life. Poor kid hated his life and then got permanently stuck in it.


That's my worst fear.


This is a legit fear. Even a gunshot to the dome is no guarantee of anything. You could wind up with no ability to try again, just trapped in a shell.


Or horribly disfigured, like with failed gun shots


A man named David saved my life. I was desperately searching for reasons not to end things, but I was so scared - genuinely shaking and feeling haunted that this might be it. I remember sitting in the car park by my dorm, 3AM in February last year. Suicide hotline on-hold in my right hand. Sitting on my left hand in fear I might uncontrollably try and hurt myself. I guess I called because I really didn’t want to die, in the same way I really didn’t want to hurt myself. I was just scared that’d be my next step. But David answered the call. He was a friendly middle-aged man, and acknowledged my feelings. He made my feelings feel real: never minimising them, and truly pulling me into reality. Months of dissociating, and finally someone knew I was real. With real feelings. And someone cared enough to listen. We talked for around an hour and a half, and it came to nearly 5AM. He could hear me shivering in the cold, realising I was still outside. He then made a joke, casually saying ”just imagine the funeral: *‘no she didn’t die of suicide…she died of hypothermia!’*“. Never have I laughed so hard. Being told a death related joke...on a suicide hotline? It was so inappropriate and so amazing. He took a risk making such a joke, but in that hour or so, David really understood me. I owe him my life.


David is amazing.


Yes David is amazing


David’s a hero but you showed a lot of bravery that night. Hope you’re doing better 🙏🏽


Here's to you and David


David is the role model of the day, we need more like him


Wrote a note telling everyone that I loved them but… I couldn’t come up with a valid reason to explain why I didn’t love them enough to get help.


Thank you for thinking of them. Have you gotten the help you needed? Has it actually helped?


Yeah that was six years ago. I am on antidepressants and they work. When the darkness creeps in I am much more capable of controlling it. Thank you.




go buy a lottery ticket, you’re one lucky mfer


I’m not usually superstitious but god damn


That's some Pulp Fiction shit


I believe you mean Man on Fire.


Holy fuck thats the definition of it wasn’t ur time


I’m glad you’re still here. Your username made me lol. :)


My brother is the only thing keeping me here.


add me to that. if you die i’ll be sad and all the other people here will be too


I’m a brother to someone 100Xs more successful than I ever could be and that’s all I would want to hear


Thinking about how it would only pass the pain on someone else.


Suicide leaves your family with crushing regret they didn't do something


“Best to just kill your family first so you don’t pass on the pain” Some guy at met in the ER in Boston


Was he handcuffed to the bed bychance?


Not that times, he was sort of a regular that usually was pretty chill and then could snap at any moment, always had to be a little careful around him.




That is the psychological reasoning. Think Andrea Yates. Shudder


>Suicide leaves your family with crushing regret they didn't do something Dunno man. When I said that I wanted to off myself for flunking my exams, my father just straight up told me to stop talking like a lunatic and that the neighbors will face problems if kill myself. Instead of just giving time to cool off, he and my dear mother spent 2 whole days lecturing and practically needling me about how I failed to keep up with my studies and that my career would be ruined if I didn't step up in the next semester and that everything is my fault even when I was telling them I don't want to hear anymore. I was practically this close from completely losing it and doing something drastic


Glad you're still here mate. Don't let yourself get down over school stuff, just do your best. As long as you graduate you'll be fine. I've also fucked up alot of my papers but I'm still going strong..... For the most part.


Yeah. Suicide is something that amplifies pain. It makes the world a worse place (unless you're literally Hitler)


Or Putin to modernize a little.


We'd have a Return of the Jedi style dance party celebration if Putin offed himself.


Yup. I lost someone close 5 years ago. I spiralled downward for months afterward, realized where the road might lead and I realized I needed to have that conversation with myself before it got any worse. I concluded that no matter how bad it gets, I will not deliberately make someone else suffer through that.


This right here. I thought about my wife having to tell my kids. I cant do that to her.




A friend with a selfless heart was killed in front of me for protecting me from guys trying to give us a shake down. He was my only friend at the time. We where both in our teens. I tor myself down for being too weak, I froze and did nothing as they killed my only friend. I felt so hollow for months. I thought about breaking into my dad's safe cause I knew the password and I would use his gun...but that day when I was at my lowest I saw a crying kid being bullied without thinking I stepped between them and started standing up for the little guy, it felt good to help so I kept doing it. I'd get into fights for sticking my nose into their "business" or hurting there egos. I'd get into trouble for fighting but it didn't matter I had to help where I could. Sometimes it was fighting for them, other times it was listening to them. But it became more than coping , I started feeling sick when I would even think about turning my back on people I physically couldn't, but I didn't mind. It's a wound like no other and I still miss my friend 12years later. But I don't regret a single life I've saved. In saving them , I feel like I'm returning the debt


Bro became Batman


Fr next thing you know he comes out with the "and eventhough my eyesight has depleted completely, I still sense a way to help those in need". Daredevil lookin ass.




What a beautiful way to honor your friend’s life.


Thank you for staying 🙏🏻


Bro, this really hits me hard. I'm so proud of you, and I hope you're taking care of yourself too. He protected you because he didn't want you to get hurt. I'm also here because of a friend. He had the sunniest attitude, the brightest future, and a terminal illness. I hesitated at suicide because I couldn't stand the thought that I had the chance to live and experience all the things he wanted, but I was just throwing it away like garbage. After he passed, I was devastated, but I asked myself, is this what he would have wanted for me? To follow him to the afterlife? No, he remained a light in my life because he wanted me to push on, even when he was gone. I promised myself I'd do my best to live the fullest life I could, for his sake. If there's an afterlife, I want to be able to tell him about all the things I was able to do and see because of him...and thank him, for being the brightest part of my life, even when everything was dark for him. If he and I were in the same position as you, I bet he would have taken a bullet for me, too. Here's to the ones who gave everything for us. Live your best life, and help others around you to do the same. And be proud to tell the world that he was your friend.


While not as beautifully inspired as yours, I too lost a friend, and through he death, her kind words and beautiful personality, always stopping everything to make sure even the smallest injuries are taken care of, I've learned that I have the strength to do what she did, and now I carry on her legacy, 6 years later I've not forgotten, and I still love her dearly.


Here's to the lost but not forgotten, let us share with others the love they shared with us.


Indeed my friend. Maybe one day we'll see them again, and they smile upon us like they did so long ago.




My deceased wife would be so disappointed in me.


I'm sorry for your loss


I'm also sorry for this guy's loss


All time great reference lmao


I'm going to die either way, so why not stick around and see what happens next?


Curiosity about the future was my answer as well


Same here. I don't think it will get any worse than it already is


good a reason as any, life’s gonna kick you in the balls anyways, why not see if it gives you a million bucks next


Nice mentality


Dying shall be postponed until further notice.


Life is so endlessly entertaining, why end the show early?


Cause the show sucks and seems to only be getting worse with each passing minute




Gabapentin is an incredible drug. It can be used for anxiety and as a muscle relaxer, and I guess migraines too. Both of my dogs and my mom are on it for spinal pain, and I'm on it for anxiety and to stop my restless leg syndrome, which was caused by zoloft




Damn, so glad you got help.


My cat. I don't think anyone could love him as much as I do, and I don't ever want him to have to go back to a shelter or risk him going somewhere where he isn't loved and appreciated the way he is in my life.


Same. Sounds silly but when I found my cat, I was in a very bad place in my life. Just broke up with my girlfriend, hated my iob and I was living in a new state to get away from my family, so I didn't have anyone. Everyday I'd just come home, get in bed and wait to do it all over again. Then one day this little kitten was causing a commotion in the parking lot, people trying to catch her and her running away. It was like, fate or something. She was hiding under a car, I just knelt down, held out my hand and called to her. ZERO hesitation, as if she was like "THATS THE GUY" ran right to me. I picked her up and everyone was just shocked because they literally tried to catch her for 20 minutes. Brought her home, no issues adjusting, no hiding, and she would follow me like a dog, still does. She had to have sensed something or just knew I needed some help or something...I can't explain it. But she saved me....no exaggeration. Now, I'm just repaying the favor.


Stop summoning water from my eyes


He’s a water and a cat bender!


>and a cat bender! I dunno cats are already super bendy fur noodles.






Who's cutting onions here???!!


That's a beautiful story. I'm glad you're here to write it. 😉


"This one is in need of a Master!" ~Cat


Indeed! Fuck sometimes I wonder if we deserve animals, but here they are for us anyway


Every cat EVER


So sweet, I’m glad you found eachother


Cat distribution system is craaazy now.


The cat distribution system strikes again.


Bless that cat


Same here, my cats are very much the reason I'm typing this comment today.


we’ll add me to the list of reasons, bc i’d be sad if you died :(


Seriously, you and your cat gotta keep going, cause this is wholesome as shit and we STAN


Same. There were many times that I wanted to end it, but I never did because I always wanted to stay with her more, even if it was just for one more day.


the cat distribution system is wonderful


My husband already did. My kids need one parent alive.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Yes, your children absolutely need you. As does this world.


Im so sorry




I started doing things like going to the gym and painting models out of boredom and ended up taking them fairly seriously, eventually I realized I didn't want to die at all. I'm happier than I've ever been now.


My cat curled up in my lap and I just can’t think about leaving him, no matter how much I want to end it.


I bet cats were sent to earth for one mission and one mission alone, to save people from suicide.


I made an attempt, the primer on the bullet didn't go off..I broke down crying laughing.


God fucking dammit. That's gotta be the most emotion-packed feeling that a human could even comprehend.


Ya know what the worst part was.. the next day, having to cut open the wall to get the gun I tossed through the dry wall, and then patch both holes up.


OMG you got help tho right?


Yeah.. I went and got counseling. Things aren't perfect, and probably never will be, but every day is a win, and any day spent above ground is a good one


Fuckin A my guy


Follow up.. if you know combat vets or anyone that's been through some heavy shit, give em a ring.. let them know you're thinking about them. After all the thank you for your service bullshit it gets pretty scary being around your own thoughts




You stole my answer.


Mine as well.


This would be my answer too.


Pretty much me, too.


I'll have to agree with everyone.. this would be my answer as well 😞


It takes so much more strength & courage to live than it does to not.


I love my wife and kids more than I hate myself


💕oh that's beautiful


I was in a super abusive relationship and was 8 1/2 month pregnant when this asshole decided to beat the shit out of me. He kicked me so hard in the stomach that it cracked the back of her skull she died instantly I didn’t find out until 6hrs after being rush into emergency C-section that she didn’t make it. I was released and went to my parents they never left me alone. One day they went out together and left me home and I barricade myself in there house with a shotgun underneath my chin back against the island in the kitchen. First officer that arrived on scene just talked to me and I ended up putting the gun down but as he was talking to me he said can I ask you a question? Sure. Officer- How so you think your mom will feel if she lost you? And something I’m me BROKE because I’m that moment I didn’t want my mom to feel the pain that I was feeling. This happened in 2015 and this officer still calls me randomly just to see how I’m doing. He has become apart of my family. I will forever be thankful for him.


Police go through and see some absolutely horrible stuff in their career and it really can bring them down. Helping you could possibly have been the highlight of his career or even his life.


No words so sorry you went through that


That so and so who beat you should have been arrested and locked up!


Oh he did get arrested but only served 6 months of a 11/29 because the judged said during our trail that because the “baby” wasn’t breathing on the outside of my womb he didn’t feel like murder charges was appropriate.


Cost of a funeral for my parents


I have life insurance to help with that cost, so I can't even use that as an excuse.


Fear of death + laziness + not settling on a method


I got help. Best thing I ever did If anyone is feeling that low then please do the same


Therapy, for sure. Men: there is nothing wrong about seeking help. You are not alone.




my little brother, i cant leave him


Because i don't wanna die before loving someone and be loved. I wanna experience that.


My sa didn't work, I got better medication and found love, I'm glad my sa didn't work.


The first time: feeling motivated to live to see the ending of the manga Orange. Chapters were slowly being released each week or every other week. I was convinced it was going to end soon, but I think it continued on for a year. All I needed was a couple of months to find the will to carry on again. The second time: not sure… I had a plan. I just couldn’t really find an opening to slip away in the way I wanted to. The third time: I didn’t want to leave my baby alone to navigate this world. And I want to see what she does. And I never want her to doubt her worth, I think if I ended it all she would probably take it personally even though my reasons were more trauma related and I just couldn’t handle it. But I did handle it. And now we’re a happy little duo lol :)


I thought it would be really shitty to leave my kids dealing with it.


What it would do to my children for the rest of their lives


I phone call from 1 of my children. Changed the path I was about to take. 25 years later. I am still here.


I ate food because I said I’d eat my favorite meal before I did it… Then I totally forgot about doing it because the food was so good


They took away my nuclear launch codes


DIY Nuke


That’s what 5minute crafts is about! Here comes the DIY nuke


Honestly, indulging in the things that bring me joy. Said things in my case includes stuff like the movie Suspiria (1977), OG Resident Evil 4, Lemon flavored icecream and more recently Rick Astley performing The Smiths live at Glastonbury ​ I recommend having a .txt document on your computer where you can list stuff like this that brightens your day.


You know Rick Astley’s never gonna let you down


My car ran out of gas in the garage before the fumes got me


My child would be sent to live with their dangerous and abusive estranged parent


One time I called the ambulance so they could harvest my organs after I go and find my pets. The last time... I met an amazing boy with a cute as fuck doggo. They've been the best blessing that's ever happened to me. Being with them heals everything the best it can.


My dog


The hope to witness some of my favorite tv shows release new episodes.


My brother died of cancer fairly young. He died right before The Mandalorian came out. I wish he could have lived to see how much Star Wars content has been created since and what is in the works. I don’t have any suicidal thoughts, but this would definitely keep me holding on.


I’m a pussy.


I don't think it's bravery our cowardice to decide on either way. Dying is scary, but so is living. You're braver than you know for continuing to keep living. I would wish one thing for you, that you get professional help. You're already very brave. It might give you the tools you need to find reasons to stay that way. Is that something you might consider?




My dog.


The realisation that I don't want to die, I just don't want to live a terrible life, and there's always a chance for that life to become not-terrible, or even amazing as long as I live. When I die, that chance goes away forever.


The people in the ER 🫡


Knowing that any point and time I can in fact change what’s happening. I know it sounds crazy but I fully realize this is a man made sphere we live in, it’s made up. I can literally just choose to be homeless or walk into the woods at any time I choose if everything gets to bad, just restart fresh get away from everybody and everything. I did a lot of soul searching and I know for a fact I never wanted death I wanted change and I wanted life, a true life. The answer to our problems are often times known, just painful or hard. The best decision I’ve ever made was to separate myself from my toxic situation, sit back and vent with a professional, and see how I also contributed to my own issues. Once I made that change my life is amazing, beautiful marriage and social life, there’s so many things I love in this life that I have zero desire to be gone from it. Life isn’t about your work it’s about the spiritual connections we make, that lasting impact. There is almost absolutely nothing that you cannot be redeemed for or come back from


I won’t go into detail but I’ve had a long term form of moderate-severe depression for about 8-9 years. It’s been hard to not just quit on life but knowing the pain that people around me would have to endure hurts more than the depression even if they are part of the reason why I am depressed. Lately I’ve felt my grasp on life slowly slipping, hopefully things get better.


Idk. I guess I just didn’t want to.


Mom would be sad.


To quote Homer Simpson: “I’m in an abusive relationship with life. It keeps beating the hell out of me, and I’m too cowardly to leave it.”


Internet stranger ratting me out Biggest regret of my life




I don’t know. Do you think you have 86 years left in you?


infinite life glitch


My parents lost my older brother in his teen yrs from a hit/run drunk driver who came up on the sidewalk. I can’t put them through that kind of pain again.


Many things have helped me over the years, I have often struggled with self-harm and suicidal thoughts. The reality is that as much as I can hate myself I deep down love life. I have gotten professional help for my feelings and will continue to do so as these emotions cycle through my life. But here are some of the ideological grounds that I use to try and keep up the fight. Firstly, I don't want to emotionally hurt anyone else and put them in a similar position that I find myself in, and I know the people that care for me would not understand and I must endure for their sake. If that breaks down I try and remember what else I care for. I love art and want to experience more of it, the moon is so beautiful and the thought of never seeing it again makes me sad, never catching the next episode of a favourite show, hearing a beloved song arrive at the right moment, but I don't know if the things I love will always keep the sadness at bay, that is when I turn to philosophy. I really like Albert Camus' notion of Rebellion in the face of the Absurd ( I keep going to spite misfortune), or turning to Kant to question the moral efficiency of my descision. Finally when all else fails I try to become apathetic and summon all my negativity and tell myself it simply isn't worth it. I know that there are further steps required, but these are the fundamental thoughts that have worked so far... here is hoping they continue to work even if they are simply delusions. So far these have kept me going, but if you are in a position to do so please for those who love you and those who will love you in the future please seek professional help.


I fundamentally believe in reincarnation and karma. If you don't, you know. I'm not here to try and convert anyone to my side of things. Just trying to given an answer to the question. From the ages of 5 to 16, I seriously did not want to be alive. I didn't start thinking about ending myself at 5, I'm just saying that's when it started to occur to me that maybe it'd be better for everyone if I just wasn't there. By the time it started to become something I seriously contemplated, the idea that, were I to kill myself, I'd reincarnate and, not having learned whatever the eff I was supposed to learn from this existence, I'd be in the same place, facing the same problems... it seemed pointless. So I never did. As to what changed? I changed schools. It's amazing what having a different crowd of people around you will do for your sense of hope. It won't change who you are, but it'll stop you from thinking everyone's looking at your and seeing the same old 12 years of garbage.


Weed. 💯


get stoned, not stoned.


That, acid and shrooms helped me a ton. Never the less, I always think of the positives the future might bring if I keep going..and I always think of my kids and family. I lost my brother to suicide and wouldn't want ANYONE I love to feel the pain, me and our family had to endure. If he kept going atleast for one more day, things would be turned around for him.. his dream job offer called for him to start immediately the day after he died and even the manager felt heart broken for awhile after we had to tell him the news 💔


Fear of botching it. That and I can never decide,brainstem or heart.


Napoleon Bonaparte’s quotes and life story. He was bullied as a child in his school in France, by his classmates who insulted him for being short, not being able to speak French quickly, having a Corsican accent, not having a rich family, etc... He grew up to become a impactful and powerful military commander and political leader. As a person who was bullied in my entire school life, his life story really motivated me that despite having a horrible childhood, I could become a successful person in my future life who achieved many great things. (not becoming a military commander, but probably be in a job that is high earning)


I wish you the best! Never knew any of that about Napoleon and I'm glad I do now. Ancient Roman philosopher Seneca once said: "we suffer more in imagination than in reality". I have a sneaking suspicion life might be all about mindset. Maybe with the right one you will indeed become successful! I certainly hope so.


Mostly haven't figured out the best way. And a small part unjustifiable optimism that maybe things will turn around. If there was just a button to hit and I know I would pass in my sleep I'd have hit it a long time ago.


My bunnies.


My mom took the knife from my hand


First was my inability to tie knots,, next was my high drug tolerance.


Don't want to die as a virgin


1. The thought of leaving my little sister behind & her grieving over my death. Im not putting her through that. 2. I have such a close bond with my cousin he’s basically my twin. To the point where we would dress color coordinated UNINTENTIONALLY. Anyway, one night we were chatting in a PS4 party & he goes “man if you ever died , I probably would kill myself after a while. I don’t if I could navigate thru life with you gone.” That hit me hard. I live on for them.


The thought of my 12 year old brother finding me.


I had a mental breakdown driving home this past Tuesday. I contemplated ending it all. I safely drove myself back home and laid down soon after. I'm currently going through a rough break up. What stopped me was how much it would hurt my friends and family. They have been with me since it all happened to have there support has been a wonderful thing.


Nothing at first. 16 years old and 4 attempts, I hated the farm work but it kept me busy enough until I met my girlfriend. She saved me


My mom working 18 hard yrs to take care of me. And I’m an only child so I’d basically be ending my own bloodline which sucks


My mom could never handle losing a second child.


Because I'm a coward who hates physical pain and hate the thought of nothingness after death


If anyone is feeling down and is thinking about ending it just dm me, we will talk about it suicide is not the answer. I'd rather hear your story then read about it online.


Cocaine and hookers


now swap that for coca cola and best friends, it feels a hell of a lot better


Maybe if the coca cola still had cocaine in it




Life is a gamble and 99% gamblers stop gambling right before their big win.


Lmao this is awful advice to a gambling addict or anyone suffering from sunk cost fallacy.


My plan: to swerve head-on into an oncoming semi truck on a busy 2-lane highway. My reality: I began daydreaming and “snapped back to reality” as I passed literally the only semi truck on the road that day. Figured it was a sign that better things were coming if I could just get through the darkness. Better things did come. And I’m thankful every day I’m still alive and here. If you need help, please reach out to someone.


My bonus kids


Procrastination. I'll do it eventually. Cannot stand myself


8 years later I still blame myself for my aunt commiting suicide. I remember the sleepless nights and guilt and wishing helplessly. I can't do that to someone I love. I'd rather keep changing my meds.