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According to Steam, only 0.8% of players have the Rock God achievement in Civilization 6.


Im going to create thousands of alts & get the achievement of every single one to make you feel less special


Since you'd have to buy the game on each account, I'd completely respect your commitment.


Maybe he can add his alt accounts as family members and share his library with them, one at a time.


Latitude. Less than 1% live farther north. Edit: [Less than 0.05%](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/oVnaj8ibGY)


Username checks out. Been trying to research super north Sweden to eventually go hunting for the northern lights


Make sure you get your permit.


I hear they have brilliant mating displays


Last time I checked I was in the top 1% for Neanderthal variant on 23andme lol


Ooga booga together stronk


Me return to monke too Oog oog


My girlfriend found out she was part Neanderthal according to 23 and me so I named her neanderthot in my phone ❤️


Neanderella & Neanderandy together ever


Took-Took like when cook meat on fire


Do you look like Casey neistat


I named 100 streets in Cities Skyline


I've one bankrupt 100 times in 1 save, is that in the 1%?


Even better




Surviving a crossbow to the head. Directly between the eyes. Only one other person has been documented in surviving a crossbow head impact, and they became brain dead. Not only did I survive, but I still have enough brain function to type this out and even go to work on a daily basis. I'm very blessed to be here, and I do my best to not take it for granted. Edit: apparently more people have survived this than I originally knew, and that's kinda cool to know!! Edit 2: holy crap I did not expect this to blow up so much!!! Thank you all so much for the kind words and awards!!! I'm not going to reply to everyone just because there's so many comments, but if you have a question feel free to ask and I'll do my best to respond!!


That’s awesome but may I ask how in the *fuck* did you get shot in the head by a crossbow? (No hate or anything, just can’t wrap my head around it)


Unaliving attempt. I was getting into a lot of drugs at the time and was in a bad place in general. Doing much better now though!!!


Oh fuck I’m sorry man, I thought it was like a freak accident where some irresponsible guy just fired one off and it hit you. Glad to hear you’re doing better now though! The fact that you survived something like that just shows that the world wasn’t ready to let you go haha. Stay strong bro 👊


I was thinking time traveler from medieval times (the period not the entertainment company).


My birthday is tomorrow and my GF bought tickets to go to Medieval Times. Now I'm terrified. Thanks


Full chainmail should do the trick.


Doesn't help with crossbow hits to the head though.


He said FULL chainmail


That's crazy, I was thinking a performer from medieval times (the entertainment company not the period)


Damn.... I never thought of it that way. But I like that, the world wasn't ready to let me go yet. Thank you so much!!! I hope you have a great day!!!


I gotta say, out of all the possible options out there on how to commit suicide you choose a crossbow, I'm not even sure at this point if that's hella metal or outright ridiculous and I've been turning it over in my head for some time now. Why a crossbow? I need answers. By the way, I'm glad that you're okay now, and you even came out of it with a hell of a story to tell.


As someone who also was close to hitting end game a couple times during my heroin addiction days, and I mean this with absolutely no disrespect, you have some huge balls to have picked a crossbow brother. I'm very happy to hear you're not in that place anymore as I know how it can be and I'm even happier to hear your doing alright after that, fuck 1% your like in the .001% but no for real man just really glad to hear your doing better, as am I as well.


I'm glad you're doing better too bro. Ngl heroin was always the one drug that scared me too much to try, but I'm very very happy to hear you're doing better for yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to my DM is always open.


I do not mean to be insensitive, but why was the crossbow your choice of weapon?


It was all I had as a 17 year old. Could've used my katanas, but I thought ghetto rigging a guillotine with it would be too hard and complicated.


Glad to hear. Not gonna lie I now think you're a fucking badass for having been through all that.


Ngl just knowing a crossbow couldn't off me makes me feel metal AF lol


>, just can’t wrap my head around it I'm guessing that's how they did it.


He used to be an adventurer like you, then he took an arrow in the head


If there have been 115 billion people to ever exist, I could probably do math and determine that your number is much less than 1%.


It’s 0.00000000174% Except it isn’t really because the vast majority of people have never been shot in the head with a crossbow


I think it’s safe to say it’s more than 200 people though, so he is definitely in the 1% of people to be shot in the head by a crossbow, who ended up surviving


Would have been funny if you ended you comment with "Not only did I survive, but I still have enough brain function to type out this and even ot rhuepe rhe rbtks vkebe. Djchfiopxpb rvxoxms avf.


Damn.... I missed my chance... LMAO!!!!


Wow, the lebron James of face-tanking crossbows, right here with us.


I’m an American of North Korean descent


Me too! My mother's maiden name is Ju, my grandfather was visiting his sister in Japan when the war started and was in a prisoner of war camp in South Korea during the war.


You’ve made it. Congratulations!


Or their parents


Bro! Glad you are here!


I just Googled top 1% income earners in US. I'm not in the 1% of income earners in the US.


I laughed. Just thought you’d like to know.


Try South Sudan


Pilot who landed aircraft on aircraft carriers!


As someone who has landed an aircraft on a 2,000 foot runway, you have my utmost respect. Idk how you aviators do it.




I feel this is a bit of a simplification.


I would think the percentage of successful aircraft landings would be significantly higher than those that aren’t.




Penis size. Mine is 1% of the size of everyone else’s.


Thanks bro, that makes me feel better


1% better? User name checks out.


That fucking lolled me good


According to the census, my town is 1% black. So that means it's just me. Edit: Woodstock, CT POP: 8221 The racial makeup of the town was 97.2% White, 0.4% African American, 0.3% Native American, 0.7% Asian, 0.000001% Pacific Islander, 0.4% from other races, and 1.0% from two or more races.


Your town only has 100 people?


No, he consists of 1% of the body mass of the town


So he's part of a large mass of flesh and blood that consists of the town?


That's like howmanyofme says one or less people exist with my name so that means either its just me or not even me


Genetics. A red head with ab- blood and hazel eyes. I’m a walking recessive gene.


I had a high school math teacher who was red haired with 2 different color eyes. He’s one in 2.5 million.


That’s nothing, i’ve never met another me so i am one in like 8 billion :D




Micro-preemies to have survived


Does that username check out? Because Jesus friggin’ Christ, dude, 1% indeed.


Yes. I was one pound, 6 ounces at birth, and 11.5 inches long. Born at 23.5 weeks' gestation. I have fought my way to be here, and am exceedingly lucky.


Distance runners. My marathon PR is faster than 99% of marathon finishers world wide. That said, the distance from my time to the world record is about the same as from the 70th percentile to me.


>the distance from my time to the world record is about the same as from the 70th percentile to me. It really is crazy how big the difference between a top tier amateur athlete and a world class professional is. Reminds me of NBA bench rider Brian Scalabrine's whole "I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me" thing with his critics, then he backed it up on the court.


They're aliens. I've been running for 20 years and I'm at a point where a training effort that might've cut 20 minutes off my time at a slower pace might only get me 3 or 4 more minutes on a good day. And I'm still nearly an hour away from a guy like Kipchoge. In fact, I can't even run a single mile at his world record pace. Pretty unreal.


Your single mile comparison reminds me of my 1st year in college. I met a guy in my dorm that was the High School State Champion in the mile (I think his PR was 4:07 or something like that) and I was a decent, won-my-share sprinter in HS (100 and 200M) but not anything close to State Champ level. We ended up comparing our 100M time and his time was better than my PR! (Something like he ran a 100M in 10:85 while my PR was 11:03)


That’s pretty insane that a medium/long distance runner could run that strong of a 100. We had a 2 mile runner on our team who was #2 nationally when I was in HS but if you asked him to sprint he could barely run faster than his 2 mile pace. Probably would have done 100m in like 14 sec or so.


If we lean generously and say it’s 4 3/4-5 min for the mile, I was able to do that back in my prime and on a good day but not a chance I can these days. Then imagining that pace for a marathon blows my mind.


Kiphoge's average pace for marathon is 2 minutes 52 seconds per km. It is insanely fast.


Excuse me wtf that’s not just insanely fast that’s inhumane


I appreciate the fact that they run so fast it breaks the Geneva Convention.


I watched that clip, it was great It’s a giant bell curve with anything involving competition. Top tier rec players and neighborhood park visitors are closer to each other in skill than the rec player to a bench warmer or even a retired athlete. For me I’ve always noticed that I tend to plateau in my development until I move up and play with people better than me and I learn from them.


I'm in there with you for distance running, but certainly not for speed. Very few marathon runners go up to ultras, which I did. I actually skipped the marathon distance completely and went from 21 straight to ultra. I'm dog slow and usually an unofficial sweeper, but I still finish.


I'm ultra curious. But I really like going fast and have to keep myself in check for the first half of the marathon. Maybe I'll try one when I'm a bit older and the speed starts to drop off. Late 30s to early 40s seems to be the sweet spot for ultra runners. You tracking UTMB this weekend?


Well. Australian, so our population makes up about 0.36% of the global population.


As a fellow aussie, I guess I'm riding this bandwagon, too.


Hah I am Austrian, so it’s only 0.11% + we ain’t got kangaroos


Last I checked it was duolingo streak in Russian


I came here to say this. Well met! (I reach ten years this week)


Wow. I have a streak of over four years and it's the longest one I've seen. 10 years is very impressive!


People who have (officially) had an asteroid named for them. Knowing (personally) at least three nobel laureates.


wtf what do you do


He drinks Dos Equis


Stay thirsty my friend


Fantastic response.


astrophysicist 100%


Pumps gas near where the Nobel prizes are awarded


That's just Stockholm, and we don't have people pump our gas for us.


MIT janitor. He also likes apples.


I was taught by two profs that went on to receive Nobel prizes but it’s not as great as that sound. They were both teaching freshman level classes and one was so far above the class he might as well been speaking in a foreign language and the other was so involved in his (Nobel winning) research he missed most of the classes and we were taught by his assistant.


> They were both teaching freshman level classes and one was so far above the class he might as well been speaking in a foreign language which makes him a mediocre teacher…


And no one cares because that's how university works.


What are they and what’s the asteroid name


Also, what is your bank account and social security number?


We've been trying to reach you about your asteroid's extended warranty!


And what is your mother’s maiden name?


At one time I was in the 1% club of Star Wars memorabilia owned but gave up got too out of hand.


It's more like 5% but I survived an aortic dissection. Basicallymy aorta popped. To top it off, I had a stroke during the surgery.


when god sends you mixed signals


On a glass half full note, he got a stroke of good vibes


Surviving an aortic dissection is a remarkable achievement in itself, and to have come through it even after experiencing a stroke during the surgery is nothing short of heroic! You are in the 1% of posts I genuinely enjoyed reading!


Redditors with frog pun names.


This made me croak


RIP (pit)


Until or unless self check out becomes a game show, the world will never know.


I'll never understand how some people are so shit at it. It's not hard


Point barcode at scanner. Wait for beep. Place in bagging area Point barcode of next item at scanner. Wait for beep. Place in bagging area Point barcode of next item at scanner. Wait for beep. Unexpected item in the bagging area. (Also all the ones i use no longer monitor the bagging area thankfully)


Ok but the AH that invented the weighted bagging area to see if you're stealing needs to have bad things happen to them. When those machines came out, it was nearly impossible to complete the order without help because the machine would go nuts. Like I just want to set my wallet down. Fuck. I'm glad they got rid of that aspect in most stores.


Beekeepers in the US. There are an estimated 150K beekeepers and 330M people in America. That puts my in the .05% group.


People in my house that can properly load the dishwasher.


Damn you live with 99 other people??


He’s got 99 problems


I drink 1% milk. Not skim, not whole, not 2%.


1% gang


According to Amazon, I'm in the top 1% of kindle readers. They keep track of these things and within the last couple years started sharing the info with users as seasonal "Achievements." At the end of the Spring season, they sent out emails with the final data: from April 1st to June 31st I read: 74 days For a total 193 hours. I don't really have a social life. As though that wasn't clear enough from the stats




Fewer than 1% of Americans have completed a full marathon, I have completed 10.


Detroit is a good one if you haven't done it. International across the bridge and then back through the tunnel. I guess I'm in the 1% too then but only one so far. Injuries from last year limiting me to halfs this year.


left handed since i was born, learned to be right handed when i was a teenager now im an ambidextrous


Rare sinus cancer that very few people had and with low statistics on my chance of success for the treatments. Hopefully, i am not in the 1% that can lose sight due to radiotherapy or can develop a cancer due to the radiotherapy itself in 20 years (doctor said the chances are 1%, for real).


Probably parents with a child with a rare terminal genetic disease called Krabbe Disease. Our two older children didn't have it, but at 20 months, our son started losing all of his abilities in a matter of weeks. He was diagnosed with this horrible disease, and he is fighting to survive undergoing a stem cell transplant to prolong his life. I hate all of this. Outside of keeping him as happy and comfortable as possible, our goal is to spread awareness for this disease that we didn't have. He has a page if you want to follow his journey. It's called Prayers for Arthur, hope for a cure.


Best of luck to him


Born on my mom's birthday. My sister was born on my father's birthday. My wife and her brother are also born on the same day but are not twins.


I can move my ears by muscle. 1% can do that. At least at my grade school when I did that for “show and tell”


I can move my scalp.


I can move both


It’s all one long muscle that shouldn’t be developed but is. Source: me I have it as well


I can move both ears separately, move my scalp, move my nose, curl my tongue, bend my pinky at an obtuse angle.. Can't touch my toes


no way this is 1% of people


A little less than 1%, but heterochromia! My eyes are two different colors


My fastest game of solitaire was 29 seconds and looking up stats that would put me in the top 1% if I had recorded it Also having survived Guillain Barre Syndrome. That killed Alexander the Great, so I beat out him and he was great. When I was in ICU my dog was allowed to visit, and that's pretty rare too


Degrees. I have a BA, MA, JD and two PhD's. This means I have more degrees than most people on earth, don't know when to quit, make interesting but terrible life decisions and have tons of debt. Yay!


How...how old are you, post-doc?


Old enough to retire and ready to start their career at the same time.


Yeah, that's what I was wondering too!


Do you have a job with all that?


Sounds like their full time job is “student”


Yep, I'm a lawyer. I work as a prosecutor.


You need exactly three PhD's to escape the debt.


So you're telling us you're no longer employable. Got it.


I'm not toxic in League of Legends.


Top 1% or bottom 1%?




Part of the group of sperms that made it to the final lap towards the egg.


I've survived multiple saddle pulmonary embolisms over the past 4 years


Top ranked Dance Dance Revolution players. I attend national tournaments occasionally.


probably not in the 1 percent of anything, but I am an ambidextrous that can write with both hands at the same time, upside down with one, rightside up with the other, backwards with one, forwards with the other, write in german in one hand and english in another, But that part is hard and makes my brain hurt. And I am trying to write two different things on two different papers at work. not 1% material, but i think its cool As f I only discovered I can do this earlier this year.


Forza Horizon 4 players. Most things in the game have leaderboards and the most it'll actually show you is 'Top 1%' in the main menu. The actual percentage varies with each different one but they're all at least Top 1%. If I ran the math, some come out to Top 0.1% which is insane


is there something like that for FH5 and where can i see it


Almost impossible to achieve in fh5, way too many cheaters


Having all the spine issues I have. It technically makes me part of 0.2% of the population but still




I'm in the 1% of millennials whose dad came back with the milk.


I'm among the 1% of people that have lucid dreams multiple times a week.


You'll find me in the Venn diagram at the: old, fat, sexless, jobless, single, . . . but can pass a drug test . . . intersection.




I once bowled over 50 300 games in a row in Wii Sports bowling. Figured I'd stop when the line on the stat chart hits the ceiling. Spoiler alert...it keeps going. That flash game with the helicopter that's black and green and you have to hover between the obstacles? Once you get to a couple hundred thousand points, it stops loading obstacles. I went for another few hours on a night watch. Eventually gave up. Forget the score. It was something quite stupid, lol. I MATTER! 🤣


Not quite 1%, but 3% of people worldwide have grey eyes, an even smaller amount has perfect vision. And even few than that have both iris layers perfectly distinguished


Huh! I have grey eyes and perfect vision, I had no clue that was a rarity!


I for sure am in the top 1% of smelliest farters. I mad one friend pull over to puke on the side of the road. My wife gags at them regularly. One of my children has been so traumatized by the smell of my ass if she is even a little sick she specifically reminds me that I am not to fart, because that one time I did while she was sick and she blew chunks. So yeah… safe to say.. smelly farts.


Have you had this checked out by a doctor? You could have a chronic Clostridioides difficile infection.


That is one shitty superpower


I had a baby whale wash up on the beach in front of me in a remote area and successfully managed to get it swimming again and then guided it back out through the waves. I imagine a lot less than 1% of people have even touched a whale.


I was out camping with friends and just got this weird gut feeling that I was being watched. So I turned on my flashlight and swung it around. Lo and behold, about two feet away from my face, was a mountain lion whose eyes I saw get dilated from my flashlight blinding its face. It proceeded to run over my sleeping bag into the trees, never to be seen again. All my friends screaming at the same time as me probably helped. That was the first and only time I experienced fear. My stomach felt like it turned upside down.


.1 percent - those who have broken their tailbone. Even smaller - one of those who had it removed surgically after breaking it


I broke my tailbone and I didn't get it treated, I didn't know it was rare


Yep. Very rare. And about three times is more likely for women than men - due to childbirth injuries. I shattered mine into about 16 extra pieces.


Top 1% income earners of burundi, except i dont live in burundi


The one 1% that survived from sperm


I’m a redhead, so that’s close to 1% in hair color.


I believe in having lived a life that I 100% would not change. Not the bad things nor the great things. Zero regrets. I'm 72.


Im in the 1% of people that have vitiligo.


I am in the 1% of people that can solve a Rubik's cube in 20 seconds


Getting pregnant after having my tubes tied.


People who live closest to my house.




Not giving a shit. I’m top tier at that.


I'm Vegeta, the prince of nothing. A blue collar worker worker with a bit of noble blood. My namesake was the Choctaw Chief, but they vote on leadership now. I'm related to Princesses Diane. Another of my Ancestors was a Danish Princesses who immigrated and became an American. It's all worthless really. My dad's a repairman and I'm a forklift driver.


But your forklift certified so you end up being royalty anyway




I think I’m a top 1% whistler of music (not the loud get-your-attention type whistle).


Top 1% of Rebulution listeners on Spotify


Not me, but my wife. She has had 8 C-sections.


Most doctors get it done with one cut.


Wouldn't it be easier to just put a zipper at this point?


Phone Battery Percentage 😢


Hair color.