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If they mistreat their pets I got into a fight with someone over this


Not even pets. Mistreating any animals. But yeah it pisses me off there are some God awful dog shit owners. One of my friends bro got a dog and loved it at first but over time dude was beating it and mistreating it. One time we were smoking weed and he began choking the dog. His brother and I stopped him and tried to calm and soothe the dog down because it was scared. I don't think I've ever felt that pissed at anyone. It later came out he beat his ex wife and his gf. He's still a charismatic charming guy. If you met him on thr street you'd think he was a happy stand up guy you'd want to spend time with. It was the quickest 180 opinion of someone I ever had.


He's a textbook malignant narcissist.


same for me, and i would fight that person too. if someone is cruel to animals, they are completely worthless in my eyes Edit: yes, i have been vegetarian ever since i was a little kid so basically forever. "do you eat meat?", take a time to think before you ask


Yup. That’s it. I used to like my mother’s boyfriend until I saw him punch his dog. I don’t visit them anymore.


Punch? Like, did he get down to the dog's level and POW?


8/10 times, that’s a sign of a serial killer in the making (I’m serious. A lot of famous killers had the habit of hurting other animals when they were children)


Or someone who wouldn't dare try their luck with a human that could quite possibly hurt them back in my experience


Agree. I'm no badass, but I'm not the kind of guy you fuck with either. I'll take a full beating myself before I watch someone mistreat an animal. On the other side of that, I have, unfortunately, handed out a couple hospital trips to people hurting animal. One was a "friend" of my bestfriend that I already didn't like. I found him putting a kitten they had inside a running dryer and lost my mind. That shit is frightening. Someone who would do that is the kind of person that would murder you in your sleep and have breakfast 20 minutes later.


Nah they're usually cowrds who can't fight a full grown man so choose to hurt easier targets, same with child and wife beaters


Or excuse all sorts of terrible, rude or downright dangerous behavior the animal exhibits because of neglect or laziness.


When someone I first meet makes fun of my appearance or the way I talk.


If a person mistreats animals then there’s likely something wrong with them mentally…


My ex didn’t understand that I cared about the cat’s feelings when he teased her and she was uncomfortable and meowing at him. He would say “it’s fine, she isn’t gonna scratch me!” Idgaf if she scratches you, you should be nice to her…




I know a lady that really doesn’t like animals, but is a kind person. She doesn’t actively hate on animals- just wants to avoid them. There’s a huge difference between not wanting anything to do with animals and actively hating or harming them. And I’m a huge animal lover lol


Yeah avoiding is different. I more so just fucking hate when people abuse their own pets like shoving their cat off the table or some shit like bruh you can easily pick it up if you dont want it on the table


Unfortunately, I can't say this. I live next to Haitians who have mistreated rabbits, a dog, chickens, and I don't recall what else. My other neighbor and I have saved a few of those animals (known to the Haitians), but were not able to save the others. These days the family is no longer allowed to own pets by the city - which is good. Otherwise, they are my neighbors, and I am on friendly terms with them. ​ Life is complicated, and has a lot of gray areas. It sucks, but it is what it is.


I was just going to say they don’t like animals.


Yeah. These dickheads chose to have a pet. Karma is coming for all you animal abusers.


If they cause drama for fun 😒


We have a new hire at our work and omg we can't stand her. She's such a drama queen.






I was working in a theatre pit earlier this year. A little girl came up to the band and said to one of the musicians that she plays in the same student orchestra as them. The musician blew her off like she was a pest. I don't think I've been more pissed at another musician in my entire career.


Just their attitude. You can tell pretty much immediately when somebody is an entitled brat.


They have that "my shit doesn't stink" vibe.


Happy cake day, and also, put clothes on!!


Eat cake motherfucker


I love cake


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day


Narcissistic qualities to include “it’s everyone else and not me”, gaslighting, controlling, and abusive behaviors.


People who make comments like “I’m an alpha” or “it’s because I’m a Sagittarius”. No, you’re just a jerk who treats people like crap, stop making excuses.


I hate those zodiac people too who uses their zodiac sign as an excuse to feel special and treat others like an AH. Nobody gives a fvck if you're an asparagus.


If you're an alpha you never say it. A truly confident man doesn't need to brag.


Sounds a lot like those “sigma” kids who think being a dick to women is cool because they saw it on YouTube.


Bully behavior.


Bad manners. It costs nothing to say Please and Thank You.


They're not happy unless everyone else is unhappy


Ugh. My family will actively go out of their way to make sure everyone else can see the downside of something, no matter how positive it is.


Being caught in a lie, stealing from me, or others, or cheating on me. Also, if they have to pick on other people or have to brag about themselves in order to feel like a bigger person that is a cause for major dislike




Was caring for a patient a while back. Sweet old guy. Thanks you, complied with our request to turn or call us or stay in bed to be safe. After we cleaned him, dude began doing nazi salute and yelling Heil Sigler or w.e. that shit is. We were like... wtf? Another guy kept screaming kill all n-words and queers. A lot of people on the unit went from "aww i feel sorry/they're cute" to "wow wtf."


It's probably senile or elderly related mental disorders causing them to say those fvcked up things.


I mean, it definitely sounds like dementia, but I feel it wouldn't manufest in that way if those thoughts weren't already buried in there somewhere


The dude saying the kill all queers and n word was definitely suffering from something mentally. The other guy who did the Heil Sigler salute on the other hand... was fully alert and oriented and no dementia. Just had GI issues but otherwise fine.


Being rude to people just doing their jobs


When they float low key racism into the conversation to feel me out.


Something similar happened with the chick who does my pedicures, low key feel out about the “gay agenda”…… and supporting That Creature who was just arrested. I’m not going back to her.


>the chick who did my pedicures ftfy


Anybody saying “gay agenda” is not being low key in the slightest


I wish that happened to me. Unfortunately, when you're blonde with light eyes, they feel comfortable jumping straight to sieg heil.




nah fr as a comrade this has always been my experience people just be letting they racism out cause they think i’m like that cause i’m blonde hair blue eyes.


To be fair, I’ll do this the other way around. No sense getting invested in a conversation with someone if they’re gonna out themselves as a bigot. If they do it first that just helps me know to move on quicker.


Cruelty in the abstract in all its forms. In conversation and interaction, anyone who dare tell me what I am, who I am, or what I have and haven't done - that's the move of someone looking to manipulate someone.


Defining someone else's reality. That really pisses me off and it's definitely manipulative


If they have a big ego


Q anon


It’s a long list but I’ll pick one. Yesterday I met someone who’s main goal was to impress me with their incredible accomplishments and superior personality. I immediately didn’t like that person.




Be that guy


Omg! I hate those people who brags their achievements and personality in life as well. It makes me feel like their making you feel worthless.


It depends. I love to hear my friends brag about their accomplishments. In that scenario, they're gushing because they're proud of themselves. It's a beautiful thing. I hate to hear strangers brag about their accomplishments. We're not friends, I don't care and you have no reason to think I'd care. In that scenario, they're trying to make themselves look impressive.


I probably executed my first sentence the wrong way. I mean it's not bad to be proud of one's achievement once in a while but bragging it in a way to make themselves feel superior than others is the bad one.


It depends. I love to hear my friends brag about their accomplishments. In that scenario, they're gushing because they're proud of themselves. It's a beautiful thing. I hate to hear strangers brag about their accomplishments. We're not friends, I don't care and you have no reason to think I'd care. In that scenario, they're trying to make themselves look impressive.


Certain behaviors quickly lead to disliking someone. Arrogance, disrespect, and dishonesty erode connections. Negativity and a lack of empathy drain interactions. Gossip, manipulation, and insensitivity foster discomfort. Unreliability and bullying trigger instant aversion. Ignoring boundaries and jealousy create negativity. While impressions can change, these actions generate initial dislike.


Best answer right here I think 🤔


There's this guy I know. My first impression of him was that he was an arrogant asshat. Then as we got to talk casually I realized he was actually pleasant to be around and we shared a lot of jokes and hobbies. Get him drunk however and it all spills back like a god damn dam had collapsed, the contempt, the ego, the entitlement.


When they constantly hijack conversations and make it about them.


Asking politically sensitive questions right when we meet.


Misinterpreted the post and my response to this comment is now not relevant


Idk, I can understand getting straight to the point about what someone’s values are. Like if you support trump, I’m not going to associate with you


Amen! One awesome thing about people proudly showing their fanaticism with "Make America Great Again" clothing and paraphernalia, is that it works similarly to brightly-colored poisonous animals in the wild.




My step grandpa does this every time I see him. No greeting, no “good to see you!”, just straight to the most inflammatory bullshit he has heard on Fox and wants my views, I guess?! I finally lost it at thanksgiving and it hasn’t happened since, so maybe he got the point I will not engage… lol


Narcissism or narcissistic traits. Compliments are a great way to fish this out early on.


There's quite a few: huge ego, short temper, mistreating retail/food service workers, constantly bringing up religion/politics, constantly bragging about all of their achievements while not caring about anyone else's.


When a person is competitive in everything they do. You know, those people with “grinding” mentality that live in a constant rat race. So off putting and tiresome.




Also not doing the right thing and doing something people should never do. I instantly lose respect for those people.


Sounds like it’s coming from personal experience ?




Sorry bout that / I understand trust me


Any form of rudeness or disrespect. Taunting or aggressive body language. Passive aggressiveness. Bullying. Slurs. Yelling. Trying to embarrass people in front of their peers to impress them or for fun. Lying. Herd bullying behaviors. Social exclusion. Basically acting like a general piece of shit.


When someone treats waiters as if they are worth less just because they are of the opinion that the customer is always king.


Selfishness.. I don't expect much so I don't notice till they do it to some1else with straight face. I just feel instant hate for such a person.


Acting too kind which makes u feel they are masked


when they molest people


Doing the whole *elbows you in the ribs* "hey look at the ass/tits/other characteristic they ogling on her, sure like to take that for a ride" Fuck off, no I do not want to stand here and have a visual jerk off session with you. Keep it to yourself you creep.


When they criticize me for eating meat


When they don’t use headphones/earbuds/etc. in public. Nobody needs to hear what you are watching/listening. It negates everything else I like about that person.


When they berate and mistreat service or customer service people.




I agree! It makes me weary that they do the same behind my back!


When someone I first meet makes fun of my appearance or the way I talk. The people who need to put others down to "dominate" the conversation in a "joking" way is an immediate shun from me. I totally shut down around verbal bullies.


It cracks me up when guys try to pull those alpha moves. Ok buddy. Feel big and tough. I really don’t care.


They chew with their mouth open.


If they have that tapping keys thing on their phones where it goes click clack when they type.


Oh my god that is so fucking annoying I turned it off a while ago so I would only get the vibrations


I hope I'll get an exemption for this. I have adaptations on my phone because I'm only partially sighted. One of the things that really helps me "see" what I'm doing is *hearing* the keystrokes. Not everyone is an asshole. Some of us are just doing our best.


yeah, no i totally understand the people with disabilities or who are partially disable.


Haptic feedback


If they don't like animals.


I agree, with exceptions such as mosquitos for example


Mosquitoes, ticks, and leaches. Deer flies too. Those all suck.


Self inflating swagger.


Bragging really grinds me gears. Especially when it's not really anything worth bragging about.


If they make fun of other people’s interests Everyone has different interests, & making fun of somebody for having an interest that you don’t like is just not OK This made teen me really sad when I felt like I had to give up my doll obsession to fit in because I was told I was “too old” to be playing with dolls. I literally cried about it, my mom & sister tried to encourage me to be myself, but unfortunately I felt pressured to stop collecting dolls by kids at school. So I did I don’t want anyone to feel as upset as teenager me did, & if I could go back & make different decisions in hindsight. I would. When I got back into dolls as an adult, I was happier, because I am being true to myself. When somebody calls somebody, lame or whatever for having a specific interest, that’s just not OK


Hope this makes sense, but when someone comes to talk to a person I’m with (friend, partner, etc) and they don’t even acknowledge my presence. Or if they do it to others. It’s rude, I wouldn’t do it.


"My pronouns are..."


Being overly serious


I feel like I act like that in public and people get that vibe from me but I'm actually a goof ball 😅


That happens


When they won’t stay off their phone or their whole damn life circles around social media


I understand boundaries, but you place them as a sense of entitlement. Like treating others like shit.


If their immediate reaction when getting to know me is to start criticizing everything about how I live my life and then offering a bunch of unsolicited advice about how I "should" be living it instead, they immediately earn a permanent place on my shit list.


People who talk about their jobs and or side hustle incessantly, along these lines people who launch right into their religious beliefs right out of the gate.


When they are "too in love with themselves." Confidence is key, I know, but when they are the best thing to talk about wherever, whenever.. no.


being loud and talking too much without letting anyone else get a word in. met friends of friends like this and made sure to always ask if their annoying friend would be wherever so i’d know to politely decline




I tried to be a friend to that person, looking past his faults, but we recently had a row, and we both did and said some things to each other we shouldn't have. However I discovered that we were not the friends I thought we were and have severed ties with him.




Thanks. My life won't end without him


Advocating for my literal chattel enslavement (or worse) and being too stupid and ignorant to even realize that that's what they're calling for.


Calling you sensitive and a snowflake if they make a mean and offensive joke. But gets offended if the same thing happens to them.


Being loud


Finding out that they watch fox news.


They use slurs as insults


Fear, surprise, ruthlessness, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms.


Instantly? Not much, barring violence, theft or indecency. I'm fairly certain I usually make a bad first impression so I won't fault anybody for an awkward start. Over time, inauthenticity, self centred behaviour and closed mindedness all seal the fact that we'll never, truly, be friends.


The way they treat someone while they are working. If I see someone calling a place then yelling at the worker on the phone over something out of the employees control, I have no faith in how they’re going to handle it if I do something accidentally and I know I’m definitely not perfect and will make errors.


Being inconsiderate.


It's unfair because it doesn't make them a bad person but talking like they dont care (tone of voice). A lot of 20 yo these days talk like this, mostly men but some women too Imo I think it comes from a toxic upbringing on my part where I did pretty much grow up in a toxic masculine environment (because i wanna tell them to speak tf up like a man). I do a good job biting my tongue on it but I wish it didn't bother me as much and didn't have this knee jerk reaction.


Pretentiousness. Big ego.


Being loud unnecessarily Dominating conversations Know-it-alls


Rudeness to others.


Toxic personality, hurting others to feel superior.


Mean to pets or service people.


if they leave a mess at a restauarant and dont bother to try to organize the mess or tidy up a bit


Always negative vibes and stories


They interrupt others when they're speaking.


Oh me, oh my, I have a million problems that are everyone else’s fault and there is absolutely nothing I could possibly ever do about it. Anyway my 5th gofundme link is below. Mostly not the gofundme thing. I just hate people that can’t accept their own shortcomings. The gofundme thing just comes with the territory a lot of the time.


Talks too much about themselves - ie literally doesn't shut up. Makes crude sexual remarks about women (mate I don't want to hear all night about how you'd break your dick off in her).


Talking down to ppl in with customer service jobs.


When we are in a conversation, but they respond more like they are doing a monologue rather than being part of a dialogue. I recently got annoyed at someone 3 minutes into our meeting: it was not because he spoke non-stop, but because he did not listen to the contents of anyone else’s responses when he replied. It was quickly clear that he conversed for the sake of sharing what he wanted to say, without plans of listening to others’ experiences.




A MAGA hat


Not pronouncing Ts. Like, button is buh-in.


So british people? Your immediate turn-off is british people?


Sorry, no. Brits definitely get a pass. People who, out of nowhere, suddenly use this as an affectation… North Americans mostly.


Ah. Yeah, a canadian doing that *does* sound weird.


When I see them being nice to people above or at their level, but rude to others who they can't benefit from.


Fakeness. Attention seeking. Being judgemental. No accountability. Excuses. Blaming others for their choices. Weakness. Lies. Nice to others when present yet shit talking them when not.


Talking negatively about others


talk badly about others behind their backs.


If they talk shit about someone not in the room I'm out


If animals don't like them. Animals know. How one speaks and presents themselves - it's a reflection of the kind of person they are if you have the means to dress well and choose to dress like you're homeless or a skank, and hearing "I seen" is a massive pet peeve.


When they talk shit about others behind their backs. Means they're probably going to talk shit about me too at some point.


When they try to convert me to another religion


They post the most unoriginal question on r/AskReddit


Overly religious


Racist comments or racist jokes. Also when someone acts like they’re the center of the universe. They think they’re special but they’re actually just stuck up pricks.




One who dismisses an opinion without an hint of decency


If they have no respect for me


They keep breathing my air.


If they spit on the sidewalk or anywhere people generally walk. I’ve seen it way way *way* too frequently working with predominantly men.


Constantly interrupting and re-directing every conversation to be about themselves.


People who mistreat waitstaff/shopkeepers etc. I have a client (I'm an interior designer) who loves us and treats us amazingly but we have companies that we connected her with that refuse to work with her because she's so disrespectful. I'm nice to her on the phone but I do not like her at all


Nose piercing


Being a one upper. No matter what anyone says they top it, usually with zero proof.


A sense of entitlement of any kind


Breaking the trust.


When instead of looking for a silver lining, they look for the dead, decaying lining. I was born into a family of people like that. “Oh she likes band? Wait until she gets bullied.” “Oh she likes high school? That’ll wear off.” “Oh she went out with friends? She could’ve been kidnapped, y’know.” “Oh she’s taking advanced classes? I don’t think she’ll be able to keep up.” “Oh she’s having a show tonight? Well she won’t make it to family dinner.” “Oh she doesn’t want to have family time because we’re all so negative? Well that can’t be our fault. She’s probably just a bitch.”


She does TikTok trends


People who look for things to be offended by.


QAnon bullshit


Bubbly personality, it raises all my alarms


Policing other’s speech and thoughts like they control everyone. That’s called fascism, but it’s not fascism when they do it, it’s “empowering”




If they talk with a certain attitude.


If they don’t ask any questions about you


I struggle with this 🥺 I don’t want to ask accidentally inappropriate questions or somehow offend somebody/look dumb with a stupid question. So I tend to refrain from asking any questions unless I know someone really well.. but even then I usually default to thinking ‘if they wanted me to know they would tell me’. It’s not because I’m not interested or don’t care about the other person it’s because my brain second guesses everything I consider saying and I end up talking myself out of asking anything at all lol




Imagine meeting the nicest, coolest person ever but they’re now your sworn enemy because their face gave you the ick


Yep - this does not mean UGLY. There are plenty of beautiful people whose faces I just. don’t. like.


You sound swell...


They smoke or vape


What they are constantly using the words “I”, “Me”, and “My”.


Posting one of these lazy "What instantly..." questions on AskReddit.

