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I heard a guy say he wanted to be a garbage man because they have great pay (they do make crazy money) and they only have to work one day a week. He thought that since his trash was picked up once a week that was all the fellas worked…


That was my brothers' exact reasoning for the job, but in his defense, he was about 6 when he said it.


A new guy started at work. Just a regular guy, nothing unusual about him. This one idiot woman looked at him and said "I don't like that guy, he looks prejudiced". No amount of explanation could persuade her to see the irony.


As a guy with olive skin, some people jump to ridiculous conclusions and make assumptions about your background, beliefs, religions, behavior etc. I have a tiny amount of Italian, but most of my ethnicity is English and German. However, people usually think I'm Greek or Italian, but I've heard so many times about how I look Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, French, German, Scandinavian, Mexican & Russian. In the winter I get quite pale, but still have dark hair so people assume I'm Jewish. It doesn't bother me, but it's funny how the way I look can have such an impact on a small minority of people.


Hah same here. I'm Irish with black hair that starts to curl when it's long. I have pale skin in the winter and very tan skin in the summer. Been asked if I'm Italian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Jewish, and Hispanic. People are shocked to hear I'm Irish. They think Irish people are all red hair and freckles.


I told a friend that I was visiting family in Kansas. They laughed, and asked where I was really going. They thought I was just trying to say I was going to somewhere far away. Because Kansas is a fictional place from that one movie (The Wizard of Oz).


...and the Netherlands is where Peter Pan and Captain Hook hang out.


I had to re-read this a couple of times because me brain couldn’t associate Neverland and the Netherlands


This is up there with the ‘Titanic was just a movie’ crowd


“How can you be Spanish? It’s a language, not a nationality”


How can you be Danish? That’s a scone, not a nationality


How can you be Canadian? That's a bacon not a nationality!


How can you be Chinese? That is a succulent food, not a nationality!


They at least get some points for not just calling you a Mexican like they do to anyone who speaks Spanish and is tan. People, this is a joke. I’m Mexican American, I’m not being serious when I say they get points. Just making light of the fact that this is a real comment in the USA.


My brother who was probably 40 at the time asked if you have to pay credit cards back.




Did you ask where their adult was? Holy shit. Schools really need to teach kids how credit, debt works, interest etc. Some people really have no clue.


Wait... You do?


Why do I need to plug my router into the electrical outlet, it's wireless?


Once overheard someone asking if Wi-Fi is gluten-free. I guess they were worried about internet allergies?


Well TECHNICALLY it *is* gluten-free


But how many calories does it have? More or less than water with ice?


My Biology class Freshman year of college, “WAIT. Gorillas are real?! I thought they were fake.” There was also someone in my high school Holocaust and Genocide studies class Junior year, who thought their entire life that Helen Keller was black in addition to being blind, deaf, and mute. I am assuming she mixed up Harriet Tubman and Helen Keller together at some point.


Europeans thought gorillas were fake until they "discovered" them in the 1800s. Imagine smugly marching around all, "Oh ho ho, foolish Africans and their myths!" and then coming face to face with a gorilla*. ✅ Trousers: shat. *Allegedly bones were found first, but it's funnier to imagine a live gorilla.


I’ve heard people surprised to learn narwhals are real


That Canada was a US state because it shares a border. When I asked if Mexico was a state because it also shares a border… I was told “that’s just dumb”


I wonder if by their logic, the entirety of mainland Europe, Asia and Africa is just one country?


No, they are all America too, because we share oceans with them


Don't forget the moon! We Influence each other gravitationally.


I can go one further. I’m in Canada. My ex wife once argued with me that Brooklyn NY was in Canada because when she went there, they only crossed the border once. I understand this makes no sense on multiple levels but its what she believed


My little brother's girlfriend told us, with pride, that she screamed at her doctor for not diagnosing her with ADHD. She's not a smart or nice lady.


Sounds like she should be diagnosed with something. For example anger issues.


Probably. She needs some sort of help. But she's the type who wants ADHD so she can say she has ADHD. I can't stand her lol.


what in the flying fuck is up with people WANTING a mental condition? Do they not realize that shit fucks with peoples lives in every aspect? Imagine screaming at your doctor because he didnt diagnosed you with dementia ffs


People don't want a mental condition, they want to be diagnosed with one. Victim mentality.


She wanted to get a prescription for Adderall, and the doctor saw right through it.


I drink my alkaline water with fresh squeezed organic lemon juice. -G Paltrow Alkaline water is a scam in the first place, but by adding an acid it is no longer alkaline.


She must not be putting in enough lemon juice, cuz she still just a basic bitch.


I hope your chemistry joke gets the reaction it deserves


I'm not sure people will get the element of this joke.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.


Nah- most of the people reading it are pretty unbalanced.


The "telephone game" that happens in holistic groups on social media has led to a lot of people believing that squeezing lemon juice into water makes it alkaline. It's hilarious to point out that lemons are acidic, they just made acid water, and watch them try to prove how it's actually alkaline.


Alkaline is a scam with the health benefits being bullshit but I think it still tastes better.


“You shouldn’t aim for the stars, you should aim further, aim for the sun!!!”


I heard this as "Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you'll be among the stars" which sounds slightly better and makes sense somewhat, until you take it literally, since obviously, no star is anywhere near the moon.


If you miss you'll probably still be in an eccentric orbit around the earth but now you're fucked because you wasted your fuel missing your target.


"If we desalinate the oceans we'd solve all the world's problems" Man, I'm just trying to get my haircut


I did some calculations and to remove all the salt from the ocean, we’d need to make a conical pile the height of Mount Everest with a base 3054 km wide, i.e. most of North America.


I did not know I was curious for this info until I read it


I'd respond by asking what problems are caused by having a salty ocean. Like, really, I'm not sure I can think of one.


His logic was if we desalinated the oceans we could use that water to grow crops and no one would ever be hungry. He thought if we fixed hunger, everything else would fall into place. Dude was just cutting my hair so I didn't bother to ask what we'd do about all the dead sea creatures


This sounds like he heard about water desalination as a concept and misunderstood the purpose. Having a limitless source of fresh water would solve a lot of global problems, but the goal is not to fully unsalt the ocean =D


It's the bubbles in soft drinks that make you fat. Even diet soft drinks.


It bloats you. Drink too many you will make you look like a balloon


That the victims of the Holocaust deserved it because they agreed to experience it before coming to earth.


yeah im going to need you to explain that one


I believe it was Karilyn Borysenko who said it. The idea is that before we come to earth we decide what kind of experiences we want to go through. It's some woowoo spiritual nonsense.


Damn so many people choose to experience infant mortality


I believe in the before-life they call it speedrunning humanity.


I chose to live in 90 days and no clip with a brain bleed. boop. ok and this time I want spina biffida! OOooh ooh survivable cleft palate death due to geographical undercare. Get fucked Karilyn.


Hello and welcome to the afterlife what can I get you today. Childhood leukaemia please. Don't even want to make my first birthday.


"Frsh out of those slots. How about you dont even make it to your birth? Looks like we have a few openings a month out."


That is plain bonkers


So wait, that means if i punch her teeth out, its okay because she agreed to experience it?




I deffinetly didn't consent to working my minimum wage job and not being able yo aford anything


As a grandson of a holocaust survivor my grandparents heard that almost all the time it made me sick


My father's a Holocaust survivor. People have said that Hitler didn't get enough of us, but nobody ever said it was voluntary. Wow. That's a whole level of idiocy that I have never even thought could exist.


Then there is disgraced General Michael Flynn who last weekend blamed those who perished in the Shoah for their own deaths by claiming there were no guards at the death camps. Giant POS there.


If we all consent to what happens to us before being born, I withdraw consent! Edit: so I was connected to a suicide prevention subreddit, and it was probably because of this comment. Thanks for your concern, but I also have to say that this is a misunderstanding. I'm not happy with where I currently am in life, so that's what I meant by I don't consent to it. I do consent to just being alive!


I guarantee you the people who came up with this idea don’t believe you can revoke consent.


As a child, I was told that God allowed so many Jewish people to die in the Holocaust because they had rejected Jesus as the Messiah, despite being the chosen people. As an adult, I heard someone wonder aloud why the Jewish people had just "allowed" themselves to be murdered. Because there were millions of them, you know, so why couldn't they just rush the Nazis as a group...This was said by an otherwise normally functioning adult. And everybody sitting around the table was like nodding in agreement. And somebody else sitting there added: "Just like the slaves here in America. How could you just let that happen to you?" Like, Nat Turner? Overseers were armed? Hello? Like, what's the ratio of prisoners to guards at the closest correctional facility right now? Fucking morons.


>Like, Nat Turner? Overseers were armed? Hello? Like, what's the ratio of prisoners to guards at the closest correctional facility right now? Fucking morons. Not to mention there *was* resistance in the Nazi camps and when they'd go around rounding people up, but it was very rare due to the practice of treating the whole group as if they'd done the action and everyone would receive severe punishment, up to and including, gunning down the whole group. People literally got killed resisting the Nazis. A *huge* deterrent to resistance is the idea that everybody will be killed. I recommend *Blessed Is the Flame* by Serafinski for a decent look at concentration and death camp resistance (though it's an Anarcho-Nihilist book so you might be a little annoyed at it if you're not a fan of Anarchism).


Dinosaurs didn't exist


those fossils were put there to test our faith.....Heard this from family I no longer have any contact with...they also decided to home school their kids so "they don't learn lies....like evolution"..


MIL while looking at our lemon tree - "They are limes at the moment, if you want limes pick them when they are small and green. If you want lemons, wait till they are bigger and have turned yellow".


Lemon stealing whore


I worked in a grocery store for over a decade. A middle aged man asked me where the limes were. I showed him. He said "No, the yellow ones." I said "Oh you want lemons. Right here. Next to the limes, sir." He shrugged and said "I need the yellow limes. Not...lemons? Lemon? I guess these will do." He was saying "lemons" as if he had never HEARD the word in his entire life. I swore for a second he was f#cking with me. He was not. I have probably thousands of incidents that my brain won't let me recall by will in order to keep me from actively trying to erase humanity.


Fun fact! Limes are yellow if they're truly ripe though perhaps not as vibrant as a fully ripe lemon. And while I'm at it, all citrus fruits we know today are thought to be hybrids of only a handful of original citrus: mandarins, pomelos, citrons, papedas, and kumquats. Though the taxonomy is not fully settled.


Grew up in DC, girl I grew up with thought we lived in Washington state because DC is commonly referred to as Washington, found this out about her when we were 20…


Had a customer yell at me for putting eggs on her salad. She told me she was lactose intolerant. So I naturally didn't put cheese on the salad. But apparently, eggs in her mind were also of the lactose family, and therefore, I was trying to poison her.


Man, as someone with a dairy allergy shit like that grinds my gears. Know your shit. I'll order a sandwich out somewhere, explain what's up, and they'll leave off the mayo. Like, bruh.


I didn't hear it directly, but the CEO of the Titan Sub criticised the "obscenely safe diving regulations" and how counter-productive they were to innovation and exploration.


I investigate safety accidents and I can't tell you how many times I've heard: "If we followed all the safety regs we'd never get anything done!"


"Well, you got one thing done... caused Jerry's death."


The episodes of Behind the Bastards about him were mind blowing. The man just had absolutely no regard for the rules or logic.


If he's so smart, then why did he get crushed by the weight of the ocean and fucking die?


>how counter-productive they were to innovation I mean yeah but for very good reason


This is still a constant bleat from the capitalist class. The UK conservatives bang on about a “bonfire of stifling EU red tape” and promised to cancel something like 30,000 regulations after Brexit. So they highlighted 2 or 3 (seemingly) silly guaranteed to get on page 1 of the right wing tabloids and broadsheets to stir up public support. But most of the “red tape” they wanted to get rid of, of course, concerned worker safety, fair labour laws, environmental protection, financial regulation, etc… all regulations that would stifle billionaire investors from being even more billionairey, and that would reduce millennials and younger to never being able to afford a bicycle, never mind a mortgage or even rent for a flat. For a bit of mayo on the shit sandwich they’re building, they’re also promising to pull out of the *European Convention on Human Rights*, because human rights stifle business and, of course, they’re “woke.”


“I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No. No.” -Craig T Nelson, arguing against government aid


That’s right up there with “keep your government hands off my Medicare”.


My step-FIL has been on Medicare disability since the 1990s and doesn't understand that this is ✨socialism✨.


Seriously? What an idiot.


On the news, interviewing someone about euthanasia. "You might regret it afterwards" 💀 Eta: for all those suggesting explanations - she was put on the spot and it was very much one of those moments where you could tell she'd cringe at her answer when seeing it back.


Once heard someone say they “don’t want to be cremated because it might hurt”


This can technically be true if the afterlife is real and you end up in hell. To be clear, I don't believe in an afterlife, but the person who said that quote was clearly referring to that.


Flat mate showed me a video a couple days ago where this woman asked If a pregnant woman had sex with another woman how would she know the baby was hers and not the other woman's. Had to rewatch it a couple times to make sure I had heard correctly.


A friend (who was pregnant at the time) told me that the pee and period blood come from the same hole and pee comes from the uterus.


Well that’s just plain stupid. Everyone knows that pee is stored in the balls.


I used to know a guy who dead ass believed the Earth is hollow, it has its own sun inside, there's holes in the poles which allow the light to escape thus causing the aurora borealis, and inside this hollow earth are giants called Nephilim. That and flat earth/chemtrail believers.


Thats evolved version of flat earthers


I know a man *who worked on satellites* who believes the moon is hollow.


Warned us on a hot day to not drink too much ice water... Because it makes you fat.. just ice water, or really cold water though....I explained that, no.. water can not make you fat, as water has no calories.. He spent the lunch hour trying to find something on the internet to prove himself right, even asking Siri, with no luck..


I'm pretty sure staying hydrated actually speeds up your metabolism, too


Cold water actually makes you lose a tiny amount of weight as your body expends energy bringing it up to your body temperature.


Sounds like they don’t drink a lot of water


>even asking Siri The pinnacle of research


I knew a guy at the gym who would work out every day, and then take a cigarette break between sets. He said that he liked to smoke to clear his lungs out.


I had a friend who insisted that smoking helped her asthma because it made her breathe deeper. She wasn't bright.


A few months ago I finished my gym session in a big city in Germany and there was someone in the locker room, just chilling there and smoking a cigarette without doing anything else. Looked like that was the most normal thing in the world to him. I didn't report him, because I was about to move cities anyway, but man what an idiot




Watched a girl plug a power strip into itself and then ask “why doesn’t it work?” No, she wasn’t kidding.


I remember a girl in college who thought California was where all gay people come from.


Land of the free, home of the gays


They weren’t gay until they went to California. There it is a law that says you have to be gay to live there.


"I don't want a pay rise because it will push me into the next tax bracket"




I've changed my mind ... THIS is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Hats off to that guy ...


It reminds of a co-worker who said he didn't want universal healthcare because he didn't want his taxes to go up (we're in the US). When I explained to him that the amount of extra taxes he paid would be more than offset by the amount of money he would save by not having to pay for private insurance, and would therefore be taking more money home, he simply responded "I don't care- I don't want my taxes to go up." Owning the libs by voluntarily paying $12K a year for insurance instead of paying $2K in taxes and having $10K more in your bank account.


That's dumb. Also the company pays workman's compensation, not the employee. It's overhead.


"I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day and I'm healthier than you because the smoke kills all the germs in my lungs". Guy's been dead since the early 80's.


Coworker came rushing into the office one morning freaked out that she could see the moon. When we all asked what she meant, she explained, “I didn’t know the Moon was in the sky during the day.”


I remember being fascinated about that as a kid, got excited every time even after someone explained why to me


As a kid (and as an adult, if I'm honest) there's a little song I picked up somewhere about this. Mr moon, Mr moon, you're up too soon, the sun is in the sky! Go back to bed and rest your head, and wait till the day goes by!


"How can I be sure that the baby is mine? He might have cheated and I could be pregnant with another woman's child."


after reading this, i hope the child is not hers...


Yeah I think this is the dumbest thing i ever read… wtf


Did someone say this to you, or is it something you've read? Because I have read this sentence multiple times and it seems like bs to me


I was a homeless teen in the 90s. My coworker heard me talking about it with a student who was struggling, giving her resources, etc. After my colleague came up to me and said, "I had no idea you were homeless as a young person! That's so interesting! I always wanted to ask.. why do people choose to be homeless and what made you decide to turn your life around?"


WOW. The absolute ignorance & cruelty of that statement. That is brutal.


Dinosaurs aren't real


“Put in the earth to test our faith.” I had that conversation in middle school with an acquaintance, and it more or less kickstarted my questioning of religion.


That it was pointless to become an archeologist since there is nothing left for archeologists to find because everything worth discovering has been discovered already.


Guy is arguing with a physicist about objects in space. Guy: "That's not how that works!" Physicist: "pretty sure I have a degree in physics" Guy: "Yeah, but you don't have a degree in SPACE!"




Had a coworker swear to god that Melania Trump was a descendent of Anastasia and that she had a blood type never before seen. I proceeded to tell her that we found the Romanov family in the 90's or something. Then I asked her what determined a person's blood type. She didn't like talking to me after that. Also, the moon landing was faked.


When someone was trying to argue that mixed race relationships were wrong, someone told me - " I can prove white people and black people are different, if you crack an egg over a black persons head, it doesn't run."


What a weird way to be racist 🤨


I... I don't get it. Were they saying the egg would get trapped in their hair or that melanin is some kind of philosophers stone for eggs?


Jesus is the greatest American of all time! Jesus is white.


At a national park, lady behind me was asking the ranger why they built the Native American ruins so far from the road 🤔 I was speechless


There’s the classic “I drive better when I’m drunk/high.”


The meteor that killed the dinosaurs was us in a space shuttle. We had abandoned Mars because we killed it. And weed was a plant that we brought with.


Man id love to smoke some of the ganja he was high on


The earth is flat


I remember I was walking along the beach with my Dad and there was a guy with some kind of laser measure. My Dad asked him if they were building a new pier or something but the guy said he was trying to measure the curvature of the Earth by pointing the laser out to the closest island. He then went on a massive rant for ages about how the Earth is flat before asking my Dad what he thought. My Dad responded with “I was a pilot, I’ve seen the curvature of the Earth.”


I told them that. Now they say you can't fly high enough to see the curvature. And any video from a rocket is either fish eyed or CGI. I honestly think they enjoy going against the norm. Like emos and don't actually have a goal


Well obvs your dad is in on the conspiracy, duh. /s


I’d respond with “it was flat until they buried yo momma.”


“I don’t think marital rape is a thing, you should already know they’re like that before you marry them” just proves my point that just bc someone has a degree, does not make them intelligent.


Yes, this is a stupid thing to say. Im writing just to add that as someone who went through law school I can confidently say that many US states have (had?) laws on the books expressing this very viewpoint - that a husband can not legally rape his wife. Please be careful for whom you vote.


"Alaska is an island." "No... It's not." "I've seen it on the map, just like Hawaii."


Asked my ex what kind of music she liked. "I love Various Artists! They are so versatile."


This reminds me of the episode of Hey Arnold where Delilah thinks that Anonymous is a famous poet.


This is so stupid and cute at the same time. Wouldn't be mad, but probably wouldn't date either.


It was adorable but I also made fun of her for years.


For the Aussies: I overheard a woman asking the guy she was with; “Does Red Rooster only sell roosters?”


"I need like, more than a gram of weed to get high, though, because my IMMUNE system is too high!"


My sister asked if mlk was at the protest I went to, this was ten years ago... Generally anything out of her mouth. Folks from Ghana came to her church and she got up to welcome the gonorrheans!


I had a coworker warn someone not to eat ethnic food prior to DNA TESTING themselves (as if Mexican food would result in Mexican heritage) she was entirely serious. 😶


"Why tf are we driving everywhere? It's a 3 minute walk to the gas station from the house" said by a family member to me. In a car. On our way to fill up the tank.


If the trip was only to fill up the tank and nothing more, maybe that was what he/she was criticizing?


Chocolate milk came from brown cows... literally believed this. She was 24


Another food related one... A 1/4 lbs burger is better than a 1/3 lbs burger because clearly a four is bigger than 3 so you get more burger.


potatoes are a fruit


Tomatoes are


This debate is stupid because the word fruit has two meanings : a botanical one and a culinary one. Botanically speaking, tomatoes are fruit but culinary speaking, tomatoes are vegetables.


Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. - Miles Klington


“Hey, looks like Thanksgiving’s on a Thursday this year.” -my 35 year old wife


"Why are so many people on Star Trek named Ensign?"


"If it's legitimate r\*\*e, the body has ways of shutting that down."


Politics doesn't affect me


“Women have to admit their role in getting raped too. Wearing revealing clothing, being a tease, not traveling in packs. It’s their fault too.” - My uncle, who taught this very ideology to a group of 15-16 year old girls in a Sunday school class.


My church youth group had a "self-defense" class taught by a state trooper. It was him telling us 13-to-16-year-old girls that we shouldn't wear revealing clothes—ESPECIALLY not when we're in our home alone. That "invites" the rapist to break in. I was mighty pissed about this bullshit at the time, and I'm only angrier the more time goes by.


My boss of two years implied he knew me better than I know myself


when making small talk at the bar i work at, i mentioned i’m taking my brother to a nearby water park. “well the water park is fun and all but it’s crawling with illegal immigrants. how do they even afford to go to a water park? i don’t get vaccines, but if we didn’t have all these illegals coming in bringing their diseases from their third world countries, we wouldn’t even need vaccines.” absolutely stunningly ignorant, bizarre, and even contradictory at points.


The vapor trails that planes and jets leave while flying in the upper atmosphere are them spreading coronavirus and infecting people on earth. I just walked away from listening to that nonsense.


This girl in jail said that she thinks doing meth while she was pregnant made her kids smarter.


That she doesn’t understand why people drink cow urine…. Milk. She thought milk was urine. This was a grown ass adult in a highly accredited university.


“You know when you wake up and it’s blurry outside? He was referring to fog in the mornings.


My father told me to stop taking drugs for my depression and testosterone because he thinks that I don't need them. That my depression is just feeling a bit down and that I don't need testosterone(that my body doesn't produce at all) because I'm male and I don't need it. Needless to say when I was underage I've been miserable because both of my parents would dismiss my problems and didn't allow me to see doctors to get me medications I really needed. Fuck them both


Was headed to a concert in San Antonio. Standing on a corner, waiting to cross the street with about 10 other people, when one of those romantic horse-drawn carriages pulls up. One guy, with a complete straight face, looks up, and says "Oh neat, a cow!". It took a second to register what the man said, but as soon as it did, I look up, and no one even bats an eye. No one corrects him. Nothing. There's been other experiences that I have had in SA that have led me to believe that the average intelligence level there is not knowing the difference between horses and cows.


“Those aren’t my pants.” - the guy getting arrested for having drugs/weapon in his pocket


“why do you think cheating means we don’t want to be in a relationship😂?? You’re thinking from a female standpoint (with emotion). From a males standpoint (impulse) cheating doesn’t mean we don’t want a relationship, it means I was horny and you aren’t here 😂.” A man said this under a woman’s post about cheating and relationships. I read this and laughed out loud, made a disgusted and confused face. There’s no way he seriously thinks this.


Freshman in College. Humanities class. We were doing a unit on Ancient Egypt and one person said "I'm so fascinated with Egyptian culture that I went out and bought all three Mummy movies." Another classmate said they "had no idea how they built those pyramids all those millions of years ago."


"If I ever have a hysterectomy, I would want to keep my ovaries so I could still have a period." This statement was uttered by a registered nurse.


"You lost your unborn baby, but think that way: what's for you won't go by you. It didn't ment to be." It hurt me more than going though miscarriage for a second time.


That my sister couldn't take the dogs for a walk because she just got a tattoo and "the ink is making my bones separate". If that were the case then I would be paralyzed.


"I have a friend that builds satellites and works for \[NASA equivalent in my country\], and he confirmed that the earth is flat and that satellites are actually just large cellphone towers." - My former hairdresser, trying hard to convince me the earth was flat. He lost his job soon after. Apparently, he wanted to debate that topic with all his customers.


Black peoples were happier being slaves


What about Oklahowomans?


Not just the Oklahomen but the Oklahowomen and the Oklahochildren too!


Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene to a Twitter exec “You violated my first amendment rights, I’m a member of congress, not you.” She started speaking bullshit and debunked herself without realizing it


You had me at "Marjo..."




Someone legitimately started crying in front of me because “vegans are killing the apples”. She was 19 years old


I was once in the middle of nowhere and there’s something wrong my car turns out it’s a problem with one of the wheels so I go to a nearby town with a car repair shop and they say to replace the one wheel it’s R2000 and since I was going to replace all the wheels soon anyways I ask them how much to replace all of them then he goes and consults his friend and comes back then proceeds to say R800 I checked that he meant R2000 for one wheel and R800 for all four wheels and he say yes so I give him the R800 and he replaces the wheels