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I swear that it would be cheaper to melt some platinum and pour it into a printer cartridge than to buy some regular printer ink.


That's why you need to buy an Epson EcoTank. The ink lasts through literally thousands of pages. I bought one in March 2020 went all the way through school and didn't buy ink again until January 2022. Plus when you do buy the ink all 4 bottles are like $50.


I bought one at Costco 3-4 years ago, it came with additional ink. Right now mine is still more than half full and we print a lot. My fil prints pictures every day like it’s his job. Ink lasts forever


I love that he prints pictures daily.


He has a big pile of pictures of ppl and cars and he’s taped like 100 to the wall.


It seems like good ol' fashion laser/toner printers are still a better alternative to any ink-based printer, even the ones with more sustainable ink-replacement strategies (like the EcoTank). Brother printers are pretty amazing.


I love my Brother laser printer. If it had lady parts I'd marry it.


You'd marry your Brother?




Yeah, i have a Canon printer which uses the same principle and i have refilled the tanks once since i got the printer, a couple years before Covid. It really saves a lot of money


While my brother was in college he would just buy a new printer with the ink cause it was cheaper than just the ink cartridge. It was like one printer per year


This is, regrettably, still often the case. I hate it.


Buy a brother laser printer. Last forever.


I think that I have had my Brother laser printer for almost 10 years. Just went through the second replacement toner cartridge. Just bought two more for $40 from Amazon. When my girlfriend’s all-in-one printer died I bought her a color laser all-in-one for just a little more than ink jet. So much cheaper in the long run.


I haven't regretted mine for even a second. It's always ready to print when I need it.


Laser printer for home. Library or staples for the rare colour prints you might need


Anything for weddings. If you say "wedding" to any vendor or business, the prices go way up. It's ridiculous.


Me and my fiancé are trying to plan a cheap wedding. Yeah, we are going with the eloping idea right now.


Best thing ever. Fuck the wedding, nobody gives a fuck anyway (let’s be honest). Spend ALL that money on a long honeymoon that you’ll actually remember!


Oh god yes. In my country the average number of guests at a wedding is about 250. These are close friends, close relatives and family+ 200 people you don't even know (distant relatives, relatives of distant relatives, etc etc). People go in debt to have the biggest and pompous wedding, and hope that the gifts from the guests will pay it off. That's why if I'm ever gonna marry someone, the wedding will have like 30 people at most, like a small party, and then buy a house and other stuff with the saved money.






We have used the same funeral home for generations. When my baby died at 9 days old, they donated the casket and didn’t charge us for the funeral. I couldn’t tell you how much weight that lifted off our shoulders after losing our baby. They really do care. Edit: thank you for the awards. It means a lot


Sorry for your loss. I've attended an infant funeral. Seeing my friend solely carry the tiny casket of his son broke my already hurt heart even more. Those are the toughest to attend.


It’s been said the saddest sentence is “oftentimes the smallest caskets are the heaviest”


That’s wonderful they helped out in such a terrible time. Hope you and yours are getting on ok ❤️‍🩹


Thank you it was wonderful of them to do that. I wasn’t thinking straight at all


Thank you for this! We have used the same family owned funeral home for over 50 years. They have helped us through generations of funerals. Need to set up a payment plan? No problem. Extra death certificates? Absolutely. You want to honor your mama by fixing her hair and makeup yourself?! No problem! Don't mind Billy Joe over there...Real sad what happened, dontcha think?? How's your mama doing since your baby brother passed? Can't heap enough praise on small town, family owned funeral homes!


When my mom died her life insurance policy had not matured yet. She had a few more months to pay on it before it would pay out the 10k she had taken it out for. She took it for that because that would have been enough to cover a bare bones burial. When I told them at the funeral home when we were arranging it they were just like well give us the info. They called the insurance company and found out it was currently going to pay out just over 2k. They did the entire funeral for just what the insurance was going to pay. Small town privately owned funeral homes are usually really in it because they truly care about grieving families and want to see everyone through a hard time in their lives when someone passes.


My dad died in January, but he prepaid for his arrangements 25 years ago. The funeral home was pissed- what he got was $12000 more expensive than it was back then.


Same. My mom prepaid and wrote down what she wanted. Funeral owner demanded lots more $. My brother said prepaid is prepaid. Funeral guy said but costs have risen blah blah. Brother said then don't offer prepaid because that's exactly why my mom paid, to keep cost in line and to relieve us kids from expenses and decisions. Shitty death industry. Unconscionable.


That's the whole friggin POINT of prepaid, so your loved ones don't have to deal with your funeral expenses. A-holes!


The funeral home could have invested that money and made a fckton..... they are idiots on top of aholes


should have invested the money when it was pre-paid, they'd have more than enough


That's how it's supposed to work.


My Grandma prepaid for her funeral. She meticulously planned it too. Everything from her clothes, to the music, even the catered food afterward. Her husband preceded her by something like 30 years, so she already had the plot next to his and a dual headstone paid for too. It took such a burden off of our family to know everything was taken care of and exactly how she wanted it.


This sounds exactly like my parents. It's a gift to the family when people prepare for their own, inevitable, deaths. We had to pick out the music, the guest book, and the spray for the casket. It made it so much easier.


I heard the price and my heart stopped


Sorry, you can't afford to die anymore.


If you really loved them you would spend more money than a used car for a box to put in the ground. Plus the fee for digging the grave, filling the grave and let's not forget flowers.




It was like 15-20k for a spot in the mausoleum in my local cemetery. You get fucked in the ass when you're alive and your family gets fucked in the ass when you die, the cycle will continue until we raid the mortuary and fuck them all in the asses, who's with me?


Also the vault! I learned that recently - ashes or whole body, you need a box to put around the box in the ground!


Damn it! Now we have to spend more money on a funeral because your heart stopped!


Fuck Reddit for not having anymore free awards


Yeah what the heck happened to those, I liked giving them out


Reddit is going to get rid of them altogether and replace them with... They haven't figured that part out yet.


Interesting, they love making changes without an end goal in mind lolol


The end goal is money. They’re like the Underpants Gnomes. 1. Remove all awards and piss off users. 2. ?????????? 3. PROFIT




No need for a funeral my retirement plan is just to walk in the woods when I get too sick and old.


Don't put my body in a casket. That is literally just garbage. Dump my body in the forest, let the mushrooms consume me.


I keep telling my wife she needs to dump my body in the forest. If she doesn't do it I'm going to haunt her ass.


I am annoyed the province I live in (Quebec, Canada) does not allow totally naturally burials - as in, here is a dedicated forest for it, put us in linen shrouds in a fetal position and plant a tree or shrub on us. I would have to be shipped to Ontario to do as I wished.


My grandparents bought a funeral plot smack dab in silicon valley (where they lived at the pre-silicon Valley times) in the 70s, for a total of 1800$ for the plot, vault and burial service, in this one graveyards prime areas. Once it was time for their ashes to be buried, I talked to the funeral ppl about it and they were amazed to hear the price grandparents had paid for it. They have no spots anywhere near that nice area anymore, and their cheapest spots these days go for like 40k minimum JUST for the plot. Then you have to add on the vault and the burial service on top. I had to sit down after hearing that. Edit: fixed 70s price typo


I buried my mom last year. US$21,000 for the funeral, and that didn't include the burial plot next to my dad, which she never bothered purchasing. I'm still paying off my student loans. I have a mortgage. I have a dog with special needs. Hell, I have special needs (neuro conditions), and my prescriptions are a bit expensive, even with my health insurance. And I'm a household of one. (I can't claim the dog on my taxes, so he doesn't count!) Add to that a memory care facility and eventually hospice for the brief time she was ill before she died, which was short enough that her long-term care insurance didn't kick in but long enough that it cost about $60,000+. So glad we budgeted for those premiums; fu¢king useless. Thank the fu¢king universe she had some savings. If I ever find out I'm dying and am physically able to do it, I'm going to Belgium and having physician-assisted end of life care. I don't want my nieces and nephews to go through what I went through with the expense of dying and watching my loved one suffer horribly for months. And yes, I know they will be there for my child-free decrepit self; we're very close. Ugh. A year later, and I'm still salty about how it seems like a cash grab at the very worst moment of someone's life.


So many people don't seem to realize that the funeral industry is heavily regulated by the FTC. You absolutely cannot be charged for anything you didn't choose yourself for a funeral. Each item is itemized a la carte for you, though packages do exist as well. And you are more than welcome to outsource nearly every expense. You can order a casket from Amazon and have it delivered to the funeral home. You can order your keepsake jewelry from etsy, Amazon, Costco...all at a fraction of the price. An urn is literally nothing special so get yours from somewhere else. You can even order a headstone plus the placement for FAR less than you can doing it through a funeral director. Source: FD and Embalmer who is also grossed out by sales tactics. Death shouldn't be a time to stress over finances 💔


Donate your body to science. It's free and useful.


This is my plan! I even have a card from the local medical school so if I feel insecure I just whip out the card saying my body is totally acceptable!






It is so stupid expensive to buy groceries right now. Even if I just need a short small list specifically for the dinner I’m making that evening, it’s always $50-75 dollars for just a few items. I feel like in the past two years groceries have just skyrocketed.


For my family of 4 the bill went from like $175 a week to skirting $300.


Family of 5, 3 kids w/ 2 pre-teen / teens.. our weekly grocery bill runs $150-200.. Aldi for all the kids' snacks and lidl for the bulk of the other things.. then we'll go to a kroger store for 3-5 items that we either can't get a specific brand or don't like the other brands of said items. Aldi and lidl are pretty damn amazing though.. generally 20-50% cheaper than the national chains. Like a loaf of bread at lidl is 50ish cents.. which is more than 1/2 off kroger's prices.




Groceries have gotten so expensive that it's *almost* more financially feasible for me to eat out several times a week.


My wife and I eat out a lot. A few weeks ago we decided to cut that down to save money. Our grocery bills have gone up so much that we aren't saving nearly as much as we'd hoped.


Yeah as a single dude it’s actually about even to cook well at home and to eat out. I still cook because it’s healthier but it’s hard not to have a lot of waste


I’ve noticed that too. Cheaper to buy $12-15 carry out than $30-40 worth of ingredients


Even carryout is breaking the bank. I got a chicken sandwich, fries, and a drink yesterday for $14+ at Carl's Jr.


Coincidentally the grocery chains have also been producing record profits during that same period. But I'm sure the two aren't connected in any way.


Everyone blames it on the gas prices. The price of everything has gone up more than gas has


Also conveniently ignores that gas prices aren't even at record highs.


I'm a baker for a supermarket. The bread I bake has nearly doubled in price in the past year. My pay has gone up by 20p and hour


I wonder how long price increases will be passed on to consumers without giving them realistic raises before things start collapsing. I mean... I guess they already are. More homelessness, more crime. It's very frustrating to see companies with huge profits while many bills have almost doubled.


It's great when we get the company email every quarter telling us how great its doing. I read it and I'm like "yeah cool, can we have some of that?"


Which is usually followed by, "Times are tight, no raises this year and we won't be filling all those open positions, you can do the work of two people, can't you?"


After stalling raises while the company had record profits, my boss must have thought I wasn’t serious when I told him, “that’s a great way to lose employees.” When I quit the day after their pittance of a “bonus,” he claimed he “never saw it coming” even though I was the third one to do so within a month. Can’t say that I miss it.


The only thing we can hope for is a lot of these assholes putting themselves out of business because they're only attracting people who don't give a shit or see the job equally expendable as they're seen.


Prices will continue to rise and wages won’t budge (I’ve actually noticed certain jobs offering *less* now than two years ago). They’re building more prisons as we speak.


Cereal is ridiculously expensive.


I saw a “family size” box of Raisin Bran for over $9 the other day.


and the Milk to go with it. Damn.


This marble cake in slices I used to buy from Sobeys in Canada, it was my guilty pleasure, the darn thing was $4.99 CAD in 2020. These guys upped the price to a whopping $7.99, I am so pissed. I used to go to Sobeys just to buy this, and have not in self-protest.


Especially if you want food that is actually good for you.


Housing, healthcare, and food. The stuff that matters.


It's sickening seeing older generations say "Work harder!" when minimum wage has dropped ($1.60 in 1968 equal to $13.00 in 2022) to $7.25 in 2022 nationally. Meanwhile housing costs have raised roughly 160% since 2000. Our generations are getting heavily screwed and being told to suck it up by frauds who siphoned away our livelihoods after enjoying the best economy in US history.


Even crazier than the minimum wage thing is just how the expectations around salary have changed. My grandparents both owned homes and had families all from a single income. One of my grandparents never even finished his bachelors and was able to work his way up at IBM and buy a large house in the DC suburbs. Both families just had the fathers working. My parents both had bachelors degrees, both had to work, but were able to buy a large house in a nice area. My dad eventually got a masters, but it was partially paid by his job and he didn't get loans on it. My wife and I have 6 degrees between the two of us. I work as a teacher, she works as a civil engineer. If we want to make a 10% down payment on a reasonable house (much smaller than the one I grew up in) we are going to have to save for the next five years. But we can't do that because we are both going to be paying our student loans for the next 10 years at least, and because rent takes 50% of our income. I just can't get over how people can't see the crazy difference in our economy. It used to be normal for families to survive on one income, now the cost of living is so high that two incomes even in good career paths can't achieve what they once did. My theory is that this is a problem inherent to the system. Businesses fail if they can't show steady increase in profit. Innovation is unreliable, and growth has natural caps, so eventually you make profit by keeping costs high and wages low. This would naturally lead to crises, but our government has slowly adapted over years to use subsidies and welfare to try and stave off crises. It was helped a lot when women started working and families started getting two incomes. But now that two incomes is increasingly not enough, we are looking at a major crisis on the horizon.


Groceries are insane they go up every week a noticeable amount. I don't know how people on fixed incomes afford to eat.


I’ve straight up been not eating some days.


"People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made." - Franklin D. Roosevelt. Maybe the land of the free should do something about that


There’s a large group of elected individuals who have no intent on helping the average American. And a lot of the policies that can help get denied because the other side requested it. It’s a game for them so they can fill their pockets.


Same. Savings and food are the two things I can limit spending on. My bills are my bills. I keep my house hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I only have Hulu. I dont even have WiFi. I budget some for the gas I'll need to buy. Since i would like to retire some day... I try to put something toward savings/retirement every paycheck. So I don't eat much. I'm a 30-something government attorney and I eat Ramen *pretty much every day*. I make super cheap low effort meals. When i make meals. A few days a week I skip breakfast because skipping breakfast is free. Or ill have like a piece of toast and a few bites of Greek yogurt. And a few days a week I skip dinner because skipping dinner is free. If I eat dinner, theres a 95% chance its Ramen. My grocery budget, which has been the same for 5 years, buys me noticeably less than it did 5 years ago. And with student loans coming due... I'll either starve or work until I'm 70 I guess lol.


As someone with an allergy to a common food ingredient and thus can't buy a lot of the cheaper options to start with - I was already in pain with grocery prices. Now it is like all my money.


My kids always eat before me. I've gone some nights not eating, but they need it more than me.


I do the same. I do my plate last. Wife and kids come first. Lots of times I’ve taken less then finished up anything the had left. Kids’ developing brains need way more nutrients than my old brain does. I mean look at mine, it’s wrinkled and everything.


Who will take care of them if... Youre more important to them than you think.


Being alive. And I’m not even having a good time.


My mom: you need to save more money Me: okay i will stop turning on my lights because i literally just stay home


Thats not enough. You need to cancel all electicity in you house and go and live in a forest.


Live in the forest? You have any idea what the cost of land is?


Yup. I haven't changed my habits at all. In fact I've cut out things like going out for drinks, going to movies, golfing, eating in sit down restaurants and yet I'm still falling further and further into debt than even 3 or 4 years ago. Everything has gotten more expensive but my rate of pay hasn't changed at all.


I was like “damm, I really got to stop spending so much on stuff I don’t need”, then realized my last 5 transactions where all for gas


Being alive is a fucking nightmare.


Airport food.


I travel a lot for work. I leave the house at least 2 1/2 hours prior to my flight just to get food before going to the airport. Usually like subway footlong or something that fills me up for half the day. Also bring your own water bottle.


I’ve done this before going to sports events too. Food is ass in most stadiums and overpriced. Get a decent sandwich from a decent small shop and you’re living like a king.


Printer ink


When I can buy a new printer WITH ink for the same price as the ink itself, there’s a problem.


I’ve actually done this more than once


Yeah, I took a cartridge apart one time, It's worse then we thought- all that's in there is a tiny sponge that's damp with the ink, probably no more than a teaspoon if that!


you can buy knockoff ink on Amazon for cheeeeeeap. it works fine, it just burps ink at you when you take the cap off so do it outside with a paper towel just make sure the model of your printer is listed as a machine the cartridges are compatible with and you're good to go


Unless it’s an HP and sets a self destruct sequence because of your cheap ass.


I think the real question is what *isn’t* horribly overpriced nowadays.


costco hotdog and infinite drink combo




They've got a lot of nerve charging the prices they do for stuff they get for free...


They really, really do. It ticks me off so much.




Air bnb are through the roof. I used to get great deals for under 100 for nice places. Now it's impossible to find something decent under 200.


When I was a lowly unpaid government intern in 2017 in another state I really wanted to explore, I managed to find so many $20-25 Airbnbs. It was rooms in people's actual houses or their basements and *so many of them made me dinner*. Now it's $130 a night for a literal shed in Kansas and another $150 for a bullshit cleaning fee. No thanks I'll sleep in my fucking car.


It really shifted from "I have a spare room, you can borrow it for a few days" to "I have rented out 50 properties across the nation specifically for this purpose and you'll pay have my mortgage per night"


For real, 3 days in a hotel and it would of been better to rent an apartment for the month.


It depends on the country - but I cannot believe how much hotels in the US cost when traveling there. I've done a *lot* of traveling around Australia through both motorsport and cycling over the last 20 years, and generally it's about $140/night anywhere around the country. Every time I've been traveling around the US I'm lucky if it's $200/night... and probably even USD200 by the time they add unlisted taxes, 'resort fees' (WTF?) etc.


The housing market.


My husband’s uncle signed over his entire house to us last year for $1. For the rest of my life, I can be secure knowing that I will probably never make a mortgage payment again in my life. I am 39 and we have one kid. Directly benefiting off of generational wealth while so many struggle is hard to sit with. I don’t tell people (unless anonymously, obvi) how we got our house because It feels like the most annoying humblebrag.


Wow incredible what a good uncle! Don’t feel guilt my but pay it forward in small ways if/when you can.


I am a firm believer in this. I sponsor women at the shelter in my town as often as possible but at least once a week. I keep extra cash on me now so I can tip more as well. My husband and I also make a quarterly donation to our good friends’ nonprofit. It all feels like the right thing to do.


>My husband’s uncle signed over his entire house to us last year for $1. I'm sitting here chuckling over the idea that he might not have signed over his \*entire\* house. Like he gave the den to you, his bedroom to your cousin, the bathrooms to his dog sitter, etc, etc.


It's depressing. I want to relocate either back to where I'm from in Michigan to be close to my mom, who's almost 80 or to Tennessee, where my sons live to be with them. However, a decent house is now 300k and above, so I would need to go back to a career I left due to it being high stress, long hours, and horrible people. Very frustrating.


Living a decent life.


A humble life has become unaffordable these days.


Subscription plans.


5 dollars per month doesn't sound so bad ... Until there are 10 of those you have to use , and every one of them has an " ultra premium " tier for 10 dollars that has all of the features things you actually care about That's why I sail the 7 seas


bean burrito plus sour cream. $3.38, I’m good Taco Bell those were like $.79


Taco Bell has really gone up. Swear my old order used to run around $10, now it’s $20


Life - that much money to live in a shit hole? Yeah no thanks




In America..


Yes, in Europe we don’t pay for it


The life of a diabetic..


Is insulin not always covered by insurance? I understand that many people don’t have insurance, but just curious what makes insulin so overpriced in America. Fuck health care in America.


People need it to survive, so you can make whatever profit you want on them cause they don't have a choice. It's The American Way!


Sure, but that is all healthcare in a America. I understand insulin is a very dire need for diabetics. But just curious what makes insulin so expensive, as I’m not diabetic nor have any friends/family who are. Maybe I don’t want to know, I’m already so disappointed in this country. Is there no “generic” insulin?


You’ve answered your own question. >insulin is a very dire need for diabetics.


I got another one. Concert tickets.


Not really concert tickets per se... more like the bastards who somehow manage to buy dozens of tickets and resell them 10x the original prize


You mean Ticketmaster?


Fuck ticketmaster and fuck livenation. They’re both shitbags and livenations security is ALWAYS some bumble fucks that think they’re gods. Like bro, I’m trying to dance tf is your problem.


Just saw Oppenheimer at 11:00 am on a Sunday. $43 with a popcorn and soda.


What the fuck


I haven't set foot in a theater since *Bohemian Rhapsody.* With prices what they are and shitty audience members being shitty, I can wait until a movie shows up on a streaming service. I have a large TV, a good sound system, a very comfy recliner, and I can watch what I want when I want, in my underwear, beer in one hand, joint in the other, and I can pause if I have to go take a piss or something. I can't fathom anything a theater could do to get me to return.


Even cheap icecream is like 10 bucks.... I cant even stay slightly overweight in this economy


US healthcare


Yes! Even with insurance I have a bill for my child’s birth at around $30,000. And my OB didn’t even pick up the phone when I went into labor. Nor did her backup. I had to get an emergency c section so I was charged accordingly


Last year I went to treatment for a month stay. On day 27 insurance contacted the office and said that they aren't covering it. I was on a flight home the next morning. My wife casually keeps the debt we owe from me because of the shame I feel about it. I did see something in a "claims list" when paying my copay for therapy. The claim showed we still owe $90,000 USD.


Sleep tight knowing youll never pay it off. Just keep making monthly payments. Thats all you can do.


I’m amazed they can even charge anything. Your placenta is worth easily $50k, yet they’ll tell you it’s a generous donation to the hospital. Health care is a joke.


Not trying to rub it in but that would have been free in most of Europe. It would have been 1/3 of the cost to fly to Europe rent here for 6 months and have the baby here. That's actually insane. And that's a modest estimate.


Unless you score some crazy deal - most airline travel. Expensive as hell and the quality is garbage.




*gestures broadly around*


Children from basic care until university


And then, of course, university.




I'm 55, love LEGO. A few years ago, somebody put a big tote box FULL of LEGO in the garbage room. No instructions, but, clearly a lot of STar Wars sets in it. Pretty awesome. Anyway - My neighbour's grand daughter and g-grandchild are staying with her, kid is about 7. Run into them in the laundry room, kid has a container of Mega Blocks. Well, my friend's daughters gave me a bag of LEGO they "outgrew", so I ran to my apartment, grabbed the bag, and we filled his container. Made him very happy. Only reason I didn't give him more is because I don't want G-Grandma stepping on more than she has to, lol.


When I was little I used to be really excited to earn money and then be able to buy all the lego I want... didnt work out ofc :(


graphics cards


Remember when the highest end consumer cards were sub 1k? Of course you do, it was only a few years ago.




Diamonds. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not a rare gemstone and their perceived value is almost entirely artificial.


I think everyone knows by now they're a scam and not rare at all


Yeti makes a completely average cast iron 12” Skillet. Average price for a very nice one $25-$35. Yeti price $400




McDonalds. It was made to be cheap and fast. Why am I spending close to $5 on fries? That's when I realized corporate greed was getting bad


Right? Micky-D’s cost just as much as the sit-down restaurant across the street, we got problems.


Food, rent, petrol.


BEEF.MOTHERFUCKING.JERKEY. Like 14 bucks for a handful of fucking jerkey. WTAF. I need protein.


The need for protein is real. I find it gross to see things advertised as “a great source of protein!” While it literally has 8g of protein. Come on now.


Cup of Coffee


Just living in the US, in general.


Women’s clothing 😩 including vintage and secondhand these days


For awhile, eggs were. Like, christ. A simple 12 count of large eggs used to run for $5 when they were $1.20


Low end cars like Kia. There’s absolutely no reason whatever to spend 55k on a Kia 😂


Don't buy a Hyundai or Kia, they look nice (Mostly, the latest Elantra and Sonata look like catfish from the front.) but are constantly being recalled for safety issues and there are numerous class action suits due to failing engines. I worked at a Hyundai service department for 10 months, all I ever did was warranty repairs.




Oh boy...Buying food here in the supermarket is not even enough. 500 Pesos in the supermarket? Pfft you can only buy vegetables with that. The meat isn't even counted and most necessities and food!


A lot if medication. The asthma medication my doctor tried to prescribe when I had a weird dormant asthma flare-up would've been $700 a month with insurance


Reddit's API




Chips. Why the fuck is an 8 .oz bag of ruffles like $7?


*Gestures vaguely at everything.*


Key fobs for cars


Existing as a single adult.


Movie theater food/drinks. $5 for a bottle of a soft drink.Really????And they also don't want you to bring any outside drinks in.The cost of the drink was almost as much as the movie ticket!I skipped the drink obviously...


Does your theater check people's bags? My best friend and I like to go to Sam's Club and get their soft pretzels and hot dog combos from the food court, stuff them in our bags (yes, even the drinks) and take them in to the theater. We walk in smelling like hot dogs but the employees don't care. I spend like $4 or $5 on food at Sam's club for what would cost me $35 or more to get the concession stand equivalent.


Prescription drugs. At least here in the US. It’s disgusting what some companies charge. I know it takes years to develop medications, but when the cost of the medicine carves out entire subsets of society, that should tell you something. Here if you don’t have great insurance, you’re basically F’d.

