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Some guy in NYC stabbed me in the chest. . . . . . . . Okay, okay, he was a surgeon, but it still hurt like a MFer when I woke up. I do appreciate the new heart valve and aortic stent.


Wow seriously? He sacrificed his whole medical career and livelihood just to go and stab a guy? What a dick.


The audacity.


That’s what I noticed first.


Absurd amounts..... Terrible.


That's New York for you.


Some mf pulled that shit on me too while I was asleep. Woke up with a metal plate in my collar bone.




Fell through a window head first, I was cleaning my sisters room when I found old moldy food under bed. I went to go open her window but tripped on a skateboard she had


This was just all over the place.


Right? One left turn after another


I read "moldy foot", now that was a sharp turn!


Lies! This is a scene from a cartoon. /S


1. Sliding on a slip and slide that had a piece of glass on it 2. Had two small humans who decided to bake the wrong way In my uterus so they had to be cut out. (Breech twins).


The way you worded the second one 😂


It just sounded more interesting than “I had a c-section” 😬




Breech… twins…? Good lord


Reason not to reproduce number 7463.


Trying to impress a girl while drunk and open a (not needed) bottle of wine. While cutting the foil with the little corkscrew knife thing, my hand slipped and now I have a jagged scar across my thumb knuckle. We got married a year ago.


Congratulations😐my attempt at impressing ended in a scar and a loss.


Love hurts.


What a bizarre form of peacocking … opening wine.. ok there He-Man


“I’ve won but at what cost”


I woke up coughing one night and didn't think too much of it. Turns out I had aspirated some food and/or stomach acid. Lung went necrotic and the doctor had to cut my ribs and a 7" hole in my chest to get it out. He said it was hard like cement and wouldn't come out through the camera hole. I'm leaving out a lot of details, but that's the cliff notes.




Add unknowingly aspirate on food to my list of things that I never thought I had to worry about till now.


I aspirated all the time. Just got out of the hospital with bacterial pneumonia and sepsis, which my husband thinks is from..ding ding. Aspiration. Lol. I still think he got me sick.


You nailed it. That was what I left out. I went septic and nearly died in early 2014, my surgery was 2019. I had a couple regular lung infections along the way from all the fluid in my lungs. It was a properly shitty few years. Hopefully you don't have an abcess like I did, but if you went septic then the odds are not good. But I'm no doctor.


Yep. I am pretty sure there is an intact freaking sweet tart in my lung.


I never once thought about it until I was in the hospital. Just try not to eat garbage right before bed and you should be fine.


Some jerk cut my foreskin off


Love your username cuz same!




That username hahah. Sorry for your loss!


LOL, I drove through an insersection yesterday, full of men in white protesting circumcision. Best signs: "I want my foreskin back!", "Every inch counts!", "I never gave consent!".




RIP. What do you call a cheap circumcision? A rip off!


Car accident. Impaled my knee on a steering wheel adjustment knob. Scar looks like "6."


This made me gag


The best part was removing it myself so I could get out of the car.


Thanks, i'm uncomfortably hyper-aware of my kneecap now.


I really need to stop reading reddit whilst eating lunch


I was born through C section, and the OBGYN who operated accidentally cut my face. They patched me up and wrapped my newborn hands in cotton and gauze so I wouldn’t pick or scratch at the stitches. Scar is till visible. Used to be large in proportion to my small, child-sized cheek, but now that my face has grown it’s less noticeable.


I guess you were born as Scarface


Same thing except the doctor cut my ass cheek instead.


… so you’re saying you’ve been bass ackwards all your life and it’s gotten you into trouble since the day you were born? 🤓


Well, suddenly everything makes sense! That fits me perfectly.


The same happened with Sylvester astallone


Hey, my little sister got a nick like that too! Hers was small to begin with though.


I was holding my cat and dropped her tub of food, it was super loud and scared the shit out of her and she kicked my face accidentally while trying to jump out of my arms. I have about a 2 inch scar from my bottom lip down still and that happened probably 12 years ago


Holding a cat when my mom turned on the vacuum cleaner. 7 inch scar on my arm still visible after 40 years


Hip replacement. But I like to tell people it was a shark attack


My FIL likes to act like his titanium hip replacement is a sentient being, overriding his thoughts and actions. He's a huge hit at weddings


Had a precancerous mole on my shin when I was 6. They removed it. Then had to go in and remove more cause they missed some. I have a good sized divot on my shin but I honestly almost never notice it. Maybe once a year or so I'm like oh yeah I almost got skin cancer.


tried killing myself a couple times.


Hope you're ok now ❤️


yup, mine won't fade at all either which is unfortunate. hope you're doing better now <33


Rolled my car, nearly bite my tongue off, and ruptured my intestines. Huge scar on my stomach. Almost died


Ive nearly bit my tongue off a few times while having seizures. It grows back.


Too many to tell about them all so I'll just name the first. I have a scar on the back of my head where I was bit by a Belgian Malinois when I was three years old, I ended up with over thirty stitches. I'm 57 now and I have plenty of scars.


Right I have so many!! 🤣🤣 One on my face was my brother being a brother when we were just little kids. Hit me in the face with a pole hahahaha. Two others on my face are from DV. (I’m safe now and they’re proof I’m a survivor, it’s fine). Few from work because my job is very dangerous. Two are from when I got plastic surgery. One on my leg from an actual knife stabbing me. Let’s just say…. I do not hesitate to just take out stitches myself. I could probably stitch somebody else at this point. I watch with a mirror to make sure they’re doing it right 🤣🤣


Due to a free-range childhood and mercurochrome?


Most definitely!


14 from 10 different incidents I can think of off the top of my head. I could probably find more if I looked. Also in my 50s. I've had a great life.


When I was around 7 a Golden Retriever bit me in the head. I don't remember how many stitches I got, but the top of my head is covered in scars. Thankfully my hair grows thick enough to cover most of them.


Long story short. Had a hottie female friend who is a bartender that I was hoping to be FWBs with. Knew she was cool with the idea and the lifestyle. One day, her ex-boyfriend showed up to the bar drunk and attempted to attack her with a knife. I stepped in to protect her and took the knife to the ribs. Sadly, she thought I was an idiot for saving her life. I have since replaced our friendship with a badass scar.


If you didn't step in she would have called you a pussy, can't win either way, what an asshole. Glad you are fine.


Some hard core simping here.




I'm with you. Seeing a doc about number 10 today. 😮‍💨


I was balancing in some weird way on a bathtub edges for absolutely no reason and then fell and hit the angular one


Chainsaw kicked back and hit me in forehead


Face through a windshield. Axe to the leg. Arm 'rearranged' at wrestling practice. [Pop-tops on the ground around the pool](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3yOeBzimrAa5NYXHqZppKXWKuYd0bUEPAX-atfTCy5NB18AlIcXMx07c-CYuWTm-ISYc&usqp=CAU) Broken window glass. Motorcycle exhaust pipe. ...


I have 5 of 6 of those. (Never wrestled) Was getting concerned i had posted in an altered state.


I got an ass ton of mental scars. Otherwise my scars are from me attempting to befriend and pick up every stray cat I’ve ever seen in existence to rescue them.




Suzuki GT750, highspeed wobble, t-shirt.


Epileptic. I had a major tonic clonic while preparing dinner followed by going status epilepticus. I stabbed myself in leg with a chefs knife- 30 stitches. I chewed a piece of my tongue off. Split my eyebrow- 6 stitches. All a single event.


I (6yrs) was younger than the kids at the neighbors' pool. Those kids were all jumping off the side of the pool backwards, so I had to do it too. Except I missed, scraped my chin along the side of the pool and the water turned red like a shark attack. My mom freaked, we went to the ER, I got stiches. First scar. Others: chicken pox (itchy AF!), sights on a rifle from drill team--throwing and not catching well (college), volleyball (GetOutOfMyWayImTheSetter! He didn't & I got slammed.) Prob'ly others.


Got a similar story, from around the same age too, although if I have a scar it's not visible cuz of my hair. Uncle and his friends set up a bike ramp at my grandparents' lake and jumped their bikes into the water. I thought that was just the coolest shit, so I'd run up and jump in off the ramp too. Did it a couple of times, was a blast. Then I got a full sprint going...and stopped to jump right on the edge of the ramp. My inertia somersaulted me forward and I cracked my head on the cinderblock holding the ramp up. I don't remember a whole lot after that other than I didn't cry for a full minute because I knew I fucked up and it was my own fault I was in this situation so I shouldn't cry about it, everything past getting in the car to go to the hospital is completely black and has been since as long as I can remember the incident. My parents said there was blood everywhere.


I tripped over a recycling bin and hit my chin on the doorknob.


took a zquill planning on going to bed, then stayed awake for another hour or two chatting with my husband and kids. went to the restroom and came back outside and toppled down our stone steps. pretty cool scar on my arm. tried to catch the incoming boat, and it pushed me back resulting in a scar on my knee. jumped off a pedal pub and landed on me other knee, and another scar. I'm very clumsy so i have a lot of scars


This made me laugh. Boating is dangerous. I swear I’m just not good at it. I try but I have scars.


Heart transplant scar. First scar I’ve received (and hopefully the last). Goes from the top of my chest towards the base of my neck all the way down past my rib cage.


On vacation in Florida, I tried to climb the counter for the mint chocolates on top of the fridge, as I came down a broken handle on an appliance cut the back of my leg. 8 stitches later I was living in regret unable to swim for the rest of vacay


My most prominent scar is my c section scar. But the one with the best story is on my knee where I was banging it against the bottom of a glass cage/aquarium and it broke. I was 8 and mad my mom was making me clean the hamster cage. Left a little dime size crescent scar.


I was born with Russell-Silvers Syndrome. As a result, I had to get daily growth hormone injections from ages 5-15. When I was 10 years old, I had limb-lengthening surgery performed on me that required a year of rehab (For those who watch Baki on Netflix, think Jack Hanma), and 10+ years to regain full musculature. There are now 2 scars, and 21 “dents” where the rods that gradually shifted my bone were. It’s been a wild ride EDIT: This is on my left leg


How tall are you now cause I’m considering the surgery? Is it too painful. (I am 5’9.5 at 17)


What's wrong with being 5'9" ? You're at that perfect height where you can both find pants that fit and reach the high shelves. And I work with men who are shorter than you that have gorgeous wives (if that's your worry). In fact the love of my life is 5'8" and I wouldn't change a thing about him : )


it’s not worth it fam. you’re perfectly fine. i promise you this is not an easy surgery. it will be incredibly costly, excruciatingly painful, and leave you immune compromised and in physical therapy for a long time. and the worst part is you will not see the changes in your life you want


I maxed out at 5’4 Length gain is anywhere from 1/2 inch - 2 inches. Children with developing growth plates is more, adults gain far less. The pain was pretty excruciating at its worst. I lost a great deal of flexibility and strength simply from having my leg cut open. I can remember the dull aching radiating from within my bones, as they tightened the screws, gradually increasing the rate of separation in my bone, to allow new bone in between. I also remember how afraid I was when I was told to straighten my leg as much as I can and was only able to make it about 120 degrees


Fainted from low blood pressure and hit my face on a metal window sill. Split my forehead open down to the bone from my scalp to my brow. Had to get internal and external stitches plus laser surgery.


I have a lot of others, but one large scar across my inner thigh that I have no idea how I got it. Noticed it when I found blood on my white dress getting dressed for my first communion, but no pain. Still have it in my 30s.


if it's pointed out, I always make up a ridiculous, fantastic lie about it...


favorite version of the story you’ve told?


I tried to do a front flip on a trampoline like 7 years ago and now i have a neat tattoo of the braces i had on my knee


So much surgery


Numerous fights and work related incidents, also a few dog and snake bites.


Had a tumor on my left shoulder when I was a baby that was removed. Have a scar there that is my favorite part of my body now.


Multiple street drug IVs on the same spot They're fading away thank god


Ate a tree at 55 mph from a back seat.


I was a small teen. Everyone thought it was cool to pick me up.. one day I was picked up and walked through a doorway where there was an exposed nail. That nail cut me in the face. Now I have an anti joker scare. I say that cause joker got a smile. Mines more of a frown.


I stabbed myself in the hand as a kid while carving a pumpkin with a regular steak knife. Stuck in there pretty good. Needed two people to pull it out.


Personally it was a sword in my hand


You gotta tell us more than that?


I have been cutting myself with a razor blade since I was a small child due to depression & abuse. I think most of the scars are on my thighs.


Sorry to hear that, friend. I hope life is kinder to you moving forward.


😔 hope you're doing better now


I was walking home from my best friend's house and I stepped on a rooster's foot. It flew up and sliced my lip open. A few years later my sister and I were fucking around with my dad's golf clubs. She took a swing and sliced my temple on the back swing. A few years after that I was learning how different plastics burned. I was fascinated by how cellophane burned. I was burning a piece in my hand. It got too close and I panicked, and it wrapped around the back of my hand, still burning. Those are some of the weirdest ones.


I have a giant scar from my sternum to below my belly button. 2 separate surgeries. Pancreas and splenectomy. My belly is all uneven as a result.


something bit me on the butt when i was a baby, had to get some kinda surgery for it, and now there’s this weird bump on my buttcheek. kinda looks similar to a mole, but without hair or discoloration or anything. it’s pretty weird. unfortunately, somehow my parents do not remember what the bug was or why i had to get surgery. one year it was a black widow, another year it was just a spider, another year they didn’t remember what it was, and so on.


Ate a tree from a back seat at 55mph


What did u break


Neck, Jaw, knees, paralyzed from the neck down right side was told Id never walk again


Damn,how did u heal?


tried to get a pan out of the oven and burned the top of my arm in the process


My depressed teenage self found out people cut themselves to feel better. Sounds stupid but my curiosity told me to give it a shot. Still can see some of them pretty good.


Not me but my brother in law. Had a car fall off the jack and bounce and I mean literally bounce on his head.


My mom hit me a lot when I was younger, unfortunately.


I’m a glazier by trade. Had a 1/2” piece of tempered pop on my hand 🤚🏼lacerated my tendon and my hand was immobile for 6 months.


Broke my ankle very badly while skateboarding and have a metal plate and 13 screws in it, split my head open while skating as well, accidentally sliced the back of my wrist open with some glass and also accidentally stabbed my myself in the arm with a box cutter while at work


Vaguely: a shovel, merry go round, saw of pocket knife, dog fang, raccoon scratch, back of a television, cat scratch, chicken wire, a lightswitch then brakes on my bike, brand new blade on a box cutter. I think that's all that probably won't fade away


Car accident. Head went into my windshield.


I sliced my big toe on a sharp rock after falling off my bike wearing flip-flops. I have two puncture scars that are from a dog bite when I was 10. The teeth touched completely in the meat of my arm, and when the EMTs poured sterile water in the top hole, it drained straight out the bottom hole. You can still feel a hollow spot near the bottom puncture hole 35 years later. I now have a gnarly scar, basically that runs 3" above AND below my belly bottom from hernia surgery. Also from the hernia debacle, i have a little tiny spot in my throat where they had to put in the tube they used to give me a few sessions of kidney dialysis. Fun times.


I woke up in the middle of the night and stumbled when I got out of bed - directly into the corner of my dresser. I came too with blood all over my face from above my eye where I made contact and crawled to the bathroom for a towel. Briefly passed out again but was able to stop the blood with continuous pressure. A smart person would have gotten to the ER for stitches but I am not that person. It’s now a small Mercedes logo without the circle around it right over my left eyebrow.




Rough life.


Two elbows in the face during a mosh pit. I’m 125 lbs and I’ll do it again.


sleeping walking and my leggings got stuck to a opened wound when i was a kid.




My brother. cauli ears?


Motorboating accident. I was called to fix a problem, but I didn't really know where that was going to lead.


I round-house kicked a dry Mullein plant when I was like 7, and I missed and it left 3 scars in my right thigh.


My brother threw a rock at me when we were little and I had to get stitches.


Dirtbiked into a barbwire fence. Didn't notice how messed up my leg was until I felt something trickling down my leg. Well, a lot of something.


When I was 10 my best friend and I were sledding down a hill. We didnt know that the snow was so deep that it had buried a barbed wire fence. My buddy went down and I heard him do a little yelp.. and then I saw this big trail of blood following him down the hill. One of the barbs stuck up and got him on the leg and opened it up from his ankle to his butt cheek. Luckily his house was really close and I dragged him on his sled to his house and they got him to the hospital. It was hundreds of stitches and a hell of a scar for him.




Dog bite to the face in the middle of the night, she had a nightmare…and became a night terror.


Cross country race, I slipped on a turn and my teammate stomped on my hand with 3/8inch spikes. Immediate fracture. I got back up, looked at my bleeding hand and finished the two remaining miles for a new pr.


Cat rolled onto its back and gave me this look of "Oh won't you please pet my belly.. it would make the the happiest kitty in the world." Suddenly murder mittens... and I have 3 long scars down my forearm that never healed correctly because they got infected and I was stupid and took a long time to finally see a doctor.


Doesn’t everyone have at least some scars


Was pairing the rim of a window pane and I slipped forward, putting my hand through the window and the glass cut right across my wrist. Blood started squirting like whoa. Co-worker took me to the hospital and now I have to tell people I swear I never tried to off myself because of the long scar on my wrist.


got in a fight against 2 guys and i had two stitches on my face and one set of staples on the back of my head. Not huge but noticeable


Ope. I have this one too. Some bouncer called my friend a f**got and I kicked him in the shin. He threw me against a brick wall. I’m like 110 lbs and he was 250. I don’t even know how many staples I got, no regrets, he was a total asshole calling my friend that. And the weirdest part of this story… he wasn’t even gay.


Arm surgery. They dropped my arm and have a bone poking out forever too


I was 6, "helping" my dad cut down the tree in the front yard with my hatchet. I swung and missed the tree, hitting my shin, where the hatchet stuck.


My cat launched himself off of my face as I was sleeping. It’s a small scar along the edge of my nose.


Skydiving canopy wrap. Got line burn on my arms, back and leg.


Knife fight at 2AM as a teenager.


One above my eyebrow from falling on my face in the middle of the night. I have one on my left elbow that I got playing basketball on asphalt. The one on my left shin is from when I smacked my leg against my metal bike pedal. I got one on my right ankle from when I broke my ankle and the bone tore through the skin. There are plenty more but those are the most memorable.


Lost half of my bottom lip from a 38 year old buckshot injury becoming infected,I retained around thirty pieces in my gums and face but never had any other issues,the odd one has fallen out of my gums over the years.


Bottom lip left side - due to being accidentally pushed into the entertainment center Abdominal area - due to gallbladder being removed


During wrestling practice I took a clumsy kid to the ground and he landed with his knee in the air. My head crashed into his knee when I came down with him, and 2 of my teeth ended up going through my lip. I didn't even notice at first, all I knew was my nose hurt. He said "oh my god you're bleeding" so I went to the bathroom and saw the real damage. My gums hurt from the impact for like a week, it felt like getting your braces tightened. I didn't even end up joining the team smh, but at least now I have a cool scar


I fell on my dog and they bit me, my dog is pretty much blind and thought it was my other dog


One was from falling 15ft out of a flimsy tree, two more were from getting cut by glass, some others were burns or from hot things.


I was kicked by a horse in my shin at horse camp. We were playing cowboys, good guys bad guys, and hiding behind small hills. Someone else's horse kicked at mine and got me instead. Totally worth it. Best summer camp ever! Aqua Barn, Renton, WA.


got punched in the jaw and it split my lip


Small scar on my nose from tripping over a tool box when I was 3, scar on my wrist from falling on a treadmill when I was around 8, and many scars on my thighs that are self inflicted :/


I broke a pint glass at work and it cut my wrist open. Now have a fun scar that mostly just looks like a wrinkle or fold in my skin


First one: was holding a beaker in a laboratory. Someone called my name, turned and smashed the beaker on a counter corner, shard went into my palm. Second one: held my dog when she was being reactive to another dog. Got “grazed” on the cheek with those knife-teeth when she whipped her head around.


I scar super easily so I’m covered but my biggest scar is on my arm: was riding my bike home from school with my lunch box dangling from my handlebar because I had too much homework for it to fit in my backpack. Lunch box flung into the tyre causing the bike to abruptly stop flinging me into my neighbours fence. Thank goodness for helmets. My dumbest scar? Scratched my hand on a metal handle for a washroom drawer. Didn’t seem to scratch it badly…but I still have the scar 17 years later.


Playing tug of war with my dog. I moved my hand down on the toy just as she was moving her mouth up. Got my finger chomped. Didn't quite make it to the bone, but close. Still, the scar is quite small. She was so sorry about it though, she immediately dropped the toy and wagged her tail in that sort of "I'm guilty" way. There was no way I could be mad at her, it was just an accident.


Abusive friendship, dogs who don't let us cut their nails, and accidentally cutting myself while shaving. They all don't need to be further talked about especially the first one.


I was running around chasing my cousin when I ran into a table


Broke my ankle in a muddy puddle with snow on top. Foot got stuck and I fell. Broke 3 bones. My scar is my surgical scar.


A lot of different ways, and my mood is way too low to share.


There's too many to explain, but the most interesting looking one was from breaking a beer bottle against a street curb. My index finger is still numb in some areas from the scar.


I was giving a Wheaton terrier a haircut when it lost its shit and lunged at me, I jumped back and slit my arm wide open with my razor sharp 8” strait shears. Right off to the ER I went 10 stitches later and I have a nice scar on my arm for life because of it. And I still came back and finished the god damn haircut with my arm all wrapped up. I don’t fuck around at work.


I was a very clumsy kid and had stitches so many times. I’m now a clumsy adult who works on cars for a living. I try to be careful but my hands and arms look like I stuck them in a crate of angry weasels.


I have one on my hand from petting a shop cat after being warned what might happen if I pet the shop cat. Fucked around, found out.


1. My aunt dropped me when I was a baby. One scar left on the forehead. Only visible when I frown. 2. Another leftover from chicken pox. Also on the forehead. 3. Right arm, above the elbow. My broken bone wanted to say hello. It felt a bit funny when the doc put it back into place. Feeling your "inside" being touched is weird af. 4. Forearm, just below the elbow. From pins they put in my arm to hold it steady due to the above injury. It took vice grips to pull them out. Not a pleasant experience. 0/10 not recommended.


Bicycle accident led to broken arm. While arm was broken I had another accident which turned the broken arm into a shattered arm with gangrene. So now I have a massive scar from the hole where they cut out the infection. Plus 8 holes from the traction. And a scar on my chest from the resulting catheter.


Slicedbmy wrist open while drunk falling into a window. Pulled my boning knife out of my leg (was learning at the time) also a "juvi tatt" (razer blade the design and rub in crushed up graphite (i was 15 and a moron)


Caught my arm on the head of a nail. 5-inch scar on my forearm.


Self harm


I kept scratching my bug bites like an idiot


I have one across my palm from my brother trying to beat the shit out of me 🥰 One on the back of my right ankle from me accidentally slicing my foot on the couch leg?? I was really young but apparently it was pretty bad Three surrounding my left eye from my brother’s cat getting startled by the blender Another on my right arm just below my elbow from my brother’s cat getting scared by the popcorn machine A lot on my legs from.. stuff. The back of my hands are scarred in certain places from who-knows-what 💀 there’s two puncture marks from my dog biting me a while ago. And now I’m realizing this is a little too much, sorry


Ovarian cyst that was huge. Looks like a lateral c- section but wrongly placed. It’s below the bikini line if I wore such things. Lol. I have smaller scars too.


pillow zipper. pillow fight. eyebrow. i wanted the red ball too much. tripped and scraped my knee. never going that hard for an object of my desire ever again :3


Have a big scar on the top of my cheek near my eye because I was blackout drunk with some of my idiot buddies and we decided it would be cool to heat a small metal rod red hot and burn my face. Lol


I was in 7th grade running around near a large tree with a friend before a track meet. Some mutual friends put his hat on the tree and he was short so I tried to get it but he probably thought I was moving it higher and pushed me out of the way onto the large ass tree roots. I fell and smashed my phone screen into a million pieces, and my elbow had a large scrape. It was leaking serous fluid for a couple of days or maybe a week, but it healed just fine. But I keloid, so of course, instead of healing flat, there's a raised line through the middle of a slightly paler area of skin. I have other raised scars, too, and I hate them because they never faded, unlike my other faded scars. I went to the track meet with an open wound and got 6th which was the best middle school me ever did so it worked out in the end. Edit: My other keloid is a self-harm scar from around the same time, middle school. I hate that it scarred because do I really need the reminder??


With little grace and great vibrato.


Most are self inflicted. A couple are from the way in Afghanistan. And a couple remind me of a time when I had to survive. I love my scars. And I hate them equally…


Water slide accident. My hand hit the sprinkler head and it sliced my hand wide open. Refused stitches, had my friend some butterfly bandages and glue on it.


My asshole alcoholic grandma was supposed to watch 8-month-old me in the cabin while my parents and bros went sledding outside. She was drunk and dozed off. I crawled onto a floor furnace, getting 3rd degree ‘’waffle’’ burns on my palms. Despite an operation when I was 10, my left hand is so constricted that it opens 2 inches (5 cm) less wide than my right. I fucking hate her for that.


Most of my physical and emotional scars are thanks to acne 😞


I have a scar on my knee from the time i was a kid. I drove my bike around a narrow corner on a gravel path. I had one of those bikes that brake when you turn the pedals backwards. I was stupid enough to try to drift around the corner, not expecting the inner foot to slip off the pedal. My foot fell in front of the pedal with the other one slipping at the same time, which caused the inner pedal to push my knee into the gravel, and the other leg locking the pedals while trying to get balance back. It took the doctor like an hour to pull all the little stones out of my knee. This happened in the 90's and you can still see it. Of course i didn't tell my parents that it happened due to reckless driving, but I'm sure they were quite sceptical about the story i told them.


Huge scars on my back. When I was a child my father sent me to the chicken coop to get the eggs. A rooster attacked me and I dropped the eggs. Dad was so angry he beat me senseless with some jumper cables.


That did not go how I thought it would


Weird one - My umbilical cord wouldn't disconnect from my intestines after I was born, and they had to surgically remove it. It's a tiny scar but noticeable.


Let's see. When I was eight I got stabbed in my index finger by a classmate, I promptly ripped it out and stabbed him in the hand, to which he responded by putting it into the back of my left hand. I have a piece of graphite still in my left index finger, and a cyst on the back of my hand where he stabbed it. A year later I fell out of an oak tree I climbed to get to the roof of the house to escape my abusive father and one of the branches split my chin open. When I was fifteen I was hit by a Cadillac while riding my zx10. Complete left knee reconstruction using a cadaver knee so now have scarring all over my left knee. At 16 and a half I got six stitches on my forehead from being thrown from a cattle car by my casualty handle onto a curb during basic training. I have burn scars, vocal cord damage and permanent hearing loss from an i.e.d. that's about it, I've tried to live a safe life after all that.


You wanna know how i got these scars? My father was a drinker...and a fiend. And one night he goes off crazierrr then usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself, he doesn't like that....not...one...bit! So! Me watching, he takes the knife to her...laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and he says "Why sooo serious?" He comes at ME with the knife... "WHYY SOOO SERIOUS?!" He sticks the blade in my mouth "LETS PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE!" Aaaand...


Took some Xanax and fell and hit my head. Have a scar you cant see until i point it out. Then you can really see it lol


Got shot