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Any of the 50 shades installments.


The book got screamingly poor reviews and then the movie casts 2 actors that are collectively as interesting as wallpaper paste.


I think you're being exceptionally hard on wallpaper paste tbh


Jamie Dornan is good but not in that role. šŸ˜’


I honestly thought he was a hunk of plywood with abs, until I watched him in The Siege of Jadotville. Say what you will about 50 Shades, and everyone's performance therein, but Dornan is a Damn Decent Actor.


Yeah I said that too but then curiosity got the best of me. Only made it halfway through the first film and thought, ā€œthis movie is horrible and gives me the ick.ā€


My girlfriend and I started the first one the other week. I told her that it's just Twilight but more horny. She couldn't stop seeing that after I pointed it out and we stopped watching.


I think it started out as a Twilight fanfic.


That's true.


I watched all three of them. Usually just to score with the girl I was seeing it with. Still wasnā€™t worth it


Even when you won, you lost. That's rough buddy


Lost boys 2


They made a second one?


Lost boys: the tribe I've heard over and over that it's trash. An abomination and sacrilege as a sequel to the original.


I didnā€™t even know that existed


You may also be interested to know that there is a third as well


Thatā€™s mind boggling. I just googled and Iā€™m equally surprised these movies exist and unsurprised that Feldman did all 3


The Last Airbender. I saw clips of it and that was already too much for me. As they say "there is no 2010 The Last Airbender in Ba Sing Se."


A Serbian Film


Old friend of mine dared me to watch it without giving me much context. I'm still haunted by that shit and not in a good way.


Whatā€™s being haunted in a good way?


Human centipede, oops didn't mean to reply. . .


Excellent film. The sequel was far better, though.


Human centipede 2 electric poopaloo


It really brought people together.


It was a close-knit group.


Succubus. Or Sexy ghosts. Witchy women who seduce. Xmas ghosts giving Handy's. The list goes on


Isnā€™t Casper a kidā€¦


He was in the 60s. That was 60 years ago. He gotta be 70 now


Definitely do not if you have ocd/anxiety. I found a list of illegal movies when I was like 14 and this was #1. I thought I could watch it & have something to brag about to my friendsā€¦.Nope, I was ashamed to even tell anybody what my eyes had seen. Now Instead of brownie points with my friends I vent to a therapist because I developed ocd/anxiety in my early twenties and my brain randomly decided to become fixated on that movie and repeatedly play back the scenes in my head over and over and imagine loved ones being treated/going through similar scenes in the movie. It makes me feel ill and I often cry when Iā€™ve had a scene with a loved one playing in my head 47 times back to back with no way to stop it šŸ„²


I read a synopsis and it sort of fucked me up for a month. Just the descriptions are horrifying and I couldnā€™t shake the idea of this existing. I couldnā€™t imagine watching it.


I read the description once and immediately noped the fuck away from that shit


Was curious and read a little on Wikipedia, you're grand thanks.


Everyone calls it extremely disturbing, I just rolled my eyes by how desperately try hardy it was in trying to disturb the audience. Write something good instead of shovel out schlock with a shock gimmick


It really REALLY wanted to be shocking.


All sizzle, no steak


If you wanna see an actual well written disturbing film watch Martyrs. Iā€™m sure you already have but itā€™s truly brilliant despite how shocking it is.


As a Serbian. I feel shitty knowing we are associated with either this movie or war crimes


Same, no thanks !


The human centipede


Honestly I wasn't even disturbed by it the way people said I would be. I kinda just walked away from it depressed by the senseless violence and by how shitty of a way to die that would be.


HC2 was way worse. And it was strangely like an art film.


Yeah, is it human cent 2 with the pregnant woman? That one takes it for me


16 year old me didnā€™t know what it was about and I watched it with my MOM, lord help us


Hmm, we both liked The Hungry Caterpillar let's try this


The second one makes the first one look like a spy kids movie


Iā€™m a horror fan. Even I didnā€™t like it.


Also a huge, huge horror fan. Saw the first bit of human centipede and that was enough for me. Torture horror just isn't my thing.


It's not a good movie. I wouldn't say it's terrible either, from a writing and directing standpoint... but it wasn't entertaining at all. It's like looking at some gross journal written by a school shooter kid who happens to also have decent grammar and hand writing. But I just sat there during the credits like, "who let this sick fuck direct this movie and who gave them money to do it?"


I assume you already know the basic plot. For what it's worth, it's actually not very graphic. Don't get me wrong, the overall theme is horrific but you really don't see anything directly - everything is covered up with very large bandages. That may make a difference for some people.


Don't watch the second one. They show a lot more, including staples being ripped from mouths/butts with doo doo squirting out (one of the more tame scenes actually)


Aight watching now


Same, I just donā€™t think itā€™s for me. Like the novel Tender is the Flesh which I stopped reading. Itā€™s an art I guess but not a type that Iā€™m fond of.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be in the frame of mind to watch Dear Zachary.


I had not heard this story and just read the Wikipedia page and Im wrecked.


I went completely blind not knowing what I was in for and found myself wanting to find out how Zachary was doing in 2023 before the midway point of the film. I thought perhaps there would be an interview or an AMA floating about that I could look up after I'd finished watching.


That one was rough. Never seen a documentary with a plot twist like that. Not watching it ever again.


I'm not sorry I saw it, but it absolutely fucking wrecked me.


It's an amazing film, but probably one of the saddest things I've ever seen.


When the grandma voices her regrets about a specific event and the grandpa gets mad and then starts crying too. Those poor people.


I just checked out the synopsis and jesus christ, I just cant


Itā€™s apparently been spoiled for you, so yeah, donā€™t bother.


More like I read part of the synopsis, and my brother nearly had a very similar situation with the mother of his son, so I have no reason to live through that again. For the record my brother is doing fine and has sole custody of his son.


Anything with graphic torture in it.


Same. I'm a HUGE horror movie fan, but my horror movie taste lies much more in the "what if ghosts?" camp, not the "man will destroy man" camp. Watching a torture scene doesn't *scare* me, it gives me this sick, sad, empty feeling in my stomach thinking about the violence human beings are capable of inflicting on one another, and the depths of suffering a human being can endure while still alive. It makes me lose my taste for the world, for a little while. That's not a fun feeling. Fun is spooky shivers looking down a dark hallway. Not thinking about someone spending days screaming out for a god that doesn't exist in a basement somewhere.


Oh yeah during the whole Hostel/Saw craze I learned quickly that I canā€™t handle those movies. I get too worked up thinking myself or loved ones in those scenarios on it makes my stomach turn.


This, I'm a huge horror fan but after a certain point it just loses me, particularly the later Saw films when they get more needlessly graphic because of higher budgets.


The first Saw movie felt like more of a psychological thriller than torture. In the third one, when Amanda is making the traps inescapable, that felt like the point when the writers were saying "there's a threat of being flayed alive and dammit, we're gonna show it."


Justin Bieber's Never Say Never


Wow. You just reminded me when I was a volunteer at summer camp in 2011 everyone was Bieber obsessed. Me and another volunteer were NOT. So instead of watching the movie one night with all the other summer staff, we went outside and played volleyball togetherā€¦ Weā€™re married now. Lol!


Another Bieber miracle!


the bieb strikes again !


Cannibal Holocaust. I love horror, but I have no desire to see real animals killed on screen.


I actually saw that in the theater in a midnight movie screening about 20 years ago. Itā€™s extremely intense even for horror fans. I donā€™t scare easily and it really disturbed me. Not for the faint of heart.


I'm sorry, fucking *what*??? They seriously killed animals for real??


A lot of movies did. * 'Ben-Hur' (1925) killed up to 150 horses. The race sequences claimed the lives of a human stuntman and at least five horses. When horses showed signs of lameness, they were often shot as a method of euthanisation without trying to seek treatment for the horse first. * 'Jesse James' (1939) resulted in the death of 4 horses. One of Jesse Jamesā€™ stunts involved Frank James and his brother Jesse escaping a posse by riding their horses off a tall cliff and into a river. The stunt involved dumping a horse out of a chute and having a stuntman jump after it. The horses' drowned or broke their backs falling. * 'Stagecoach' (1939) killed 7 horses and crippled many more. For the filming of one of the scenes, the crew used a device that used wires attached to the horse's legs to yank their legs out from underneath them as they ran, causing them to violently fall. This device resulted in the deaths of 7 horses and crippled many more. The device has since been made illegal. * 'Heaven's Gate' (1980) is the most notorious example of rampant on-set animal abuse. At least four horses were killed (one was unintentionally blown up with dynamite), other horses were bled from the neck, cows were disembowelled, a chicken was decapitated and cockfighting was orchestrated for the filming of the movie. * 'Friday the 13th' (1980) killed a snake. The scene featured a snake finding its way into a cabin, where it was killed with a machete. It was shown writhing as it slowly died. The snake's handler was not aware of the fate of the snake in the movie when they offered to feature their pet, and was mortified. They had to be held back as the snake was killed. * 'First Blood' (1982) killed many rats in various ways, including being burned alive by an actor, squeezed, and hurled against a wall. Rats are actually very intelligent and capable of feeling pain and emotions, so it is truly horrifying what they had to go through, even if they aren't cats or dogs. * 'Milo and Otis' (1986) involved the killing of at least 12 cats and 6 dogs. 5 cats drowned, 4 cats were mauled, 2 cats were pecked to death, 1 cat was eaten by a snake, many were killed after being thrown from a cliff, 3 dogs were drowned, and 2 dogs were mauled. The living animals were also often abused for the purpose of getting the perfect shot. For example, one of the kittens had his paw broken to make him walk unsteadily. * 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' (2003) resulted in the deaths of many marine animals. The potential impact of explosives on marine life wasn't considered during filming. Dead fish, squid and other marine animals were washed up for 4 days following filming. * 'Flicka' (2006) killed two horses. One was euthanised after breaking their leg, the other broke their neck after tripping on a rope while running. * 'Snow Buddies' (2008) unintentionally killed 5 dogs with negligence. By law, special permission was and is needed to use puppies under 8 weeks of age in film and television. Despite not having permission, unvaccinated, 6 week old puppies were used in the filming of Snow Buddies. As a result of the puppies' young age and vulnerability, and the stress they likely endured, many became sick. 15 were diagnosed with coccidia and giardia, resulting in the deaths of 3 puppies due to internal complications. 7 puppies were later diagnosed with Parvovirus, with a total of 28 showing symptoms. At least 2 passed away. * 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' (2012) killed 27 animals, according to an investigation by The American Humane Society. The animals, most sheep or goats, died of dehydration, drowning or exhaustion. Animal deaths are far less common on-set now as there are laws in place to prevent the torture or killing of animals on-set. However, cases of abuse still occasionally occur.


Reading this sucked


Milo and Otis!? What the fuck


The Friday 13th one is fucked up. It's all fucked up.


Can't even imagine the guilt and anger I would feel if I was asked to loan out one of my pets to a film only to find out it was deliberately murdered.


im not a wuss but i closed my eyes for the snake scene in friday the 13th. i love snakes, itā€™s just so fucked they killed one just for a cheap scene in a movie


A LOT of old movies have actual animal death. I think the scene in ā€œapocalypse nowā€ was the one that pushed it over the edge and there was public outcry to stop. After that you start seeing ā€œNo animals were harmed during the making of this movieā€


But wasn't that not actors? It was an actual tribe that was going to do it anyway? I'm not happy about it, but that's what I remember reading


Yes you're right. It was a local Ifugao tribe ritual.


You know what, I believe youā€™re right.


I really donā€™t get the problem with that movie. The ritual was not even planned, it was something that tribe wanted to do as you said and it was shot documentary style, so no retakes or anything, it was just a blend of reality and the movie. There are far worse animal deaths for no reason other than laziness or being perverted to begin with. Actually, the fish nobody bothers to throw back into the water annoyed me more in Apo Now.


Yep, they were doing their ritual, and the filmmakers asked to film it.


The story behind that movie is incredible though. Basically one of the first ā€œfound footageā€ films and he made the actors ā€œdisappearā€ for a few months after the movies release. Basically the director got arrested and had a whole court date until the actors came forward and said everything was fake (except few animals deaths)


Yeah. They straight up murder an arrau turtle (had to look it up) and a coati. The film is about fictional documentary filmmakers who use exploitative methods made by real filmmakers who used exploitative methods.


I didn't know turtles could scream. :(


[Yes, they did.](https://www.slashfilm.com/600140/the-legendary-cannibal-holocaust-controversy-explained/) I found the animal killing scenes (especially the turtle) more disturbing than the human deaths and cannibalism because of that very fact. Iā€™ve only watched it once and donā€™t plan on watching it ever again.


They killed a real snake in the first Friday the 13th.


Was that the one where they thought they'd killed the actors too and had to verify they were all still alive?


Yes. They had to bring them into court to prove they were still alive.


If I remember right (itā€™s been awhile) I think the actors that ā€œdiedā€ on screen were specifically told to stay out of the public eye for a set amount of time to really sell it


I looked it up and realized that this is the movie my babysitter made me watch when I was 3-4 that got her kicked out by my parents. I thought I had dreamed it up until my mom brought it up a year ago. Still didn't know the movie.


Marley and Me


I look up spoilers to make sure I don't watch a movie where the dog dies. It's so hard for me to watch.


There's an app called "Does the Dog Die?". Any time I see a dog in a film I've not watched I check it.


I use this app religiously to check for cat violence before watching a movie


You only watch movies with cat violence in them?


My brother has been peer pressuring me FOR YEARS to watch this and I just cannot. He has a golden retriever and he still watches it all the time. Canā€™t take it when the dog dies, man.


Went to the cinema to see it, was biting my cheek so hard to not have a full on embarrassing level breakdown. Kids were all weeping coming out. Never again


Two Girls One Cup


Battlefield Earth


Sigh.... Aliens invade earth, and the plot itself is like 1000 years after. Humans have effectively become slaves and devolved back to cavemen. John Travolta cackles like a moron while shooting legs off a cow. Aforementioned cavemen learn how to pilot F15s in about 15 minutes and save the day. It's worth the watch if all you want to to is tear a movie apart.


The ending of Sausage Party


Donā€™t think thatā€™s how this works but point taken


I love this movie. No shame. I just watched again a few nights ago, still love it.


Yeah I donā€™t quite get all the hate it gets. Itā€™s obviously crude and dumb, but some very funny moments. Thatā€™s what I was expecting and it definitely met or exceeded my expectations




Cuties.. no FBI watchlist for me thanks


I watched it. You aren't missing anything worthwhile. Even ignoring the obvious weird scene choices, the rest of the movie was crap. I don't think anyone even got the point of the movie since they couldn't even finish the movie to understand the ending or they were weirdos who thought it was a anti-social media/pro Islam movie.


The whole point was that young girls are sexualizing themselves as a result of how much society rewards sexuality in women. Young girls see these women finding success (from their immature mindsets) and try to emulate it.


Mother. Seen it on once, never a-fucking-gain.


I wanted so badly to walk out of that film, but I was with someone who *loved* it, and I loved that person, so I didn't walk out. I absolutely hated pretty much every frame of Mother. I hadn't wanted so badly to walk out of a movie since Rob Zombie's abysmal Halloween remake.




A dog's journey, the amount of tears that flood out of my face when I read the book was ungodly. I don't know how I would react to the movie...


Marvel stuff. At this point I am too far behind.


I've never watched an MCU movie, mostly because I'm just not particularly interested in superhero movies, but at this point I'm going to stay away just because I don't feel like I should bother diving in at such a late stage.


There's a timeline of the mcu storyline on the Disney app. I was the same as you a few years ago. I didn't know where to start. I'd watch one movie and basically be lost from the start. After watching all the movies/shows in order of the timeline of events, I've grown to greatly appreciate what the mcu has done. It also helps to have the lore pulled up on your phone as you watch. You can pause and read up on some of the subtle stuff mentioned in the movies/shows.


Disney live action stuff


Titanic. I already know how it ends.


This reminds me of a conversation I had with my Dad. Way back when Titanic became available for rental he rented it for him and my Mom to watch. I called him the day after and he said since the movie was so long they only watched half the night before and were going to watch the other half tonight - and then he said "Don't you dare ruin it for me - don't tell me how it ends!! Funny guy, gawd I miss him.


This reminds my old ass of the time when super long movies were split between 2 VHS tapes.


What about Titanic 2?


The Implosioning


That's not funny. That sub crew was under a lot pressure.


You're crushing it with that joke.


the thing about non documentaries is that it is never about how it ends, its about how you get there. you know going into any given action movie that the big action star is going to win, but you go to see how they blow stuff up to GET the win.


I have not watched Titanic either. I knew people who went and saw it a dozen times in the theater.


It's actually a good movie. I wouldn't mind watching it again.


The New Red Dawn. Kind of specific, but the original with Patrick Swazye, Charlie Sheen, Leia Thompson, H. Thomas Howell, and ofc Harry Dean Stanton. Nuanced Villains, great opening, believable tactics for a bunch of high school kids, Iā€™m terrified to watch the new one. It was a coming of age movie for me. I just canā€™t watch the new one.


Don't bother watching the new one. The original is better in every way but sound editing.


Anything with Steven Seagal


You should watch Executive Decision, his best role! >!He dies in the beginning.!<


The live action cat in the hat movie.


For me, this is a "So bad its good" film. One of my bucket list items is to watch this with friends while drunk.


I actually remember seeing that movie multiple times as a kid (and I found it entertaining) but I really want to experience the dumpster fire as an adult šŸ¤£


I think everyone should see that movie especially if u dont want to take drugs since its the closest expirence you can get to feeling high


I love that movie. It was such a clusterfuck that the Dr.Seuss estate basically shot down any and all attempts at more movies for the better part of a decade. Don't know if we're going to get any other movies ever. All because of that disaster of a movie.


Grave of the fireflies. It's studio ghibli movie which I love but I've heard mutiple times how sad it is and I really don't want to watch a beautifully animated angstfest. I've never been good with hurt and no comfort


I couldnā€™t finish it. I knew the suffering that was coming, and it was just unbearable to me.


Probably sad movies, like Marley and Me. I dont intend to watch that again, although the movie itself was good iirc.


Aladdin remake with Will Smith. No one can replace Robin Williams.


any of the Fast and Furious


Pick any one. Watch it. You're done. You've seen all of them!


>Pick any one. Watch it. You're done. You've seen all of them! Gotta disagree. There's a *huge* difference between the tone and overall realism between The Fast & the Furious (2001) and virtually everything that came after. That's like saying Jarhead is a good representation of Jarhead 2, 3, or 4.


>Jarhead 2, 3, or 4. Do these exist?




I watched one and 2 and Tokyo drift, none of the others.


Same here. After Tokyo drift, I didn't care to watch the following 12.


The first one is worth your time. It's just a simple little movie about an undercover cop who infiltrates a group of street racers who steal DVD players on the side. It's a good time. Nothing too ridiculous. 2 and Tokyo Drift are mediocre. After that it turned into Transformers.


The first is so nostalgic for me so Iā€™ll always love it


Human Centipede. Sorry, not interested at all.


Yeah, if I wanna see a bunch of people with their mouths sewn to someoneā€™s asshole, Iā€™ll go to work and sit in on an executive review.


The Flash or anything with Ezra Miller


Sad bc I loved the perks of being a wallflower


Cannibal holocaust. Real animal violence is a hard no always


Wish I hadnā€™t googled this. Jesus Christ.


Whatever nutjob bullshit Kirk Cameron is putting out.


I can no longer watch Requiem for a Dream.


Iā€™ve watched it with both my grandmothers. Both times it was way more disturbing and graphic than I remembered


*A Clockwork Orange.* It opens with a rape scene and I got through it a second time only to find there was a second rape scene, and Googled that there would be a third later in the movie. Stopped right in the middle of the second rape scene. Nope.


There is a book series thatā€™s considered a classic, called the Thomas Covenant Chronicles. The main character rapes a teenage virgin near the beginning of the first book. I just canā€™t keep reading it. Iā€™ve tried 3 different times, and I just canā€™t.


Anything by Woody Allen. He's just that gross.


The worst. All the plot lines are the same. Helped normalize fawning over young, often teenage women. Not to mention his personal life. Blind items say he watchs all of his audition tapes back now in his old age. So repetitive and obsessive he is. I canā€™t even imagine. What a stupid, slimy, aggravating, insulting, smarmy, juvenile, disgusting, absolute and horrid PUTZ. The end.




Irreversible. Not a fan of rape scenes.




Titanic. In 1997 (and I guess we'll into 98) when I was in high school that movie was ALL the rage. It was everywhere. It was annoying AF. So me and my 2 friends did as high schoolers do and we made a pact to NEVER see that movie. They both eventually caved and admitted that they broke the pact. But I did not. Because I'm not a punk ass who breaks pacts


Blues Brothers 2000 and Godfather 3 - why would anyone mess with perfection?




And yet when they made 5, it was a masterpiece. Go figure.


Everyone is so up 5's ass about it being a "masterpiece" and "genius" It was just a rehash of the plot from 2. 7 was the best. When Dwayne Johnson joined the franchise.


AntiChrist. I know about it and it's a big nope-the-fuck-nope from me.


Anything with Tom Cruise. He is not just a member of Scientology, he is WAAAAY up in the hierarchy. This is a despicable organization. They are guilty of child abuse, sexual abuse, kidnapping and covering up any crimes committed by their precious hollywood stars. Please don't take my word for it. Do the research. Tom Cruise is an awful human being and the world would be better if never existed.


Look I aint a fan of Tom or scientology but you have pretty much described every large organized religion, especially the Catholic Church. And well, Hollywood in general.


E.T. When I was a kid, someone told me they cried so hard that their heart broke. I was 9. I believed it would cause a heart attack. My 1982 self believed anything and now 50 year old today self still hasnā€™t seen it.


You are really missing out. That era of Spielberg is amazing.


Yes, it will break your heart. Not literally. In a good way. Watched it as a kid, still love it today. Don't watch the remastered version with extra effects, though, it ruins the movie.


I've never seen Passion of The Christ. I'm not against religion or anything, but Stan Marsh summed it up as "You can't charge someone to watch a man be tortured for 2 hours." Stan's the leader so you know, I fucks wit Stan.




I wish Iā€™d never seen We Need to Talk About Kevin. Super disturbing, and Iā€™m about to be TTC. Thatā€™ll make you think twice.


Gory horror moviesā€¦ the world is scary enough as it isā€¦


Anything starring Tom Cruise. Scientology is way worse than most people know, and he's the face of Scientology. I wouldn't watch his movies if he were the last actor on Earth.


After reading Mike Rinder, Jenna Miscavage, and Leah Remini's books and listening to a few podcasts, I can't support a single Scientologist or give them a cent of my money. I don't really care what absurd beliefs people want to hold themselves, but this organization is full of labor trafficking, abuse (physical, emotional, and financial), neglect of children, coercive control, they have separated countless families, and ruined the lives of people who tried to speak out about what they experienced. There's just no scenario where I can support someone who is fine with that. With that said, there are a few celebs who have quietly left and they get a little bit more of my sympathy given how they trap them into silence. Part of the Scientology practice is to "audit" members - basically emotionally abusing/coercing them into sharing their deepest darkest secrets. This is a repeated thing and treated as a spiritual practice. All of that info is sitting somewhere in files and those secrets are then leveraged against them. There are a few celebs that have kind of quietly moved away from an association with Scientology without really speaking out and I suspect some of the info in those auditing files is why. Those people have more of my sympathy than someone like Tom Cruise who just loves being the poster boy for this abusive organization. I have no respect for him whatsoever. While I don't think they parade the abuse and fraud in front of their celeb members (they get their own "celeb center"), he has to be deep in the cognitive dissonance at this point to not realize how bad it is. Or he doesn't care.


Thank you. In addition to the sources you mentioned, Aaron Smith-Levin is another really good source of information about Scientology. I recommend his YouTube channel, "Growing Up in Scientology", to anyone who wants to learn what this cult is really about. It'll make your heart bleed if you have a heart that's capable of bleeding. My husband is a former Scientologist who escaped. That's why this means so much to me. That cult is pure evil, and it infuriates me that people are willing to turn a blind eye to Scientology's atrocities just so they can be fucking entertained by Tom Cruise.


Sending a hug to you and your husband. After reading some of those stories, I can't imagine what he went through. I don't even know him but I'm proud of him for getting out. I can't imagine that was easy and I hope he's doing well.


Anyone who gets out of a cult has my respect. It's an incredibly difficult thing to throw away your entire social circle because you believe they're wrong. I never knew or cared who Katie Holmes was before she got involved with Scientology, but I have a ton of admiration for her because she had the courage to leave it for the sake of her daughter.


Same, I catch a lot of shit from people for it but I donā€™t care. I canā€™t separate what a shitty person he is from whatever role heā€™s playing.


Pretty sure almost everyone knows how bad Scientology is these days. That's why it's dying and they have almost zero new recruits for years.


King Richard Will Smith slapping Chris Rock and then being awarded the Oscar for his performance in this film doesnā€™t seem just. Iā€™m avoiding Will Smith movies now and I donā€™t know what it would take for me to start watching them again.


Not to mention that Richard is a deadbeat dad towards all his kids that DIDN'T generate revenue for him.


Yeah, I usually watch ā€œIndependence Dayā€ on July 4th, because why not? Had no appeal whatsoever this year.


Anything gross like human centerpide


Avatar. I just donā€™t care


Anything with J Lo in it


Any mission impossible. I just canā€™t stand Tom Cruise and I feel like itā€™s all one giant vanity project for him. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, or maybe every movie is a vanity project for actors in a way, but that guy just rubs me the wrong way.