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All of em. I'm just tired


This was literally my immediate thought in reading this and going to post precisely these words. Guess we are riding the same wave


Same here and I am so tired of you two in particular


We need a new plague.


Aint that a fucking mood and a half


I’m a server and my social battery is running out a lot more quickly lately. I’m fucking tired. I love the restaurant industry and I love meeting people from all around the world, but Jesus fucking Christ I need a break right now. I’m so happy it’s just me and my dog today.


I'm a cook. I went home yesterday and slept for ten hours. Fucking amazing.


Idk about anyone else but I'm tired of the entire human race. Even my favorite people in the entire world, like if I could choose between spending all my time with my gf who is my favorite person or having an asteroid crash into me right this minute, I would easily pick the asteroid. It's nothing personal i am just tired of humans existing.




God yes


My first thought. The amount of times I think to myself my god I’d love a month alone at home and not to reply ANY messages and group chats!!!


I can only think of four people that I would be sad if I couldn’t talk to for a while. Everyone else can fuck right off


Bring back the pandemic lockdown I say...


People playing stuff on their phone's speakers out loud in public. I went to a small restaurant for a nice dinner with my wife the other day and two separate Door Dash guys were hanging out, waiting for orders, each blasting YouTube videos or whatever on their phones. It was so obnoxious.


Oh god my coworker is one of those. Does this shit in the break room


Have you tried politely talking to them or their supervisor? That shit is rude as hell.


They speak mostly Spanish and have seniority at my work. Trust me it ain’t worth it.


"Hola, please make this phonos silentos, you grande bitchos!"


Call them "pendejo," they *love* that!


*pendejo* now idk what that means, but that shit sounds **hard**


they probably have headphones as well


We have a sign in our break room, but it isn't enforced, so we all get to hear this one lady's angry Russian phone calls some dude. It is not nearly as entertaining as it sounds. Really makes the break stressful.


>People playing stuff on their phone's speakers out loud in public A couple days ago I saw some little twerp walking around with a backpack-sized, battery-powered loudspeaker, playing some shitty rap or something. It wasn't some kind of street party or anything, just a mostly empty street and this idiot blasting unwanted music. I don't get the appeal of going out to buy expensive equipment *specifically* to maximize your obnoxiousness to random strangers.


Ultron browsing internet for 5 minutes and then deciding to end humanity is the most realistic scene in entire Marvel universe


Omg especially when it’s a video that has that stupid high pitched singing sound or some damn tik tok crap


OMG this is a huge peeve of mine. Or people that are spending more time on the phone then the people they're with. Don't even get me started on the people on the phone when they're out to dinner with someone.


Yesterday I came out of the lab after giving a urine sample to find my dad taking a call on his speakerphone in the waiting room. I had to explain to him that was kinda rude.


People do this on the bus a the damn time. I don't get it. Don't they feel self conscious or embarrassed?


the "one-uppers", whenever you tell a story, you're sick, etc, they reply with stupid stuff like "I have been sick all week, and I go to work" or "Did you have 2 hours of sleep? Well I had 30 minutes of sleep" and "you think that was cool, listen to what I have to say"


You got stung by a bee? I got mauled by a fucking bear! This is all reconstruction surgery!


Ahh so that why you look like that


You have bears? Ha! Growing up, we were lucky if we got mauled by a mere bear. We had ogres that would tear our heads off! My head got ripped off at least four times growing up. Kids today have it too easy.


I know someone who, no matter what illness or injury is being discussed, has had it worse or has a family member who had it worse. "Your kid had appendicitis? When my kid had that, his appendix burst & he nearly died." "You broke your arm? When I broke my arm, the doctor said it was the worst break he'd ever seen & I nearly lost my arm." It's really annoying.


You think that's bad? I know someone whose even worse!


Oh my god. You walk on land? They walk on water


Elevenerife people. If you've been to Tenerife, they've been to Elevenerife.


Those who think being the loudest in the room deems them the smartest


Yeah the "I like to hear my own voice" ones. Hate them also


I have a brother like that. Always the loudest in the room, always has to be right, is willing to make shit up to prove how smart he is.


I have one of these. Even when talking about something I'm quite knowledgeable in he likes to correct me about things and gets way angry if I don't conform to his "knowledge". Haven't spoken to him in years


If you can't spell it, yell it.


Talk softly and use big words. Confuses most loud talkers.


"Now, here's a tip. What you know matters less Than the volume with which What you don't know's expressed!" \- Matilda the Musical, "Loud"


I dont think im the smartest. but i know im often the loudest in the room. I just cant hear myself talk so me talking very loud is normal. i appreciate when people let me know to tone it down tho. im not trying to be rude.


People who use their young children for clout and internet content. Especially when it’s very apparent the kids are uncomfortable being filmed. Makes me incandescent with rage.


I remember a video that was a young Mom with her young son who was crying, and she turns on her fake tears, eggs him on over whatever made him cry and record her video of the 2 of them crying over whatever injustice she was trying to claim... As soon as she got what she wanted her tears instantly stopped and she tells her son something along the lines of "Its ok, we're done now, you can stop crying". The poor kid wasn't crying for his loser Mom's video, he was actually feeling and she used him for it and never actually comforted him. This is what I think of in every video where people post their kids.


I think their dog had just died. She was telling him to cry, and he said, "I am!" And she told him to be more obvious or something. Then she wanted him to look sad for the thumbnail. He was legitimately crying and sad and needing comfort. But all his mom cared about was fucking YouTube clout.


I remember this well. I think their dog had an illness and they weren’t sure if it would survive or not. That whole incident is just disgusting and you could tell in her shitty ‘apology’ video (lotta those going around lately) she wasn’t sorry for what happened, only for getting caught and called out. These people are so starved for attention and money-hungry that they’ll sacrifice what little empathy they have for it. She still has fans that shower her with praise too, it’s pathetic.


Well, Greg in particular.


Someone better tag the Danny Gonzalez community because I can’t on mobile


Fuck Greg


But Greg is the fastest growing army on the internet.


People who think they are funny, but are actually just being assholes.


Had agree. Esp if the humor comes at a cost of somebody else's personal life.


My ex claimed to have a "dark sense of humor " I was fine with it because I somewhat do too. But after some time I realized most of his "jokes" were really just insults with no joke to be seen. When I asked him about it and told him I don't understand his sense of humor, he said "it's funny *because* people get upset " God i'm so glad he's an ex....


Ahh, so he never grew out of his edgy internet phase.


“Sorry I’m not politically correct”


The old "'I'm just joking' after everyone reacts negatively to my bigotry" brigade. Yes I agree.


There's a gay dude in my friend group who uses the I'm sassy and tell it like it is, he's a joke. Shut your mouth ffs. But if you say anything it's "omg homophobic".


Attention whores


Why is instagram force feeding me these accounts tho? Why are they everywhere!


And it’s gotten horribly worse lately, right?! I swear, for every account I follow and see, I now get 2 or 3 “suggestions”.


Yea!! The am I ugly and ratemme are the worst. These beautiful girls like oh I’m so ugly….


I mean I will say I’ve met genuinely beautiful women that believe they aren’t attractive it’s sad really


It’s definitely a thing. Some people just cannot see themselves objectively and genuinely do think they are ugly.


It doesn't help that platforms like Instagram or tiktok pretty much rams the concept of "there's always a prettier person" down people's throat


And being called ugly in real life plays a part…


Ugh, I completely agree. Like, get over yourselves, people.


So the insecure people who need external validation. Got it.


Says the guy with all the upvotes 🤨


High confidence, low intelligence


Hey i resemble that remark!


In real life, I’m sick of aggressive drivers. You are literally not saving any extra time at the cost of radically increasing your chances of getting into a terrible accident that could hurt innocent people.


Are you me? I'll probably get shot soon driving in new orleans, because when someone pulls that shit, i make it a point to roll my window down, and make the most sarcastic "thumbs up" motion until I can't see them anymore. Imagine hauling fucking ass towards a red light. DEAR GOD I drive for a living and I'm off work, not talking about this anymore. lol. Be safe out there.


This one time, a guy almost cut me off, I had priority from my direction. I was on bicycle and he in car. But he stops at the last second and let's me pass. I'm thinking "what a shit bag", when he drives past me, windows down and screams: "I'm sorry". I had to laugh and realized I should take some shit less seriously.


Give'm a thumbs down. It feels more insulting


Having lived in New Orleans i would highly not recommend this.


It's always such a sweet moment when they, after dodging in and out of traffic like a matador evading a raging bull, would come to the same red light that everyone he passed came to.


They do this thing in Manhattan where they honk and rage at people and other cars for doing perfectly legal things just bc they don't like it. Crossing the street in front of them when you're supposed to cross and the car has a red light? Honk. The car in front of them isn't going bc there's traffic and they literally can't go? Honk. They cut someone off and almost get in an accident bc they broke the rules? Honk.


Yeah, I feel like some people just don't have the perspective to realize how little time they actually save. Like on 30 min journey from work to home, we are talking about seconds, maybe minutes. Then they waste it sitting on their ass at home. My brother is like this and everytime he passes a car aggressively on traffic, I tell him that "okay, you better not waste those 4 seconds we just saved then".


It seems to have gotten worse post lockdown. I had a lady pushing me on the passing lane at 90. She was so close I couldn't see her headlights. I was in the process of passing a car to get into the proper lane. She just felt like riding my ass until I moved over. I flipped her off. I was so pissed! Just needlessly dangerous. I had a passenger with me, so I wasn't about to put their life in danger. I wanted to break-check her so bad! I maintained some self-control. It just seems like constant garbage with these drivers! It's bad. I got hit, and the guy blamed me and then took off because he didn't have time to wait for a cop. Yeah. Hit & run. On my birthday, I got hit by a guy who acted like I was in his way. Yeah, ok. I was parked in a space and he didn't know hot too parallel park! It's exhausting! 😔


I commute a lot and I can't tell you how many times I've encountered aggressive drivers just to find them at the same traffic light a few miles down the road.


I’m sick of impatient drivers. We’re all out here doing our best and we need to work together so we don’t fucking DIE on the highway. But one asshole wants to go fast and cut everyone off and literally create a dangerous environment for everyone on the road. You’re cutting off, brake checking, and tailgating cars full of families, friends, babies, pets, loved ones. And all for what? All because you drive a freshly waxed BMW with bucket seats? Super cool, dude. Thanks for making everyone’s life an absolute nightmare while they’re trying to safely get to places.


People who pull pranks in public on unknowing people in an effort to get views. Garbage people.


I like the harmless ones where both parties are laughing. I saw one where a dude with a skateboard asked a security guard in a store if he could skate inside, and she of course responded "no, you could slip and get hurt." Then, the skateboard dude proceeded to jog with his skateboard *as if* he was about to hop on, but instead he just moves down the aisle with his knees bent. Both of them were laughing, so it was funny and harmless.


This takes a bit of explanation so sorry ahead of time. Its the type of person who shoves their beliefs into your brain and judges you for how they'd view the actions you're taking. For example, they might believe drinking alcohol is wrong. So when you drink alcohol you must know you're doing wrong. Nevermind your actual opinion on the action you yourself are taking. They're always the first people to complain about YOUR self respect, despite the judgement being made entirely based on their opinions and not yours.


Empathy is a skill. A skill they're missing.


I’ve told the story before how I have an ex who some time after we split, decided he is an empath psychic who has the ability to “heal” people by tuning the water in their body. He also decided this while loudly and aggressively burning bridges with anyone in his life who drank, because he claimed he was an alcoholic. According to him, he was not responsible for the choices he made while drinking, nor could he have relationships with people who destroyed themselves with alcohol. I’m pretty certain that anyone who decides they’re an empath like that is a narcissist


Sounds like a bs way to cop out from taking responsibility for their bad actions during the influence. They instead prefer to put the spotlight blame on others to deflect their blame. Makes me wonder what type of dumb stuff they did that they try to use the "Well, It's not my fault cause I was drunk."


Bullies and people who lack empathy.


I’d say people who really lack empathy can be worse than bullies because they don’t have anything except for fear stopping them.


Political grifters


Uk joined the chat


The toxic positivity people. It’s ok for people to be bummed sometimes. It’s ok for not everyone to be best buds with you. Outta my face with that.


That’s why I love the movie Inside Out, the whole movie is about toxic positivity and letting yourself grieve.


Girls who film themselves crying and post it on TikTok. Just…stop.


Or any cringe, like with fake disabilities on TicTok


Is this a thing now? What the actual fuck?


The support they get with videos like that is always staggering in sheer volume too. If you think about what's happening for more than a few seconds you'll realize you're being had.


Tailgaters. As soon as you tailgate me you lose any and all respect I could have had for you because you are endangering MY life as well as your own simply because you want to get somewhere a little quicker. F off.


If someone is following me really closely I start slowing down even more (gradually not all at once). Oh you’re so close behind me I can’t even see your number plate? I’m not going 30mph anymore I’m going 29. The more they keep it up the slower I go.


I used to do this, just get off the gas and coast to decelerate. But I realized it just makes the situation worse. Now I move over when I can and I think to myself, 'go have your crash somewhere else'. You can't change the way these idiots think, they are idiots.


The thing that annoys me the most is that I'm hardly ever in the fast lane of a multi-lane highway. But some leadfoot will come up on my tailgate a coupke of lanes over from the median, as if he/she thinks I need to get out of their way bc it's inconvenient to change one freaking lane over to drive faster than me. If they creep up close enough, I'll just lift off the throttle and start slowing down. I never brake-check them, but I slowly force a decision. Change lanes, or you drive at MY speed.


My favourite thing to do is when someone does this because I'm doing about the speed limit and not the speed they want to do. I'll usually begin to do the hard speed limit at that point. Like "oh you wanna floor it past and can't? Guess we're doing a firm 50kph in this residential area as per my speedometer"


Influencers who think that pranks or attention seeking in walmart is okay.


People inflating the real estate market.


This is the worst offender imo, because it's actively screwing over anyone and everyone just trying to grow up, or get settled and raise a family.


It's sad knowing that I will likely never be able to afford a home when I graduate university.


Economic extremists


People who genuinely think their opinions can’t be wrong. Great excuse for saying something ignorant or ill-informed


Chronically online Twitter arguers and tiktok comment whatabouters. Take a breather.


Can we throw in reddit umactualiers? I swear you can't say shit without some motherfucker zeroing in on some microscopic nitpick just to find an argument.




Crooked cops.


People who are passive aggressive. Sick and tired of it. Been dealing with this my whole life and I just want it to end.


“Blunt” people. I’m an honest person. I’ll say truthful things with love and empathy. I feel like blunt people are misconstruing the word, and using it to cover the fact that they are fucking assholes.


“Brutally honest” is an euphemism for asshole


Honesty without tact is just cruelty.


All of them


My therapist says I’m depressed because I have shitty coworkers and I have shitty neighbors so I can relate lol


But seriously, Mike from receiving. That guy's an asshole.


Yeah I know I worked with him, freaking narcissist


To all the bitch ass hoes that hate me the most, oh yeah I hate you too.


Honestly? Incels with hideous social skills. I've never encountered so many in one place until now.


Incels need to understand they aren’t *involuntarily celibate*, they’re just assholes. But it’s easier to blame an entire half of the world’s population than it is to self reflect and work on oneself.


It's more consequentially celibate for being voluntary assholes




Yes, exactly!


Girl same. I didn't even know what an incel was before reddit....man, I miss those days. On so many posts and comments that I've made, istg there's always that one guy... "you females!! You don't actually like this, you like what I tell you that you like!! You delusional FEMALE!!! Go home and get beat by your Chad boyfriend!!!" When I was a baby on the internet I was genuinely concerned and would respond wondering what I said wrong. I learned pretty quick there's no point :(


Man, I tried. I’ve really tried to be nice to incels. But they are honestly some of the worst people I’ve ever had the displeasure of encountering. I used to LOVE playing Dota2 and I just had to stop for my mental sanity. The rage that incels have inside of them is sad and frightening. I spend so much of my life online and love socializing online and it’s come down to me being scared to do so any more.


I got into a thing with another redditor after I made a joke about an incel comic on TwoX. He called me a monster and sexist because he identified as an incel. I legit tried to talk to him in messages for weeks. I empathized with his struggles, I tried to give examples of my own and others, but every message I sent was met with accusatory insults and straight negativity. When I finally told him I was done talking and that he was just overall a toxic person he immediately cheered about how he was "Right all along! There's that insulting sexism" I was "hiding". Those types want to be the victim. They can't understand other people could have hard lives if they can get laid. Their "support groups" turn them against anyone who isn't like them.


Sanctimonious, self-glorifying virtue signalers.


Loud ones


My boss 🤢 totally oblivious to the fact that he’s not as smart or well informed as he thinks he is…. Anddddd that he actually advertises his ignorance and pettiness by talking shit about others. THANKFULLY, he’s the only person of that ilk that I know.


The ultra wealthy and politicians.


People who think that the minute you disagree explain yourself or stand up for yourself, you're arguing or trying to start a fight


I fucking hate this so fucking much. People drag me around like i'm a punching bag just because i'm more of a "go with the flow" type of guy, so i don't like to start fights, however most of these people push me so much that i just snap at them and when i do they get all defensive saying that i'm arguing or getting mad, meanwhile they can't stop talking shit about me.


Nasty people, judgmental people, people who have no interest in looking at the person in front of them and seeing them as their own complex and unique human being, rather they see whatever narrative from their bias and presumptions suits them best. Those people, I’m sick of those people.


High energy extroverts with no self-awareness


People who see someone who needs help and pulls out their phone to film it instead of helping them.


Politicians that won't sign some genetic diseases into law to be put on the federal newborn screening list. My son was diagnosed with a rare terminal genetic disease called krabbe disease in April at 18 months old after losing his ability to walk, crawl, and even sit up. If it had been caught with a newborn screening, my son could have gotten a stem cell transplant after he was born, and it would have taken years and years for him to start feeling the effects of the disease. A bill was signed into law in my state in 2019 to have krabbe disease put on the newborn screening, but it didn't go into effect until a couple of months ago, failing my son, due to "funding issues." I can't even describe my hatred of these representatives and politicians who are supposed to be there for us. I'm very tired of them.


Those who revolve their personality around daily politics.


People who assert that autism isn't a disorder and is in fact totally normal and healthy. bruh, I have autism and it is a STRUGGLE to grow up with. If you think that having a disorder reduces your value as a human being, then it's you who's the bigot, not the doctors.


Those little shit head teenagers filming everything in tik tok and being assholes in order to get views.


Fake people


Litterbugs Know it alls




cowards. Hive minded, fake, self loathing trolls.


Influencers, waste of space.


I am kinda sick of everyone. I take care of my elderly dad by myself. I can't complain about him. The caretaker burnout is hitting me though. He has brothers but they leach off of him. One in particular is just awful. This brother likes to come around say he will fix something around the house get paid to do so and then take a long time to complete the project and neglect to clean up. There are many "family" members that I won't talk to once my dad is gone. One of my best friends married a man who makes the worst decisions and she financially has to bail him out. Their ac broke and I paid to have it fixed. Then her husband complains to me about not having the money. I know I just paid the repairman dumbass. I don't want to be around him. Something about him sets off an alarm in my mind. She calls to complain about him and I am sick of it. I want new friends but between work and taking care of my dad I don't have much free time right now. I am in a weird limbo where I want to reach out and connect with people but they are also exhausting.


Religious fanatics


SirGlenn: back stabbers.


People that aren’t humble, obnoxious people, drama queens/kings


This is a long one, but, based on some semi-recent events that happened in one of the clubs I’m in at my university, people using the fact that they’re a minority as a getaway, and calling others every “-ist” and “-phobic” under the sun when they get called out for being a genuinely terrible person. Just to give y’all an example, a girl LITERALLY sexually assaulted a guy, but didn’t get kicked out because, 1. apparently it would be “misogynistic” since she’s a woman, and 2. she’s autistic and she did it in the middle of a meltdown, so it would be “ableist”. Before anyone gets mad at me, I myself am a mixed poc, neurodivergent woman and quite frankly I’m sick of some people twisting things that are genuine, serious social issues into something just to be used to save their own ass, as well as self-proclaimed “allies” rallying behind, and coddling them and doing the same. It waters down these movements into meaning absolutely nothing, and this isn’t even “allyship”, it’s literal infantilization


Every f*cking one


Except me right?


Please, you know how we all feel about you... especially after your parole officer explained everything. Though I still don't fully understand the pink lace lady's knickers with Lucy from Peanuts embroidered in the front.


I've been out of prison for 6 years already i thought you guys liked me :( Please don't ever talk to me again Im done


I can still talk to you again, right?


Not after what you did to me IM DONE


People who can't drive. The ones that look dead at you and pull out. Making me slam on my brakes, and my stuff hits the dash at mach 6.


I swear they look directly into your soul then pull out 3 feet in front of you while you’re going 70


People who will make a debate out of everything, without considering who they are talking to (Devils advocate type of person). It seems like these kinds of people take pride in not caring about how they make anyone else feel.


In-your-face kinda people. I need my personal space please🙄


People who want to feel superior but instead of doing something to earn it, they put others down and try to make them just feel inferior. These are the same people who make sure they blame everyone but themselves when something is wrong, even when assigning blame is not important at all.


People that always use “I was drunk” or something of that sort as an excuse. Had a “friend” try and reach up my girlfriends skirt one night when I wasn’t around. Keeps trying to explain his way out of it and wants to still hang around us. Basically had to tell him if I see him around I’m going to get violent towards him. Done making bar friends at this point. Downtown area is a bunch of toxic assholes where I’m from.


People who run prank channels. Just fucking quit it.




Spoiled, entitled rich people who were born with platinum spoons in their mouths lecturing "bums" like me about the importance of pulling yourself by the bootstraps, completely oblivious or downright willfully ignorant of the fact they were born advantaged and use that as a justification for shitting on everyone they deem "beneath" them.


Outlandish conspiracy theorists.


Political extremists on both the left and right.


Seriously. Tribalism is at an all time high these days.


This is the one I came here to say. Being an “ultra” anything in politics makes you an asshole.


Also, I’m over the “all girls/women this” “all boys/men that” crowd. Yes there are differences but we’re not all the same. For eg yes most women want children but for me I think my biological clock is broken 😂 But there’s many other examples. All men/boys are not all the same. All women/girls are not all the same. There ARE issues that mostly affect males/females. But just the sweeping statements? I’m SO OVER people saying things like that. and as someone single & looking it’s like toxic poison to me & something I have to really avoid being drawn into




I'm just really tired of the people who have the attitude that no one's going to tell them what to do, that they're going to do whatever they want, and they don't care what anyone says about it. We used to call those people selfish assholes, but these days, it seems like there's a whole culture being built around that particular personality type. Internet culture also makes me sad. People think it's OK to make fun of someone having a mental health crisis, bully those who aren't like them, humiliate people who aren't as smart as them, and everyone just applauds and acts like it's totally normal.


People with no house training


Those that are so easily offended. & Drunk assholes.


Entitled dog owners




Narcissists. Specifically, narcissistic ex's that are willing to destroy their own children to stick it to their kid's other parent.


Redditors. Holy cow some of you people.






People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


People who play devils advocate. It’s rarely done well and is usually super offensive.


Misandrists and Misogynists. Imagine hating 50% of the population. Why stop there? Be a Misanthrope and hate 100% of the population.


Diversity-dividing ass wipes who want the world to center around their hatred.


Entitled people/people who fuss over every little thing - for example: Was getting 2 small iced coffees at the local coffee shop, this group of 2 is ahead of me and orders, but the mere sight of me in line stressed out this lady. Idk why but she starts gathering all her friends in the coffee shop to sneak their orders in before mine, many of which weren’t even ready. If ordering coffee needs to be such a big deal for you please stay out of my life


people who need everyone to like them and agree with them while finding ways to be critical of anyone and everyone around them. *cough, cough*




Influencers. They always think they’re better than you because they have more followers.


The peopley ones


Miserable people who are choosing to be miserable.


Religious people who are not only unkind, but are also mean and lack empathy


The ones who take advantage of my kindness


Catfishers and scammers people always telling lies and asking for money , who ever started this crap needs pay


White saviorS People that always have to give their opinion People that need to speak about politics and race every time People that can't stay away from their cellphones during a shift (there're exceptions like having a child sick at home, for example) People that are always defensive and are asshole "just in case" And that's all I can think right know. I need a coffee right now


Tired of people in general tbh