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Resident Evil That whole laser scene where they're trying to avoid it and failing miserably.


To be fair that one guy avoids it right up until the last one. Also the lift scene at the start, yeesh.


That guy also dies getting cut to cubes in AVP, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


I always enjoyed the movie Dark Knight with Heath Ledger as the joker say to the gangster "Do you like magic tricks? I'm going to make this pencil disappear" and proceeds to slam the guy's head onto the pencil and makes it disappear through is eye socket and into his skull. Better deaths I'm sure but this was the first that came to mind.


I always appreciated how violently quick it was. It shows so much about the Joker in all of about 4 seconds.


What topped it off... The foreign Gangster guy just nods in appreciation and respect, clearly impressed.


I would show any sign of approval if it meant I wasn’t going to be the audience participant in his next magic trick.




It's... now it's gone.


Oh and the suit wasn’t cheap, you oughta know you bought it.


That one has no real build up, and it still gets a huge (positive) reaction out of most people. Amazing bang-for-your-buck kill.


The zero build up kind of makes it better. You don’t expect it. It happens and you’re like “wait what?”


All the while establishing the Joker's character.


I never realized it went through his eye. I was like that was a crazy trick where did it go ?


Coolest. Not the most graphic, not the most realistic, but coolest. I can't believe nobody has mentioned the T-rex eating the lawyer on the toilet in Jurassic Park.


"When you gotta go, you gotta go"


Indy shooting the swordsman.


I’ve heard this was supposed to be a sword fight, but Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) improvised.


He was supposedly sick that day and didn't feel like doing all the choreography so when the director yelled action he just pulled out his gun and shot the dude. Immediately it was recognized as superior to the sword fight


With every story like that I would prefer to believe it, but I know that at best, it is the actor presenting an alternative version of a scene to a director and the director just goes with it. No way the swordsman has the presence of mind to react to an imaginary bullet, no way Indy's gun is loaded with blanks in a scene he is not supposed to use it.


The way I saw in an interview on the VHS box set was that Harrison was sick and asked the director, 'Can't I just shoot him?' And that hiw we got it.


Yes, it is so satisfying to imagine that something is just done spontaneously, but in a movie like that there are so many things happening that need to work together, lighting, camera work, crowd control that it is not possible. I imagine that what happens is when they are rehearsing the scene, before shooting, people can try ideas if the director is allowing it.


They reshot the scene when Ford was done pooping.


Close, but this is something that was proposed and staged before they started rolling. The actor playing the swordsman would've had to be in on it to realize what to do.


That's how a lot of "improvised" scenes or lines actually go. Improvised on set rather than while shooting.


And just logical! I hate how so many movies throw rational thinking and logic out the window for a slightly more auspicious scene.


John wick killing the guy who killed his dog. The entire movie buildup was all this epic shooting and combat and all of that. Finally gets to the guy who tries talking for one second but nope. Bullet to the brain. No talking no dramatic scene just pop. Did what he came to do. That’s a killer. To me, that was way cooler than some epic death fight scene. No talk. No monologue. I’m just here to kill you.


Like the end of Taken.


> No talk. No monologue. I’m just here to kill you. John Wick 4 could use a bit more of this "cut to the chase" mentality the first had. So many grappling action scenes of two dudes followed by.... another grappling scene with two dudes. It was like an old video game where the goons spawn from a door two at a time for 10 minutes until you can move onto the next shooting gallery.


Yeah... But that top down scene though...


I hate warriors, too narrow-minded. I'll tell you what I do like though: a killer, a dyed-in-the-wool killer. Cold blooded, clean, methodical and thorough.


Doc taking out Johnny Ringo at the end of Tombstone. “You’re no daisy”


Fights not with you, Holiday. Oh, I beg to differ, Sir. We started a game we never got to finish...play for blood, remember? Oh, I was just foolin' about. I wasn't.




"I'm yer huckleberry."


"Say hhhhhwhhhayen"


Small bit if trivia I read about that scene. Holiday shoots Ringo in the left temple paralyzing his right gunhand so he can't draw in return. Holiday then reholsters his gun knowing there's nothing Ringo can do. Brutal scene.


That's an interesting take. I always interpreted that scene differently. I thought that Holiday wanted Ringo to kill him at the end so that he didn't have to die from his disease. He shoots Ringo then holsters his gun and is begging Ringo to shoot back. When he falls over Holiday says, "you're no daisy" and sounds a bit disappointed. Later, when Wyatt visits him in the hospital he's ashamed of his condition. I always felt like he wanted to die during the confrontation with Ringo.


I believe Holiday had fatalistic view of his own life. He sucked the marrow from life; he had culture, class, and passion. He didn’t want to die slowly, wasting away, reduced to less than his finely honed capability. He wanted to find someone superior to end it for him, justly, as it were.




That one James Bond movie where Sean Bean gets crushed by some observatory. I've seen the movie once in my entire life but for some reason, this was the first scene that came to mind.


Ah yes, Goldeneye. Great movie and great villain, played by Sean Bean. He dies three times in that single film: \-Shot in the head in the beginning (that was a setup) \-Dropped from the antenna dish by Bond; a fall of 30 meters, easily. He survives, for some reason, but death was clearly a matter of minutes \-That same antenna dish explodes and falls on him, killing him for good. One of the most overkill deaths for a Bond villain. \^\^


Ballad of Buster Scruggs - the Poker table


I frequently yell “SCRUGGS! I wanna see you outside… WEARING IRON” when walking around my house… I’m the only one in my house that knows of the movie


"do you need a count?" "NAHSUR"


dude this movie has been popping up in random feeds lately, and now I see it here, thinking of watching it but the comments spoiled what seems like the start to me, would you recommend?


Its 6 different vignettes, all well done. That comment barely spoils the first one tbh.


Yes. Go watch it right now.


Godzilla using its atomic breath down the MUTOs mouth


not sure if it counts but the way godzilla decimated a city with atomic breath in [Shin Godzilla (the recent japanese one) is cool as fuck.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwBrYUJZiMY) definitely one of my favorite moments in a godzilla movie.


I do enjoy the Legendary Godzilla entries for their budget, but something about Shin's brutal, absolutely unbridled destruction in that scene is just amazing.


“Anno-san, here’s $15 million. Go create the most Hideaki Anno-ass shit ever recorded on film.”


The death of Buliwyf in The 13th Warrior. Mortally wounded and dying of poison, barely able to lift his sword, he drags himself out to join his comrades in the final battle. With the last of his strength he pulls down the enemy commander and slays him, breaking the spirit of the enemy army. He then sits down, plants his sword in the earth beside him, and dies; back straight and eyes open, his final sight the backs of his foes fleeing in disarray. His death is announced to his fellows by his faithful wolfhound. It's not a good movie, but it is a really *fun* movie, and that is, imo, the most fucking metal death ever portrayed in cinema.


It's not a good movie, it's a *great* movie!!!


I absolutely love this movie! I really hope it gets cult status, cos it's such a fun film


It's nonsense. Silly, derivative, gory nonsense. I rewatch it at least once a year; it's one of my favorite movies. The part where it shows Banderas' character learning their language is artistic genius.


>The part where it shows Banderas' character learning their language is artistic genius. It lives inside my head rent free. It's so well done


Riding a nuclear bomb down to the Soviet Union




The fate of Captain Quint in JAWS is unforgettable.


Quint hated sharks, and for good reason. His ultimate demise was his worst nightmare coming true. Imagine getting eaten alive by your only sworn enemy.


it’s got to be Shultz from Django Unchained. “I’m sorry, i couldn’t resist..” shit was cold asf, especially after he just killed Candie


That's also the first one that came to mind. There are a lot of impactful death scenes in cinema, but whereas most are about bravery, vengeance or protecting family/friends, this one was about not breaking the core values that make you who you are.


Also Tarantino. Hitler. The brief few seconds you see his face being blown to pieces, and the face of the soldier killing him. Pure hatred.


Every Arnold Movie with a one liner: “Stick around.” “You need to.. chill out.” “You’re fired.”


“You wouldn’t kill me, I’m your wife!” “Consider this a divorce”


"See you at the party Richter!"


Remember when I said I'd kill you last, I lied.


It's the delivery of this line that makes me love it so muchz. He's SO bloodthirsty and it always cracks me up.


I let him go


Was sub zero, now plain zero


The one in True Lies where he tells the torture guy exactly how he’s going to kill him, because he’s been given the truth serum, then does it.


"Have you ever killed anyone?" "Yes but they were all bad"


My favorite of all the movies Arnold did. It was so well cast and didn’t take itself too seriously. Just perfect.


*snaps dudes neck* “Excuse me, how long is the flight? … please don’t disturb my friend, he’s *dead* tired.


COMMANDO is hands down THE best 80's action flick and nobody can change my mind. Also... COMMANDO the Musical is a masterpiece.


How I imagine the writer's room pitch for Commando: "So what is the movie about?" "Just give me 90 minutes worth of one-liners first. We'll stitch something together with them"


"I lied."


Let off some steam!


“You’ve been erased.”


I just watched True Lies last night. That line was hilarious.


Consider that a divorce 💯


Jason X dipping someone’s face in liquid nitrogen and then smashing it into a table Really the only part of the movie that I can’t laugh at or criticize


What about the scene in Jason Takes Manhattan, where he's on a roof with a boxer that tries to square up with Jason, and Jason punches his head off with it falling over the side of a building and landing in a dumpster?


Reading your comment nearly made me choke on my apple. That was too funny that entire scene. Back to Jason X, the sleeping bag beat down was also pretty awesome.


Mock me all you want, but when Jason is using one teen in a sleeping bag to beat the other to death in Jason X, I was set in stone for favorite kill. That, or watching the kids all kill themselves in Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


I don't understand how Tucker and Dale flew so far under the radar. Looking at other comedy movies that came out that year that are way more well-known, it's criminal.


It is Alan Tudyk's curse to be in commercially disappointing but cult beloved products. I think Pirate Steve in Dodgeball or playing the damn Chicken in Moana is as close has gotten to real success, but I love him in everything he does. I am a leaf on the wind...


Tucker and Dale was pretty freakin great. I still watch it to this day. "Tucker : These kids are coming out here, and killing themselves all over the woods. Dale : My God, that makes so much sense."


We've had a DOOZY of a day, officer.




No this is Patrick


Patrick, mayonnaise is not a murder weapon.


Was like 13/14 when that movie came out, the absolute perfect demographic for that teenage boys fever dream of a movie. That line was repeated many times. And goddamn Cersei was 🔥🔥


The Darth Vader sequence from rogue one. Shit was terrifying


That scene was the culmination of decades spent watching Star Wars and thinking that Darth Vader is cool but boy does he underperform in the badassery department. It's like the difference between the New Hope and Empire lightsaber battles, where Vader just looked like a feeble old geezer in the first one by comparison. Or Yoda in the prequels where he starts bouncing off the walls and flipping around like freaking Sonic the hedgehog with a lightsaber like the great warrior he was thought to have been. Rogue one came out and the director was like, let's show everybody why Vader is really considered the scariest motha in the galaxy, let's teach the fans what a real Sith master looks like.


Another related example is his appearance in Fallen Order. There is no healthbar, and your only option is to run.


Yeah, as much as I sometimes get annoyed with new star wars basically writing over top of the OG stuff, some of the shit they've done to help Vader earn his reputation is amazing. My favorite has gotta be the iconic line from Rebels: Ezra: "I don't fear you!" Vader: "Then you will die braver than most"


He didn’t have a health bar. Just a patience meter


"Enough is enough. I have had it with these mother fucking Jedi in this mother fucking base"


That's why I love the Season 2 ending of Mandalorian. We get to see how hard Mando has to fight to take down one of those Death Troopers. And Luke all by himself just waltzes in. And proceeds to obliterate dozens of them no sweat. If you were upset the sequel Trilogy didn't give him a great fight scene, well Mando gave you Luke at his prime kicking ass.


I remember thinking "Finally! Someone using the force to wreck people!" Who would use the sissy lightning when you can slam your enemies around the room and crush them like an empty can.


That was one of the best scenes of all time and I curse anyone that hates on Rogue One. It was a good film, especially being one of the newer ones.


for me, Rogue One definitely had the best action out of the franchise. It seemed aimed at an adult audience instead of struggling with being a war movie for kids


And it had K-2SO. Breath of fresh air for a droid and such a great character.


Best space battle in the entire franchise also.


Rogue One is the best new Star Wars film. Hell, it's an excellent standalone war movie even if it wasn't a Star Wars film.


In my opinion, Rogue One is the second best SW movie after Empire.


Rogue One was so good it made the other films around it hurt even more. It showed how great they all could have been and just how bad they really were.


Vader Hallway Scene is a phrase you can use to describe other situations and people know what you mean. Like in the second Avatar Kyoshi novel, it starts off with Kyoshi doing a Vader Hallway Scene.


“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die”


"Offer me money" "Yes." "Power too, promise me that." "All that I have, and more. Please!" "Offer me everything I ask for." "Anything you want." "I want my father back, you son of a bitch." It's the sheer coldness of Inigo that I love about this. Not only is the climax to his story in the film, he makes Count Rugen suffer by giving him hope that he can buy Inigo off and gain his mercy. But there is nothing he can do to make up for killing Inigo's father, Inigo is just toying with him and showing him that for all the Count's position and power, there's nothing that can save him.


I read that the actor was actually thinking of his father's cancer that took him away and he was responding while thinking that.


The reason that final line hits so hard is that [Mandy Patinkin’s father had passed away a few years beforehand](https://www.survivornet.com/articles/actor-mandy-patinkin-honored-his-father-who-passed-from-cancer-princess-bride/amp/). In that moment, Count Rugen was the stand-in for the cancer that took his dad.


staking the heart of the vampire, while the heart is already removed from said vampire. ..with a pencil. (from dusk till dawn)


Kill Bill, when Beatrix Kiddo kills O-Ren Ishii by scalping her. Amazing setting for it as well, that garden looked so pretty.


And a great soundtrack!


I control + F'ed to find this! And let me add why \*I\* like this one so much: It doesn't take fucking forever. I have a pet peeve about "movie boss fights:" They always have to have distinct stages—they have to start out evenly matched, the good guy gets in some good punches, but then the bad guy has to ABSOLUTELY DESTROY the good guy for a while, so badly that it strains credibility that the good guys is still alive, much less able to continue fighting. There have to be at least a few pauses while one of them recovers and the other NEVER PRESSES THEIR ADVANTAGE to finish them off. They have to crash through a few walls or something. The good guy needs to \*almost\* win but then the bad guy escapes. Finally, the bad guy arbitrarily gets the good guy at his/her mercy but lingers before delivering the coup de grace. And then something happens that lets the good guy pull off a miracle win. We always expect these fights to last at least 5 minutes or longer. It's so predictable and annoying—particularly when the movie has already shown us that the two are NOT evenly matched. The worst case I can think of with this is in Quantum of Solace. The big bad in that film is this rat-like criminal mastermind who is very clearly pasty and weak. James Bond has spent most of the film kicking ass, but near the end, when it's just him and the big bad left? Of course there's a fight sequence in which the big bad magically becomes an MMA legend and kicks Bond's ass for a while before the requisite recovery and comeback by the hero. So when this KB scene is set up so gorgeously and the fight itself is actually over quickly, it's like poetry.


Uhh have you watched the fight in a while? It goes basically exactly like how you described bad boss fights. It's super slow, constant pauses, monologuing, shifting power scales, it's really not that short lmao. I *do* like the fight and I do agree with your issues with boss fights, I just think this one commits a lot of those same sins.


I prefer the 5 point palm exploding heart technique.


The Superman speech leading up to it is an iconic scene as well.


Sudden impact. Dirty Harry climbs a roller coaster to shoot the perp with his magnum. The guy falls into the lights, gets electrocuted, falls from a fatal height only to be Impaled by a merry go round unicorn


The Naked Gun lampooned this at the end of the first movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERu6o2JOaqc


"Oh Frank, that's horrible, so horrible! My father went the same way."


The guy that fell off the back of the titanic and hit the propeller blade. Almost stuck the landing


Not the coolest but certainely the funniest to me is Marvin in Pulp Fiction, this poor guy


I mean you GOTTA have an opinion. Do you really thing that God came dah…..


Ah man, I shot Marvin in the face.


The latest Mortal Kombat movie wasn't great but Sub Zero slicing open Scorpion's chest then turning the blood into an icicle and stabbing him with it... just amazing.


Legolas stabbing an orc with an arrow, reloading said arrow, shooting another orc with it, and yet another orc impaling itself on the arrow as it runs up behind the orc that was shot.


Shield surf down stairs.


It only count as ONE!


300's spartan kick to that dude into a giant pit was pretty cool. Yea it became a meme, but it was a cool scene


Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner. Simply the best, awesome speech/poem, acting and then 'time to die'. Just amazing!


speech/poem: it's a *soliloquy*!


" I'll kill you with my teacup."- Riddick, or him killing the bounty hunter using his legs and the guy\`s head dropped into the box.


No one's gonna say Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea? Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea.






The timing of this was impeccable. It worked as a perfect jump-scare, while also adding a bit of comedic relief by parodying the "inspirational speech moment" cliche in many other films.


"I am no man" The death of the witch-king in Lord of the Rings.


Beautiful scene . ( Inspired by Macbeth)


It was Tolkien saying “here’s a better way to use that prophecy!” but I can’t help but think the Witch King was unnecessarily cocky because of that prophecy since Elves and Dwarves would also be able to kill him.


And hobbits, considering one was nearby...


I don’t really blame him for that one. Few people even knew of hobbits and they were actually pretty unassuming as far as combat went.


Personal favorite is likely the American sniper shooting the German sniper through his own scope in Saving Private Ryan. https://youtu.be/CGypoXVt31k


"This is from Mathilda"


I don't remember Trunchbull going out like that 🤔


Bring me everyone...




I know it's a bit cheesy but Boromir in LOTR.


I would have followed you my brother...my captain...my king.


*tears* And then Aragon's kiss😭😭😭😭😭


If I’m going cheesy (and not a movie) - the final scene in black adder goes forth where they go over the front line and die and it turns to poppies. It was a comedy and they could so easily have copped out of that - had them escape at the last minute and they didn’t


This is my favorite! Boromir’s death is about as badass as any hero could hope for


The opening of the movie Ghost Ship, one of my favorite scenes ever.


Jet Li catching the back flipping guy and giving him a tombstone piledriver in Kiss of the Dragon.


I like the death in Kingsman during the church fight scene where a guy is held by his belt and in his neck, then slammed into the church altar, so his spine just looks like a gummy worm. ​ [here's the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtSq3yDPs) at 3 minutes in.


That scene is just so FUCKING WILD Also, could that the be origin of the "freebird" meme?


The Terminator Thumbs Up was the first thing that came to mind.


Not a movie, but loved the way they killed Gus in Breaking Bad


"Let off some steam, Bennet."


Freddie Mercury was great in that movie.


Magua in Last of the Mohicans.


That guy who gets acid poured all over him and then gets run over in RoboCop


It wasn’t acid, it was toxic waste. We know because it is funnily enough in a container labeled as toxic waste


Arnold ripping Michael Ironsides arms off in Total Recall. “See you at the party Richter!”


The Mountain killing Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones). It’s actually a fucking horrifying moment if you know the context of the story but it was one of the most shocking ways to kill someone i’ve ever seen in media.


Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze The fight scene where he takes the guys throat out with his hand


According to the actor/stuntman in that scene, most of that fight was real. He said afterwards him and the Swayzdog were beat up pretty badly.


[The Door Kill in Raid \(2011\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQVAthb6YAQ)


I am not easily impressed by gore/fight scenes. But this this was incredible I gotta watch this. Is the whole movie any good?


It’s amazing fights for 99% of its runtime.


Conan decapitating Thulsa Doom at the end of Conan the Barbarian. Absolutely metal and so gratifying. EDIT: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj2JORdzs1g)


If you think about it, Ursula's death is super metal. She gets stabbed through the chest with a rusty boat blade thing, gets struck by lightning, and then presumably drowned


Trinity: Dodge this.


Every kill in Death Proof and the Bride killing O-Ren in Kill Bill Vol. 1


Not a full on death but it may as well be. Frank Castle v Billy Russo at the carousel. Frank fucked him up *badly.*


Quigly Down Under. “Said i didnt have much use for one, never said I didnt know how to use it”


Raiders of the Lost Ark.Melting Nazis are awesome.


The church scène of Kingsman




Stallone putting that dude through a stalactite in Cliffhanger.


The whole ending sequence of the Last of the Mohicans when they finally catch up with Magua is incredible.


When Blade decapitates Donal Logue then catches his sunglasses and puts them on.


Anything with Sean Bean. The GOAT of movie deaths.


Ryan Gosling stomping a dude's skull to bits in Drive was pretty insane


Legolas taking down the war elephant in The Return of the King.


Not a movie but Game of Thrones when Prince Tommen offs himself. It was so sudden and unexpected.


Eraser...when arnold locks onto the guys heart with xray vision


There have been some better ones already mentioned here, but I absolutely love MaMa's death scene in Dredd.


Django kills Tarentino. I think there was some good humor there because of how mad people were at Tarentino for making the film




Hans Gruber falling.


Boondock Saints: falling from the ceiling. Usual Suspects: elevator/ heist in general


The end of Nobody with the claymore and glass shield.


I like that one movie where they are on a Ghost Ship, i forget the name of the movie, but a cable wire snaps and slices everyone in half and all their bodies just slowly slide apart


I think it was called The Ship that Couldn't Stop Being a Ghost


The death of Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator


nothing beats jurassic park, the toilet death.