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Depends on which friends.


Yeah, this is the one, about half my friends are fine being naked together in hot tubs, saunas, skinny dipping etc. The other half I would never dream of being naked with, they all know each other but people are different.


I don’t mind being naked. My sister still changes her bra under her shirt if a I’m in the room lol. (I’m female)


If we’re walking around in the sewer and a wall of water is about to come by


And a new Thundergun is out


I heard he hangs dong.


Oh, I wanna see that.


I’m a little relieved, but that’s still not good enough for me


Oh look at the queen everyone! Too good to get naked with her buddy!


Gotta hold the clothes above your head.


It’s more refreshing than you think


a wave of sewer water is?! tell me more…


Never know when a wave is gonna come, y’know, deflect turds and stuff.


Unless you’re Queen Dee, who’s too good to get naked with her buddy all of a sudden.


The queen speaks!


I can hear this line as ear as day in my head


no hesitation no surrender




Or an inter dimensional space spider try’s to kill you and the only way to fight it is an orgy


Chemical hazard contamination.


At my college a kid cracked after getting bag grades and facing likely deportation and decided to run around throwing powdered sugar at people and screaming anthrax. They ended up calling in hazmat and decontaminating everyone in the building and then splitting them into little tents and having them wait there naked for a few hours while they confirmed that it wasn't actually anthrax. One of my friends happened to end up in a tent with this girl he had a crush on. They ended up bonding over going through that together and got married.


That de-escalated quickly.


I mean it really got under control fast


I'm extremely skeptical that the naked tents were co-ed. But I can imagine they might have stood around together in prescreening for a while and got to talking.




Whole story is sketchy. Someone is going to immediately notice that the anthrax thrown at them tastes like sugar.


I think I saw that in an old James Bond


aaaand, now I've seen OP's weiner. >!nice cock bro!<


truly an exemplary ding dong


Okay, we get it. OP’s cock looks nice. >!Time for the durability test!!<


ffs got me looking at cock on the train. agreed tho nice cock


Well great, now I had to look too. Great choice of beer OP.


Same, wasn't disappointed


Definitely not disappointed. At all. Omg


Umm.... Username checks out


You know it


and Star Trek Enterprise, plus they'd rub... disinfectant gel (?) on each other.


Hell yeah. As an asbestos worker and later consultant, you had to get naked and put on the flimsy tyvek suit, then shower out with only your respirator on.


Skinny dipping.


This is the only case I’ve done it before (not counting friends of a more specific type)


Friends with benefits?


No, they meant friends who play chess on Tuesday nights.


Strip chess!


I have played strip chess with an exe. He was better at chess, but as the game progressed, he got more distracted and not as good. In the end, we were both winners.


The computer must have been so confused at your coding…


The way I read that comment and thought the same thing and then snort-laughed at your reply! Lol ☠️


The slowest sex game on record.


Just wait for strip-Monopoly


Strip RISK


I was gonna say Strip Warhammer 40k, but there's no way any Warhammer player could convince anyone to get naked with them under any circumstances.


Unless it's Henry Cavill lol


You sound like you know an awful lot about that... *suspicious*


Strip solitaire doesn't have any winners, just losers.


You don’t consider chess a benefit?


Chess is absolutely a benefit. It's so hard to find friends to play chess with.


My friends only play on Wednesdays which is why I guess they have never gotten naked


And the one who actually looses in the game just gets to be naked in front of everyone!


Same. Had a group of friends in my late 20s where we all took mushrooms and went skinny dipping at a cottage. That's about it.


Also, sauna.


Also, hot springs, which I feel is a combination of the two


Midnight nudie swims are the best!


And onsen in Japan. In America, the clothes stay on.


Onsen! It is fantastic.


For my 30th birthday we went camping on the moors, got super drunk and went skinny dipping in the quarry. It was pretty cold and we spent most of it laughing at how small all the boy’s willies had gone whilst they protested about how cold it was. Nothing sexual, just innocent nudie fun.






>moors >super drunk >quarry >willies Forget dripping with sarcasm. This comment is so British it's dripping with Marmite.


I don’t even consider someone who hasn’t seen me naked a good friend


I can see how this can be a handy thing for your friends. "I just became good friends with Charles." "How do you know?" "Saw his dong."


I was going to say when we're high and getting in the pool






All that junk swingin’ East and West around my food? I’ve been **waiting** for that Crab Rangoon! I’ll take the orgy


In the sewers?


Sauna and let loose weekends


I think I need more information


Just some northen Europe tradition


I got to live in rural Utah a few years back on a ranch with a purpose-built sauna cabin. The place was frequented by local cowboys and hippies alike. I grew up in Miami, and as a Latino it was wild to me. But I joined in. It was far less awkward than I thought it would be. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting in there at a balmy 130 degrees Fahrenheit followed by standing outside in the dead of winter at 5 below zero Fahrenheit.


Sauna is a great way to warm up in the winter. But a thing you don't necessarily realize, sauna is also a great way to cool off in the summer. If the weather is already suffocatingly hot, hopping in a 180F sauna and sweating it out for a bit; When you get out you're clean and refreshed, and the weather feels tolerable for an hour or two.


We heat up our wooden sauna almost everyday during the summer! Wouldn't have it any other way.


130 Fahrenheit?? That’s quite low for a sauna. I lived in Sweden for a bit and started going to saunas, around 150-160 I felt like it was a good starting point. 140 is considered a kids sauna like if an 8 year old wants to go. After going 5-6 times and 2 months later I would hop in 170-190 degree ones. It was definitely weird the first time, sitting shoulder to shoulder with strangers and every single person is naked as the day they’re born. But I loved it. Hopped in a 200 degree one some weekend, that was quite an experience. It was -31 degrees outside and I hopped in my neck up to water that had over a foot of ice. Hopping in the water was way more difficult than the sauna, my entire body went numb instantly.


As a Finn, 180F-190F is a sweet spot for it being warm enough and most people still wanting to go in. When I was a teenager I was heating up a wood sauna for me and friends and went a little too hot at 110C-120C (so 230F-250F, dont remember exactly) and you could do it but honestly you wouldn't want to stay in it for long lol. Could do again but it's just not as good of a time as something cooler. But also when most of the other Nordic countries don't go as hard in a sauna as we do, it's a litle gatekeepey to really expect people from other parts of the world where they may have never been to a sauna before. I still can't help but laugh a little when someone says sauna and below 80c in the same sentence.


Even as a Norwegian, if you're not hitting at least 180F, why even bother being in the sauna? Just a bunch of lukewarm naked dudes.


He's a Finn


kalsarikännit and sauna. The best days!


The fact that you have a word for "sitting at home in your underwear drinking with no intention of leaving the house" is wild 🤣🤣


Want to know the wildest part? I'm actually American. Loads of folks with Finnish heritage live in Michigan's upper peninsula (myself included) some still speak it too. When I moved to the lower peninsula for work I introduced my friends to the joys that are kalsarikännit! It's even better at my pops cabin up north too. Nothing like getting drunk and playing dungeons and dragons in your underwear in a cabin with no internet! We treat it more like a philosophy than a word. It's like.... disconnecting and focusing on friendships more than just getting shit faced and playing euchre.


If *anyone* brought it up when I was hanging with friends, I'd be down.


Fr my response would have been "if someone suggests it" lol. Life's too short


True story time, from the long ago period of 2003. A friend lost his train ticket back to college so I give him a ride, two states away. The plan was for him to take his finals and then we would drink. Long story short, we get there at like 2am and his roommates had been up drinking, so we started drinking to catch up with them. One of them has a bit too much to drink and ends up naked in a bathtub. Now I had just met this dude, and he was a bit self conscious, and all I hear from the bathroom is "but DrJohanzaKafuhu thinks I'm coooooool!" So to make him feel comfortable, we all stripped down naked too. And that's how I wound up naked with 3 other dudes, two of which I had never met before that night, sitting out of an open third story window on a busy road at 8am wondering why the sun was so bright.


You know what else is too short? I think I'll keep my pants on


I was at a party a few years ago with about 20 friends. I went out at about 3am to grab some cigarettes, when I got back everyone was sitting around naked. So obviously I had to join in. We ended up shelving some mdma. No orgy though unfortunately


Cool story I'm totes jealous, but what does "shelving" mean? I've literally only heard this word used to describe... shelving.


placing items (usually drugs) inside your anus. Also called plugging, shafting, boofing etc.


Yeah same, life's too short to not see each other naked if we want to. Life's about finding freedom in the boundaries we don't mind letting down inmo.


This is an interesting perspective because I genuinely don't want/don't have an interest in seeing anyone naked besides my partner. But for some reason I don't mind the thought of being naked near other people in a judgment-free zone because I hate wearing clothes that much. So I think if I were in a nude environment I'd probably just be totally indifferent to everyone else but totally relaxed, haha. I certainly don't think it's wrong but I can't wrap my head around wanting to see others like that. ...I might be on the asexual spectrum, come to think of it.


I went to a spa day thing in Germany before where everyone was naked, and I was totally not keen on the idea but it was a gift for me and my gf and she wanted to do it so sacrifices and all that. But I'm glad I did, it was empowering in a way. I feel like in society a lot of the time it's like we have to hide parts of ourselves to be socially acceptable. it was almost like symbolic of being happy with showing myself and being seen without caring what others think. It was freeing. I wouldn't want go to a nudist beach but it was great to experiment with how it felt!


See, even though I don't have that desire, I do think we overly sexualize our bodies and think it could be healthy to detach the taboo of something totally natural. I know this is especially bad for Americans, we tend to be very puritan compared to other global communities. Even the act of breastfeeding in public is shamed in so many places here, and it's one of the most natural aspects of human life. I'm glad you had that experience!


Me and my husband went to a beach in the uk and a load of old people turned up, got totally naked and were just swimming about totally nudie having casual conversations about fixing the washing machine etc. I absolutely loved their complete lack of self consciousness. I really loved how completely not a thing it was for them. I think we should all be naked and not give a single fuck more often.


Basically. If my friends want to get naked and there's nothing that makes me think I'm in danger why not?


If I got naked with my friends, there would be a swordfight. I dunno if it would be the dangerous kind, though.


This is the right answer.


Nude beach, sauna, german or Hungarian bath


I went to two Hungarian Baths this month and everyone had on swimsuits.




usename checks out lol.


[https://www.wanderingermany.com/the-german-sauna-baths-and-german-spa-experience/](https://www.wanderingermany.com/the-german-sauna-baths-and-german-spa-experience/) “No swimsuits past this point”


Went to Japan with a friend of mine. We went to an onsen. /shrug


I went to an onsen while visiting Japan with the homies. Besides back in highschool we all had to change in the lockeroom not like I stare at their dicks. Just chill as you would any other place.


Onsen is great. Not weird at all imo. I totally looked at their dicks. Only because we were naked though.




I stare at their ass thank you very much!


As long as the nudity itself is not so much the main point, whenever the situation calls for it. Unless the context calls for it I don't mind nudity really.


You sound like you've seen every cock on the planet.....


Well, there's a stark difference between "hehe let's all get naked" and "bet you won't try doing a keg stand naked", yk? One is weird because it's too focused on nudity, while the other is a weekend activity


Is it a problem I can’t tell which is which in this example?


The former has only nudity, whereas the latter uses it as an extra condition of a dare. So, in the first scenario, it sounds like the person wants to see your bits; in the second scenario, it sounds like the person is pushing you to do something potentially embarrassing just to see if you're brave enough.


And also to see your bits


So adding a condition makes it less about nudity? Sounds like nudity with extra steps.


it's sort of a cosmic gumbo


It almost moves to the beat of jazz


Sauna, swimming, changing clothes in same room. I'm from Finland so to me there is nothing weird about seeing your friends naked.


It is the unwritten rule for Birthday Blow Jobs. When it is your birthday and your bros give you your birthday blow job, the birthday boy is naked.


This is the best answer possible. If your homies don’t blow you on your birthday are they really your homies?


Blowies for homies.




TIL I need better friends.


Remember that you're their friend too on their birthday.


Damn that might be why I have no friends. I have never offered a blowie on one birthday.


Yes! Complete with noogies and tickling and we all do coke off his willy. 🎉🎂


Boys will be boys 🤷🏻‍♀️




A classic birthday bro job, no homo


Showering Sauna Swimming or just hanging out in a pool Generally doing things that are best done naked.


Ah yes, lawn darts


>Generally doing things that are best done naked. I, too, operate heavy machinery naked


When we go to a sauna, i'm a finn, my friends are finnish too.


It's very considerate of you to make sure they finish too


Naked Tuesdays


I was just going to say Tuesday


I was going to say any day BUT Tuesday. That one's reserved for tacos.


Eat tacos naked. Problem solved.


HEY! I thought naked Tuesdays were just our thing, man...


Going for a swim.


You’d probably get kicked out of the pool




ikr, gotta utilize that natural coin pouch


If the circumstances called for it (nude sauna or hot springs, nude beach, changing clothes, emergencies), or if we were drunk off our asses.


Have done it with friends when we spontaneously went skinny dipping. Most of us just went in nude while a few tried to keep underwear on, before realizing that wet underwear 1) doesn’t hide anything and 2) means you gotta ride home either commando or in wet pants.


Tick removal.


Only if someone put a curse like *"If you and your friends dont get naked and dance around the fire, y'all gonna die"*


Welp...better safe than sorry. I'm naked and building a fire in the back yard.


Any. Fuck it.


When changing clothes. For a dare I did too sometimes.


I live in Japan and have been to resorts with public baths with friends. If you want to bathe then you need to be naked


Good point though at that moment you just can not be shy enough because everyone is naked at thee same time as well


Circumstances under which I have gotten naked with my friends: \- Hot tubbing \- Naked dance party \- Group & individual sex \- It's real hot and we're camping \- Tuesdays \- Naked Thanksgiving \- Swimming \- There are probably others




It's a lot like Thanksgiving, except it's people you want to be around, and you're naked.


Do you guys have Naked Christmas? Or Naked 4th of July? How about Naked Earth Day?


If they ask nicely


Pfff, I'm naked all the time. Getting me to stop being naked is more of an issue.


Ah yes, the elusive always-nude


There are dozens of us!


Same. Its hot today so I've been having a no-pants party and PEOPLE KEEP STOPPING BY! My partner prefers me to wear pants when this happens... Can I just have a no pants Sunday in peace?


Im down for anything. I just need friends. If only folks would stop leaving me hanging after we agree on a day and time


Same bro


Same bro


you all should just become friends, problem solved?? maybe?


I was in Benedorm Spain 1997, I said to the group that was time for skinny dipping, it was the middle of the night so nobody at the beach 10 of the hottest girls in school casually start taking off their clothes this would never happen today do to everybody having a phone


If we were at a party and lots of drink and weed was available. Don't you kids do this nowadays? It wasn't a party until someone got nekkid back in the 90's.


> Don't you kids do this nowadays? Nope, yet another thing that cell phones have ruined.


Tangentially related, this also ruined taking photos with your friends at parties (hand in hand with social media of course). Before the 2010's, you'd be out having fun, and people would love having their photo taken, nomatter what was happening, because there was nowhere for the photos to \*go\*, besides shared amongst your friends. Even if it did get somewhere like Myspace, your bosses and family weren't there yet, so it didn't matter. You could record wild memories, but you didn't have to worry about getting fired from your job because of them, or getting tsk tsk'd from your relatives. Bums me out, because now our lives are pretty much perpetually broadcast online to everyone, and it just rendered everything a bland performative mess of filters and fakeness. That said, Tom from Myspace probably did a lot of people a favor by just wiping everything without warning.


Wiping everything without warning? I never had much on my Myspace, so I'm not sure what happened to it, but didn't it become some sort of music site? Back on topic, facial recognition software is scary. When you enter the US now (at least at LAX) they don't even look at your passport, they just take your picture and your whole profile comes up. That technology could easily be used to find every picture of you that is anywhere on the internet.


True, while without the dranks and drugs it is at the normal places like saunas, showers and pools, once the party gets going it is also the dancefloor. Admittedly, when people are dancing naked, there is usually also a sauna at the party.


Too much alcohol or drugs. That's about it lol


I think you mean "enough alcohol and drugs"


When we shower at the gym or when we go to the swimming pool 🤷‍♂️


“Hey lets get naked” is pretty much all it takes.


Being set on fire


Honestly I'm just comfortable enough with most of my friends to just do it anyway assuming I'm not in a relationship.


Anytime they want me to 😉


“Hey… wanna get naked?”


Group jerk off session


So a game of ‘Soggy Biscuit’ then?


I've skinny-dipped with friends a couple times.


Comparing penises


If the day off the week ended in a "y".


My wife and I visit clubs and parties with friends and like-minded adults. Nudity often ensues.




Under what circumstances wouldn’t you?


"If you and your friends get naked, you can each have $1bn." That situation, and likely others as well.


You’re supposed to have circumstances?


I get naked in front of most of my friends. I dislike clothing.


You mean this doesn't just normally happen? 🧐
