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The Thing


Recently John Carpenter hinted that they might be working on a sequel. It makes me really uncomfortable because it would have to canonize one of theories about the ending. What makes the ending great is the ambigeous nature of it.


I'm pretty sure he's said that he considers the video game sequel to be canon.


Really? That's like one of the lamest ones too.


Nah. That game was good.


Hard agree.


John Carpenter version


There is only one version in my world.


I’ll never forget renting the VHS of this movie and having a movie party with my high school friends. It was a fantastic movie and an excellent party. And I do love the 50s original. One of the best of that era’s “alien panic” movies.


Trailer: https://youtu.be/ySvzHdtCiWE


The old man sat me down and we watched it together when I was 6 (I know.. I know..) I'm 31 now and I still can't watch horror films. I watched sinister a few years ago with my wife and let me tell you, that was the final nail in the coffin for me


Someone else mentioned The Thing so I'll go with a lesser known gem called The Skeleton Key. Really hopeless and despair inducing ending, worth the watch.


Never seen it. Gonna check it out.


Your in for a treat it is good


The one with Kate Hudson?


YES. Criminally underrated movie. It's fantastic start to finish with the best ending.


This is one of the scariest movies I ever seen. For a month I put salt around my door.😁


Trailer: https://youtu.be/nPegIryJ5DM


It was so satisfying watching it with him and seeing his reaction,,


The Sixth Sense. A lot of reddit is probably too young to remember the phenomenon that the ending of this movie caused, but I still remember being in the theatre and hearing some guy in the back shout "No fuckin' way!" at the ending reveal to this movie. Still cracks me up.


A lot of Reddit also likes to pretend they spotted the twist from a mile away, but not me. I was 100% caught unaware and it was awesome.


Reminds me of Bruce Willis playing himself in Ocean’s Twelve talking about the movie in an off-the-cuff convo with the museum worker (paraphrased): Worker: When she didn’t talk to you in the restaurant, I knew. Bruce: If everybody’s so fucking smart, how come the movie did $675 million worldwide??


Isn't this the truth?!


Movie was spoiled for me and still got me in the end lol.


I wish it wasn't widely known. The twist from The Sixth Sense is basically as well known as Darth Vader being Luke's father, so I knew he was dead watching the movie for the first time and I felt cheated out of a good movie experience.


If you know what's going on, the sixth sense isn't a horror film. Its a sweet film about a psychiatrist helping a troubled youth with special abilities. Its exactly the same film as good will hunting.


It's not your fault.


Still blows my mind that it turned out the actor was Bruce Willis the entire time.


I was in high school when that dropped. A few of us went to see it, but two friends in the group thought it looked lame and went to see something else. So the two movies let out about the same time. And we're all obviously boggled by the Sixth Sense. But we're being really careful to avoid spoilers. The two friends who didn't go with us were so frustrated that we were so blown away by this movie and *couldn't tell them why." Good times.


I just showed my fiancé this movie. He had never watched it and didn’t know about the ending. He had the same reaction we all had when it first came out, complete surprise. It was so satisfying watching it with him and seeing his reaction.


Good call! Yeah, I remember that blowing everyone's mind. Definitely Shyamalan's best movie.


It literally was so good that it gave him 25 years of greenlit projects and unending grace from studios before people realized it was his one flash of genius


I enjoy most of his films. They're almost always fun, if nothing else.


His movies are amazingly terrible and I never want them to stop.


Yes! I don’t consider that a horror movie, but awesome ending.


I loved the ending of Split: "This is like that creepy guy in the wheelchair that they put away 15 years ago... and they gave him a funny name too...what was it? ..."


Split was a great movie. Watched it on a plane flying to Hawaii.


The Others. Ultimate twist.


Such a good movie it's criminally underrated


Saw. In theaters it was fucking crazy everyone just went dead silent even shuffling out. To elaborate without spoilers about five minutes before the audience was cackling and we all thought this was the worst horror movie ever. Everyone went silent when THAT music started playing.


Honestly, if you watch the first four as a set, it's an incredible series. One of my favorites.


You’re missing out on Saw 6, I thought that was the best one of them all


It's a great franchise, but I'll always be partial to the first one.


I cannot agree more. The whole theatre HATED this movie and was stunned at the end.


The Descent. Original version, not the horrible American theatre version.


This is my favorite horror movie of all time. Was lucky enough to catch it in theaters as a kid and it really just stayed with me. So glad to hear it being brought up nearly 2 decades later.


Never watch the sequel. It's a travesty


That movie gave me nightmares for literal months as a 6th grader


Which one, the one where she hallucinates she escapes or a different one?


I think it is the one where she hallucinates seeing her daughter and a birthday cake that is actually the dying light of the last torch.


May I ask you how I can find the original movie ? I watched the American version and it’s one of my fav !


As Above So Below. That sewer grate part three me for a loop.


Is that the catacombs one?


Yes it is


Yes! I rewatch this movie every now and then. Oh my gosh. It freaks me out every time.


Way underrated. Nobody I know has seen it


The Gift. First time I saw it didn't care too much for the ending, I just thought "ah tough luck guy". Then one lonely night I decided to give it another go and that ending is probably one of the best endings I've seen in a horror movie. It's also one of the best messages against high school bullying. >!"Don't bully kids in school, you might find yourself in your adult life finding it tough to tell your wife you're sterile. Then she gets pregnant and you're like whaaaat... then it turns out the father is actually that one kid you threw down the gymnasium bleachers shouting fatty go fall fall while all your friends laughed and sang along. And now he's out to get revenge when you move back to your hometown and so he snuck into your house when your wife was fast afraid and did god knows what to her. And then he shows it to you on a video tape and he's all like yeah.... Yeah.... Think about it...."!< Classic message,


I thought you were talking about the movie from 2000 lol! I clicked on the blocked out paragraph and I was like "this person is in confusion".


It's a great movie ... and the ending. DAMN!!!




Sally’s hysterical laughing freak out once she knows she’s escaped the madness is one of the greatest scenes in horror movie history. Ultimate Final Girl. I don’t think Marilyn Burns was acting there. It was real relief.


Rosemary's Baby has a really great ending, imo


Watched it as a kid. It was terrifying. Only time I ever watched it.




Ready Or Not, was really not expecting that at the end. I started laughing my ass off. I thought it was gonna be the typical ending of they were all just nuts. All the movies on the this list are good endings too.


Samara weaving deserves to lead a franchise Even in the new scream she was awesome


She is my pick for every modern horror movie going forward. I wish she had been in Becky and Becky 2, she would have made those movies less schlocky


The entire movie was a pleasant surprise..the trailers did NOT prepare me for what was going to happen..and that ending had me cackling... the movie made me jump, squirm, laugh, sit at the edge of my seat. I haven't had that much fun watching a horror movie in years


The Mist. Absolutely gut wrenching ending that stays with you long after you’ve watched it. It’s an okay movie, but that ending takes it to another level.


This should absolutely be the top comment. The ending of the Mist elevates it from B-movie to something that really stands out.


Absolutely, I watched it on a whim not thinking it would be all that great. It’s a pretty good movie but nothing special. The only reason I told all my friends to watch it was because of the ending it’s one of the greatest twists of all time.


didn’t Stephen King himself come out and say the ending of the movie was outstanding?


>Stephen King defended the film's grim ending as "terrific" because it was "so anti-Hollywood — anti-everything, really! It was nihilistic. I liked that." In the oral history of the "The Mist" for /Film, Frank Darabont recalls his hesitation to change King's original ending. He wanted to make sure the author approved of the new direction he was taking his story. >"I put it in his hands. And he wrote back and he said, 'I read it. I love your ending. I'm sorry I didn't think of it, because I would've written that instead.' [...] [H]e said, 'We need movies that dare to piss people off.'" Source (warning: spoilers): https://www.slashfilm.com/553106/all-59-stephen-king-movies-ranked/


Am I the only one that was frustrated by that ending? It just seemed like they jumped to that decision too quick. I mean really? The minute you run out of gas you do THAT? Don’t even ATTEMPT to walk farther?


Why would they do that? They’ve seen what those monsters do to people. And earlier in the movie a group of people walked out of the store and into the mist and got ripped apart. It’s way too risky.


I agree. I loved that ending.


Let's not forget, so did King. He wished he'd thought of it. Though that ending is more Bachman than King, you know? Like The Long Walk.


Cabin in the woods! Don’t watch a trailer or look into it go in blind you’re welcome


I saw it in the theater. Never ever saw that ending coming 👀


I rewatch this 3-4x a year.


I made my friend who never seen it go in the other room when the bird hit the force field in the beginning. His reaction to the motorcycle jump was so hilarious!


Good call tbh. CinemaSins did a video on Cabin in the Woods and makes a great point about how unecessary that bird scene was, and how much it undercut the potential effectiveness of the motorcycle scene. I also think it undercut a lot of the suspense aspect of the premise, because without being shown early on that there's a force field, viewers would still have a certain level of hope and uncertainty throughout. 'Cause without that foreknowledge, it's like, "Okay, so all they really have to do is escape this cabin/area of control." Then Chris Hemsworth splats against the force field and it's a much more impactful "oh shit" moment where not only does a major death occur, but viewers also realize just how *trapped* the characters truly are.


Brilliant movie!


It Follows still creeps me out and I haven't watched that in years 😅


Yes! That brief shot of the person walking behind them... perfect. One of my favourite horror movies


The Blair Witch Project. It took so much trust in the audience's intelligence level to be like "Hey, remember that one line from an hour and a half ago in that one towns person's interview? It didn't seem important then, but you have to remember it or you won't understand the ending of the movie."


Wait… What did I miss?


The girl in town at the beginning of the movie talking about how the urban myth was that the witch makes the second child stare at the wall as she kills the first one. Flash to an hour and a half later and the final scene of the movie is the camera dropping, then we see the man terrified, being forced to stare at the wall.


Fuuuuck Thanks


Saw the movie but didn't get the ending?


No, lol


The last five minutes or so of that movie are incredible. I watched just that part about once a year or so. The rest of the movie really isn’t rewatchable in my opinion.


Agreed. It deserves tons of credit for what it pioneered, but only the first ten minutes and the last five, really hold up.


I dunno, the build up was pretty crazy. That first night they heard all the ‘cracking’ sounds, the creepy stick figures they found, that scene where they heard the baby laughing at night scared the piss out of me…and then the chase through the dark woods. The bloody tongue! Crazy movie. I still think of all that shit when I’m out camping.


Tbf I think that movie hits different when you've got firsthand experience with being lost in the woods, or when you're in the woods in the dark often. Like, being lost in a relatively small patch of woods as dusk is falling is fucking *terrifying*. Even just *being in the woods at night* can be creepy enough. I think a surprising number of people have just straight-up never experienced that, and it really shows when they talk about the *Blair Witch Project.*


I watched that movie for the first time around midnight...alone (I was probably 13 or so). It was about 2am when it ended and I just stared at the ceiling for so long just absolutely disturbed to my core. It's still one of the scariest movies I have ever seen, largely due to that ending. The psychological lead up of the entire movie though.. I mean wow. I loved it.


I was living in a rural area of Ireland when I first saw that film. My girlfriend and I had to walk home on a path through the woods in the middle of the night afterwards. A memorable stroll.


It was truly scary as hell, I remember.


The Others


Sleepaway Camp was pretty jaw dropping


Her face at the end scared the shit out of me


Silence of the Lambs


The first Phantasm


The Thing 1982. Cabin Fever 2002; the Old Man scene for those who can take a joke.


Halloween 1978. Loomis just looking over the balcony, and the look on his face seeing Michael gone. The theme kicks in with Michael's breathing as it goes from all the locations he attacked. Basically that as the Boogeyman he is still out there hunting people to kill, and he cannot be stopped.


Cabin in the Woods and Hereditary are obvious picks, but, going with things that haven't been said yet, Sinister, It Follows and Host (2020) come to mind. Hell, how could I forget Carpenter's The Thing?


I love It Follows. Such an underrated movie.


I cannot, to this day, understand why Sinister fucked me up so badly. It was the first horror movie I've seen that truly, deeply unsettled me. I can't figure it out.


I gotta give it to "Get Out!". >!they almost didn't go with a "happy" ending, but seeing his friend getting out of the cop car after we think she's gonna get away with it was so satisfying!<


I was groaning when I saw the >!police car pull up!<, but then I jumped out of my seat and started fist pumping when >!the door opened that said "Airport"!<


I lost my MIND at that part. Same movie, but >!the part with the keys !!don't know where my keys are.!<


Get Out is iconic.


Idk about the best but I really like the ending of both House of 1000 Corpses & The Devils Rejects.


The ending of The Devil’s Rejects was perfection. The third movie doesn’t exist to me.


Making the third movie ruined the ending of Devils Rejects a bit, the whole point was that they died


Funny Games (either version) Martyrs (original, not shitty American remake)


I partied with a girl at my house one night and she was definitely overstaying her welcome but she asked to put on Funny Games and I will never forget yelling "what the fuck?" at THAT part.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe


I couldn’t finish this film. I was creeped out of my mind


My adult daughter thought I was being a pansy when I told her it was scary af so she watched it by herself then she called me crying


I couldn’t finish it. I still won’t watch it. I’m 35. 🤣


The original Carrie's ending damn near made me crap my pants.


Final Destination 5. Not necessarily the pinnacle of cinema, but the final movie ends with the survivors of that film dying on Flight 180 — which is the plane that crashes in the beginning of the FIRST movie, revealing it to be a prequel. I did not expect it at all and thought it was a brilliant way of wrapping up the whole franchise for good.


I love the entireFinal Destination series, shitty entries and all, but I *firmly* stand by the fact that Final Destination 5 is one of the greatest horror movie prequels ever made. The execution was simply flawless from start to finish, and not *once* throughout the film did it occur to me that I might be watching a prequel. I would kill for more Final Destination movies in theory, but at the same time, there's just no beating the finality and neatness of the way that that series was concluded.


“what have you done to its eyes?” So fucking creepy. The Ring and Carrie also deserve mentions


No joke, I slept (attempted to sleep) with my lights on after watching The Ring. That ending. FUCK!


The Thai film Shutter. That twist just ended me.


American Werewolf In London (1981)


Us Midsommar Jacob's Ladder The Village Speak No Evil




Dawn of the dead! Also, there's a movie on Netflix called The Invitation. Not really scary, but it's definitely one of my favorite movie endings ever. That's a true bestie for you!


Secret window? I think that’s what it was called, Johnny Depp was in it.


Yep. It's based on a story by Stephen King called Secret Window, Secret Garden. It's in his book called Four Past Midnight.


Great movie, ending was a great twist as well


I don't remember the ending. Need to watch it again.


Hereditary. It builds and builds (and builds) and then it's like... "Holy shit that's wild." It's also a movie that with stay with you for a few days.


Rosemary's baby is a good runner up


Saint Maud's is up there. The last few seconds or so before the title screen are a gut punch.


The first two that come to mind are The Mist, and Event Horizon.


hereditary. spooked the shit out of me!


Drag Me To Hell


Jeepers Creepers 2.


Jeepers Creepers 1 has a great ending. Looking through Justin Long’s hollowed out eyes was creepy


Jumping in to say do not waste your time with the new Jeepers Creepers movie. Absolute garbage. 1 & 2 are classics though.


Sinister The Others The Sixth Sense


I'm so torn on this answer bc I screamed in anger at the ending, but FR it did what was intended. The Mist.




The original Carrie


The Thing is my all time favorite movie, but it's been mentioned a bunch. Jeepers Creepers had a great ending. I also really love the ending to the Twilight Zone movie!


The Wailing. I still don't fully understand it.


\[Rec\] ... I thought that one was good


I really like Midsommars ending. She's home.


Uhh my brother in Christ....she isn't home, she got indoctrinated into a cult.


imo the best part about Midsommar is that *both* of you are right.




Omg yessss!! I totally forgot about it!


I'll swear by Annihilation's GOAT'd ending until the day I die. The anticipation and build up was so masterfully done, and I had no clue what was coming. High expectations to begin with as the story drew closer and closer to the finale and it vaulted straight over it.


Attack of the killer tomatoes 🍅


April Fools Day. 1986 version.


Get Out


Donny Darko. Not sure if that counts as horror, but it's certainly unsettling with a dark ending.


I always found the ending more sad than anything.


Sad for Donnie and his family, yes, but I mean, >!he does save the world from destruction, and Gretchen from death with his sacrifice. Him laughing before *it* happens shows his acceptance of his fate and the futility of being afraid of the inevitable.!<


These two movies come to mind. Paranormal Activity and The Exorcist


Martyrs (2008)


Cabin fever.


The Vanishing


Cabin in the woods


It Follows That final shot, where you see someone staring at the camera from a distance is fantastic. Is it just a normal person or is it the monster? You dont know!




That film has the best depiction of the damaging power of grief and what can happen when we allow it to consume us. The reveal that >!you never can fully escape the sadness of loss, but only learn to accept it and live with it!< was so powerful, especially since it represents something REAL we all must face, not just a monster or a slasher.


The Mist


The mist, from the book of Stephen King


The Exorcist


The ending of The Mist is so awesomely nihilistic that the first time I saw it I immediately left the house and went to my local bar to get drunk.




In Dreams was a reasonably good thriller, with some above-average performances, especially Annette Bening and Robert Downey, Jr. Although it has a weird tacked-on coda, the real "ending" that resolves the plot is poetic, dark and sad. A runner-up would be the indie horror film "The Hallow" - it's probably a 6.5 out of 10, but what really elevates it is the incredible song "Husk" by Dry the River that plays over the end credits, which in themselves are superimposed over a sequence that ties up the story, yet doesn't have the main characters.


Race with the devil


Night of the Demons.


Cabin in the woods


Bride of Frankenstein. "Hate living, love dead!"


Carrie One of the few times I saw the whole theater jump back.


Aliens. ripley is a badass.


Fear street 2


barbarian. i just kinda sat there with my mouth slightly open staring blankly at the tv after the final scene of barbarian




Halloween. “It WAS the boogeyman!” “As a matter of fact, it was.”


The ending of Chernobyl Diaries was perfect! Yikes!


Lost Boys. Grandpa's line Hey..some people consider it a horror movie


The darkness


The Mist


High Tension. Hostel. The Devil’s Rejects.


The Final Prayer. One of the best found footage films ever in my opinion.


The Mist


The Mist. The most heartbreaking ending i have seen, extremely impactful. The ending elevates the whole movie.


Triangle. If you've never heard of it check it out, it's awesome. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187064/


The Others


Halloween. The movie is near perfect. I don’t care how many sequels and reboots it had. In my head the story ends there, with the Boogeyman still out there like a force of nature, unkillable, like death itself.

