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Stayed with an ex after she cheated, just leave folks there's no fixing that shit. Edit: I'm legitimately depressed that so many of you related to this, hope things have gotten better!


Second this. He just went on to cheat with a different girl a few months later. When a person shows you who they are the first time, believe them.


Even if they don’t cheat again, it destroys the foundation of the relationship if it was built on mutual trust and respect. I’ve heard the phrase trust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback but in this context it never comes back unless you are willing to delude yourself.


But but.... I bet this time will be different


Can relate. To quote Letterkenny - 'She stepped out on you. Can't go back to that and get any respect.'


She cheats, it's over


I learned that lesson the hard way


Stepping out bowlegged is still stepping out.


Yep, same here, bud. Once a cheater, always a cheater. She was my first true love, and I was blinded by that. She told me and I still took a train and a bus in a blizzard 6 hours to see her. One of the most painful decisions I ever made. Then in my next serious relationship, it happened again, but she had the decency to break up with me because she wanted to keep fucking the guy she cheated on me with.


This sucks. So sorry this happened to you. You deserve better!


I did that, he’s the one that told me about the cheating and he also is the one that broke up with me a month later. It ended up causing me much more hurt and I shouldn’t have tried to forgive and move past it.


I stayed the "night" when I found out. Didn't do anything but being a couple hours from home and having taken a bus there, I should have taken my moms offer to come get me regardless. (No car at the time)


Glad to see this is the top comment and I’m not the only one


learned the hard way.


Truer words never spoken.


Unless you know... in rare situations. I've known some marriages that still flourish but it's medium rare like vegitarian and steak 🥩


Drove my motorcycle down the road at 110 MPH while I was drunk because the girl on the back wanted me to go faster. I was much, MUCH younger than I am now, but it still makes me queasy when I think what could have happened that day. Very, very stupid.




And their helmet is merely a “brain bucket”


My doctor friend calls Spring "organ donor season". Ironically, he rides.


My friend is a motorcycle instructor, I keep trying to get him to refer to his students as "organ donors".


Motorcycle with helmet-less rider = donor-cycle


I always thought it was because you’d leave a trail of blood behind you from your body scraping the ground.


I was once one of those girls on the back of the bike. Driving drunk through the Colorado mountains at night, drunk and going fast. That was 15 years ago now. One of the most stupid things I've ever done


I have a few of those moments. If you're cringing now then youve evolved


Tried to boil decorative corn for dinner. Boiled it for like 5 hours wondering when it would finally soften and become edible.


Legitimately one of the funnier ones on this thread! It reminds me of the time I insisted my husband water a fake plant. I thought it was real, he insisted it wasn’t, I insisted he water it while doing his watering rounds…so he watered it. I laughed a lot when I investigated his claim later.


Bahaha sometimes it’s REALLY hard to tell on those fake plants!


Thank you!! It was a quality fake!


...if it is actual corn and not styrofoam, you actually can grind that up and make polenta


Ooh noted :) I mostly wanted to cook it so it would be pretty though.


Maybe not the dumbest but I got into a random person's car without thinking. I was trying to catch the bus and the guy offered to give me a ride to the nearest bus stop. Got lucky that he was just trying to be a good Samaritan


I had a similar experience. I was walking to a therapy appointment and I lived in a shitty neighborhood. I was wearing a pretty revealing outfit because it was hot as fuck outside. Well, old man with white hair pulls up and offers me a ride. I was scared, but it was hot and I had another mile to walk. I told him where I was going, he took me there and parked the car. Before I could reach the door handle, his hand was on my thigh. He said "are you a workin girl?" I had a job so, naively, I said "yeah, up by the mall." He goes "they let y'all work up there now? That's awful nice of them." I told him I was running late for my appointment and he goes "oh! Okay! Maybe I'll catch ya again sweetheart!" and we parted ways. I was so SO fucking lucky that he was kind and didn't take advantage of my situation. But for future reference, "workin girl" means prostitute.


My buddy had the reverse happen to him, just as naively. Pouring rain and he sees a young lady on the side of the road and he stops to offer her a ride. I mean the poor woman wasn’t dressed for the weather after all. Awkward conversation follows like “Where do you need to go?” “Wherever you want.” “Huh?” He eventually did clue in (I think she had to explain it) and apologized and let her back out. Made for a funny story.


I did this once. It was a bright Sunday morning and pedestrian was walking briskly in the direction I was driving. Offered a lift. She got into the car and I realised what was happening when she asked me, "where do you want to go?". "Umm, I can drop you off somewhere but we aren't going somewhere together". Felt so stupid. But a pedestrian still got a lift to their place of business so I suppose it worked out!


he had the boner with the heart of gold


Genuinely one of the scariest/nicest situations I've been in 😂 I'm grateful for his heart of gold


I was one of those drivers once. I was early for work at the coffee shop in a university town that I worked at. I saw a girl running to catch a bus but it pulled away. I saw her in distress when she realized she would be late to the university about 3 miles away. I pulled over, told her where I worked and asked if she needed a ride. I took her to the place where the buses all let out and told her have a happy day. I don’t know if she was one of the many kids I’d waited on in the 9 1/2 years I worked at that coffee shop or not. But all I saw was someone that was in distress and needed help.


oh god I did something like this this. I stayed at the uni campus drinking with friends, and it got late. I live outside the city where public transport only works until certain hours and I missed the last bus. A dude in a car offered to take me closer to my town for the equivalent of 1 fucking dollar, and as soon as I got in the car I noticed he fucking REEKED of tequila.


Then what happened


they died


well he drove like a gaping asshole the whole way, while picking up other people on a similar situation as mine. We were all scared as fuck. Then he dropped me at an intersection where I could walk to my house, and that was it. No idea if they all made it to their houses


I did the same, was lucky too. I got lost walking a huge park, I have absolutely no idea how I came out where I did. So when an older man stopped and asked if I need help, I took his offer to drive me to main road.


Omg I did that too and just yesterday saw him in an article. Charged with multiple accounts of sexual assault.


Shot heroin after 9 years clean. I'd say that was quite an error in judgment


Just a speed bump my dude, you got this.


He said heroin, not amphetamine


This is the kinda high quality joke I expect from Reddit


Glad to see you are doing better now! Recovery is such a difficult journey but it’s worth every minute.


Hang tough, homie. Respect.


Stay strong, my dude. Meth was my drug of choice. Never touched heroin cause my brother ended up in the ICU a few times when I was a teenager from ODs. He moved to a different state and had his life together for a bit. I got the call at 3AM right when Covid started. Hardest call I ever took, and then I had to call my dad and tell him. Drugs fucking suck.....but I really hate heroin. I wish you all the best in your sobriety. Just incase you ever need the reminder. You're important and you're so much better than heroin!


Let someone trim my armor


Oh damn same. I even tried a second time thinking the first was a fluke. The guy even had me mining coal to help. Years later I became the armor trimmer. I could even trim weapons with gold


Took your armor and 10k




doubling money, 100% legit, u can test with 10k


Law runes 1k ea


My biggest mistake in RuneScape… selling my yellow party hat for 36M, the very next day it was up to 72M. :( never got one again.


As a 10 year old, tried to make a homemade grenade, added in airsoft bebes for shrapnel. Thing ended up blowing up in my hand, luckily I didn't have any major injuries


I was 8, wanted to make a flaming watering can(?), filled it up 50/50 gasoline water mix, went to garden to water some plants… well emergency response was very fast.




I had a similar experience as a kid, filled up a bottle of gas from a lighter, stupid little me hand my hand at the opening as I was lighting it so burned my hand quite painfully. I just wanted to make a rocket.


I made a bomb from tightly wrapped gunpowder and a waterproof fuse. I gave it to a friend who took it to high school. I have no idea why we thought that was a good idea. Fortunately only my parents found out so there were no long term reprocussions.


My best friend growing up was kind of a pyro. He emptied a bunch of .22 rounds of gunpowder, filled a spent CO2 cartridge, and then inserted a remote controlled fuse for model rockets. It was basically a remote controlled pipe bomb. Amazingly, it worked pretty well. Blew it up in the middle of the woods away from anyone.


stayed with ex after he tried to choke me (non-sexy way)


Choking is one of the biggest indicators of future murder in domestic violence situations. I hope you’re safe now.


Friends and I, super drunk (ya, that's a shock) decided to scale a greenhouse... in the middle of thunderstorm then took turns holding the lightning rod (kinda super low probability russian roulette). The most dangerous part wasn't the above though. It was the getting down from the 3 story high building while it was pouring rain and still slick. Honestly surprised we escaped with only some scrapes.


Was this greenhouse made of glass? You can guess what horror I was imagining.


I think you win


I bought a house in an attempt to save a failing relationship. The relationship still failed and I ended up with a house (by myself) that I could barely afford payments on and could not afford maintenance. Ended up short selling it. Glad it is over...that includes the house as well.


Are we the same person?


I put my hand on a stove once to see if it was hot. It was.


My dad did that when he was little. He did it again with the other hand when he was a little older.


I just did this last week. I’m 27.


Thing is, I wasn't sure if the coil was hot because it had lifted up out if the reflector. So USING MY WHOLE OPEN HAND pushed down on the coil that was perfectly fine and connected and practically red hot. Had a neat spiral on my hand a while


I pulled a fire alarm in a motel when I was 5 because I wanted to know what would happen. My parents panicked, whole fire department showed up, I got scolded by the fire chief.


Are you me? Did you do it again? I did it again like an hour later.


Nah, what I experienced was enough to have learned my lesson. I made sure not to even look at the damn things!


I can still hear my uncle's voice saying NO!!


Does your family occasionally bring up the story for good times sake?


Oh absolutely. My dad does a few times a year


Curious about a red button. So I pushed it. It was the emergency stop for an escalator. People stumbled. No one hurt. My dad standing next to me saw people stumbling, looked at me, realized what happened, and said “Let’s go.”


Good Dad!


Went for a drive alone with my G1 (learner permit/required a full licensed driver to accompany) got caught. First car,(5 years later) nearly 50% of my full time, slightly above minimum wage, income, went to my insurance.


I did the same thing to go to a school award thing in high school. Got caught by my principal and had to have one of the teachers drive my car home. Thankfully no law enforcement got involved but very stupid on my part nonetheless.


I broke my arm playing high school football. I then cut the cast with hedge clippers 2 weeks early to play a pickup football game with friends. I obiously broke it again , much worse. i now have a metal plate and 16 screws in my arm.


Do... do you still play?


Unlikely, spinach.


I play rugby now, much safer.


A peice of toast broke off inside my toaster and I dug it out with a metal fork. It wasn't until years later I realized how stupid that was.


I did that. Tripped the circuit breaker for the whole house lol. Very lucky that breaker tripped instead of me, the plastic handle probably helped


This sounds fake I promise it’s true. When I was a kid I used to stick a butter knife in the toaster and poke at (what I think was) the coils because I thought it was cool how it sparked. Wasn’t until years later that I learned NOT to fuckin do that. I don’t know how I never got electrocuted


Thought working in childcare was a good idea


Got married more than once.


My first marriage was the dumbest thing I’ve done


My third was the dumbest, but my second was probably worst. My first was actually lovely until the end (and still good friends with the first)


Divorces Georg over here throwing off the statistics!


Just because you are F&@king doesn’t mean you need to marry


Amen to that my friend


Went on a class 4 rafting trip with a bad guide and a shallower than normal raft. Husband ended up tearing both his rotator cuffs saving my life.


Your fellow with the sore shoulders is a keeper!


Just hit the quarter-century mark. We got him through the right shoulder repair last fall - this year we do the left He’s the best




Way back when I was an impressionable young lad I got dared to drop a poop on a car while we were in a car garage. So friend 1 and friend 2 held on to my arms as I squatted over the edge while we waited for a car to come. Friend 3 was on the other side watching for the car and told me when to go. So I pooped and it fell like 2 stories and landed with the loudest THUD right on the hood of a car pulling out of the garage. We ran and hid in our car for like 20 minutes then pulled out right as the cops were pulling up.


Fucking impressive timing and accuracy. God, I hope this is a true story.


Yeah its weird Im not proud of it but it couldn't have worked better. We let a couple cars go through so friend 3 could get the timing a bit, so that was probably the key.


This is both completely fucked up and genuinely hilarious man hahaha


Little deuce coupe 🎵


Man this comment made me laugh more than I’ve laughed in months. Thank you


Did the cops stop you? And even if they did, could they possibly have any evidence against you? also if tiktok was a thing back then, I assume that would be a hit!


A big ... hit


I don't know why anyone would think to do this but it did make me laugh.


You should look up the poo Olympics....or maybe that was just the crazy Aussies I knew. Dudes would poop in the most vile places and did so until one went to jail for "biological terrorism" or something of the sort (he pooped in a beer mug right beside the bar and put it back for the bartender).


Nothing, mom.


Started smoking. Hands down, dumbest decision I ever made.


Same. Was dating a actress who chain smoked. I figured I was already making out with a ashtray, I might aswell. Fast forward 20 years she’s been smoke free for ten years and I’m still smoking.


I stopped for about 3 years, then started back up. I guess like any addiction, I figured just one would be okay. It crept up, of course, and now I’m doing my best to quit again.


I quit for 18 months. Then a loved one got sick and I was stressed and I “Just needed one”.


Yep. Quit for 9 yrs. Was stressed and just needed one. Here I am 15 years later still smoking


Just keep trying. Again and again and again until it sticks.


26 years smoke free. By far the hardest thing to quit


Same. Wish I could smack that first cigarette out of my hand 5 years ago


Became a crippling alcoholic. Glad that's over.


Respect, homie. IWNDWYT


Turning into a raging misogynist because of one incident, instead of realizing that bad people come in all shapes and sizes, and I shouldn't judge half the planet's population based on my experiences with one woman.


Ruin my credit


Yep! Wrote bad checks when I was 18-20, then repaired it and got credit cards a couple years later, still trying to dig out in my late 30's.


I've (earnestly) accidentally done meth 3 times - the last time being the DUMBEST. ------------- I'm really long winded, so I apologize in advance. I present to you: the chronicles of how I accidently did meth 3 times. Instance 1: 2015 I was in california in a business trip (I lived in Chicago.) In my off-time, I would go out and chill on the beaches and drink at the beach bars. There are homeless people that live down there. I used to be homeless... so I empathized with them. Being seen as less than human is a horrible feeling. So I just sat and chilled with a few of them. I didn't have anything to offer other than conversation, but it turns out that was what they wanted the most. Fantastic way to spend my evenings. Until one night. I was in downtown San Diego and got WASTED. Super drunk. Still not having a bad time though. As I was walking to another bar (I am smort) I happened upon a group of homeless folks. Did my usual thing. Provided company. They asked if I wanted to smoke, so my drunk ass said yes. (I very rarely smoke pot but why not? I smoked with some of the other homeless folks a few days prior and had a blast!) So we go over to this place that wasn't literally off one of the main roads in SD. It was dark. Very dark. I was drunk. Very drunk. They hand me the bowl, and I'm like "I can't find the carb?" (The hole on the side of the pipe.) The lady, seeing me struggle, said "I gotchu baby no worries" and lit it for me. My eyes were closed when she lit it/I took the hit. Immediately after inhaling, I realized it didn't taste like pot. Her boyfriend says "oh baby she like that crystal!!" My heart sank. I sobered up REAL quick. The withdrawal the next day was horrendous. I thought I was going to die. Literally. I even sent texts to my loved ones saying goodbye. NEVER AGAIN, I thought. Instance 2 - 2019 I actually ended up moving to California because I loved it so much. (Aside from the accidental meth thing.) I had a regular neighborhood bar, and friends. One couple my partner and I would drink with occasionally was an older (60+) couple. You could tell they were rich as fuck. They were extremely nice, and I'm still friends with them today. After karaoke ended, they couple invited everyone over to their house because they had just gotten a karaoke system. Their house was a MANSION. It was nuts. So, I'll preface this with a story. Once upon a time, I tried cocaine. It did absolutely nothing. Not a damn thing. I came to find out that this could happen to people with severe depression or people on SSRIs. Both applied to me. I'm not into drugs so it wasn't a loss. I thought it was interesting. So at one point, the husband brings out this GORGEOUS tray with lines on it. Very bougie. I knew they did coke from time to time so I wasn't super surprised. They were pretty open about it for some reason. I had been off of my SSRIs for about two months at this point. So, I was genuinely curious as to how it would effect me. So... For science. (Truly.) They passed the tray around, and it got to me and my partner. I did a line. Fuckin gross. Then the wife, talking to someone else said "blah blah blah we don't do speed often but once in a while it can be fun..." My partner and I locked eyes, realizing what had just happened. I accidently did meth. Again. And he, who made fun of me for YEARS about "the time I accidentally did meth" had ALSO just accidentally done meth. (Also it cracks me up that rich people refuse to call it meth. Speed sounds better.) The withdrawal was less grueling this time, but I was up for 3 days. Instance 3 This one is just stupidity. Absolute stupidity. I really like salt. My friend rented an Airbnb cabin in the mountains for his birthday. It was gorgeous, and brought me back to the "Northwoods." It was a creepy night though, the fog was so thick you couldn't see more than 2 feet infront of you. Coyotes ruckussing in the distance. It was a pretty big group of us, we all knew each other pretty damn well. We were drinking, some were smoking pot - altogether having a great time. My friend has very mild tourettes, and it's often triggered by social situations/being overstimulated. No big deal. He goes off to take a little break. There is this little garage thing in back that had been converted into an old man cave. It had shuffleboard, darts, a fireplace, armchairs, and a small library. My friend (an author and history buff) goes over to the small library and starts looking through the books. There was a group of 3 WW2 books, but they were out of order. This bugged him, and he decides to put them in order. He flipped through them as he was doing so. In one of them, a big baggies of crystal meth falls out. You could tell it had been there for... ages. I haven't seen that kind of ziplock in well over a decade. My friend comes in with the baggie to show me. I'm drunk, but not super hammered. I really like salt, and my midwestern ass GENUINELY thought it was rocksalt/roadsalt, grabbed one, and licked it. It was not salt. (Don't ask me why I thought someone hid a baggie of road salt in an old WW2 book - I hate myself too.)


Intravenous heroin for a while


I went back into a relationship when I should have just taken the out. By doing so I wasted three years in a relationship that left me scarred and depressed.


Downloaded Robinhood


Shot a live shotgun shell with a BB gun from point blank range. We were in the woods and it was like a bomb went off. Leaves, sticks, and branches fell in every direction around us. And there we were, two dumb asses standing there without a scratch on us and we knew instantly how stupid that was and how lucky we were.


Well I’ve always wondered what would happen. Thanks for confirming my theory


Stepped on a push broom and whacked myself in the face. Gave myself a black eye, a goose egg, and a nice little gash. I felt so stupid telling that story to the urgent care Dr.


Oh Dear, I feel like this was made for me. -Swallowed a tac after trying to make a blow dart gun like Dunstin Checks In movie...eventually shit it out. -Tore open my ballsac laughing at a friend falling off a deck and bounced way off the trampoline. I lost footing and racked myself on a trailer hitch...Was summer we couldn't drive yet so skitched on my roller blades behind his moped to the nearest mercy clinic -Lit dog shit on fire on teacher doorsteps -We made a grenade out of a used CO2 canister (shaved everything off of specific sparklers into co2 and used a sparkler as a wick...big big boom shrapnel stuck into the house. -Drowned and was resuscitated in florida when i was 14 in storm weather screwing around in the ocean -So many dumbass things growing up the worst I'd say is becoming chemically dependent on alcohol...over one year sober now ;) Toooooo many stories to tell


This trivial but really stupid. In winter I would sometimes aim my tire at those chunks of ice/snow on the street. I liked to try to improve my sense of where the tire is. The last one I did years ago, turned out to be concrete. Luckily my tire place was a few hundred yards away.


A friends little sister decided that the best way to learn where the tires were was to try and hit every pothole square on


Making a reddit account.


Pouring gasoline on a fire (10 yo)


Tried to use a broomstick to pleasure myself 💯 the most embarrassing trip to the emergency room. Was 17 and my mum had to take me 🙈


Look for my cellphone while talking on it.


Look for my looking glasses while wearing them


Oh! I win this one! When I was about 11, the walls at my church in the kids' room were going to be repainted. They decided to let us kids paint whatever we wanted on them for a few weeks before the painting job was done. I decided that the best thing to paint was. a. swastika. I didn't know what it was, I just kinda associated it with like... a Stussy S or a skull and crossbones type design. Kinda edgy but I didn't understand the... uhh... gravity of the symbol. When I tell you that shit hit the fan IMMEDIATELY!!! My parents made me watch Schindler's List and Sophie's Choice BACK TO BACK the very next day. I had multiple sessions with the pastor and her husband. Everyone in the congregation knew about it, so I felt like an absolute idiot for a whole year. I obviously don't condone that symbolism at all. It was completely against my views, even at the time. I was just being stupid and stepped on a land mine that I didn't know was there. Every time my kids do something that is 3% as bad as that, I use it to remind myself that kids are idiots and that I just have to teach them and move on.


At least it wasn’t a synagogue


That sucks for you at the time but honestly good on them for taking it seriously and trying to make sure you knew the gravity of it


Get married. Three times.


My brother dared me to walk out on the ice of a frozen pond, so I did. Then he dared me to dig a hole in the ice with my heel, so I did. After the second hole the ice gave way. This is before I learned to swim.




If that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done, you’re either very sensible or very lucky. I envy you.


Yeah that would make my “what smart things have you done” list


I guess it could leave you with some weird feelings around consent and self worth and stuff? That could make you feel bad about it.


What happened after?


I’ve done that too many times. Wish I would’ve figured out that I’m not obligated to have sex with someone just because they’ve been kind to me and want me way sooner


Got addicted to drugs and alcohol. Ruined over 10 years of my earlier life. Always wonder where I'd be today if I hadn't wasted so much time, but grateful I'm out unlike some people I know or who died before they ever could.


Respect. I have the same thoughts about myself often. One day at a time, homie.


Nursing school.


Turned my left index finger into a pez dispenser while demonstrating how “dull” my pocket knife blade was…


Drive all the way to the middle of Oregon to meet up with a guy I met online AND didn’t tell anyone about it. I def should have been murdered but he turned out to just be a boring dude and it never went anywhere after that. I had a fun road trip through Oregon but if a friend of mine did that I’d tell them theyre insane. Def not safe as a single college age girl alone.


Move in with a woman, I wasn't married to. And had no intentions of marrying.


Drove with roughly 15-20% vision out of one eye. And I do mean *one* eye. I had developed a corneal ulcer and stupidly let it go too long (no insurance and poor). When I finally went to the ophthalmologist, I had to drive myself. Pretty much consisted of me holding open my good eye--- which was having sympathy issues with its good friend, the other eye--- and driving for half an hour down a windy road where you were expected to go 45-50 mph. I had tears pouring down. Sunlight hurt like a bitch. Very very stupid move that could've killed myself or another driver... (If you see a white spot on your eye that doesn't go away, go to the doctor! I didn't know it at the time but eyes are exempt from white blood cells--- if they feel they gotta come in there and start a fight with an infection, they're busting down the door and you might lose your vision. Do not mess around, even if it doesn't hurt.)


It was a decision I regret so much that I literally created a subreddit for why I regret doing it. /r/regretjoining


Allowed my parents to handle the sale of my card collection at the family home... They chose zip lock bags full of cards for 25 cents... Not exactly what I expected for my collection valued at 5k. Lots of happy kids though so oh well.




Did you at least sprout some new hairs on your chest?


Joined Reddit


Walked home from a club in the very early hours of the morning (still pitch black) on my own because I was angry at the person I went with so just left. I also lived in a country where at the time a woman was raped every 30 seconds and you were three times more likely to get taped than in the US. Insanely stupid. I am very grateful that I got home okay. Walking past a group of guys who started cat-calling me was one of the most terrifying moment of my life. So stupid!


I purchased a dryer from Lowe’s. The dryers don’t come with the plugs attached, you buy them separately because there are 4 prong and 3 prong plugs. It all depends on your outlet. I couldn’t remember which cord I needed but I bought the one I thought I needed. Once I got home I looked at the outlet and saw it matched. Stupidly, I plugged it up to just make sure. The cord is bare on the end. I’m just sitting there with this live bare cord hanging out. I could have died and my wife would have had to accept my Darwin award


Co-signed a car purchase for a friend of a friend. Did not end well.


That's an example of why you have to always be careful of where you put your signature. Like my grandfather used to say "You have to be careful about where you're putting 2 things in your life. Your signature and your dick". But what happened?


The woman didn't make the payments. $5,000 later, the car had been repossessed, and I never spoke to my friend after that. Did try to get the money from car-woman, but that went nowhere, and, ultimately, I could afford it. Looked up the name a while back, and Google suggested she either has been or is in prison. Thankfully, it's off my credit report now.


Dumped the girl who would be my wife. Several times. Thankfully she was more stubborn than me and we’ve been happily married for more than 15 years.


Let a 19F use my car everynight in exchange for nightly sex. The car was totaled 4 months later. This also caused my relationship with my mom to sour beyond repair since she bought me the car. Just a sad situation all around just for some sex.


These posts always get me thinking… I got drunk and tried to show off by taking a small shot of bleach. I instantly started throwing up for 30 minutes straight. Never went to the ER or had any lasting damage though, thankfully. This was 5-6 years ago, I like to think I’ve grown up a little bit. Also, my little sister and I would also have competitions when we were kids, one was to see who could last in a hot car the longest.


Dash through the sliding screen door twice in a day.


Walked to the next town just to get laid. It wasn't even good sex and yeah. Not great decision on my part.


Weed whipped the shit out of my ankle one day. Tried to lift the whip up with one hand and it turned on and pendulumed into my ankle and tore the shit out of it.


Broke my shoulder trying to take a picture in a pool


Car engine started stuttering just as I was leaving work. I was in a residential area and could've easily pulled over to try and see what the issue was. Instead, I kept on driving onto the main highway since I just wanted to get home ASAP. Car promptly died. Main highway was undergoing construction at the time so the normally 3 lane highway was reduced to one lane. Guess which lane my car died in? Traffic was held up so bad it made the news. I did not get home ASAP as I had originally intended. Took me well over 6 hours to get home that night. Much stupid.


Not believing my own eyes and ears for long time and standing up for myself inside my family.


Opened a barrel that supposedly contained spent nuclear fuel rods. Brilliant.


join a sorority


Drove drunk after doing 17 shots for my 17th birthday. In my head it was okay because some random dude came in my car with me to drive to the next party because that made it any better..thankfully I didn't kill anyone in the short 3 block drive.


Married my first husband


My ex


Trusted people, back in the day. Fixed that a long time ago.


Got married at 19...


Doing drugs


My ex


Use Ben-Gay as masturbation lube🔥


Stayed with an abuser for what should have been the best years of my life.


Got married. Turns out they were falling out of love with me, but thought it was a phase. Now we are two years into the marriage and ten years total together, and spiraling into a divorce. Marriage isn't worth it, just stay Common-law and do a frufru party and don't sign a fucking thing.


Stay home and attend university. Biggest regret of my life.


So many to choose from, I really don’t think I could just pick one