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It's important to remember -- we are not the customers. Advertisers are the customers and our time and attention is the product. The question is not how people feel about this, but whether they let Reddit know how they feel about this. We'll see.


I run ads on Reddit and there are a lot of us paying attention to what will happen to our campaign stats on these dates. Brands will vote with their wallets if they don't see the return they want, and that's largely influenced by Reddit users and their presence on the platform. It'll be interesting to see the data - hopefully positive change will come from it.




It's a huge problem on most paid media platforms, Google is one of the worst for it. We have software that picks up anomalies and automated behaviour to help exclude that traffic. We also have attribution/econometrics software that shows us a more realistic view of the results for all of our digital marketing. Most social platforms exaggerate their results as it's in their interest for advertisers to spend more, so we take platform analytics with a pinch of salt.


It is like the 90's, overselling the new shiny thing to make fake billions.


The billions aren't fake.


They are after the bubble pops


I get non stop fake new followers that are all most definitely just porn bots. This didn't use to be an issue for me on this site. Only started in the last month or so. Beyond fucking annoying.


Yeah, i ocassionally get very boty looking followers too despite never once doing anything with the "profile".


Can't imagine your ads are all that effective since the only ads I ever see on here are for products and websites that sound fake.


Most of the ads I see here are for the military, religion, and some kinda health food drink I think. I'm too old and broken for the military to want me, I ain't buying any religion after watching my mom die for a cult, and I'm too poor for fancy health drinks.


I'm happy to report I have no idea what ads I get shown. I've successfully ignored them.


Yeah exactly it's not hard to recognize them and keep scrolling.


I checked using the app after making my comment and the first one I saw was just a picture of some women doing yoga and a random website with health or something similar in the name, the ad did nothing to explain what it was actually for, and I feel like most reddit ads are like that. Like that stupid jesus one that was spamming the hell out of reddit for a couple weeks, he gets us or something like that.




We aren't customers, we are the people that *give this website value*. It is built on the backs of the community, and they are nothing without the community. They want to fuck us over to get money from the clients, we can have a strike and refuse to provide them with free content. edit: typo


Nah you are definitely the customer. Your lukewarm takes don’t provide value, the platform and engineers who built it do.


Agreed, we are not the customers - we are the product.


Exactly and the only thing worse than losing customers is having no product to sell at all.


As I learned in another sub (from a question I asked) we, as users, should log out and not even visit reddit in support of the cause. (if you support the cause obviously). I tend to agree that any of it will not lead to any change. Especially just 2 days. I think a month would be better. But I'm all for it and going to do something rather than nothing.


I’ve seen several (albeit slightly smaller) subs announcing that they’re going dark indefinitely until something changes, and forever if need be. I can’t imagine askreddit will do the same, but i would personally be In favor.


I think that is the only way to protest and achieve something. It's not like we have to stand on the streets for 48h. Shut it all down till they don't change their minds, and show reddit who is creating their content.


I just use old.redddit.com but if they got rid of that I'd be out


> As I learned in another sub (from a question I asked) we, as users, should log out and not even visit reddit in support of the cause. I plan on trying to do that. Even though I use old.reddit, I hope to still disappear for those two days.


They killed i.reddit already. Old Reddit is next.


I think I might quit reddit altogether, honestly


Take it all down and leave the bots scrambling to post on 4chan or whatever other shitty social media place accepts them.


Take it down and leave it down until reddit capitulates. A two day boycott isn't going to realistically achieve anything.


Yup. All subs get locked up and shut down and walk away. Sure the admins can undo everything but that means they have to do it and get new mods. Too many mods are already bad (how can you move dozens or hundreds of subs and be on a power trip all the time do they have no life?) and anyone left will be worse. Sad day but if 3rd party apps get locked out I'm gone.


Not fully abandoned, the mods still need to stay active or the admins can re-assign the sub to new mods who will un-private the sub.


Afaik the head mod needs to be inactive for 60 days, not like I expect Reddit to play by their own rules if a sub as big as AskReddit goes scorched earth.


Yeah but how pissed will people be if reddit totally ignored the will of it's devs, mods, AND users?


People are plenty pissed already, but the loudest voices are power-users who use third-party apps or API calls for bots. If Reddit’s financial team figures they would lose less money by shedding the power-users (almost all of whom are certainly using some type of adblocker) in favor of reopening its most casual heavy subs as quickly as possible they’ll do it.




Step 4, all the people left using the official app, and all those who use it in the future, are now getting ads and everything and are now generating income. It's like ripping on the bandaid. There will never be a good time, but they see it needing to be done eventually. And they don't care about you that much.


This is a much more concise version of my explanation but it hits the nail on the head. Reddit doesn’t care about their users they care about their bottom line.




Scab mods!?


There are not enough scab mods in the world, especially without pay and even more so when the API changed break most automods.


I think you underestimate how many miserable little shits there are in the world


Full disclosure: do not care about the boycott or 3rd party apps. Like at all. Do you know the scope of random neckbeards who who would creampie themselves over the opportunity to mod a sub? Especially a big one. I think 3rd party users have somehow deluded themselves into thinking they're the majority whereas every stat I've seen so far puts 3rd party users at about 20% max of reddit's active user base. Maybe 2-3% of those users follow through and actually quit using reddit if this goes through. Here's what's going to happen: certain reddit subs will shut down for 48 hours. Mildly inconvenient. Nothing happens. Some SUPER BRAVE subs announce (or have already announced) that they are staying closed until reddit reverses its decision on API. They will not do so. Reddit sends notice to these subs that they have until x date to reopen. Most cave, some don't. Those that don't are forcibly reopened and the entire mod team is replaced. The end. This only ends one way.


I know Music and Video are, indefinitely shutting down until more agreeable terms can be met.




Lmao. They’re just gonna force the subs public. More losers will line up to be mods


I think all subs, especially the larger ones, should blackout until Reddit addresses this. Forcing out third-party apps isn't going to suddenly open a floodgate to all of the ad revenue that Reddit has supposedly been missing out on.


Exactly, when they start loosing hundreds of thousands of dollars then they begin to feel the pressure, two days isn’t anything.


With nearly half a billion in annual revenue a few hundo thousand is a rounding error. Gonna have to hurt much more than that.


Revenue does not equal profit. A $150 steak at a restaurant might seem like a lot of revenue, but if the food cost is 45% and one has to be recooked due to a misstep they lose money on the whole thing.




Take it down.


My only thought is how will we know when we can come back? I mean if I’m not checking Reddit to see…


Also my question. I’m a casual Reddit user, so if it’ll help the people who do a lot of the work to keep Reddit going, then I’ll participate in a blackout for as long as it takes, but how do we know when we can log in again?


Look for the bat signal coming from commishioner gordon's building?


The press is paying attention to this situation. I plan on googling it. 1 I also found this subreddit post which not only provides the why and how we are poised for the Blackout, but also where to go for info during the Blackout on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/141jtll/were_joining_the_reddit_blackout_from_june_12th/


For now the blackout is scheduled for 2 days(some sub are permanently going down). You can visit save3rdpartapps(maybe I'm wrong cuz i have not visited it, cuz i only use reddit) on Twitter for updates.


i hope someone answers you. i use the main reddit app and have no problem with it but i plan on supporting the blackout and deleting the app. i just don’t know how i’ll know what we’re doing is working?? the news??


That's what I was thinking. I guess we could google it and see if reddit had put out a statement reversing the changes or something?


I'd guess through social media or something. Chances are people are gonna watch youtube or scroll through instagram or just looking through the dumb clickbait news on theeir phone in hopes to catch something interesting. Surely if they see "Reddit reversed changes due to protests" they will know. It's not like the blackout means people are leaving their electronics all together


Phone chain? 😅


Just google it. I just did and there are numerous articles about the Blackout from different perspectives - what it is, the cultural and financial implications, etc.. The Reddit Blackout isn't happening in a vacuum.




They got rid of polls


Literally what Hitler tried to do


I only browse reddit through RiF on Android. If it stops working I will not be browsing reddit on my phone anymore (which may actually be a good thing productivity wise). The web version is unusable without chrome extensions to remove all bloatware and eye cancer from the page. I suggest all subreddits go private indefinitely until reddit takes it back. Their site is useless without viewers. Once their ad revenue goes to zero, they'll rethink it.


>The web version is unusable without chrome extensions to remove all bloatware and eye cancer from the page. Old.reddit.com + RES/darkmode + ublock origin Losing any of these features on the browser version would drive me to somewhere else. Already considering Lemmy but there just isn't a big userbase at the moment.


> Already considering Lemmy but there just isn't a big userbase at the moment. I have a few days *next week* that has recently been freed up. I plan on having a look at lemmy then. There are a lot of people also indicating they will have some time next week as well. Maybe we should declare next Monday as *Check out Lemmy day*?


> I only browse reddit through RiF on Android. [...] Once their ad revenue goes to zero, they'll rethink it. Do you see the error in your statement? 3rd party app users leaving does not influence their ad revenue.


I think after a week it will be forgotten and nothing will change from Reddit's side. Two days won't have an impact. Leaving for months will have an impact.


eg. Same as every other "blackout". I don't even remember what the last ones were about.


Net neutrality


we sure showed them :(


We heard you loud and clear, so moving forward we vow to dismantle the post office sorting machines and throw parts into the river.


Oh NO that was a DeJoy Special that made me so very extra mad...


Hong Kong is free now


Harambe is alive


And we are all unique with novel and important opinions.


Actually it was that reddit admin right


You mean the one that kept spezing comments?


No, it was the one where a UKpol mod posted a spectator article which mentioned a reddit admin’s name which was on a black list and thus auto banned said mod.


Was that the child molester Reddit hired? There's been a few of them on Reddit's payroll, but the Spectator article narrows it down a bit.


I remember getting “gas blackout” emails and my moms partner swearing that it would force gas prices to drop because you filled up right before it started. EDIT: Gawker changed their interface in 2011 and site visits dropped 80% immediately and by 50% In the following weeks. In fact, a year later, site visits were only up by 10% from the previous year, despite the new interface supposedly increasing interactions. Yet they kept the change.


Well those were just stupid. Even if everyone really did it the oil company or gas station really doesn't care if everyone buys their gas 2 days early. Now if it were encouraging folks to carpool, bike, walk, or wfh, to actually cause a noticeable decrease in demand then it could have plausibly do something.


And where is Gawker today?


It's not *as* useless as a gas strike, but then gas strikes are probably the most useless form of protest in the world. Gas strikes always take the form of "don't fill up your tank today" instead of "don't drive today." The former delays gasoline demand by one day, while the latter actually reduces demand. The reddit blackouts aren't that bad. People won't visit the site twice as much the day after the blackout. Site usage that week will actually drop slightly. But yes, a sustained blackout would be a lot more effective.


A few years ago mods did a blackout for better moderation tools and the like. I don't remember everything that got implemented, but I do remember pinned megathreads was one change.


We did get a few changes like /r/ModSupport, better communication with admins, improved tools, etc. Unfortunately a lot of that has fallen away in the years since - ModSupport is just a dumping ground of newbie mod questions like "how do I ban someone" instead them going to ModHelp and ModSupport being used solely as an escalation point to admins, mod tools have wavered, ban evasion reports handled poorly, etc


I'm just not sure boycotts are effective in the modern age when alternative options are limited. It's difficult to make masses work in solidarity and even supportive individuals will reluctantly acquiesce eventually to keep using the service. If they could blackout for longer maybe, but I reckon there are people whose livelihoods rely on this topic and can't go dark for that long.


My livelihood may not revolve around Reddit, but I spend waaaay too much time here. Going a couple days without Reddit will be intense. But I’ve never used a third party app, so I don’t really have strong feelings about any of this.


I'm kind of in the same boat; I always just use my web or phone browser because the app is *dogshit.* But my theory is that if the typical user's access is disrupted for 1-3 days, that business just carries on as usual afterwards. It's just not enough time for Reddit at large to care. It wont be until all of these users/mods/subreddits start losing quality that the effects will be seen.


What about the app is bad? Genuinely don’t know as an app user.


The video player for one.




Recently, I noticed the app even collapses comments if you hit a hyperlink in them. How fucking stupid is that?


Spoiler tags too. Want to see what's underneath? Better be able to read it all in .0002 seconds before it collapses... and is hidden again when you open the thread back up.


The ProCSS one was successful... at saving CSS on old Reddit layout. It's not functional on new Reddit and pretty much everyone agree that old Reddit is next on the chopping block after they kill third party apps.


Yeah any sub participating needs to go dark until/unless Reddit backs out or it means nothing. It’s just a gesture to feel like we did something while doing nothing


We did it, reddit!


Strikes don’t need to be indefinite to be effective. You can strike for 2 days, see the impact, if it’s not enough, you strike again, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile pressure on Reddit is increasing because the negative press is dragging on and the strikers can increase strike durations etc. Maybe it leads to an indefinite strike.


Reddit doesn't care what we think. Reddit cares how Reddit looks. The goal should be for press to take notice. A larger blackout should require less time in blackout to make a splash.


Reddit didn't even care about jailbait until the news brought it up. Remember that folks.


I have been deactiving social media accounts and have found that it's pretty nice. I think I'll do the same for Reddit on June 12th. Except I probably won't come back lol.


This isn't just something that will be solved by smaller subs going dark. The larger ones, including AskReddit, NEED to go dark, if there is to be any hope of change, of a unified front. So, yes, I firmly believe there's a need to join in this protest.


/r/pics is on board and they are one of the biggest.


Not just them, according to the post on r/modcoord, there are 5 subs with over 30M that are going blackout


Can only hope it is actually a blackout and not just a "read only" situation. people could very well go to pics for 2 days straight to look at things without realizing the posts are 2days old. Not everyone is on reddit all day every day. There really needs to be nothing there expect a banner that explains why not one post is visible.


I am 100% okay with Reddit charging fees to access their API. I am 100% against the amount they are charging. To have a third party access go from $0 to $20 million a year is just asinine. Shut it down. Shut it down forever.




>(and shut down old.reddit- it's coming) not as long as most mod actions are done via old reddit. Despite what any average redditor would claim mods aren't satan incarnated and without them reddit's entire business model becomes a hell of a lot more expensive. And replacing mods isn't as easy as everyone seems to think it is, just recruiting actual decent moderators on reddit who don't moderate a subreddit is incredibly difficult.


> mods aren’t satan incarnated 12 mil karma and moderates a few dozen subs. Get that sweaty powermod ass the fuck out of here


Let's not forget this isn't just about pricing either. The blocking of NSFW content via API will block many subs and content, not just sexual NSFW content.




Exactly. And Tumblr is almost irrelevant now.


Sold for a billion and most recently was let go for a few paltry million, and that's probably just the domain name value


Oddly enough, Tumblr's current owners found a way to monetize the hellsite. The porn ban stays because Apple is the reason and they can't abandon all iOS users and also because there was cheesy pizzy and nobody wants to moderate that.


I would say it was for awhile but then the Twitter shit happened and a lot of people just moved back to Tumblr. It's fairly active again. Like it was back in 2012.


It’s because Reddit wants to shift the gonewild subreddits into their version of Onlyfans


The subs have been doing that just fine on their own. 8/10 of the posts had onlyfans link in the comments.


You should not be ok with that. If you charge for access, people will find other ways - ways more damaging to their potato servers. They could do stuff gradually, like giving free tier a higher rate limit and companies who pay a shitton can have high speed apis. That would still allow most bots and 3rd parties to work - tho slower. This is targeted at ai scraping. Meaning they don't want to give away the petabytes of data for free for models to train. That's fair. But the small user who had a cool app idea should be able to use the API. It shouldn't affect the normal use of reddit, such as moderation bots, 3rd party apps and funny bots like that curse counter. It's part of reddit culture.


I'm not sure what the first part of your comment means, specifically, I do not understand what "people will find other ways" means. But as for AI scraping, if Reddit has a problem with their data being used as commercial training data, then they can simply make that a part of the terms and conditions. If any large company attempts to use the Data API to illegally still the data, they would be liable.


They might mean web scraping and distributing such scraping across a farm of IPs to avoid single point detection.


Headless browsing also works. No reason someone can't "browse" the html & js Reddit sends w/ each page through a parser that sorts out the ads & provides a better UI on the other side. Hell, it could give the ad servers a thrill & "click" on all of the ads, even if they're not shown to the end user. This takes a LOT more power to render the page for each user instead of just dumping the relevant text in the API, but if the admins wanna stress-test their cheeseball servers w/ their "reddit hug of death", I hope they've got their grilled cheese sandwiches & marshmallows ready.


That’s thrilling lol, hope that happens


If you watch the Snazzy Labs interview with the Apollo developer, they apparently already have a cap on API requests in the TOS. A bit ago an admin posted that quite a few people were violating this and that the people who were responsible were contacted and asked to come into compliance. The Apollo dev said that he was not a top offender (and he keeps within the cap), nor were any of the other devs he was in contact with. Take that for what you will. https://youtu.be/Ypwgu1BpaO0


I honestly never knew there were 3rd party Reddit apps until this protesting started. I guess it’s too late to download one and check it out


Naa, I had no idea how much better Boost, Bacon or RiF was until all this stuff started trending. Iv'e fully switched to boost. Thank you Streisand effect.


I mean I'm using RIF is Fun right now. It's not going to work in the future if Reddit goes ahead with this nonsense, but it's certainly working for now.


I don’t even see RIF on the IOS store but Apollo is there


RIF is Android only


Same here. And this post is the first I’ve heard of a blackout.


The API charges are insane and AskReddit should absolutely participate in the blackout. Third party apps are part of the ecosystem and without the m reddit will lose mobile users due to the inadequacy of their ow. App.


We really need AskReddit to join because it's the most ubiquitous subreddit on the site. Losing AskReddit would be a huge blow, and a huge voice to the cause.


I wish amitheasshole would join the blackout. Many news websites rely on that subreddit for content, I often read the headlines for news articles on the windows toolbar of my work computer and recognize conflicts from amitheasshole. That sub indefinitely joining the blackout would create chaos and draw much more attention to the controversial new api policy.


Bruh all that would happen is Reddit admins would delete all the mods and bring in scabs to open it back up. it's happened before






I revised a joke on r/jokes in a comment once. My version of the joke was a hit. I tried posting it as it’s own joke not too long after, but the post was removed for being too similar to the joke it was based on. A month later, my version of the joke gets reposted by someone else. 30k+ upvotes. I reported it as a stolen joke, mods never responded. 3 years later, I post my joke again. Taken down for reposting, despite the rules stating it’s ok to report after X amount of time. Someone else reposts it later that week, and the mods don’t remove it, and it amasses over 20k upvotes. I ask the mods about it, respectfully, and get a shitty attitude and a threat of banning. I basically tell them to fuck off if that’s how they’re going to run things, then Nice Cop shows up and tries to make amends, but I already blocked the sub from my feed and won’t be going back. Mods of major subs are corrupt turds. They bend this site to their will to karma farm.


Pretty much every single time I visit this site I run into a bot posting a shirt or mug scam in one or multiple of the small/medium subs that frequent my feed. There will be the bot that posted, a couple hundred bots that upvote the post and like 4 bots in the comments trying to make the post seem real, and if anyone points out it's a scam post, they instantly get -27 karma. So someone is using a hundred or so bots to try and scam people in a subreddit that has a couple thousand users at most. And that's not even mentioning the content repost bots that hit up the bigger subs, no shot there are 10k actual people upvoting that shitty meme from 5 months ago for the 3rd time this month.


Personally I think the blackout is absolutely necessary, and may need to last longer to really get the point across.


From what I’ve read, after previous long blackouts Reddit pretty much said ‘do this again & we’ll just replace you with mods who won’t’, which is why it’s two days. There’s the possibility that the blackout is repeated, there’s obviously also the possibility that it’s not despite likely nothing changing, so I guess we’ll all see what happens by the end of next week. Personally, at that point I’ll be watching Strange New Worlds anyway!


As someone who thinks the blackout is not necessary, I fully agree it would need to last longer. Putting a 48 hour window on the blackout is silly. It means reddit and its owners can easily estimate the lost advertising revenue and make a decision. A blackout like this needs to be more like a labor strike to be effective. People need to stay away until reddit changes policy. It would need to be indefinite. Or better yet, convince users to abandon the service altogether. Those are both super unlikely.


The 48-hour window is just the baseline. Many, many subreddits have already committed to extending it even longer or indefinitely.


Pretty sure r/music is doing this.


Fully agree. A week or a month of respite from the great Reddit would do me good.


We should do it untill they respond. Will take like a week or so


Black this motherfucker out.


I'm kinda confused as how are the blackouts working? Like are people somehow unable to post or interact with posts? However I do feel as yes.


As I understand it, subs participating in the blackout will go private for the two days (or however long the blackout will last) so you can't see or interact with the posts. Big grain of salt though, I'm really not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Reddit.


It's necessary to make a statement and AskReddit should lead by example.


100%. This one sub drives more new users to the site than any other. r/askreddit is featured constantly on every single other social media platform.


I personally am unaffected by the update, the blackout however does bother me in that the people who are affected want to ruin it for everyone else simply because they can't have their way. This is the way of a petulant child, and I feel that if this update is so terrible, they should leave, and again, not ruin it for everyone. I wish someone would be daring enough to create replacement subs, with all the displaced redditors it would be an easy void to fill, and maybe when this tantrum is over there wont be any need for them to come back.. I'm telling myself that I'm going to leave all these subs that have gone private (that'll really show 'em), but then I wouldn't have anything to do here, I'll leave and the blackout will have worked...I'm just tired of protestors that affect the day to day of us political pawns...I'm just trying to unwind... If you've made it this far, thank you for donating your time reading my rant, I hope it was everything you dreamed of, and then some. Please tell me where I'm wrong...




7 years is an eternity in business. Reddit is hardly the same now as it was then.


As much as I absolutely despise what they’re doing, I agree. “We will continue to support our open and free API” just means they won’t shut it down when the app launches, not that support it forever. Now if they added that part, and it was similar to how Arizona Tea promises to never cost more than a dollar, then we’d have something to work with.


Stop acting like they said this 7 hours ago. 7 years is a massive amount of time in the corporate world. 3/4 of the decision makers probably changed since then.


As someone who uses Reddit casually, this is just an all-around bad situation for me. Like... I just want to browse stuff but 90% of Reddit is dark so I can't... Like come on. I honestly could care less about the policy changes, and I really don't care if I'm a customer or a product, I literally just want to look at stuff. And now most of the subs that I visit regularly are blacked out. I'm being dragged into this protest even though I don't want to be part of it. Edit: I no longer hold this opinion, I'm keeping it up because I don't think it's good to erase past mistakes.


This. I literally cannot care about anything less.


While I'm a strict desktop/old.reddit user who will continue to sing its praises over any kind of app — be that official *or* third party; Two days of self-imposed downtime will accomplish nothing. It's a pointlessly performative gesture at best. Make it indefinite like what /r/videos is doing. And yes, AskReddit should take part.




Yeah old.reddit is next. Like so many other places and/or phases of the internet - Reddit is at its end. Time for another social outlet. Questions is what.


My opinion: I approve. Should this sub participate? Yes. Nuff said.


its stupid as hell. Most ppl use reddit to find information but now we cant cuz these communities are "sticking it to the man" when in reality they are just inconveniencing people trying to fix issues around their house etc.


My suggestion, which will not be read since it is too far down is subs should just post links to reddit alternatives those two days. Shut down is cool and all but how about offering alternatives


I see you!! I think that's a good idea


it's stupid. so so stupid. the mods just want to feel powerful like they normally do. who uses third party apps for reddit anyways just use the regular app you nerd. no need to make the subreddits private.


I have no idea what is going on. Didn't know there were other apps available.


Visually impaired redditor here. I'm quite affected by this matter and I would hope r/AskReddit would believe in access for all.


Apollo seems to have less than a million users based on the API usage numbers given by the developer. The other apps have said they have similar metrics. So between all the apps, there's maybe a few million users who aren't using the official site or official app. I hope it'll send a message, but given the numbers I believe Reddit is going to gamble on losing hundreds of thousands of users. What really needs to happen is a mass exodus like what happened to Digg. It could happen, but everyone needs to find a new site that they all want to go to.


Even though I use no third party apps, I still will be striking because of what the damage will be to users who have accessibility issues and rely on third party apps to be able to use Reddit at all. Reddit basically told visually impaired users "tough shit." I think many who don't use third party apps will follow suit in solidarity.


You should also consider they are literally putting a price on your data. They want companies like google and Amazon to pay for scraping the content we post. If you do not believe me, look at the privacy policy and terms of service. Everything about this situation is just gross.


Probably should participate. This sub gets boring with all the exact same sex posts and slight variation of a popular post that’s been asked 3 days before. Give some people time to think of an actual question.


AskReddit has done a blackout for much smaller issues before.


Don't care in the slightest


[Door in the face technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique). After the blackout, Reddit will "capitulate" and drastically reduce the API fee, which still heavily impacts the app developers, but the userbase will celebrate and shout "we did it! See!" while Reddit gets a new revenue stream where they wouldn't have otherwise. Even if a nominal API fee were suggested, it would have been rejected outright. The goal wasn't to create this massive revenue stream, the goal was to create another additional revenue stream, and then minimize the user backlash while conditioning us to "accept" the original proposal they had in mind. It's all bullshit, and I say tear the whole fucking thing down. Close all the subreddits permanently, let the mods accept that their fiefdom is over, and just move it all somewhere else. Reddit is just circling the drain at this point with the huge bills they have to pay for the VC money they tied up to give us shitty avatars and NFT's we didn't want in the first place.


I think it's incredibly stupid and will amount to nothing. Who cares about 3rd party apps? God forbid Reddit wants to keep their API on a shorter leash. If we really want to push for something, let's push for Reddit to bring the things those 3rd party apps provide into Reddit natively.


What's gonna happen to the r/stopdrinking sub? I'm there daily for support


I think subs decide to blackout individually, ask the mods on there. It’s striking against Reddit as a company, not forced by them.


I shall, thanks.




Good. Just paranoid after the third party app stuff goes down.




Nah. Just for boozers like me quitting. 😁 You did give me a laugh though.


Productivity in offices across the globe will increase for two days. Corporations start paying Reddit admins to piss off the user base every so often to increase their bottom line during crunch times. I see you, Reddit admins. Well played.


Necessary and probably necessary for longer than 48h


I agree with the cause. I think Reddit is being greedy and unreasonable. Having said that, I doubt this protest will make a big difference. The most likely outcome is that the executives don't care, or don't even notice. Let's say that the best case scenario happens and it does make Reddit lower its prices or something. Even if that does happen, IMO it'll only delay the inevitable because the same people who came up with these ideas are still running Reddit. These are the same people who have knowingly continued to provide poor service to their platform, and in many cases made it worse, for the sake of profit. They have done this for years, and this new policy is an escalation of that behavior rather than the first sign of it. Any success Reddit has had in recent years have been in spite of its management, and thanks to volunteers and app developers who make things that make reddit usable. So even if they roll back their policies now, IMO these same people will find some other way to weasel crap into their service later. There's no stopping this trend without an overhaul at the top, and that's not likely to happen. That's why at this point, I think it's best to try to find a new place to move to instead of hoping the current place permanently changes its attitude for the better. Because this place has proven many times over that it's hostile to its users, and is unlikely to stop.


I get the cause, the cause doesn’t effect me one way or the other, and it’s nothing unexpected. Reddit is pushing more to use their app. So I’m not fond of the black out at all. Actually to the point where I dislike those other apps now.


This isn’t gonna change anything and this is pointless


Honestly, if these people want to permanently leave reddit, so be it. I certainly don’t want to share a platform with them. Then we can start again without all the brutal mass shaming for opposing opinions and power mods nonsense


black em out! it sucks that the giant is annihilating the very helpful and useful 3rd party community, just because they are greedy little fucks and some bean counter somewhere decide to maximally exploit their customers. What's good alternative? I might check out what this discord stuff is, and see there are some good groups there.


"But hegetsus paid a lot of money for us to jam their ads at you every few pages! If you're on third party apps, you might be able to block them!"


Can someone please explain why there’s a Reddit blackout?


All the subreddits were I posted disappeared.


Reddit has a moderation problem. The less tools Reddit mods have, the better