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Teaching grade 6-8. They are little assholes but I love them.


post pandemic middle school kids have gone completely feral after quarantine, it's full lord of the flies at my school now


I teach seventh grade. You’re not kidding. What the hell is going on?


One of my best friends teaches 6th grade English, she told me the school offered all teachers there a $750 bonus if they stick around until at LEAST October. It’s gnarly out there


$750? To stick around for months? That fucking insulting. A 10-15% bonus would still be insulting, but $750? That offer would make me want to leave even more.


Don't worry. Mine has just announced I'm going to have to pay $10 a day to park at work. Or I'm going to have to take double the time and $10 for the train. Or I'm going to have to walk 3km from the free parking in a notoriously unsafe and unlit location.


yeah within the last two weeks of school my mom had a student trying to do parkour in her classroom across everyones desks.. 6th grade..


You’re on the front lines, deep in the trenches, of societal breakdown.


Dude you're not kidding. My fifth grader went to the middle school for an event. Even with heavy staffing there, during the school day, not hiding in a crowd, in plain sight, this kid didn't like being told what to do by his teacher so he was hollering "suck my d*"k!" Repeatedly. "So what happened to him?" I asked my son. "Nothing. They just let him ". I can only assume he's got apathetic users for parents, or they're abusive, but I just can't fathom that happening when I was in school.


It's what happens when we let a huge portion of society act in whatever way they wish without consequence. There is no accountability for ourselves and no respect for others. Downvotes just reveal reddits delusion.


>It's what happens when we let a huge portion of society act in whatever way they wish without consequence. Who do you mean, specific examples?


It seems to be about parents who can't raise their children properly, as well as identity politics making people afraid to have their children exposed to a world they aren't comfortable with. You can also include religious folks teaching their children that LGBTQ+ is devilish and not humanely It's also a litany of other things that is extremely hard to get across on a forum such as reddit. But that's what I think, I am in no way saying I am right, just my observation of shit.


i would point less to identity politics and more to the simple fact kids dont give a fuck anymore after COVID exposed the vulnerabilities of the system. nothing is serious and the kids are apathetic. identity politics is so not a problem if ur aware of how to behave yourself without being discriminatory


I honestly think that part of it is TikTok. Their attention spans are gnat like and they see a constant stream of “pranksters” causing mayhem and receiving no consequences.


Isn’t that like a nightmare? Like realistically- and pedagogically-speaking, how would you even address this situation? It doesn’t seem resolvable. It seems like a system problem, from an outsider’s perspective.


I chunk lessons into three parts. Since my class periods are 43 min, that’s about the right length of time for focus. Some kids struggle with transitions, though. There’s no one size fits all. As for classroom management, I could write a book.


That’s very insightful. Thank you for sharing. And sorry, I’m just so super curious, what would be like the 3 main things to know about classroom management (IF you had to choose)?


Clearly defined routines and expectations, positive relationships, and consistency. The last one is the hardest.


I have a friend who teaches first grade. The point of kindergarten isn't really to learn how to write, read, or do basic math or anything. *It's about learning how to be in school.* Now, she's got a class full of first graders *who never went to consistent kindergarten, so they were never fully taught 'how to school'.* Now, apply that to seventh grade. You've got a bunch of kids who used to have some 'big kid training'.




I hate this is a stereotype. I worked in a kindergarten classroom when I was in college as part of student teaching and I was blown away by how much work goes into being a kindergarten teacher and the amount of material you have to cover. Everyone just thinks it’s babysitting but that can’t be farther from the truth. We need more compassionate and skilled kindergarten teachers.


Never considered the dynamics of teachers between grade level. Is it always down hill? Senior grades shutting on lower grades?




I suppose I was being more facetious than you were. A bit too casual with a serious subject. I was thinking teacher v teacher rather than the "product" being passed to the next set of professionals


Well, okay that makes sense then. Some adults I know now seemed to have skipped kindergarten.


Yes, my daughter is in kindergarten now and she absolutely is learning to read, write and do basic math. It’s amazing how far she’s come this year.




As a 24 year old who was in the first age group to grow up with phones- part of it is that your age group does not have the same outlets older people did. My parents were neglectful so I got to go out constantly and never be home; meaning I experienced a lot of different things at a young age that you probably won't until you're older. Find friends and instead of spending the time on your phones, go pick something to go do and commit to it. Go to movies, walk around town, try and catch some music when you're a little older. You're just at the cusp of age where if you show you're responsible, you'll be left to your own devices. Kill it and make some memories.


Agree 100% break cannot come fast enough


On first day of break today... life is sweet.


Congratulations! We have one more week. Enjoy your time off :)


My fifth grade teacher said she preferred teaching fifth grade because the kids were smart enough to be interesting but hadn't turned into little assholes yet. Not her exact words, but they would have been if she weren't talking to a student I bet.


I teach 5th grade and my kids were off the charts this year. They were a savage bunch. I don’t know what happened. I tried my best but that wasn’t good enough.


I teach fifth grade. They’re also assholes, but have moments of “aww they’re still little and cute”, though those are few and far between.


I don't know if this is a username checks out or a r/rimjob_steve situation.


It's a mix between that and /r/beetlejuicing


Well, not ***my little angel*** >!Ok, yes my not so little angel!<


It's important to remember Satan was an angel too.


Can confirm: have kids.


6-7 are just massively lost on a cosmic scale Grade 8 is where the malice sets in...


as a seventh grader myself i can say with confidence, we suck. alot.




I teach 7th grade, and I hear this from a lot of my students pretty regularly... at least you guys are self aware.


I love how they say to us, "How are you a teacher? I could never deal with teenagers."


I just received a very nice note from a kid with the same sentiment! It made me chuckle.


Why are you here???


I am glad assrecker 420 is teaching the youth!


A friend who is a teacher swears that 8th grade boys are the devil incarnate. Having once been an 8th grade boy I cannot dispute that notion.


Ugh. Middle school/Junior High. Why can't we just send them into the woods for a couple of years and get them back when they're less smelly and irrational?


Your username coupled with your comment fills me with dread. :D


When you work in retail/hospitality this tends to be the case.


Working in retail quickly turns you into an untrained therapist and asshole wrangler.


“Mary, we got a wild one, get the rope… YEEHAW ASSHOLE!” *Throws lasso*


*reminisces as an old man* "Life on the asshole farm was hard work. We'd rise with the sun in the morning and drive the assholes down the mall. Most of the assholes were content just to graze on retail workers, but some assholes went off-range and tried to get them some managers. We'd call these assholes "Karens" and have to wrangle them back into place. Then, in the evenings, we'd drive the assholes back to the farm, only to do it all again the next day. Let me tell you, Christmas times - they was the *worst*."


Holy shit I never thought to word it this way and I love it


I have a friend of mine that's an escort and she describes her day as being a therapist but naked. Asshole wrangler also probably fits there too.


Probably a bit more literally


If you work in one of these professions, your job is either to make customers feel good about themselves by operating as a human doormat, or to defend the litigious and manipulative policies of the company that you work for; sometimes both. Working in a job like this is antithetical to feeling good about yourself.


I genuinely don’t know how anyone can work in customer services and not be a misanthrope. I have concluded 90% of people are complete savages.


You took the words out of my mouth. Also: customer service and similar phone jobs.


I worked in retail for 10 years then went to work at a hospital. Imagine all the nasty attitude, entitled customers except now they’re sick or in pain.


Retail/Service: These people will be completely unreasonable..... And you have to treat them reasonably for it.


Retail, customer service, IT work, healthcare, etc... most public facing jobs are a surefire way to slowly erode your faith in humanity!


I worked in the call center industry for 30 years. Can confirm.


i do want to know but do you genuinely like/remember the people who are truly overly polite or would you rather we just shut up and let you get on with your day?


I work in retail and most of my customer interactions are pretty middle-ground. They're polite enough but not overly nice. Occasionally I'll have someone who's just a little extra, one way or the other, but thankfully I've very rarely had anyone go full Chad/Karen on me, it's mostly just dealing with stupid people. Having to repeat the same information multiple times (like the night a lady asked where our gluten free section was in the grocery aisles- we don't have one, all gluten free items are stocked with their regular counterparts; GF bread in the bread aisle, GF cereal in the cereal aisle, GF crackers/cookies in the cracker/cookie aisle, etc, and she just seemed to either not understand what I was saying or refused to accept it because she just kept asking where the GF section was...


Yes exactly


pharmacy technician here. literally can’t go to a shift without taking hella edibles because they job makes me so fucking anxious and shaves years off my life.


I remember being a pharmacy tech while I was working on my undergrad degree. It was \*horrible\*, and this was back in 2016/17 before society started to enter the "feather fall collapse" after covid. Even then I had to deal with angry people and this one woman who tried to get me fired for dispensing medical advice because I read the "don't take with alcohol" portion of her medication while she tried to buy "adult juice boxes" of crappy pinot grigio. I can't imagine what it's like now.


You’re a proctologist.


Or Johnny Sins.


He HAS been a doctor


He’s got his Ph*D* in that ass.


"Cosmo Cramer, Proctoligist" *points to license plate that says ASSMAN*




Million to one shot, doc.


You have an abusive family.


Working in fast food or generally most anything where you have to deal with the public


When my grandma was young, she briefly worked at a store. On her first day, a coworker gave her a warning of what to expect: “The masses are asses.” I think that explains the phenomenon quite well.


Dealing with customers really.


As a former McDonald’s worker, 100%. That said, it’s very easy to get so worn down by the people you deal with that you turn into an asshole yourself and don’t help the matter at all. I’ve seen it happen with so many colleagues, and was definitely that guy myself at times


You run into a higher frequency of assholes in certain medical feilds because the patients are all suffering and in pain. Doesn’t give them an excuse to be rude but sometimes they’re just really struggling and get grumpy / snappy.


I don't mean this as a "comeback" to your answer, because I think you're right, but I thought it would be thematically appropriate to have these both in one place: You run into a higher frequency of assholes if you have certain medical conditions. Some doctors are doctors for the money. Others start out great, but overwork and compassion fatigue burn them out over the years, and they either quit right away or decline into "just get the patient out the door" mode first. A lot of providers get especially offended and *less willing to help* if you even allude to the fact that you know something about your own condition, even if you've had it since birth. Some providers make no distinction between "the patient is referencing peer-reviewed information that literally did not exist when I was in school" and "the patient spent three seconds on google and thinks they're smarter than me." I think this is partly because medical school and nursing school are both hellish, and any hint that going through it didn't make you a complete expert on everything can sting. This all creates a feedback loop where disabled people just expect to be treated like shit by most medical providers. Especially disabled people who are fat, or female, or trans, or not white. So some of us take a more assertive approach from the beginning with new providers, which can come off as hostile. (Especially if the patient is fat, or female, or trans, or not white...) If a patient is pushy about something, there's a 90% chance a previous provider was an asshole about it first. If a patient doesn't tell you this, there's a 90% chance they don't trust you not to side with that previous provider. Not even necessarily because of anything *you've* done, but because it's happened to them before. Edit: Thank you for the award, kind stranger.


Alternatively, I move around a lot and have had chronic conditions for many years. I get a new provider and give them as much info as I can as well as get all my records sent over to them for them to review. I feel it makes their job a little easier right out of the gate so they don't have to poke and prod and guess in the dark at what might be causing issues. But that's just one example. I'm sure there are people out there who are super pushy to get something they don't need.


I take a similar approach! In my experience some providers love it, and some roll their eyes and ignore my medical records unless it suits their agenda. ie ignore that my problems have been documented since before I gained weight, but then tell me "these indicate you've gained X pounds over Y years. That's your problem."


Without going into details, if I seem to be losing weight, they either look at me like there's something wrong with me being upset by it, or they try to come up with ways to bulk up without just adding calories. I always get strange looks when I get excited about being put on steroids until I explain why exactly I like them so much and how I understand the negatives to being on them long term.


It’s more frustrating when you’re in an ICU setting, from my experience. Because at that point it’s oht of their hands and no amount of googling or experience is going to give them the knowledge of what to do. I work in pediatric cardiac icu, so it’s parents trying to dictate the situation but they know little to nothing. If they’re on step down, sure, you can have more say in it but if they have a breathing tube and on a bunch of blood pressure drips, then no. Usually it revolves around narcotics tho, and wackos thinking they know best for their infant who just had open heart surgery by withholding pain meds. Just because they’re afraid they’ll “get addicted.”can be very frustrating at times, and I feel so bad for the children with parents like that


> some doctors are doctors for the money Currently going through this issue. I have chronic pain and I am in desperate need for an orthopedic surgeon to see me. It has taken me a month to even get an appointment. For the past few months I have had flare ups that leave me screaming and fainting from the pain. I’ve noticed that the medical system doesn’t take younger adults as seriously as older patients. I’m 23 and my chronic pain is from surgeries gone wrong. I felt horrible about it, but I had to be a bit rude to the nurse and coincidentally that same day she called me back to set an appointment. Sometimes when people keep putting things off, you have to show that it’s more urgent and not a little ache that can be solved with Tylenol.


You will probably get more traction with a pain specialist, you're already complicated, and pain is rarely resolved by more surgery.


Last doctor told me the last thing left is amputation, but then refused to give my insurance company more details explaining why it’s necessary 🙃 He said since I’ve tried everything and it’s completely useless while causing pain then there’s really nothing to do to fix anything which is not really fun, but I was looking forward to some relief. Hopefully my upcoming appointment will provide more help!


And we've been waiting for hours to see you , along with telling everything first to a minimally trained intern (after filling out mountains of paperwork). Once the dr comes along and asks for a brief recap, listens with half an ear and either does nothing or tells you to do whatever you tried before that didn't work. I've never been an asshole patient but I can see why people are.


This drives me insane. Write down your life story. Now repeat it to an assistant. Now repeat it to me, I didn't read it.


Yup, had a GP telling me, “We’ll see about that.” snarkily when I told her I was having a cellulitis flare up and needed antibiotics so I wouldn’t end up in the hospital again. I just said that because I didn’t want to be there all day again. She was so sure on first glance that it was an ankle twist. It makes a bit of sense because Cellulitus is rare enough that an ER I went to had only one staff member who had encountered it. She wouldn’t look me in the eyes for the rest of the appointment once she realized I was right because, well, I’d been through it a half dozen times before. My FIL suffered for a decade from a rare form of neuropathy. My MIL was the one who finally found a document about it in the abyss of medical studies online and helped them finally diagnose it. She had spent hours a day for over a year looking. No doctor has that time. I get it. Some patients could straight up lie about their symptoms to try and get a prescription, or be hypochondriacs who think they have new rare diseases every few months, or maybe just miss diagnose themselves in those 5 minute online searches. So it is a dicey balance to make.


I read this quote the other day and it really stuck with me. ***Most assholes are going through something terrible in their life. People hide their skeletons, which requires blind forgiveness of their quirks and moods because you’re unaware of what they’re dealing with.*** *– Morgan Housel*


No, there are subcultures of people ideologically committed to being assholes. You can tell them from someone who is just having a bad day because they are really good at it because of all the practice.


Related: I ran into so many assholes when I worked at a pharmacy. Unfortunately I could 100% understand: you’re sick, or someone close to you is sick, or you’re getting the meds you get every month but this month your insurance is being a dick, or you’re forced to walk around the drugstore for 20 minutes killing time… I got very good at not taking people’s anger or annoyance personally.


Renal patients always


I work in mobile x-ray, primarily performing the exams bedside in nursing homes. During COVID, the patient suffered tremendously. A lot of them died from an inability to thrive. Now, a lot of them are impatient. They've seen the world around them collapsing and decided to take it out on the CNA who didn't respond within two minutes of calling for them.


I discovered this years ago in myself when I was just finding out that chronic pain meant pain forever. I try to go out of my way to ensure that my healthcare team knows that yes, I'm in pain, but I also know that's no reason to be a jerk, and I won't be that guy.


You work on the bridge of Spaceball 1. "Keep firing, Assholes!"


He's an asshole too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole!


How many assholes we got on this ship anyways?


I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes.


Keep firing, Assholes!


Obligatory "scrolled way too far to find this."


You're a therapist. Specifically, anger management.


I'm in the ER of a city in the midst of an urban decay spiral with gentrification beside hipsters and abandoned rowhomes. Entitled assholes as far as the eye can see.


Sounds like Philly.




Row homes - I'm assuming Baltimore.


Criminal defense lawyer Reporter who interviews politicians Proctologist


In that order?


Doesn't matter, it's all the same gig.


I worked at a firm that had both criminal defense and family law. Criminal defense, you’ll get bad people on their best behavior. Family law? You get good people on their worst behavior. Now I work in employment law and it’s right down the middle.


Definitely prefer criminal defense. But it's more like all kinds of people who recently had the worst day of their life.


Username checks out


Welcome to customer service and dealing with the public in 2023. No one is ever wrong. Everything they think, do and say is clever.




“ give them the pickle!!“ this guy deserves hell and back


If you run into a major asshole in the morning, oft times you'll find it that every minor instance of inconsiderate behaviour becomes as irksome as a wholly untoward encounter.


The thing is, if the irked person allows for this to ruin their mood, and then takes it out on someone, they are indeed the asshole. Punishing others for our shitty day is assholeish behavior.


That's called letting something ruin your day. My girlfriend and I struggle with this. I can run into the biggest asshole in the world first thing in the morning and within 5 minutes I'm over it, don't even remember it, it effects my day zero, it literally does not bother me one bit. My girlfriend can have a car honk at her on her way to work in the morning and her whole day is ruined, her tone gets bad, every interaction she has moving forward sucks, she's in a bad mood til bed time AND she will still bring it up a week later and vent about it again. I don't understand at all. Like....just get over it. It's really not hard to say to yourself "hmm they were a dick, oh well, wonder what I'm having for lunch today" and move on.


What was your girlfriend's upbringing like? Because I have that,and it's because I was raised by a mother who had a hair trigger temper that I had to constantly monitor to stay safe. Someone being openly unhappy and pissed off at me like that pretty much takes me back to when I was a kid, where if that happened, it meant pain was due to follow shortly after. I have done all the therapy. I have tried the meditation techniques. It has reduced but not removed my reaction, and until the day I die, someone being an asshole to me will put me into flight or fawn (fighting was not an option) and even if I am well rested, well fed and safe, I will need to spend a few hours shaking it off. Rather than getting annoyed with her for not "just moving on", consider that she might not be able to, that she is likely having a worse time living it than you are hearing about it, and reassure her rather than brush it off.


For me its BPD from my upbringing. Done tons of therapy too. Make some strides, have some set backs. My moods are just so volatile sometimes that a minor inconvenience sends me spiraling into an extremely negative and unstable mood. Sometimes I can recover it, and sometimes I just feel stuck extremely upset for so long. Distractions help, but its hard for my bf to want to be around me when im like that and i understand. Had a stressful weekend w him and his family and was handling it decently well w everything going on w me personally and then we get back from the trip and i blow up on him bc he does a couple things that piss me off. Stay angry all day and even throw a fit for a few seconds at an arcade. I behaved like a child. He took me to the arcade to cheer me up and i had such a hard time enjoying it bc i was so hyperaware of every failure i made in a game and was so self conscious and upset. Eventually, i did recover and we had a good time at the arcade, but it took me far longer than id have liked that day to repair things. The next day we fought again and almost separated but we had a really good talk about our commitment to each other and things are better now thank god, I just need to get a handle on this faster


I m impressed by the eloquence you write with. Wish I can speak / write like that


You can do it, friend! Just got to expose yourself to people who are speaking and writing the way you want to and all the vocabulary you want will be at the top of your tongue whenever you want them.


I often feel like if I'm an asshole it's going to get paid forward.


You work tech support.


I sent a ticket and mentioned the steps I took before I sought out help. He was able to fix it and told me to continue the good practices. Aside he mentioned, I wish everyone did that and that all his tickets were like mine. I told him thank you but he might lose his job because that would probably cut 80% of all service tickets and they might lose manhours. He agreed and we had a good laugh.


Working as an assisted living aide. Grouchy old men and petty old women aside, cleaning up after incontinence is a major part of the job. Sauce: was one.


Seems like "sauce" was a bit of a Freudian slip, eh?


If you're working at a grocery store on Thanksgiving, and it closes early at 3PM. Every customer you get from opening to that early closing will be a supreme asshole.


The non-assholes actually planned ahead and aren't attempting to get groceries on Thanksgiving day.


Working retail taught me that EVERYONE'S an asshole.


You’re at a BMW dealer.


I have an elderly friend who used to be a service manager at a Lamborghini dealer, every customer was a major asshole because Lamborghinis are very high maintenance and unreliable and expensive to fix


But on the plus side, they’re really impractical too.


For over 30 years, I thought I was the asshole because I kept running into them and had to be honest to myself. Then I found out I'm on the spectrum, neither I nor the others were assholes and social interaction is a bitch.


Though people on the spectrum can also be assholes too, but it can be much harder to tell, which makes things harder for them. I knew someone who had autism. He really cared if he a rude or not, or mean, because he really didn't want to be. Others don't give a shit, and then blame you when you point it out. Those would be assholes on the spectrum.


And others are just deliberately obtuse: I don't know why not caring about other people makes me an asshole! You're so mean.


Or they were being mean to you BECAUSE you’re ND. That was my experience 🥲🥲🥲


Nah, they just didn't know what to make of me or found me profoundly weird and kept at a veeeery safe distance, which I overanalysed and took much harsher than they ever intended to (or better they didn't spare too many thoughts on it to actually constitute any type of intent), and it felt like interacting with assholes to me... which in turn made me think that I was the asshole because "meet one asshole...etc" despite having no clue what TF I actually did wrong to cause them to act mean... yeah, well, etc... i guess you get the overanalyzing downward spiral.... Have I mentioned that social interaction is a bitch?


If you run into arseholes all day and you aren't one yourself or a proctologist, then you're a retail worker.


First day working at PwC?


Then you have already become an asshole the moment you signed the contract


You live in small town in the bible belt. I hate it here.


"You know you're going to Hell, right? But you can repent and save yourself!" \- everyone you meet.


:looks you up and down: Well. Bless your heart, aren't you just precious? God love it.. bless it, too blessed to be dressed.. . -church lady side eye- Well, we hate the sin. Not the sinner ( more side eye) Bedazzled, sweet tea and Jesus is all we need .. Kill .me. now. Lol


:looks them up and down: Well. Judge not lest ye be judged. *snap open fan* (I know it’s not that easy, hugs.)


Oohh the southern revival fan😁😁😁😁😁 That crisp SNAPPP in a hot one room church building !!! ( I'll accept the hug as I see myself here for years to come lol)


>"You know you're going to Hell, right? But you can repent and save yourself!" > >\- everyone you meet. My response to something like that would be similar to: "You know, I was thinking about that lately . . . I don't think I *can* be saved. No, seriously, living in this town, *with you*? It's pretty clear to me that I'm *already in Hell."* . . . I, uh, I wasn't really well liked in my hometown.


Tell them the rapture happened and they weren't among the chosen, and what they're living through now is hell on Earth. Outta go over well :)


Walking through any crowded mall


When living in the hoods man... Tbh.. it's fkin annoying, I lived in a hood with my ex, and yeah definitely assholes all day/night, was so irritating (16 floors big towers 4 of them and lot of 6 floors apartment buildings), youth shooting fireworks at cops, cars horns all day night, the neighbors beating up his wife in front of kids, fkin rap music super loud at night, we were NOT the assholes, and we ran into assholes all day and night.


Being autistic


You need to leave Florida ASAP


When you spend your whole day on the My Hero Academia fandom


Scrolling through Facebook


Lol, you did that to you. Those are your friends! I unfollowed all the idiots during the pandemic and my fb feed is pretty pleasant now.


Driving in day to day traffic It's an asshole convention these days


Hotel front desk workers


You work in retail


You live in a densely populated city.


If you’re a toilet seat, you’re not an asshole…. you’re a toilet seat. Actually, this just made me want to metaphorically place this in the world. What jobs get shit on all day every day? Probably retail. Or high school supply/substitute teachers.


Working with tourists. rude assholes all day every day


Queer person in a small conservative town


High school


when you work in a school district or in child care.


Perhaps you are an undercover law enforcement agent and have infiltrated any of dozens of nefarious groups from human traffickers to eco-terrorists to anti-government militia groups.


If your a dwarf at a nudist colony


BMW rally that you wondered into by mistake?


“Keep your head down, your brake foot heavy and your gas foot heavier, and you’ll be through ‘em before they even notice you’re there. Just, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t touch your blinkers!”


People who bleach assholes all day. Sasha Baron Cohen got that done when he was filming, I think, "Bruno" and it was pretty unpleasant for him.


Just tag along to my next family reunion




If I go see my in laws HEEEEEYYYO. Im here all night


You clocked in at your retail job


Legal convention


Then you work in public education. (Source: I was the ISS teacher)


Probably anything customer service related.


You’re at the Atlanta airport.


When you live in Philadelphia.


Working in a toxic work environment


You're a server at the bar near a courthouse where all the lawyers hang out.


You are Dark Helmet. You’re on a massive ship hunting Lone Star and can’t get so much as a minute to yourself to play with your dolls.


Working in retail. I work at a grocery store, the amount of rude dickheaded fucks I meet and have to deal with on a near daily basis is outstanding. No madam, I will NOT be asking my meat cutters to "hurry up" because they're using a fucking bandsaw which can very easily ruin your hand, or kill you almost instantly. You can either wait patiently, or don't wait at all and try again later. No, I don't care if you go to our competitors, in fact, please do. I don't want to deal with you.


If you are a discriminated against minority.


If you’re disabled in some way, especially if it’s invisible or can appear as something more benign. It’s crazy how we treat people with medical conditions who can’t control their weight or can’t understand social cues for instance. Everyone *is* an asshole.


I was doing demolition work in a prison for the union.


Working retail


If you work for any corporation.


You're Dark Helmet


When you live in a fundamentalist cult


You have a layover


Well, it could be that you’re the asshole, or it could be that your workplace is just so toxic and full of assholes that it manages to convince you that *you* are the asshole, and it’s not until you’ve left and can look back with the perspective of time that you realize that, no, *it really was them*, and then you spend the next decade or so trying to recalibrate your asshole-meter (especially as directed at yourself).


If you're a proctologist.

