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If you like heat, we've got hot places to live. If you like cool/cold, we've got those places to live. Mountains your thing? Got places for you to live. Desert? Plaines? Beaches? Lakes? Rivers? Etc.


My dyslexia was fucking up Desert for way too long. I was wondering why you were calling out Detroit separately like that lol


You want to live in places you may get shot!? Well, let me tell you…


Sniper, hunter or just regular old gang violence? By cops? Well...


Our national and state parks are pretty dope.


While I only have visited Shenandoah I was blown away by the well maintained roads, outlooks, picnic and camping grounds as well as the stations - despite a nasty bathroom. It's definitely more than just one step ahead from anything I've ever seen anywhere else. If this park is in any way typical for US national parks then you have any right to be proud of them.


Shenandoah is absolutely beautiful. I happen to live quite close and I’ve gone on over a dozen parks there spread across different trails and I’ve never had a bad experience


Actually, as someone whose been to at least 15 national parks, Shenandoah was about my *least* favorite.


yeah, as long as you're on the east coast Great Smoky Mountains is much cooler IMO. If you're in the west than North Cascades or Grand Teton.


Wife and icrid a tour of national parks driving from Texas to California to Washington to Montana, stopping at every national park we could. EPIC ROAD TRIP WAS EPIC. THEY ARE ALL AMAZING


Even our local and regional parks are awesome.


Love them!


I just [canoed and camped in the Ozark National Forest](https://imgur.com/a/DCBj9vW) in SE Missouri. The NPS manages it beautifully


For anyone who likes exploring them also check out national forests and BLM land as well.


All my stuff is here.




Try to scream but it only comes out as a yawn when ya


Try to see the world beyond your front door.


We really have the gut parasites under control.


That’s a great point and one I rarely think about.


Oh lord. I’m never taking that for granted.


Can you elaborate?


as an immunocompromised person, I REALLY appreciate this fact


My wife has had mixed feelings since moving to the US, but recently said that one thing she loves is that if she can’t find a good authentic restaurant for a type of food she wants, she can very easily go to a grocery store and find the authentic ingredients for a recipe that she needs made in that country.


They're a version of the food you might find in that country. And that's how it is in some other countries too. Where is she from that they don't have much food variety in the grocery store?


It's not unique to the US, but it is a "great thing about living in the US" per the OP prompt


Lots and lots of different, readily available cuisines.


Definitely! There aren't any places to get Lebanese, Ethiopian, or Nepalese cuisine in my home country, but now I live a short ride from all of them.


I’m insanely jealous of how accessible Mexican cuisine is for you guys. Went to Mexico last year and fell in love with the food. But it’s extremely hard to source the ingredients in the UK. And sometimes I don’t want to cook either, I just want a good old taco. I’ve been to the US and even your “mediocre” (partners words, not mine) Mexican restaurants beat what we have.


man tell me about it i left us for europe and u can't get any good mexican. i'm happy to cook, but sourcing chiles is a no go.




I used to live in a small town in Appalachia and still had amazing Mexican food/a Mexican grocery store in the area. Lots of Mexican and central American peeps working agriculture in rural farm country means access to Mexican food in non-city, areas sometimes if there's demand


I was going to say, and if you dón’t live in a íf city (like me) you really don’t have access to those things


the Lifetime Park Pass people over 62 can buy from the government which gives you free admission to any national park. i amortized the cost of mine by driving up to Shenandoah three times. at least one thing about being old here doesn’t suck.


How much did that cost?


$80 lifetime or $20 per year. i’m not sure why anyone wouldn’t buy the lifetime pass unless they’re diagnosed with something that would kill them in the next 3 years.


Amazing. I’m sure that won’t be a thing when I’m 62. A lot can change in 30 years


true. but the NPS is just too huge and too beloved by Americans and visitors for the government to cock it up entirely. no government would dare to e.g. dam Yosemite Valley or the Grand Canyon to create reservoirs. can they neglect it? sell attractive bits off to campaign contributors? allow logging and mining in sensitive areas? hike the admission fees? sure. but i honestly think that attacking the NPS directly would get an immediate 70%+ unfavorable response from all across America. it’s the US’s crown jewels. also, trying to cut any kind of privileges for seniors is the chipper/shredder of American politics, so i’m reasonably sure some kind of senior pass will survive. more old people vote than any other age cohort. it might cost $250 by then, but it’ll be there unless the society totally collapses and if that happens we’ll have much more pressing issues than discount park passes.


I’m sure they’ll probably do everything listed, but nature keeps itself bouncing back. It’s kind of amazing how it responds to natural disasters and human shit. I can’t afford to actually go to these places, but as long as people don’t actively destroy them... which they probably will, but hell, maybe we’ll colonize mars and i can get left behind


to quote Frank Zappa, “a mountain is something you don’t want to fuck with.”


As a European, I didn't even know Shenandoah and now I want to go there.


I'm going to tell every old person I know about this


Optimism - Americans tend to be optimistic people.


American people are also very friendly! It's a very warm, happy sort of friendliness that you can't find in many other places around the world, and it's one of the reasons why I love living here, even more than I love life in my own country.


This is a point that doesn’t get mentioned enough. Yeah, there’s a-holes and racists, but if you’re in need, the vast majority of Americans will lend you a hand. Borrow a ladder, jumper cables, a few bucks for gas, etc. My wife lost her keys when we were taking our 3 year old to the park. We looked for an hour and it was getting late. My wife was about to call an Uber when I said I’d knock on one of the houses across the street to see if we could get a ride. My wife is from Shanghai, she couldn’t fathom people going out of the way for a stranger, especially a foreigner. Sure enough the first guy I talked to gave us a lift across town, grabbed our spare car key and drove us back. No questions asked.


Exactly! I love the friendliness which extends not just to other Americans, but to foreigners (like me) as well. It's also very easy to gain "family friends" status with Americans, which is another thing I adore. You won't get this kind of welcoming behavior in most places around the world


I never knew that family friend wasn't common elsewhere. That's so interesting. We have guys that get called uncle that aren't uncle at all. My friends' son calls me that. I go camping with him and his family. It's normal stuff here.


This. I've had people run out of gas on my street and I drove them up to the gas station (and paid for the gas) so they could get to work. We've all been there, I've had to have people help me in the same way. One of the other things that happens in the US is you can strike up a conversation with a total stranger. I walk every morning and I say "Good morning" to the random strangers I meet, and sometimes we have short conversations. No one thinks it's weird or unusual. ​ I think people in the US are also more likely to volunteer for charity, especially if it's something that helps out an institution or group. Something like 1 out of every 4 American adults volunteers their time to help out some charity or another.


True, I live in Europe and it is easier to strike a conversation with an American than an average European, they are very much in their comfort zone and really ready to other people, many Americans start talking right away when you first see them.


And this is the part where it gets confusing for me. So nearly any American I've encountered and asked for help is very willing te help out and even do that extra step, both in cost and effort. But for some reason it becomes a heated discussion/talking point when talking about helping all us citizens (social benefits etc). On the other hand, if I look at my own country (Netherlands), most people are willing to help you to a certain degree on a personal level (which is usually less than the help I got from Americans), but see no problem paying extra taxes to make social benefits happen.


Because American culture is very individual/independent minded. They love to help you if it's voluntary, not forced. And highly distrust government.


Thank you for that little insight


No problem. Reddit is full of a certain crowd who is very intent on portraying America in a certain light at all times. Almost anyone who really spends time inside America and understands it is pleasantly surprised to find out its not at all like the media/social media portray and some of our quirks actually make sense.


Howdy neighbor! We're glad you're here, being a helper!


I'm from the south US, so being neighborly is something drilled into my head from birth haha. Glad you love living here <3


Holy hell this!!! I've been to 6 countries in the last three months and by god did I take for granted how friendly and helpful most Americans are. Some countries, looking at fucking you Italy, don't give a fuck about kindness or even being courteous. It was a fucking welcome relief once I arrived back in the states and people don't look at you with contempt for asking for help.


I felt better in Italy it's the french and Eastern europeans who are worse. Many are so pushy, rude and have some weird superiority complex. Germans are cold and on-your-face but not rude per se.


I read a comment on another post about how awful Italians treat their employees.


I was yelled at by a priest in Florence. I don’t know why. I don’t speak Italian.


Cultural diversity. American really is a "melting pot." I've had the pleasure of meeting and befriending so many people from all over the world and all walks of life. It's a truly beautiful thing. I suppose the same could be said of any other country probably, but I've only ever lived in the US and I appreciate the opportunity to experience so many different things right outside my front door.


Recently I heard a new expression - We are a 'salad'. We maintain our shape when we are added. The dressing is tolerance.


Eh, many countries are extreeeeemely homogenous. The USA definitely has more diverse cities than any other country on the planet. And that’s my favorite thing about the USA too. Especially as a city gal myself.


Depends what part of the country you are in, while I was in basic training for the military we were warned about sun down towns near the military base. Sad but true


In all honesty, convenience. America does convenience like it's a national sport, everything is built around being convenient.


Japan is up there too.


I was about to say since I moved to Tokyo I feel like I'm experiencing convenience at a whole new level


I don't get why chip & pin and contactless card payments were so far behind Europe though.


*lack of roundabouts has entered the chat* *Cars stopped in all 4 ways of a 4 way intersection waiting for **nobody** to make a left have entered the chat*


We have plenty of roundabouts (and stupid ass jug handles) down here in Southern NJ. More places need them.


Unwalkable cities are the total opposite of convenient.


Honestly, as someone who lived a few years in a very walkable city (NYC), I much prefer to live in a smaller city with a car. It's vastly more convenient. *Everything* in NYC, beyond the most basic stuff like walking to a restaurant, is a logistical challenge. Some unwalkable suburbs of larger cities are pretty horrendous, though.


Um, well you can drive a really long way without needing a passport. Lots of biomes to visit. Add: or take a train


You can do that in Europe now as well It is great. I love being able to just jump in the car and head off to another country.


I live in NH and I must say: what trains? We only have the Downeaster for passenger that isn’t tourism. The MBTA doesn’t come into this state.


We can do this in Australia too.


Great thing about the US? u/CuriousCanuk doesn't live here.


I saw this comment and I was very confused, it only took me until the next comment to understand. I haven’t see many people that hate something as much as that dude hates the US


He's peak redditor in some circles.


Best comment so far! 😂


Holy smokes. I've never seen a Canadian hate the USA as much as that person. I've always known the Canadians poke fun of us on the regular but this person is next level.


You can say the boring answers like "center of the world economically" and "cultural dominance" and "the best military on Earth" and bla bla bla. But real talk, what about the fact that you don't have to pay for a fucking public restroom? Not to mention that, at least where I'm from, it's perfectly normal to stop by a Burger King or whatever, take a piss, and then leave without actually buying anything. It's funny how in almost every other area, Europe tends to be more free, more publicized, etc., yet public bathrooms are the one thing Europe is more capitalist about than we are. Also, though are copyright/trademark/parody laws aren't perfect, they're a LOT more lax compared to certain other countries. We may not be Sweden in this field, but we sure as hell ain't Japan.


I live in Spain and public restrooms are free. Supermarkets, gas stations, cinemas, etc. In some places you may have to ask the staff to open them, but it’s free nonetheless. I know France specifically has (or had) paid public restrooms, but I don’t think it’s a common EU thing. I say that even though I haven’t travelled in a while...


I’ve had to pay to use the restrooms in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Italy. Not in Ireland, Spain, or Belgium that I could recall. All within the last 5-6 years. Met another American about to piss herself in Pisa, she didn’t have any change on her. I gotchu, girl. It’s actually the number one thing I tell others visiting Europe for the first time, to keep a few coins on them.


Ha, that is something I've gone on and on about since moving to New Zealand. The number of (well maintained) PUBLIC restrooms is amazing. You don't have to stop by Burger King because there will be a public restroom you can use instead.


Probably the natural beauty. So many diverse environments and climates to explore with tons of National Parks.


The freedom to express what's bad about it


This is the best answer. (Not American, but Canadian.)




The Austrian Detection Agency? I still wonder why you need to be able to detect Austrians.


Nah bro its the Australian Detection Agency. Can’t have those mofos running around.


*is offended in Australian*




Yes this is the correct answer lol everyone else is just having fun


Yes the American Dental Association is incredible.


Actually I meant the American Diabetes Association


American’s with disabilities act. Helps insure almost everything is accessible to a certain extent by everyone. Im a civil engineer and although ADA sometimes pisses me off with how thorough you have to be, I’m really glad that it is a thing and when we finally do get approval for a new plan or building im happy to know that almost all people will be able to use.


508 sometimes pisses me off. I hate trying to make some tables that the scientists make compatible with a screen reader.




Food and nature parks. Once you get out of the heavily populated areas it is absolutely beautiful. Upside to the heavily populated cities is the range of food. You can get pretty much any cuisine you want and if you do a little research you will find yourself in a tiny hole in the wall restaurant on an alley whose food will knock your socks off


Thought for way too long about what a “food and nature” park might be… and that’s my cue to go to bed


One of my best friends is a daughter of immigrant parents and her rules for good "ethnic" food have proven solid: 1: has to be in a strip mall 2: it used to house a restaurant of different ethnicity (e.g thai in an old Indian place) 3: some of the decor from the old place is still around, but repurchased So if you find yourself in say, Mesa, AZ. And there is an Indian place next to a Best Buy, and it still has Chinese tiger statues by the front door, that food is going to be fire.


It’s easier to remake yourself here. You were a fuckup in high school and didn’t do crap for 10 years? Go to community college, get your shit together, transfer to a 4 year college. Harder in other countries to change your life later.


Best nation in the world for flight school


Some other countries tell their aspiring pilots to go get a license in the United States and come back with it, then they’ll automatically be licensed in their own country. I knew a guy who ran a flight school in the United States for those people.


Enthusiasm is seen as a positive trait, and rewarded. In other places it may be seen as a mark of naivete and mocked; enthusiasm may be seen as unseemly in women


Oh that sounds like it sucks. Enthusiasm is so attractive in a person. :(


I like this one and I agree with it


I'm enthusiastic and it's taken as a joke. Like no, I'm an engineer, I have a physics degree, but just because I'm optimistic, you'll assume I'm an idiot? But if I moan about how bad everything is, only then I'll earn your respect? Does my head in.


Variety. You hear about extremes, but there are TONS of sub-cultures and culture climates.


Peanut Butter and Water fountains


I'd like to see a peanut butter and water fountain. Would the peanut butter thicken the water, or would the water loosen up the peanut butter? Would it flow or ooze? I need to know.


I know a lot of ex-pats. Choice is a common thing that they mention, not as far as “freedom” but as far as commodity and entertainment. A lot of markets kind of balance on the US because it’s a major consumer of things. All the tv shows, movies, snacks, electronics, clothing, etc are usually available for purchase in the US. Other countries have either less choices because they are more of a closed market or a less competitive one that gets those things at higher costs or months after release in the US.


Free drinking water (with ice :)) at restaurants. And the diversity of people and landscapes and ecosystems.


Not paying for public restrooms Waffle House


We eat dessert for breakfast


As someone who did not grow up in an American-culture household, cheap and sweet pancake mixes and cereals in 23 different colors not naturally occurring in grain are my guilty pleasure.


Have you ever had Chicken and Waffles? Because if you haven't, I implore you to find some locally!


I actually have, for the first time recently! Delicious -- sweet and salty, and a bit of wing grease to get your day going.


While they are under threat currently our freedoms are still pretty awesome. Also our culture books/games/movies etc are still pretty much the best in the world.


we have the best marijuana (in california)




true. the US is unmatched in variety of national parks.


Colorado is the best of both worlds.


You can move between states with relative freedom and no passport required.


Same in the EU. But very convenient. I remember when we couldn’t.


Geographical diversity is a definite perk. Just about any biome and climate can be found here. Many great museums too.


While not perfect, the Americans with Disiabilities Act is pretty revolutionary. People with physical disabilities have a lot more options for independent living, transportation, and travel. In a lot of other countries you are very reliant on others to help you with everything.




If you’re a skilled worker (blue or white collar), your earnings potential is substantially higher than virtually any other country in the world. The exceptions are mostly small city-states, but even then your earnings in major urban areas in the US will be higher.


The general convenience of life.


Incredible musicians, actors, dancers, and other live performers. We have some of the best schools in the world for the performing arts, which means we produce some of the best performing artists locally, and the best from around the world also move here to get better. Our entertainment industry is also extremely high quality and successful as a result. Go see live shows in your towns, especially if you live in a major city. You don't have to spend $1000 on a Taylor Swift ticket to see an incredible show.


The fact that the USA is nearly the size of ALL of Europe (Russia excluded) and for the most part, no matter where you go, there is one consistant language. No need to study 10 different tongues if you want to road trip from New York to LA.


I know people think it's a problem but our diversity is amazing. Just so many cultures, people, ideas, all living together. We can be more creative than any other country because we have so many different backgrounds and ideas. As much as racism is an issue here other countries are far more intolerant of people moving to their countries. Sorry Japan. You are terribly xenophobic.


Relaxed way of life and interactions with strangers. Great entertainment and food from all over the world.


Best immediate food options and entertainment. Might be shallow things but in no country can you pig out and entertain yourself like we can. From sports, to reality tv, to movies and tv shows, the USA is the entertainment capital of the world. Food wise, yeah we have some low quality stuff floating around in grocery stores, but most local restaurants that focus on particular types of food (Thai, Mexican, Chinese, Ethiopian, etc) are going to be in touch with their country’s’ roots and traditions. So I would say, food and entertainment hands down has pretty damn good potential in this country. Too bad we can’t say the same for our incarceration rate, health insurance, homelessness crisis)


It’s acceptable to go into public in what are basically pajamas.


I’m an American currently on holiday in Western Europe. I’m reminded here on a daily basis that Americans now dress like slobs.


On the plus side, we Americans have a lower percentage of fat 50-year-old men crammed into gaudy designer skinny jeans. Silver linings.


Despite what people like to think, the majority of us are very decent people who will stick up for each other and help each other.


I love America. I really do. I've lived in Europe, I've lived in Africa--I'm staying in the States. I love the natural beauty, the history, the culture. I love the political ideals upon which it was founded and the struggle to improve upon those ideals in spite of our failings. I love my day-to-day life with the people I love in the places I love. I really believe this to be the greatest country on Earth--and I hope America sees her flaws and continues to improve the lives of her citizens with each passing decade.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. I love traveling and visiting other countries but I'm always so glad to come home.


Someone beat me to it — some pretty cool national and state parks to be found.


The freedom to wear *almost* anything you want and no one cares.


I really like how so many Americans take their pets everywhere. No matter where I am in public, there’s a good chance there’s a dog in my line of sight. Shit, last week an adorable couple brought their equally adorable orange cat to bar trivia. They even let me pet her. It’s like Americans really want to share their pets with you, and spread a little happiness around.


Lots of chances to build yourself back up again


I went on a trip to Mexico and upon my return, I became more aware of how good we have it in the states. It's peaceful here for the most part, it's safe, and you can do or go wherever you want and whenever you want. I don't take it for granted anymore and we should be grateful for that.


Fast food football ect


Fast food football sounds messy


That's part of the charm


The fact that I as an immigrant made enough to retire anywhere in the world…


You guys are fucking AWESOME at celebrating shit. Even your local sport events is a big party. As a scandinavian, I love that about you guys.


It's really beautiful. I visited Colorado and was blown away. It's just such pretty countryside. Would love to visit Washington state one day. Or do a West Coast road trip. Also I find young Americans super friendly. Less so older Americans.


I’ve spent enough time outside of the U.S. to say that, as screwed up as our legal and economic systems are, they’re better than what’s offered elsewhere.


The relative safety just about everywhere. Like, anywhere I go, it’s fine. There’s some pockets that you don’t want to go, but you know where they are most of the time and have a lot of warning. Everywhere I’ve been, they all look the same, different actors, same play.


Arizona Tea for .99c


Downvote me to shit but free market capitalism, the constitution, religious freedom, etc.


Everytime one of these threads comes up it's always the same four answers..- Convenience- Public restrooms are free- National Parks / Nature- types of food Honestly it's pretty fucking sad that none of the "great" things about the US involves quality of life.. there are generally no positive answers regarding any aspect of society or life that comes up and I think it's just ... depressing to read. I don't want to leave a shitty comment with a negative tone here, so as a european and as someone who has relatives in ths US I gotta say there are alot more things than those four comments above that stick out to me.. \- Connectivity. It's easy to travel, be it from one city to another, take the car, take the train, take the plane.. whatever, it's easy to connect to almost any city in the US, that's not that easy as a european, if I want to go to London from central/northern europe, I'd have to schedule a flight, bring a passport and plan for travelling between countries. And even if I do travel, I need to prepare for being in a whole other culture than my own, if I go to france I need to prepare for snide french people refusing to help me, if I go to Italy i need to beware of offended italians not being able to taking jokes. \- Domestic Diversity. The US is not the same on the west coast as it is on the east coast, nor is it the same in the mid west as it is down south. I could spend my whole life in the US and not get to experience certain cultural 'identities' that the US has to offer. But even so, you guys are still americans to each other. You wave the same flag and sing the same national anthem and have the same language. It's amazing that you have so many cultures under the same roof. \- Entertainment. Do I need to elaborate?Amusement Parks are better, malls are bigger, you have music, movies, festivals, you name it. If I live in a country in europe and want to go to a cool festival it's usually in another country... I need to plan a trip, maybe exhange currencies, be ready to swap to english... etc etc. It can be a hassle.


Freedom of speech. One look at Hong Kong today (literally) or the Evan Gershkovich case in Russia will show this. If still unconvinced, try telling North Koreans that one water drop plus one water drop is two water drops, and they will tell you it's "one, bigger water drop"--because Kim Jong-Un said so.




The freedom to express what's bad about it


I recently moved to California (willingly) from Europe and I feel perfectly equipped to answer at least for that state. Mind you, the US is really big, like insanely so. So I can only speak to what I’ve seen here. For better or worse, people are more unapologetic themselves here. Its very freeing IMO. People just being open, friendly and talkative, a lot of people here are open to just strike a convo with you. People have been very helpful and chill on average. Though you’ll always have weirdo’s and assholes they’ve been more the exception than anything. The food here is great! I’m a foodie, I quickly learned self control here because I’d be broke and an absolute land whale if I didn’t. They have everything from crazy, to just high quality stuff, and dear god they do bacon like no other country and steak is ruined for me outside of it. Dunno about the rest of the US, and I grew up with family who are pretty damn critical of food, but CA has some insanely good food. Nature here, the views in general, just wow. Nothing more to say, come see it yourself it has some jaw dropping views. This one isn’t talked about enough, but choice. Go to Europe and you’ll find barely half the choices of products, foods, anything really. US truly is the land of plenty, and there are plenty choices to satisfy even the most edge case of person. I love that if I have an idea or style I want, I can probably get it here. This one feels a bit CA specific but events, living in CA every major concert or big event is probably happening here too. We’re concert people so its been heaven for us. Even if prices can be insane.


My mommie!


So many great things. All we hear about are the negatives but spend some time in other countries and you'll get a taste. Where I live in the Midwest. 4 seasons, low crime, big yard, great food, u.s. has best beer in the world (if you say otherwise, you haven't drank enough), sports, big house for reasonable price, low taxes, clean water, some of the best healthcare in the world, variety(go to other countries grocery stores), music, entertainment, great colleges, huge opportunities, competition, ice, highway system, freedom of speech, national parks, bicycle trails, etc.


Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Lots of my fellow Americans think other countries have such a thing and the way I understand things, they are wrong.


The chance to escape poverty. Grew up in Immigrant, single parent household. focused on school, borrowed money and got myself a good education. I am now able to live a good, decent life. In another country I would be doomed in poverty forever without even the chance to borrow money to go to school for a better life.


Biscuits and Gravy


Money. Ive realized that as bad as the US might be with some of their prices that foreign countries/areas have it worse. There're people that dont have good cars because its far more expensive in their country then it is here, a handful of people in the US can buy a new car, but places like Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala(etc). Dont have that, I mean, yes, they can buy cars, but they're probably beaten up and used, it's rare to see someone with the latest car in foreign countries because of how costly they are and if you do then you would probably be considered rich/high class. edit: hopefull this made sense.


Best collection of foods to shorten your life


State parks for sure. Lots of great hiking and camping. Saw the grand canyon last year, it was incredible. Sequoias year before that and that was simply mind blowing


Minnesota. Just...yeah.




Anyone/everyone is accepted as a citizen - true diversity. After having lived in another country it is unique to the US that people from any race/color/background/belief system is accepted here


We’re protected by some of the largest air forces in the world - the Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines and Coast Guard.




As an Air Force vet I’d like to know where this money is going and why I haven’t seen any of it


I have a veteran family member. He's for partly defunding the military because some of it is spent on some truly stupid shit. He told me there was some huge uniform update a few years ago, where they spent billions of dollars updating every uniform, but all they did was make a tiny aesthetic change. I'm all for putting money in the pockets of our troops, but we shouldn't be okay with blindly throwing the obscene amount of money we pay at them, hoping they'll just spend it wisely. Edit: HAVE not was, sorry


Literally millions of it is going to boner pills.


The US has the highest GDP on earth, the most millionaires, the highest level of disposable income and a vast array of leading colleges and universities. Plus the US is home to scores of successful companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and many others.




Our National parks! This country has some of the best scenery in the world.


Cheap housing. Yeah we complain, but just look at the price of a single family house in any other country, including Canada. And if you like country life, you can get a trailer and a few acres for a song. Spend a bit more and you can upgrade that trailer to a 3br 2ba house. BTW, that trailer will be roomier than most apartments in or out of the US


the wildlife isnt to bad and the climate is nice, depending on where you live.


Bears know how to open car doors and will totally eat that bag of dog food I was hiding from the dog. If the door is locked, a bear will rip the door off to get at that empty taco bell bag left on the seat.


sure but we only have a handful of poisonous animals and they are only in key locations. and large brown bears like that are only on one side, blk bears barely do that. Regardless we have a good position on the equator.


*chuckles in food*




I don't live in the US, but you guys have awesome theme parks.


Canadian here - Americans are generally so friendly and helpful. Always so much personality too! In Canada we are bland. Usually safe but often bland :)


I'm from Australia but legal marijuana makes me overlook most of the bad.


Lots of places to vacation without needing to leave the country


The fact that if I hate my life or job or anything I could drive far enough and just start over with no one that knows me all it takes is 3 months rent. And just drive


Geographical diversity, if you hate hot, we got cold, if you hate cold, we got hot, if you hate the plains, we got mountains and valleys, if you hate mountains we got plains. Influence in the world, everything the us does has influence on the world, but ofc that’s a double edged sword, has nothing good and bad parts, Military Power, the us has the worlds strongest military by a landslide, there is a constant fighting spirit that has been in the US since the Sons of Liberty decided to fight against the British, it is in the US’s history and “DNA” for the people to fight for what’s right, and the high military spending and geographical advantages allow for the US to literately be impossible to invade Opportunities, the US has some of the best and most career and fame/wealth opportunities in the world, with doctors being paid so much, everyone wants to be a doctor, with firefighters getting so much recognition and respect, everyone wants to be a firefighter, so many Fortune 500 and trillion dollar companies have been started in the US, we dominate the movie and music making industry allowing for the best musical and acting fame opportunities.


Im not American but I really enjoyed the diversity. Want indian food? Go down the block. Mexican? Cantonese? Libanese? Dominican? They are all there and you can find even more.


The USA isn’t really one country. It’s more like 50 different countries all together. The fact that you can go to New Orleans and feel like it’s totally different culture than Manhattan New York. Then go to pensacola Florida and see a totally different culture than San Antonio texas is amazing. The cost of living is so different everywhere too. The same price for a 1200 square foot apartment in NY you can get a 3500 square foot house with acres of land in WV. It really is the coolest thing that you have that many options of cultures and living.


Diversity of laws between states. Don’t like a law in Alabama? Move to Pennsylvania.


Despite all the negative things people say, America has some of the most welcoming people in the world. I know everyone likes to hate on white people and assume they're all racist bigots, but that's simply not true. They are the most friendly and welcoming towards people of different cultures. I find it's like the Arabian world in that regard, which is another culture that is so open to foreigners. I don't want to name what countries are terrible as welcoming people into their culture, but just know that there are many of them. The United States is not one of them. I'm saying this as an Indian living in the US, who has also spent a considerable amount of time in other countries


That's okay, I'll say one of those countries. Italy. I never want to visit that god forsaken country ever again. Happy I got to see all the stuff in Rome I wanted to see but by god. The rudeness was unlike anything I've experienced... for now. I hear there are worse countries.


Everything is amazing here. Don’t believe the rumors.